HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-24, Page 3eE6T b2 S!S'f1JR'V'• `AVQS2III1-1I.L: -_ Services We Can Render 1n the timeoE need P42OTECTION 'is your best (friend. Life Insurance -To protect your LOVED ONES. Auto Inturanee- To protect you against LIABeLITi to P'UBLIC and their PROPERTY, ' Fire Insurance - To protect your TIOM'E and its CONTENTS. Sickness' and-'P,:ccident Insurance To protect your I•NOOME Any of the above lines we can give you in strong and reliable companies. lE interested, call or write, E. C. CHAf1BERLAiN, INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 334 Sea'forth, Orit. FAIR DATES Arthur Sept. 26, 27 Atwood Sept. 22, 23 Bayfi'eid ..............Sept. 27, 28 Brussels .. Sept. 28, 29 Chesley ...... , , , Sept. 19, 20 Drayton ..... •..... Sept. 21, 22 Durham...,, Sept. 12, 13 Elmira , . Sept. 1 - 4 Exeter :.. Sept. 19, 20 Fergus ...............Sept. 15, 16 Forest . ,Sept. 26, 27 Goderich , .., .... , .., , Sept. 19, 20 Hanover .Sept: 14, 15 Harriston ...Sept. 28, 29 Kincardine ..... ..Sept. 21, 22 Listowel , ... •, . , .Sept. 20, 21 Lucknow , . , , ...... Sept. 28, 29 Mildmay .Sept. 19, 20 Milverton ..........:, .Sept. 19, 20 Mitchell` Sept. 26, 27 Mount Forest ......'Sept: 20, 21 Neustadt .:•`. .. , , ... Sept. 30 Owen Sound. . ;Sept. .28 - 30 Paisley Sept. 26,:27 Palmerston :Sept. 22, 23 • Ripley Sept. 26, 27 Seaforth - Sept. 21, 22 Stratford Sept. 18 20 'Tara . , , . 'Oct. 3, 4 Teeswater .. ..... ,Oct. 3, 4 Tiverton , •. Oct. 2, 3 Wingham .. :Oct. 10, 11 Zurich ;Sept. 25, 26 International Plowing Match, Derby Tp. Owen Sound, Oct. 10, 11, 12 and 13. ,I, :.MR. YOUNG ARRESTED .AT V GO'DER'IC1H ON FRIDAY, iGo.deekh, Aug. 11110 --The arrest .of 'Gordian Young, -'treasurer Of Huron ,county, late 'Friday afternoon on three offenses against the Criminal Code -thee of $2,400, desltrudbion and mutilation of books and records, .and failing to .account for monies, the pro- perty of Huron county -caused a great sensation here. - M. Young was arraigned before: William Bailie,J,;P.,, in the apse sse of Magistrate Reid who. is attending the Sarnia convention. Be 'was not asked to plead or deer and was granted bail in the sum of $10,000, 'furnis'hed by Sarah Young apd ,A. W. Young, which• expires August 2'5. D. E. Holmact ' ,ed for the Crown .and Faia'nk DDonnel- lyrepresented Mr. Young,.'T'he in- formations were sworn by Provincial Constable P. E. McCoy, who.' made the arrest. IP. P. Gibbs, chartered aee'ounbant, Of Stratford, started a' special audit of the treasurer's books a :month ago, and as a result of an interim report made by him the inves'tigation was' i'n- stituted on !Wedne'sd'ay last before Mrs. Edna Reynolds, special examin- er. At the 'first session Mr. Young is said to have made certain admissions as:a result Warden iB'all'anityne,. ori the advice of R. C. -Heys JIr; co.un- ty solicitor,-demlanded` his resignation. door -Of bhe office has been kept locked and all nig'h't a guard 'has' been kept ou'tsid'e. Yesterday search was made of . Mr. .Young's house by police and records seized. Warden Bttl}antyne and Reeve (Goldthorpe :rip - resented, the county coun'cil at the pro -be. The proceedings were conduct- ed quietly, Mr., Young .was notified trough his cou'n'sel of his impending arrest al'td permitted time to arrange 'bail before reporting 'at the magis- trate's Office. He appeared quite` calm, and, on advice of counsel, blade no statements.,' After the wSarrant .for the arrest had been issued Warden : Ballantyne be ,was glad it was now in.,the hands of the courts. He cominrented on the fact that year after year, auditors hail reported the books in 'Mr. Young, has admi'teed in a signed st'atemen't,•' defalcations of.,$2,- 400," said the ,Walden: "Tire auditors report a shprtage 'of over, $7,'000. The cancelled cheque's cannot' be found, and ,there is no trace 'of "-these p'ey- ment's. Ak Friidlay'sinqui�ky'he refused to make further statements om advice of counsel, but we allege he apiprep= iated the plo'c'eeds of $700 wof Pro'vinc- ci tl County debentures to his • own use tv • Friday he was questioned dosely: on further, alleged shortages of $I1 -. '800. The total may,run into :,bhqus nods;" The Warden said that so, far the audit only covered the -year 1913.2 ' an 1h;e,firs!t five anon'flrs of ,193u. "I -em' calling a special �nieeting ofh tfie County Council, within a week or ten days, 'the' Warden `,eonttitiued, "to eepeiaiit a successor to isfr. Young, and to decade how far back the pies cult audit 's'h'ould go, to the date of ,Mr. Young's appointment six 'years' ago or still further." 1The ,accused 'treasurer has enjoyed a good reputation of runquestionable integrity. Before his ap'pointm'ent, he farmed successfully. ,Ile has frequent ly admitted in open 'council his in- experience in bookkeeping, 1lis fam- ily has been pro'mineet in the life of Huron County, and he was :for ten years, the Reeve of Colborne' 'T'own- sh'ip where' he owns two farms, which with his home in Go:derlch'Iare said to be h'e'avily mortgaged, He is a Liberal in politics; and a Pre's'byterian, and temperate in his h'ablits,.':He is under a $20,000 bond with a 'Toronto co•n•fpeny.. H,is arrest 'was the subject of conversation everywhere, and of sensational-surpriise. GORDON YOUNG 1RESIGN'S AS 'HURON 100. TREAIS'URE'R ,Goderich, August 118. = Gordon Young, treasurer ,all Huron 'County since Decendber, 11926, has . tendered his resignation. A ,special :padlock on the door of the treasurer's office in -the court house here prevents any person but ,members of the special auditor's staff front,;gaining access to the books , and records in the Ofact , and as an added precaution, a night watchman stood ,guard in the bui'ld- in'g. Young's resignation was tendered at a secret 'con'feren'ce held in the oourt house to consider information w'h'ich 'had been prepared by F. P. Gfblbs; -chartered accountant ,of 'Strat- ford, and memlbers of This staff, on ,an audit of the treasurer's :books .which. ls'as been in progress - since late in June. Present'at the conference were Mr. Gibbs and.. an assistant, Warden J. Ballantyne, ;County Solicitor R. C. Hays Jr., Reeve 'A..3..!Goldthorpe of Colborne' To'wns'hip, dhairnvan of the warden's 'co'ntmibtee, and Mr. Young. Faced with alleged shortages in 'his books uncovered during the audit, the treasurer is claimed to have signed a statement admitting certain defalca- tions. No charges have been laid as yet, The 'former 'treasurer, it is under- stood, •has engaged counsel since Wednesday's secret meeting, and his legal adviser may also be present at the neat conference. County 'officials have declined to state whether they will -prefer' charges against the former treasurer, IMr. Young, it is said, had signed t a confession admitting certain defal= e cations. This confession was said to o have been' :signed under oatli, and is now in the ,Hand's. of the coun't'y solicitor. e 'Reeve Goldthorpe declined to stake 'fi the .amount' involved in the former t treasurer's statement, but on good authority it wit said tb be in the o neighborhood of $,600, ':Reeve Gold- S th.orpe admitted that county oPfi'cials a fear that -discrepancies An .the county s books „will emceed ; that amount con- 3 siderably. He steadfastly declined to .1 nta'ke ;any -estimate, 'however, because a the. auditors have not yet co'm'pleted e their investigation, Questioned as to whether others th might be involved in the shortages, y Reeve ''Goldthorpe 'w'ould give no definite answer. It was "possible" he said, the did not -deny that the in- vestigators are working on th'a't pos- sible angle Of the. case, When the subject of the. special p'adloc'k on the door of the •treas- ureq'a' Office was broached, Reeve Goldthorpe ansiwered "We are just aking dare of 'uh-inlgs." The decision to place ' a night wabdhim'an on ,,guard Thursday night was precipitated, it was 'believed, by small blaze which was dis!cavered n . the oourt house early one Morn - ng. The (fire was ,extinguished before an. extensive damage had been done, tad 'weecaused by defective 'wiring. Coun�4y officials have no thought that he 'blaz'e .m:igtht 'have been of in'cendi- ry origin.�Hrowever, the small blaze ad the effect of deciding county Aficials tq ctugage'. a night watch- man 'to :prevent any possible attempt d gain entrance bo. the -treasurer's' f;fiwce;.i(uring the night.ISibarfages revealed so fat are said o extend back no further than ,1932, evera1`insltances ,where 'the brea'sttrer a l issued '•tn-o sal'ar'y • cheques to iniself:;.in -.the one month are' said. o have; beeitbrou'ght to light. IReeve'Goldthorpe hinted that' theme aterestin edireladions o;n the Man- er in g which the cotuity's business ad 'been• 'conducted during the past ew years might :come out in' the '',c ort of the' epecial snsesfigetion. The special a'ud'it of the boaks. ,was tele -red during the last week in June, fter the County,•Council •had voted. In aver ofthe probe by 21 votes to 7. lle'invesbigatioe has been in -progress nee 'that torte, 'resulttnig.in. disclos- res. whh ;caused the'-^trasurer `, to nder'h•is resignation. 'Thtn e, lforei . reas•urer is also sec- tary•of thei'Cdnnty 'Olid Age Pea- on's ebee l arid• bite Mothers': . Al- iwance Board. He is a former reeve r Colborne Township. ,He is past THE SEAFQRTH NEWS. F,', PAGE THREE middle age, and has a grown-up faun- ily. Lip until -a year ago fast June lois salary as treasurer, not including and fees for other du- ties w'hi'ch he performed, Was $1,800 Per annum, County adieureductions, howe'ver, resulted :in his salary be- ing pared to ;ilj+,300.. * * Y: - :k * * NEWS AND INFORIVIATION:'r' s, FOR THE BUSY FARMER 0' * (Furnished by 'Ontario Depart-.' 's ment of Agriculture.) it * * * * * * * * * * * Poultry Demand Fair 'The consumptive demand for poul- try has been fairly good.,.Receipts are being well cleaned pp from day to day. Stocks of storage poultry - are very light: The holiday season is, of' course, a handicap to sales Of both and poultry fn '•the large centres, Weekly Crop'Report. (Peel County reports alsike ' yields 'from 3 to 6 .bushels per acre. Dealers 'are offering $6' bo $7 a b'us'helfiat pres- ent, The late blossoms on alfalfa set seed but the, yield per acre will belo'w, dieting to the failure of the first blossoms to properly pollinate and 'fertilize. Fall wheat has turned out in !bushels per were and in quality much better than antici'p'ated a month ago, adoording to a report from Danib'ton !County. Nor1thutnlberl!and has a wheat crop with a 25 and 30 bushel average -on the better l'an'd. Crops` in Carleton are .up to or above the average. The oat crop in Essex will average about 20 bushe'l's to: the acre. Prices Should Be Good (With practically every pound pf lash year's honey sold'- 1W'ith' a yield :of thirty pounds per colony below average -- With a crap of unusuallyliglrt, high q'uali'ty honey - (With increased prices of all sugars in Cana'd'a 1Wibh a general shortage of light honey, not only in Canada but in the tanked' States and New Zealand- -With an ex'port prefe+renlce of seven shillings per 1112,potmds on the Brit- isheral, t • he Cwith the exluhange on the Bri- tish Pound. practically $L00 higher than last year -A CONS'ID'ERABLE A.DVAuNCE IN PRI'CE'S IS CER- TAINLY'IiNDI:CATED, Honey Prospects 'Goad In a survey, just completed by the Department of Apiculture, 0. A. C., reports were received from most of he larger beekeepers in Ontario, op - rating in all more than 27,1500 col nies, !Ontario's light honey crop is esti- mated at about thirty pounds per col- ny be'llo'w average but of un-usuallyne quality and obtained mainly from he clovers, an general, the Counties lying north f a line drawn from Toronto to arnia have from slightly below to n: average crop, while the Counties outh of this line have between 30 and 5 pounds per colony, below average. dost of the Counties east of Durham nd Victoria repor,t.a crop below av- rage. ' (Reports from other Provinces of e Dominion also indicate a lee, ield and reports from other coun- t a a a aY 0 0 -S li it la a f T si to re Si to 0 tries give every appe'arance of a short- age of honey in the main producing (centres of the world„ Package Weight Variation Disadvan- tage to Producer "Uately, while visi'tin'g the T'orpnto wholesale markets, said C. W. Bauer, Secretary, Ontario Growers' Markets Council, "•I have received numerous indica'taon5 that buyers, e- specially those 'from. t'he chain store arg'anipations, are becoming dissatis- fied with the ,great variation itt weight of sitnnl+ar products in similar pack 'Tomatoes," he con•tinue,d, ' oonstl ttt!te an example of this condition. Personally, I have examined' the con- tents of several baskets of tomatoes ostensibly the sante weight, only to find' weight variations as great as three to four pounds in many cases, "This situation is ac'ting to the dis- advantage of producers, since natur- ally,' buyers are concentrating their attention onthe'-well-'filled baskets, leaving the lighter weight baskets, in the hands' of the whaIeslaler,: As the growing season advan'ce's, and prices drop, returns• from these slow mov- ing packages will decrease, the resul- tant loss being sustained for the nvos't part by the producer. "So until such time as regu'lation's call for specific weights whdc'h, in my opinion, is the only practical sdlution to this question, producers will pro- teot their' own interests only 'by seed ing well-filled baskets to these dis- tributing points." Will Be Asked.For .Permits After Fifteenth of August 'Fruit dealers must bake out permits, and complete arrangements as to their bonds, . by the -fifteenth day of the present month. Although a great of Vegetables 1346 Hardy Alfallta 347 Hay and Pasture Crops 3-18 Amateur Dramatics '350 The Warble Flies 372 Potatoes 3914 1The Pear 395 The Raspberry and Biackberry 956 Top 'Working and Repair Ora+fit lug, including Budding 358 Th.e European Corn, Borer 339 'Insects Attacking. Vegetables 360 Farm Underdrainage 13611Farm Water Supply and ;Sew- age Disposa'l 3163 (Parasites Injurious to Poultry, 3164 Manures an,d Fertilizers 1365• IDr<•fft Horses 3166' Soy Beans 3167i 'Pork on :the Farm .360 !Farm Poultry 369 'Vegetable Gardening 3170 Testing Milk, Cream and' Dairy IB y prodne'ts 3101' Buttermilk on the Farm 317E ;Soft Cheese and Cheddar !Cheese 13173 (Dairy Cattle STUDY THEGAIRDEN NOW FOR NEXT YEAR'S PLANTTkgjB, 'Some small ' gardens give little' more than a flpwer-show effect, 'tlilat'of' a citllection ref species and varietie'a:. In other gardens we are struck by the planting as a whole, only, ncbtfc. - ita,g individuals tupolt closer inspection. Old country gardens have this quality which :make's for peace and Ibeartty„,.. and which many designate. as, "charm." As a first step toward the acquisi- tion of charm the small garden. should be freed oe any straight fines. Secondly, it should be contadned. within a definite 'boundary. Gently undulating edgings willovercome the. directness of straight paths and the sharp outlines of square borders.... tall gro'wth of shrubs or vines wife unify the garden and provide a :back- ground. for 'the-flo'wers, A hedge of privet,' or trellises of rdses or :grafi vines are inex'pensive and a quick means ,af 'attainin'g privacy. Tail; dahlias and annual vines will help and unt'il the permanent su'b'jects attain - effective size. Lt is :only familiarity that prevents many of us from appreciating the ex- tremely decorative character of the - common grape. The leaves off soft green, silvery (beneath and decorative - in outline, and the graceful tends ed. branches cohtapose the beauty of tile= vine. Trellises Of grapevines offer' iia- teresting possibilities, too. Ibf the -vines - are trained high the lower pants: air the trellis' may be used for some-flow- ering ome-flowering vine, such as the large -flower- ing cJlemaltis, 'Clematis montane, aas early flowering 'sort, bears anemone - like bloom's ,of rose -flushed' white:. Hall's and other honeystrckle's are- free-grdwimg vines for screens. IIaI s - variety, 'Lonlicera halliana, Leafs out very 'early in the spring and carries. - its foliage well into the new year.. Apple Export Outlook Writing prior to departure for his filffh year of work in the British mar- ket en behalf of the fruit gro'wers of !Ontario, Mr. Andrew Ilulton pays tribute to the 'loyal support he has re- ceived from the growers, thus en- abling hint to grealtly intensify the -de - bland for Ontario .apples and build- ing up uild-ing'up a fine reputation for On'tario- growri brands in that market. 'Commenting on prospdc'ts for the coining season, Mr. Fulton states that there is every inldiieation of 'lib- eral supplies of apples in North Am- erica, Nova Scotia promises to have a heavy crop of apples while Virginia, Ontario's principal co!nipetitor in the Un'ited Kingdom will likely export fair many applications have been received quantities during the coming season, for permits, a large number of truck- even though there is not a heavy crop er dealers and commission houses there. Im British Columbia the. crop is 'have yet to make application, and stated to be about 20 per cent. light - present -bonds as security for their re- er, which should help the barrel situ- spon'sibili:ty, as required under the ation -considerably. In England there new Fruit Act. is an heavy crop of early .cooling The new Act has been in force: cooking apples, which is bound to af- since the first wedk of July. Untilt,feot the price of Canadian .cookers DOW, however, no definite date h'as until Christmas: Mr. Fulton concludes been set when the Fruit. Br'an'ch,that good quality Ontario apples will would take action to restrain fruit,Ibe wanted and that this coming sea - dealers who have not complied with•son will be a year whew "quality" te' c , an its regulations. The date will count. has now been set for ,Au'gust :115, 'al- Fallowing an inspection tour of ter which no trucker, dealer or coon -:Ontario, he declares that the outlook mission house may continue in bust -tis' fora .slightly larger crop of apples ness without taking out a license. On- than last year, E'a'stern Ontario will this date a check will be commenced,' be about 10% lighter and and West - covering all commission' houses and ern Ontario approximately 76% 'heavier than last year. He adds; "The quality is exceptionally good, and so far, well -sprayed orchards are clean. I have never'lanown more spraying to be done in Ontario than this year, and there is every indication that the bulk of the crop will be eligible for certi- tfication for the export market" dealers. Truckers on the highways, will be asked to show their permits. (Applications should be made to P. W. H'odgeltts, director, Ontario ,Fruit Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Department 'Bulletins 322 The Gralpe 13,39 (Forty Ye'ar's Esdperienlce with (Grain Crops 1333 Tobacco Culture 13317 Parasites Injurious to Sheep 33.8 Hints on Judging '340 !Parasites Injurious to Swine '3142 Sire Blight 3413 (New Fruits, 1344 The More Itnp!ortan't Fruit (Tree Diseases 3415 !Fungus and Bacterial Diseases A certain professor wore side wh'iske'rs, much to the 'discomfort of some 'members of his family. One day he appeared before them, razor in 'hand, with one cheek shaven HARM•S:WORTH RACES* OVER LABOR DAY' The Harmsworth races are sched- uled for ,September 2, 4 and 5. The course will be in ,bhe .St. Clem River this year, not far from S'arnia.. The race is for the Harz/swords between Gar Wood and Hubert Scott -- Paine, 'British challenger. In the sheltered waters of the SL. Clain tRiver, Hilbert _Scott -Paries small challenger is expected to have: - a better chance against the huge ma- hogany -hulled Miss America X than in the rougher seas of Lake St. Claire - where last year's race was field. 'The 'colonel's wife sent the follow. ing note to ,Captain Green: "Colonel and Mrs, 'Brown request' the pleasure of Captain 'Green's com- pany to dinner on the 20th."' !Captain Green's reply gave her a• shock. IIt read as follows; "With the exception of four men on leave and two men in tine guard' house, 'Oapt'ain 'Green's 'company - have great -pleasure in accepting your: invitation." "How do you like it " he a's'ked. As a vermifuge an effectiver "Lf you think it looks well, I'll shave aration is Mother 'Graves' Worm PEx- the other side, -too." terminator, and it can be given to the most delicate child without fear of'" Want AI and For Sale e ds 1 time 25 25c, injury to the constitution, Coun • We are Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. • Seaforth. Ne SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, 4