HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-07-20, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1933.
We would like to invite you
To"cool off" in the interior of our big refrigerators, during these
warns days, but unfortunately we haven't nearly enough roomto ac-
commodate the thousands of customers 'who would accept such an
invitation. We do suggest, however, that pn your next grocery order
you include several of the cool, energy producing 'Foods which are kept
io bythese refrigerators. Superior Stores carry a
in completeet line
ott ne
lime 'of cooked meats, bottled drinks, and other "Hot Weath-
er" suggestions. Remember our slogan—
_L -
Fern's for Week ending July 26.
,STANDARD TOMATOES, 2ee's 2 tins
2 pkgs
• Orange, (Lemon and IGrapefrulit
16' oz.
large bottle
Infant's Delight Toilet Soap 4 cakes
Mazola !Oil, No. 1 tin each
Matches, Silent x 3 pkgs.
Choice Golden !Bantam (Corn, 2's 2 tins
Lux Flakes large pkg.
Kelloggs Rice Krispies 2 pkgs.
Aylmer Soups, except 'Chicken 3 tins
Aylmer Pure Chicken Soup 2 'mss
Coffee, our own blend freshly ground per ib.
Cocoanut Wafer Biscuits, special 21bs.
Premium Tea, with Bird of Paradise Pattern China FREE lb
Weston's Parisian Biscuits, fancy box ,1 lb.
Superior IBakfng Powder 8 oz. -•,15c; 16 oz.
Saniflush p r tin
2 for
Canada Dry' Ginger A'1e,,12 oz
30 oz.. ............ plus bottles
Certo per bottle
Crown Fruit Jars •• '• srnall dozen
medium dozen
Lard and Shortening, l's 2 for
Centre Pull or Presto' Pack Wax' Paper ...... ........ . p...', . .10c
'Orange Slices er lb. 39c
• Loose ;Cocoanut % Ib. 13c
- Shirriff's True Extracts .. , ......•.. .._ . ......,per bottle 23c•
Sweet Pickles, picnic size ' - •" • per _-bottle 10c
0 ss
J. Sproat
Phone 8
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates e
and a
Dependable Reputation
p .
Good Quality
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by. our services and highest
market prices for- good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid ,for while you wait.
The Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BA'RBDR Prop.
,Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished •`
Night or day phone 67'
Minerals For Sheep
A suitable m'inenal mixture con-
taining a small amount of iod'in'e in
• same farm 'should he 'av'aila'ble to
sheep, and lambs at all '.times. The
follo'wing mixture is reconemended by
the Dominion, Quebee, Nova Scotia.
P;E:I., and On'tar'io Departments of
Agricul'tu're: Salt, 50 lbs.; su'lp'hur, 2
lbs.; oxi'd'e o'f iron, 'h ib.; ground
limestone, 20 'lbs.;; potassiu'm iodide;
/ to 1 ounce. Tlhisshould be mixed
b eneixed and placed in a' self -'feeder
box from which the sheep may be'et'le°
to help themselves, or two pounds of
the mixture May lrelfed with ;eaoh'1>Q0:
lbs. •oF 'gna'fn.
Miss Mabel Weisberg, Preston and
id' Card Forwelll, S't. Clemens, spent
the„wee'k-end with the former's cous-
in, . Miss Winnie Kruse.'
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dunlop and
Lois have returned hone after a three
weeks'” v'isit;wit'hlfriend's Tn Hamilton.
Week -end visitors, with Mr, and
Mrs. 'William Kruse were Mr, and
Mrs. Wil'lis•in Neubauer and daugh-
ter Clara, Mr• and Mos. Edward Neu -
'hatter; ' all of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and
Mrs. Jtohn W'eilyerg of ,Pre's'ton.
:lir. 'Harry Hart has the contract
for repairing and re -shingling the roof
at the Public Schaal.
IMr. and Mg. Charles Jenkins of
London were visitors on Sunday with
M'r', and Mrs. Harry Martin.
!Mr. and Mrs. Nloriman M. Kirk of
Ind'ian'a are 'visiting at bhe ,h'o'me of
Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Mirk. 'Norman is
travelling freight agent .for the Penn-
sylvania Railroad.
, 'Mr. and Mrs: J, D. 'Beeoroft and
dhftdren Florence and 'Ernest, also
Mrs. William Beecroft ' of Wiin!gh'ani
were visitors at 'Mr, A'n'drew . IC'i'rk's
home the p'as't week, '
Miss Mary Howes . has returned
home after s'pend'ing two -weeks with
her aunt and uncle, Mr. ,and Mrs.
Robt. Grim'oldlby, of Constance.
:M'i'ss Doro't'hy Howes is vis'itfng
with friend's at Lucan Oro'ssing.
Mr. and Mrs. Bumy'a'ttand'M•r.
J: Camp'b'ell Of Arthur visited over the
week=end at the home o'f 'x12r. James
Nolan,` .
Mr. and Mrs. Duren, Mr. M'ay and
Mists Horton of London spent the
week -end with. Mr. and Mrs; E L.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Minett of Toronto
visited with M•r. and Mrs. E. L. Box
a few days last week. •
IM•iss Leona and Masters ' 'Richard
and Edward Box and Miss Helen
More are spending the week at Bay-
field. •
Dr. R. N. Hill Of Bro'ok'lyn N. Y.,
is vis'i'ting his brother, Mr, Wm. Hill,'
and sister, Centre street,
The Misses Grieve of Eg'm'dnd'vil''e
and two ,girl !friends are on a trip to
the mountains for a month, a
Mr. and Mrs. Jidhn MelKenille and
family .motored 'from Swift Current,
Sask„ an!d are 'spend'i'ng a month in
town and vreinli'ty. They &pent ,Sunday,
on George st. with Mr, and Mrs.
• J'as. Grieve and family. I't is 25 yeasts
since 'they were here, and their many
'friend's 'were glad to see them.
Mrs. How'a'rd, Mr. Gordon Rife,
Mr's, G. G: Sina!1ialcombe and Mr. and
Mrs. Pitcher, all of Guelph, visted
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Westcott on
Sunday, Mrs. Howard stayng for a
short vacation.
'The Mi's'ses Hen'derso'n--o'f Buffalo
are ,guests this week at the Commerc-
ial wh'i'le renewing acqu'aintan'ces in
Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood Berry and
child of 'Toronto, were ,guests on Sun,
day of the Misses Cresswell, and Mr.
Berry's mother, Mrs. (Bev.) Berry Of
Ottawa, a'ccompan'ied them on their
return to Toronto.
Mr. , and Mrs. Crawford Smith re-
turned Wed'nes'day after spending a
few days in Windsor.
Mrs: Arnold Case left Monday to
visit her dau'gh'ter, Mrs. Schofield, in
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Purdy, Mr. Ho-
ward Purdy and Miss D'oro'thy Kers-
lake, Toronto,. spent . the .week -end
with the fatter%'p'arenbs, Mr. and Mrs;
W: E. Kerslake.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hiamiltion of
Kansas City, Missouri, were vis'i'ting
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Case for a few
days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Archibald . of
Waterloo were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Aridhdbal!d on Tuesdays
Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Hanna and
Mrs. fames A.
Reid went to Port
Huron on Tuesday and are visiting
friend's and ' relatives there and at
other points in Michigan for several
Mr. and Mr's. Wallace Berke leave
on S'aturd'ay for a short visit at ' St.
Cafhani'nes before sailing on Ju'ly?2Sth
'"rent Montreal for England, and later
St. Ives, wlhere they expect to 's'pend
some time. --
rMr. an'd Mrs, Will Griffin of Eloise,
Mich.; Mrs. John Dodds and her
moitise'r; Mrs. Morrison of London,
were calling on !frien'd's in town Fri
Dodds, Mrs. Griffin and
'ay. Mrs Do'
Mrs M'orriso'n are ,old time Seaforth-
rtes end their •many friends were glad
to 'see: them and renew acquaintances.
...Mrs. Will Pinkney an;d 1 c'hil'dren,
Phyllis, lack and Betty, df Hamil-
ton, are spending a few weeks at She
Piekney home' on Godenioh st.
Mrs. Ar't'hur M'a'son and son Charles
of Saskatoon, Sask., who have been
visiting relatives here for several
month's, are leaving Th'ursda'y and
• will .be addorrupanied Ihichne by Mr.
George Charters, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Chiat+"ters; Who will make an
indefinite stay with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mullett and
d'a'ughter and Mrs. Mu'lIett% sis!berein
la'w, Mrs. Ed. Latimer, all Of 'Oreille,'
v'isite'd the M!is'ses Brine on Wednes-
day. Mr. Mullett was formerly a
'hardware merc'han!t of Scatter*.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bruce Kilpatrick of,
Roxbury, N.Y., (nee Clem. Oas@)' were
in town Monday, taking Miss •. Mary.
Case, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. . Ed.
'Rev. Ei F. Oh'aun'd'ler preached e• very
i'tuslpirin'g senmoli on Suletlay morning
last in S't. Andre'w's United Church,
taking for his subject S'ingin'g the
Lord's Song under Difficult Condi-
frons." Miss Jean Iv'"son• sang a very
fine solo `5Buil'd4ng,•for Eternity."
The •regular ,morning service in St
Andrew's United C'hm'rdh will be held'
at the usual hour, of 111' a.m., Rev. E. F.
Chandler is baking the .morning ser-
vices in C'hi'selh'urs't United •Chureh :at
9.4IS in the absence of their pa's'tor,
Rev. A. 'Sinclair; who is enljbying his
summer holidays.
'The Kippen-IHlilesgreen ` annual con-
gregational pi'cni'c was held on\Tues-
day afternoon last in Jowett's Grove,
Bayfield. me Niles and Miss
Mr, and Mrs. Lo
Mina. Doig df 'London, accompanied
by Mrc. John C. Doig of Detroit; mo-
tored over in John's fine new car to
spend the weekeend with the latter's
mother and sister.
Mrs. Doig and Miss Janet, spent a
day ,recently visiting with 'Friends in
Seaforth defeated M'on'k:ton by a
score of 10-8 in the final game of the
group, played at Monkton on Wed-
nesday evening.
Case; .John st.,_ home with them.' Miss
Mary wtlil visit her aunt and uncle tor
some time. Mr. and tins. Kilpatrick
were en route 'to their summer: home
in Burleigh Palls..
'Mr. Gordon Hiays o'f Detroit and
Mr. Stanley Hays: df Windsor, spent
Sunday with their friend's in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snider and fain:
'sly o'f Kitchener spent Tu'esday at
Air. and Mrs. Louis Hilde'brand't''s,
George sit.
Mrs. Reginald Sykes of Washing-
ton state, oame Monday to visit
fniendis 'here. •
Mr. and Mrs, K. J, Hodgert, Keith
and Mildred, of Port Hope, and Mr.
A. Hodgert of Russelidrale were
guests this week at the home- ref Mr.
and Mrs. J. Ai'tch'eslon, Roxboro.
,Mies Margaret MeNlay olE 'Stratford
General Hospital and Mr. Wim. G.
M•oNiay of Duart are spending holi-
days at the home of Mr. . and Mr's.
J'no, 'M'cN'ay, in MCKil'lop.
;Miss Gliadys Mangey Of Mmbohe!ll is
spendiing the holidays with' her cousin
Miss Jean D'ungey.
;Mrs. R. L. Tho'm'soo and Helen are
visiting it .St. 'Catharines, for a few
Miss Miild'red A'i'tcheson of Rox-
boro is ,spending her .h'olldays with her
cousin, Miss H. T'ou'gh, at Bruice'field.
Mis's Viola 1ddonthgomery is visiting
Miss Leonia Box at Bayfield.
Waken de'fe'ated K'ippen at Kippen
on Wednes!dlay evening, by a score of
3 -le Walton goals were scored by
Gordon leteGlavin. Roe Canter and .,'
,Rev. W. A. Bremner will .conduct
anniversary services in Blake next
Sunday, July 23rd and Rev. Mr, Powl-
ter of Varna wilt occupy his pulpit
for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross o'f God-
ersoh and Mr. and Mrs. Monteith and
family olE London •sipen't ,Sunday at the
'home of Mrs. Janet Ross.
iMis's Violet Petrie of Sault Ste.
Marie is the guest of her sister, Mes.
Ro'bt, Allen, at ,present.
Tlhe,.many frien'd's of M•rs. T. H.
Wheeler, who has been 'Confined to
her home for the past few weeks will
be glad to hear that she was able to
go to her daughter's, Mrs. C. Hal-
stead, in Stratford, to ;spend this week.
;Mrs. Grad'dbok of D'iArcy, B. IC.,
(formerly Miss Alice Grey) is the
guest of M'r. and Mos. J'a's. Moodie
this week.
The Woman's Miss'ionary Society
met Wed'nes'day a'iteen'o'ane, July 112th
in the s'dhoalyddm. The president, .Mrs.
W. -A. 13rem'ner, Occupied -the Chair
and opened the meeting by' singing
hylmn 267, " Rock Of Ages." The
Scripture reading wlas taken from the
%th Ch'ap'ter .off list tor. and several of-
fered shunt prayers. The tre'a'surer re-
ported the June offering 510.90. IDt
was suggested that each member give
an extra cent a day frem now till
the end of the year in order that we
may not fall so far be'lo'w our alloca-
tion. . Mr's. Jlas. McQueen gave the
Temperance .rea'd'ing, ,A Sign Board,
and Mrs. Tough, le'ader of Group N'o.
6, presided over the program. The
devotional leaflet, The Woman of 'De-
cision, Ruth, was read by the leader.
The study period. was 'Temperance
education and the auxiliary member
and was given by Mrs. Stevens, Mrs.
Brack, Mrs. Haugh and Mrs. Ratten-
bu ry,
'Mr. and Mrs, ,Gordon Hayter, Keibh
and Wayne of Flint, spent last week
with the Tatter's mother, Mrs. E. Ross.
Mr, George Kalle of Buffalo spent
the week end at the home of Mr. John
Elgie. Mrs. A. 'Topp; and, Alice ac-
companied him back. '
Miss Jean ,1eLdLaehlan, Mrs; H. Erb
and Betty, of London' left on Monday
by motor 'for an extended trip to Bo -
harm, Sask.
Miss M'ar'garet Hay is visiting net
sister, Mrs. Lorne Pepper, of Niagara
Mrs, H. Enb and. B:e'ety of. London
were week end guests al' tine home of
Mr. Jno. McLadhllan 'before going
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamont and Son
Jack 'of Lonidon visited at Russell
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your maid and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance. and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you afford to take chance&
All claimst promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
Coleman's last Sunday.
Mrs. Luff o'f H'am'ilton is spending
a few days with her brother John
Mr TRichardson of Egmondville
is busy sawing lumber these days for
his customers at his son Gordon's,
on the Mill Road'.'
The ann'ual picnic of 5, ido, 7,
Tuckersmith,' was held in Bayifielld
Friday afternoon, with about ''100 in
attendance, Races 'were the main
feature of the event, with the follow-
ing winners: Girls, ,8 year's and under,
Jeanette lGl'inake, Thelma .Creighton;
Margaret Cooper; 12 years and under,
Muriel Cameron, Dorothy Coletnan,
boys, '7 years and under, Jim Carno-
ahan, Ross M'aLeau•; 10 years and un-
der, Mat rRiirtoul, Elmer Cameron;
boys, 115 and milder, Jack .Nicholson,
Cameron Rinto'ul; young men's race,
Harold Nicholson, Wilson McCart-
ney; married men's ` race, W. Keys,
D McLean; men over 50, J. Rintoul,
W. Thompson; young ladies, race,
Alice Thompson, Elinor Broadfaot;
married ladies' race, Mrs. J. MciIn-
tos'h, Mrs. A. N'i'c'h'olson; slipper race,
J, Black, Miss S'cotoh'mer; clothes
pin race, Doin'al!d Dale, Miss -Scotch-
mer; rolling pin race, Elinor Broad
fodt, 'M'a'rgaret 'Broadfob•t; necktie
race, H'el'en Thompson, ' Rex Mc-
Gregor; slipper race, 'dhilidren 10
years and under, Elmer Cameron,'
Pearl Creighltan, A bountiful supper
was served followed biy a game of
softball in which Margaret Broad-
fo'at's side won.
To Hold Picnic.—The four U. F.
Y. P. O. clubs --Dashwood, Western
Stanley, N'ighthaw'ks and Tudkers'mit'h
Aggressive, well held a picnic at Jo'w-
ett's Grove, Baylfield, on Tuesday,
July 25th, sports beginning at 2 o'-
clock. All the young people in the
above cam'munities are cordially in-
vited. Flora' Soutar, Secy,-ITreas.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'Geddes and
Mr. and 'M'rs. Geddes, Sr., of -Bel-
grave, spent .Sunlday with Mr. and
Mrs, J'osep'h Little. Mrs, Geddes is
spending a few days with her d'au'gh-
ter, Mrs. 'Little.
Winthrop footba'14 team defeated
B'ru'ssels 2.1' in Brussels an July 12th.
This was an exhibition game.
'Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Agar and Mr.
and Mrs. Foster Bennett spent ;Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton.
The "write-up"' on the Wallton-
Wl'n5hrdp feetbal'1 game held in Win-'
(hump last Monday night, July IBth,
was very much reversed; .the writer
surely .could not have been at the
game. 'Winthrop had the best ofthe
game and ilf it hadn't been 'for Wal-
ton 'backs (Moody Holland and 'Bill
Dennis) two of Winthrop's old re-
liable players, 'the s'o're would have
been much higher than 24 for Win-
throp. I5 was rumored around that
Walston wlas going to throw this game
to W'iotheop but 'they didn't and were
They sore 'because Winthrop won!
The Warton team Fare good losers but
it sure hurt a 'lot of their foll'o'wers,
Cheer 'up. Everyone loses some time.
The game played in Seaforth Sat-
urday n'igh't betweeh the Hurons and
Oariinlgs o11 London was well worth
seeing. We think the Londoners h'a'd
all they could handle. 'W'e give Wal-
ton and Winthrop boys credit ear
their 'good work, especially the goal
keepers, as they .made so'me nice
in HENRY F. 173!v i'ERM'A'N'N'S
Lot .10, Con. 9, McKillop, 33/4 miles
Feast of Winthrop
Wednesday Evg.
Admission 21Sn
Mr. and Mrs. Finlay A. Ross,
Peggy and Marjorie, of P'o'rt Arthur,
spent a few day's this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Little.
The M'isses Marion and Norine
Little hate returned home after
spending a week at Grand Bend.
The Ladies' Aid of Coven Church,
M+dKillop, intend holding a sale in.
Seaforth of Homemade Cooking on
August Sth.
The following is the report o'f the
June examinations of ;D'uiblin S'chool.
A is 715% or ,,Over; B is 66-74%a; C
is 60-+65%; D is 50'-159%.
:Form UQ.—
.Margaret Atkinson—Lit. D; Comp.
D; Algebra D; French C; Art De
Marjorie Byers—Lit. D; Comp. C;
Grammar B; Zoology C; (Physio
•graphy B; Algebra 'D; 'Geometry IC;
Arithmetic D; Latin D; French D;
Art D.
!Charlie Benn—!Lit, C; 'Gonip.. D;
Znoldgy D; Physiography 'B; Geo-
mebry D; Ariibhereetie D; Latin • D;
French D; Art B.
Dorothy Donnelly—Lit. C; Comp.
B; Physiography IB; Geometry D;
Arith. B; ;Latin 13; ,French B; Art' B.
Mary Eckert—!Lit. D; Camp. 'A;
Zoology B; Physiography A; Alge-
bra A; (Geometry A; Arithmetic IB;
Latin .B; French B; Art A.
Edgar Elligson—!Lit. D; Comp B;
Zoreogy'B; Physiography B; Algebra
C; Geo'metry D; (Latin C; Art C.
!William Flanagan—Lit. D; Comp.
D; Zoology D; ,Algebra B; Geometry
D; Arithmetic C; Latin D; Art C.
Jahn 'Krauskop't—Lit ID; Comp. C;
Zoology B; Physiography A; ,Algebra
B; Geometry B; Latin B; French B;
Art C.
;Lloyd McCarthy—Lit D; Arithmet-
ic D; Art 'B.
Mary iM'urray. —'Lit . D; Physio-
graphy C; Algebra D; ,Latin C; Art
'We are pleased to lcn'aw thht Mrs,
George Little has i'm'proved lately.
Presentation.—On July 1'2th one of
the 'veteran members of Winthrop
Lodge, Mr. William Trewartha, was
honored by the 'brethren with the
presentation of a beautiful cane and
a'dd'ress Mr. Trewaribha was so taken
by surprise that he was unable to •re-
ply; ,his son Irw+in 'T'rewarth'a made a
very suitable reply, thanking the
nse'ndbers for their kind remembrance.
The address was as follows: "Win-
throp, July 03'sh, .103. Mr. William
Trewiartha, Dear Sir and Brother,—
We, the officers and members o'f L.
O. L. No. 8113, having gathered once
again in their lodge room 'for the
grand !purpose of celebrating the 243rd
anniversary of . the . Battle of the
Boyne, whish event has been cele-
brated by this Lodge each and ever'
year for the past 76 years, whi'c'h
speaks well for the kind of men who
from time to time have been active
members of this Lodge during the past
76 years and who 'by their untiring
activity and lotyaity to our glorious
association have kept the Orange flag
flying every "'twelfth day of July dur-
ing all those years. A'nd to you, Bro-
ther Trevearbha, as you are now 61
years an active O'ran'geman and a
member df this lodge, I, as Worship-
ful Master ettend to you on behalf of
the members our very high apprecia-
tion ofyour valuable service bo our
glorious association .and 'to this Lodge
in p'articul'ar. And from what we can
'rather from what has tr'ans'pired der -
leg the 61
t !h
you 'became a member of the Olrange.
association, - your services among the
brethren !have been very valuable and
by your wise counsel and timely ad-
v'i'ce the Lodge has achieved great ac-
comp'lis'hments And in order to show
our' appreciation of you as an Or-
angeman and an 'untiring 1w,orker in
OUT welt' 'beloved Order and in our
L'od!ge' we ask you to accept this
walking cane as a slight token of our
love and es'tee'm 'for a true and -un-
selifitsh Or'an'ge 'brother w'hic'h we have
found you to be always with the will-
ing 'hand to fureher the interests of
burr moble Order. And in presenting
you with bh'is cane we as's'ure you that
with it we extend to you our best
'wishes for a !Ionlg life of good health,
peace, happiness and prosperityand
we sincerely hope land trust that you
may long be spared to particip'ate
with your 'brethren in their twelfth of
T's,ly celebration's. (Signed) P. G.
ITfItle, W.IM" 'Wm. B, ..Trewartha.
n:M.• Pair M ettersr-WeeT. Kinney.
Norman O'Connor—Lit. D; Comp.
D; Zoology C; 'Latin ID; Fren'c'h D;
Ant C.
Margaret 'O'Connell --!Grammar D;
Algebra D; 'Geometry D; Arithmetic
D; French D; Latin D.
k —'Lit Comp.
!Loretto OdRou'r e
! D; P
C; Zoology D; Physiography D; Al-
gebra C; "Geometry D; Arithmetic Di;
Latin D; French D; Art B.
'Dorothy Riley tats, D; Comp. A;
Physiography 13 Algebra A; Geo-
nrdbry 13; •Atibhmdtic ! B; Latin D;
French D; Art B.
Mary Walsh—ILEt. C; Comp. B;
Physiography D; Algebra C; Geo-
inetry D; 'Arithmetic ID; French D;
Art B.
Michael Walsh --Lit D; Caine. 'D;
Grammar D; ,Zeolo'gy C; Physio-
graphy C; Geo'mnetry, D; Latin D;
Po nm
Jack 'Benn—'Lit. D; Comp. C; Al-
gebra C; Art C; Geogra'phy D; Zoo-
logy C; Latin D; French D.
!Barbara Carlin—Lit D; Camp, D;
Grammar A; Algebra D; Geography
13; Zoology D; Isatin B; French A.
Willie Drake --Lit. C; 'Comp. D;
Algebra C; Art ,A; Geography A;
Zoology B; French D.
Ursula Flanagan-1Lit. B;; Co'.mp,'B;
Grammar A; Algebra 'A; 'Geo'grap'hy
A; Zoology B; Latin A; French B.
Mary'.Jordan-ILit D;" Comp. D;
Grammar C; Algebra B; Art D; Geo-
graphy C; Latin D; French C.
Cecelia Ka"auseopf—'Lit B; Contp.
A; Grammer A; Algebra A; Art C;
Geog. B; Zoology, B; Latin A; French
feet 4.• Tv r, Po Marc:} P D•lei • Tna,v„'.
'r , .4%1 O %I) Air 1
P.D M ; W. Adrian Hogg, ,P.D!M.;'
Thseph Hberg, PJDJM.; Irvin Trewar
Muriel Loab'y-Lit. D. Comp. C;
Grammar C; Algebra C; Art C;
Geog. B; Zoology D; Latin D; F'renc'h
Mary Molyneaux—•LLit. A; Comp.
B; Gran tear A; Art D; Geog. B;
Zoology D; Algebra A; Latin A;
French B. I
(Evelyn •Mldorr—!Let. D; Comp. D;
Algebra 13; Art C; Geography B;
Zoology. D; Latin B; French B.
iGeore':Moore-'Lit. D; .Crimp. C;
Algebra B; Art B; Geography A;
Zoology B;'Latie A; French B.
Mary Moore—Lit. D; Comp. C;
Grammar 'B; Algebra C; Art B; Geo-
grap'hy:.B; Zdolo!gy B; Latin A;
French B.
Mary Morris—Lit C; Comp. D;
Grammar B; Algebra .B; Art C; Geog.
A; Zoology C;. Latin B; French A.
iKlathryn O1Roarke—Lit C; Camp.
D; Grammar A; Algeb'ra A; Art ,B;
Geography A; Zoology B; Latin A;
French A.
Joan Rdbitesore-'Lit, B; Comp. C;
Algebra B; Art C; Geography C; ..
Zoology 13; Latin C; French B.