HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-03, Page 12, ••
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Miss Thelma Iitnlson of 11.-,ons10
spent the week end at her home.
Mr. Ed. -Berry 'of Windsor is visit
'ing his inother here.
:Rev. W. A. Ytoung left this weel
;for Qttawa where he will spend par
of his vacation.
!Mrs.. Sam Murner is spending sev
eral weeks visiting at the home o
her sister, Mrs. Ilsoalc Hudson of Sea
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beavers o
Farquhar visited at the home of Mr
and Mrs. R. Higgins on Sunday.
Miss :Martha Carlile of LLondo.
is visiting for a few days with he
parents here, •!.
Master Billie Higgins is sfpendin
several weeks visiting his sister 15
Misses Shirley and Audrey Twit
chell underwent operations on Thurs
day for the removal of their tonsils a
IDr. Collyer's.
!vIisi Isabel Moir who has been i
poor health for some time is improv
+Miss Eleanor McDonald of Pres
ton visited on Sunday with friends..
Mrs. Bertram North and datighte
Audrey of 'Woodstock and Mrs. Les
lie Knight and son Howard .of Kits+
ener are visiting this week' at th
home of their parents, Ur. and Mrs
• Robert Iliggins.
Miss 'Mitchell of Centralia is visit
ing at the home'hf Mr. and Mrs.
10. Dayman. •
Rev. T. Wlerdlava •Taylor, M.A.
'Clerk of the GeneralalAissem-
bly of the PresIbyterian lelnkch in
'Canada, will be the preacher at the
Carmel Presbyterian Church for the
month of August. !Service during the
month will be held at 1(1a.m. only
Sabbath School at ID o'clock. Dr
Taylor will preach at Cavell Church,
Exeter, every Sunday evening. Dr.
1Taylor is one of the best known min-
isters iri Canadian church circles and
we are fortunate in this community
to have an opportunity to hear him.
Rev. W. A. Bremner of Brucetheld
preached very acceptably in the Unit-
ed Churoh on Sunday morning and
tRev. E. F. Chandler of Kippen in the
evening. A solo was given by Mrs.
George Hess in the morning and a
duet by Mrs. Drysdale and W. 0.
'Goodwin in the evening.
'Arrangements for the intermediate
base.ball semiafin'al play-off in the
tInter-County Baseball Association
thave been completed. The semi -play-
offs in the Western Group open in
Stratford 041 Saturday, _August Sth
with the Stratford team lined up
against the Hensall nine. The return
match will be played at Hensall. If a
third game is necessary it will also be
played at Hensall.
!On Wednesday afternoon of this
week Sugarman's team of London
will play the Hensel] nine here.
Lower !School Report of Hensel!,
'Continuation School. -Honours L,
73% or over; 111., 66 to 75%; III., 60
to 66%; C, 50 to 60%; subjects in
which pupils failed are in brackets af-
ter their names, Form Stew-
art: Bot, I, Atg, 1, Geog. 1, B. Hist.
if, Eng. Lit 3, E. IComp.c, art 2. Bon-
thron, Har9.ld: bot. •c, geo. c, art c, B.
hist. c, E. lit, c, camp. c, (alg. Lat.Fr.)
Brock, Olive: bot. c, alg c, geog 2,
art 3, comp c ,(113. hist., latin, lit.) Car -
lite, Annie: Bot. 2,
alg. geog.,2,
art 2, hist. 2, lit. 3, comp. 2, Lat. 1,
Fr, 1. Coleman, Mary: bot. 2, alg, 1,
art 3, hist. 2,lit. 1, comp. 2, Lat. 1,
Er. (geog). Davidson, Allen: bot,
•c, akg. c, geog. 2, art 3, lit, c, comp. c,
hist. 2, (Pr., Lat.); Dick, Jessie: bot.
c, alg. c, geog. c, art 3, hist. c, comp
c, Fr. 3, (lit., Lat); Drysdale, Kath-
ryn: bot. 2, alg. 2, geog, 3, art 3, hist.
c, lit 3, comp 3, Lat. 12, Fr, 1. Dinnin,
Harry: bat 3, alg. c, geog c, art c,
hist 3, lit. 3, comp. 3, Lat. c, Fr, c,
Elder, Kenneth: loot 2, alg. 1, geog. 2,
art 2, hist. 2, lit. 3, comp. 3, Lat. 2,
IFr. Thilsthie, Alexander: bot. 1, alg.
geog. 1, art 2, lit. I, comp. 2,
ILat. 1', Fr, 1, arith. 3, Glenn Williams,
bot 2, alg, 2, geog 2, art 2, hist. 2,
lit. 2, cons. 1, Lat, c, Fr. C.; Hog-
garth, Ross: bot. 2, atg. c, geog 1,
art 3, hist. c, lit, c, comp. 3 (Lat., Fr.)
'Manns, Kenneth: bot 3, alg, c, geog,
c, art 3, hist. 2, lit. 2, comp. 3, FT. c,
(Lat.); 'McQueen Dorothy: hot. 2
alg. geog. 2, art 2, hist. 2, lit. 3,
comp c, Lat. c, Fr. c; Pearce, George:
hot. 1, agl. 1, geog c, art 2, hist. 1,, lit.
II, comp. 3, Lat. 1, FT. 1.; Pfaff, Ruby,
alg. c, geog. c, art c, comp. c, Lat. c,
IFr. c pots hist. lit.). Striate, Irene.
,bot n, alg. c, geog. 3, art 3, hist, c,
comp 3, Lat. c, Fr. 3 (tE. Lit.) Tra-
quair, John: Geog. C, Art 2, comp c
'Mot, hist., lit. Lat. Fr.) Walker,
Helen, alg. 2, geog c, art c, lit. 3,
comp. 3, Fr. c ('bot. hist. Lat.)'
Form. II. -Coles, Ruth: bot.
tphys. 2, arith. 2, geom. 2, gram. 2,
• lit, 1, E. comp. 2, Lat. 2, Fr. 2.
Druntmond, DO TO1hy But 2,phys.
13, arith. C, Geom. 2, gram. 2, E.g.
lit. 3, E. comp. 2, ,Last. 2, Fr. 2.
Follick, Mildred: Bolt 1, phys, 2,
arith C, gem, 2, gram. 2, E. lit. 1,
IE. camp. 2, Lat. 2, Fr. 1. Farquhar,
liohn: Bolt. phys. 2, arith. 2, geom.
IC, gnam. C. Filshie, Ian: 'Phys. 11,
arith 1, geom. 1, gram. 2, Fr. 2.
'Forrest, Edison: Bot. phys. 2,
arith. 1, geom. 1, gram. 2, Eng. lit.
1. E. comp. 2, Lat. 3, Fr. 3, Higgins,
But. 3, alg. 1, geog. C, arith,
C. Eng. lit. C, E. comp. C, (geom).
• 11-luesir, Annie: Bot, C, geom. C,
• gram. C, It C, comp. C, (Phys. arith.
• Dat. Fr.). Koehler, Shirley: Bat. '1,
phys. C, arith. 2, geom, C, geom. 3,
lit 2, comp. 3, Lat. C, Fr. 3. Mc -
•'Allister, Jeanette: Bot 1, phys. C,
arith 2, geom. 2, gram. 3, lit C, camp.
5, Lat. 2, Fr. 2. McKenzie, Andrelw:
• Sot. 1, phys. 3, arith. 1, geom. 2,
gram 3, lit 2, comp. 2, Lat. 2, Fr. 3.
.19angster, Bat. 2, phys. C.
geom. C, grant 2, lit. 2, comp...3, Lat.
• 3, Fr. 3, (arith.). Sinclair, nommen:
Bat 1, phys. '1, arith. 1, geom. 1,
grain. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. 1. Smale, Isabel:
113iat. C, phys. C, gram. C, arith. C.
• Wright, Laurent: Gram. C, Fr. C,
Dat. IIII, geom. 1.
'Persian Balm -the unrivalled toilet
requisite, ;Essential to every dainty
woman. Imparts rare charm and
beauty to the complexion. Softens an,d
beautifies the skin. Makes hands
flawlessly white. Cools, orad refreshes.
•'Swiftly absIonlyed into the tissues,
leaving no stickiness. 'Persian Balm in-
varialbly 'creates a subtle elegance and
Bridge Party
Thursday, Aug. 10
35c 2:00 P.M.
Refreshments. Prize for every Table
'Mr. Jlack Harris and sisters Eileen
and Nellie, of SC Thomas, and Mrs.
Bristol, Washington, D. C., are
guests at the Albion Hotel.
and Mrs. Percy Dyment and
Slaughteq, who spent the past three
weeks In the village, returned to De-
troit on'Senclay.
M'r. J. Gingrich spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. S. !Cleave. Mrs.
'Gingrich and two sons who spent two
Weeks with her parents returned fo
died Axe, Mich., on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. IanMcRae of &math-
roy spent the week -end with the lat-
ter's aunt, Mes. M. 'Fraser.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Gordon and
Miss MCK'ay of Midland, Mich., were
guests last week at the Albion.
Died in Philadelphia. -There passed
away in Philadelphia on July 27, the
only surviving memiber Of a prominent
pioneer family of 'Blaylfield in the per-
son of Thomas fMloleaworth Gairdner,
second .son of the late James A. Gaird-
nen The deceased man who was one
of a family of four daughters and lour
sons 'was born in Baylfield. He receiv-
ed his early education in Dr. Tassie's
School, Galt, was a graduate of the
'University of Toronto and in 1856
graduated in Medicine from McGill
University. IHe practised in Niles,
Mich, Chicago, Ill., and for aver 40
years in Waco, Nebraska, Although in
poor health for 'about four years he
was active until he met with an auto
accident in Sioux City, Iowa, two
months ago, when he suffered a frac-
tured femur, Leer he was removed
to a 'Philadelphia Hospital where he
passed away. He is survived by his
sorrowing widow, a daughter Mar-
garet (Mrs. Max Neuman) Sioux City,
and two sons, Tudor, an attorney •of
US Angeles, Cal., and Dr. "Iltorne's
M. Gairdner Jr. of (Gibbstown, N.J.
The remains were brought to the
old •family residence in Bayfield on
Sunday. The funeral service which
was in charge of Mr. G. A. Peddle of
Knox Presbyterian Church, assisted
by Rev. F. H. Paull was held on
Monday afternoon. Thor the text of his
comforting address 'he chose St. Matt
10:311, "Fear ye not therefore ye are
of more value than many sparrolws."
Interment was made in Baylfield Cem-
etery. The pallbearers were Messrs.
Thomas and Robert JackSon,ISeaforth,
D. H. McNaughton, T,hornas Snow-
den, Wm. Sturgeon and. Henry Mt -
Mr. and Mrs. Max Neuman, Sioux
City, Mrs. T. M. Gairdner, Dr. and
Mrs, T. M. Gairdner jr. of :Gibbstawn,
NJ. were present for the funeral. The
late Dr. Gairdner was home a year
ago last May when 'he and his wife
cameowing to the illness and death of
his brother, John Gairdner. At that
time he renewed boyhood acquaint-
ances, and it was with deep regret that
many learned of his death. The sym-
pathy of all is with the •bereaved
widow and family.
Football. -- St. Collurnban Juniors
beat Woodstock Juniors in the .W).A.
semi -6=1s by .four goals to two on the
round. A tie game 1-1' in Woodstock,
3-11 at home. They will no‘w meet Hol-
stein in the finals on Monday evening
next at Holstein and at home on
Thursday evening of next week. In,
the Stephenson Cup competition St.
Colum,ban and Ethel are 'tied at one
goal each, St. C'olurnhan winning at
Ethel and losing at home in the worst
refereed game of the season.
,Brother Joseph of De La Salle Col-
lege, Toronto,- spent a week with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mc-
Miss S. Queenan of Liman visited
Miss 'Lucy Burke last week.
Mr. 'Thomas Morris is wearing a
broad smile. "It's a boy."
Miss Evelyn McGrath of Buffalo
spent Sunday at her ham here.
•'Miss Maxie Flannery of !Toronto
spent the week -end at her borne here,
Mr. C. Miller of Kitchener Spent •a
couple of days at Mr. and Mrs. (P. V.
MeGrath's last week.
Wedding bells will soon be ringing
in the parish.
Miss Kath'lyn Mulligan 'and friend
of Detroit called on friends here San-
d ay.
Mr. and Mrs. Tann Moore of Cali-
fornia visited relatives here last week.
s •
Send vs the names of your 'visitors,
August, 11190.7.
Going West.
• Mr. N. T. Fowler intends locating in,
the West. Acconolpanded by Mrs -Fow-
ler and son he left foe Palmerston tilts
week !where they will remain for a
time at Mrs. Fowler's foimer home.
Former Resident
Mr. Andrew Kidd a former resident
of Seaforth but now living in Winni-
peg was in town this week renewing
acquaintances. Mr, Kidd at one time
'conducted a successful hardware basil
tress in Seaforth ,in the premises now
occupied by Messrs. Chesney and Ar-
Barns Struck
During the severe electrical storm
which passed over this district on
Thursday last, Mr. Jahn Cantplbell,
•who resides a few miles south of town
had two barns struck by liglithing and
burned to the ground. Mr, Carripbell
saved his stack 'but loses this season's
Contract Awarded
(Messrs. Edge and Gutteridge, who
were alwarcled the,' contract for the
macadamizing and curbing on Main
and 'Crodenich streets, will receive
416% cents per' square yard for ntalc-
a.damizing, material to be furnished
by the town. For 'the curbing they
will receive 25 cents per running foot,
they to supply the material.
Civic Holiday
'Monday, civic holiday, was a quiet
day in town and was‘a good day for
many to take a rest. The gloomy as,
peot of the weather 'prevented many
from going out of town for the day.
Quite a number took advantage Of the
excursion rates and delft on Saturday
to visit friends at other places, while
a few from !Stratford and Toronto
spent the day here.
Musicale '
tOn Wednesday evening there was a
very enjoyable musioale held • at the
residence of Mrs. L. Scott,
wood,". whio'h proved a decided mica,
cess. Those taking part were Mis Flo-
rence Kinrade, of Hamilton; IMiss Lily
Gibson of 'Guelph and Mr. Chas, King
of 'Chatham. Miss Kinrade won many
friends by her sweet and syntpathetic
singing and her easy pleasing manner.
She was recalled several times and
graciously responded. Miss Lily Gib -
.son of Guelph played several piano
selections very acceptably.
Fatally Injured
lOn Tuesday a fatal accident befel
Walter Bruner aged 10 years who was
employed with 3ilir. Deitrich, third
concession of Tucker,smith. The orris
dent occurred at Mr. Leonard Sholld-
ice's barn where the young man had
'been assisting in drawing in hay. He
sons on top of the load and in some
manner fell off across ane of the
'beams in the barn and received inter-
nal injuries. He was picked up in an
.uncananious condition and removed to
Mr. Deitridh'.s home where physicians
from town attended him. On Thurs-
day he sufficiently recovered to be
able to assist 'with the work but to-
wards evening was taken very ill and
an operation was deoided on to ascer-
tain the cause of his sufferings. Hoar -
ever all efforts to save the Young
man's life prayed futile, death ensuing
in the afternoon. His parents reside at
;In addition to the usual holiday tra-
vellers to local points, the follo'vving
left for distant points: Miss Rabb to
Northampton, Mass.; Me. and Mrs.
Brown, to Concord, N.IH,; Miss Fan-
ny Edge, to Detroit and Sault Ste.
Marie; Miss Static' to Huntsville and
return; IVIr, T. 'Slaillinglaw, of Tuck-
ersinith, to Sault Ste Marie; Mr. and
Mrs. Strout and ohild to their home in
'Brooklyn, NX.; Miss Jessie !Creight-
on and :Miss Zella Pirie of Aberdeen,
Sootlan.d, to Sealforth,
Constance Items
Miss Maggie Willison, who is hol-
idaying at her home here, hes beea
re-engaged to teach at ,Fleshenton.--
Mr. and Mrs. D, Hinchlley of Roothor.o
and Misses McIntyre of St. Thames
were calling on friends. --Mr. James
Cook sports a neat outfit dansisting of
a new set of rubber mounted harness;
rubber tire buggy and his 'chestnut
roadster, "Dan.". -Mr. Samuel Pol-
lard is getting his threshing outfit in
shape for the season's threshing. The
'Syndicate Thresher Co. are also mak-
ing ready for a lengthy season.
Delores, famous artist's model, tells
-in her cram nada-4n The Ameri-
can Wleelely with next 1Sunday's De-
troit Times, of her humiliation in be-
ing forced to display herself in a bar-
rel in a dime nattier= to keep her-
sam from starvation.
• graide, stylish arid most Up-to-
date glasses, rimined or rimless'. MT.
!Hughson, lour Well-known ;specistist,
will be here Ttiesday and Wednesday,
(Aug. S & 9. Beattie's Fair, ;Sea:forth.
'The U.F. Y.P. recuntty organized
in Southern Huron held a union pic-
nic at Jlowett's Grove, 'Bayfield, on
Tuesday. ,Thc clubs represented, with
their presidents, were Dashwood
Anti -!Cants; president Kenneth Wein;
'Western Stanley, 'Miss Ann MdNau-
girton; Stanley' 'Night Hawks, presi-
dent, John Hyde; !Tuckersmith Ag-
gressives, 'president, Wallace Haugh
During the afternoon interesting pro-
gramme of sports was Isun off, result-
ing as follows:
Youag Women's Audrey
Murdock, 2.nct, Reta Hayter.
Young men's ' rate-41Ist Eugene
'Tieman, Elgin IMerner.
Pig Race -41St ,Gertrude Hoffman
and Allbrt 'Goetz; 2nd. Reta ala.yter
and Eugene Tiernan,
'Clothe,spin Race -1st Reta Hayter
and Eugene 'Tiernan, 2nd, 'Gertrude
'Hoffman and Albert 1.11olte.,
!Graceful .walking '1st 'Audrey
Murdoch and Clarence Rohner, End
}Beatrice DaYmett • and Harvey
Necktie race -- lblt Edith Weber
and Elgin Merner, 2nd Marg't Mc-
Kenzie and Bert Dunn.
'Thread and needle race -1t Edith
Wether .and Elgin Mer,ner, 2,ad Reta
Ilia.yter and Eugene Tiernan.
Men's peanut race-111st 'Bert Pud-
ner, Ond Andrew McKenzie.
Women's. peanut raceltst Audrey
Murdoch, Siad Reta Hayted.
Coat Race-alst lAndrey.. Murchaa
and Howard Hyde, 2nd ,Reta Hayter
and Eugene 'Tiernan.
Chum Race--dat Reta Hayter and
Etagene Tiernan, 2nd Audrey Mur-
'dach,and las. Soutar.
!Slipper Race--Ilist ;Gertrude Hoff-
man •and Audrey Murdooh.
'Boot IRace.-Illst 'Hubert Resterney-
er, 2nd 'Clarence Hayter.
Minute Rare - Marguerite Mc-
Kenzie and Reta Hayter.
After a sumptuous supper two ,ball
games were played. In the first the
Dashwood AtittiaCants beat the Tuck-
ersmith AggressiVes with a scor' of
'In the second game, the Stanley
Night Hawks were defeated 15-6 by
the Dashwood Anti -pats.
Dancing completed a most, enjoy-
able picnic day.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Blair and fam-
ily harve left for their home in Tux -
'ford, Sask., after a very pleasant visit
with their many friends.
Miss Marion Scarlett of Seaforth is
spending a week with her friend, Miss
lIvison and other friends in the village.
Mr. Abe Forsyth is sonfined to his
roam with a severe attack of pneu-
monia and his many friends wish for
a Speedy recovery.
Mrs. J. B. McLean is spending a
}week in Hamilfcm visiting with her
son and other friends.
Mr. john Workman is not keeping
'well alt present but all 'hope for im-
provement soon.
'Mrs.' Lorne Euler sent a few slays
last week in IChicago attending the
World's Fair and also called on her
sister, Mrs. 'ROM. Hopkins.
Mr. Story, a missionary • from
South 'America, gave a splendid ad-
dress,at the service on Sunday after-
noon in the Hillagreen •Churoh, Rev.
E. F. Chandler taking part .af 'the ser-
vice as usual. 'Lantern slides are 'be-
ing held in the Kippen Church Tues-
day evening, given by Mr. 'Story.
1 Mr. and Mrs. !jack Raker, Mr, and
Mrs. Alf. Reichert, Mr, Clarenoe
Brenner and Mrs. C. &imam spent
a day in 'I..ondom
• 'Visitors during the week in this
vicinity 'were: ;Friends dram 1Mishi-
gan. visiting with Mr. and 'Mrs.
McAllister; Mrs, Nellie Gnantille and
daughter 'M'argaret 'with Mrs. IW. Rei-
chert; Mrs. R. •Bonthron and 'Miss
'Gibbs of Hensall; Mrs. Belle Rasa of
Kitchener With Miss Annie Jairrott;
Miss Mildred Workman .with her
parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. J. 'Workman,
Kippen; Mr. and 'Mrs. G. 'Love and
family, 'with Mr. aind Mrs. C. Moir
of 'Osborne; Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Consitt of 'Hensel; with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Consitt, and Mr. and Mrs.
R. .MciAllaster; 'Mrs. IL. Troyer .with
Mr. 'and Mrs. G. Johnston, Varna.
Miss !Gladys Jsrrott with her cous-
in, Miss Audrey Cochrane.
'Threshilnig machines are in full
swing among the farmers hi this vic-
inity. Reports of a good yield are
given in mcist threshings this season.
The 'W. M. IS. meets at the home of
Miss 'Annie Jarrett on Wednesday
afternoon, August '12th.
IVfiary's Church, ,Kitchener, was
the scene lof a lovely wedding Satur-
day morning, when Miss Ida Elva
;Bolton, daugiNter of, Mr. and, Mrs.
Gordon Bolton, of Hensel, became
the bride orf Dr. J. Alexis Spellman,
son •df 'Mrs, A. Spellman, of Kitchen-
io BARS.31c
• Kellogg's Bran, 21 c Kellogg's Pe
2 pkgs..
2 plcgs. 2 1. t
,..... •
'Velveeta 'Cheese
23c2 plcgs. •
Kullogg's Cara 25c
Flakes, 3 plcgs...,
Perfection Oil Wicks 45c
Wash 'Basin, each 20c
Preserving Kettles, each ... . ......... ........ 69c
urdaAyIJ, ACtiTgIu0stNIzSA19LE
at 2:30-
p.m. Standard Time.
There will be offered for sale the
Household Furniture 'belongirrg to the'
Estate of the late Mrs, Elizabeth Jane.
Gales, consisting of:.
Walnut living room chair's with
cane seats, walnut living room, settee
hand carved, walnut oval dining room,
table, dining room chairs, hand made'
kitdhen dhairs, rocking chairs, an-
tique hand made chairs, spinning
wheel, sprint bed, rope beds, was'h
stands, toilet sets, 3 chests of draw-
ers, one with mirror, large kitchen
cupb.aard, large kitchen table, . drop
leaf table, small tables, coal range,
wood cook stove, t2 coal heating
stoves, sewing Machine, wall clock,
oil lamps, 'bedding, mats, carpets, lin-
en, mirrors, pictures, dishes, kitchen
utensils, commode, child's high chair,
wheelharrolw, garden tools, 'painter's
ladder truck, 2 flour .barrels, quilting
frames, etc.
Illhere will also be offered for sale,
real estate and buildings situated on
Lot INo. 2, Goderich street, ,Seaborth,
sutblject to reserve bid.
'Terms: Household Effects -leash
at time of sale.
*Real Estate -Terms announced at
time of sale. *
Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer; William
ISmithers, Ext. Elizabeth Jane Gales
er, and the late A. B. Spellman, Rev.
Father Waecliter officiated. Tihe bride
Was attended to her place ;by her sis-
ter, Miss Victoria Bolton, of Toronto
The bridegroom was assisted by his
brother, William A. Spellman. The
'bride chose for her costume a white
angelskin lace gown with a long
.traM, and with it she wore a picture
hat and .carried a prayer book with
white streamers caught with clusters
Of Blies of the valley. The bridesmaid
wore a dainty pale green triple chif-
fon gown in princess ,style with beige
hat and. accessories, arad carried a
bouquet of roses. After the wedding
a reception was arranged at the home
of the 'bridegroom's mother, Mrs. A.
Spellman, after which a wedding
breakfast was ,served, Immediately af-
terwards Dr. Spellman and Mrs,
Spellman left on a .h.oneyinoon trip to
Sioux Lookout, 'travelling by boat
'from Sarnia to Fort William. Mrs.
Spellman donned for travelling a 'cos-
tume of french 'blue buicle cloth with
felt hat and 'accessories to Match, On
their return they will take up resid-
ence in Kitchener. Dr. Spellman has
a dental practice in that city.
Miss Margaret Tough and ,M,rs. Mil-
ton Steep motored to Niagara and
Welland canal on 'Thursd,ay of last
'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell ac-
companied by the latter's parents,
Mr. and :Mrs. Robit. Turner, Sr., of Lu -
can, visited friends in Gcederieth Wed-
nesday, Mr. and MPS. Turner remain-
ing in G.oderich for a few weeks with
their sons, ,Robert and Fired.
'The union picnic of Western Stan-
ley, Bruceifield ,and Stanley ,U.IF.,Y.P.O.
was held at JlOwett'a Grove, Eayfield
on Tuesday afternoon of last week.
(Rev. E. A arid Mrs. P,oulter and
son Geo. Poulter of ;Varna left on
Monday to spend their vacation at
Rorscleau Park.
LaMmr0.0tMlaerandenimisKseGrys,acMe iRalsobMinisaorgnarime!
tend spending this week with the
Poulter familyaat the park,
lPr.of. J. (J. Keys of ,Nashville, Tenn.
who with his wife is camping at Bay-
field, ,will take the .service at Goshen
Church next Sunday, ',Aug. 6th, at
101:30 a.m.
Mr. Ben. Keys and family spent
the week -end with friends in Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Keys visited
over ,the week -end .with the 'former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs,‘,N.elson Keys,
Let 'him who scatters thorns not
go 'berefoOt. .
1Alfiter .erasse:s .and losses men grow
butrithkT and wiser .
Keep your eyes Wide open before
marriage, 'half shut afterwards.
If ,you are considering
Packer, .Disk Harrow, Spring
Tooth Lever 'Harrow or Land
IOur prices are lower, with a
special low price for this
month delivery ,
'Represented :by V. 3 LANE
.Phone 46412 Dublin '
A. small houralidded cook stove,
that does not smoke. Fior summer
kitchen .use. .Alpply at The News
Office. In applying, please...state Price
wanted. ". 31
101217 Chevrolet Coupe. Good mech-
anically. Practically new tires and bat-
tery. Apply to TKO. MclUEAN, ELs-
moadville Gadage, 31'
'Choice 'bred -to -lay Barred Rocks.
(RIOT stock pedigreed, from 2140. to
3313, .Also some yearling hens suit-
able for ,breecting purposes. 'Bargain
prices ',for quick sale, MIS. MlLL
AIDIMMIS, Phone 24842. 31
,Twenty pigs for sale, ,fiva weeks
006 Apply to J(01HIN MCGOWAN,
opposite Livirtgatone's school, 'Hal-
IStane 'beef ring heifers over 90q1bs.
Phone 21'41144, JIOIHIN ,NICILIAN
. • , aa
Titan trattor and 24440 Bell separa-
tor. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 90,
112,'Brus.sels. ALBERT LYDIATT-
,FOR sAL.p
1SeArenty-ifive white Leghorn pullets,
bred-to4a.y. Five 'Months old and lay-
ing. lApply to J)N10. T. EDGE, or
phone 1134r311.
Residence on corner of James and
Ann streets. Apply to Is/MS.
Sealorth, cis Mrs. Coates,
,Wheat, per bus. ..... .... .,....7Sc
Barley, per bus, • -50t
'Oats, per 'bus. ........ ..
Buckwheat, per. bus.
New Potatoes, bus 322
Eggs, per doz 10c412'callk
Butter, per lb . . . ... Itrc
°Hogs, Per cwt. ISIS
Wool Wanted
Woollen Mills
P. T. BAINTON, Proprietor
Cleaners -& Dyers
Phon8196w. Mall and deliver
,Gillespile, Prop.
• 1
V1 S4