HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-10, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1933
Foods, That Are Fresh and Good!
Warm summer [days will quickly spoil many Foods and that is another
reason for buying at Superior Stores. Their foods are fresh and good.
Frequent deliveries are made to all our stores and •perishable !as well as
other lines of foods are purchased only in [quantities sufficient for a
quick turnover. You can buy with confidence in Quality, IService and
Low Prices atSuperior Stores.
Items for 'Week Ending Aug. 16
HILL'CREST SHORTENING, .i. . . . ............... 1 1'b. pkg, 9 c
family jar 29 c
AACE14.Me .i
SEM. awuv'
'H CH'lt SAUC�
'116 oz. lin
PIES, 2 pkgs. 19 c
Classic Cleanser now only Sc
8 cakes 25c
Choice iBlue !Rose Rice 3.1'bs. 25c
Aylmer Brand (Soup, all varieties except pure chicken, 3 tins 25c
Aylmer Pure Chicken Soup 2 tins 25c
Premium 'Tea 1 lb. pkg. 49c
With an attractive Tea Pat, 3 cup capacity, FREE,
Schneider's'Weiners per lb. 15c lb. 15c
Schneider's IBologna.......... .... .................... per
Schneider's Smoked Side Bacon per lb. 20c
S. 0. S. Scouring Pads small pkg. 14c
S. 0. S. Scouring •Pads large pkg. 23c
Sani-flush per tin 25c
. Cascade Fancy !Pink •Sahnon 1 1b. tin 12c
Whiz. Insect ;Killer
Blue Boy Coffee
Corned Beef, Fray Bentos or !Bovril
Ingersoll Cream 1Oheese, plain or pimento; . ..... ......... ; .2 pkgs. 23c
Oxade 'Lemonade, Orangeade, lRaspberryade per pkg. 5c.
1 pkg. makes 2 glasses
Choice Seeded ;Raisins
'Aeroxon Fly Coils, "the best"
Long 'Handled: Wire Fly Swatter
Long Handled 'Rubber Fly [Swatter
Best Quality Rubber Jar (Rings
Zinc Jar \Rings, heavy metal 3 dozen 10c
Clothes pins
Cotton Clothes Lines 30'.............. ........ . ...... ...•.•each 15c
Globe Zinc Washboards each 35c
Mop 'Sticks each 19c
'Root Beer Extract, makes 5 gallons 35c
Ross J. Spoat Phone 8
St. Croix Castile Soap
8 oz. 33c.....16 oz. 57c
1 lb. pkg. 29c
12 oz: 'tins 15c
per pkg. 15c
4 coils 10c
each 'l0c
each 15c
2 dozen 13c
per dozen 23c
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
A ServeCe
that creates •
Confidence .•
and a
Dependable Reputation
Good Quality
Please us by,giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by our services and highest
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
TheSeaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
.Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder.of Go-
vernnven't diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Football. —IS't. Coiumban boys beat,
Ethel four goals to two in . Seaforth
on Saturday evening in a real good
football game before the largest
Crowd of the season. Referee Clarke of'.
Stratford 'handled the game in a very
able manner and kept the team's Play-
ing ball; all the time. St. Colutnban
'will go u'p` against Winthrop next
week in the semi-Ifinla'ls
Mr. John Williams of Detroit is
spending a week
at the 'bottle df his
parents, Mr. and,. Mrs Pat, Williams.
Don't forget the football game in
St. Coi'umt'ban on Friday evening when
!Holstein pbay here in the last game of
the finals for the Junior W. F. A.
lRevQ' Father W. Michell of New
'York spent Sunday with Rev. Father
Mr. and Mrs. Louis .Stapleton and
fam'il'y of Gollingwood are visiting
'friends here,
Mr. Joseph MdQuaid and d'augh'ter
Irene spent the week -end in Toronto.
Miss 'Irene 1O1Sullev!an 'has returned
to "Toronto after ,s'pend'ing her, holi-
days at her 'horn 'here,
Miss Catherine'Flllannery is imlprav-
ing after 'having her tonsils and aden-
oids removed in .the Scott Metitori•al
Dust Causes, Asthma, Even a little
speck too small to see will lead to a-
gonies w'hlic'h'no word's can describe.
The walls, of thebreathing• tubes con-
tract and it seems as if the very life
must pass. From this condition Dr.
J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy
brings the user to perfect rest. It
relieves `' the `'p'as'sages and normal
breathing is 'firmly established again.
Hundreds of testnthon'ials' received an-
nually prove its effectiveness.
The nnnany friends of Mrs. Thomas
McQuaid, Goderich street, are sorry
to know that she is very po'oriy at'.
present, having had the misfortune to
fracture her hip an Sunday while go-
ing to 'attend morning service at St.
James' 'Church, The accident occurred
when the door o'f the car of Mr. and
Airs. Clennan, wlbo had been spending
the week with Mrs. McQuaid, swung
on its hinges, striking her.
Mrs. John S. C'op'pin of Detroit is
'vis'i'ting her mother, Mrs; F. G. Liv-
Mr. Geo. Jackson and Miss Jackson
have neIturned home after a trip to the
Mr. and Mrs, Hlarry Grieve, and
'son of Windisor spent the week -end
'with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Grieve.
Miss Lunttsden o'f 'Toronto is the
guest o'f Mi'ss Jackson in Egniond-
Miss •Gentru.de Abell, Of the staff of
the Kioeh'ler Manufacturing Oo., of
Montreal, spent a few days with her
father, XT. ,George Abell, and uncle,
Mr. John Abell.
Messrs. Sydney D'ungey and 'Gord-
on Muir spent the week end in Niag-
ara IFal'ls and Buffalo.
Mr. Ralph Cresswell returned on
Wednesday to Denver, 'Col.
(Miss Mary Kling is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Forrest,
in Tuokers'inith,
Mr. M. O'Loughlin of Dublin. has
purchased the residence on John
street of Mrs. B. O'Connell of Wind-
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence •Mc'Kay and
two children' and Miss Velma McKay,
all of Em!bro, visited [Rev. and Mrs:
W. P. Lane on 'Tuesday.
Mrs. A. E. MdLean and children, of
Regina, are guests Of Mes. Burchill, at
Mrs. Mary Hawthorne visited . her
son, Mr. Walter, Hawthorne, 'Goderich,
on Monday. Robert and Franklin
Hawthorne, who. have been holidaying
with their grandmother, returned
home with her.
Mr, John Blaney, Mr. and 'Mrs. C.
iTreffry anddaughterPearl of London
spent Monday ` afterno'on With Mr,
'Thos. 5m'ale.
Mr. 'and : M•rs. Thomas McRae of
Detroit were v'is'itors with Mr. and
Mrs.. Oscar Neil.
Mrs. James Traynor of'Schomberg
is visiting Mrs. Thomas McQuaid,
[Goderich street.
Mr. and M'rs. John gag of Wood-
stock spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. (Peter 'Cleary, 'Master William
;Hopi is remaining for a visit.
The Misses 'Forsyth and. Helen
Helen Malcolm of Toronto, the Misses
Helen and 'Margaret Malcolm of
ILuckno'w, and ,Mr, A. Tovell of Tor-
onto, were visitors with ,Rev, and M'rs.
W. P. Lane on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs., Lorne Dale and family
spent aver the holiday in ;Blyth.
Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Edge of Toron-
to spent the 'holiday week end the
guests Of Mr. 'Henry ,Edge and. Miss
Josephine Edge at the Royal Apart-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Cochrane and
son Frank, of Brantford, spent the
week end as guests at the 'Commer-
cial Hotel
Miss (Annie Ryan and Mrs. Philip.
Hartman were visitors in town on
Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Eckart and family
from Stayner, spent Monday with
friends in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. James Clennan from
Highland Park, Mich., spent a few
days last week • with friends in .Sea -
forth, Brussels, Blyth and St. Colum -
Mr. Reg. Albell of Toronto is spend-
ing some holidays with Messrs. Geo.
and Jahn Abell.
Mrs, \Gearge Bell, Railway street,
returned from Detroit Where she spent
two weeks. She was accompanied
hotme by her daughter, M'rs. 'Green-
wood and 'her son-in-law, who 'spent
the week end in town:.
(Miss Jean 'Turner, 'George Street,
spent a 'few days in Toronto with
'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Calder and
s,in'all son, of St. Cabheri•nes, Miss
Agnes Fowler and Miss Mary Hays
of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs, Adam Hays.
Mrs. D1Ar .
g t df Toronto spent a
few days in town the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Jlas, Grieve and family.
Mr. and Mr's. "W1i9'1 Govenfock, Eg-
mondvi'lle, spent a few days recently
at Bruce ,Beach and Ripley.
Mr. and Mins. 'Harold (Ireland and•
Mr, Jack Charlesworth Of Toronto.
spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Will G'ovenllork.
Miss Mary 1B'roadfaot was a guest of.
her .cousin, Mrs. Lorne Dale.
The choir of 'N'orth, Side United,
'Church held a very enljoyalble picnic
at 'Bay/field on Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Lorna Date spent a few days.
last week at the home of Mr. Jas.
Mr. 'Will "Faulkner of Brantford
spent the 'hol'iday at his Monte on
George street, .`
'Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Handley; 'arid
smlail da'u'ghter, J'anet, spent :the holi-
day with Mrs, 'Handley's parents, Mr..
and Mrs. J, D. Gemmel!, T'ucl'cersm'ith
and called on Seaforth friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Corrie,, who have
been living in the M'cILe'nnan Apart-
ments, have moved to Stratford:
'M'r. and Mrs. Harold Stark of Wel-
land are spending 'a week with his
another, Mrs• Stark.
'Little Leona Stevens, daughter' of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens, eniter-
itained ten of her girl friends at a
birthday party Wednesday afternoon,
Miss Mary Horton,' Mr. Horace
Horton and Mr. McCartney, all of
Toronto, .spent thea holiday at the
home oif Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig.
Mr. and Mrs. Nlorntlan 'Walker, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Duto't of B'rtrcelfield,
and Mr. James Wallace, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Wallace and Jimmy, of
IGgnino.ndvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
'Blake and Bernice of Colborne 'Tp.
were guests of Mr. and Airs. Alex.
Wallace on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Baxter spent
Sunday with Mr. and George Baxter
of Mitchell,
(Miss Helen Thompson is spending
a holiday with Miss Ethel Dexter at
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copping. and
Mr, Albert Heron of Toronto spent
the holiday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Kerr.
Mr. and Mrs: W, J. Clark of Wind-
sor were guests of his cousin, Mr.
and 'Mrs. C. H. Holland over the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs.. Hector Hays and son
Stanley have returned to Windsor.
'Miss Cooper of Toronto is visiting
her sister, Miss Florence Qo'oper,
John street.
Mr. A. C. MdOahley olf Newmarket
spent the holiday. with Seaforth
Miss Babe Hays was 'bridesmaid at
the Raum-lSlpb+tbota wedding at Wing -
;ham on Saturday afternoon.
Mr, John .Smith is visit'ng his son,
M'r. Th'o'mas Smith, wife and . child,
'Mrs. Will Hanna and Miss Annie
!Hanna of Kingsville are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Hanna.
Miss Helen Anent of Guelph and
Mr. Kenneth Amenk of Toronto' were
holiday visitors with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Anent.
"Mr. and Mrs, Pelter H'ay of Nia-
gara Falls visited Mr. and` Mrs. J. W.
Free on Thursday.
Mrs. Edwin Hiobson, accompanied
,by her two children, Miss 1Erma and
Laster Arthur of S't, Thomas, are
spending a two weeks' vacation among
friends of this vicinity.
Mr. Robert Penhale has returned
home alter spend'ing the past three
months at St. 'Thomas,
Mr. Harold Scotoh'mer was in Tor-
onto one day last week.
M'rs. George Hodgson of Wilton
Grove is spending a week with her
daughter, Mrs, Harold Penhale.
A Sootch'mer reunion picnic was
held at Harbor Park, Goderioh, on
'Saturday last,
Miss. Mary Snowden has returned
hien after spending a m'on'th among
relatives and friends of St. Thomas,
Mrs, Davidson and daughter of
Hamilton were renewing acquaint-
ances in and around our village.
Miss .Gladys Beatty has returned
from a pleasant trip to the 'World's
Fair in Chicago.
A baptismal service' was held in St.
John's Church at 3 p.nt. on ;Sunday
when Rev. F. H. Paull baptised four
children: the infant san. of Mr. and
Mrs, G. H. Beatty; son of Mr. and
Mrs. B'rea'therton, and little son and
daughter of Mr. and Mr's. Logan
Mrs, Pitts and sons of H'ays.ville,
who are in camp at B•aylfield, called on
friends in this. vicinity 'Saturday.
Miss bilary Chu'ter of London spent
the holiday at her home.
Miss Francis Masson spent a few
days in Clinton last week.
'Miss Helen Manning of Clinton was
the guest of Misls Masson fast week.
ufilns ac
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to -see' us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates,.
you cannqt afford to take chances.
All claims promptly' and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. Sulherland
FatIatdds.the Mysterious.
To Radio Reception with the ,Brilliant New !SUPER-FADA'LET!TE
It's ,a feature of some of the big costly sets. A few special made-
to-order radios also have it. But never before has a really 'small' set
which can be carried and placed 'anywhere'—provided its owners with
the advantage of both long and 'short' wave -length reception.
Count the tubes in the'Super-FADIALETTE, Apparently there are
only 5. Actually there are 7 I Two of the 5 are double -functions each
containing a dual set of elements, sealed for economy of space in a
single vacuum chamber.
A mere turn of the Super-FADALETTE Fantom Dial from left to
right enables you to switch from the •familiar world of professional
radio entertainment to that mysterious realm of short wave -length.
LIST PRICE $41.50 complete with Tubes
Joseph Grummett
Mrs. Frank Weekes is visiting with
friends in Pontiac and Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones, from Nash-
ville, Tenn., spent a few days this
'week visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Lo-
gan Keyes.
Mr, Storey, returned; missionary
from South' America, gave a very int-
eresting lecture on his work among
the Indians, last Thursday evening in
the United •Church,
Mr. Wm. and Miss lPhernia Logan
spent Friday of last week visiting
friend's in Kincardine anal Ripley.
Visitors in this vicinity are Mrs. W.
ILove with her son and wife at Kin-
tore; Mrs. R. Love with her son, Ross,
and wife; Miss Mary Hagan of Lon-
don, and Mother Angela of Wallace -
burg, with their sister and brother;
Misses McAllister of Hens'all with
their sister, Mrs. Walker.
IA number spent civic holiday in
,Goderich at the races.
Miss A. Foote spent a few days with
Mrs. D. F. Anderson,
Mr, john S'teacy o'f Detroit visited
here and his mother retuned home
with him after spending a few weeks
with friends,
,A. number attended the decoration
services in the Lutheran ,'Cemetery in
Zurich on Sunday afternoon.
Mr, Chas. Redmond, who lived on
the Blind line for a number of years,
passed away at the home of his daugh-
ter in Milverton last week.
Miss Margaret A'ikenihead i s
spending a few days at her home here,
She has just returned from Chicago.
World's Fair,
[Mrs. T. B. Baird entertained some
friends at a quilting party on Tuesday.
shower.—lA very pleasant evening
was spent at the home of Mrs. IL. Eyre
last week when Mrs. Eyre and Mrs. A
'Z!apfe entertained in honor of their
friend, Dr. Anna Haugh, bride -elect.
About fifty guests were 'present . and
during the evening Dr. Hhaugh was
presented with a beautiful dinner set.
A very amusing part of the evening's
entertainment was a mock wedding
which caused much merriment, Re-
freshments were served by the host-
Dr. 3. W. Aikenhead of T.oron'to
visited his sisters and brothers on ,Sun-
Mr. and Mtis. 11. S. Aikenhead and
daughter Lillian, "'Bonnie Brae," Bay-
field, visited friends here Sunday,
'Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'Te'b!but ' of
Tu!ckersinith visited Tuesday at the
home of M'r. and Mrs. Robert Roger-
;People out of the village attending
the races in Goderich on Monday
were: Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Riley, Mr. and
Mrs, F'ratilc Riley, Mr, Bert 'Stephen-
son, Mr. Verne Dale, Mr, 'Wm. Hu'g
1111, Mr. David Mills'on, Mr. Benj. Ri-
ley, Mrs. Ra'bt. Gr•i'tn'old'by.
(Mrs, James lvllclFarl'ane of Gloderich
township spent a few days last week
with her mother, Mrs. George Riley.
Mrs. Elwyn Pickard of Hlolmesville
with her aunt
ilii a few days
spending Y,
'Mics. Thos. Pollard.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jlos. Riley and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Riley spent Sunday
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George
Cook of Goderich townlship._
Mrs. R. MclEwen and niece and
Miss Margaret MdEwen of Toronto
spent the week end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carnochan.
,Mr. D. Dewar of Tonoteto visited ' at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'George
!Wheatley on S'und'ay.
Mrs. James Medd went to Toronto
.on, Monday and is spending two weeks
.with her 'brothers, Messrs. Anthony
and Fred Lawson.
Mr. Will Logan ;and daugit'ter Kath-
leen of Blyth spent • a few days last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Leo Stephenson. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Clarke and, Mrs;
IRobt, Clarke visited the former's sis-
ter, Mrs. Peter IP'apineau of 'S'tnathroy
Beauty Shop
WAVES, guaranteed• ■
Shampoo and Marcell, Fin- 75
ger wave or water wave
Facials, Manicuring, Hairdying, Etc.
All work personally done by
Miss Fries
Opposite Post Office
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Setteniteld and son
Charlie mad Mr. Wm. Woods of Tor-
onto, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Benj. Snell on Sunday.
Miss Elva Wheatley of Toronto
spent the holiday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wheatley.
Mr. and Mrs. Bromley and Mr. Bill
Dale of Toronto spent the week end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Miss Mc:E'wen of Toronto visited
her sister, Mrs. Will Carnachan acid
Mr. Carnochan on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson spent
Sunday at Bruce Beach with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred .Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pearson and
Miss Olive, of Oak. Grove, Mieh., mo-
tored to the 'home of the former's sis-
ter, Mrs, and Mr. A. W. Beacom on
Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Pearson went
back on Saturday, leaving Miss Olive
to spend her holidays.
Mies Marjorie McEwan of Stanley.
returned to her home Saturday after
holidaying with her friends, the Misses
'Edith and Ka'thleen Beacom.
Mr. Charles and Miss Amy Parsons
spent Sunday itt Stratford. We are
pleased to know that Mrs. Parsons is
gradually getting stronger,
Miss Lena Munro returned to her
home in Blyth 'Thursday after holid-
aying with her friend, Miss Vera Mc-
Miss Nora Tinian is at present visit-
ing at the home of her sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Vascella.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Flarquhar and
children visited Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, N'orm'an Shepherd, Miss
Lois Farquhar returning home with
them after spending her hold ays avith
Misses Wilma and Phyllis Shepherd.
Mr, A. W. M'cEwittg threshed some
oats on Monday and they turned out
Mr. Harold Beacom is threshing
with Mr, John Leiper.
Miss Helen MOEwing, who is at
present employed with Messrs. Hays
& Meir, of Seaforth, spent Sunday and.
Monday at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MdEwing;
Mr. Bert Beacom had charge of
Mr. Herne's barber shop in Clinton
Monday, Tuesday .and Wednesday of
this week,
Mr. Buster Beacom of Listowel is at
present visiting at the home of his
uncle, Mr. A. W. and Mrs. Beacom.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.,Knox, Miss Le -
villa and Mr. Audrey Knox visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren
1Gibbings near Clinton on Sunday,
Mrs, Jarnes Watt of B1yt'h spent a
[few days with Mr. Chas. and Miss
Amy Parsons.
Most of the people from this vicin-
ity took a holiday last Wednesday af-
ternoon and attended the re -opening,
o'f the new bridge at Londeslboro.
lMr. and Mrs. James Scott acid 'Lan
of Toronto spent a few days the be-
ginning of the week with Mr. and Mrs,
'S. M'c'Vittie and other' friends. Miss
[Helen Lear, who had been holidaying
twith Mr. and Mrs. Scott for about a
month returned to -the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels'on Lear
Wend Tittle Donnie Watt went to T'or-
w th Mr.
and Mrs. Scott
spend his holidays,
Miss Kathleen Bremner' of .Grey is:
at present holidaying at the home of
Mr, and .Mrs, A. W, Bea^cona,