HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-08-03, Page 1And I have loved thee, Ocean!and my` joy Of youthful sports was on thy breast to be (Borne, like thy bubbles, onward. Thou glorious mirror, where the Al- mighty's form • r HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER 'Glasses itself in tempests; in all time;\ r Calm or convulsed -in breeze or gale, or storm, Icing the pole, ,or in the torrid clime.. Dark -heaving: - boundless, endless, and sublime - The image of Eternity. ` Byron. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 55, Noe 31 , SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1933., Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT, LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE' SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Oiym.pia Confectionery and Restaurant Red Hot Week End Specials XXX VINEGAR - We always buy the best Vinegar and we have yet to have any complaints A 0 C about it 'T BRILLO with cake of soap. Splen- did for all cleaning .. 1,5c STUFFED ;ODWES, !t ,32 oz. jar per jar 33 , YEN'S :MUSTARD, large tin 50c 'BEEN'$ MUSTARD, small tin 25c. WINE PPNTS $1.00 per doz WINE QUAIRTS $1:10 per doz. IBOTITLE 'CAPS @. 25e lb. PLUM JAM .. 27c per jar ,. IDEAL 'CATSUP ...,per bottle 10c FANCY CAKES . ...'2 lbs. for 25c ;Butter, Eggs, and Feathers taken as cash. le a dozen extra trade for eggs. Cream taken for Seaforth Creamery IL ah the same price paid at creamery. Hutchison's PHONE 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE HONE E. L. BOX P43 REPORT . OF HOG ISHx'PMENTIS IB'rucdfieldl-.Total tl ; select 'bacon (28; !bacon75; butchers 44; heavies 3; extra heavies Ili; lights and feeders 34. IExe'ter--Total 114111 select bacon 48; 'bacon 841; .butchers ,10. IHens'a11-Total '54, select bacon 20; 'bacon 311; !butchers '3. lWal'ton - Total 1159; select bacom 145; .bacon' 717; butchers 218; lights and e''feed•ers 7. (Huron Co. Locals -Total '30183, sel- ect bacon 8::; bacon 119417; 'butchers 1115-3j heavies 215; lights and feeders 21. !Huron 'County - Total. hogs 59122, select bacon 1$17'5, bacon 34491, ;butch- ers :3155, heavies 43, extra heavies 2, lights and feeders 43. The !Ladies' Aid of Cavan Church, Winthrop, are:. holding a • Sale of Home Made Cooking Saturday, Aug. DOORS O'P'EN AT 3 PIN/. Sn the store formerly occupied, Mrs. (Sheffer, 5 CHURCH CARD. 'North Side United Church -Pastor Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. Union holiday services cif United Churches. :Sunday :School and Bible Classes at 10 a.m. in both churches. 11(1'.a.m.- Public .m:Pdublic Worship in Egmo'nd'ville Un- ited Church, subject, "Personalized [Consciences.' Evening, 7 p.m. -Pub- lic Worship in Norlth- Side (United 'Church. Subject, "Unlfinished Tasks." Rev. W. P. (Lane will preach at both services. EGMONDVSILL•E !CHURCH August "(5th. -1(1, a.m, .Reverend W. 1P. Lane, B.A. 7 p.m. -Withdrawn in co-operati'on, with Northside Church and McKillop. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'Morning, "A Quest 'for Souls." Ey- ening-"Unemployed Until the Elev- enth Hour." ST. THOMAS' 'CHURCH (St. Thomas' Anglican Church 'ser- vices, 'Sunday, (Aug. 4th. C'onlfirm!a- tion Class and Sunday Schodl, 10 a. m, Holy Com'munion 111 a, m. ;Sermon Iby the Rector, Who desires all mem- bers of the congregation possible to be present as he desires to consult with ,them at the close of the service, con'cernin'g the welfare of the c'ongre- gation' relative to the services. CIVIC H'OLLDIAY. 'Next Monday, August 7th, is holiday in Seaforth. civic PICNIC. St. T'hom'as' 'Church held their an- nual congregational and Sunday school picnic at Baylfi'eld on Wednes- day 'afternoon. 630WLING Mr, and Mrs, M. A. 'Reid, Mrs. E. H. Close and Mr. 'M McKellar took part in themixed twilight tourna- ment at New Hamburg on Tuesday eventing, APPOINT'ED !CHA'PLAI'N We congratulate Rev, !Canton ' Ed- ward Appleyard who received this Twee cl a certificate ;of...-appdintmemt as the 'Gr'an'd Chaplain' of the Grand Lodge, A F. & A. M. df Canada. The appointment was ,made illy M. W. (Grand Mas'ter'Fran'k Copus of Strat- ford. The ltra't-ford.'Tihe Grand Lodge met in St.,,Ca- therines on Judy 201th. WELL FOUND There was a good attendance at the sale on Saturday of the property of the late Miss J. McIBride, when the household effects were disposed of. The house was not sold. 'Irnmedia'tely after the sale While furnishings were being removed from the house, a will of Miss 'McBr'ide's was disoovered`+be- nea'th the linoleum. An aunt in Branip- ton'is named as benefi'ciary.; CO-OPERATIVE SALE 'Twenty -'one 'Seaforth merchants are co-operating in putting on a big sell- ing.event this week -end, Thursday, August and toSaturday night, August 13th, Five thousand large bill's were distribu'ted in the d'is'trict for this sale, the keynote being "Regular prices are .ad'vlancing; buy now and make a dou- ble saving." 'The stores talking part are: Savaugels, M•ad7 wish's, Ross J. Slpro'at, N, Pryce, Olympia Restaur- ant, Roy Butt, Seaforth Bargain Store, ICh'ristie Meat Market, , Regent- The- atre, Carter's Cash,: Grocery, .Walker's !Furniture Store, Chevrolet Sales and ISer'vlce, Stewart Bras„ Cardlno's, J. A, Westcott, Anders'on''s Bakery, Red Ir- by 'dian Service, 'Geo. D. IFergu'son, Beat- tie 1,11'0s,, Walter G. Willis, The R'obt, (Bell Engine' 8r 'Thresher Co.` ANNOUNCEMENT 'Mr. and Mrs. (Frank (B. Clement, Clvapleau, O'ntari'o, announce the "en- gagement of their daughter, Helen Elizabeth, to John Craig ;Archibald, New York, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam R. Archibald, .Seaforth Ontario, the marriage to take place in Toron- to the middle of August. CO.NNEL-DALE ,RE -UNION' On 'Wednesday, July 26th seventy- one members of the Co'nnel'l-'Dale fa- milies held their fourth annual picnic at. " Con'od'ale," the ''beau'tiful summer resort of Mr. and•Mrs. Wm. Connell, 'Clinton. The weather was ideal for races, solft-Ibal'l, boating and swim- ming and all enjoyed a pleasant after- noon. Relatives were present from [Owen Sound, ,H'ol'land Centre, Walk- erton, Clinton, Walton, Blyth, Varna and Londeslboro. The... executive in Charge was comprised of President,' Mr. Jas. Millar; secretary, Mrs. Geo. Carter; treasurer, Mrs. Wm. !Connell; sports convener, Mr. Arnold ,Dale; re- freshments convener, Mos. Wan. Car- ter. The following were successful in capturing prizes at the races: Girls and (b'o'ys '5 years and under, Wildla (Sewell, Isabel Chowen, Bruce Tyn- dall;'Girls, 8 years 'and, under, Marie Connell, Gloria Connell, ..Helen Sew- ell; boys, 8 years and under, Lorne Dale, Bruce 'Tyndall; boy's 10 years and under/Glen 'Carter, Lorne Dale, Bruce Tyndall; girls, 110 years and under, Doris 'Tyndall, Marie Connell, Gwen . Sewell; boys, 12 years and un- der, Glen Carter, .girls, 122 years and under, Jean . Mc(Donald; young wom- en's race, Beryl Carter; young men's race, Jlim Chowen; potato race, Mel- ville Howey; men's soda biscuit race, 'Verne Dale; ' women's three-legged race, Marjory Colson and Mrs. Bill (Knox; mother's race, Mrs. Jim Chow - en, Mrs. Leslie Knox; ladies kicking slipper, Miss Lavine Knox; men's 3 - legged race, (George Carter and Roy Connell; grand'mother's race, Mrs. (Geo. Connell; everybody's wheel, bar- row race, Mrs, Verne Dale. After 'partaking of 'a bounteous supper, ,the members gathered for a business meeting when the following, officers were elected for the •coming year.: president, Mr. Wm. 'Carter; secretary, Mrs, Verne Dale ; treasurer, Miss Mallory Colson; refreshments con- vener, Mrs. Tom Knox;, sports con- vener, Mrs. Clary Connell. "SIT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" A Seaforth owner advertised for a lost dog a few weeks ago and although he has not yet recovered it, he has had many replies, and is convinced that his dog is not at large in this neighborhood. By noon of the day the ad. first appeared a Phone call from Dublin reported a dog of the de- scription. However, the owner found that it was only a spray. This same canine has since wandered up the Huron Highway during the past two weeks, being reported to this office from all along the way, and on 'Tues- day it evidently arrived in 'Sea'forth for there was word of it from various parts of town. K•EL TERB O R N.+M O W'B'RA Y A quiet wedding at the Lutheran parsonage at May'nooth, Ont„ recent- ly When Rev. Mr. Lotz, ',formerly of Wellesley, united in marriage Miss Mary 'Mowlbray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George ' Mowbray of Seaforth, and .•formerly of New Hamburg, to (Royal Kelterborn, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kelterborn, of Wellesley. Rev. Mi, Lotz is a ,brother-in-law of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Kelterborn Will reside in Wellesley. W.I. The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Women's Institute will be 'held on Wednesday afternoon, Au- gust 9th, at the home of Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot, Mill Road. Topic, "Plan- ning Summer Meals."'Roll oall, "Sug- gestions for Sunday Night Supper." There will 'be a table setting demon- stration and a short talk on vita- mins. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. (FO'OT (BALL Ethel and .St, IColunaiban Tied 0-0 at Walton (Before Tremendous Crowd. Ethel and St. •C'olumlban battled ten minutes' overtime in a scoreless play-off foot (ball m'atc'h in the Ste- phenson Cup series on Wednesday night at Walton, Ibelfote a :huge crowd. 1B:id Bell was referee, The play,off was necessary because the teams are tied on the round, the (winners to go into the semi -(finals with. Brussels, Walton and Winthrop. IAnlolther game will be meeess'ary to break the tie. i gliMENSEEMBEESINERatimennwarieumanswommm EASY MONEY Probably never again will such easy money be made as during - Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 3rd, 4th and 5th. Our Co - Operative 'Sale 'makes this possible in this way. We are selling at the old low prices less a very liberal idiscount You unake a saving of from 20% and upwards, 'Then all new merchandise bears an increase of from 15% to 25%. So again you save another 20% by escaping the inevitable . raise in price. This !opportunity in, all probability will not occur again in a decade. So be shrewd, be wise, buy now. MARS WRIST WATCHES ....................regular $25.00 MARS WRIST WATCHES ...... .......... " $20.00 MONTROSE WRIST WATCHES " $12.50 POCKET WATCHES " $25.00 POCKET WATCHES ...,.,,,,, " $15.00 POCKET WATCHES . . .. ......... . .. . . . " $10.00 DIAMOND RINGS (3 Diamonds) " $50,00. DIAMOND RINGS " $25.00 ALL OTHER DIAMONDS, SAME DISCOUNT WEDDING;:RINGS regular : $129..0050 On WEDDING RINGS " $ WEDDING RINGS " $ 6.00 ANY OTHER RING IN THE STORE AT'25% DISCOUNT BEAUTIFUL MARCASITE NECKLETS regular $ 2.50 94 PIECE DINNER SET " $22.50 94 PIECE DINNER SET ............ , " $17.00 32 PIECE DINNER SET $ 7.50 MANTEL CLOCKS $12.00 BIG BEN ALARM, CLOCKS, in colors ........ $ 4.50 On ti sc „ „ n it On f1 u Sale $19.95 " $15.95 $ 9.95 " $18.95 " $11.25 " $ 7.50 . " . $41.95 • $20.95 Sale $10.00 ", $ 7.00 " $ 4.75 Sale $ 1.89 " $17.95, • $12.95 " $ 5.59 • $ 9.95 " $ 3.65 ALL FANCY CHINA' AT 20% TO 40% DISCOUNT SILVER HOLLOW WARE, 20% DISCOUNT.s. SILVER FLATWARE - SPECIAL' LOW PRICES. ALL LEATHER GOODS, including Hand Bags 25% DISCOUNT COSTUME JEWELRY 25% OFF. TUDOR CUT GLASS in Goblets, Iced Tea, Sherbets and Plates, Wines,, Cocktails, 20% off regular prices. On all Merchandise not listed above 20% Discount will prevailduring- thi's., Sale. Owing to increasing costs this will be the last opportunity at such extremely low prices and they will probably never again be offered to the public. So we can just say, be wise, be thrifty, buy now, and SHOP AT SAVA U GE • 1 IT PAYS OPPOSITE POST OFFICE PHONE 194 SEAFORTH STAFFA. 'Miss Aggie Armiston of Oshawa spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 'Miller, Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Livingstone of Hamilton visited with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Livingstone. The Misses Marian' and Muriel Drake, Dorothy and Isa'bellGray, •Aiar- garet and Vera Allen, Ada Miller, Marzetta Saddler, Jean Barbour, Ada IS'peare, jean Stale, Myrtle Carson. and Margaret Hamilton are spending this 'week at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller of Logan and Mr. and Mrs. P. Miller of Mt Pleasant, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Hod- gert of 'London spent Sunday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Midler, 'Misses Doris and Wilda Elliott of Willow Grove are spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Norris. The W. I. picnic held at Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon was a great success. A large number attend- ed and all report a splendid time. The sports committee provided a large number of races and games, after which all sat down to a bountiful supper. Miss Agnes Patrick is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gray and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barbour and family, Mr. Jack ;Sadler, Ken. Drake, Harry Drake, Ro'bt. Miller, Clarence Norris, and Cliff. Miller spent Sun- day at the Bend. DUBLIN. ,Mr. Leo Holland is visiting friends in this vicinity. 'Mrs, Wm, ;Byrne is holidaying in (Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jordan and fam- ily'of Mount Clements spent Sunday at the home of his parents,. Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm. J'ord'an: Miss Annie Ryan returned home ia'f- ter spending a few days with ;London friends. Mr. and Mrs. Doctor .Smith and fa- mily of. (Highland Park Hospital, spent a few days at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Connor, Mr. James Cronin spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. James 'Jordon of 'Toron,o is visiting his parents Mr, and Mrs, Wm. ;Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dillon and Mr, and Mrs, (Pat Longway visited friends in this vicinity on ;Sunday. Miss Ella Clark, IDetroit, was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. IJmsep'h IK•linkhammer,'D'ublin, We are sorry to report that Mr. Frances 'Gallagher, is on tlfe sick list, and hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Tommy •Ryan, •b1c- $cillop, 'visited with Hibbert friends on 'S'unday evening. We are glad to ''hear Mr. Patrick 'Morris of 'Dublin is feeling a little better, Miss Annie Carpenter of Logan spent 'Sunday with her sister. WINTHROP. Mr. and Mrs. .Samuel 'Somers and Audrey of 'Detroit called on Mr. John Bullard on )(S'a'turday. 'Mr. 'Will Chapman of ISerforth spent 'Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewartha. Mr. and Mrs. IWm, Webster of St. Johns spent ;Sunday wiltli Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Eaton. Mrs. john Armstrong of L'ond'on and Mrs, Dee IHarritsg of (Buffalo spent the week -end ' with, Mr. and Mrs. 'Fergus 'Bullard. ' The farmers are busy harvesting oats this week. Rev. Edwin 'Morrow of Cavan Church is spending his vacation at Delaware, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dodds of Lis- towel spent the week end 'with. i•rela- tives' here, elatives''here, BRUCEFIELD. Miss T. Doan of Inwood returned: home this week after spending two weeks with her uncle and ausit, MIr.. and Mrs. Dawson. (Miss (Smith of Bluevale has come- to reside with her .aunt and uncle,' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry. 'We welcome: her 'to our village. The many friends of Miss Mary r:. McCully will be pleased to hear that she was able to take an auto ride last week and called • on ,old friends on the second concession of 'S'tanley, after being confined to her hone for. the past year, Church services during August:. Services at 9:415 a.m. Aug 19-1Rev. E. F. Chandler. Aug. 113 -Temperance Representa- tive. ,Aug, 20--1Rev, Z. F. +Chandler -- Aug, 27' -'Rev, 'E. F. 'Chandler. Sunday School immediately after - each morning service. The evening; service to be wit'hdra'wn, and also the. weekly prayer meeting. MANLEY. .Sister Martha from London. is-- pending tpending a few days with her 'broth,,- er, Mr. Jerry OIHara, Harvesting operations will soon -1 be completed and the bumper crop which was expected has become a lean one. The threshing season wilt be a short one as the crop of straw - is short, and it looks as though the heavy crop of hay will come in handy by next Spring. /Fall wheat was also good for those. who were lucky enough to have it We can sow but never can tell how much we can reap, • lA't the present time there is so, much talk about curtailing production as if we had, it in our h'and's to say,.. we are going to reap so many bush- - els. per acre. We have no say in, ii if the Creator of the universe sees fit -- to chastise is in our prde. Leave • these, things to the al' -wise P'ro'v'id-- ence: