HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-03, Page 9THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1933
Co -Operative Sales
Exemplify, only, the better values always obtaitiablle at
Superior Stores, with a combined purchasing power of over
$10,000,000 annually. No wonder
Iltems for August 3:rd, 4th & 5'th,
1 lb tin
OXYDOL large pkg
10 cakes
100 cakes—$2.85
per tin ..5c
per tin 5 c
SOAP CHIPS 5 lbs. 39 c
SWEET PICKLES large family jar.
Corn Flakes,- any kind 3 pkgs.
Aylmer'Choice Red Pitted Cherries
Keen's Mustard, 4's -25c;
2'sgt. 2 tins
Weston's Fancy Assorted Biscuits 1 lb. pkg. 135c
New Pack' Strawberry Jam 40 oi. jar 37c
Hawes' Floor Wax l's 43c
Hawes' IL'emon (Oil, '12 oz., large per bottle 03c
Ovaltine 'builds up your children'
small -45c; ...medium -67c; .... large 1.09
Crosse & Blackwell's Vegetable Soup per tin 10c
'we recommend the quality'
McLaren's Jelly Powders 4 pkgs.
Patterson's Mixed or Hillcrest Cream Biscuits 2 lbs
Salada Tea, Brown Label, special 04 lb.
'Schneider's Midget Cottage Rolls per lb
Schneider's Roast Dutch Loaf per lb.
Schneider Bologna per lb.
Oxade Summer Drinks, Orange, (Lemon, Raspberry per pkg.
•Lawrason's ?Snowflake, Ammonia 4 pkgs.
Lawrason's Flusho per tin
Lawrason's 'Sinko per tin
Interlake Toilet Paper 3 rolls
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Rhone 8
Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
Good Quality
A Service
that creates
and a
Dependable Reputation
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
• you by our services and highes,-
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
The Seaforth • Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
.Motor or Horse Ett(riptnent
f Go-
W. J. WALKER, holder o
diploma and license,
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67.
Attacked by Asthma. The first fear-
ful sensation is of suffocation, which.
hour by hour becomes •more desper-
ate and'hopeless. To such a case the
relief afforded by Dr, J. D. Kellogg's
Asthma -Remedy seonis nothing less
than miraculous. Its 'help is quickly
apparent and soon thfe :dreadful at
tack is mastered. The asthmatic who,
has found out the dependability .I of
this sterling remedy will never be
without it. It is sold everywhere.
Hear no u11 olf a friend, ,nor speak
any of an enemy.
Mr. and Mrs. J• W. ;Scott and Ar-
chie spent Sunday with Mr, Bruce
Armstrong of :Clinton.
Misses Ella :Brown and Margaret
:Smith spent the past week with rela-
tives at Brampton.
,E, C, Houghton :ofl London return-
ed home. Sunday after spending the
past nnottth with .Inds aunt, Mrs. 7•
W. Scott.
Mrs. John 1McjNi•cicol spent a few
days last week with her father, Mr.
S. :Storey of Mc'Kiillop.
Mr. and Mrs.• Andrew MdNichol
visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jahn
stun Saturday evening,
1Harvey, harry and 'Gordon. Brad-
shaw of Jamestown visited at the
home of Mrs. John :Gras:by fast'
Mr. LVm. Laidlaw, who, has Ibeeit'
at St. Joseph's hiospital,,L'on:don, for
the past six weeks, returned ` home
ITuesd'ay off this week.
Mir. and Mrs. •Weisley„ Jermyn of
Jamestown; also Mr, and Mrs. John
'Graslby visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence
Johnston (Sunday afternoon.
Mr. 5. IL. Fear, IMisses Mabel and
Mary Fear and Me. Chas. Nicholson'
enjoyed .a motor trip to Mimico, To-
ronto and, Niagara (Falls. They report
a. wonderful trip,
Mr, Angus Moore Jr, and Mr. ,Ralph
lCrook of Chicago spent a `few days
.last week with Mr. and Mrs. Angus
Moore, re,
Miss Viola Wilson and Miss Herein
Moore it otore'd t'o ,Neustad!t (Sunday,
Miss Wilson remaining for a week's
1- cation,
Mrs, Angus Moore is visiting in
Recent ; visitors at the home of Mr.
:and Mrs. Sam. Cudmore were Mr.
land Mrs. Q. Harvey and son 'Tedldy,
of Detroit; Mrs. Mary Harvey, Lon-
don, and Miss Gladys Harvey, Wind-
sor; Mrs. Edward Daley, Misses Ethel
'auld Dorothy and Mrs. Oanbeitt of.
'1Walkenton Mr, and Mrs; Frank 'Rou-•
:ham and sona of Detroit; MrsHW;
IWil!tb'n, •Brussels; Mrs, ,Henderson and
!(Mrs. Payne of Galt.
•Muss Mildred Cudmore returned af-
ter a week's vacation with her cousin,
Miss Edith Houton of Oshawa, at the
'horde ,of the lather's aunt, Miss Maude
Horton, Exeter.
'Miss Edna Mae D'ayman of Kipfpen
is, visiting her friend, M'is's -:Mildred
Mr. Chas. Layton of Hlamilton was
a town visitor on 1Thursday last.
:Miss Margaret Wilson, RiN., super-
intendent of Sicott Memorial iHosp'ital,
has returned from a month's vacation.
Mr. and 'Mrs. George Hills„ Miss
Ria Hills and Muss Jean 'S'mith are
taking a motor trip through the States
by way o'f 'Port Stanley and ,Cleveland,
Mr. and ,Mrs, Will MdLeod of Port
Huron, Mrs. WO Modeland and
daughter Mrs. Marsh of London were
in town Thursday and Friday with
Mrs. E. Stevens and children are
spending a few days at her home at
Mr, Russel Holmes and Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Pevitt and daughter June of
Guelph spent the week -end in town
with friends, •
Mrs. Geo. Bickerton and s'on Bev-
erly of Woodstock spent Friday at
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Nott's and Mrs.
G. C. Dale's, Huron Road.
Mr. and ,Mrs. George Ferguson of
Toro:n:to spent the week -end in town
and were accompanied back by their
son Russell, who spent some weeks
with his aunts, Misses 1Fergusdn,
Miss Coughlin, Listowel spent a few
days this week with Mr. acid Mrs.
(Sam Hanna.
Mr. and Mrs. 'C. IS'h'ockcor and chil-
dren Of Detroit spent the week -end
with friends in holm, returning Sun-
day by the Blue Water highway, catl-
ing at Bayfield.
The fallowing boys .went to Baylfield
on Monday to camp, for two weeks:
George Hays, Stanley Hays, Frank
ISibbs, Tom Sills, Garnet Free, Ted
(Southgate, and Mr. Holmes of To-
• Mrs. Jas McMichael, Victoria st,
has been quite ill for a week but is
n:dw improving.:
Visitors at the home of Mrs. Henry
'Cudmore, Harp:urhey, on Tuesday
were Mr. and Mrs. Johan Newcombe
and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Flintoff of
1S'tratford; Mr, John Cudmore and
fancily of Hoimesville.
Dr. Frank Neal of Peterboro and
Mrs, Neal Sr. of. Walton were guests
of the Misses (Ferguson during the
week -end.
!Miss Frances Burdhell of Brussels
is a visitor with the Misses Brine.
Mrs. Ross J. Sproat and niece are
spending the week at Bayfield,
Miss' Belle Richards of Stratford is
the guest of Mrs, H. R. Scott.
Mr. Donald Scott is staying at Bay-
field for two weeks.
Mr. Ralpih.Cresswell of ,Denver, Cod.
is spen'ding a ,couple of weeks with his
sisters, the Misses Cresswell.
Mr. Frank 0. Fowler and daughter,
Miss Frances ,Folwler of Winnipeg, are
spending a few days with the Misses
Mrs. Stanley Gray and two children
and Miss Laura McMillan have re-
turned after a two weeks' hol'idlay at
Grund Bend.
Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Beatty; Mis's
,Bertha and Miss Harvey leave Thurs-
day for Toronto where Miss Beatty's
marriage will take; place of Friday.'
Mrs. Harry Caldwell' (nee Rena
'Simpson) who has been ill for ,eight
weeks is nolw convalescing at her
itonle in ,Egtnotndiville. Miss Nellie
Deitwiller, RIN., of Colbalt, has been
attending her.
Miss Florence Gray of Toronto is
visiting her friend Miss Olive Stirling.
Miss Ti•eva Bennett of Mitchell, is
spending a couple of weeks with her
cousin Miss Jean Dungey.
Mr. Bert Govenlock of Egntoridv'illc
has gone to Vtcnlcott er, B.C., to' visit
his uncle, Mr. 'Wnc, Gavel -dock, 'a for-
mer resident of our town. Before leav-
ing his friends presented him with a
fountain pen and bid hint .farewell at
a gathering at his sister's, Mrs. Will.
Mrs. George Reaney,of Mitchell and
Messrs. Carl and Johnny , Dunn off
ILond'on' are spencling a few days •Math
lthe fonmer's sister, Mrs. Charles
dDuisgey ;
Mrs. (Dr.) Pattison of Lucknow,
returned home on 'Saturday after
spending two weeks with her cousin,
Mrs: Jessie Brown.
Mr. and 'Mrs. C, Dungey and "Jean,
and Mr. No.rnan'Scoits spent Sunday
with Mr . Wini. Duaigey of Logan
'Township, Miss Gladys Dungey re-
turned home after two weeks' vaca-
Mr, 'and Mrs. Wm, Brawnlee and
two sons of Oshawa :were in town
visiting Will's 'birbriher, Mr. George
(Brownlee and other friends, Will is an
old Tuckers'mith boy and holds a good
position with the IMdtropo'lfban Life
Insurance Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce and two
datsghlters, Eleanor and Ruth, of Osln-
kosk, Wisconsin, called on friends
here this week,
Mr, Jahn Sloriver ,who has been vis-
iting in Toronto for the past two
wveeks has returned, -
lMessrs. Harry MdLeod and Lorne
Pinkney are camping at Sunset Beach,
north of Goderinh.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holmes, are
spending' their ilasisdlays in S'imcoe
with Mr. Frank Arnold.
Mr. and Mrs. J. MacIT'av'isic spent
Sunday in Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Headerson and
daughter Of Toronito are spending
holidays with Mrs. Henderson's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 1A.'Modeland and
other friends.
Mr. Ian MadTavislh has returned
from Toronto where he spent a week
with friends.
Miss Mary Murray of West Lorne
is spending her holidays at the home
of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
IP, McCann.
'Masters Donald and Oben Mac-
Tavish are hone from Ingersoll,
where they spent a vacation with
Mr. C. Eckart has returned from
Detroit and Windsor where he spent a
week with friends.
Mr. Gordon Hays of Detroit spent
the week -end with his many friends
and was joined by his wife who spent
the past three weeks on her vacation.
Mrs. M. Deslbura has returned to ,re-
sume her duties in the Northville,
Michigan, Sanitorium, alter nursing
her mother, Mrs. C. Eckart, who is
progressing favorably the past week.
'Misses Jessie and Tena Dennis
have returned home from visiting
Mrs. John Watson of near :Baylfield.
Mr. (Tommy Talbot of 'Chatham is
visiting at the .home of John Dennis.
Mrs. Bella Boyd, Jahn ,Boyd, Mr.
and:Mrs. Thomas (Leeming, also Mr.
William Leeming motored to South-
ampton on (Sunday to visit their
'Mr. and Mrs, William Humphries
and family ,df Walton spent Sunday
afternoon, with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac !Bolton.
Mr, and Mrs. James MadIntofsh
were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. !John
Crozier one evening last week.
Mrs. Harry :Glravey, Mr, and Mrs,
'C'harlie Etner of Stratford were :Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
George Kistler.
Mr, Samuel Regele and Mr. and
Mrs. Antony 'Seim•on spent Sunday
at Grand Bend, r
GIOUD'IIE—tint Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, op Monday, July 31, 403, to
Mr, and Mrs, Elton Goudie, Sea -
forth a son (still born).
'H'ouse and loft, with id acre of land
in the village of Varna. Apply J. 5•
K'EYEES, Varna. 3'1
(High grade, stylish and most up-
to-date glasses, rimmed or rimless.
Your choice in shell, white or oink
mold-ifilled, with lenses complete, only
$6.150. Invisible bifocals with choice
of frame complete, only $IIE;00. These
prices include a thorough examina-
tion of your eyes by our web known
and painstaking specialist, Mr. Hugh -
son. Over 20 years coming to Sea -
forth. The isest .10 tied \ Vori: to he
obtained and we save you money.
:Trkesday and Wednesday, August
9th and 9th. Close WVednesdav at l2
noon, Come early. Beattie's Fair,
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load -off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's' worth your while to ,see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. Sutherland
Monday, Aug. 7th, '3
at 1:30 o'clock
Sunset Stake—Three-year=old Trot $500.00.
Whitely Stake—Three-year-old Pace $500.00
Blue Water Stake—Free-For-All $500.00
Golden Gate Stake -2.17 Trot or Pace $500.00
Goderich Stake -2.22 Trot or Pace $500.00
New Covered Grandstand Good Track
J. B. Whitely, M!D,, E. R. Wigle, W. F. Clark, V.S.,
President 'Treasurer Secretary
Mr. and Mrs, (Lewis Tebbu:tt left
Friday to visit friends in Hamilton,
:Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Coleman left
Moanday for (Forest (Nook, 'Parry
lSound District, to spend a few weeks
With the t'atter's sister, iMrs• !Rice, at
her summer ,home on •Ahm'ic Lake,
Mr. Clayton Martin of Englehart
is renewing ,acquain'tan'ces here.
The regular monthly meeting of
the ITuckersmith Ladies' Club was
held at the home of Mrs. J. '''E..lBa11
Wednesday afternoon, With a good
attendance. The president, Mrs. R.
Fear presided, The roll call was an-
swered by "A Scotch ;Story." It be-
ing Children's 'Day, they ha& charge
of the program. Readings were given
'by Misses S. Whitmore, H. Ashton,,
M. Crich, F. Whitmore and ;B. 'Wal-
ters. ,Miss Margaret Crich and Miss
Florence (Whitmore favored with a
duet2-A photo contest was conducted
Iby Mrs. R. 'Fear, which was very
amusing. T'he' remainder of the after-
noon was spent in games which the
'children enjoyed very 'much.
The9011 call for the 'September
meeting is to be answered 'by "'Help-
ful 'Hints far Style or 'Beauty."
Miss Margaret Coleman of Staffa
spent the 'week -end with her friend,
Miss Jean IFotherin'gham.
We sorry to hear of Mr. Abe
TForsyth •being conlfined 'to 'bed with
pneumonia. AB wish him a speedy re-
Mrs. Thompson Scott and family of
Detroit are visiting her parents; Mr.
and Mrs. Abe Forsyth.
Miss Olive Johnston of Varna and
Miss Dorothy Elgie of. Toronto are
visiting at th'e hone ,off Mrs. R. Elgie,
of Kippen,
Golden Wedding. — Mr. and Mrs.
IH'evey J.IRdbins'on of Hibbert cele-
brated their ,golden wedding anniver-
sary at their home, where they have
resided since they were married and
Iwlicit Mr. Robinson has awned since
:16&2. Mr. Robinson is the son of the
fate Mr, and Mrs, William Robinson,
and was born on the old Robinsons
:homestead no'w occupied by Albert
(Robinson, 1Mrs. Ro!bins'on, formerly
Miss Annabelle Furse, was born in
East Nissouri Town's:hip. Mr. and Mrs,
iRo•binson were married at the Furse
hone in East INissouri by the Rev. E.
(Rodgers, of Woodstock, who was pas-
tor of the Kintore Methodist Church
then, was unable to be present be -
.cause of illness, at this anniversary in
119313. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson's happy
anion was blessed with six children,
all of whom are living and present at
the anniversary. They are Mrs. John
Quinsel, Logan; Mrs, Joseph Moore,
II-Iib'bert Mrs. W. Sebibens, North
Easthope; Miss Isabel, William and
George at house; also twelve grand-
children. When this happy couple lo-
cated on their farm in Hibbert there
was a log house and a cedar post barn
:which have been replaced by a large
brick house and bank barn, Mr. Rob-
inson can point out a large cedar post
on which the yard' gate is swung,
which was there when he bought the
farm over 'fifty years ago. It is still in
good condition, Mr. Robinson also
stated that when he and 14'rs. Robin-
son located in this district several of
the roads were corduroy and it was a
common occurrence to watch the wat-
er splash up from 'between the logs
as they passed over them going to
•and from town. Mr. and -Mrs. Robin-
son are enjoying good health and are
assisting in the daily work aroiutd the
,farm. Friends and relatives are pres-
ent from Toronto, Detroit, Fergus
iWalkerville, Stratford; Fort Eric,
Parkdale, East Nissouri, Thames-
ford, Sault Ste, Marc,iGoderich,
ILu:cicnaw-, Win -pliant and 113rantiord.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johns of 'Ex-
eter visited- relatives in this commun-
ity last Wednesday,
,Miss IBridine vidFalls of 'Biddulph
is holidaying with Mrs. Wm. - 'Brad-
(Rev. and Mrs. Clysdale, who are
.spending their vacation . at Grand
Seaforth Collegiate Institute
All pupils intending to regis-
ter in Form I of the Seaforth
Collegiate for the term 1933-34
which opens Sept. 5th, are re-
quested to do so not later than
!Aug. 62th. Either mail a card to
the Principal or register in per-
son at the Collegiate on Aug.
5th or 'Aug. 12th, between the
hours 10.00 a.m. and 12,00 noon.
Bend were visitors with the latter's
niece, Mrs. !John Brock, last Thurs-
Mr, -Walter Johns, Mrs, Chas.
Johns, Mrs. 1Ric'h. (johns, Master (Phil-
ip and Miss ,Bessie Johns were in
St. Marys on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Reeve of Ilderton,
Mrs. Langford of !Liman, 'Mr. Ches-
ter Reeve and daughter Miss Norma
of 'Toronto were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Johns, one day last week.
(Rev. J. W. Button and daughter
Helen of IFordwich, also the former's
mother, off Toronto, were visitors at
the :home of Mr, and Mrs. :Austin
Dexter, one day last week,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hoggart visit-
ed at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. John
Mann, on the &h, last Sunday.
Miss 'Beatrice (Riley was visiting
last week at the home Of her sister,
Mrs, John (Hazelwood, Jr,
iMr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson and
Mrs. Davidson Sr. and Mr, Scott Da-
vidson and Mr, and Mrs. 'Harvey
jdhns of Tuckersmith, visited at (rhe
home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lawson
on Sunday.
Miss Done:da Adams is spending a
few days with her friend, Miss Gladys
Butson, of Staffa.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Clark visited
at the home of Mr. and firs, 'Oliver
Anderson recently.
Miss Helen Thompson 'spent a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunseith and fancily
.and Mr. Ro,bt. Moore of Stratford
visited at the home of Mr. Wm.
Moore and mother on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Elliott of Toron-
to and •Mrs. Elliott and daughter of
(Clinton called on Mr, and Mrs„Tack
!Ferguson on Friday last.
Mr, and Mrs, Thompson and daugh-
ter Ruth were guests at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. 'Wheatley on Sat-
urday last.
Mrs. Farquhar of Clinton is spend-
ing a few days at the home of Mr, and
"Mrs. Geo. Wheatley:
Mr, and Mrs. J, Ferguson spent
'Sunday with friends at Port Aubert.
Mrs. MrlGregor and son Ross, Miss
Grace Somerville, lir. Lloyd McCulla
and Mr. Will Jewett spent Sunday
with friends at Bogie's Beach near
illfgln grade, stylish and most up-to-
date glasses, rimmed or rimless. Mr.
Hnghson, our welhkno'wn' s'pecialist,
will be here Tuesday and 'Wednesday,
Aug, S & 9. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth.
Trousseau Tea.—A delightful ea. A 1i httul trou-
sseau tea was held at the Nome of
Mr, and Mrs. George W. Wheatley
on Friday 'afternoon in honour of
their daughter, Blanche, whose mar-
riage to Rev. Charles W. Leslie 'M.
A., takes place early in August Mrs.
Wheatley, Miss Blanche Wheatley
and Mrs, Peter Lindsay received the
guests. Miss Minnie Wheatley, Mrs:
!Bert :Anderson and Mrs. Carson
'Allen presided over tine display of
.the trousseau linens and gifts.Miss
Elizabeth Mills had charge of the
register in which seventy names were
inscribed. Mrs, W. F. Carnochan and
Mrs. W. Britton poured tea and were
assisted in the tea 'room by Mrs. J.
Ferguson, Mrs, \W,, R. Scott and Miss
Cora Strong.
Miss Jean MdDionadd of Walton, is
holidaying with her cousin, Miss
Beryl Carter.