HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-07-20, Page 8'PAGE EIGHT.
THURSDAY, JULY 20,1933..
f Toronto.
cation at
last' week
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Carne of
the Carmel
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by Mr.
of Toron-
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Ffs'her of
end at the.
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Toronto is
spent the
Bayfield in the
this week
attend the
on 'our lo -
still gained
Place in the
when they
4-11. The
d the um-
pires St.
ere Friday.
t the Un-
wellemner of
Mr. Chand-
the choir.
Church Rev.
charge an¢
the United
successful picnic
ensall and.
ids in the
Miss Stella
Mrs. E•s-
y, of Exe-
Mr. Charles
t of Hen -
ted his
the farm of.
k thresh-
ingf wheat. is
d 'custo'm-
'Case ac -
visit the
with her
Beatty and
silted with
Thursday last.
Audrey Dick,
Rex Dick
in'g to the
horse which'whichchild ov-
ere was im-:
is Hospi-
tal is naw
stair on
]1 but was
the south
Mrs. Thurso
d Mr, and
visitors with
nd d'augh-
re visiting
The engagement is announced of
Margaret Jean Elder. Pim. B., of To-
ronto,o, dau'ghter Of Mr, and Mrs. John
Eider of Hensall, to Henry Lyfle Sta-
tham of St. Thomas, son of Mr. and
William Statham of London.'
The marriage will take place quietly'
in Toronto July thirty -'first,
Miss Mae M!GNau'ghlton o
is spending two:weeks' vacation
her home here.
Mr, Glenn 1Broad'foot left
for Moosomin, :Bask., where
iage is to take place to Miss Annie
Eliza Buck, daug'h'ter of
Mrs: Chas. A. ;Bruck, o'f ,l
After a shalt honeymoonand Mrs, Broadfoot will reside
grooms :farm in Tuckersndih.
Mr. Lioyd'Passmorn of D
the week end at his home here.
Mrs, A. McDonald .has returned
home' after a pleasant
friends in S11. 'Thomas..
'Mr. Ferris Cantelon of
is holidaying at his home here.
Miss Mabel Workman
Hazel Tlro'ntpson left' thisKin'tail where they will] spe
at the girls' camp there.
Misses Mhri'bel and Jean
Blake are spending a 'few days visit-
ing friends in town.
The 'Sunday Schaal of
Presbyterian Church ,held a very
ss ccessltul picn'i'c alt TurnnbuIl's grave
on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Wm. M'dLean; and daughter,
Geraldine of Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. John Passtnor
Mr. and Mrs, Maley of
N1B., visited with the 'latte
Mrs. J. M. Peck and miss:
Mr, Lloyd Hedden and fa
moved out to their new home just
east Of 'Chiselhurst owned:
Miss Margaret Buchanan
visited last week with r
Mr. and Mrs. 'Lester
Windsor spent the week
farmer's 'h'ome here.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of De-
troit visited this week at th
Mr. Alex. Smith.
Mrs. R. 'Thdmpson of
visiting at the home. of ,her parents,
Mr. anti"Mrs. John Fisher.
Messrs. John Dru'in'mond, John
Farquhar and Roy ,Brock
week end camping at
former's roofing hone.
Mr. Ray Patterson 'left
for the 'West and will also
World's Fair at Chicago.
At the ball game played
cal' diamond on Friday Hen
;firmer hold on the first pl
Intencounty Baseball group
defeated New Hamilung
game was well attended an
pires were O1Brien and Bo:
Marys and :Hensall play h
Services in our .Ideal churches were
attended on Sunday. A
ited Church Rev, .Mr. Br
Brucefield had charge o'f the services
and in the evening Rev, M
ler of Kippen. Mr, Sam Rennie sang
a solo in the morning. At Carmel
Presbyterian 'Church Rev. . A.
Young ac'cnpied the pulpit and fine
anthems were rendered by
At St. Paul's Anglican Ch
Mr. ;Hunt of Exeter 'had
the evening service was wit
The Sunday school of
Church held a very succe
at Bayfield on Wednesday.
Mr, Frank. Coleman of H
Mr, David Stephenson of
have returned home after a month's
visit with relatives and friends
Mrs. Wm. ,Southcott, M
South'cott, Mrs, G. Hooper,
sery, and Miss Vera Esser
ter, were recent visitors with friends
in town.
The many friends oflI
Redmond, a former resident
salt, will be sorry to learn he is ser-
io'usly i11 at the home of his
Mrs. Whitney of Milverton.
Mr, Ed. MctBride opened
thres'h'ing on Monday on
Mr. Archie Row:cliffe, stool
'fall wheat, The sa!rnple d
goad and turning out well.
A great many friends an
ers of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
cepted their invitation to
bakery an 'Saturday and enjoy a cup
Of coffee .and some of their honey -
glazed doughnuts.
Miss Alice Higgins has
home after a pleasant visit
sister, Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer at Beach -o -
Mr. and Mrs, Rdbert
daughter, Miss 'Bertha and Miss Liz-
zie Harvey o'f 'Seaforth vi
Mrs. Harry Jacobi on Thur
lOn Thursday last
daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
of the London Rdad was, go
field with her father, Th.e
they were driv'in'g got frightened and
turning around knocked the
injuring her severely. She
mediately taken to Dr. Moir's
for .medical treatment a
doing nicely.
The big rain and Nail
Sunday did not reach Heneall
severe a few miles t0
Dr.) Reid and Mr
Sweet of Exeter 'ogled on friends in
town on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and
Mrs. Percy Southern and son Jack of
London were Sunday
Mrs. John Pape,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hart a
ter' Jacqueline df Toronto a
at the home of Mr. and ;Ass. A. Fos-
Mr. and 'MrsGilbert Murray spent
Sunday with Mrs. Martin Murray in
Mr. Pat. O'Rourke and sonJohn af.
Minneapolis visited his brother,Mr.
Jios. OlRourke.
Mrs. Johanna Roche of Dublin,
spent the past two weekswith her
daughter, Mrs. Jos. Flanagan. •
IMr, and Mrs Wm. Filanagn'ts and
family spent Sunday with the latter's
mother, Mrs. Bmrns, in Dublin.
Want and For Sale Ads. I time, 25ic.
Dishes - Dishes
'We are clearing out our China
and Glassware stock entirely.
ISets at half price. Also some open
stock patterns. Come and come
piete your broken set, while they
Tea Pots ,and Pitchers at lowest
Everything goes !
Zinc Washboards @......... 29c
Glass Washboards @ 59c
'Staon Stove Polish Paste or
liquid @ .... 100
Salted Peanuts 10 cts a lb.
Corn, standard quality . , 7c a can
Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup
large 2 for 25c
Cash Grocery
(Geo. Haigih's stand) !Seaforth.
The marriage of Is'a'bella Muir
Johnstone, dau'ghte'r of Mr. and Mrs.
Wyliiam Jlo'hn'altone •af 'Luckno'w, to
Mr. Leo'nard Percy Lindsay o'fTiison-
burg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Williams
Lindsay olf Tlhornd'ale, was duly sol-
emnized alt Sit. An'zw"s United
Church manse, Bay'field, by the ,min-
ister, Rev. R. M. Gale, at 3 p.m., July
1171th. 'The bride was beautifu'ldy gowo-
ed in p'in'k crepe with pink tulle
flounce's and wore a white hat.' The
attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Rouse of Goderi'ch. Mns. Rouse, as
bridesmaid was becomingly dressed in
rose colored crepe and w'hite hat. The
young couple will reside .at Tilson-
On Sunday, July 116th, Knox Pres-
byterian Church observed its second
anniversary. Rev. T. D. McCullough
o'f Kincardine was the special speaker.
Both morning and evening the church
was well filled, the United Church
complimenting the Presbyterian con-
gregation by uniting with them in the
evening service. After. hearing the in-
spiring sermons delivered by Mr. Mc-
Cullough those connected with the
church felt there was cause /for grati-
tude for what ha'd been accomplis'hed
in the past two years and encourage-
ment to attain .greater things in the
years to -come. At the morning ser-
vice Mr. Bonthron of Hensall sang
very accept'ably "Haw Lovely Is
This D'welllmlg Plaice." Mr. Walter
Cutbush.oif Exeter assisted in the ser-
vice of praise. The offering, which was
in aid df the building fund, was grati-
With fine weather there promises ,to
be an immense gathering here Wed-
nesday nexlt, July 26th, when the vet-
erans of the Great '1V'ar hold their
picnic. A .beautiful cairn is being built
in the center of the square by Weston
Brothers; The unveiling and dednoat-
in'g ceremony is to take ,place at three
o'clock. Rev. Canon A'ppleyard of
Seaforth, is to give the address, Rev.
R. M. Gale, Rev, F. H. Paull and Mr.
G. Peddie are to take part in the ser-
vice. Clinton Kiltie Band lead's the
service of praise when the combined
choirs lead the singing. Mrs. Toms
and Mrs. Currie are to unveil the
cairn. After supper a football game
between Baylfieid and Brussels is to,
be played, the band to lead the parade
to the fair grounds. This is one clf the
final games and there will no doubt be
a large attendance. Half Ohe.proceeds
of the game are to be donated to the
Legion fund. Veterans from: Brussels,
Exeter, Goderich, 'Win'gham, Mitchell,
Seaforth and Clinton are to take part
in the parade,
A tea under the auspices of Trinity
Churoh Guild is to be held on Mrs.
N. W. Woods' :lawn on Friday after-
noon, July 2Sth.
A successful sale of baking was •held
on Mrs. Seeds lawn Tuesdlay after-
noon under the auspices of Knox
Church ladies' aid.
'The United Church held their an-
nual picnic to Bayfield on Tuesday
and was largely attended.
Mrs. Steldk spent a few days with
friends in London.
Mr. J. T. Reid of London called
On friends in and around Varna.
Mr, G. ,B.'Wlood's of ,Listawell is re-
newing acquaintances in our vicinity.
,Several from this vicinity attended
the anniversary in ,P,resbyteri'an.
Churoh, Bayifield.
'Miss Emily Beatty of London is
having her vacation.
Mr. and Mrs, R. W. ,Reid df Wind-
sor and son Edward spent the wee'k
end with Mrs. M. Reid.
lA lawn social underthe auspices Of
St. John's Church was held on Tues-
day evening at the home of Mr. Lo-
gan. A program, oohs'isbirug of games
and music, with an interesting talk on
Tennessee was given by ,P,rdf. Keys.
Mr, Keys recalled incidents from 119817
up to the present date, ,gilvi'n!g real
facts and figures. He has 'been a resi-
dent of the ,Slbate far several years and
has watched with interest the :growth
and develo'p'ment olf" the State. M'r.
Keys and 'hiss family are now spending
a holiday in. Blaylfiet'd together with
his son. Mr. and 'Mrs. Logan Ke;
and chi'ld'ren Who spend part of their
time with their ,aunt, •Miss Annie Keys
of Varna.
Real Movie Romance of 'I11- •
Fated lLya De Putti's 'Daughter
'Facts of an unusual 'happening in
real life that is stranger than:: any
part the unhappy soreen star ever
played, will be revealed in 'The 'Am-
erican Wee'kly, with next Sund'ay's
Detroit Times. It tells of the wooing
of her 117 -year-old child by the mil-
lionaire Java planter who fruitlessly
loved Lya de Putti years ago.
Mrs. Newdy'wed: "'I get so upset
when 1 ask my husband for money.
Were you that way?" '
Mrs. Old -(Timer: "No, indeed'. I
just remai'n'ed 'calm—and collected,'
,Aaoth'er, of the pioneer residents of
this continually passed away on Sat-
urday, in the person o'f Mr. William
Francis Tracey, .aged 72 years. The,
deceased' had been in declining health
for some time and his deathwas not
unexpected. Before coming to Sea'
forth, M'r, Tracey resided' with his
family, 'far' a number of years, on the
Huron Road, one and a quarter miles
east of town. For the 'past few years
he had lived in tolwn and was welt'
known and much respected by his ac-
quaintances. He is sunvi:ved• by his
wife and ;gr'own'up family, of which
two, daughters reside here. The fun-
eral took place on Mon!dlay from his
late residence, High ' st., tq St. Jamas'
Church, thence to St. James' Ceme-
tery for burial.
(A Trip, to St. Marys, by our regu-
lar •corresp'onden't)-Hiavin'g accepted
an in'vi'tation from S'ou'th Perth to
spend the 112th of Jufy n the town of
Sit. Marys, the Winthrop lodge met
shortly after bhe dawn Of day. Among
the drummers, Mr. S, J. S'h'annon, h'as
beaten the drum for this -lodge for
fifty consecutive years, this would in-
dicate that Mr. 'S'h'annon is no spring
ohic'ken. There was Mr. J'o•h'nstoin, of
Seaforth, who has been a member of
the order 'for 64 years, having. joined
the order in the good old county of
Armagh, Ireland, in 11$43. -After buy-
ing our tickets at 'Seafonth' we ,board-
ed the G.T.R. train for St. Marys.
The addresses were given in the beau-
tiful grove o'f Mr. Jahn Walsh on a
hillside near the clear waters of the
river Thames. The great crowd was
very orderly. Our train left St. Marys
at 7,I3O and arrived in Seaforth at 10,30
with pleasant recollections of the
Stone Town where we h'ad been so
royally entertained.
The new metal siding and roof on,
the mill of the :Zu'rich. Flax 'Co. is
completed an'd greatly improves the
appearance of the building. The flax
in this:. district looks good and if no-
thing happens to des'tro'y it, a good
yield is expected,
Mr, J. J. Werner intends erecting a
jam factory, the site chosen being
near Kabblfl'eisch's new mills, at the
west end.
,MTS. George MdKay to Ottawa to
attend the old boys reunion, Mrs. J.
E. Bertram to New York, Miss Mar-
garet Riley, of ;Farqu'har, to Grand
Forks, B.C.; Mr. Jos. Sproat to Bar-
rie and return, Miss Edna Henderson
to Stoney Laake; Mrs. J. Dalton and
Miss Saults of Goderich and Miss S.
Donovan of Seaforth 10 3W:innipeg via
steamer sailing from Owen Sound.
Miss Driscoll and Mrs. Morrison'
have gone to visit with Miss Adams,
of 'Listoiwel.
Me, John, Crosier's little son -fell
asleep in the hay field and came .near-
ly being run over with the mower, his
father seeing him just as the mower
knives reached him,.
While engaged at work at Mr. Jrohn
O'Keefe's on Friday last, Mr. William
Bullard had, the misfortune to have
his shoulder bone broken. A large
plank fell a distance o'f several 'feet
and struck him.
'Mrs. John Kyle, accom'panied by
her d'atiglhters, Misses Theresa and
People Kyle, of Brandon, • Manitoba,
are at present visiting her brothers
in Clinton. Mrs, Kyle and fancily were
fo'rm'er ,residents of Seaforth, where
late husb'an'd conducted a grocery at
the stand' now occupied' by Mr. R.
Mr. 'Chas, Abenh'a'rt has commenced,
work on the .premises he recently par
chased' from Mr. P. Dill. The frame
building at the rear of the store has
been torn down and will be replaced
by a brick addition.
Music 'Exams.
'The following is a list of the suc-
cessful candidates from 'Seaforth at
the recent. Toronto Conservatory of
Music examinations:—Piano depart-
ment, junior grade, Iv'a Dodds, Helen
Dorothy Larkin,;' Isabel R. Scott,
Mina MclI:itbosh, Primary grade, Har-
ry C. Stephenson,Amanda C'lar'k
tMrs..jlo'hn. Thompson is on a visit
with ,friend's inSe'alforth and vicinity,
It is said the Grand Trunk Rail'w'ay
has purchased the .large gravel pits
on Harry Duncan's and .J. B'arr's, 4th
line, Morris, at a good figure. Men are
none busy putting in a switch.
The school bo'ard has engaged Miss
Gertrude Ross as teacher in the third
department. of Brussels Public School
at, a salary oil $3150,
At a meeting of the Stratford Pres-
bytery on Thursday morning, a call
faoin •Cromarty to Rev, R G, McKay,
13.,A., was sustained.
,Mr. and Mrs. Weir and family of
North Dakota' are visiting here with
Miss Maggie Wild.
Master Elmo Doherty, son of Mr.
W, G. Doherty of Clinton met with a
serious :accident the other day at the
grov'e,:A picnic party were driving in
from Clinton and Elmo; h'ad jumped
bn behind and in doing so :his leg was
cauglut rn the wihee'1, .breaking justa'b'ove th'e ankle.
J,On Friday afternoon, the annual :S.
S. picnic from Baucdfield United
Church was 'held in_J'owe'bt'•s 'Grove,
Bayfield. As usual, a large crowd at-
tended and all report a good time.
The folilowin'g are the lists of the
races: Straight race—Children .five
years and under, 'list Bobbie Allan,
2nd Blanche Za'phe, 3'rd iViarlj'orie.
Kerslake. 'Children seven years and
under, list Betltyi A61'an, 2nd No's -ma
Collins, 3rd 'Alvin Kerslake. Girls ten
yrs. and under, 1st Mary Stewart, 2nd
Margaret McQueen, 31rd Elizabeth
A'ikeithead. Boys, ten yrs. and un'd'er,
list Donald D,aym'an; 2nd Kenneth
MclKenzie, 31'd Kenneth MclKenzie.
Girls thirteen years and under, 1'st
Doreen Pepper, 2nd Gladys McKen-
zie, 3rd 'Barbara Graham. Boys, thir-
teen years and under, ,ls't Glen Swan,
2nd Harry 9ob1'ins, 3rd Ted •E'e'kel.
Young ladies' race, 1st Margaret Er-
vine, 2nd•^ Margaret Broad'foot, 3rd
Gladys McKenzie. Young men's race,
list Harold JlacieSon, 2nd Wilson M'c-
Oantney, 3rd Elgin Thompson. Mar-
ried ladies, race, list Mrs. Ross Scott,
2nd Mrs. Jas. Thompson, 3rd, 'M'rs.
George ,Siwan. Married men's race,,1'at
Mr. 'Harold Jackson, 2nd Mr. Elgin
Thompson, 3rd, Mr. J. Corni's'h.
Three -Leg Race-1Boys, het Jian
Burdge and Andrew McKenzie, ,2nd
Ted Eckel and L'loy'd 'Thompson.
Girls, list Margaret Irvine and Mang-
aret Broadfoat, 2nd Gladys McKenzie
and Norma Hevenor, 3rd Doreen
Pepper and Anna Cornish. Thread
and Needle Race, dist Evelyn Grain-
ger and Audrey Swan, 2nd 'Wilson
Broad'foot and Wilmer •.Broad!fo'ot,
3rd John Fbbheringham and Sam
Foster, Minute race, list Norma Hey
error, 2nd sGreeta Broad'foot, 3rd Eve-
lyn Grainger. Chum race, girls, 1st
Norma Hevenor and Gl'ad'ys McKen-
zie, 2nd Anna Cornish and Barbara
\Gra'h'am, 3'rd Mary ,Stewart and Doris
Dutot. Churn race, jun'i'or • boys, list
Andrew McKenzie and Jim Burdge,
2nd Glen ,Swan and Morley Wright,
3rd Bobby Aldan and ;Gordon Hill.
Churn race, senior bbys, list Wilson
Broadlo'ot and Harold Jaolds'on, ?and
Jim Burdge and Andrew McKenzie.
Boot race, ten yrs. and Ander, list
Mary Stewart, 2nd Muriel Wright,
3rd Elizabeth Ai!kenbead, Boot race,
over ten years, 1st Norma He'venbr,
2nd Mary Stewart, 3rd Gladys Mc-
Kenzie. Necktie race, 1st M'is's .Flora
S'outer and Mr. Wilson •Bro!ad'floot,
2nd Masls Violet Petrie and Mr. 'Jbar-
vis Horton, 3rd Miss Jean Murdoch
and Mr. J. Cornish. Peanut race, ten
years and under, list Mary Stewart,
2nd George Mustard, 3'rd Bdtty Al-
lan. Peanut race, aver ten years, .Lst
Gladys M•clKen'zie, 2nd .Anna Cornish,
3rd Barbara Graham, Senior .peanut
race, lest Miss F. Souter, 20d, Mrs. F.
Burdige, 3rd Mrs. H. Jackson. Men's
relay race, 1st team, Mr. W. Broad -
foot, M'r. R. Oonsitt, Mr. B. O'-
Rourke; 2nd Mr. H. Jlaokson, Mr. J.
Cornilsh, Mr. E. Thompson; 3'rd, Me.
J. Horton, Mr. H. Norris, Mr, A.
Zlapihe. The races: were concluded wiith
a' peanut scramble in .which all took.
Mrs. Milton Woods, who has :been
quite Oil, is able bo be out again.
lA large crowd attended the meeting
of the -"Men's Olu'b" at Porter's Hill
on Tuesday, July llllth. Mr. Ro'bert'son,
editor of the Signal, was the speaker.
In the ball game between Porter's
Hull and Clinton the score was 6-9 in
favor of Porter's Hill.
Mrs. Dawson - o'f London spent a
few days last week visiting her sister,
Mrs,; Milton Woods.
'Mr. Hugh M'dIdwain is spending a
flew days with his daughter, Mts.
'Theron Betties, at Winthrop.
On July 19th there was a garden
party at Grace Church, P'orter's Hill,
a play is being put on by Ontario
St. Church, Clinton, "Jimmie .Be
Careful," and a ball game between
Hollmesville and the club team.,
A large congregation ,was present
to listen to Rev. J'a'mes Gale of
Mon'kton, who delivered an interest-
ing helpful service at Grace United
Church last Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Sparks and fa'm-
ily of 'London are here again this
sum'mer camping on the 4ith.
Mr. Vic. ,Eili•dth' is not as well as his
many friends would like to see h'i'm.
:Mrs. Mary MacKenzie returned
ore 'fro:rn a tr'i to the exit
p W
Prairie Rose Flour
As food as the Name
They are 'roasted
Special, per pound . . iDe
(Special, ;per pound 45c
Gilt Edge Twine
Positively 'Cash
week. •
A welly known .resident of Gotteshah
T'own'ship, Mrs. Wallace, died ,at the
home of her son, Charles, in Clinton,
on Sunday evening.
The sad news was received from
the 'West this week of the sudden
dearth o'f case df Herb Walks' young
son's. He was struck with lightning
last Monday and killed inst'antly. An-
other son was badly Stunned but will
get 'better.
Mrs. Thomas B'e'tties is -confined to
her bed and is under +. t'he doctor's -
W. M. IS.—(The regular monthly
meeting of the'Wamen's Miss'ionary
S'aciety was held at the home of Mrs.
J. Cochrane on Friday afternoon, Judy
14, with Mrs. R. Cons'itt presiding.
We opened our meeting by singing
hymn 241'. Mrs. (Rev.) C'h'andler led
in prayer. The scripture' lesson was
read from 1' Cor. 9, verses 24 to Z7.
The devotional leaflet, "The Wom'a'n
of D'eci'sion-tRulth" was given by
Miss A'nn'ie Jarrett. The Roll Call
.was answered with a verse with let-
ter A. Mrs. W. Turner read a leaflet
on "Korean Girds' Sc'ho'ol Work." The
Secretary and Treasurer ahem gave
their reports vvahi'dh were adopte'd.
Tem'peran'ce t'oplos were then given
and hymn 2B6 was sung.' 'The study
leaflets ware then',given by Miss Edna
Cochrane,: Mrs. J. Cochrane, Mrs. R
MdAl1'ister ' and Mrs. H. Turner.
Hymn 357 Was s'un'g •and the meeting
c'l'osed by all repeating the Lord's
prayer .in unison.
'M'iss Lebtie .Love is 'holidaying with
fri'en'ds in Sit. Thomas and Port
VIr, a'n'd Mrs. C. Seinion and Sea -
Stanton 'spen't the week -end with friends
in Waterloo and Ki't'ctsener.
Mr. J. Cochrane visited his (laugh-
ter, Mos. R. Dick, in Toronto, for a
few dad's,
\'Liss .Mi'Idred Workman vis'i'ted over
Sunday at her home in .Kip'pen.
Quite a number from this v'iciniyt
took in July 12 ((The Orange Walk)"
in Bru's'sels.
Donny Eller spent a day with his
aGn!t, Mrs. Mc'M'urtrie of Kippen..
'Peggy Fuss was visited by her cou-
sin's from Clinton a few days.
Mr, and Mrs. E.,Bro'deridk and fam-
ily visited with relatives in Petrolia
on Sunday.
Mrs. L. Eller spent a few days visit-
ing friends in Toronto.
3vLrs. W. Sloan of Timmins is visit-
ing with her mother, Mrs. Thos.
Mr. Eph and Bert. Gray, Mr. Ed-
win Wood spent last week at the
world's fair, 'Chicago, and alsoited with their unc'le, Mr. H'u'mphrey
Glra'y, of Benton Arbor, Mich.
Dr. Whitely and Mrs. W'hi'tely of
Gorrie spent Sunday with their aunt,
Mrs. D. Mountain.
:Mr. and Mrs. R. Newcombe olf,Lon-
d;on were 'callers at the home of Mrs.
M. Manning..
Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnston o'f Lon-
don spent the week -end at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Feed
Miss Jean Mains who having spent
a pleasant fortnight at her hone here,
has returned to Chicago.
K'ee'p in mond the "Big Day" and
night, August Znd, which will be cel-
ebrated here,
Mr. and Mrs, James McCool were
at $dafonbh ,on SiJnday.
IMr, J. D. Melville spent the week-
end wlbh Brussels friends..
Mrs, C. P. Sills and .Mr. C. Eckert
and Rev. J. M. Eckart, who has been
visiting friends in D'etro'it, paid us a
flying visit las't;,Sunday.
'Mir. Ch'arl'ie Regele, our drain in-
spe'ctor, let the contract last week to
lhave the Nash 'dralin cleaned out. The
contract was awarded to Mr. Jlos.
(Gaffney 'olf Logan for $40, In 1920 the
contract was let for 550.
'Fail wheat is all'cut and pfosnises
a go'o'd.c'ro'p. The 'continued dry .wea-
ea-theyis'predicting a short spring crop.
Mr. and Mrs, F. O'IBrien and Mr;
and Mrs. W. Jeffry spent Sunday .with
Dr. H. OlBrien in Elora.
.Mrs. (!Rev.) Turner and children
Spent the week -end with Trowib'l'•idge
Misses Jean Tuffin an'd Isla Drown
are holidaying in Stratford.
ITlhe Women's Institute picnic will
'be held on Wednesday next July 26th
,at Grand Bend. All ex•.mem'bers are.
cordially invited. Everyone come and
enjoy an .afternoon's outing.
If' you are considering a
Packer, Disk Harrow, Spring ,
Tooth Lever Harrow or Land
'Our prices are lower, with a
special low , price for this
month delivery '
tRepresente•d 'by V. J. LANE
Phone 46411 Dublin
'Cantelon, travelling sales-
man for the Electro Appliance
!Belt, for all forms of rheumatism,
is at W. G. W. Fee's, Jarvis st.,
Seaforth, for a short time, and is
giving free treatments. The ap-
pliance sells for $24.00, with a ten
year guarantee.
Of House an'd 'Lot and Household
Effects.—IG. H. Edla'dtt has been in --
strutted to self by public auction on
the premises, Centre Street, Seaforth,
on Saturday, July 291th, 1933, at 2 p.m.,.
Six -roomed frame house, the proper-
ty of the fate Miss M'dBride.
!Hausdhold Effects—Steel cooking.
range, new;; Quebec heater; 2 -burner
coal oil s'tove with oven; 'coal oil heaih,r—n
er, lawn mower, Singer sewing ma
chine, centre table, ex'tensio'n dining
table, small table, 2 Davenports, one
condi,' Dominion 'piano, iron bed,
mattress and springs, wash stands,.
four dining chairs, 2 kitchen chairs, 3
rockers, 2 cu'pbdards, rugs, linoleum,
electric iron, step ladders, china
dishes and many other household ar
Term's-Ternrs on :property will be
made known on day of sale or on ap-
plication 'to the undersigned. Chattels,
Cash. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer; John
MoNny, Administrator.
Township of !McKillop
Partie's wishing to pay c'asit on as-
sessments on' D'o!lm'age Dra'fn are ask-
ed:to do so on. Tuesday au'ternocikr aa�L�
Aug. 3�th, at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth. 'q
29 JNO. McY, Clerk- 4 •
!Titan 'tractor and 24-40 Bell-separai
tor. Cheap for quick sale.' Phone 90-
112, Brussels: ALBERT LYDIATT.
:Dis'app'eared on Truly 4th, last seen
on Main street, Seafonbh, a black. and
•white h'oun'd, weighing around 40 lbs.
,Reward. .Apply to 'The Seaforth
(News. 29
Piano, good as new, to be sold
very cheap. WALKER'S ' FURNI-
-IResideruce on corner of James and,
Asan streets. Apply to MRS. WAIL-
Seaforth, e(o Mrs. Coates.
Wheat, per rbus. .,.......53c'
(Burley, per bus. . .....YSOt
Oats, ,per bus 40'c
'Buekwhe,at, per bus. 50c
N'dw Potatoes bus...,.. 25
'Hags, per cwt. ...... . o, , S66.001.
Wool Wanted
at the
Woollen Mills
F. T. BAINTON, Proprietor
Cilles • i
� � et
Cleaners & Dyers
Phone l9Ew, a call and deliver -
V. J. Gillespie, Prop.