HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-07-20, Page 2s
Butt Reunion.—The annual .Butt r e-
-union was held at I-iarbot Tank, 'God
.rich on htottda}, July !3rd. tRepresen-
tat}fes from various places were as
follows 1'Lr, and Mrs. John Gib'bmgs,
Mr, and Ars: Percy'Gibbiit'gs and 'fa-
mily, Mr, and'' Mrs. (Warren Gib'bing.s
:and family, 'hir. and Mrs. 'J. E. 'Ball,
Mrs_ J L. 'Crioh, Qdiss Sadie 'Ball,
Clinton; i\l.r. add Mrs. Luther iAlli r,
'3'irs. Mary A. Fisher, Mrs. E. 41,damy
Mr, •Vl H. Mew Mr. and :Mrs. 13. H.
.3Iew,'Mr. Thos, E. 'Gray, Goderich;
-lir: Wm. Bateson, Miss Florence
Bateson -'Bay City; Mrs. S'Ila M.
Woods, 'Santa :Barbara, Calif.; Mrs.
Olive Fink„ Mr. Clarence Flak ,, San
Marino, 'Cali'f•; Mrs John Cornish,
Miss Margaret Cornish,. Mr. Thos.
Cornish, (Ripley; Mr. Wm. Palmer,
Miss 'Rosie Palmer, Mr. and Mrs.
:.Carr Westcatt, Mr. and ;Mrs. J. T.
W:estcott, Mr. and Mrs. IW, A. West-
•catt and family, .Mr. (Fred Westcott,
Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Bali
and family, Mrs. M. G. Smith, ' Mr,
:Sidney 'Smith, Mr. William Smith,
Detroit; 'lir, and Mrs. Geo. H. Ball,
Mr. and Mrs. ,Amos 'B'all and family,
.Mrs. 'Bert 'Shab'broak and 'family, Au -
:burn; Mrs. J. IB. Dinsdale, Mrs. F.
Simmons and sonijack, ,Hensall; Mrs.
'E. B. IWestcatt, Mr, Jonathon Light-
fy, Wellesley Mrs. ,David Wright,.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman, Wright, Miss
Mabel Wright, Mr. George Wright,
.Mrs. Wesley adden and family, Mr.
.and Mrs.'Leslie'Ball and family, [Lon-.
,desboro, .A sumptuous chicken dinner
which had been prepared by the ladies
of the group, was heartily. partaken of
byall, which pleasantly satisfied .the
longings of the inner man. ,The after-
noon was spent in social char, vari-
ous games and singing, until the gong
for supper was sounded. After this
the next place of meeting was chosen,
being the river flats of Mr. George H,
Ball, the third -Monday of July, 11934.
The following were the committees
appointed for nest year General con-
-rnittee, Mr. Amos Ball, Mr. Warren
Gibbings, Mr. 'Norman Wright; mus-
-ical committee Miss Florence Bate-
son, Mr. Sidney .Smith.
Empty House Burned in ',Goderich at Goderich. He was assisting in low-
Twp.—(Fire destroyed an em!pity house Bring a 11.5.0 15, valve When the sup -
on t
up-on, the farm -of' Jlasper ,Brindley„ con-
cession 4 , Goderich township, on
Thursday afternoon. A small quantity
of hay was also consumed, It is be-
lieved that .burning grass was' the
cause. The destruction of 'the house
removes an iold landmark Which was
owned for many years by the late A.
M, Polley., A large stable was • de-
stroyed 'on the same farm last year.
GreyTwp. Council.—.Minutes of'the
Council meeting held July '8th. Min-
utes of °last meeting were read 'an'd •ap
proved on motion of T. C. Wilson,
seconded by Silas ;J'oh,nston. Moved
by IBroadfoot, seconded' by Hemming -
way, that the price of gravel placed.
on township roads"this year be i10c
yard and 7c 'for gravel fo be •cnushed.
Carried. 'Moved by 1Br'oadfo'ot, second
ed by tHemmingway, that {Thos. Mc-
Donald '
c -Donald' Sr. be appointed Drain 10 -
specter .in place of lRobt, Livingstone,
whoa resigned. Carried. Moved y
Hemntingway, seconded by IBroadfoo:t
that the Collector be given to Aug -
not 31i'stto collect the remainder of
unpaid taxes, after above date to take
legal proceedings to collect same. Car-
ried. Moved by ,Wilson, seconded .I by
Broadfoot that all approved accounts
be paid. Carried. Moved by Hein-
mingw*ay, seconded by Johnston that.
this Council do now 'adjourn, to meet
again August 15th or at the call of the
Reeve. Carried' The 'following ac-
counts were paid: E. W. {Love, insur-
ance for 'Twlp.office, $7150; 'John 'Ro-
gers, 'Walton drain, $67:00; 'John iRd-
gers, N. rBeancttarnp, $1f17.0:0; W.. C.
Bennett, re IW'm. Soles, I i11:17L; Twp.
Road accounts, $9071116.
Skull Fractured in Auto Crash.
-Charles Ruffle Sr. of Goderich spent
-the Glorious •Twelfth in a colt in the
Goderich hospital with a fractured.
skull, 'broken jaw and <painful facial,
injuries instead of in the march and
other festivities at Brussels. His in-
juries were theresult of an auto'mo-
bile accident the previous evening
abitut 7:40 at the intersection of Nel-
son St, and Cambria road. Hugh
'Bourn was driving him. The driver
n:vas later' arrested for reckless driving.
porting nape broke and the heavy otb-
ject`drroopped on his feet. Both feet
Were badly smashed, and the big toe
was cut from one Moot. Several bones
were broken and one foot was swol-
len so badly that nothing could" be
done with it at the time.
Elmwood and Thistle Clubs. 'Here he
is an enthusiastic; member of the St.
Marys Bowling •Club. •Hel'p,iays golf.
He also takes 'delight in casting a ,fly
for 'the elusive trout ,when op-
portunity offers.
' Returning to LucknoW,- \ir. and
Mrs. A. E, Buswell and family, who
moved to Exeter over ,'a., year and
a half ago dram Lucknow, are plan
ning to return to the latter place and
are leaving there the rlaitter' part of
this month.
:Mitchell Entrance Results. -0f a
total of 1137 entrance candidates, 40
were granted certificates on recom-
mendation of the principal and 57 pas-
sed the written examination. The
highest mark obtained was by Beth
:Skinner of S. S. No. 2, Fullarton, and
eecond by Isabel 'Drummond of S. S.
No, 5, 'Logan. !Principal's recommen—
dation: t3otnta Adams (hon:), Mary
Cenima, Audrey Chapman (hon.),
Kathleen Cummings, Grace Davis,
James Delaney (hon.), Mervin Doty
(hon), Norman Dow '(hon.), Eileen
Elliott ('hon,), 'Flora Gibson, Maxine
Harper (hon.), Evelyn l-I'arris (hon.),
Carl Slillebrecht (San.), Doris Jordan
-Dion.). Mervin Kahle (hon.), Cecil
Lemon (hon.). Roy 1Leppard, Keith
McGill, Keith McGlenning (hon.),
Vera Herman, John Hinz, Kenneth
Kraemer, Ella Kraemer, Thomas ice-
lady, Harold MacPherson, :Margaret
Mahaffy (San.), Ross Mahaffy (hon.),
Jean Miller, Almer, Parrott (hon.),.
Wilma Partridge (hon.), Frank Pell-
ing (hon.). Francis Prendergast (hon)
Wilfred Roy. Wilhelmina Russell
(hon.), Alice Silk (hon.), Leona Ris-
tou, Lulu V,ralkom (hon.), Madeline
Waikom (hon), Thelma Walther
hon.), Iia Williams. Candidates
who passed the exantinatiolas: Harry
Ahrens, .Ange?a Bannon, Vera Barker,
Walter !Burroughs, Harris Butson
hon. Calvin Christie (hon.), Hart-
ley Davis, Doris Docking, Joseph
Donnelly, Arthur Drummond, Isobel
Drummond !(hon.), 'Helen Durrant
'(hon.). Frances Eiclaneyer, Oscar
Eickmeyer, Isabelle Gray, ' Ernest
Harburn, 'Grattan Healy, William
Heath, Helen_ Herbert, Aldeen ;Hobbs,
Bennedict Holland, Russell Huston,
Jack Jordan, Teresa Krauskopf, lVil
Ilam, ,Littlejohn, Evelyn Longeway,
Rita Longeway, .Kenneth McNaught
(,hon.), Kathryn McNichol, Wilfred
McQuaid, Joyce 'Mabb, Lester Man-
ton, Ralph 'Mulholland, Margaret
Murphy, 'Leonard Nagle,.. Joseph 01[
chelson, Dorothy Parsons, Aileen
Pepper, ' Dorothy; Quance, Mildred
Rapien, Mildred Raiz, Viola Renick
'(ban.), Edward 'Roach, Rock,
Dalton Rolph, Viola Roney, Jean
'Schelienberger, Edith Seeb'aok, Beth
' 'Skinner •(hon.), Earl Staskopf; Gwen
' 'Struthers, William Thiel, Margaret
"Tilley (hon.), Ruth Trivett and Marie
94th Birthday. --Mr. dames ' Hand-
ford, a 'life-long resident ,of Exeter
,- and the oldest ,citizen, observed his
94th birthday on Thursday, .July 6th.
A nulnibier of. old friends c'a'lled at the
lhome'to offer their congratulations.
iRuris Into '" Sheep,—lWihile .on his
way to Hanover to see his mother,
Mr. 'Harley Colvin of Teeswater meet
with what.Might have resulted in a
serious :accident, Between Hanover
and Walkerton the car he was driv-
ing piled into a large flock of sheep.
The auto prom,p'tly took to the ditch
and turned ,turtle. Some half ; dozen
of the sheep were killed and the auto
was badly damaged, hut the' driver
escaped without injury. 'T•ees'water
'Banks 'Amalgamate At Brussels. —
00 ;Saturday,. Juily''1515, the B'an'k
of Commerce at !Brussels .took over
the entire •business of the {Brussels
Bank of 'Nova Scotia, !In return the
Bank. 'of !Nov !Scotia in, 'North Sid-
ney'will relieve the !Bank 'of Com-
merce of all duties there. The Com-
merce has bought the building and
the manager's residence of the 'Nava
Scotia in (Brussels.
17 Booths in Brussels on the 12th.—
The first stand 'beside tW. A. ILowry's
garage was in charge al T. (Lawless.
and 11, Lowry. At 'H. 'A. iLoffree's
corner, with 'iVIm, Bell ` and 'Dunt
McKinnon in charge. Ian McDonald
and the lollick'boys had a ,booth an
the opposite corner beside the ;Bank
of Nova Scotia, In the lot beside J.
T. Ross's store, Russ. Farrow and
Ed. 'Henderson, members of L. O. L.
No. 766, operated a stand, and beside
them Clarence ;Grainger. Across the
road, Anderson's garage had a coun-
ter in the doorway. E. Plum, 'H.
Thomas and John .Rutledge had a
large booth and immediately behind
them 'Charles Schaefer, irom Poole,
had a stand. Mr. (Williams of 'Wing -
ham did 'business beside Wal'ker's
carriage works. B. O. McDonald and
1h Kerr were on Mrs. !Ew-an's lawn
and Mr, 'Elliott on Win. Hall's cor-
ner, John Rutledge had the: rights for
the park, and had four booths there.
New Pumping System. at Zurich.
'Last week the Zurich police trus-
tees met representativesfrom various
companies who were present with the
intention of selling the town a new
water supply :outfit, as the 'present
tank at Zurich .will not hold 'water,
and the present pump is not standing
up too •well, being. at 'present again
out of order. The 'purchase was Anal-
ly made from the Beattie 'Bros.” of
Guelph, and The new outfit includes
a 5,000 gallon steel 'pressure tank, 'a
different pump and: 'art automatic
Switch which will cut in and take off
when the supply in the tank is low-
ered. -;This will be a great conveni-
ence to the users, as there will always
be sufficient pressure to force , the
Water to any part of the town where
water pipes 'will carry it. When this
new system is installed it s'h'ould be an
inducement •1; or other customers to
hook on and have an abundant supply
of water,' The new equipment will cost
upwards of '$1;1100.
Bandsmen in Car Accident. —"On
their way to 'Waterloos tnusical hand
festival' four ` •Winghani bandsmen
w ere very lucky that they were :toot
seriously injured. Dave Benlediet was
driving' his car, and with him were
Harvey Burgess, Fred Johnson' and
W. Reid, as they approached Wa•11en-
stein the left rear tire blew out. I't was
almost' miraculous that those riding
in the car escaped with a bad shaking
up. The top; of the car was complete-
ly demolished, the front axle badly.
bent, a Wheel broken off and the steer-
ing wheel broken. A trombone and
two bass horns which were to; be
used in the competition in 'Waterloo
were damaged hat can be repaired.,
body;, and •enough tiresto serve all
wheels but the golf irons a'nd but-
ted stick were missing. On ' the last
night before shaking the -dust of
Chica'go off their tires some of 'the'
t ved'
petty gangsters sdealtlttly rano
the two front, wheels, the golf clubs
and anything ;else carrykrble tram the
St. Marys carr, so that when they
went out for an early Start in the
dawning they got arude`shc'ck. The
two spare wheels and the tires cassia
inhandy too.,.
Truck, Load of Hay Takes Fire.-
Considerable excitement took place on
Josephine st., Wingham, one day 'last
week.. Ed. Milton's truck, driven by
Stewart 'Scott, Was trucking in hay
from the 'country, and from some un-
known cause the hay to'o'k fire. The
firemen were quickly on, .the . scene
and after getting the :fire under eon -
trot the truck was driven across the
sidewalk on to the Bell factory lot
and the hay dumped, where it con-
tinued to smolder. The truck was also
left there although it was able' to
move under its own power. The hay
was a total loss,
Fire in Home Burns +Itself Out. —
The fine home of Mr. H. W. Doerr on
Main' street, Exeter, had a close call
from being gutted by, fire.When the
fire alarm sounded in connection with
the grass fire on the property of Miss
iTom, Mr. Doerr was in the act of
cleranin'g a coal -oil stove. He left the
house hurriedly for 'the' power plant
at the river ie order to start the water
pump. When he returned he ;found
that he hadleft the oil 'stove blurting
and that it had 'begun to smoke and
started a fire in the kitchen. -Fortun-
ately the doors had been all closed
and the thick smoke from. the stove
smothered the flames' for had there
been any ventilation the flames would
no doubt have ..gained considerable,
headway. The damage is covered by
Attempt to Burn Walkerton School.
-:Incendiarism is suspected in a fire
which early one morning threatened
the destruction of the Walkerton high
school. Coal oil sprayed on the out-
side window sill and frame was clearly
discernable, after firemen ' .had ex-
tinguished the blaze with ifire exting-
uishers. No damage resulted due ,to
the promptness with ,which the alarm
was .sent in by a Brant ,-township
young man Who was passing at that
hour and noticed the blaze.
A Man of Enterprise. — The ,St.
Marys Journal -Argus had the follow-
ing sketch of Mr: H. J. • !Sutherland:
That Sit. Marys has enjoyed 'for some
years the advantage of possessing one
of the 'best town theatres in the Do-
minion of Canada is due to the enter-
prise of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. (Suther-
land: Baok in :114119 they' built the Lyric
Theatre here ;and leased it to Allen
Bros., who were leading figures in the
theatrical world at that time. Shortly
afterwards the 'Aliens wenit into liqu-
idation and Mr, !Sutherland took over
the management of the theatre. ,Ex-
cept for two years, 1935411907, when ,P.
J. Greenlees (leased our local theatre,
Mr, 'Sulthenland has been in' charge.
During that period - Mr. and Mrs.
Sutherland Had a rest and spent the
Winter in Florida. In '1930 the. Lyric
was turned into'a'modern talkie play-
house with sound picture equipMent
equal to the 'hest, in the metropolitan
centres. 'T'he same year Mr. Suther-
land built the new theatre at Goder-
ich, representing an investment of six-
ty -+five 'thousand doiars".L'ast year''a
theatre at Seaforth was built and
added to the strjng.Since 19117 Mrs,.
Sutherland has owned the theatre at
Cobourgwhich has been leased to
another concern. As, active manager of
three theatres, Mr. 'Sutherland leads
a 'pretty busy life, Practically ,every
week day of theyear he visits all
three towns, making headquarters 'in
St. Marys, and his two motor cars
show a mulleage of between forty and
fifty thousand miles a year. His .'bril-
liant wife, Who has been associated
with him in the theatre enterprise,
takes an active interest in everything
relating to the conduct of the circuit,.
Herb Sutherland was born in Wood-
stock and hfs' early boyhood., days
were spent in that attractive little city.
When he was twelve years of age,
he moved with' his ,parents to London,
Alter a few years' experience in the
Mercantile line, Mr. Sutherland em-
barked in business_ with his brother
under the firm name of Sutherland
Bros. They dealt in 'Stoves, ranges
and heating appliances, -carrying.' on
business for lfwenty-,five years. from
1900.' to 119126, Since coming to ,St.
Marys Mr. Sutherland, 'though a
busy man, has taken an interest in
community matters..He served for a.
time as a member of the .St. Marys'
public .schoo'l board. He has been for
some years a Member of the Rotary
Club and is one of 'the most popular
members ,of the Club. 'Herb has been
willing to do his Share of any. service
work and is a liberal contributor to
charitable objects. Througfi his gen-
erous co-operation last winter, the Ro
Engagemen'f:—Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil- tartans were :able to make a s'n'ug ruin
Clinton Bakery Sold rllr, W. G.
McIiveen has sold his 'bakery busi-
ness in Clinton to Mr, and 'Mrs, J.
Bowes of Blyth, and moved to ,Peter-
boro, where he will take charge of the
farm of Mrs. 'M'dIlveen s, mother. Mrs.
MieLli een hadplanned to go' down/
and spend the glimmer on the farm.
but when the chance '`carne of sellin'g'
out the business in Olin'ton it was de-
cided to move. the family at once. Mr.
and Mrs. Bowes took possession last
' ICoppiSiocum . The marriage took
place atthe hone of ,the bride's aunt.
and uncle, Mr, and' Mrs.'S.,'T. ,Kempt-
horne, Whitby, of Agnes !Louise Slo-
cum of Nev York, granddaughter 01
the late 'Mr: and Mrs. Doherty of
Clinton, and Dr, E. F. F. . Copp of
7Jalia11a, Gal., younger son of the late
Mr. am,d bars. Joseph Copp, of Clin'tbp.
Dir. arid Mrs. Copp left by motor for
Port Severn Where they will spend a
holiday before teturning to LalJoila,
where they will reside.
THURSD'A'Y, JULY 20, 1933. ,
Late Albert 'Neal. — -There passed
away on Thursday,6t'h, an es-
teemed resident of rte Base Line in
the person of Albert N''eal, wihb wets in
his sixty-ninth year. His illness dated
bank several months and in spite of all
that cou'ld be done to arrest it, the
disease progressed until' death result-
ed. The deecased man was born' in
Glouces'ter'shire, England, in 1564,
and 'came to Canada in the spring et
11883, settling at Londesboro, and has
lived in the locality practioally ever
since. In 11687 he was united in mar-
riage to Miss ,Sarah Hardy, daughter
of the late John !Hardy of the Bate
Line. He is survived .by his wife and
ane son, Russell, now living on the
'homestead, and two brothers, Rev.
Dr. ,Neal and Fred Neal, and one sis-
ter, Mrs. Minnie Carter, all Of Toron-
to. The funeral, which was largely at-
tended, was held frown,his late 'home
on the Base Line: The pallbearers
were friends and nei'ghb'ors, Messrs.
Oliver j. Jervis, Charles Tyner, Rabt,
Watkins, Thbs. E. Mason, R. G.
Smith and,Norrman Ball. Friends and
relatives from a distance present for
the funeral were Rev. 'Dr. and Mrs.
Neal an'd Miss . Helen Neal, Messrs,
Fred and W. E. Neal and James ,Blair
and Mrs, Minnie Carter, 'Toronto; Me.
and Mrs. W'm, Richardson, Listowel;
Mr. and Mrs. W. Black and Mrs. Me -
Bray, Wlobdham, and lir, and' Mrs.
D. Crawford, Walton.
Pathfi ►dOr
You ;can save 20%o and
still get tires which give `1.
you better than average
service by choosing
Goodyear Pathfinders.
Goodyear construction
—Goodyear guarantee!
Unusual value at a low
, Q
Will Attend C.C.F. Convention. —
Mr, R. J. Scott, Belgrave, president of
United Farmers of Ontario, left last
week 'to attend the first convention of
the Co-operative Commonwealth Fed-
eration which will be held in Regina.
A Record Maple Leaf.=Mrs, J. A.
Morton, who is visiting her ; ran' : in
Vameou.vet? IBC., sent Mr. and Mrs,
W. J. :Greer of 'Winghasn ,a maple'
lean that fat size will take same beat-
ing. It measures 17 inches across
and' 104 inches deep without the.
Business Change —Mr. B. M. Fran-
cis of Exeter has purc'h'ased the Ex-
eter branch of theeggand poultry
business of Mr. N. W. Trew'artha,
and took possession last week.
cocks announce the engagement of for crippled mhnldren s wank by put -
their only daughter Rhea Agnes Wil-
cocks, to Rev. James F. Myers,
L. Th., sop of Mrs. J. _E. Myers and
the tate J, E. Myers. 'The marriage to
take place the middle of August.
Vel- outdoor sport. In his younger'." days
• Feet Crushed—Mr;. E. Hornet', lie went in for baseball. Now he is
son street, was the victim mostly seen on the bowing green;: 3.1
of an unfortunate and painful accident he 'belonged to the London
at the 'Western 'C'anada. Flour Mills
I : .
ting on a .minstrel show at the Lyric.
Tihis year Herb is chairman of the
international •relations committee. Mr.
Sutherland has always 'been an en
thuS'iaslic devotee and, supporter of
Engagement. --41r. 'and Mrs. W. H.
Dearing of Exeter announce the en-
gagement of their youngest daughter,
Madeline Beatrice to Wesley' James.
Witmer, son of Mrs.. David Witmer,
the nrarriage_;to take •place early in
Reception for Bride and Groom.
On 'Wednesday evening last week the
spacious lawn at the home of Mr.
and 'Mrs. ..'George • Thornton was
thronged with many guests, invited'
to a reception in honer of their dau-
ghter, Elsie Isabel, vrho was recently
married to Alvin D. Snasth Of Blue -
vale. Bright moonlight and the glow
of; many J'apanese lantern's made the
occasion ideal for ,entertainment. Mr,
and Mrs, 'Smith received the guests
On the lawn, Mrs. ,Smith wearieg'her
wedding gown of rose beige crepe
with' a corsage of roses.
Green -Dean. ---,A quiet wedding was
solemnized at the rectory in Exeter
when Miss' Birdie Dean of ;Owen
Sothic" and 'Henry 'Green of Exeter
were Junited in the bond's of holy mat-
rimony. Anter a short honeymoon the
happy couple will reside in Mr..
Greenls , cottage on 'Main st:, Exeter.
3s Chicago Bad? -,(Two St. Mary's
men who have just came from a mo-
tor trip to the Chicago Fair, have an
idea that all. the stories they have
heard about the windy City being a
tough 'joint' have 'some bearing:in•the
sects. Their,, own experience would
seen toindicate that there area few
thieves\ still: able to he ,up and
around in that city. When 'Milton
D'unnell and Allen Crozier pulled
away from the 'Sttone. Town a week
or so ago on what they expected
would be a` fine trip, their car was
equipped with two spare tires and
wheels to say nothing of a set of golf
cl'u'bs `and 'a lacrosse' stick. When they
came ,home they' at;Ill ,'had the car
was married there and went with her
husband to reside in Onondago, • in
Brant County, where she lived until
Mr. Howell's death, coming to Gode-
rich in 191112. She is Survived by two
sons, M. W. Howell of Goderich, and
E. H. Howell, on the homestead at
Onondaga% Two sons predecea d;
her. The remains were taken to Bra
ford for interment in the family pl
at Brant Church near Brantford.
Soft Ball,—Seaforth won a snappy
game of soft ball from Mankton .10-9
here on Friday. A large crowd wit-
nessed the game. There were t, many
good 'plays and same close decisions,
M'onkton were leading 9 to 7 at the
beginhing df the ninth inning but
Seaforth scored three runs, to win the
game 10 to 9. 'Cudmar patched faun
and a half innings for 'Seaforth and
struck out five men, and Buckman
finished the game with three strike-
outs to 'his credit. 'Metz pitched the
whole game for Monktan and did
well. To decide where the play-off
game s'ho'uld take place between
\'Ionkton and Seaforth, President Su-
therland flipped .a coin and the game
went. to Monkton.. Clinton. now leads
Goderich in section A.
Monkton .. ,.. 300'3113. 000— 9
Seaforth , . , 100141411 003-10
Monkton—Merryifield; ,cf; Erskine,
2b; ,E. Bettger, ;11b; E. Wilsons, ss; Ni-
cholson, 3h; H; Behtger, 11; Metz, p;
Leppard, r -f; Weber, c.
'Seaforth-4G. Rennie ss; Muir, 2d);
E. ,Rennie c; Wright, ib; Brownlee,
rf; 'Taman, 3b; Burgess, 11; McGreg-
or cf; ,Buckman land Cuclanore, p,
(Umpires —'Elliott and Fulford of
Josiah Knight-iA4ter a painful ill-
ness Josiah, Bunke I€night died at h'•is.
hone :on Waterloo street,' Goderich,
Thursday' night, in his 514th year, Mr.
Knight had been ill for fourteen
months. He was a native of Ashfield,
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Knight, and followed his trade asa
baker in Chatham ,1'Woodstock, Kit-
chener and Medicine Halt before his
removal to Goderich where he was in
business' 'urvtil he instituted a delivery
business ,whishhe carried on until
overtaken by illness. In 1'9110 'he mar-
ried Miss Annie Wilson - of Wrox-
eter, who survives with three chil-
dren, Stewart, who was In 'business
with his father, Wilson and Edna, all
at ho'm'e. A brother, Jethro Knight,
lives ha London, and a sister, 'Mrs.
Isbister, hi Wroxeter.
(Mrs. Howell, Goderich.-Mrs. Mary
Alice Howell, widow of the Late Isaac
Howell, passed peacefully away Fri-
day night at her home on Trafalgar
Street,„Goderch, in 'her 88th year. Mns,
Howell was born at Hohnesville,. She
Died at Stratford 'A native of Stor-
mont Coun'ty' and a beloved resident
of ,Cornwall for the greater part of his
life, Alexander Charles Cameron
passed quietly Friday at the residence
of his daughter, Mrs. James •L, Kil-
loran, Morn'ington•'and Elizabeth sts.,
5,tratford. Mr; Cameron was in his
91,st year and despite his advanced
age he had been in remarkably fine
health until he was taken 311.' about
six weeks ago.Bord at Finch, Storm -
mit County, Mr. Cameron was the
son of the late John and Nancy Cam-
eron, natives of Inverness, Scotiand,f '
who settled in Eastern lOstaria
their arrival in the new land. When
young man Mr. Cameron tno'ed to
Cornwall where he married Miss
Margaret IGillie, who passed to her
reward some tw•entyaflve years ago.
Mr. Cameron was in the paper mili,
business in Cornwall for many years
and for the past twenty-five years he
had resided in Vancouver, coming to
live in Stratford last September. The
aged p'io'neer of Eastern Ontario was
a staunch member of the Presbyterian
Church. He is survived by three dau-
ghters,Margaret, widow of John P.
Murphy, Cariboo, B:C.; Maude, wife
of Hon, Mr, Justice Dennis 'M'urphy,
Vancouver, B,C., and Violet, wife. of
County, Judge James L, Killoran, of
Stratford. There are also surviving ten
grandchildren and 'four great, grand-
children. The remains were interred
at Cornwall on ,Stutday afternoon. •
11'r, Frank ISei'bert of 'Detroit .was
a visitor with Ms parents here.
Workmen have been busily •engag-
ed 'putting in a cement ,floor in the
back: of the fire hall.'wi'th 'bases for the
new water tank.
At a recent .meeting of the Zurich
School 'Board, the _,teacher` for the
continuation school was d•ecide•d son,
and the lot fell to •3[r, 'Randall Cole
of near Clinton with a salary of
$1,000, Mr. 'Cole conies 'highly rec
omtnended, having had two ye'ars'
training, and should make a very ef-
ficient teacher far the Z'uri'ch school.
,'Mr, 'Clayton IFIofilma'n, 'principal ( in
Galt puiblic'•sohool, is spending his
holidays .with his parents,
&Ir. !Lloyd 'O'Brien has purchased
the 'village 'property where he ''has
lived for some time from the A. Rit-
Rilt-tenlhoiuse 'Estate.
al'Ir, and Mrs. !Henry Geiger and'
son, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Geiger of
Cavalier, (North Dakota, are visiting
with relatives 'and 'friends at Zurich.
They made the ' trip by auto.
(Gentleman (who is visiting, to lit-
tle boy of the house): "And 'w'hy
won't ylou let nae take you on the
river in,,a nice boat?"
Little Boy: "Oh, please, Mr. Tubbs,
because I heard pa tell ma that you
can hardly keep your head above wat-
er, and -and -S can't' swim."