HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-07-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. TIENSALL. MIr, and Mrs. J. W. Bon'thron spent the week end with friends in South- ampton. ton. \Ir, and Mrs. john (Pass ere..and family are camping this 'u eek lac' (Pike Bey, Mr. and Mrs. IRobt. IBengough of Midland, Mich., spent ,the •week end 'with relatives in town. Mise Dorothy !Deters is s.peandiin'g, several weeks at I'Jhedford, (Born, -In H!ens'ell, on Sunday, July Ward, to Mr. ,and "'Mrs, William 1Smale, e daughter. Mr, and ails, !Leslie Knight and son Flowerd,iMr, and Mrs. Sidney 'Fulmer end ,Mss IMclDonnell of Kit- chener ,were week end visitors with: relatives in town and are visiting for a week with :friends :at !Beach -o -Pines. Miss Minnie Reid ,'stpent the week end with relatives in 'London. Mrs. IMlargiaret'Agur celebrated her 102nd Ibinthday an Monday •of this week. Mrs. lAgur was 'born in 'Prince IEdwand :County on July .24th, '119!311. Mrs. Agur was 6 years old when Queen !Victoria was crowned. Mrs. IAgtir is possibly the oldest 'person in. the province. Mr. and Mrs. 'P. IH. Devlin of Strat- ford and Mrs. 'Hannah 'Colvin and son John of Lobo were 'Sunday visitors with Mr, and 'MLTs. !Fred !Corbett; {-Baster !Clarence 'IvIdNau:ghton of IHi'bbert is visititeg with 'his grandpar- ents, Mr, and 'Mrs. 'D. 'M'cNaughton, !Miss 'Helen ;Slwan left Tuesday for an extended trip to the Coast. Master !Bobby 'Cameron is spend- ing his holidays visiting with his grandmother, 'Mrs. Alex. !Foster of Varna. 'Mr. and Mrs, Fred Corbett motor- ed to !Detroit this weak to attend the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Wm. Callahan (,nee Sarah Corbett). The baseball game 'between St. Marys and 1H'ensa!•1, played on .our local diamond on Monday evening resulted 111-2 for Hensel. The Hen- sel team have won nearly every game this summer. Miss Norah (Petty has returned after spending several weeks in Sea - 'forth nursing her uncle, Mr. William (Butts, Dr. Margaret Strang of the `Peace River 'district delivered a very int- eresting address at the Carmel Pres- byterian 'Church on Sunday after- noon, concerning her work in the Northwest and of the many hard- ships and trials endured in her mis- sionary and medical work, A young people's Choir led in the service of song and a quartette by Misses Irene Daters, Mabel Workman, Irene IHog- garth and Dorothy 'Daters. .Mfrs. Bert' North and daughter Au- drey of Woodstock are visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins, Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and family of Toronto spent the week end with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs, F'aed Taylor of Lon- don visited friends in town on Sun- day. Mrs, (Dr.) Sweet and Mrs. Reid and daughter, Miss Ola Reid and Miss Fanny Bissett of Exeter called on friends in town on Monday. Messrs. Roland Pepper of Trent River, Wm. Pepper of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pepper of Sar- nia, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pepper of London and Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Pep- per ep t the home ofMrspent week d Mrs Wm. Pep- per. Jr. John Kaiser of Detroit is visit- ing his sister, :Mrs. John Zeufle. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott and fam- ily of Toronto spent the week end with relatives in town. Mlrs. Rolbt, Eacrett, Who underwent an operation at the London hospital, is improving nicely. Miss Mary .McKaig of Exeter is visiting with relatives in town. Mr. Milne Rennie of .Seaforth is vis- iting with friends in lawn. Dr. Dougall of Petrolia visited with his parents, Mfr. and Mrs. Wtn. Dau - gall. Miss Verde Watson visited last week at her home in Londesb:aro. CONSTANCE. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Ferguson visit- ed Mir. and Mrs. Clarence Rath of Wawanosh on ,S•unday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams went to Toronto an Saturday and spent the day with friends, Miss Constance Heal and Mr. Dick Thompson of Toronto spent the week end with their friend, Miss Blanche Wheatley. Mrs. Will Wheatley of Toronto spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley, The Golden Links Mission Band were invited to visit the Winthrop BandBand on Wednesday of this week. Miss Blanche Wheatley attended the shower held in honor of Miss Bertha Beatty in Seaforth on Wed- nesday aftermo'on. Miscellaneous 'Shower.--lOn'Ihurs- day evening, July 20th, the neighbors and friends met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, William Britton to do hon- or to the bride -elect, Miss (Blanche Wheatley. Although Blanche has been away for some time, she had not transferred her membership from Constance church, and had always been a liberal giver and will be much missed, A mock wedding was held under an arch of evergreen, shasta daisies and roses on the lawn. The. minister was Miss Grace Somerville; bride, Miss Helen Britton; g'r'oom, Miss Donelde Adatns; bridesmaid, Miss Ruth Hugill; groomsman, Miss PIhyl'ie Medd; flower girl, Miss Fern Dexter, ,Owing to the weather, the gaily decorated chair of H'on'or which Miss Btlanc'he occupied, was taken indoors. Where the !ball'ance of the program was given. Mrs. Leo Stephenson sang "A Shanty from Old S'h'antytown." At the close little Blanche Armstrong MACKLAM'S' LUNCH Open for , business, serving First Class Meals, Orders taken for Home Baking. TE'LEPH'ONE 9' and Donald Stephenson presented a float with a cottage; in white and yellow, ,filled with rodeely; presents, which included a floor lamp, an occasional chair and a handsome silk beds'prea'd and many other very beau- tiful gifts. Miss Blanche trade a very suitable reply, alter which there was a program in which Mrs. Ern- est Mills and her daughters, of Sioux Falls, Dakota, took a . prominent pant, Miss Virginia Mills gave a reading, "Why I Like the Movies." Three numbers of tap dancing were given by the Misses Virginia and Marguerite Mills, accompanied by Mrs. Mille. A piano duet by Mrs: Mills and Miss Elisabeth Mills, A piano solo by Miss Virginia Mills and a piano duet by Mrs. Mills and daughter Virginia. An instrumental number, Mr. Leo S'tepehnson, violin, Mrs. Stephenson, guitar, and Mfrs. Ferguson, p'ian'o. A solo by Mrs. Simmons, "I'11 take you home again." At the close of the pro- gram a dainty lunch was served by the ladies. Miss Bary Moore of Toronto and Mr. Robent Moore of Stratford spent• the week end with their mother, Mrs. Wm. Moore. MIr. and Mrs, John ,Riley of Brus- sels visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldlby. Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Riley of Clinton visited friends in the village on Sun- day. •Mr. and Mrs. James Alderson of Walton, also Miss Florence Alderson of 'N'orth Bay spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Grimoldby. A few of the farmers have already threshed their e r wheat crop and report good results. Mrs. Wilbur McRo•rie, Helen, Flo- rence and Will, and Miss Jean Wilk- inson, of Lam'bton County, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Will Britton. Florence M'•cRorie is spend- ing a week. WINTHROP. ISeaforth played football here on Tuesday night. The score was 2-0' for Winthrop. Ferg. Bullard and Wil- son Wright scored the goals. Win- throp defeated Seaforth in Seaforth last Saturday night 4 to 1. Don Dale scored three goals and "Scotty" Wat- son one. This is the seventeenth goal Dale has scored for Winthrop this season. Bill Dennis was referee at both games. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong and 'Shirley of 'Ottawa, Mrs. John Armstrong and Mr. Dick An;metrang of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard. Miss Mar- ine Armstrong returned with them after spending a few days with her sister.. Teddy Chapman of Godenich spent last week with Mr. and Mrs Wen, Trewartha. Miss Grace Somerville spent the week -end with Miss Ilene Bolton. Cavan Church and Sunday School held their annual picnic at Bayfield on Tuesday, The following were the winners of the sports: Girls race, 7 years and en- der, hat, Ruth McClure; 2nd, Jean Pryce; bays' race, 7 years and under, Est, Harold Pryce; 2nd, Gordon Bet- ties; girls race, 12 years and under, 1st, Muriel Dotmage; '2nd, Anna Somerville; girls race, 16 years and under, 1+st, Olive Pryce, 2nd, Blanche Pethiok; boys' .race, 16 years and un- der, l+st, Kenneth Betties; 2nd,.. -Har vey Dolmage; girls' chum race, Lst, Margaret Beattie and Blanche Pefih- ick; 2nd, Olive Pryce and Isabel Bet- ties; young ladies' race, list, Isabel Betties; 2nd, Blanche Peth"ck; young men's race, list, Rev. Mir. Morrow; 2nd, Frank Case; three legged -race, Stewart Do1'mage, William Diolmage; hurdle relay race, 1st, ,Stewart Db'1- mage's team; 2nd, Thias. Blanchard's team; clothespin race, Mins. William' Somerville, Mrs, Roy Patrick. Start- er, Thos. Blanchard. Prizes were dis- tributed 'by Mr. W. Dlodds, The base- bali game between the married men and single men resulted in 'a tie, 7-7. The Ladies' Aid and WM.'S. meet- ing is to be held on Wednesday, Ab - gust 2nd, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William Jbhnston. The mite boxes are to be handed in at this meeting. The Eye of the Dragon A thrilling novel of love and ad- venture on the China Sea, 'beginning in The American Weekly, the maga- zine disltr'ibuted with next Sunday's !Detroit Time's. ImasmilimmumarammiS THURSDAY, JULY, 27, 1933. TOWN TOPICS • TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO jelly, 11207 Lacrosse. .The Junior Beaver Lacrosse team and a picked 'team fram,'the champion I31as-IBeeus of !former days ;played an interesting game at the recreation grounds on RMiond.ay evening. The score, which was 4-11 in fever .olethe latter shows that 'the old-timers are still in'the game and gave the young- er element a few pointers on how the game should be played. Space pre- vents us ;from .enumerating the 'many bnillia'nt plays of the different players but 'p'a'rticular mentao'n',tnust ,be made of the good work done by John Ran- kin, who was called on to replace Jack smith of The IHlas-IBeens, The "juniors played 'avery good game and will no dotnbt improve with age, Mr. D. T. 'Pinlhney acted as a 'lenient re- feree and lined the .players as ;follows: Old 'Has-IBeen's-IGloal, 'Oscar ',Neil; point, John !Rankin;; c. 'point, T. J. Stephens; d'efen'ce, IA. IBdthune, C. IS'te'wart, J'o'hn 'M+cIKenzie1' 'centre, 111. John.sitone, .3rd !home, Tone 'Fletcher; 12nd home, T. Johnstone; Illst home, !Fred ;Beattie; 0. home, W. Johnstone, ff..!home, IW. lJ. Alden. junior Beavers -!Goal, Jerry Case; point, W. :Mc- Kay; c. point, 'Jack Case; defence, E. !Box, D. 'Reid, C. Barnett; .centre, Claude Smale 3rd .'home, B. Puffy; end home,'IB.:Sltephen!son;1st .home, Pat Adams; 10. 'home, C. !S!toddant; 1. home, D. 'Stoddart. C. 0. F. Garden Party The Catholic Order df Foresters held a very successful garden party on Friday eveningan the lawn of !Mr. 'P. Walsh, !The grounds had 'been prettily decorated with Chinese ,terns and incandescent lights, [booths had 'bean erected for the occasion from which refreshments and. soft drinks were served. There was a good attendance but it would have ,been much larger had the evening been warmer, the rain on (Thursday 'having somewhat' marred what would have no doubt been a most succe'ss'ful and enjoyable affair. The following pro - ram was introduced g by Mr. J. J. !Purcell, who acted as chairman for the evening; instrumental duet, Misses M. Friel and M. Tones; address, Rev. 1P. Corcoran; solo, Mr. 'Roy Willis; violin selections, Mr, Thos. 'Rands; 9 o'clock, balloon ascension; Highland !Piing dance, Miss ]Lillian 'Faulkner; !Caledonian airs by Piper 'McDonald; juvenile song, Miss 'Genevieve 'Jones and Master Joe' Brown; instrumental, Miss Fergus M'aMann; violin selec- tion, '-lir. 'Chas. .Golding; ,Scotch song, Master 'Gordon McCanrm•ond in 'kitties; solo, 'Mr. 'George Israel; !Scotch recitation, Master Nathaniel MoCammond; accompanist, 'Miss Margaret Daly. Travellers. lT,hefollowing parties were ticketed to disfant point this week: James !Hart and son, of .Seaforth, to'Graven- horst and return; 'Miss Agnes Herron and Miss Agnes McDougall, of !Staffa to 'Moosejaw and return; Mrs. Thos. IDodds, Jr., of McKillop, and bro't'her, 'Dr. McFadden to Ielnorte, ,Co'lora'do, Mr. P. E. (Lennon of Seaforth, to 'Portland, Oregon, and return; Rev.' and 'Mrs. 'Sawyers, of lBrucelfield, to 'Edm'onton; and return; 'William Fell, Of :Staffa, to Edmonton and return; Mrs. Nichol, of Seaforth, to Regina, Sask.; Mies M. Jackson, of Egmond- vdle, to Edmonton, and' return; Mrs. A. 'S'wan, of 'Ohiselhurst, to Moose - jaw, and return; Miss Susie Morri- son, of Staffa, to :Moosejaw, ,Sark,, and return; Mr. James Logan, of 'Hensall, to M'oosej•aw, Sask.,, and return. Operation. ,Mr. John !Staples, who has been seriously 111, underwent an operation on Thursday for the removal of an abscess which had 'formed on the are pendix, He has since 'been gradually improving but it will 'be some time before he will Ibe able, to attend to business. Macadamizing. Chose residents on Go.derich and Main streets 'who wi's'h to have town water for use on their dawns or in their houses, should have the neces- sary work done before the streets are macadamized. This Will greatly re- duce the expense and :trouble that it would otherwise do later an. Public School liepplications were called up to 16'th, August, .19017, for a lady teacher for the public school, initial salary $34'5. Team Sold. Mr. John Shanahan of 'Relict, re- cently sold a span of horses to Met 'Thos, Handford of Exeter, for the handsome price of $600. One of the pair was a four -year -odd for which he received ij 3125. The team are intended .for the :Winnipeg ,market. Constance. ' Mrs. W. B', Cook has arrived home after a visit with her clanghter, ;Mrs. Lowes, who resides near ''Brendon. Hiss Maud ,MDcIGregor, youngest dweller o'e Mi. John M1clGregor, who dos' the pest year has been teaching school near IOlttawa, has resigned (Im- position there and .accepted a school at Aulibs'ville, ;'firs. James 'Wilson, who wilt her husband moved from here 26 years ago to' Saginaw, Michigan, was calling Oil friends, and acquaintances here re- cently. Mr. 'Wilson for a ntenber of years was blacksmith en this village and their many fiends here will be •pleased to hear of them doing well in their present home, HARLOCK. We are pleased to knew that Mos, Chas Pars'on's; who was operated on some time ago in Stratford hospital, but who is nolw at the home of her daughter, Mr. ,and Mrs. Gordon Jen- kins of that city, is getting along nicely and Mr. Parlous and Autry ex- pect to bring her home an their next visit. IMr. B'eelt Beacom started last week b•anbering in liondes'boro, He .punp'oses to barber a couple of days a week. We wish Sant good success. Mr. Buster Beacom o:f Listowel is holidaying at the Nome of his uncle, Mr. A. W. and Mrs. Beacom. The Misses Mary and Olive Moon. ane at present ho'llid'ayingin 'Toronto. Mrs, Herne of 'Toronto is `visiting at the „home Of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ,Moon. 'Mrs. Hbrry Moon, who, was recent- ly operated on in Clinton hospital is doing as well as can be expected. We hope Mrs. Moon will soon be, able to be home again, Miss Irma Myers of near Clinton is at present visiting her cousin, Miss Helen McGregor.' Mrs. Jennie Knox is visiting at the home Of her daughter, Mts. Thomas Appleby Of McKillop. We wish to congratulate the girls whose homes are in this vicinity but Who are teaching in the surrounding country, on their splendid ' success wi'th their entrance pupils. Miss Lydia Reid in Ha rloci school, Master Wm. Taylor, Ida Leiper and Ivan Shannon,. all passing, first two with honours. Miss Amy Parsons in 'S.S. No. 2, Hul lett, out of 8 writing, 7 passed, 3 with honours.- Miss Mary Moon, out of 3 pupils, all passed, two with honours. !Miss Moon is this year going to Normal in Stratford. ' The Misses Rosamond and Manion Appleby returned home 'Sunday after holidaying at the home of Mrs. Jen- nie Knox. Quite a number from these parts attended the Burns' Sunday school picnic. to Baylfleld last Friday and e'n- j'oyed a real good day. -• IOn Friday last, July 21st, the Sun- day school of Burns' !Church held a very enjoyable picnic at Jowett's Grove, Baylfield. The winners of the races were: Children, six years and under, '1st, Isabel Riley; 2nd, Harry Lear; boys, 6-10 years, Det, 'Glen Car- ter; 2nd, ,Ross Leiper; girls, 6-110 yrs., 1st, Laura Leiper; 2nd, Rosamond Appleby; boys, 10.1114 years, list, Wat- son Reid; 21nd, Willie 'Taylor; girls, 10.114 years, let, Hazel Jamieson; 2nd,. Ettie ,Riley; young ladies' race, itt, Isabel Jamieson; 2nd, Marijorie Col- son; young men's race, 1st, Watson Reid; 2nd, Leslie Reid; married lad- ies', let, Mrs. G. 'Carter; 2nd, Mrs. V. Dale; soda biscuit race, list, Watson Reid; snowshoe race, Glen Carter; balloon race,Ed'die Bell; pean'u't race, Gordon Ma1dGregor. "These were fol Lowed by a peanut scramble for ev- eryone, The remainder of the after- noon was Spent in playing softball, football and swimming. RAM GR'ADIN'G The Federa'1-)Provincial ram gnad- ing service will again be in effect this year and rami grading will commence about the 715fth of August. Owners of .pure bred ram lambs or shearlings Who «nisi, this service should write. immediately to the Ontario Live S'to:ck Branch, 'Parl'iament Buildings, Toronto, and secured a blank applica- tion form to be lfi'lled out and returned at once to the Department in Toron- to. The following bonus money will be paid to the purchasers of graded rams: On the By Ont Live By Dom purchase •of 'Stock Br, L.SJB An XX Lamb '$2.00 $200 An XX Yearling 3.00 3,00 An. XXX Lamb 3.00 3,40' An XXX Yeat''1'ing 4,00 4.00 IIn addition to the a'bove a bonus of $2.00 will be paid by the Ontario De- partment to the breeders of XXX lambs or shearlings; This ram grad- ing policy is open to all breeders of pure bred sheep and any . breeders 'having breeding stock for sale are wel! advised to make application for grading which is free of cost to the breeder. Want and Por Sale Ads. 1 time 25c Prairie Dose Flour SRFeIPdLPRIeE 2.119 gALADA 9TEA dla 1 C '' ,pounsd ..'..... COOKED HAM 42C ee \Per pound , BRED ROISE TEA pound . :.,., C Velveeta CH'E'ESE 2 ,pkges. R'IDEAU HALL COFFEE , , 45c ,Pound W. J. JP Q N N I GA 1v TN MEMORIAM :HIAINIE'Y.-Ilei loving memory of Lindsay Haney, who passed away, July 27th, 1930. "Just three years ago to -day, Since our wee darling wen•t'awby; We loved him much, Gold loved him more, But We'll hope to meet on yonder. shore." -Sadly missed by mother, daddy, and little Ibrothe'rs. MUS'I'C Miss Helen 'Lane w'ishes to an- nounce that she will be ready to re- !ceive' pupils .for ins!tru!stian in piano, voice, and theory of mnnsic, beginning the middle of September.: 30. LONDESBORO. Mr. Darnion of Luckn'ow called on friends in the village recently. Mr. Theodore Stewart of Stratford is spending. this week with friends in the village. 'Mr..and Mrs. J. Freeman and fam- ily of near Seaforth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. !Riley on Sunday. 'Mr, and Mss. W'estbroo'ke and Miss Yungblut of ,Goderich Sundayed at the home of Mr. John Vodden. Mrs. Rcbt. Scott who is in Clinton hospital for four weeks, is not getting well as fast as her many friends would like to see. Mrs. Geo. McCall and little Miss Jean are holidaying for a few days with Mips. McCall`s sister, near Brus- sels. Mrs. McCrea of Belgrave was in aur village on Friday last, ,We are sorry to relate the de'a'th of Mr. Wm. Gray which took place on .Sunday evening. Mr. Gray for the last few months has been a great suf- ferer. Besides brothers and sisters he leaves .to mourn his loss his widow, two daughters and two sons. We ex- tend our sympathy to the bereaved ones. • IAm.ong those who spent Sunday at. Grand Bend are the following: Mr and Mrs. W. 'T. Brunsdon, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and Lloyd, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ri'cha'rd Vodden, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brunsd'on and children. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss McClennan. of Perth are guests at the home of Mr. Janes McCool. ' Mr. Tom Cole of .Toronto spent .Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Janes Mc- Cool. Miss M. Grainger of Toronto is spending her vacation with her sis- ters here, Messrs. E. Lee, G, Cowan and T. Pickett, Mr. John Harvey attended Masonic Grand Lodge at St. Catherin'es; he also motored over to Niiagaea Falls. Quite a number attended the recep- tion given to Mr. and Mrs. Major Yungblutt an Tuesday, evening this week. Mr, and Mrs. Ted' Pickett and Johnnie spent Sunday with Mrs. Pickett of Clinton, Don't 'forget, the Opening of the new bridge on Tu'es'day, second of August, Cone and spend a pleasant day. HILLSGREEN. ;Masters Ronald and Mervyn Step- han of Hensall spent a few days with their grandmother, Mrs, Stephan, Jdr, and Mrs, G. Love and family', and Miss Lettie Love visited friends at Ailsa. Craig on Sunday. Mrs. Steacy of Detroit is spending a week with her niece, Miss Annie' Jarrott. ' Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Black and son of Detroit are spending a week with their friends, Mr. and . sirs. Jas. Love and : family. Mrs. Troyer of Brigden is spending a few days with bar friend's, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Stephenson and family. Mg; and Mrs. C. Seimon and son Leaton visited with friends in 'Zurich recently. 'Mr. W. Weido is suffering from b'tood-poisoning, Mr. and Mrs. D. Blair oflS'ask., call- ed on friends in this vicinity. Mr. Jas. Cochrane of Toronto vis- ited his parents, .lir. and Mrs J. Co- chrane for a day. The SIS. :picnic of. Hnllsgpeen. and Flippen churil es 'Was held on Tues- day afternoon to Bayfield with a good aittendence from Moth churches. Quite a number from this vicinity attended anniversary services at Blake on Sunday, ATTENTION, FARMERS S R RoIf you are considering a' Packer, Disk Harrow, Spring, Tooth Lever Harrow or Land. ller IOus• prices ere lower, with a, special l'o'w price for this. month delivery T. E. BISS ELL CO. Represented'' by V. J. LANE. Phone 46412 Dublin AUCTION ;S'A'LE. 011 House and Lot and Household, Effe'ats.-1G. H. Elli'o'tt has been in- structed to sell `by ,public auction on. the premises, Centre Street, Seafo'rth,,,. on Saturday,July 291th, 1933, at 2 p,m,,. Six -roomed framehouse, the proper ty of the late Miss McBride. Household Effects -Steel cooking; range, new; Quebec heater;' 2 -(burner caai.oil stove with oven; •co'a'l oil heat- er, lawn mower, Singer sewing ma- chine, centre table, extension dining. table, small table; 2 Davenports, one couch,' D:onrinion piano, iron bed, mattress and springs, wash stands, four dining dh'airs, 2 kitchen chairs, 3 - rockers, 2 cupboards, rugs, linoleum, electric iron, step ladders, china dishes and many other household ar- ticles, /Term's -Terms on property will e .' made known on day of sale or on ape. plication to the un ersi ! d red. ' Chattels Cash. Elliott, G. 11. ElliottAuctioneer; John McNay, Administrator. PIR 'S'AL'E ,Seventy -,five White Leghorn pullets, bred to lay, five months old and lay- ing.' Apply to J(1N0. T. EILIGIIIE, or Phone 11314ti311. NOTICE S. Carter has taken over tate Raw- ieigh Products Agency. A stock roam at residence, North Main street.. Phone 2681W. 30. FOR SALE ?' !Some beef ring heifers over 900 lb A (Phone 2144 4'4, JIOIHIN :;NIOILIAIN 3d TRACTOIR & 'SEPA'RA- TOR FOR SALE !Titan "tractor`and 24=40 Bell separa- tor. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 90- 112, Brussels. AIL(BEHT LYDI'ATT. 311' D'O'G LOST Disappeared on July 4th, last seen'. on Main street, Seaforth, a black and white hound, weighing .around 40 lbs. Reward. Apply to The Seafo!rtlr 'Newts. s 29. PIANO FOR SALE Piano, goad as 'new, to be -sold very cheap. WALKER'S FU'RINI TUIRIE STORE. 'HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT 'Residence on corner, of James and Ann streets. Apply. to, MR'S,' WI1L- 7JIIAIM MdMILCIHIAIEIL, Royal Apts.,, Sewfo'rtb, do Mrs; Ooates, SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per bus, 86c 'Barley, per bus. 50c'''' Oats, per bus,: 40c' Buckwheat, per bus. ....... .... ..: 50c New Potatoes bile $225 Eggs, per d'oz . , . . 110c-12c114c Butter, per lb ........,l,...„_,.. 19c.. !Hogs, per cwt. ........ ...... $6.00 Wool Wanted at the Blyth Woollen Mills • HIGHEST PRIDCE PAID CASH OR TRADE F. T. BAINTON, Proprietor •._ TRY •;: ' i11es ie s p Cleaners 'Dyers' err WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER Phone l96w. We call and deliver V. J. Gillespie, Prop.