HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-31, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 31
Monday is Labor's Great Holiday, the clay lin which the Whole nation
pays homage to her working men and women. Be prepared for the
unexpected visitor, or the suggested picnic with a well stocked larder.
Superior 'Stores offer you a;most attractive range of fine foods at prices
that stamp,them "Values Beyond ;!Questi'on."'Shop and save at a Sup-
erior Store this week -end.
Items for 'Week 'Ending Sept.i6
per cake C C
10 BARS 47 c
Large 40 oz. jar C
, CO'R'N SYRaUP, 2's
per tin 16C
2 pkgs, 19 c
large plcg,.23 C
Swansdown Cake Flour, per pkg. 32c,
Club House :Olives, Plain No. 13 Queen .19c
Club House :Olives, Stuffed No. 13 Pimento 25c
Taylor's .Peanut Butter 10 oz. jar •14c
Ingersoll Malted Cheese, %'s 2 pkgs. 25c
Hawes' Floor 'Wax l'sg : .43c
Hawes' Castle Waxl's..25c
Coffee, Our Own ;Blend, 'Fresh Ground or Bean, per lb. 39c
Hillcrest 'Shortening, l's 2 lbs. 28c
Royal York Tea / lb. pkg. 23c
Crosse & Blackwell Vegetable' Soup ,...... ...._........,..2 tins 19c
Superior Baking Powder 8 oz. S'Sc
Superior Baking Powder 16 oz. 23c
Fly Tox 8 oz. , .33c 16 oz. 57c
Schneider's Midget Cottage Rolls per lb. • 20c
Kellogg's Rice Krispies '2 pkgs. 21c
Cocoanut Wafer 'Biscuits 2 lbs. 25c
per tin 12c
Richard's Carbolic Soap, per cake
Aylmer Choice Tomatoes, 2%'s
Red Rose Tea and one .120 -page Giant Scribbler % 1b. pkg. 25c
FREE—A Mickey Mouse Mask with purchase of 2 pkgs. Puffed
'Wheat or Rice.
Certo, per bottle 29c
Brillo, Cleans and Polishes, small 2 pkgs. 25c
Keen's Mustard %'s 25c %'s 49c
READY OUT MACARONI, best quality 2 lbs. 13c
2 in 1 Shoe Polish
Fly Coils
Fly Swatters, Wire
Fly Swatters, 'Rubber
Burford Peaches
Utility Heavy Galvanized Tubs, each
per tin 10c
4 rolls 10c
each 10c
Each 110c
per tin 15c
Ross J. Sproat
Phone 8
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates
and a
Dependable Reputation
Good Quality
Please u by giving us'your.cream
patronage and we will try to please
1 you by our services and higher`
market prices for good cream.
Cream. weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you' wait.
The Seaforth Creamer.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
P p.
Motor or, Horse Equipment
\V. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernnient.diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or dayphone 67
g' P o e
Top Prices Are Secured'Again
Through Orderly Distribution
'Once again are the advantages of
co-operative marketing and central
packing . clearly demonstrated, ac-
cording bo C. W. Bauer, secretary,
i0':ttaria Growers' Markets 'Council,
''The !South Essex Growers' ,Exohange,
'through their four central •packing
plants, have established an enviable
rcputa'tion for ;uniform ,quality. As 'a
result, this organization is experienc-
ing no difficulty in securing top prices
for its entire supplies.
Cattle Eligible For Grading
In Demand at Toronto Market
"On delivery of•3,1100 head of 'cattle
to the Toronto Livestock Market,"
said Garnet 'H, Duncan, livestock in -
"only '5150 of these animals were elig-
i'ble to make Blue or 'Red (Brand .beef.
"Of this number ;1150' were baby'
beef, 194'butcher cattle and 296 heavy
cattle. Of the 226 heavy cattle, 1250:
•were exported, bringing good returns
to the producer. 1
"I!f such a state continues, in view
of the decided consumer preference
foil graded 'beef, it is quite possible
that the demand will far exceed the
supply in the near future."
'Miss Nellie O'Rourke of Toronto
wa. hone over the week -end; M.
'Dian;'�05Rourlce returned to''Toronto
with her.
\1r. 'J'oe. !O'Rourke Jr, and. sister
yf.i•ss 'Reta and 'Mr. JohnJ;Flannery are
in Toronto this 'weelc.
llr: ,Poter• ;Hi'gnell is !wearing a
smile. "'Its a..'boy."
Mrs. T. Maloney visited her sister,.
Mrs. T. Bottles, .one day this week.
An article revealing the grim ex-
perience of a beauty -contest winner
'lso suddenly ,felt rude hands tear her
from her racketeer lover's arms as
machine-guns and pistols rattled and
1112 t 11
bt et
s met'tfiis brain, will appear
next Sunday in The American Week-
ly, distributed' with. The Detroit Sun-
vestigator, Ontario Marketing 'Board, day Times.
Mt, and Mrs. EMole and family
attended the !Huron district I. 0, O
F. ,annual picnic held at ,Bayfield last
week. There Was a large turnout, and
a. good time was enjoyed.
Mr. D. Quarry of Detroit is visit-
ing his cousin, Mr. Louis, Devereaux,
Mr. Quarry is a former 'Huron Coun-
ty D
ov, his father having had a store
at Mount Carmel.
Mrs, Fred Slhe'igfelthies returned
hone after visiting with her father,
Mr. Ed. MadKenzie in 'K'incardine.
He accompanied her home; and in
comipiany 'with her sister, Mrs. E.
Pearl, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert
'\IaclKenzie of Regina, they a14 left on.
Monday to visit in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Eloy Sltone!house of
,Goderic'h and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fair
service of Londeslboro visited at the
Thome of Mr. and Mrs. Tyerman on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baxter and
Mrs. R. L. Th1om'sdn and daughter
Helen were recent visitors at the
home 'of Mr. and Mrs, ,Ernest Adams.'
H'u'llett, Helen remained for a week's
Miss A'llie Hiles of London spen't
Tuesday! with her cousin, Mrs.
T.yerm'a i
Mr. Audrey Carter spent the week-
end with re'l'atives at Leam'in'gton.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. "Canter of Battle'
Creek, Mich., are •spending a few days
with their niece, Mrs. Norman Carter,
'Huron Road.
I Dhe Misses Maud, Artie and Jean
'Ferguson were at Sbreetsvile on Fri-
day attending the funeral of the late
1Rev. R. A. Lundy.
Mr.' John Fortune and daughter of
Seattle, Mrs . Patrick Carpenter of
\Duluth, Miss Margaret Fortune of
,Detroit and Mrs, James Jordan of
Dublin were visitors on Monday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. McGann,
Mr. 'G'ordon Wiiker of Tavistock
spent the week -end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. 1MdKellar.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Shackleton and
family and Mrs. Patterson of Toronto
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen left op
Monday to spend two weeks in To-
Miss Elizabeth Murray of London'
spent Sunday afternoon at the hone
of her grand'p'arents, Mr, and Mrs.
P. McCann.
Mrs. S. Pauli of Stratford -returned
on Tuesday alter visiting her friend,
Mr,s. W. !Stoddart.
Canon Alppley'ard, Col. R. S. Hays,
and Mr. W. Brine are'in Windsor this
'week attending the Oan'ad'ian Legion
convention, representing the Seaforth
Mr. Harold' Maloney of Detroit
spent the week -end in town with his
mother and brothers, Mrs, Maloney
'went •hack to Detroit with him to
spend a .week,
Mr. W. Rdbinson, „who is employ-
ed in'Gallo'p's 'Garage, is moving his
wife end family and their household
effects 'from Toronto this week to the
Robinson house in Eginondville re-
cently vacated 'by M'r. D. F. Mc-
Miss Ethel McKay has returned
from a ten-day trip to New York.
The many friends of Mrs. George
Brown will regret to know she is
confined to her room on account of
Mr. James Johnston, (George st.,.
has; been seriously ill for the past
Miss Maybelle Rands was in Varna
this week owing to the sudden death
of her uncle, Mr. 'Robert A'rms'trong,
Miss Margaret Finikbeinor of St.
Mary's Hospital,' Kitchener, is spend-
ing' a two weeks' v'ac'ation with her
'.arents, Mr. • and Mrs. Charles.
Dr, 'Harvey Bristow and Mrs, Bris
tow of Vanderbilt, Mich„ and Mrs
Walter Robinson of 'lLoncton wer
guests of 3frs. Geo. 'Seip this wee':.
Mt. and Mrs. Herb. Chamberlain
of Niagara Falls were guests of Mr
and Mrs. R. H. .Sproat recently.
Mr. Jack Ferguson is spending
Several days in Toronto.
arr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggartl
were visitors recently at M'ooresville.
An enjoyable evening Was field at
of Mrs.
Con ' ,
John sett Mon-
day evening in honor of Mrs, R. L.
Thomson who left Tuesday for St.
Catharines where Mr: Thomson has
been for some time. Mrs. . Thotnsoti
was presented with a table lamp by
her friend's.
Mr. Ar thur Golding has returned
after spending the summer at Owen
Sound. �
Miss Leonia .Nott ((jack) has : gone
to Toronto for a week.
Mrs. A. E. Stark visited in .Mark-
ham dttritag the week -end,
'Mr, and Mrs. Adam Hays, Mr. and
)i-rs. Peter Calder and small son were
visiting friends at , Ailsa•Craig last
Mer. and Mrs, John Webster, Mia
15, C. Rising and Mr.' Lawrence ;Web-
ster were week -end visitors in'i : To-
Miss ' Helen A!ment is spending a
few days in Detroit. •
Mr. J. H. Reid, who has not been Mrs, Oliver H. Kirk oif Binning
en'j'oying the hest of health, has gone liana, Michigan, and Mrs. F. L,
to Battle Creek, Mich., for treatment, Creighton and Thelma and Pearl
M'r, and Mrs. Walter 'Grassie of 'Detroit, have'retuerie''d to their horrid
Vancouver are spending a couple oif after spending their holidays at th
weeks at the Queen's renewing ac- home of Mr. and Mrs A. M. Kirk.
quaieban'ces, 'Pearl 'has recovered nicely from he
Mrs, Clarissa Garden of , Toronto operation for appendicitis in Scot
has been the guest oif,Mr. and Mrs. Melm'orial'H'ospi'tal.
Adam Hays recently. She and • Miss' :Miss Dorothy E'lgie is spending
MaryHays ays left Sunday for Detroit few weeksvisiting friends in Buffalo
and Leamington where they are 'Miss Pearl Ross spent 'last week
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fowler at visiting Mr. 'and Mrs. Norman Ross
their summer home. of London,
!Mrs. ,Mr.) Mulligan who has b'
here since the death of her mot
Mrs, McQuaid, left Wednesday mo
ing to return to Grand fblarks,. N.
visiting at Chicago en route.
Mr. Jim. Scott is -a Toronto visi
his week.
Mrs. Geo, Eyre and her daugh
Cole and little son Alvin Co
oaf'' Chiselhuret, spent several d'
with Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Parke.
IT'he Misses !Hildebrand and t
girl friends have returned from car
ing at. Grand' Bend and left Mondz
for Kitchener to spend holidays with
Mr. add Mrs. Roy Snider.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sproat and
family of Detroit arrived in town 'Sat-
urday. Hugh !Slproat .and Roger
Sh'oekcor left Monday for home. Mrs.
Sproat, Mary, Margaret and Hugh Jr.
will remain until after Labor Day.
Mrs. ,Johns,' who has been staying
with' Mrs. W. W. Gowan 'for some
weeks, leaves on Friday for her home
in London,
Mrs C. Brodie 'is a Toronto visitor
this week.
Sister 31. 'Clavdr from Mercy Hos-
pital, Toronto, has returned. to her
home after visiting her sisters, -Mos
C. Eckart and Mrs. Jb'hi1 Nolan; an
her brothers, Philip and Frank Kenn
of Dublin.
Mr. Howard Purdy returned to To-
ronto on Sunday after spending a
few days at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
W. E. Kerslake..`
Miss Dorothy. Kerslake is spend'in'g
'her holidays at the home of her
parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. E. Kers-
Mr."and Mrs. Lorne Hutchison and
children Peter and ,Michael of To-
ronto, and Mr, and Mrs. George
'Hu!tchison of'London were guests of
'Mrs. F. D. Hutchison and Miss
Dorothy Hutchison.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Collins of
:Buffalo were visitors with' friends in
this vicinity, and on his return was
accompanied by his sister, Miss Kate
Collins, who was spending` several
months with friends in this evicinity.
M'r. and Mrs, Thorny Sproat and
Miss Marjory and Mises Margaret of
Peterboro and Miss Helen 'Laidlaw
-of Wolsley, ,Sack., are visiting at die
home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolbert Mc-
iMrs. Louis Brand family have
returned to•their hence in Detroit af-
ter spending their holid'a'ys with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Eckert, ane d
raccompanied by her husband,
Mr. Louis Brall, who motored over
for them. Miss Nellie, Des'b'orough
also accompanied thein back and in-
tends to remain in Detroit for some
'Seaforth soft ball team defeated' the
London Knollwood Park team 6-0 on
Saturday, making a tie•on the series.
The team came up in a Carling
brewery truck, The tie breaker will
be played at Exeter on Saturday;
September 2, at 4 p,m,
een Miss Margaret MclKay attended the`
ler, funeral of a friend in Hillrsburg on
rn- !Wednesday.
ID., 'Mr. Hanson Ross of London is vis-
iting ,at the home of Mrs. E. Ross,
r:tor / 'Mr, and Mrs. Albert Trequair and
'family of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs,. A.
titer Foote of Varna spent Sunday at the
le, 'home of Mr, John Mc)Iiachlan:
da Miss Olive Johnson of Varna is vis-
iting with her cousin, Miss 'Hazel M„
wo Lachlan
The Tuokersmi'th Ladies Club held
their Club social at Turner's Churoh
on Tuesday evening. The. president,
Mrs, R.. Fear, presided, The following
program was given,: reading by Mrs.
F. Cook; violin and harmonica selec-
tion by Wm, and L. Pepper; duet by
Mrs, H, Crich and Sadie Ball; violin
selection by Warren Whitmore and a
solo by. E. Whitmore, Mr. Fred Slo
liar showed views of his woric tip in
Now Ontario, which were very inter-
esting. Lunch was served by the com-
mittee in charge and a social half
hour was spent. The September meet-
ing of the Tuckersmith Ladies' Club.
is to be held at the Tome of Mrs. G.
MdGregar, The ro'l'l call to be answer-
ed by, "I-Ielpful Hipts for Style or
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see ud
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D.'Suh
Rev. W. A. Bremner is expected
to- occupy his pulpit next Sunday,
'Sept, ,3rd. Morning service at 9:415 a.
m., conducting service at K'ippen at
Miss Graham of Seaforth has been
spending the past few '. weeks with
friends on the' second concession of
Mr. and Mrs, Seldon Ross of Gode-
rich visited friend's in the village last
'Mr. and Mrs. Monteith and family
of London .spent the week -end at the
home of Mrs. Janet Ross.
Mrs. Ross returned with them to
London where she will spend a few
'Mrs. Hugh Berry and Mrs. J.
Grainger returned hoire last week af-
ter spending a few days in ,Bayfield,
Mrs. Neil MdGregor and her daugh-
ter Miss Kate, returned home last
week after spending the past few
months with friends in the West.
They had a pleasant visit with Mrs.
McGregor's sister, Mrs. J. Gaut of
Crossfield, Alta., formerly Mary Mus-
tard. They also visited friends in -Win-
nipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, ,Lloyd-
minster, Vlahcouver and Victorian
many friends of Mr. David
Rouatt will regret to hear that he is
seriously 111.
!Mr. Jlack .Ross of Detroit visited. his
grandmother, Mrs. Alex, Ross last
and IVMrs 'William Douglas
spent the weak -end . visiting with
friends at Marlette, Mich,
Miss Jean Murdoch ` is spending a
couple of weeks with her friend, Miss
Wood, of Hensall.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Lindsay Eyre have
returned from 'spending the week -end
at Niagara Falls.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Frank Jordan of
Su'd'bury are 'holidaying with the far-
mer's mother, Mrs. Wm. jfordan.
Mr. 'Jim .Maloney lift Mr Toronto
this 'week, where the .hopes to secure
Miss iLeota Ryan heft .for St. Jos-
eph's 'Hosip.i'tal, London, on Sunday,
where 4he intends training. We wish
Miss 'Ryan every success.
/Brother 'Augustine - returned to
Montreal on Monday after spending a
month's vacation with his parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Jaynes 'Cronin,
Mrs. Jerry 'Ryan of Stratford spent
the week -end with her mother, Mrs,
T. 'Maloney.
Miss Minnie Maloney returned from
Buffalo ithis ,week where 'she was holi-
daying 'with'friesnds,
Those visiting in this vicinity dur
ing the week: 'Misses Kathleen and
Jessie Cameron of Clinton, with their
aunt, Mr. and Mrs, 'J. Cochrane
Miss Margaret ;Linden of Denfield
with her sister, Mrs. A. Parson; Hiss
'Lattie '.Love with 'friends in 'Hensalh
Miss 'Edith iForres't of !.Hensall with
her sister, Mrs. W. ;Love, Mr. Ivan
Turner and John Mavis of Clinton
with Mr. and \firs. H. Coleman, Mr.
Henry 'Diatars wi'tlt 'his son, 'Mr. and
Mrs. ''I. IG. Datars. Miss ':Mildred
'Workman with her parents in Kip -
pen. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Smith and fam-
ily of :Kipper and Mr. and Mrs. ,Rad-
er of Dashwood 'w'ith \Ir. and Mrs.
W. 'Weido.:Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane
and Mrs: I3. i I'cMurtrie and son Alex,
of IKippen with friends in Centralia.
Misses .Annie and .Agnes Cochrane
of Clinton with Mr. and 'Mfrs, J. H.
Miss !Edna ,Cochrane, iR.N„ with her
aunt, Mrs. D, B. !Saunders in Lonclon,.
and also pursing '5 patient in the hos-
pital in that city.
'Rev. W. A. ,Bremner of Brucefield
will be in charge' of the service on the
coming, Sunday afternoon at 2:130 in
the IHiilis•green; •Church. Rev. E. F.
Chandler will be taking his' ' vacation.
A number atteracded the 'special ser-
vice in the 'H+ensall United Church on
Sunday afternoon whin Mr,' Habousli,
a shepherd from the 'Galilean land,i
gave an address there,
Taken every Monday
& Thursday forenoons
unless otherwise advised. (Call us for
prices. We are paying Toronto prices
here, this week, and you save express
and shrinkage.
EGGS are always wanted, too, at the
highest prices.
Phone 8
'Football,—The St. Columban-' Jr
defeated Holstein Jrs, here on Tues
day evening by five goals to n'othin
ina replayed final game for the Jan
dor W.;F.A. Championship, The gam
was played under ideal weather con
ditions and was a fast and clean'
played game of ball. St. Colurnb'a
played real good com+binati'on on th
forward cline and kept the play mostl
all in H'ols'tein territory, especially i
the last half of the game. The S't
Columlban 'boys got one, goal in the
first half and four more in the last
period. We - congratulate the players
one and all, and the management of
the. Club on their good sportsmanshipin football competition all season and
on winning the Junior Championship.
'Lineup for St. Colum'ban; Goal: Kale
Holland; f. backs, John Mclver, John
McQuaid; h. backs, centre, John Hol-
land; right, Frank Williams; left,
Norman 'McQuaid; centre forward,
Frank Stapleton; left wing, Harry
Maven John Flannery; right wing,
Vincent Eckert, Dan McCarty. Subs.,
Ed. Melady, Frank Moylan. Referee,
Fisher of Stratford,
'Miss Mary O'Sullivan of Toronto is
spending her vacation at the home of
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. O'Sulli-
Mr. Martin McQuaid of Toronto
visited his brother, Mr. Joseph Mc-
Quaid, over the week end.
Mr. Joseph Moylan of Kitchener is
holidaying at his Nome here.
'Brother Joseph of the Presentation
II'onastery, Montreal, is visiting his
parents, Mr, andMrs. John J. Dalton.
(Brother Martin of Windsor teach-
ing staff, is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Feeney.
;Mrs. Lawrence Power of Windsorvisited at the home of her brother,
Mr, and Mrs. James McQuaid, last
meek.Miss Helena Flannery who has
spent the past ,couple of months in
Toronto has returned to her home
Sister Beatrice of St. Joseph's Con-
vent; Toronto, visited relatives here
last week.
Mr. John Flannery' was a Toronto
visitor this week.
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. wilt
meet at Mrs. John Boyd's on '4Y'ed-
nesday, Sept. 6th. Topic on missions.
Roll call is a verse on Harvest. Any
mite boxes that haven't been turned
in, are to be brought to this meeting.
The sudden death game of football
played between Walton and ''Brussels'
in Winthrop last Monday night was
a . win for 'Walton, the score being
2-1, 'Brussels put in a protest that the.
game was not 'finished 'because of
'darkness, but the protest was thrown
out. Jack Armstrong was referee.
Winthrop meet 'Walton in Win-
throp Tuesday night, Sept. '5th. The
return game in Walton Friday night,
Sept, Sth, These are the final games
for the cup, and will be the hest
games of the season. Games called
at 5:60 sharp,
' 'School re -opens Tuesday, Sept. 5th,
Won't be long now, kiddies.
Mr, and Mrs, J. Taylor, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Dale spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. 'Little.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe, ;Little spent Sun-
day with Mr: and Mrs. Geddes Of ,Bel -
Miss 'Margaret Tough spent a day
at London last week.
Miss Mary Little of Hanover was
the guest of Miss Jean Carnic for a
few lays.
Master Bertram Carrie is at pres-
ent visiting his aunt, Mrs, J. M. C.
Tough, at Bayfield.
Master Gordon Westlake is visiting
his grandmother, Mrs, R. D'elgaty, at
Mr, and •\ifrs, Mins. Douglas of
Brucdfield accompanied by \Ir. Ro'bt.
MCClinchey spent the week -end with
Mr. 'Win. H. 'Stephenson of "Marlette:
Miss Jean Reid is visiting her cous-
in, Miss Roxie IPlalmer of Hamiltoin.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson and
family •spent ''Sunday at the home of
\I'r. and Mrs. Wilbert Johnston• of
Mr, Allan Armstrong and Miss Do-
rothy spent the week -end with their
uncle, .Mr. \Arm, H. Stephenson of
1 '