HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-17, Page 5THURSDAY, AU,GUIST 17, 1933 Y;THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE sTORs. The Big Parade of Food Values A regular weekly "attraction" presented by Superior (Stores in nine hundred communities of Ontario and the Maritime Provinces -make your"reservations" early, from this list. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for Week ;Ending August 23rd, P. & G. WHITE NtAPTIFIA SOAP 10 bars 31 c CHATEAU CHEESE, /'s CORN FLAKES 'OROISSE & B'LACKWE'L'L'S CATSUP, 2 pkgs. 21 c 3 pkgs. 25 c 14 oz. bottle 15 c CONNORS KIIPPER'SNACCCS per tin C c COCOANUT WAFER BISCUITS 2 lbs. 25 c• ;Fry Tox, "a sure killer," 8 oz. 33c • 16 oz. 57c ,Aylmer Brand Infant's Foods (10 varieties) 2 tins 21c Crown Fruit Jars, small, per doz. 1.05 medium, per doz. e.19 Benson's Corn 'Starch per pkg. 12c Red Rose Tea, Crimson 'Label' Y lb. pkg. Zia Shredded Wheat Biscuits 2 pkgs. 25c 'Shirriff's True Extracts ........... ....... ..:..:.1'/ oz. bottle 23c Superior Baking Powder 8 ,oz. 15c 16 oz. 23c Quick Puddings, 3 pkgs. 25c Tapioca, Cocoanut, Chocolate Certo, 'sure jell' per bottle 29c Bobo per tin 14c Sweet :Mixed Pickles, 9 oz. picnic .size, per 'bottle 10c Lily Brand Chicken Haddie, l's... ............. . . .........2 tins 25c Lynn Valley (Asparagus Cuttings, 2's per tin 21c. Clark's Assorted Potted Meats, %'s 3 tins. 25c Oxade Lemonade, Orangeade, Raspberryade per pkg. 5c (1 pkg. snakes 2 glasses) Orange Slices ,, per ib. 19c Royal York Coffee l's 45c Royal 'York Tea 1/-1b. pkg. 23c Baker's !Premium Ch6colate, .. -1/2-1.b. pkg. 25c . , , , , , . % lb, pkg. 15c. Bulk Soap Chips 5 lbs. 39c Parowax, 1 lb. pkgs. 2 for 25c Keen's (Mustard.....'/ Ib. tin 25c .... .... .......... . . % lb. tin 49c Rubber jar Rings (extra heavy quality) 2 dozen 13c Heavy Zinc Rings 1 doz. 23c Hawes Furniture ,Cream Large bottle 45c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce. Phone 8 Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter A" Service that creates • Confidence • and a Dependable Reputation. 18 YEAR'S Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and highest market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and; paid for while you wait. The. Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's FUNERAL SERVPCE UN'D'ERTAKING and EMBALMING stent ui Motor or Horse E 'q p W. J, WALI TER, holder of Go- vernment diploma.and license. Flowers furnished • Night or day phone 67 BEECHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. jIohn Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray ' spent Sunday at the home df Mr. Jlos, Ma- loney. Mr. and. M.rs. Mike Flanagan spent (Sunday at the home of their d!atugthter;, Mrs. Frank Feeney. Miss Margaret Williams visited her ;friend, Miss Rita O'Rourke on Sun- day Iast. Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Connor visited' -vent of Miss Monica Roache. Mr, and Mrs. Mike Murray spent Sun'day at, the home of Mr. John Mur- ray,. ;Mrs. A. Hickhell died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Jios. Matthews inSerdlfodth Tuesday morn- ing. Much -sympathy is felt for - the ed family. . y BRUCEFIELD,. The regular meeting of the Worn- an's Missionary 'Society was held in the school` room 'August lI3th, In the absence of the president, the chair was. occupied 'by/Miss Helen Tough, lead- er of Group No. 7. The devotional. leaflet, The Wo'n eel of Faith, was' read by Miss Jean Murdoch. The study was on "Christian Steward- ship" and leaflets were given by the leaders, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Tough' and Mrs. Jlas, M'dQueen. The kith- !Psalm 41th!PIslalm was read responsively and Mrs. Rattenlbiiry !offered prayer. 'The treasurer reported the July offering, S1l1 i5Oi with Mr, and Mrs. M. Flanagan on ST. COLUMBAN. Sunday evening. A card party under the auspices of Mn and Mrs. Joe Flanagan were in. the CIW'.'L, will be held in the p'aris'h London on Wednesday attending ,ihe•hall 'on Frid'a'y evening, August 25;th. reception in- dile Sacred Ilea's Con- i TOWN TOPICS. Mrs. Will Stephenson of Stanley is spending theweek with her aunt, F, J. Kersilake. Ir -he Misses Alpipleyard, of New York city, sisters of Canons App'leyard, are visiting at the .Rectory. Mr. almd Mrs. J'ame's Wallace of Rochester, N.Y., were calling on Mr. Sam' W'al•lace and sister and other friends in the vicinity recently. -Mr. and Mrs: D. M. Hamilton and daughter Genevieve of Kansas City, were here on their way back from their e t summer home at Burleigh- Falls, and were guests of Mr. Arnold Case, over night, :Misses Bessie and Margaret Grieve returned Saturday after' spending four weeks on, a trip to „Montreal, Quebec, Gaspe, and through New Brunswick and Nlova Scotia to Hali- fax. They were aocb•mlp'axried by 'Miss Snaith of To'ron'to and Miss Pil'key of Chatham, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson and Mrs. Will :Stephenson Of Stanley were visitors on Tuesday with 'Mr's. J. H. Reid. Rev. ,Dr. 5. M. Keys, Mrs, Keys and daughter Mildred of .Oakdale, Pa.,' who are visiting the former's m'o'ther, Mrs. W. L. Keys, spent several days this weelc in, IJondon.•and Talbotville,' Mr. and Mrs. C, 5. Sihockcor and children of Detroit are spending a few days in town and vicinity. Mr. Reg. Coleman of Toronto spent a few days at the tame Of Mr. 'and Mrs, George Lowery. Masters Jimmy and Scott McKin- ley of Winnipeg, Man,, sons of Mr. and Mrs.' John McKinley, .are spend- ing a few weeks at Thornton Hall,. the home o'f. their .grandparents, Mr. and Mrs., Archie Scott. When the Arrow bus broke down on Wednesday afternoon, passengers were transferted at Seafontlh'to three passenger cars to complete their journey. Mr. W. H. Golding, M.P., and Misses Dorothy and Evelyn 'Golding left on Mon -day to spend a few days in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Warren A'ment and Frances of Detroit, and Mr. Kenneth Anima of Toronto were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Amens. Mr. and Mrs. ' Will Finlayson and Lola and Donald are visiting in Wel- lesley this week. Mrs. Fid. Burchill and Frances, Peter and Joseph, of B'russel's, were guests of the Misses Brine on Wed- nesday. ' Mr. Arthur Burrows was a week- end visitor in ,London. Mir, Dick Winters df St. Catharines visited his mother, Mrs, Robert Win- ters, this week. Mrs, Will McFadden of Vancouver, who has been here since the funeral of herath ier thei late Hugh Hamil- ton, left this weelc to return home. Mrs. Reuben C. Gottschalk and daughter of New Orleans, La., are visiting her father=in-r1'aw, Mr.S. Gottschalk. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson of Anon - bank were week -end guests of Mrs. W. W. Cowan. Misses. Mary Hays and Betty Mc- Clelland returned \to Wind's'or with Mr. Ohas, Hays, and are spending a few days there. • Mr, Frank Rankin of Detroit spent the week -end at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Pierce of S'agi naw, Mich,, have been visiting Mr and Mrs, G, A. Sills., Mr. and Mrs. J 5. Huggard were Toronto and Hlanilton visitors dur- ing the week. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Auntie and Miss '!Narceine Watson from Galt visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, James Sholcice aver the week -end, Miss Mae Brloadfoot has returned to the home Of Miss Davidson after a few weeks' visit at Port Nelson, Mr . Bright Sr„ Miss Doble and Mr. R. E. Bright are visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs, W. E. Hunt and son Wood- row, of Fort Erie, .were recent visit- ors at bhe home of Mrs. J. J. Haggard. Mr. Will Braine spe'nit the week -end in Windsor. i 141N11 Mr, and Mrs. G D. Mdlntos'h and Barbara returned to Detroi;t on Sunday. Miss Ruth Thompson underwent att• operation for 'appendicitis in To- ronto and her many friends are pleas- ed to learn that she is making splen- did recovery.' Mrs. Bolton and four daughters of Maryland were guests of the Misses Cresswell on Mionday. They have been so -me weeks at Baylfield and are spending a few days in Toronto and Ottawa on their return' home, Mr, Edlward. Rlanudn visited friends in London and Parkhill' recently. Miss Anona Dale is spending a few holidays at `'Woodstock and Waltemfiord, .Mr. and . Mrs. R'ober't MoKenzie and children and Mrs. Chesney- re- tarned after spending two weeks . at Montreal and Ot'tawa, camping- en .route. Miss Gladys' Way has returned hatne from Toronto where ahs has had a private tutoring jab during the vacation and completing her study in. Music also. Misses Vera and Donna Mole have returned home after spending sev- eral days at the home of their uncle, Mr, Win. Mole, Glen's Hill Farm. Dungannon. Mir, Reginald :Sloan and small son Clayton of 'Toronto, and his mother Mrs: Maud Sloan, wereguests on Sunday of fr, and _Mrs. R. F. Jones _Mrs. Sloan and grandson will remain a few weeks. Mr. andt tilts. Edward Mole and family spent Saturday in Guelph (Little Miss Justine Anofd of ,Sinn- c'oe is visiting with Mr. and Mrs Ray Holmes. ,Mr. John McLeod of Detroit, who has been summering at Grand Bend, is speeding a few weeks intown with relatives and friends, Mr. MdLeod is an, old Seaforth boy and his many friends are glad to renew acqu'a'int- ance. Mt. and M'rs. Armour Maths. of Detroit are visiting fn town. Rev, and Mrs. A. L, Gedcke of Sit. .Petersburg, Florida, are visiting at the home of the la't'ter's p'aren'ts, Mr, and Mns, W. V. Jefferson, Mrs. H. C. Box is spending a Weeks' holidays with her sister, Miss Beckett, in Walkerville. Mr. and Mrs. Louis •Brall and fam- ily .frown Detroit are spending their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert. Mr, B'rall returned to Detroit; to resume his duties with! the Ford Motor Co, Miss Juliann Kenny who spent the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. C. Eckart,/is at present visiting with her brothers, Messrs. Hhilip and Frank Denny, Dublin: Misses Audrey and Marion Me - Gavin spent last week in Shiatford,' the guests of their aunt,' Mrs. Legg. Miss Ethel H'o'khaun of Delaware is visiting her cousin, Miss Leone Ho'than,. '-lir. and Mrs. Ridd .and daughter Mrs. Smith, and little daughter Mar- jory, of Winnipeg, were visitor of Mrs. Rid•d's' uncle, Mr. T. Rands, on Friday. Miss Winnie Kruse, Mr, Raymond Nott, Mr. John Nott: and Mr. S. Oole, Stratford left Monday morning on a motor trip to Manitoulin Island and Sault Ste. Marie, 'Master Kenny and Betty Schultz of Preston are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Flinkbeiner, Miss Mary F'inklbeiner is spending a two weeks' h'olid'ay at ,London and Toronto. Mrs, J. D. Beecroft . and Florence and Ernest of Win'gh'am spent a day the past week at the home of Mrs. Beecrofit's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kirk. MRS. THO'MAS ;McQUA'IiD An accidenit which she suffered on the .Sunday previous while on her way to morning m'as's, was ,followed by the death at an early hour S4aturdlay in Scott Memorial hospibsi, of Johanna O'Rourke, widow of Thomas Mc- Quaid, tat the age of 85 years. \f'ra, McQuaid had been in failing health the past three years and when she sutIered a fall on the street near the church, her condition became serious as a result of the shock,. (B'o'rn in Ireland, Mrs. McQuaid cause to this country while still an in- fant and lived for a time at the Gore of Toronto, until the family moved. to -Morris to$*nshap, close to Blyth, where her marriage took place to her late husband and she came to live just east of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs, :McQuaid were residents of MdKtillo'p all their monied life, Mrs. McQuaid; was .predeceased by her husband. twenty -lour years ago. 'Nineteen years ago she moved to Seaforth where she had since resided. She was a devout member of St. James R'om'an Cathol'ic Church and of the Altar Society of thlat c'hu'rch, 'Ste is survived by one daug'h'ter, Mrs. Thomas Mulligan, Grand Forks, N,ID., who had visited her mother two or three times each year during the past twenty -Wive years. One son, Thomas, died in infancy, and another son, James, died eighteen years ago, while residing on the homestead. The funeral 'took place on Mondlay morning from her fate residence on Godei ich street, to St. Janes' Ohuneb Autolnsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates lb's worth ..your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances, All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call -Night and Day Service Phone 152, A. D. Suiherlard. GENERAL INS 'ifRANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING. ETC. MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS The -follo'wing are the names of the pupils of the Seaforth 'Collegiate with the subjects 'upon which they have ,been granted Middle Schoo.' standing n byDe the i p arttnent. The schedule olf rankling is as follows; 715% or over, 1; '66-7'4%, 2;!60,65%, 3 50459%, 'c. This year quite a number of pupil have 'been granted promotion on car tain 'Mid'd'le ISchooi subjects_ withou writing 'Departmental lExaminations even if they did not obta'in' the re 'qui -red 86% on the year's work to be granted a 'Departmental " certificate, The subjects upon w'hic'h such pro motion has 'been' granted do ,holt ap pear in the labove list.' .All Middle 'School certificates 'have been m'aile'd, II11 there are any !pupils 'who have not already informed the principal of the intention of entering Form 'I for the !corning 'term they should do so as span' as :p'ossi'ble, whether they are repeaters or (beginners 1B..Albenha'rt, Can. ,H c; Anc. 'H. c. D. Ad'anis, (Lit' c; 'Phys, 'Chem. 2. R. Allen, 'Anc..H..c. F. 'Archibald, 'Lit. 11; Can, H. d; Anc. H. 2; I; Phys. 2. K. ;Beattie, Alg. II; 'Phys. I ; Chem, c; IFr. ,A, c; Fr, 'C. c. I. IBettle's, (Geom. 2, H. Britton, Phys, 2; C'hetn. 'c; (Lat. A. c; IL'at. C 2; Fr. 'A, 12. Elinor Blroadfoot, S. 'Comp. c; E. Lit. 2; Can. (H. c; Anc. H. c; 'Phys. 2. Elizabeth IB•roadtoot, Anc, H. 2; Alg. I; 'Chem. c; Fr, A. c; ;Fr. C. c. 'Dorothy Carter,. E. Comp, 2; E. Lit, 2; .Can. 1E. 12; Anc. .H. Ib; Geom 2; :Phys., c. Eileen 'Chapman, Alg. c; Lat. C. c; Fr. A. 'c; 'Fr. C. c. Clarence Coleman, ;Alg, a; Lat. IC, c. !Gladys Coleman, Alg, ti; ;'Lat, A. e; Let. 'C. 2. 'Mildred Cudm'ore, (Lit. c; Geom. c. (William iCudmore, Phys. c. A. Delaney, IE. 'Comp. c; Lit, 2; 'Can. H. 2; Anc. IH. 2; 'Geom. 2. Alice 'Devereaux, Mg. Il; Chem. 2; Lat. A. 2; ILat. C. ib; Pr. ;A..2; Fir, 'C. )1; 'Ger. A. 2; Ger. C. I. Arthur ID'evereaux, Lit. c; Can. E. c• Anc. IH. -Geom. 11; IPhys. 11. J. Downey, Gan. H. c; Anc. H. 2; Geom. 2; •Phys, 2. M. ;Downey, Lit 2; Can. H. 2; Anc, H. 2; IGeo'm, 12; 'Phys. 2. B. Drover, Lit, c; Anc. H. 3; Geom. c. M. (Duffy, Can. H. 3; Anc. H. 2. IF. Dundas, Mg. d'; (Chem. 2. T. Ebenhar't Anc, H. 2; Aig. 2; Phys. 2; 'Chem. c. IE. Eckert, Alg. 3; Lat. A. 2; 'Lat. C. 2; Fr. A. 2; 'Fr. C. 2. ID. Farquhar, Lit. 2; 'Can. H. c; Anlc. IH. 2; Geom. 2. C. Ferguson, An'c. H. 2; Phys. 2. M, aFinnigan, Lit, -c; Ane. H. c. M. Forrest, Can. H. 1. G. Free, 'Phys, 2; (Dat, IC, 2. A. Golding,' E. Comp. 2; !Lit. 2; Can, IH. 2; .Anc. H. 2; 'Geom. 1.; Phys, 1'. IJ. H'abkirk, Lat. 'C, c; 'Fr. A. 3: F:r. C. Ci: M. Haigh, IPhys 2; Chetn, 2. R. 'Hamilton, Cati. 'H..1'; .Anc. 23. h` 'Chem, '1', L. Hawkins, Lit. e; Can. •H, 3; Anc, H. 2; Geom. 1. IE. 'Henderson, Can, 5.2. 3; Anc, H. c; Geom. 2. . H. IHlillen, ,Alg. 1'; Chem 2; Dat. A. c; Lat. C. 2; Fr, A, 2; ,Fa, C. 2. R. Hugill, Alg. •c; Chem. .c; Lat. A. c; Lat. C, c; IFr. A. 3; Fr. C. c. L Jamtes'on, Lit, 2; Can. H. c; Anc. H,2; Geom. 2; Phys. c. IL. Joynt, Alg, 1; 'Chem. il'; ;Lat, A. c• L• , n Lat. C.1 • ,Lir, A,,,. ,2; Fr. C, A. Keys, E. Comp c; Alit, 1; Can, H. 2; Arm. 'H. d; ,Phys..l';'Ger, C, c; Geom. 'L IG. R,r, attter, 2 Lit. Can. I Cat . Ii.., q. Anc II. 1+; Geom. 1'; Phys 2: IG. Kruse, Can, IH. c; Geom. 2; Phys, c. C, Lane, Geom, c. E. Leyburtie, Al,g. 11; 'Client A. c; Lat. C. 3. M. iLeylburne, Geom. c. 114. ,Little, Geom, c. ,I. MaaTavi,sh, Alg, ,It; Chem, 2; Lat. A. c; Lat. C. 3; Fr. A..'2; Ger. A. c; Ger. C. c. 1Robert'M'clC'artney, Lat. C. 3•; C. 3. ,marry McIver,' Can. H. 2;' Alg. Phys. le 'Chem. 1; Lat..A. 2; Lat. 1; Fr. A. 2; .Fr. C. 2. John McIver, Lit. 2; Can. H. /enc. H. 2; Geom. 1; ;Phys. 2. H. McLean, E. Comp. c;, Geom. IR. McNab, Geom, 2. J. McQuaid, Ant. H. 3; Geom, Fs. A.'lc; Fr. C. 3. G. 'Mason, Anc. H. 2. N. Montgomery, Lat. C. c. IJ•a's. Murray, Abg, 1; Ohem. 2. Jean Murray, ;Alg. 2; Chem, c; Lat. A. c; Lat. C. c; Fr, A. 2; Fr. C. 2; Can. H, c. E. Nott, Alg. 2; Chem. c; Lat. C. 2; Fr. 'C. 2. 'R. O'Connor, Mg. 2; Olfem. 2; Lat. A. c; Lat. C. 2; Fir. A. c; Fr. C. 2. Donald Patrick, Can. H, c; Geom. c, .Neil Pa'tric'k, Alg. 2; Fr. A. c. IS. Plant, E. Comp. 2; Lit. 2; Can. H. 2; Anc. H. le Geom. 1; Phys. 1. H. Rankin, ,A.n'c. H. 2; Lat. A. c; Lat. IC a; Pr. A. '3; 'Fr. 'C. 3. E. Rice, Mg. 1; Ohem. 2; Lat. A. Lat. C. 1; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. '1. '.Horace Rutledge, E. Comp.3; Geom. 2; Phys. c, • .Kenneth Rutledge, Alg. 1; Chem. ; Fr, C.c. W. Savauge,' A4g. 1. Chem. 2; Let, A, 1; L'at. C. 1'; Fr, A. 1; Pe. C. '1; Ger. A. 1; Ger. C. 1. 1H, Slcla'ter, A'n'c. H. c; -'Alg. .c; Chem. 3; lira's C. c;, Fr. C. c. tr. Scott, Alg. 1 Chem. 2; 'Lat. A. .Lat. C. 1; Fr. A. h; Fr, C. 11; Ger., A 2; Ger. C. 2.. 'M, Shannon, Can. H. 2; Geom, c; Plh'ys. 2. IT. Sills, E. Comp. 2; Can. H. 3; Geam. i1'; Phys. c. Jessie Smith, A4g. L•; Phys. 2; Chem, c; Lat. A. 1; .Lat. C. 1; Fr, 1.; Fr. C. 1; Ger. A. 2; Ger.' C. 2. Margaret Smith, Alg. c; Phys. 2; Chem, c; Lat. A. 2.; Lat. C. 1; Fr. A. Fr. C. 1. IH. Somerville, Can. H. c; Phys. 2; Chem. 2. Elizabeth Southgate, Anc. H. 2; lg. 1'; 'Lat. A. c; L'at. C. 2; Fr, C. 2. Patricia Southgate, Can. H. c; Anc.. c; 'Geom. 3. J. 'Stevens, Can. H. 2; Geom. 2;' nc. H. c, D. H. Stewart, E. Comp. 3; Geom. Phys. 2. D. M. Stewart, Can. H. c; Anc. H. Geom. 2; Phys, c. J. Wallace, Can. H. c; -Are. H. 2; eotn. .1; \Phys. 2. J. Watson, A'Ig. 1; Chem. 2; Lat. A. Lat. C. 1'; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. 1. F, Whitmore, ,Lit, 2; Can. H. 2; nc. H. 1'; Geom, 1; Phys. 2. K. Stewart, Ger, A. 2; Ger, C. 2. 2; L'at, Fr, 1; C. 2; c. 2; 2 c 1 A 2 A H 2 c 2 A where Solemn I-1igh Mass was sung, ing. We opened our meeting with Rev. Father Hussey being celebrant; hymn 9715. The Scripture lesson was Rev. Father J. W. Flanagan of Lan- taken from Romans 112, responsively sing, Mich,., deacon; and Rev. Father and led by Mrs. W. Turner. The de - Demmer of St. G'ohunlban, sub-de'acon: vational .leaflet, "The Woman of The sermon was very eloquently giv- (Great Faith, visas taken by Mrs. R. en by Rev. Father Eckert of Haw- Love, The roll call was answered thorne, NY. The palllbearers were with a verse with letter A, The sec - Messrs. Peter McGrath, James Rey- 'retary and treasurer reports were read voids, John Purcell, Joseph Keating, and adopted. Hymn 3518. The study J'osep'h Dorsey, John McQuaid, The was then given by Mrs. 3, Cochrane, remains were laid to rest in St. James' The offering and business was then Cemetery, beside her husband and taken and hymn 31116, The meeting sons. Ii '1! ,closed with the Lord's prayer. Among those who attended the ,Those visiting in this vicinity during h . D .and Mrs. 'Mulligan, the week are Miss Enna funeral were: r s Eunagean an Aubm of g g of Grand Forks, North Dakota; St. 'Peter's' Seminary, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James Hewitt and fa- her parents Mrs. Clark of (Detroit nilly, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Niodman ,with her sister, Miss Dolly Hagan; Faulkner, 'Toronto; Mrs, Wm. J ' Rev, R. K. and Airs. .Love of Kintore Plaullkner, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. 'with the . former's parents, Mr. and MdN'eil, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Mrs. IW. 'Love; Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc - Traynor and son, Schomberg; Mrs. lA1llislter and family with friends in Anna Moore, Miss Maylme Cod'li,ton, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mahon, 'Mr. and Ithnon of "Moose Ja'w with Mr. W. Jar - Mins. J. B. °.Murphy, Stratford; Mr, rott and Annie. and Mrs.; J. M. Jamieson, 'tSr. and' Mrs. Lorne Eller and son Donald Mrs. P. J. Kelly, Blyth; Mrs.,Cather- ine O'Connell and son George, Buf- falo; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Clenlaghan, senior and junior; ,Mrs. E'lizabe'th! Burke and sen Harry, Detroit, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. John. Bon- HILLSGREEN. W. M. S. - The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the 'home ,of Miss Annie Jarrott on'Wednesday,, August 9th- with. Mrs. 'R.. McAllister presid- have returned to their home at Tial= conbridge. We are very sorry to report that Mrs. Troyer while visiting with 'friend's, ' happened with a painful in- jury to her 'knee, dislocating l fromits place, and having to : return to her d'aughter's' in Brigden. Her many friends hope she will have a speedy recovery. Mr. and N[rs, D. Nickol' and Mr. Joe Hagan of Hensal!1 visited with friends. '9