HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-07-27, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY, 27 1933.
"Keep Enough For Seed"'
What would you think of a farmer who shipped all his grain
away ? 'Labourers, mechanics and professional men cannot reap
where they have not sown. 'Money spent at home owned stores grows
and yields greater returns to your community, Superior Store owners
are personally interested in the welfare of their respective neighbor-
hoods. Dollars and cents are but a means, to better conditions, Yes,
it does make a great difference where you spend your money 1
and besides ..
Stems for Week Ending 'August 2nd •
tin 1 6 c
ORANGE MARMALADE 40 oz. jar 25 c
RINGSO large pkg. 22c
Per tin re 1 c
large tri 9 0 C
10 bars 31c
'Clark's Tongue, Ham and Veal .. per tin 38c
McCormick's 'Summer Crackers .. per pkg. 10c
Drummer Brand Pastry Flour 7's -20c; 2624's oz. 60cc
Upton's Catsup, large bottle
St. 'Charles •Evaporated Milk small --5c; tall 10c
Manyflowers Toilet Soap 4 cakes 25c
Oxade 'Lemonade, Orangeade and Raspberryade, Summer Drink'
1 pkg. makes '2 glasses per pkg. 5c
16 oz. 57c
Superior .Stores' Tea 1 Ib. pkg. 39c
Royal York Tea %'s 23c; l's 45c
Schneider's Choice .Breakfast Bacon per 1b 19c
Chocolate Marshmallow :Biscuits, or Pink & White 2 Ib • 29c
Marshmallow 'Biscuits a (S25c
2 lbs.
Sultana'Raisins, new 2 cartons 5c
'Shaker alt, plain or iodine
Paris Pate (excellent for 'Sandwiches) per tin 14c
MdLaren's Olives, No. 9 Stuffed per' bottle 23c
McLaren's Olives, No. 20 .Plain per bottle 23c
Gillett's Lye, 'eats dirt'2 tins 25c
Whiz Insect Killer 8 oz. -33c;
Glass Jars, Crown Brand, .medium—per doz .1.19;2 pkasll 1.0520
Parowax, l's
'Rubber IRings, extra heavy quality, the better kind.. 4 doz 25c
Zinc Jar Rings per doz. 23c
Certo, 'jellies all fruits' per bottle 29c
Lily Brand Chicken Haddie per tin 13c
Post's Minute Tapioca 2 pkgs. 25c
Muffets per pkg 10c
Kkovah'Health.ISalts per tin 18c
Pure Spices and Highest Quality Vinegar at 'Superior Stores
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
Miss N. Pryce Phone 77
"It's the only way to get the guests
to leave the table."
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates
Confidence •
and a
Dependable Reputation
Good Quality
Please u by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by our services and higher`
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you Wait:
The Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Mr. C, J. Eckert is spending a week
in Detroit with his daughter, Mrs.
Louis Brat
Mrs. M. Desborough, R. 'N,, of
Nlorthville, 'Mich,, is spending a week'
with her .parents, iter. and Mrs, C.
Mr, Gordan Hays of Detroit and
Mr, and Mrs. Hector Hays and son'
S'tan'ley of W'inds'or spenit' the week-
end with friend's here.
Mr, 5. M. Eckert "has ,started his
se'ason's threshing;
'Miss Claire Eckert is s'penldiug a
few weeks' Itolidays with relatives in
Mr. Jiolhn Davis, . Mr, Joe, Robin-
son, Mrs. Fred R'obianson• and Mrs.
Guy Richards, who were here sev-
eral day's repairing and decorating
Mrs. Robinson's house in E'gmbn'd
ville, left 'Wednesday for their home'
in Detroit,
'Miss Mary Hays of Taranto spent
the week -end With her, p'aren'ts,' Mr.
and Mrs. Adam Hays.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Reid and.
daughter, Barbara Ann,' of Stratford,
spent Sunday calling on friends in
Mrs. Harry 'Speare of .London is
spending a week in town with friends.
Mrs. jlolhn Webster, Mrs. B. C.
Ris'vng, Miss Selma 'We'icker and Mr,.
Lawrence Webster left on Thursday
to spend a couple of weeks with
Mrs. Webster's sister at Champaigne,
Ill. They will also visit the World's
Fair at Chicago'
Mr. W. W. Crosier is spending a
c'oup'le of weeks at Port ,Elgin.
IMr, W. Robinson of Toronto has
taken a position with Mr. John'
Gallop. Mr. Robinson formerly con-
ducted a ,garage In Toronto.
IMr..and Mrs, G. A. Ainslie of Lea-
mington were guests at t'he home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyernvan last
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Somerville of
Edmonton are visiting the former's
mother, Mrs A, D. Somerville, Cen-
tre street.
'Mrs. Henry Bone and M'is's Dor-
othy Bone of Brussels are visiting at
the home of the 'former's`•sister, Mrs.
A. L. Porteous.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J
WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
'Miller's 'Warm Powders prove their
:value. They do not cause any violent
disturbances in the stomach, any pain
g ri in but do their :work •quietly.
:and painlessly, so that the des'tru'c-
tion of the worms: is imperceptible.
Yet they are thorough, and, from the
first dose there is improvement in the
condition of the sufferer and an entire:,
cessation of ;manifestations of inter-
nal tremble.
'Why doesyour d'au'ghter sing in
'the dining room ?"
at the home of Mrs. W. Ament
Friday, July 28th
• from 3 to 7
Every person cordially invited.
Silver collection S.
IMiss Margaret' Hislop of London
was a visitor with her friend, Mrs.
Lorne Dale.
Mrs. Jas. Walker, Ainslie and Anna
Jean Walker of Winnipeg spent the
past week with their cousin, Mts.
Mr, Russel Ferguson of Toronto is
a guest of the Misses Ferguson.
1Dr, LeIRoy land Mrs. Hiles' of
London spent Sunday at the home of
their cousins, Mr, and Mrs, J. B.
'Mliss Myrtle Hunter spent the
week -end in Clinton with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, William .-furter,
Mr. and Mrs. Veno and son Roy of
Detroit were visitors at the Com-
mercial Sunday afternoon.
Misses Helen and Mary Batten of
Toronto are visiting their cousin,
Miss Eleanor Evans, this week.
Mrs. W. J. Reid and daughter
Ethic left on 'Wledlnesdlay for Port
Huron, to spend a few days with her
sister, Mrs. Hanna.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Archibald
and little datngh'ter of London, spelt
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Somers an<
Audrey of Detroit called on friends in
Seaforth and Brussels on Tuesday.
Mr. Frank Pillman is spending
the sutntner with his daughter a
Port Burwell.
Mrs. P'hoe'be Booth left Virednes-
d'ay to speed a couple of weeks a
Port Elgin.
Mr. pack Arnold is a Toronto visit-
or this week,
Mr, C. McClelland of Toronto and
New, York returned Friday after
spending a week as guest of Col
and Mrs. R. S. Hays.
Mrs. E. C. McClelland of Toronto
and .children came Saturday to visi
her patients, Col. and Mrs. Hays.
Mr, Robert Hartry of Welland is
visiting his father, Mr. Wm. Hantry.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Dawson of TIo-
Tonto and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Clark
of Listowel were guests at the 'hone
of Mr. and Mrs.' P. Macklatn during
the week.
'Mrs. James MiclTntos'h- is visi'tin'g
her son, Mr. R T, Mettitdsb at In-
gersoll. ' '
Mr. James .Pinder o'f Toronto is
visiting tat at his
'Messrs, s s, Ed. Daly and R. Hamilton
are on a motor trip to Sault Site.,
The congregational -picnic of the
Northside United Ohwrc'li was held
at Bayffi:eld on We.dnesd'a'y afternoon
with a ,good attendatvice, The after-
noon was spent' in sports and ,boating,
the Goderi'ch United Church • mem-
bers who also .picnicked- at Bayfield,
having ,come by boat.
Mr, and Mrs, Ephc'iatn Clarke and
Bellwood motored to Toronto "last
Findlay to visit ',friend's.
'Mas. J. W. Allen of Ed'mont'on 'has''
been spending six -weeks with her
parents„Mr, and Mrs, J. A. McLaren
it E r, '
t gmondtvil]e.
M+r, and Mrs, Wan, Mote' of Dun-
gannon were Sunday visitors at the
hotiae 'of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Mole:
MATT'HIEWWS. — In Detroit, J'u'ly
22, Patrick Mattdaew's,, formerly of
Dublin and Tudke•rsmttih, dear hus-
band oif Aline, and father of Thomas
J., .Sylvester F., Lobis A., Anna C.,
and Mildred R. M.atlhoans, Mrs, W,
W. B'tieck and Mrs, A. J. Roitarius,
Funeral was from the residence
111111316 Norlbhlawn, Detroit, Tuesday at
oft at9 a
her ,
8:30, aSt.
and Brigid's Og
Pickle and Pimento 'Salad
An attractive looking and' delicious
salad or addition lo 'other .salads su!c'h
as potato,: salmon, etc., is made . in
the -follow'ing lw'ay:,
Prepare 1' ,pacleage of lemon -'flavored
gelatine in, the usual way. Pour dualf'
of it into a s'hal'low pan and as soon
as it ,begins to stiffen lay over it ib
even', alternating rows any desired'
numtlber of •tiny sweet pinkies and thin
strips of canned,p'te'mentos.
1Cover with the remainder Of the
prepared gelatine. 'When it all has 'be-
come firm, if it is to be used on other
sallad, 'cult ilt in small pieces each con-
taining 1+ pickle and 1 strip of pimeu-
to or iri it is to ognsbi,t'ute the salad
itself, cut it into larger pieces, accord-
ing to the -numlber to be served+, 'and
lay eae,h serving on a lettuce leaf.
IS'plendiid weather and a wonderful
crowd at the annadal Veterans Pioniiic
held at Clan Gregor Square, Bay-
field, on Wednesdlay afternoon, creat-
ed a noos't successful event. The pro-
ceedings opened with the unveil-
ing and dedication of the memorial
cairn at Bayfield.
The program. began with prayer by
Rev, R. M. Gale; lesson, Mr. Gordon
Peddie; address by lviaj'or, the Rev.
Caton E. Apip!leyard, MJC, of Sea -
forth; hymn; reading the names of•
the fallen dedication of the cairn,
Rev. F. H. Paull; ,unveiling of the
tablet, Mrs, Currie and Mr's. Toms;
placing of memorial wrea't'hs; Last
Post; one minute Silence,' and •Re-
+After the dedication races for the
Veterans and children were held, re-
e-sulti 'g as follows:
11150 yards, boys 5 years—Ill Jack
M'clLeod, 2 Frantic Fry.
50 yards boys, 8 years—I1 Billie
Garter, 2 Henry Earl.
1100 yards, boys 12 years -=11' Ken
Cassel, 2 Roy Mundy.
1100 yards, boys 116 years -4 Lauren
Johns, 2 George Brown.
Veterans' wives—ll Mrs. Fred Ohm,
2 Mrs, A. D. Gouts.
{Un'ma'rried ladies -1 (Annie Cox, 2
Elaine Radford.
lLadie's' novelty race — 1, Evelyn
Heard, 2 Mrs, E. Haldane.
50 yard r.aces, girls 12 years -11
Merle Kelating, 2 Anna Cornish.
50 yards, girls. 5 years -41 Annie
Woods, 2 Gladys Maedel.
50 yards, girls, 8 years—it Ruth
Harris, 2 Jean Powell.
11100 yards; veterans—'1 Dick Walt-
on, 2 Haro'l'd Allen.
Novelty Race — :1, G. Cook, 2 E.
IB'alby Show, under one year—Eliz-
abeth, daugihker of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Arc'hi'bald, London; 2 Blanche, den-
ighlter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold West-
cott,; Seafonth.
(Baby SIIsow, over one year and un -
,der two years 'l Daughter ,of Mr. and
Mrs. Ward, Go'deric'h.
Foot Ball !Match.
{The foot ball thatch between Brus-
sels and Baylfiel'd resulted in a score
of 4-0 for Brussels. Norman Geddes
was referee. This m'ake's 6-0 on
the round.
East Huron Entrance Results
The highest marls were Obtained by
Margaret 19cott, of {Brussels, 'Who had
673 out of atotal 'of 750.
K. Adams V. MacLean (h)
I. Anderson R. McLachlan (h)
E. 'Britton G. McKellar
H. Carroll H. McKenzie
M. Moore
N. Nesbitt
A. Papple
G. Pinder
E. Plant
M. Pretty
M. Carron (h)
H. Chesney
J. 'C1uff
F. Coleman
H. Crich
H, Dexter
J. Drover (h) B. Riley
R, Duncan (h) A. Scott (h)
J. Fortune G. 'Scott (h)
D. Gemmell (h) E. Smith (h)
R. 'Gemmell R. Smith (h)
G. Holmes F. Stewart (h)
H. Jamieson R. Stewart (h)
M. Keating (h) J. 'Thompson (h)
A. Leyburne E. Wallace (h)
3, MacKinnon (h) F. Whitmore
J. Williams
M. Bennewies H. Lamont
E. Dennis (h) I. Leiper (h)
V. Duffy (h) C. MacKay
A. Dundas R. 'Mc'Nicoll
O. Eligson H. McPherson (h)
H. Elliott M. Munn
M. Feeney 0. Parrott
M. Fitzpatrick (h) G. Pryce
0. Gaffney (h) O. Pryce
M, Givlin H. 'Regele (h)
G. Habkirk (h M. Schmidt (h)
M. Habkirk (h) I. Shannon
N. Hinz A. Siemon
T. 7'. Hulley
A. Jordan
I. Kleber (h)
W. Taylor (h)
H. Williams (h)
O. 'Williamson (h)
The lolllowiig passed on 'the +teaclt-
ens' recommendation:
F. Axon W. Leptington
J. Cameron E. Mitten •
T. Cook M. Murch
K. 'Cunninghame C. Mutoh
M. Heard D. Nickle
P.IHunlring ' 0. Swan
R. ILavis G. Twyford
The 'following' by examination
D. Bis'back (h) I. 'Morrell
L. Bromley F. Morrison (h)
B. Carter (h) J. Morrison
L. Carter (hon.) C. Neilans
J, 'Clegg
M. Crich
C. 'Elliott
R. Finch
E. Fothergill
E. •Fremlin
R. Fremlin M. Stock
K. 'Hall P. Swan
J. Henderson (h) A. Trewartha (h)
W.'Holderness G. Twyford
J. (Hull (h) W. Tyndall
H. Lee (h) B. Walters
W. Levey W. Warren
J. Lindsay • G. 'Webster (h)
G. Macdonald (h) H. Welsh (h)
R. Mann (h) W. Jenkins
K. Martin H. 'Lawson
E. 'Snell
+The July -August meeting of the
McGillivray Young Women's Auxil-
iary was held Monday at the home of
Mrs. F. J. Bechety, The program was
in charge of circle No. 3, with Mrs.
J. H. Reid as captain. The first vice
president, Mrs. Bechely, presided in.
the absence of the president, Miss S.
I, Wood. Arrangements were made
for an entertainment to be given in
September when Stephen A. Ha-
boush, a Galilean shepherd, and noted
lecturer, will speak on "'Phe W'onders
of Jerusalem and Galilee.” Miss May -
belle Rands contributed a pleasing
violin solo. The topic on "Steward-
ship" was taken by Mrs. E H. Close
and Mrs. W. P. Lane, Lunch was,
served by the hostess,
On Monday evening in Mitrihcll,
the Seaforth and Mitchell .-osft bald
team's played the first. game of the
home and home, series to decide the
group championship o'f the associa-
tion, the score being 117•:111 for Sea -
forth, who tools the lead early in the
game, and although' Mitchell pressed
then' hard they were unable to take
the lead, The Mitchell team ' was
somewhat weakened by the absence
Of 'two elf their infielders.-
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mindand at
Non Tariff Rates
worth your while to see ua
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff . rates
you cannot afford to 'take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
toril:y paid.
Phone, write or call—Night, and'
Day Service
Phone 152
C. Pepper
E. Pickett
W. Riley
W. Rowcliffe
R. Rozell (h)
T. 'Scott
A. D. SiIherIand
M, Arthur (h) E. McGill
H. 'Asquith' (h) P. 'Phillips
A. Baird E. Plaetzer (h)
R. Beadle (h) W. Riehl
R. Caldwell E. Scrimgeour
S. Ferguson (h) H. Shaw
M. Frisby G.GStraughan (h)
M. Gower G. Thompson (h)
L. Kelly (h) R. Thuell (h)
M. King (h) A. Toll
K. McDonald J. Weir (h)
A. McDowell H. Young
V. Abram
S. Brown
A. Carson
H. Currie (h)
L. Desjardine H. Lucas
B. Earl C. •Sundereock
A. Earl (h) G. Ward (h
R. Gilkinson,(h) P. Ward (h)
R. Gill (h) A. Wardlaw
Hackwell ` F. Williams
L, Harrison E. Cunningham
W. Harrison R. Cunningham
E, Haywood
N. Henry
I. Hoffman
H. Keffer
I. Alcock
D, Ballantyne (h)
J. Bernard (h)
B. Black
J. Bryans (h)
M. 'Buchanan
S. Clokey
B. Currie
J. 'Davis (h)
B. Fischer
E, Fox
G. Gibson (h)
W. Harman
E, Hayden
A. Henderson (h).
A. Holmes (h)
M. Humphries (h)
M. Jacklin
L. Lamont
J. Lowe
E. MacQuarrie
I. MacTavish (h)
J. Macdonald (h)
M. McDonald
W. McEachern
B. Moore (h)
D. Murray
J. Murray (h)
I. Mustard
M. Nichol
J. Palmer (h)
L. (Pierce (h)
M. Riley
N. Rutledge (h)
L. Sanderson (h)
M. 'Scott (h)
C. Smith (h)
J. Spier
G. 'Stephenson (h)
W. Turnbull
J. Wheeler
R. Wheeler (h)
D. Wright
A. Young (h)
G. Anderson E. Krohn (h)
P. Biggs J. Lamb
L. Bok D. 'McLean (h)
G. Carr J.:MoBurney
Z. Cameron (h) F. McCallum
L. Carter W. MeNevin
L. Casemore A. McCoy
J. Coultes I. 'Mellor (h)
M. Coulter (h) J. Nicholson
P. 'Collar H. Orvis
J. Currie H. Pattison (h)
W. Davidson D. Phippen
P. Dennis A. 'Sproal
G. 'Edmonds (h) V. Stokley
F. Edgar
L. Ellacot
J. Groves
L. 'Handlton
K. Hastings
M. Higgins
C. Higgins
L. Hopper
B. Hunt
J. Kerr (h)
W. 'Sma
E. Thornton
E. Vincent
E. Weir
K. Wheeler
N. Wheeler
A. Wilson
L. Wilson
M. Young
J. Tervit
L. Campbell
S'GH'OFIIEiLD. — In Ford Hospital,
Detroit, on Saturday, July 212, 1933,
to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Scho-
field (nee Margaret Case), a
. idau'gh ter.
IAIBIER(Iii.AIRIT,—At Stratford General
{Hospital, on. S'aturd'ay, July '222Ind,
to Dr. Wm. Aberh'art and Mrs, Albb-
erhart, Of Mitchell, adaughter.
The July meeting of the W. M. S.
was held on Friday at Mrs, Isaac,
Moore's home with a very good at-
tendance. The President was in the
chair and the Secretary, Miss Mabel
Cameron, read the minutes and call-
ed t'he roll. Mrs. L. Reinke, Mrs.
James Allen and Mrs. 'Malcolm led
in prayer, Miss 'T'oi'ls read the Scrip-
ture lesson and Miss Rena, Mac-
Kenzie took the Devotional Leaf-
let. Mrs, James Bro'adfoot sang very
sweetly "Only Tired," accompanied
by Miss Anne Moore. Mrs. W. F.
MacMillan, Treasurer, reported that
at the end of 'the first six months we
had less than es third of our allocation,
The study which was on Temperance
was very ably discussed 'by Miss
Francis H'oust'on, Mrs. D. McLean,
Mrs. Jno. McLachlan, Miss Isabel
Forrest and Miss Lilian Richardson.
The meeting closed with the s:is'gitig
of "Unto T'he Hills Around,"
Mrs. Jas. Stewart, fourth Vice-
Pres., will have charge of the August
The Stanley Wiid'Cats are meeting
the West End Tigers in a free exhibi-
tion game in Brucelfield park on Sat-
urday night, 7.00 p.m. Both of these
teams ,are in great shape.
Mean-Ketchen—The following
from the Drayton Advocate
will be of interest to the many friends
of the bride, who join in best wishes,
'she being a former Bru'ce'field'girl and
a granddaughter of Mrs Alex, Mus
tard sr„ of Bruoefield: "A lovely sum
mer wedding took place at the Unit-
ed Church parsonage on Saturday af-
ternoon, July !115Th, when K'atherine
MgLaureti, only d'augh'ter of Mr. and.
Mrs. J. L. Ketchen, ID'ray'ton, was un-
ited in marriage by Rev, 5. A. 'Steed,
M.A., BID., to Mervyn Elwood, sec-
and son of Mr. and Mrs, N. L. Bean
of Listowel. The bride looked charm-
ing in a gown of .white silk brocaded
organdy with organdy gloves and
Thebride was
i i,d shoes, b
rat an
by M+tss Winnifred Lewis a
Brampton, who worea gown of oa/'e
blue silk organdy with pink aece'ssor-
ies. T'he groom was atten'd'ed 'by Ro-
land K'etchen, a brother of th.e bride.
Atter the ceremony the 'bridal party
returned to the home of the :bride
where a dainty lun'c'heon was served
to immediate relatives. Misses Mabel
Gordon, Irene MoBeth and Margaret
Johnston, 'friends of t'he bride, assist-
ed in serving, The happy couple left
on a short trip to Toronto, Niagara
Falls and other points, the bride trav-
elling in a beige suit with accessories '
to ma'tc'h. On their return they will
reside in Listowel. On •Friday night
nu'nrber of young lady +friends met
at the home of Miss Margaret Johns-
ton for a social hour and presented
1\Ziss Ketchen with a beautiful china
lbreakfast set of dishes and the fol-
lowing address:-2.`Dear Katherine,
We, your friends, have gathered here
to spend a social half hour with one
who has been our true and faithful
friend. You, Katherine, have always
'been a willing helper in any of our
activities, We know that you will en -
Iter into the activities of your new
,friends and prove as good a friend to
,them as you have been to us. 'We are
sorry to have you leave our midst.
IBM we realize ±hat what is our loss is
someone else's gain. We wish you to
accept this set of dishes as a tangible
token of our good wishes. We hope
that each time you use them they will •
be a constant .reminder of the good
Hines we have spent together. Signed
on behalf of D.C.S.---Mabel Gordon,
Margaret Johnston.' Miss Ketchen
+thanked the girls very graciously for
their lovely gifts and expressed the,
thope that all would visit her in her
new home."
•Mrs. 'McDonald of 'London and
Mrs. M'cDonairi of Windsor are the
;guestsof their sister, Mrs, Roderick
M'dKenzie at present.
MMus. Jamieson and Mrs. Brock
have gone to Detroit to attend the
'funeral of their brother, Mr. Stevens,
'who p.a's'sed away suddenly in the city
last week,
Mrs, To'wusettd o'f Ohio is visiting
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Atex,
McKenzie this week.
Mrs. 'W. Stevens and her daughter,
Mrs. 'T'hmnps'om and family are visit-
ing 'friend's in Listowel at ,present
Mrs, D. Tough returned 'hone this
week after visiting with friends in
Mrs, Dawson returned to her home
in the village last week atter spend-
ing a 'few weeks with her 'parents,
'w"lbo were
Miss Eleanor Snider of K'incarditae
e "
i 'home a
at her 'h'om g
is visiting
this week,
`Mildred Acheson of Roxlbaro is
s'pen'ding her holidays at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. D, Tough.