HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-17, Page 8RIGHT. HENSALL. Council Meeting -The regular mon-, Rhi:Meeting,of ilia e council' y the� v '.in m the; n �d: et 1 Was 'held o ue� e x t vv h l 1 y g eauncil chatnlber, all mergers pres-I TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS ARS AGO ent. iMinultes of ;previous meeting read) August, 111907. Rhe ninnies :were adopted as read. Incendiary Fires. The;Sicottis'h celebration which was held' here on Friday was followed by two destructive fires. About half --past eleven 'an' alarm 'was sent in and it was found that the.pumping derrick of Coleman's Salt Works was on fire. The firemen were promptly on hand and kept the fire from spreading to the Bell Engine and Thresher Co and Seaforth Milling 'Co.. -buildings;" not- withstanding the fact that there was a brisk wind blowing at ,the time. 'Shortly afterwards the blaze was ex- tinguished and the crowd had dis- persed to their home's another alarm ,was sounded. This time the fire was in the clothing factory o:f the W. E, ',Southgate Company. Here the flames spread so rapidly that nothing could Abe saved and the building with its machinery and s'toc'k was: completely consumed. Alt cite time 'it was feared that the brick wo'ollen mill at'the op op- posite side of the street, the property 'of theJ'o'hn nick Company of Toron- to, would also fall a prey to the (flames, but good work on the part'of the firemen saved it. Both fires were unquestionably the work Of incend- aries. 'There had been no' fire• itr or around the salt derrick for years, and ,only electricity was used in the South- gate factory. Two warehouses along the railway track were also set on fire 'but the blaze was discovered and put out before any damage occurred. In !these in's'tances cotton waste soaked in coal oil had been used. As yet there is no suspicion as to who the incend- aries area and on motion o'f.'Pebty ;and ,Jones, :F. 0. 'Boiathron, tax collector report- ed the arrears of taxes being $583.416 and was instructed Ito proceed with the collection in the usual, ways Councillor Petty rpeorted as to a ,fire supply' tank on (Brock street lbemg on J. W. Ortwein's property, .same to be ,vie!wed by Council asregards same. Considerable dislcussion took place as to painting the outside of the town hall. Communications from the de- partment golf Agriculture .re milk +by- law^ and county engineer re 'crack 'fill- er and 'county clerk re county levy were read and tided. Balls and accounts were read as foll!dws Judge Costello, re appeal of 0. IGetger, $7d50 Jas. A. (Paterson, postage, 1$1.'00; Jas. (Priest, cutting weeds, ($21.40; J. .Passmore, hydro, $4.017; F. W. Hess, printing, 6412!50; N. (Blatchford sanitary inspec- tor, $118.150; A. W. E. ;Hemphill, tage 'and snlpiplies, :$7110; .G. M, Drys- dale, grand for band, t$10.90; J. Pfaff, sanitary work, 150c, IC4N.(R. freight on (crack filler, $5a714; IBonthmon & Drys- dale, supplies, $9:30, 'Total, $1271611. Petty and Jlones, ' that 'accounts as read be paid. Ifieiele and ISlpencer, that the council no!w .adjourn to meet again on Sept..511h, for at the callof the (Reeve. -Jas. 1A. 1Pa'tensan, !Clerk. Middle 'School - 'Bell, !Elinor -C. hist 2, Lat. A. c, ,Lat. C. c. Bell, Mar- garet-Alg. c; •Crerar, ISlteiwart-'E. lit: 2, C. (Hist. 2, Phys. 3, (Chem 3; Din- nin,Arthur-C. Hist. lc,'Ge'om '1, Lat. A. 2,.ILat. C. c, Fr. IC. c. Dinnin, Alb- ert -C, !Hist. 'c; :Eng. 'Camp. c, Eng. (Lit, c; alg. 2, 'Phys. 2, ,Lat. Comp. 2; 1F -r. A., c, Fr. 'C. 3. (Elder, IHarold•- IAIg. 11, Geom. 3, Eng. 'Comp. ,c, 'Fr. +C, c. ,Elder, Lorne-1Anmc. (Hist. c, Phys. 2, Fr. A. 2. Fee, Mabel -'Eng. C 12, 'Eng. Li't, c, C. Hist. c, 'Geout, c. IFilshie, ILit. II, Eng. C C. Hist. .1' !Glenn, 'Helen --Eng. Lit. c, Oan. 2. .Pasmbre, Roberti - Eng. C. 2, Eng. Lit. '2, G. Hist. 1, Alg. 2, Geom. 2, IL•at. Comp. t1'; 'Fr. A. 2, Fr. C. '2. Pepper, 'Nelson Eng. c; phy.s. 3, chem. 2, Lat. A. 3, Lat. iC 3. MdEwan, James-1A'nc. ' Hist. lAlg. '1, 'Phys. '1, ''Chem. 1.:Sinclair, Norman -Eng. ,Lit. '1, Eng. Comp. ,1, Alg. 1. Thompson, Myrtle -E. Camp. c, ,E. Lit. 3, Alg. 3, Lat. Comp. 2, Fr, A. 2, Pr. C 3. .Miss Leona Lemmon has returned home after a pleasant visit in London. Mr. and Mrs. Roy _Berner and son 'Leonard Of Zurich visited on iMonday with Mr. and Mrs. S. 'Merner and Mr, and Mrs. Geo, ,Brock. Mr. !Wm. M'dKay of Windsor is visiting friends and relatives in Wind- sor. Mrs. John 'Pope visited last week with friends in Bayfield. Miss Norma Douglas of (Hyde Park is spending a few days ,this week at the home of her 'grandmother, Mrs. Jahn J"'hn,ton. Miss Martha Hunter of Exeter vis- ited friends in town -this week. Mrs. John Workman and daughters :Misses Olive and Mabel, left this week for Penetang where they will camp for several 'weeks. Services in our local churches were 'well attended on ,Sunday last. At the United Church, ;Rev. Arthur Sinclair 'occupied 'his •own pulpit and several (fine solos were rendered by ,Mr. ,Murch of Toronto. At the .Carmel Presbyter- ian Church Rev. T. Wardfaw'' Taylor of Toronto conducted the services. Next Sunday, Rev. L ,B..Kaine of Sea - forth will occupy the pulpit. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin and fam- ily of :Farquhar were .Se'nday visitors with friends in town. Mrs. John Dinsdale is improving the appearance of her dwelling on South Ric'h'mond street by 'having it nicely Painted. Miss Clarissa. Mitchell was • taken to the 'Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- -forth on Monday aftern:don to under- go an operation for appen'dioitis. She es now doing as well as can be ex- pected and her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Beatty and Miss Liz- zie Harvey off E!gm'ondville visited on Monday with Mrs, Harry Jacobi. The Moody Upholstering 'Co. of Toronto have established a branch in the Murdoch Block east of Twitch - ell's Garage doing repair work, and upholstering . for the next few weeks. This company odmes from Toronto well recommended and will no doubt do very suitable work. Representa- tives in this district are Messrs. Sey- mour Ooryell, Wsn. Moody and Fred Munden. STANLEY. (Prior to taking a motor trip to 'Gaspe Peninsula, Miss Marguerite Douglas of Hyde Park paid a brief visit to friends at Baylfield"and Blake and the Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carnie and fam- ily attended the wedding of Dr. Anna Haugh to Mr. John M'dlnitosh at Bruce'field on Wednesday of last (Miss Mary Gamplbell and her cous- in, Miss Madge Turner of Go'dericlh visited at .Luoan and Iliariilton last week, • Mr. Lloyd 'Sddtchmer, who has been over to Glasgow with a load of fart cattle in the interest of Mr. H. D. &teckle, oif the Bronson line, returned' home at the end of last week, rDust Causes Asthma. 'E'ven a little speck too small to see will lead to a- gonies which no word's can describe. The walls of the breathing tubes con- tract and it seems as if the very life must passs. From this condition Dr. J.' D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy brings the user to perfect resit. It relieves the passages and normal ,breathing is finmly established again. Hundreds of testimonials received an- nually prove its effectiveness. 'Want and For Sale Ads, 3 trines 50e. Stanley. 'Mr. W. H. Talbot of the Bronson ,Line, Stanley, brought in the first load of fall, wheat to th'e Zurich mill. His wheat yielded 42 - bushels to the acre. Mr. Talbot owns the Dunn hormestead, one of the beast farms in the neighborhood. 'Win Prizes. A number of school cadets Were in (Toronto this week attending the 38th annual meeting of the -Ontario Rifle Association at the long 'Brach Ranges. Cadet Archie Scott won three prizes amounting to $111.410; Ca- det Stewant 'Hamilton won two prizes amounting to $6.00, and Capt. James 'Dickson won one prize atnoumting to t54,00. S. 0. S. Demonstration: The first annual celebration df the Sons df Scotland, which was held at the driving park on Friday,' was un- doubtedly a big success, although the weather during the :morning was any- thing but "promising for an event of this nature. The morning trains brought in a large number of visitors, the special' from Toronto which, arriv- ed shortly -before 1111 atm, being crowd- ed with visitors, among them the 48th Highlanders Band ",which was engaged for the day. Before noon, the weather changed, the clouds dispersed, and the sun shone out once more. 'Shortly af- ter 1' o'clock the Highlander's band starched to the park where the Cale- donian games were held, and where s3,500 people gathered during the aft- ern'o'on to witness the splendid pro- gram of pipiing, dancing and athletic sports. The amateur races brought out a go'od number df athletes from Tor- onto, 'Hlam'ilton,. London and other points in Western Ontario, am'ang them being the famous Tom Long- :bda't and Tom 'Coley of the ,Irish Can- adians of Toronto, also R. Kerr, of (Hamilton Y!M:CiA., the Canadian Sprinting Champion. The dancing competition was very keen and prov- ided an interesting pant of the pro- gram. The majority of these prizes Went to London competitors ilio' were certainly deserving df the ran - (Some of tate winters Of events were (Farmer's quarter rule race, 1st, H. Tyndall; 2nd, C. Alexander; bays' race, under '15, R. Hays, T. Whitely, R. Best; quarter mile race, H. 'Ad- ams, Seaforth; S. Darnell, Seaforth. boys' 100 yard race, R. Holman, P. W'hitely, R. Best. Girls' '1q0 yard race, R. Holman, A. •Eruxer, . M. IBruxer. Nail driving contest, 1st, Mrs. McMillan, 'McKillop; 2nd, Mrs. Thos. Coleman, Tuckersmith. The officials of the day were: Mr. Fiiana- gan, clerk of the course; Mr. AMY Robinson, starter; Messrs. W. Mc- Kay, W. Arnent and R. S. Flays, Sea - forth; timekeepers; Messrs. Broder- ick and 13allantyne, Seaforlth, and Col. McQueen, Woodstock, judges; Mr. W. J. Moffatt and Mr. Andrew Scott, scorers. A Good Record. 1In the matriculation class 26 out of 27 candidates p'a'ssed; in the junior teachers class 29 out of 32 received centiificaates, and in' the, senior teach- ers class 10 out off' 12 who wrote pass- ed, Of this class Ed. Whittaker took !both parts in one year, taking honors. The col'leg'iate made an exlcellent re- cord this year and stands at the head of the list. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THU{R'SDAY,'AUGUST'17, 1933 HARLOCK. Miss Helen McDwling has returned tome a ,unafter doing office work for Lawyers Hays & Meir of Sda'foith for upwards of a month. Mrs. Wm.. Rogerson' and , children of near Brucefield returned holme Sun- day, after spending a few days at the home of the former's parents, ,Mr, and Mrs, David Reid. Mr. Robert Leiper of Toronto is at present holidaying at the home of his parents, Reeve and lIrs. Leiper. Mr., and Mrs. A. W. Beacom; Mr. (Harold -and the Misses Kathleen and Edith visited at the home of the for- iner's brother, Mr. and Mrs, George iBe'acom,-Listowel, on Sunday. (Miss Edith Beacom is holidaying at present with friends in Grey. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MiclElwitng and Miss Helen visited at the home of the formelr fast Wednesday. Mr, and Mr's. W. H. Knox and Mr. !Leslie Knox of- near -Kilburn,ac- companied onspanied by Mr. Tho,nas ICn'ox of H!arlo'ck and Mrs. ,David Laidlaw o'f near Blyth motored on Sunday to near Pickering to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. - John •MdI'ntosh, :formerly Miss Isabella Knox o'f.Pic'k- ering., While away, they called on friends in Pickering, returning by way of the stockyards in Toronto qn .Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. lsaac Rapson and> Mr. and qrs. Warren Gibdings ,of near Clinton, also attended the funer- al o:f their aunt, Mrs. McIntosh on tSunday, ntoltarinlg on Saturday even- ing as far as Kitchener, visiting at the home df Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jam- ieson, the former • visiting also at the home of his brother, Mr, James Rap- son. They were adoemfsanied to the funeral by Mr. Wm. Ja'ntieson,re- turning to Kitchener Sunday evening by way of Toronto, calling an the, former's sister, Miss Nellie Rapson, and on their way home' Monday mor- ning called at the home of M.r. and Mrs. 'Wim. Tasker in Stratford. Miss Amy .Parsons spent a few days the beginning of the week with her sister and mother in Stratford. Mrs., Parson's is not improving ars fast as her friends would, wish. tMiss. Helen MdGregor spent last week with her friend, Miss May Ven- ner in Clinton. !Mrs. Thomas Knox, Miss Levina and Mr. and' Mns. Wm. Knox visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jen- nie Knox,r Miss Levina Knox, who had been visiting Clinton friends returned home !Saturday evening. Mrs. W. H. Knox and Mrs. James Ohowen and children visited one day last week at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Tholmas Knox. Mrs. David .Laidlaw and the Misses Jean, Effie and Roberta Laidlaw of near Blyth called last 'Saturday after- noon at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. I, +Rapson and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox. Mrs. Harry Moon, we are very sor- ry, is at present very low. We hope there will soon be an improvement Miss Kathleen Beacom is spending a }while with her sister, Mrs, Joseph Lyon, near Londesb'oro. ' BAYFIELD. (Mrs. R. W, Bristol, who spent the past six 'weeks at her oottage, return- ed to Waslhin.gton on Monday. . Dr. and Mrs, J. Jowett and sons of Clinton, I'o'wa, arrived on 'Tuesday to spend their vacation with the 'former's aunt, Mrs. C. Brown and Dr. Brown at their cottage. IMiss'J. Whittaker of Toronto is the guest Of (Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner this week, !Anniversary services were conduct- ed at St. Andrew's United church, Bayfield, on Sunday, Aug. 1131th. Rev. D. A. Cowan, B,ID., of Port Elgin, 'preached most acceptably at both services. In the Morning he took as his sulbjeet, "The Hands of Jesus," and in the evening gave a sermon lec- ture entitled, "Some Pertinent, and :Immpertinenit Questions. The music was provided by the church cihbir un- der the direction of the organist, 'Mi's's Gladys Gale. Organ numbers in the morning were: Souvenir, Bereeuse, Gavotte de Louis X}I!IL, by Henry Ghys, Mr. Green, soloist of St. Pauils Chiroh, London, sang, "Come Ye (Blessed." Anthem by choir, "The ]Heavens Resound" Beethoven. 'Duet, Mrs. Ken Wo -house and Mr. Ernest Rohn, "The Unseen City." In the ev- ening -!Organ numbers Cavaitina, Abide with Me, and San of My Soul, March 'Romaine, by Gbun'od; a trio "Vesper Hymn" by Mrs. Scdtchsner, Dorothy Scotohmer and Gladys Glale 'Anthem, "The Lord is King." Solo, 'Mr. Green Of 'London, ,"Supplication." There were large and appreciative audiences at both services. Science Finds Mothers -in -Law Reap Menace to Marriage An article in next week's American. Weekly, distributed with' The De- troit 'Sunday Times, relates how ex- perts of the University of Chicago, studying the ahcient problem, define the best and worst •mlotlher-in iaw- and preslcri'be a possible remedy, LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs, J. D. ,Ainslie , of Leamington are visiting 'with the fat- ter's sisters, Mrs; Jas. "Elsley and Mrs,'3• Taan'blyn. Miss E. Lyon is quite ill at present. 'Miss Moore is nurse in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brunsdon and ,family, are visiting with the lady's mo- ther at Ottawa. Mr, Fraser of Windsor spent the week end at the h'o'me of Wm. .Lyon. Mr. Percy Manning recently sold four registered thoiiougihlbred cows_;to Mr. G. Parker of 'Sarnia for a good iligure. Mrs. T. Macon of Clinton spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon. iMr. Milt'o'n Hooper and family of St. Marys visited at the hone of Mrs.. Il3boper's parents, Mr. Jas. Risley on !Sunday. .Mrs. Rob!t. Townsend and: Miss Dorothy have returned after spend- ing the past five weeks on a motor trip to the,;Coast, Mr. and Mrs. A. ;Kerslake and, fam- ily of near Exeter were the :guests' of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hunking on Sun- day. Rev. A. gardiner has returned from holidaying at 'Chicago and preached .a very instructive sernton to a large congregation on Sunday., .Mr. R. Shladd'ick and his daughter, Ruth, are visiting friends in Chicago., ITlhe welcome showers which fell here on Saturday night gladdened tihe hearts of all it being the first golod rain in this distric't for the past three months, all kinds of showers won't around but in this district everything was burned brown and dry as p'olwd= er. CONSTANCE. Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Me'h:any and small ' son Bobby of Windsor, who were guests 01 M•r. W'a'lter Willison, have returned to their home after .a two weeks motor trip to Peterbor- ough, 'Toronto and Niagara. Falls and this vicinity. Mr. Mehany has re- turned to his work as electrical man- ager of the Canadian Industries Ltd. Miss ' Elizabeth Mills,. AITJC.M., is taking a summer course in piano class te'ac'hing at the C'on'servatory of, Music, Toronto, and will t resume classes in piano and theory, Aug. 29. an the report of the softball tourn- ament at 'LbndesIboro, the result should have read: Clinton defeated ,Bandon; Kilburn defeated Londes- boro, in the preliminaries; and in the finidd, Cliniton defeated Kilburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and daughter Donelda and son Kelso mo- tored to Stratford on Friday last to visit the forger's sister, Mrs. Chla:s. Parsons, who is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Gordon Jenkins. " Mr. and Mrs.• Roy Barnett of Wes- ton visited at the home of Mrs. Barn- ett's "brother, Mr. Roberit' Grimaldi); three days last week, Mrs. Adam Glazier of Clinton spent Sunday with her. sister, Mrs. Thos. Pollard. (Little Donald Pickard of Holmes- ville spent a few. days with his aunt, Mrs, 'Thos. Pollard. .Miss Phoebe' Wakefield is spending this week with friends in Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Stephenson and family of Brussels visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. George Riley on Sunday last. Miss 'Tillie Alttwood spent a week with her aunt, Mrs. John Mann. Miss Annie Ashley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Snell. Mr. Clifford Riley. visited this week. with his aunt, Mrs. Rldbt. Grimoldby. Mrs. Anna McLean of Cleveland is spending her vacation visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Lindsay and brother, Mr. D, Millson. ' (Rev., Charles and Mrs. Lesliere- turned from their wedding 'trip to Ot- tawa and Quebec and other po'inits on, Wednesday. evening. Mr. Bill Jdeweltt, Hellen and Edith Britton, motored to Watford on Fri- day, returning Sunday. Miss Florence MdRiorie, who has spent' the past three weeks alt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton, returned `to her home with them. IMr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson went to London on Wednesday on busi- nests, Rev. Mr. Gardiner took the services on Sunday after returning from his holidays. Mildred and Lena Proctor of New Liskeard are visiting at the home of +Mr, . and Mrs. Earl' Lawson and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. McCartney of !Clinton, Mrs. Gordon Chalpm'an and son Ross of Toronto were recent guests at the hofiie oif'Mr. and Mrs.' Ausltin Dexter. Persian Balm is alluringly fragrant. Adds a charming refinement to the. most finished appearance. Creates and most .complexi'on's of surpass- ing loveliness and texture Softens and'whiten'' the hand's. Cools and dispels all irritation caused by wea- ther conditions. Swiftly absorbed by. the tissues nearing never a. vestige of stickiness. A peerless toilet regnuisite, Ilrvalunible to all women who care for elegance and distinction. Boys' Shoes • at -Lo Lowest Pric es� MADE PO,SSI!BLE ONLY BY, EARLY RIMING Picnic -H.• ni Pound .... • 13c Cottage- Rolls ?Pound' , .r...:..... SUGAR $ +� 00 WITH $2,00 CASH GROCERY 14 lbs. for...: , , .6 r ORDER W.J.FI N N i \7 N AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Cattle and .Pigs 'The! undersigned will sell by Pdlb'lic Auc- tion at -Citi 60, .Bayfield- Line, Gader- Loh'Township, five miles s'ou'thwest of Clinton, ' on TIUIESIDIAY, AUG. 2B!nid, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the follow- ing: Oar, load of horses which have been used on Mr.. S!cdtdh'mer's. farms in Sa'Meatdhewan. These horses are right out of hard work and are quiet and reliable: Some four- and Eve-year- olds, ive: year-!olldls, also Same ,mares •irn foal.' Cattle consist of Herofotids, cows, young cattle and young eaves. A. SICOITICH- i1LER, Proprietor; 'GIRO. H. EIL- L1IOTiT; Aucti'oneer. OPENING 'D'ANCE At Cromarty :Hlalt on Friday night A'ug..25eh. Music ' by •Harriston's five piece orchestra from Moncrieff. Ad, mission, gents215c, ladies .10c. Every- body welcome, 1313 HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE 'Comfortable nine. roomed house and six lots opposite the Collegiate (Institute, Seaforth, for sale.This pro- perty must be sold to c'los'e up the estate of the late Charles Ho'hl:bein Por particulars apiply on the premises or to JOHN H. BEST, Seaforth, Ont. 3S FOR SAiLE - A .1928 IStudelbaker (1Di'ctator) ;sport roadster in good do'ndition. Apply to MRS. IWQII4UIIAM :RUfi1LEDIGE, r, r. 2, ,Seafarth.'Clintton 'p'h'one 6110-2 33 ATTENTION c R. FA SIE R. If you are considering a Packer, Disk Harrow, Spring Tooth Lever Harrow or Land Roller Our prices are lower, with a special, low price for this month delivery T. E . ,BISSELL CO. Represented by V. J. LANE Phone 464112 Dublin IN MEMORIAM DUNLOP - In fond and loving ritemory of Margaret - Ann Norris, Dunlop who departed this life August 7, 1191$1. Father in thy gracious keeping (Leave we now our loved one .sleeping -Ruth and Rosa. 5. FOR SALE Scotch Collie pups, six weeks old, two Shorthorn 'bull calves '12 months old. Quick sale a't bargain prices. Ap- ply to, GEORGE BIEAITT!Y 'Sr JERSEY Cow FOR !SMILE IA Jersey caw, under four years, coming due, JOHN 8LRAETSCH, at !Hector C'hesney's, Seaforth. 33 COW 'FOR SALE IA part Dunham cow, due to freshen in October. MRS. GE+O. RILEY, Constance, Seaforth R. R. 2. , 33 • FOR SA'L'E (Thirty young pigs, Hereford bull calf, -fit for service. Forty cords of snort wood. WIiLLPAM !B'OYD, Phone -411 on 248. 33 FOR SALE 1927 Ford Touring, good running order. Make offer. Also 1924 Maxwell touring . with: winter curtains, good condition., Apply at .Mc1Lean's Garage, IEgmondvlille. ,313. 'CLERKS NOTICE OF FI'RST POSTING 0'F VOTERS' LIST Township of !Stanley Notice is hereby given that I have complied with seobion 7 df the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in my office in Vlarna, on Saturday the S'th day of "August, 19313, the list of ail persons entitled to vote in said mun- icipality for members of parliament and Municipal Election's, and that such list remains 'there for inspection. And I herby call' upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any error or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day of appeal being the 216th day of August, '11933. OHlAIS. C. PIIIJGRPM, Clerk of the Township of Stanley. HIBBERT. The Hiblb-e t Council met in regular session on Monday, all memlbers !present, the Reeve in the ohair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, confirmed and signed. Bylaw No. 397, authorizing the levying of rates for the current year was passed. The 'following dates were set: County rate 5.516 mills; township and road rate, 2.15 mills; general school rate, 2.31117 mills; police village of Dublin, 2,317 mills; street lighting 5.52 rills.. By-law No. 3918, 1933, for paying back suriplus on Sauibile Reiser Drain re- ceived its necessary readings and was duly passed. This 'refund will be Paid in December, 1933, All ratepayers in arrears for taxes are particularly ask- ed to make payment, a't once, other- wise it will be necessiary to- take legal action to collect same. ` 'Road expenditure orders for $113150 and general expense $1101 were issued, 'The meeting adjourned until Monday, Septemlber 1{lth, at 1'' p,mi.--Mrs, Ka- thleen Feeney, Town's•hip Clerk, Dub- FOR SALE 5 White Rolck pul'le'ts from blood- te'sbed stock. Are now laying. Also about 40 ,Barred ;Rook pullets, also from blood -tested, stock and laying. Alldp'l'y to 'GE.0RIE 7JITT1LE, Bay- !field. 331 NOTICE The Public Library will be closed (from • August 14th to August 28th. Greta Thompson, Librarian. FOR !SALE OR RENT (Frame 'house on John et, 'Just over- hauled and •de'cbrated. Ali modem conveniences, Will sacrifice for quick sale. Rent reasonable. One year lease if 'rented. (Apply IR. ,IL. 'TRdHO'M'SO'N; John st. , . FOIR RENT lAn eigh't-roomed (frame house; sit- uated ituated on the 'corner of 'Main and Church street, SEgmondville, just 'south of the .Eg+mondv lle church. Lat 'has stable and a good sized garden. lPoslsessi'on !Septe'ntber ,i 1st. iAlppiy to MRS. H. 'FORSS TH, Kippen; Out, RR. No. 2. Phone 244104, Seaforth. HOUSE FORSALEOR RENT. (Residence on corner of James and ,Ann streets. Apply 'to 11TR1S. LIIAM MdMDC'HIAIEIL, R'o'yal A'pts, Seaforth, clo Mrs. Coates. SEAFORTH MARKETS. 'Wlheat, per bus. ...... .....c 'Barley, per bus. .. "... Oats, new, per bus. .3tre IBuokwhea:t, per bus. ...... 50c New potatoes, bag $7.&m Eggs, per doz , . .. 10c -12c -114e Butter, per Ib ..• .r• •..........- 18c Flogs, per -c'wt. , $6115 Wool Wanted at the - Blyth Woollen Mills HIGHEST P'RI'CE PAID CASH O,R TRADE F. T. BAI'NTION, ,:proprietor, TRY it � l esple V Cleaners SCD . yens WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER Phone Int We'call and delis • V. J. 'Gillespiie, "'rap. 'ln