HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-07-27, Page 1s 1 Strive not hito say the whole! the poet in s art Must' intimate the whe-le, and say the smallest part, Of every noble work, the silent part is best; . .. , h .. .HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER Of all expression, that which, cannot' be expressed. Each act contains the life, each worts' of art, the world, And all the planet -laws are in each dew -drop pearled.-!W.W.S. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 55, No. 30. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1933. Phone 84. DINNERS 'and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at :all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The.Oiyinpia Confectionery and Restaurant Special Mother's My -T -Nice 'Huron Flake WHEAT BERRY, 5% 'lb's 25c BORDEN S;T. CHARLES EVAPO- RATED EVAPO-•1 TE1D MILK 5c & 1.0c per tin S.O.S. PAiD '15c or 2 for 25c OLD !CHEESE @ 20c lb. FANCY B'I4SCUIT 15c 20c, and 25c per lab. SODA !BISCUIT .......2 lb. for 25c PANTRY SHELF TINS containing Jersey Cream Sodas ..32c per tin FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS e .10c SALTED PEANUTS @ 2 Ib. for 125c CYN OF POWDER, WASH CLOTH & BAR OF • SOAP • all for i 5 c Hotter, Eggs,, and Feathers taken as cash. le a dozen extra trade for Cream taken for Seaforth Creamery at the same price paid at creamery. r � ' Hutchison s PHONE 166 MCKi11LLOP B'R'ANCH W.M.S. The MdlOillop branch of the W:M. S. of First Presbyterian church held their July meeting last Thursday .af- ternoon at •the home df Mrs. Russell Dorranoe.The president, Mrs. J. L. ]Bell, was in the chair and opened the programme with a 'hymn. The Scrip- ture lesson was taken by Mrs. T. W. \LoMillan, after which Mrs, J. L. Bell read a paper on church work. Mrs. I. B. Kaine led in prayer. The interest - Mg topic on 'Chin'a' in the study' book a was ably given by Mrs. Wm. Hogg. Mrs.. John E. Daley, 'then rendered a beautiful solo, "Take Time to 'Be Holy," accompanied by Mrs. Helen :MacMillan. Mrs. Janet MdNauphtoin gave a splendid talk on the beaks of Dr. Stanley E. Jones, a missionary in India. After the taking of the offering hymn 766 was sung and the meeting• closed wi't'h all repeating the Lbrd's prayer in unison. LANDMARK R'EM'OVED The old carriage shop on MT.. James Hays' property, one of the early landmarks on .Seaflorth's main street, is being torn down. this week by Mr. John- Henry 'Storey of Mc- Kiltop, who will re!bui'!'d it into a modern hen house at his farm. This building was to -sed by the Pill - man Bros. for many years, who car- ried on a thriving carri'a'ge business. It was afterwards sold to the late "James Beattie, and albout 25. years ago was punchased! by Mr. j'ames Hlays, During the years, it has "been occupied - as an impalement shop, and monument works, etc. It has at least twice had narrow escapes from fire; on one occasion, while the upper pari was 'being used as a gymnasium; fire . broke out and scorched the roof asd upper part Madly, but the building was saved.'Tlhe old fire hall, just south of the carriage s'h'op, ; was burned. Algal'', when the Burns livery. on the corner was destroyed, this' bu'41'din,g had another close call, • CHURCH CARD. , North Side United Church-lPas'for Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. !Sunday, July •30th.. ILO a.m.-jSund'ay SchoolSchooland Bibl 1G1;asses, ill• am. -Public worship. B'acnamen .of the Lord's 'Supper. 7 p.m. -Public Worship. .Subject "Art Thou in ,Health, My 'Brother," e EGM'ONII1'VIILLE CHURCH 'Sunday, July 30. Reverend Charles Malcolm. 111 a.m.,--"As Man to Man." 7 p.m. -"Goodness and Mercy." • SrT. THOl1VIIAS''•CHURC'H 'Sunday, July 30.-,Conlfirmation 'Class and Sunday school at •1b o'clo'ck. Morning service, 1111 o'clock. 'Sermon by the, rector. Evening service, 7 o'- eldok. Sermon by the rector. FIRST PRIESBYTERfAN CHURCH Morning 'Speaking of Opera- tions." Also fwo s'ol'os to be given by Mr. L. W. Ec'kmier, '"Fear Not Ye, 0 Israel," (Dudley Duok), "My Mo- ther's Prayer" ('Weeden): Evening -"The Physician." ANNOUNCEMENT -Mr. and Mrs: C. !H. Haugh, Bruce - field, Ontario, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Anna May, to Mx. W. Jblhn VPdLntosh, 1fiA., son of 'Mrs. McIntosh and the late M'r. Janes McIntosh, Seaforth, Ontario, ;The marriage will take place in Aug- ust. BARN B'LO'WN DOWN BY 'WIND Thursday evening's storm demol- ished the long narrow straw shed at- tached to the barn on Mr, Percy 'Smith's farm just east of 'Grieve's 'bridge in M'clKillop township. The cement foundation wall on the east side crumbled and fell also. 'Pieces of timber were scattered over the slope of -the hill to the east of the''barn and the beasns were all taken off the found'ation. Mr. 'Smith had his clothes torn by •fallingtimber as he returned from s'hu'tting =a door. IO'n& .of the caws had a horn brdken and was. somewhat injured While standing nearby. Pigs in the cement stable be- low the straw shed narrowly escaped some of th.e falling cement. The cyc- lonic storm of last month tore out a Section of the roof on the"main barn. This time the roof was saved by the fact that the large doors were open and let .out the wind 'coming through the big opening at the end of tate straw :sailed. •Probably the Whole 'barn would have been denied off the foundation except for the ,weight of hay in the two mows. Members of the 'family were doing the millein'g in the :main '(earn about 7 o''clock when they h•eatar the wind coming and Mr. Simith ran into the ping stable and slammed the yard door shut. Fortunately it was only a 'fete steps dram the entrance to the main barn. because, as he stepped back, that wing of the 'barn collapsed, ant of the falling timbers tearing his clothes. There is wind insurance on the barn. No damage was done anywhere •e'lse in the district except on' that hill. A beech tree between the McKillop manse and the gravel .road was b'lovwn .over.as`was an apple tree in an ar'oh ard across from Mr. A hay loader near ,the orchard was rolled along the ground for some distance by the wind. IIn 'Hu'llett township near 'Clinton,: George Mann's bars was damaged the same evening. 'An end wall was'bldw.n fiat and the side walls spread, letting the roof down. The next day in Lo- gan township a near-lcyclonit gale did rumor damage. I PUBLIC UTILITY CO!iVIMISSION The regular meeting of the "Public 'Utility Commission was held in the Clerk's Office at 8 p.m. on 'Monday, July 214. ALI the members •prebeinit. Minutes Of last meeting read and con - 'firmed. Moved by A. D. ;Sutherland, seconded 'by E. L. Box, that the fol- lowing accounts and salaries be •pass- ed and checks issued for same, Wat- erworks Delpt.='A. 'Little, salary. $50; 'Bela 'Tel• Co., account, .$2J7'5; Pub.: Utility 'Cant., light $100125. Electric 'Dept. -1E. Mole, salary, 1$1CO J'mo. A. Wilson, salary and tr., 1M260; S. ,Allen, wages July, 115, $413; 'C. 'Silis,,.stamps, $39; john 'Gahlbp, account, $2; Receiver -(General, meter insipedtion 025.150; Receiver-IGeneral, meter imisp., $30,49; MadD'onald Elec- tric, $112.48; Woodstock Lamp Co.,, $34.04; The Easy Washing 'M'a'chine. Co.,. $11114.03; A. L. 'Wyns'ton Jr., Ltd., I$8.9I4; Can. Westinghouse Co., $1;43; O. 5. Hunt, $20.1410; Can. Gen. Elec. Co., $115.1114; !Ellis & Howard, $42124113; The Premier Vacuum ,Cleaner 'Co., 64c; Force Electric Products, $2,711;' Crown Electrical Mfg. Co. $5.120; H'y- ;dro4Elee'tric Power Com., . $9.;,6816.1716; IHyddo-(Electric Power 'Com., rural col., $24511;017; 'Moffats IL'td., -40c; Bell Tel. Co., $3.184; H. Snell, salary $5,' 'Moved by E. L. Box, seconded by A. D.• at u- Sutherland, d, that Hydra reg latiou's as contained in a. E. IP. Com. letter of 'ally 5 be published in local papers and that 'local consumers are urgently requested to co-operate with and assist the local Commission to carry out the same: "Mr. John A. Wilson,` Sec., Pub- lic Utilities Commission, .Seaforth. "Dear, Sir: On the recent visit of a . representati've of the Municipal Audit department to your munici- pality a list of consumers' accounts in arrears was made, copy of which is atta'c'hed hereto. Clause 46, !Stan- dard Interpretations of Rates, dis- tinctly states the method of collec- tion for those accounts in arrears. This clause is as follows:- " 'When the consumer is 'fifteen days in arrears for two months' service, the service shall be •discon- ti,nteed, and service s'ha'll' not be given again until payment is made in full, including a charge of $1.00 for the cost Of re -connecting. Such discontinuance of service does not relieve the consumer of the liabil- ity for arrears or for his service charge or minimum bills for the balance of the term of contract. The corporation may if deemed ad- visable, make more rigid require- ments re'gardin'g payment of bills. "We would ask you to impart- ially carry out the instructions .con- tained in the above regulation and give tfiese accounts mentioned here- in your close attention." Moved by E. L. Box, seconded by A. D. Sutherland,, that three automatic meters be, purchased from Sangam'o' Co. for collection of arrears and con- tinued service. Diad to be designed for 4c K. W.iH. Moved by A. D. Suth- erland, seconded 'by E. L. Box, that the meeting adjourn. FREDERICK GALES 10n Saturday Mr. Frederick Gales Passed away at the Scott Memorial Hosp'i'tlal, following a tong illness, The deceased was born in !England I81 years ago 'and ca -me to -Canada as a youth, aftenward's living for a time in the United States and Mexico. He conducted ,a butcher shop in 'Seaforth for a number of years.'Mr. Gales was married albout '45 years ago to Miss 'Elizabeth Adams, daughter of the late 'Thomas Adams, who predeceased him by nine years, He had been a mem- ber ,of. the I.IO.!OS'. and also of the C.O.F. for over 50 years. After the death of his wife Mr. < Gales lived alone in his home' on Goderich street until over two years ,ago, when he suffered a stroke of paralysis when 'he .was taken tothe hospital where he had since remained. The funeral was ,held on Monday afternoon from 'Sit. Th'o'mas' Church, interment being . in Mai'tdan'db'an'k cemetery. Canon E. Ap•pleylard conducted the services. The pallbearers were ;H. B. Edge, IR. IG, ,Parke, Dr, IF. 'Harburn, Andrew !Little, Thos. Jackson and M. 'M'cKel- lar. CONFIRMATiION At the morning service in St. Tho- mas Church on .Sunday His Lordship Bisbee C. A'. Seager of Lon'ddn was present to conduct confirmation .ser vice. The rector, Canon E, Appleyard presented thirteen candidates for con- firmation: Arthur Stewart Leyburne, Mrs. W'innifared Thorn, 'Mr's Evelyn Tolson, Mrs. Roth Sipro!at, hisses Freda Williams, Eva Moore, Marion Moore Mary Johnston, Hlazel Earle, Leona. }lather/1, Carolyn II -oboes; D'or'othy Fraser, jean Dlunigey. PA'R'KER -W DLK E RS ON. The Daily Colonist, of Victoria, 03,C., of Sunday, July 9, contained the fallowing waddling announcement which will be Of interest to many (friends here of the groom who isa former Seaforth boy: 1St. Andrew's Pres'by'terian Church was •thronged last night at 8)30 o'clock (for the wedding of Louise Muncie,' younger daughter of Mrs. L. B. Wil- kerson, 'Rockland Avenue, and grand- daughter of the late ,Mar. William MIdGillivray IMunsie, a Victoria pion- eer, and Mr: Armstrong Gay Park- er, only child of Mr: and Mrs. Ed- ward Parker of Toronto. Rev. H. P. IS. Luttrell ,conducted th-e impressive ceremony, and Mr. J. 'Longifiel'd pres- ided at the organ. The choir was also in attendance, and sang "Love :Div- ine" as the register was being. signed. !For the occasion the ohurc'h had been beautifully decorated with masses of Summer flowers of every hue to resemble a flower garden, after a picture of Paul de Iloagpre, the guest pews :.being tied with Calla lil- ies and long white satin streamers. Mr. William 'Harris Munsie: gave his niece in marriage; and she made a ch'arming picture in' her wedding gown of ivory bridal' satin, cut in strictly classical lines, Her veil of :Chantilly lace was arranged with a few clusters of orange b'losso'ms at the back of her neck, and fell in a long train Outlined with ,pearls at the hem. She carried a shower bouquet of orchids and lilies Of the 'valley, and ware a beautiful, pearl necklet, which hid belonged to her mother. ' The three bridal attendants wore 'graceful frocks of white organza with long skirts and deep berthas crossed over the bodices and tied with long bows at the 'back, and clusters of white flowers at the neck and large white picture hats of the same mater- ial, trimmed with white flowers. They carried sheaves of mixed Summer 'Rowers, delphiniums, pink peonies, larkspurs, columbines and pink,carna- tions. Ivfiss J'usta MacKenna was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids Miss 'Rowena Horsey .and ]Miss Annie !Brown,, cousin 0:1 the' bride, Mr, Arthur Law, of Vancouver, performed the dirties of best man, and ,the ushers were Dr. Earl ,Hunter, ]Lieut. W. Porteous, Mr. Percy Daw- son and Mr. Armour Bull, both of Vancouver. The groom and his atten- dants all wore buttonholes of garden- ias. After the service the smiling bride and groonr.•lelft the church to a lively peal of chimes. IA large reception was held (later at the home of the bride's mother, which. had been converted into a bower of flowers for the occasion. Mrs. Wilker- son, wearing a smart model gown of 'black char'meuse satin trimmed, with ecru lace and hat to match, and a corsage of pink rosebuds and lilies of. the valley, and Mgrs. W. Govenlock, of Vancouver, grandmother of the groom, most becomingly attired, who wore a corsage of yellow roses and lilies of the valley, received the -guests who then passed into the drawing room to congratulate the bride and groom, who stood tiefore the, flower - banked fireplace Supper was served in the dining room with its all -white decorations. The lbeaufifui'ly-iced 'cake had -a the place .of honor oin the -table, which was arranged with vases of white rases, lilies of the valley and orchids. Mayor David Leeming pro- posed the health of the bride, which was suitably responded ta- by the groom, after which dancing was en- joyed by the younger guests. Mr. and Mrs. Parker left at mid - .night for a trip by motor to Califor- nia, the bride travelling in a smart: 'French model suit of grey in a so -ft woolen material, and matching toque, both trimmed with motifs of white and purple, .and she carried a flat purse of the same shade. Her over- coat had a collar Of grey 'fox, After their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Par- ker will make their hoarse in Vancouv er. aAhtvong the Vancouver guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs.' F. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. .David Man- ley, Mr. and Ivies, R. Davidson, Mr. and`' Mrs.. E. J. 'Cameron, Mr. W. Ca- meron, ; Mor. and Mrs. W. Day anal .family, and Mrs• M. Wilkinson,. ITihe Vancouver Daily Province of 'Saturday, Jame 24th, contain -ed an an-. ,nouncement as -follows:. 'From Vlictoriahas come news of an interesting engagement matte known recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ta, B. Wilker- son announced the eng'agemen't of their youngest daughter, 'Louise M'tur sie,' to Mr. Arm'stron'g Gray Parker, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wdll'uahu tGo'venl'o!ck of this city. The bride -el- Costume Jewelry The newest and •smartest in costume Jewelry is now on view at this store. Manufactured from entirely new ma- terial-"Geiathe,"' it is quite free from the undesirable qualities of for- mer •costume jewelry. It is light in weight, brilliant in coloring, well made, and surprisingly cheap in pricer We invite your inspection. SAVAUGE.'S AT SHOP SHOP AT IT PAY'S JEWELER OPTOMETRIST' GIFT GOODS Phone 194, Res. 10: - itt ect is a granddaughter Of the late Mc- IGillv'ray Munsie, one of Victoria's pioneer citizens, and attended Haver - gal 'Col'Iege in Toronto. The wedding will take place in Victoria an July 8 and the young couple will make their home in this city. - Pihotos of the bridal couple were printed beside this announcement) OAIRL AITCHISON Injured in Dive, Seaforth Young Man Dies Carl Aitchison, son Of Mr. and Mrs. George Aitchison, 60 Inverness street, Stratford, and for the past four years a resident of Seaforth, died in ISt. Joseph's Hospital, iLondon, about eight o'clock Sunday night of injuries suffered while diving from the pier. at Grand Bend ,at noon on Sunday. IThe unfortunate youth's neck was 'broken when his head struck the bot- tom in ab'ou't four feet .of water. Deceased, who would have celeb- rated his 24th birthday on Friday of this week, had gone to Grand Bend on Sunday morning, accompanied by four Seaforth young men, Gordon 'Hildebrand, Roydon Hawkins, Nor- man and Allen McLeod. They pro- ceeded to the pier and began diving into the water. Roy Hawkins was the (first to, strike his head on the ibottom but he was uninjured and the diving continued until Aitchison struck his head, totally Paralyzing 'his body from the shoulders down. He was conscious when taken from the water, however, and asked that his parents in Stratford be notified, and that a priest be called to adminis- ter the lash rites of the Roman Cath- olic Church. The injured youth was rem!ov!ed to the home Of Dr. Schram of Grand (Bend, and Rev. Father Marchand of (Drysdale, who had been summoned, rushed to give absolution. From Grand Bend, [Aitchison was taken to 1Ldnd'on in an amlbnul'an!ce which had been called from Das'h!woad, !His case was a remarkable mire. Af- tlrotrgh his body was Paralyzed from. the shoulders down, he remained con- scious and chatted with his sister up to a few minutes before he died. His parents, who had been visiting at Fairview, near Stratford, rushed to Grand Bend when notified of the accident. Carl Aitchison was 'born at Sit. Thomas. His parents later moved to Fairview, and five years ago to Strat- ford, where Mr. A•itfhison is employ- ed as a blacksmith at the C.;N.IR. .shops. Carl attended No. 4 s'ch'ool. :Downie Township. For a time he was employed by the Kroehler Manufacturing Company at Stratford, but about four years ago came to 'Seaforth where he was em- ployed by John Gallop, Seaiforth im- element dealer and garage man. He was popular in Seaforth, as he had been in Stratford. The funeral took plaice at St.. Jo- seph's Church, Stratford, on Wednes- day morning and was a'ttende'd by a Paige number of friends from Sea - forth, including' his four ,co'mpan'ions on Sunday. The Lonidron Free Plress s'ays: A dive from the pier at Grand Bend Sunday afternoon resulted in fatal in- juries to Carl Aitchison, age 213,, & Stratford, who died in St. Jlosephls hospital, London, early Sunday even, ing, where- he was removed. fallbvfi 3g r. fhe accident. He suffered injuries -to , the fourth vertebrae at. the base of the neck, an X-ray examination revealed at the hospital,. and when. admitted the young man's condition was re- garded as extremely•critical. Mr- Ait- chison, ntchison, who would have observed his • -. 24th birthday next Friday, was earl"sa; in'g a swim in the waters of. Lake• Hu- ron along with four other ylceutfffsik• companions. All had been diving elf - the pier and an the fatal dive Ai'tdlii-• • son's companions noticed that 511-• head seemed to strike something In the water. They immediately went to:. his assistance. The water was tffiseer • and a hall to four feet 'deep at the • point where the mishap occurred. HU: was first removed to the summoner - home of Dr. John Schram at Grain" Bend, awaiting the arrival of air am- bulance. When about 10 miles fro= London the ambulance, broke downs and the young man's father, hurrying, to this city in his car, came upon the+ stranded vehicle. The injured youth; was brought the remainder of the cis- - tance in his parents' car. The. dbceas- ed is survived by his parents, 'twa> brothers, Wilfred, of Flint, Midi.. and Victor, at home; also tw'o slater -se. Viola and Helen, both at home-. CUD,MORE-,REID1 , Northside United Church.' parson age, Se'wforth, was the scene of a ,quiet wedding on Saturday moulting,.• 'July 22Ind, when Martha Fisher Relit,. younger daughter of Mrs. Re'irl and" the Ilate James F. Reid, was united is, marriage to Frank Allan Codman. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cad: - more of Seaforth. The 'bridle, -Who alas unattended, wore a white swagave. suit with matching accessories and,. carried a bou'quet of pink roses Mier - the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. W. P. Lane, Mr. and MTS. - :Cudmore left on a honeymoon tarp., d'olwn the St. Lawrence to dJuelbism-_ On their return they will reside hie - Toronto. Prior to her niarriage, show uas were given at the homes of Mrs. Roy M•cGeoch and Mrs. Chester Hender- son in honor of the bride. 'R'ACE'S IN OIcaT!OB'E'R Mr. H. E. Wicks, Of the IEarrteas Morse Assn, of Canada, was in tcsvrn •du'ring the week and announced mat he hopes to hold a race meat I3ere in..•. October. PRESENTATIONS Prior to leaving for the O'ld' Conn --- try, IMr, Wallace Parke was honored by two local organizations lin wliict� -he had taken an active p'a'rt while to Seaforth. 00 Thursday evening t e ISeaforth Highlanders Band met ire • the band room (for their regular Prac- tice, ratetice, at the "close of which the Hasa"-' den't, 31r. William ;Kerr, made a s!reeit• address ,ancl called -an D, L.: Reid, wfaer on 'behalf of the Rand presented Mr_ Parke with a handsome gold 'signet :ring engraved .`with 'the band 'mono- grant. A banquet was later held at the Olympia restaurant. The Canadian Legion presented Mat ]Parke with a silver cigarette case 'au' a',mark ''of esteem.