HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-24, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. i THE SEAFORTH NEWS, HENSALL. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Merner and fa- mily and Mrs. Tiernan of Dashwood visited ori Sunday with Mr. and !Mrs. S Merner and Mr, and Mrs: Gedngo 113rock: Misses Jeanette and'Atary Scott of romarty ar.evisiting this week with Misses Dorothy and Elva McQueen, Misses Gladys IPasamrore and Verde (Watson are spending this sWeek visit- ing_,with the Batter's parents at Lond- esborough. Miss Marion MdKay of Windsor is visiting friends and relatives in town. '\ir. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale and family are spending this week cam'p- iing at Barrow Bay. !A 'musical travelogue will be pres- ented in iesented'in the United Church on 'Fri- day.,evening,. (Septi 1'st by Mr, 'Stephen, IHarboush, a native ,Ga'iiean_ •shepherd, with. Madam IHarbous,h. IOn.'Sunday, Aug. 2i7 at 4 .p.m. a special service •will be held. 'Mrs. Frank Coleman is visiting this 'week with fniendls in Stanley. Mr, Bert (North of W'dodstock spent the weeik end with .friends and rela- tives in town. He was accompanied ,home by Mrs. North and daughter Audrey who have been visiting here dor the past ,three weeks. Miss Eliza Newell is improving the ,appearance of her dwelling on Oxford street by having the roof shingled, Mr, and' Mrs, Lloyd Hudson of (Forest spent the week end in town. ,On .Saturday afternoon the iHen•sali ,teats went to Hespeled for the second game, Hespeler winning :on their own ground 744. ,The deciding game was played at P'res'ton on ;Wednesday 'af- terno'on of this 'week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.:McQueen and two daughters and Mr. Jrohn Passmore visited on Sunday with friends •at the Beach -o -(Pines. The IHensall fire ,brigade was called to ,Zurich on Monday afternoon when the fire in ??Hoist's bakery got beyond control .of the Zurich brigade and threatened the village. A few min- utes after the gall came in, the bri- gade was on its way. Exeter and 'Clin- ton brigades were also called as the fire at one time looked as if it might sweep the village, The local brigade returned to Hens'all about 8 o'clock. •-lir. Jas. Eby of Coliingwood spent the week end with relatives in town, Be was accompanied home by his wife and little daughter who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White. Mr. and Mrs. John IG. Scott of Cro- marty visited on Sunday with friends in town. Mrs. John Murdoch visited friends in London on Monday. - `- Mrs. Fred Simmons visited friends in London a day this week. ZURICH. Zurich, Aug. 22: 'Fire Chief Herb. Mousseau estimated this morning that the loss in the disastrous fire which swept the business,; section of this village yesterday would amount to more than 20,000, 'While the exact cause is undeterm- ined, it is believed that the fire may have started from a cigarette butt carelessly dropped in an outhouse at the rearof the Heist Bakery. The theory that children playing with matches might have been responsible is also being entertained. Three volunteer firemen ,and a ten- year -old child were injured while vol- un'teer' departments from Clinton, Dashwood and Hensalf were assisting the Zurich department' in fighting the blaze. Two firemen fell from roof tops and one other fell from the Zurich truck, The child was run over by a ?wagon during the excitement. For more than three hours approximately I150volunteer firemen worked furiously to prevent the destruction of the entire village. 'From its origin in the. buildingbe- hind the 'Hoist bakery and confection- ery shop, the blaze spread rapidly to a haymow above and frons there to the bakery. Destroyed: The E. Hoist bakery and confec- tionery. Loss about $9,000. (Louis Schilbe S: Son's flour and feed establishment and residence above. 'Loss approximately $7,500. Yung+blut & Son's butcher shop. Loss $:e500. (Partially destroyed: 'Louis Prang's residence adjoining the butcher shop on the north. side. Damage about $1',00,0. Dr. II. Chowen's residence. Dam- age about $500. ;Stables owned by John ley and tS, Zi,m'merman, (Less seriously damaged: !Lumber yard owned by. Fred Kalls- fieisdh, Residence of Milford Schilbe, The home of Mrs. 'Schwalm, Shoe store ,operated by Charles Fritz. lOscar Klopp's implement shed. fAlmos't a score of other buildings and residences in the village caught (fire from sparks and flaming embers carried to the roots by a strong wind and set ablaze: Prompt action by the three united fire departments and doz- ens of volunteers forming bucket bri- gades, checked further progress be- fore serious damage resulted. The injured: Mervyn Steck, 22 -year-old Zurich district farm youth, fell from the fire truck and shattered two bones in his lag. Gordon Howald, aged about 19, of Zurich, fractured his wrist when he fell' from a ro!o.f. Newel Geiger, ag- ed 23, also of Zurich, toppled back- ward from the top of a house while attempting to extinguish a roof fire. He suffered severe back injuries and was removed to his home, 'Leroy. Thiel, aged ,10, of the village, suffered severely from shock and min- or body inljutties when he fell. from the side of a wagon, the wagon wheels grazing his head in passing. The sensation of the afternoon came as flaming embers ign'ited the roof of the S'dh'iUbe flour, and feed es- teb•lisshment in the next (block yards away from the seat of the ,original 'blaze. The !fire ate rapidly (through the ;frame :structure 'and after a 'few min- utes 'attempts to 'save the •structure 'had to lbe abandoned. The alarm was raised shortly after 3 o'clock in the afternoon and within three hours ,the •disaster was com- plete. TOWN TOPICS ,. 'Altsq and' Airs, Sol .Shannon visited , TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Mrs 'Charles Parsons' at the home. of Met• daughter, Air. and Airs. Gordon Jenkins in 'Stratford one day the ,lastl ter part of, last week. 'Miss Rosamond•'Appleby, who has been visiting at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. ,Jennie Knox ex- pects to go home some day this week. Miss Aniy Parsons' returned home (Sunday after spending the past week with' her mother and sister in Strat- ford, Mrs. Annie Elliott of Blyth is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. and Mr. Berg Alien. Miss Olive Knox entertained a number of her girt friend's on ,the line on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Parsons at time of writing ,was. a little improved. We hope she will. soon be able to return home, Mr. Archie Reid returned' to his horne in IB,lyleh on •Saturday after spending a few days at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen, Miss Marjory Brickell returned home Sunday after holidaying with her friend, Miss Lydia Reid, also calling on some of her .other friends in the •nei'ghiborhood. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Lloyd and (Baby Mommy of Clinton spent the' week end at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MdEwi,ng. Miss Mlaud Lyan, who is at present (home from the West visiting her .mo- ther, Mrs. Joseph Lyon of Landes - bore, and other 'friends, visited 'Tues. afternoon of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MelElwing. She was a'cicom:panied by her sister, MIs. `Emerson 'Hes'k of near •Lonrde'slb'oro. Mr. Robert Leiper returned to To- ronto on Sunday after holidaying a± the home of his parents, Reeve and .Mrs. James 1Leiper. IW'ed'nesdlay of last week Mr. Ro'o't, Leiper acc'omipan'ied by hit mother, his brothers, William ' and Tom, and sister, Jean, also his aunt, Mrs. John Beattie, took a motor trip to Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Appleby and Marion visited,_ on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank MciGre- gor. (Burns' United Church have deoided to hold their anniversary services on Sunday, Sept. 24th. Mr, and Mrs. John T. Knox of Cline ton, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbin•gs and little Mary Jean of near 'Clinton 'and Mrs, A. W. Beacom were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, T, Rapson. IMiss Edieh Beacom'retttrned• home 'Sunday evening after holidaying with 'Grey friends. / THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1933 HARLOCK. ST. COLUMBAN ''- Miller`- McGrath $'t,. Coluneban Church was the ,.:scene pf. a quiet wedding 'Thursday' mourning at nine o'clock when Mildred, daughter 'of and 'Mrs. P. V. M;ciGrath, of Columban, was united in ,H'ody Matri- mony to Herbert, son of ,Mr,. and Mrs. John Milller, of IB• errbeng, To the strains of 'Lohenfgree's march the wedding procession entered the Church to assist at 'the Nuptial High Mass solemnized by Rev. J. D'anizer, pastor of 1St. Columban. The bride iw'as attended 'by her sister, (Gertrude, and the grooms assisted by his broth- er, 'George, of Water0oo, 'Ontario, The 'b'ride was becomingly attired in (white satin with French .pointed lace and wore a veil caught with 'orange 'blos- soms entwined with .lily of the valley. She carried la sheaf of butterfly roses and ,orchid's with .baby's breath. The bridesmaid. wore d'ulce .blue point d' - esprit ensemble with French appliqued of rose pink over 'b'aby pink matched with a duke blue transparent fiat banded with rose pink velvet flowers s!tudd•ed in pearls. Her bouquet was Johanna 'Hill roses. The ushers were Mr, Jos. Carpe'nt'er and Mr. jos. Moy- lan. falter a sumptuous wedding din- ner at the home of ,the bride's par- ents the happy couple left for a trip to Montreal -(Quebec and the 'New England States, the bride travelling in a blue ensemble with matching acces- sories. On return Mr, and Mrs. Miller will take up their residence at 149 !Erb (Sit. W., Waterloo, ,Ontario. August, , I1i907. Travellers. The following were ticketed duriag the wee?.: Mr, acrd Mrs. J, J. Fitzpat- rick of Seaforth, to 'Margaret, Man.; Miss. Leitch of Seaforth to Portage :La Prairie; Fred Playne to Winnipeg; Hugh Chesney, of IEgmondsville, to ISheho, iSask„ and return; 'Gilbert Mc- Michael, of 'Hullebt, to S'heho, Sask., and return; Mr. R, 'E, Coates of Sea - forth, to Edmonton, Arta., and return; 'Mrs. R. E..Coetes to 'Lenore, Man., and return; Mr. and Mrs. David Mc- Connell, of Dublin, to Calgary, Alta., and return. Large (Shipments, Mr, John O'Keefe, cattle buyer, has brought in over $36,000 to the county of Huron for cattle within the last month The following is a list of the purchases 'm'ade:. 9 cattle, 'William IBroad'foot $7130; 8 Thos. Dale $62.22; 6 U'dhn Riley $317,00; 10, Dias. Dale, $111433.00; 6, G'eo, Dale, $4112.001' 9, John B'ritton, $620.00; 19, :Thos. 'Shilling - law, I$1'338.00; 2'3; Frank Grant, ,$1973; William ,Grant, $1435; ,13', ;Henry Pea- cock, $10186; 18, Jas. Millar, $148I1; 114, Chas. Peacock, $11100; 1,, William Doig, ..t; 50, from' his awn ,field, $4050; '45, Thos. McMillan, ,$38315; 113, Matthew Armstrong, $9159; ail, James 'Glusky, ':c167; P, A•ppietbn Elcoat, '::9; ars, Chas. 'Wallace, $11188; 10, James Dale, $916;. 6, Hugh Gordon, $3188; 9, D. O'Reilly, $'5811•; 110, John Britton, $638; 60, S. H. Smith, $413; 40, D. ,A. (Forrester, $34151; 20, John. Middleton, $11291; 19, Arch. Ferguson, $11300. This was paid for export cattle that went to the Gordon and Ironsides ?firm, He bought several other small bunches. of butchers Which he kept no account of. Golden Jubilee' On ' Wednesday the golden jubilee of the Rev. G. R. Northgraves was cele'brated with unusual eclat .by the congregation of St. James' ,Church, Seaforth, and the priests of -.the. dio- cese of London, together with a num- ber of priests of other dioceses of Ontario and the United :States, 35 in number, who joined in thus honoring that .Rev. gentleman on the fiftieth an- niversary of his ordination to the Ca- tholic priesthood. 'Father INlorthgraves was ordained in 1851 by Bishop Far- rel, the first Bishop of Hamilton, in ISt. 'Michael's Cathedral, Toronto. Ad- dresses were read from the ,priests of the diocese and from the people of Seaforth parish, each of which was accompanied by a well filled purse. The address of the priests was read by Rev. T. J. Aylward, rector of ,St. Peter's Cathedral, London, the purse being presented by Rev. T. J. ,West of S't, Thomas. The address of the 'people was read by J. L. Killoran, barrister, and the purse presented by Robert (Devereaux, Sr. 'Tlhe .celebration be- gan with solemn High Mass, sung by Father Northgraves, the Jubilarian, ad 9.30 a.ni. He was assisted by the Rev. Fathers M. J. Brady and Donald Mc- Rae as deacon and subdeacon -respec- tively. The Rev. D. J. Downey offic- iated as master of ceremonies. County Board Meeting. The 'Board of Examiners for the county of ,Huron met in Seaforth on Saturday for the transaction of busi- ness. There were present Messrs. Geo. Baird, Bruce'field; J. ,H. Cameron, of 'Brussels; J. E. Tom, Goderidh; W. J. Moffatt, Seaforth; Mr. Robb, 'BJA., LPJS„ was appointed chairman for, the the year. Walton. The 50 -acre farm situated on the '14th concession of Grey, recently pur- chased` by Mr. Duncan Johoaton, has been sold to James Byron of 'Michi- gan, for the sum of $1,800. West Shore :Railway (Bylaw Passed. On Monday the by=law to guaran- tee the blonds of the 'Ontario and West Shore Electric Railway Oomp- any to the extent of $11125,000 was car- ried in the Township of Ashfield ,by a, majority of 50. Varna. Mr. ;S. C. Rath'well, who has been in the hoot and shoe business in Gerrie for several years has disposed of it to accept the management of 'the shoe department of Mr. C. Hoare's shoe and music emporium, Clinton. Mr. Rothwell is a native of ,Stanley town- ship and before moving '1 to 'Gerrie, carried on a business in Varna. Former Resident. htr. James Canning, who died on Friday in Dublin, was a former resi- dent of Seaforth, and dived in the resi- dence now occupied by Mr. Farquhar- son, James Street. • - 'Cricket. 1Persian Balm is alluringly fragrant. 'Tw'olocal teams, "Has-Beens" and Adds a charming refinement to the `Would -he's" played a game of crick- most finished appearance. Creates et at the recreation grounds on Fri- and, preserves complexions of surpass - `day and resulted in a victory for the ing loveliness and texture. Softens former by a score of 99 to 45. The and whitens the hands. Cools and principal scorers for the "Has -,been" dispels all irritation, caused by wea- were Messrs.. T. F..Coleman, A. E. ther conditions. Swiftly absorbed by Colson and G E. Parkes, making 30, 'the tissues heaving never a vestige' of 716 and 14 respectively the latter not stickiness. A peerless toilet requisite. being out. In the Would tie's'' the %valuable to all women who care for principal adorers were Messrs. II. elegance end d'istinc'tion. Ghettle-and IF, L. WOTrs.l oth making 9 each, I Want and For Sale Ads. I time 25c. STAFFA. Mr, and Mrs. H. Templeman visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. H. Golding in Seaforth on Sunday. 'Mr, and Mrs. M. Greenwood' and babe of Mitchell spent Sunday with the 'lady's parents. Mr. Greenwood very ably gave the address at the United Church in ,the morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Condon, Hamil- ton, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. O. W. Reed. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred O'Brien have returned to their home in Oven Sound after spending a week with the former's parents, .Mr, and Mrs. M. Crandall and Mrs. El. Codqu•houn df Jamestown, N. Y., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, (Lloyd Colquhoun, !Miss Dorothy Murray, 'W'aiton, and Miss Vera Pollen, Exeter, are the ,guests of Miss Jean Tufffifn. Mrs. 'Jas. Miller 'and family spent Sunday with relatives in London. '(Liss Autry ,Elliott, W'illowgrove, is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs, A, W. Norris, 'Mrs. E. ,Payne of Moose Jaw is vis- iting with her sisters, Misses M. add B. Mil'ler. Mr, and Mrs. G. G. Wilson are in Exeter for a few days;, The August meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held on Wed- nesday evening, Aug. 30th, at 8 o'- clock, Bring a pencil and paper along as recipes on Canning and Pickling will be given by two ; of the mem- bers. In addition 'to the regular program an address oar .Education will be giv- en by Mr, Jos, 'Nagle. As this is to be an open meeting all the ladies and 'men of the community are urg- ed to be present to discus's this im- portant question. Members •having hooks from °library please hand same in at tneetin,g. i KWPPEN. Announcement. -'Mr, and Mrs. Ar- thu'r Andersonannounce the engage- ment of their second daughter, Elva Florence, to Alexander Duncan, only son of M'r. and Mrs. John A Mc- Gregor of Tucicersmith, the wedding to take place soon. The Misses Helen Chandler, •elarg- aret Elgie, . Florence ,Thomson, Marg - are Jones, Beatrice IDaynroind, and Isabel Alexander of the Busy Bees Mission Circle and theMisses .Doro- ^thy Elgie of Toronto, Jean Murray of (Walton and Pearl Elder of IHeres'all, with Miss Jennie ;Chesney and .Mrs. IRobt. Daytnond, have returned from spending a 'week at Miss Churchill's coetage at B'aylfleld. "Phe Busy Bees Mission Circle are holding ,their' regular monthly ,meet- ing'in the forni of a corn roast at the home of Miss Isabel Alexander at. 7.30 on. Friday evening of this week, 'All the young ladies and young men of the congregation are in'vi'ted to at- tend. Rev. and Mrs, E. F. Chandler and . a'mily spent a day at !Snowden's 'Grove recently. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Cleland and family spent the week -end at the home of theircousins, ibis. and (Mrs. Albert Alexander. Miss Jean McKenzie is this week holidaying with friends in and near Penetanguishene, Mr, Clarence iePdLean of London spent bhe week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. ,B. McLean. Miss Olga 'Bell is spending a week with friends in London. Miss Isoibel Alexander has return- ed to her home after having spent a ?ew days visiting her friend, Miss Donna Smith of Bluevale. 'S,IS. No. 2, Tugkerslmith, have been fortunate to secure the services of Miss Richardson 'of (Listowel as their teacher for the coming .term. Miss Francis Anderson of Marlette, Mich., is visiting with her felatives, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Anderson and funnily. Miss Mae_„Haig of :,Stratford is the guest of her friend, Miss•'Jlane't Doig. :Mrs. N. McCully of Seaforth is hol- idaying with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart. Mrs, Wm. McDonald who 'has been the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. Roes IBroadfoot returned to her home in Seaforth accompanied by her little grandchild, ,Miss 'Shirley Broadfoot. Mr. John C. Doig, ,L$.,B., of De trout, accompanied by his friends, Mr. 'Harold Dunstain, IBA., and : Mr. Francis'Ed'wards, iL;L.B., also of De- troit, spent the week -end visiting his mother and sister. Mrs, Andrew Bell has returned after a pleasant weeks' vacation at the 73 en• 'blad, ster Billy Sproat, son of Mrc. and Mrs. Earl ,Sproat, is ;holidaying in To- ronto, the guest of his aunt anduncle, Mr. and Mrs. S. .Sproat. Mission Band. -The Gau1d Mission Band :net in St. Andrew's school room on Saturday afternoon. Al - through a holidlay m'omth, ' a goodly number was present. 'Dor'pthy Deitz presided, leading in the opening pro- gram, call to worship, prayer+ and 'Scripture lesson. The. Watch Tower lwlals taken by Mildred Deitz, R. 'Chandler, Jack Deitz, Theda Watson, Doris Alexander and Margaret Mc {Gregor. Isobel Alexander taught the 'memory ,passage • on kindness,follow- ing Which Mrs, M'onteitIh told' a story 'When Kindness Conquered a King," The stu'dy' peridd consisted of a talk on A Great ;Ohurc'h at. Work, showing what wonderffui progress has been made and what has been aecomplish- mens oes at Lowest r Prices MADE POSISIIBLE ONLY BY 'EARLY f3•UYING Picnic: Hain Pound 1 3 c Cottage Rolls Pound. SUGAR' $1.00 WITH $2,00 CASH GROCERY' 14 lbs. for a ORDER • W. J. F 1 IG , N SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ont, Pall term opens (Sept. 5th. Courses: Stenographic, (Commercial, 'Secretar- ial, Special ,Courses arranged. Corr- espondence Courses ' to those who cannot attend school. Write or .phone 198. B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal; M. A. ISTON'E, Com. (Specialist, Vice- Prin. WORK WANTED Millinery, dressmaking and plain sewing. MaISiS, 'C. PIIINIKINIEY, Gode rich Street ((third house ;West of !Main St.) 134. IFARiM WANTED Experienced farmer wants 100 tto 160 acres on shares, dut11y .agvippazl� (Apply Box 127, Seaforth .'N'ews. 34. I ,PIGS FOR ISAILE (Nine pigs, six weeks old, (for 'sale. 'Lot 29, con. 9, Morris. 'Phone 1I8r9;; Brussels. GIIIL$IFJRlT NL'dOAILLU'M. FOR SALE 'Fifty White. Leghorn pullets, bred - to -lay, •are now laying. About six months old. Alpplyl to JINIO. T. 1EIaGIIIE, Klippen, or Phone 104 r 1311. 19 -Year -Old ;Girl's 3 Fatal 'Marriages An article disclosing details . oon- cerning the expe'rien'ces of a young girl still in her teens .who has had (three husbands in three years=wfdh all three now in their graves, will be told, 'next Sunday, in The American Weekly with The Detroit Sunday Times. ed by our church since 1935. Our missionaries are at work in 100 "New Canadian" centres preaching in Can- ada alone in 28 languages.'Tlhen carie the story df the life and work Of Dr, James Wiood'snvanth, whlo gave 32 years to the West of Canada, 50 years in all in active ministry. Miss. Halcylon Chandler, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Chandler, obtained .10 First Class honors and one 2nd Classote her upper school subjects, written at Blenheim. HILLSGREEN. Those visiting during the week in this vicinity: Mr. W. Jarrott and Mr. and Mrs. J..B'ont'hron, of M'dosejaw, with relatives in Michigan Mr. Mac MelAllister of Toronto with relatives in this vicinity; Miss Renla Stephen- son with her brother at Walkerton; friends from H'amilto'n with Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and family; Clarence and Ellen Love with Garden Moir of lH a ns'all, IMr, D. F. Anderson received word recently of the death df his brother, Mr. Jo1hn Anderson in California, Who died suddenly there. 'Mis's Mildred Workman Was taken to her parents' home in Kippen on !Monday suffering with an attack of b,ppendiciti's. We hope she will have a speedy recovery. A re -union of the Love families was held on Sunday afternoon in Stratford. Quite a number went from this vicinity. FOR SALE Scotch Collie pups; six weeks o!r8 two S'hortho'rn bull caityee 112 months; old, 'Quick sale' at bargain prices. Ag- ply to GEORGE BIEATTY Sr. NOTICE The Public Library will 'be chisel drone August 14th to August:2ffe1a. Greta Thompson, Librarian. .FOR (SALE O'R .RENT Brame house on John .sI. ,'Just ore - hauled and 'decorated. All render* aonereniences, Will 'sacrifice .for'gaf&P& -sale. Rent •reasonable, One year lease if .aented. aApply IR. L. TI±O'MSW, John st. -H017SE AND LOTS FOR SAUL Comfortable nine roomed house • and six lots opposite .the Collegiate Institute, Seaforth, So:- sale. This pro- perty must be sold to close sp the estate of the late 'Charles. Holrlbeiq. (For particulars apply on the premises or to JOHN H. BEST, Seafasilr.. Ont. 3 . CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST - POSTING OF VOTERS' 'LAST Township of Stanley .Notice is hereby given that 1'112ve complied with section 7 of the Vote& List Act and that I have posted up fat my office in Varna, on Sa'tu'rday the 8th day of .August, 19313, the list of persons entitled to vote in said rnmr- ieipaIiy for members o!f parliafarni< and Municipal 'Etesition's, and that such list re'mains (there for inspectiecs- 1 And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any error or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day of appeal !being the 26th day of August, 1930= ICIHIAIS. C. MILfG(RIM., Clerk of the Tawns'h3p of Stanleys SEAFORTH MARKETS. IWlheat, per bus. .. 7Yc IBarley, per bus............,.. Oats, new, per, bus. _35c• (Buckwheat, per bus. New, Potatoes, .bus. -.i, s,.......I. $1-75 Hogs, per cwt... ...r:............. WA Eggs, per doz. ....... Butter, per Ib , .. ,,:..... , . I8c Want and Far Sa1e Ads, 3 times Sac TRI(' ill est i �es Cleaners 451 Dyers WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER Phone196w. We call and delM V. J. Gillespie, Prop. Carter's Cash Store WEEK END SPECIAILS CARTER'S (SPECIAL BLACK TEA, lb. . . . .. . . GOLDEN SPRAY 'CHEESE lb. pkgs. X29 c 2 'FOR 25 c 41c 25c HAWES' "FLOOR WAX 1 ib, tin ...�.. LEILY1S HARD WATER SOAP, 5 cakes for Maple Leaf Salmon l's .33c Choice Soap Flakes ..3 lbs. 25c. 18c Angler Pink (Salmon l's 2 for 19c, York Pork and Beans, 3 for 25c Capital 'Vanilla, large bottle 15c Challenge Corn Starch 3 pkgs. for 25c Large bar Castile Soap , . 15c Hawes' 'Lemon Oil, large ..23c (Small. size '15e XXX Cider Vinegar, gal. --45e -XXX (Spirit Vinegar, gal....43c 'Rubber 'Rings, the 'best 4 pg. for 25c Zinc Rings, 2 doz. for 45c Parowax, .2 pas. for 25c Unwrapped Soap, full cake Pa1mtree 'Soap 40 for 34c 11 'bars for ............25c Stock in some' Soda Biscuits at the old price. , Old Cheese, nippy, 22c ib. New at 17c Ib. Highest (Price `Paid for `Eggs. i'' , _ 7h ;TER� 1, ,WE ,DELIVER � � PHONE 42