HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-24, Page 2HURON NEWS. Went to Chicago Fair. - After haw - covered 3,0120 miles and be - ...IS, ttnvay rwo necks on a motor trip hueing which time tater spent :'a cavple of claysat the 'Century ` of iPro- agress at Chicago Messrs. Prank Strange of 'Exeter, and !Wm. Mur- dock, Addle 'Mustard,, Elgin Hayter and 'John Houghton al near Bruce - field, returned to ,their homes : last -.veer The 'boys starred out with an aeneo: and trailer, and after going north ;as far as 'Sudbury, .crossed at :Sault Ste. Marie and through the 'States to Winnipeg. They returned home by •aray of the 'Chicago Exhibition, ]Schools Re -open Sept. 5th. -'It is announced that the public and separ- ate schools and the high schools will. xuaopeii: for the (hall term on Tuesday, Sept. '5th, the day 4o11'oieying' Labor .€Day. This year there was an amend - :anent to the' school act by 'which it -k5: lapped that the controversy of .school opening will be ended. Each tar there has !been a anisuttderstand-. Tag regardiag the scheduled day for -school re-openling.'In the past the sta- :kute .stipulated that SCITOOls open on `apt. list. -Last year, it is said, there was some con'fu'sion because Sept.I'1st Was ,on. a 'Thursday. IS'olne schools in -t es province re -opened on that clay and some did not. • The Late Mrs. Lippert.-Th'e death a oSe place at the home of her son-in- ,T,TL'GY, Mr. John Triebner, lot 15, con. 3, .Ray .tp., of Mrs. Mary Lippert, -aged 2 years. The deceased was for many years a resident of ;Stephen Ftp. and Later orf Dashwood. Accident. - Kathleen, daughter of Mn Jos. White of ,Centralia was step- ped ort by a ,cote while in her bare - feet. •It was found necessary to anepu- •€ate part of the second toe on the right foot. Peter Lamont's Barn in Grey Tp.. - The fine 32x'50 bank barn on the back fifty acres of the Yarm owned by. Pet- •er Lamont, on the Sth concession. Of urey Township, fell prey to flames during an electrical storm the night of 'August 12. Proof that the structure was struck by .lightning was made when Mr. Lamont found several huge boards several feet from the fire which had come off the roof. They were mot burned. The fire started at approximately '1:1:30 and . when air. La'suont reached the barn 10 minutes ';,atter, it was a mass of flames. (The wool and . the sides had caved in. There were 1'S tons of hay, 10 acres ad grain, a wagon and several fmple- anarat!s lost. Mr. 'Lamont had just corn- yleted shingling one half the roof. If ane rebuilds a different site will be chosen for the barn, as the one that las •burned was almost half a utile ;:rum the house. Lightning :Strikes at' Exeter. -;Last week lightning struek the home of Mr. 'E.'0. ,Harness at Exeter and ?knocked off some shingles and dam - .aged the ridgeboard. The Exeter de- pot was also struck but only •slightly damaged. gart drain $5; Ferg, McTaggart dao, $5; Ken McHarlane, do. '$1,60 Law- rence Machan, do. $1!60; Wan. Bell, do. $1•; Ro'bt, Liviingston, inspector, $3:50; Con'soli'dated illus, Co:, township roads, $1198; .Meredlille V.Da'vidson, re Anchib'ald otr Bauchiamp law costs, $3015255; Township road accts, $34.155. By -Law Defeated. •-- The town of \Viin'gham will not purchase the Wing - ham arena as the ratep;ay'ers failed to endorse the by-law. The proposition Was put to the ratepayers that •the town buy the arena for $7,000. The vote was close, 2522 voting for the by- law and 5 against. Chas. A. Robertson 'Nominated. -- Charles Charles A, (Robertson, Colborne township (farmer, who has represented North Huron in the 'Ontario Legisla- ture for the past two terms, was on 'Thursday, 'August 1117, nominated as Liberal standard-bearer in the next provincial el'eotion for the new riding of IH•unon-aruce,..Mr. Robertson was the choice of the convention held in the town hall, at Winghmn, 'He yeas nominated along. with 'five others, but four of these dropped out, leavfng,hdm and J. (George .Anderson of ILucknew in the 'field, •Mr. Anderson made a close run for the nomination when it 'vent to the vote. The ineeting was attended principally by delegates, each subdivision ,being represented. Prior to the nominations, a reorganization meeting, was held, at ,which the 'Hur- on -(Bruce Liberal .Association was formed, replacing the 'former riding association's of ,South Bruce and North Iluron. iDr. D.' 'A. lFiinlayson of (Ripley was elected 'presi'dent, and other offic- ers are 'follows; Honorary presid- ents, 'Mongan Dalton, Ashlfield Town- ship and Jahn Johnston, illildmay; first vice -,president, Mrs. Robert (Dav- idson; second vice-president, (David McDonald, Culross Township; third vice-preslident, 'OliverHemingway, Grey Township;'treasurer, W. T. Booth, l',Vingbam; secretary, J. L. Ro- bertson, Colborne Township. Huron - Bruce riding is made up of 'the: old North Huron riding, with the town of Goderich taken out, and the fol- lowing eight munidipalities from South 'Bruce are added: Huron, Car- rick, Kinloss and Culross townships, and !Ripley, lIeescater, Mildmay and Luckndw viliagee. 'Following are the nominees: Charles A. Robertson, \,I L. A., North (Huron; 'W,,'J. 'McKay M. IL, A. (South Bruce; 3. George An- derson, 'Lucknow; Sheldon Bricker, B. Johnston df Sault Ste. Marie). All were present for the anniversary cele- bration and some forty 'guests joined them on. this occasion. Besides many 1tdigh'bors and friends, the company noluded Rev. R, M, 'Giale and Rev. F H. Paull, with Mrs, (Gale and Mrs Paull; and, Mr, and Mrs. (Charles Parker, the only surviving guests of the wedding party of fifty years ago lent 'interest to the Occasion by their presence. 'The gifts to the wprthy couple were -numerous send very ap- propriate. The children presented them with a 'b'eautiful dlodk and a pair of chairs. After due justice had been done to a splendid repast on the lawn, Mr. (Holman took charge Of af- fairs for a short time and bright con- gratulatory addresses were, given by Rev. Messrs. IPlaull and Gale, '14Lr. R B. Jaluns'ton of the IS'ob; and Mr., George S. ,Howard of Exeter, and the groom of ?fillty years, despite advanc- ing gears, was able to express him- self in a very bright and interesting neann'er in reply. All enjoyed the pleas'an't afternoon and reined in wish- ing Mr. and Mrs. Pollock happy re- turns. - _Morris Council, -The regular mon- Hawick Township; Abner .Cosens, sally meeting of the Morris Township '\Vlingham, and ;Dr. D. A. Finlayson, anncil was held in the Township hall Ripley,- All dropped from the race ax- on Monday afternoon, 'August 14, with cept Mr. Robertson attd Mr. An - all members present. Clerk MacEwen derson. !Balloting then began with W. mead the minutes of the last meeting T. ,Booth, Wintghant; Alvin Smith, .and these were approved by the Bluetale; R. 5. Hetherington. Wing- -members. The township rate was fix-.haat, and 'M. Matheson, Ashfield, act- . all at 4 malls on the dollar. A grant df ing as scrutineers. On motion of Mr, .x'25.00 was given to the Huron Plow- Anderson. and Mr, Cosens, it was un- -inen's Association, The council decid- anintously derided to send letters 01 .d that they would not open the side condolence to,the families hi mem- road between lots 20 and 21 on con- hers of the ;association who had died 'nessfon 1. The ifoilawie g accounts since the last election. Amb.ng 'those were presented to the council by the thus honored were •Ilenneth McKen- clerk and ordered paid: Frank Kerney, fie, Teeswater; IR.. D. Cameroat, ILucic- nixing drain on road, $2.50; Wm. Wil- now; John veil MdKenzie, 'Ripley; ioson, ewe and two lambs alined, $1,2; James 'Lyons, 'Lucknow; ibVii'liam Is- :Mai7.ler Bros., making tile, oil and gra- veL $115,'90; !John Watson, $2.15. The meeting was adjourned until Monday, 'September 1'1, or at the call of the -reeve. Zurich 'Water System Completed.- 'The ompleted.- `Time'i1,5'00. gallon pressure tank and noir pump For the: deep• well in the .ventre of the Zurich village h'as been completed and is now in working or- 'sler. The 'Oot'mer 3 (tap. electric motor .aloes the work with' ease, although the was April 26th this year, but. owing 'Puanp .is considerably slower than the to circu'ms•tances, 'prevailing 'at the 'old pump, but should be more drr- time Mr. and Mrs. IP.ollock decided to -able. The new tank is large enough to wait until later to have their friends ,supply the village without di1ficulty. I together, land this day was chosen. GreyCouncil.=The mafiter o'f 'sear- . Mr, and 'Mrs. 'Pollock ,were Both ,born :n ;Stanley,! Huron county, but after .eral appeals to the Court of'Revision their marriage they settled. down lin -was 'taken up and the following ad- Bayfield; w=here they have' remained ""ius'tn ants were made: H. E. ,Ra z, ever since. Mr. Pollock occupied the ' Lots 65, 66, .67, 69, (Con. 11, reduced L0:0; Sarah Cox, Lots 24, E% Q3, position 'af ;Reeve 'of (Baylfieid ,in 11879, '45and was 'followed, strangely. enough, 'Con. ;111, reduced ,$5'00;,'George 'Turner, by his wife°s father, the late. George Lot S %' 311, 312, can. 1, reduced $500; Castle Lates MceP,olboc)k became via -Chas. Case, Lot 116., ,Con. 17, reduced loge dark, r'Mresr.1PJ tors position to .$200; Catherine Denner, Lot FJ%, W become proprietor of 'the 'Queen's 'ho '56 p, Concession 6 reduced $?100; W.m. 'His 'brother, Captain T. ,Queen's • P.ol- "Cameron, Lot 16, 17, Con. all, $a00; r-1 ' 'president and {m'an'ager df a 'Wilfred Keffer,'Lot 15, Con, 3, $300' lack, fish company on 'Lake linkWif a 7n'oj H. Hislop, Lott S p't !1, 'Con 117 aaa and for some years the 'brothers ':0300; Alex. 'Steles, Lot'14, Con,115, „ere associated` in canduoting hers i is it was tmen ' h these ad us , t 7awe . Wk ht an , !Pollack >;Mrs. l , diness. Mr. am vise] that th r asse'ss'ment roll las as- four children: Maude (the wile of, wised` be the too for Tax r eTfor 31 G'eo. W. 'Holman, county'clerk),'F1or- sess'ment $?a715lasll15. rate for were pace ,((the wife of 7. M. Stewart, 'df - times fallowing accoumks 'ware the Techn'ic'al School, Hamilton), Cli'f • Paid -Tames rllaTaggart an MCTag Ford, of London, arid. (FJvelyn (Mrs, IR, THURSDAY; !AU,GUST 24, 1933 REPLY TO "DUBLIN DAN" DE ON EARLY . VILLAGE DAYS He .did refer to the "gas" plant, be- ROITTPOLICEMAN 0 N arise, perhaps; ;he was its "Chief 'En- �iiteers, . TRAIL OF' BARD Because he failed to mention ' the above "`facts causes me to t that (Dan never lived in "Carron- 933; 1 tnoolc," and that his 'raise is not D'aai-bait maybe "'Pete" or "Mike" 'MIC!K ,RYAIN '('of McKillop), 302'4 W. ;Phila. ,Ave., 'Detroit, Mich. Aug. 16; ]Editor, 111he ;Seadorth. News. Dear .Sit. --IA 'short 'time ago one of my dear "old-time" friends sent me a aapy'ol1 your interesting journal, To say that I was 'astounded en reading "'Dublin Dan's" libel of my ; iolld 'friends and ,nei'gth:bors does not tell'' 'bite story, at ell. Some wise guy tells us that "Troth lis s'tran'ger than fiction," pbainly 'proving that he never :read D. D.'s fiction. DD. hells us that '"Barleycorn was] icing," He was NOT, He was not even a reeve. The men -and ;they: were MEN -of that splendid Told set- tlement could' "take a •daiinic for 'let it alone." ,And that was about the ex -. pointing upwards. Parties who wit - tent 'of their boozing. True, lehere was nessed the mishap cia ed to t a re - a mere' (h'and'ful of "Old 'Timers," w'h'o cue,, expecting to find the motorist ""took e drop boo much," bat prone 01 badly injured in the spill, but their even them 'could be 'truthfully called sur'prise can lie better imagined than an "Old Soak." D.' D. says- des:crlbed, when she emerged from the mishap unhurt,- IWjalkenton Herald - Second Growth Potatoes. -The ex- treme hot weather di July ntlatured or stopped the growth -of some p'obatoes, then the rains o'.f the last weelc of the h d pro rtli a air. New !tartin 'on their second. using slipped' :and lie fell to • the ground breaking his. left arnt,'•about half: way between his wrist •and el - Waggon `Wheel (Passes Over Head. arold 'Skeldin'g who is working during the summer -'holidays on the farm of ,Wr: ,Field„ has uncle, at W'it gham, `had a very m'arro'w escape si serious ins ury He had just com- pleted work and had driven the team ,suspec back to the ,barn when one horse stepped forward and the waggon hit tire' heels of the other horse wluich bolted. Harold was thrown ott'to a stone pile ,and the wheel of the wag- . gon, passed over his bead, He was,,. picked up unconscious, but 'recovered in a short ti'n'e.=An examination show i ause Accident•-\V!hile .mot- 'ed no bons', ere broken. j?g C s. oring 'bo ,amne here from Dun,,t fit, Marriage Annpuncement.•-Mr. and hTiss'K!a'thleen Pye, ,R. fN., encounter- g ed, a pig olyt4te Blue Water Highway about five miles the other side of.Bay- field, and in siwerviislg .her machine to avoid hitting the .porker, she,•ap- parently turned too >albrwptly on the highway, with the result: tisat the ear somersault'ed .into the ditch. and came to a• "s tan•ds'till with all. four wheels Traffic, Accidents. -'Five: automo- bile accidents are reported as ]raving occurred' on county roads by the traf- fic 'ofificer during recent days. At Bel- fast 'Henry Thiel of ,Zurich received three' fractured ribs and kidney in- juries when the car in 'w'hi'ch he was a passenger, driven by _Michael Nedi- ger of Zurich, overturned. Nediger and (Thiel were returning- from (Kin- cardine When they were overtaken ;by J!autes Webster of (Burlington who ap- pareu't'ly'cut around 'Nediger too close and too fast, sideswiping his car aur turning it over. -(North al Exeter ,on Wednesday, an 'aged gentleman whose. name has not yet been learned, was seriously injured and is in 'London Hospital,' •A tine 'b'owin'g out was the cause of 'rhe accident, The driver, Harry MelLean of 'Stratford, employ - at the ,Beach .0' Pines, and D. Munro Of :Stratford were slightly injured, Near Centralia on Sunday 'cars driven by ,G. 3, .Morley and Mrs. Broken-, shire, both of London, •crashed head- on at an intersection, Charles George also of Londen was with Mrs, 1Bro'k- enshire and at first told the officer. that he was driving, George later ad- mitted that it'was Mrs, ,Br•okenshire and that she ,lead not an operator's permit, On the 'Bayfield Road on August 11L;th, Leslie Sterling corning out of his driveway, drove into the side of (Louis Day's car, 'from Detroit On the :Blue Water Highway on August 115th, Harry. (proctor crit in roo close and blew out a tire 'while passing :Paul Cleave of "Bayfield: Both cars went to the ditch, Cleave's turn- ing over. Constable -Marriott. --'The. marriage of Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Marriott, St. ,Andrew's Street, St. Marys, to Thomas. Con - Stable, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest Constable, Peel street, St. Marys, took place Wednesday morning, Au- gust 1'b, at ten o'clock in the parson- age of the United Church, St. Marys. The bride, (who wore a gown of 'bluWe buster, 'Wiu;ghant; J. A. .M'orton, crepe, was attended by Miss Adele 100; am; !James •MdMua=chic, Clip- Blacker of St. Marys in 'a dress or ton; R, yth, 'ane, hiugham; A. 'B: tea rose 'crepe. 'Jahn Marriott, also 01 Carr, ,B'lyth, 'and 'Charles Ganrp'bell, St. Marys, was (best man. `A wedding Wingharn, breakfast was served at'the home .o Golden Wedding Celebration. -!An the bridegroom's parents. The bride - event of unusulal interest took place groom's gift to ,the bride was a pearl in Bayfield on Wednesday, August and amber niani'oure set; to 'the 9th; when Mr. and 'Mrs. (Man tPol- bridesmaid a silver vanity ;case, and lock celebrated their ;golden wedding, to the best man gold .cuff links, Mr. To be precise, the anniversary date and IMrs, •Cons'talb'le left ' 0n a trip through (Muskoka • alkes, The bride wore for travelling a grey, suit: They will reside in St, Marys. Court House at 'Goderich Saved. - A Inc which threatened to be .dan- gerous occurred at the (County (Court House at 'Goderich san Thursday morning, Aug. 117, caused by a 'short cincut in. a ,wire between the ceiling and uplper floor is the hall upstairs, Electricians were called and ripped up the floor and soon had the fire under control. The m'ehal Insulation was .'burned through. The ,building was filled with smoke. On the same Morning fire broke out in the empty house oil the Vsdean property, West street, 'Goderich. at.,started about the centre of the inside df the building] but was extinguished before mudh damage wlas dlone. A' few llaths.and the moulding aibove••a'door were burned. The fire (brigade 'assponlded 'and 'ctnea7i- icaih were used. ,The oeigin of the fire was uhkndWn. (The house which is unooeupied,•is in a dilapidated con- ditlon. • "'Theytd 611 your empty tanks With eonversa'tioa gas, , The kind the Hebrews used In days 'o'f Balsam's as's"' 1t looks very muoh to me as if D. D. absorbed' several doses of - that same "gas" just (before' the 'wrote his Prize !Fiction poem. 111 iD. D.` knows so much 'aibout'bhe old "Natives," he out' to call zhent ,by their 'proper names. There was no Carney 'Pren- dergast, There .ryas 'r10oit," of course, as we all called (him a (fine ,manly man. 1Dian's ''Land 'Mount Eagle" .was my good 'old friend "`Big IJint" Kennedy. But 'the .one he libels most 'of :all is my dear friend (Doctor - Daniel J. Cremin, not McCrinrm'on , as Dan calls hint. Because of Dan's false re- marks in regard to the Doctor, 'please permit me to -make a fe'w :truthful ones, Our dear old pastor,5the Rev. (Louis J. B•uysee, once said that IDr, 'Cremin was 'the "best 'educated than he ever met:" In those old days there was an- other excellent docter in Clinton vial-, age, Dr. .Cole. Folks ;in and mean' 'Dub- lin used to take their "cases" to him. But shortly ,after Dr, Cremin Dr. ,Coles 'firs't question . (was -'`"Have you tried Dr: Cremin?" .53 they .said `:Yes," Dr. 'Cole's ans- wer Was '"'Then continue with him. 1'f Dr. Cremin Cannot help you at's use- less for you to 'come to. me or any other doctor." Then, 'et the time that 'Constable Baker was shot in the 'head by Jack Oaslhin, Dr, "Cremin it•oo'k care of 'Mr, Baker, bat a little' later advised hint to visit a .famous sanitarium in To- ronto. 'He did so. They, of'course, gave the case a thorough exainiri•ation, and 'to'ld IMr. Baker that they could do absolutely nobhifrg .more ;for him, as Dr. Cremin had done all that human skill or sci- ence could do. Als:o Dr. ,Cremin told Mn. Baker, "If you live to be over 60 you .will laseyourmind." Mr, B. 'lived to be over 60 -and lost his mind. Dan also tells us- m•ont statte w g 1933 potatoes, s g growth,' well sprouted, have been dug up. Mr. A. M. Babb displayed a fine Sample 'this. week;, a potato about 5 in•che's fin circd!lnlferenee, with °tie sprout abort 1/ inches,lontg and sev- eral small ones,,-Teeswater News. 'Falls From Tank' Car, Breaks Arm. -On Wednesday moaning last week Sam Ch'ittick who Works for the Ito- perial Oil Co at Wingham, had a very un'fortun'ate accident. He was remov- ing the dome of a gas tame ear on (the C. N. IR. siding when the,bar he was, ''The dancing Ails were filled ;With powdered heads and scalps." And- • "The country and 'village girls were there Veneered with pain and rouge. Dante's imagination was zero, compared to',DID,'s. 'There was yvot a •drug store 0 the -'village -I' dou!bt if there is 'one even to this day. The only nrougery"• those dear girls used ss'as thatin their "Irish eyes of' blue." They .needed nothing more. Mother Nlature and their 'owl' clean living step'p'l''ied the "paint," There never were any ;Family Venda in Dublinexicept the age-old 'feud between 'Catholics 'and ,s'o'me 'crazy Orangemen wh!ile they' -the Ortatt.ge- men-(were ceilebraitirig, ,There was no, need or cause to "kid" my old:pal, "Big- Ned" 'Lyons. He did net (imagine 'himself a world champ,„, although he and several 'other heavyweights 'oaf ,IDulb'tin 'were very close rivals, .of the mighty global L. Since leaving .dear .old ,Dublin m'ahy years ago, 'I've worn a police uniform,, for ,a fair 'lifetime,' in one 'of 'Uncle Sam's toughest cities, and my slo- gan was and is, "Give . everyone a 'Square Deal." At least II surely did' not "Bear ;false witness" "against any of the law'sv'ictbms, and , cerfairrly n!ever.wi'lli agai:n's't m,old 'friends `and neighbors. How strange that 'Dublin Dian. should overlook so many "facts" in the "early days" ,olf. 'Dublin. Why did 1 I no men'bioii of theJir s lend'd • he make p r eleotric light plant, (their great ""air-! plane" service, 'also their wonderful "phone" system, and 'their fine street) car service and asphallt paved streets. Mn"s. R. F. G!arniiss, Bluevale,, an- nounce the marriage Of their daugh ter. 'Margaret Olive, to Mr. Neal .B. M(dEac4®erit, eldest son, Of Mr. and Mrs. Neil M'dEladhern off filount For- estt.•, M'arriage' was performed at -Rip- ley, New) York State, U. S. A., on June Mitt; The old gardener was 'somewhat bored by tie persistent questiohs of a townsman staying at tate' summer' hotel. One day the visitor, found hts vie - dos "busy ,planting tree's, and immedi- ately asked, "What kind of trees are yea rplanting?' (He was somewhat taken bac': when ate received a reply, "Wooden ones." "Can't see 'why ,I should !buy your book," said 'the farmer to the ,persist- ent canvasser. "Why,' it wilt s'holw you how to be a better fainter." "Listen,, son "• said .the elderly man,' impressively. "I'm not half as good a- farmer now as I know how to be." 'Hotel. Guest: ."Do you knew if the charges here are reduced if one stays by the week?" ' iNbtel Porter' "Couldn't tell you, sir. Nobody's ever stayed a weekl" %eTofonfl OOnSSfwa ofjof Musig - , .COL. A. E. GOODERNAII. LLD.. CHA,RNAM. BOARD or Govoolaae ERNEST MACMILLAN. B.A..Nue. Doe.,F.R.C. M.,F.R.C.O..PiNicirL NEALEY WILLAR. MMR. DDC.. F.R.C.O., V,CR•PRINCIPAL Re -opens September 1st,' 1933 DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION COMPOSITION VIOLIN THEORY PIANOFORTE VIOLA ELOCUTION SINGING VIOLONCELLO CONDUCTING ORGAN DOUBLE BASS BALLET DANCING ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS DALCROZE EURYTHMICS • MIDWINTER AND MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS Residence for Young Women Students YEAR BOOK AND SYLLABUS. ON REQUEST ADDRESS: 138 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO, 2. 111111111U n, umnn.mnn e,, umu,u mm 4 II 11 !nun u 11111111111111111111 11 1111 II I,111� I , ItlIII111111III n 1 Mama r�f1':etenth�' -of .fiag.aPasty-• x " defects anti e4.4''d 14axae ?, More people ride on Gooa- year Tires than on any other kind. 49 out of every 100 Canadian motorists who answered a question- naire declared for Good- year. More than twice as many as for any other tire! That's a record to live uP to! We're trying to`do this by making Goodyear service as good as the tires. .DU SEAFORTH, ONT.