HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-07-20, Page 1r..:T It's July in ,my garden and 4I'm gazing at clusters of de'l'phiniums-, For these are spurs that fell from heaven and caught the most am- azing colors of the welkin's own as they came hustling down. eafortr e HURON COUNTY S LEADING NEWSPAPER And then some rosea catch, my eye or-' maybe some Sweet Williams; Or pink and white and purple peals of Canterbury Bells , Oh, what is half so 'lovely as my gar- den in July. -Vernede WH'OLE S'ERIES, VOL. 55, No. 29. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1933. Phone 84. DINNERS and 'SUPPERS Regalaly HOT , LUNCIE$ at )all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable Q•TheaYraAe Confectionery and Restauran� t Sugar Crisp - CORN FLAKES 'With .'Cut out Pictures of ,Animals ...........3 for 2 C+ NEW 'CHEES'E '15c OLD 'CHEES'E, real nipple 20c MUFF= 1Oc .SAILIM O N 1 lb..tin 10a BAKING POWDER 25 c with !Sherbert Glass . �i�7 LARGE NEW .CA'BBA'GE ... 10c BROKEN WALNUTS -40c a pound BROOM 25c each .SELOX 2 boxes for 25c CORN ;ST'A'RCH 3 lbs. for 25c 'Butter, Eggs, and Feathers taken as 'rcash, .lc a dozen extra trade for eggs.. • IllitChlaS0119S PHONE 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE PHONE , E. L. BOX 4 NEW FOOTBALL 'SCHEDULE a 1S't. Colwm'b•an at Ethel, Monday, July 117. (Walton at ,K•ip•pen, Wedn'esd'ay, July 19. Ethel at Sit. :Colw:m'ban, Friday, July 21. 'Bayfield at Brussels,. Tuesday, July 18. (Brussels at (Bayfield, Wednesday, July 26.• Klippen at Walton, Thursday, July Winthrop at Seafonth, Saturday Jiu'ly 22. IS eaforth at Winthu'o'p, Tu esd'ay, July 25 - FOOT BALL (Scores of the first round. of the play-offs are: At Ethel, Mondla'y-'Sit, Co'lhsmtban 1, Ethel 0. (At Brussels, Tuesday-Brusse9's 4, B'aylfield 0. Recent feat balils'core'sare: A't Walton Italy 3 - 'Walton', 4 ,Man.cief , 1 At Brucefiel'd, '•July 5'- B'rucefiel.d' •:.•...;111 ISealforbh 1 At Kippen J'ul'y 6- B'aylfreld At Brucelfield, July 8- Brucitfiell.......0' St. Coluinban . 1 At Winthnoip, Jluly 10 Wirrthropi.. • ,[...2 WIa1'ton. ...... 1 At Kip•pen, July 1113'- Br leiten ` 1 pp ucefi'etl'd .'... 0 At .St.:Colu'm'ban, July .14. St. Co'lan-tba,n1Baylfield 0 3 VETERAN'S !P7CNIiC The� annual Huron Cou'n'ty Veter- an's picnic will he held neant Wednes- day, 26th July at'Clau Gregor,Squlare, Bayfield. The unveiling of B'ayifiel'd's, new memorial cairn will take place at 3 p.m. and the public is cordially in- vi'ted to attend the ceremony. •For the dedication 'cerenvony all veterans are requested to wear me'da'ls and de- corations. Fiallowin!g the . unveiling there will be the usual programme of s'p'orts for all returned men and their families, who are ca'ndially invited' whet'her mmmlbers o8 • the Canadian Legion or ndt. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church --Paster Rev, W. P. Lane, B.A. (Sunday, July 213. [10 a,m.--IS'und!ay 'S'chool and Bible ,Olasses. 1111 am. --Public Worship, Sobject, "The Restrain'ts U'p'on Evil?' "Talltinm.•-IPnb']ic Warship. Subject, g to Your [Soul. ST. THOMAS' CH'URC'H Sunday, July 213. -;Sixth Sunday af- ter Trinity. Sunday Sicho'ol and Con- firmation Classes, 90 o'clock. 1l1 o'- cl'ook-Conlfurm'atio'n by the B'is'hop, Rt. Rev. Charles A. Seeger, D.D. Evening service, 7 oicl'ock-Preacher, the Reciter. Topic, "'T'o Every Man His ,Wife." EG1VLO'NDVIILLE'C CHURCH 'July 23, :111''a. m., 'The Greatest Need in the 'World." 7 p.'m., "In the Valley df the Slhad'ow." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN .CHURCH Morninlg:"The 'Sltory of a Misu'n- dersbandln'g!' Evening: "The Heav- enly Vision. CONGR'EGATIONA'L ,PICNIC The congregational picnic of North Side United'" Ohurth will be 'held at Jwiwe ds 'Grove, B'aylfield on the after- nooln o'f Wednesday, July (WESTERN [PIONEER Mr. D. J. Caatel'on, who is in town this week, is an old Huron boy, who was a pioneer of the West. He was a Justice oif the • Peace in Lorne district, Saskatchewan in 1892, with Sion. W. R. Motherwell. In his 75 years, Mr. Oantel'on has had' many and :varied ex- periences both In the West and Ont •ario; 'LO'OKIN'G 'FOR A QUEEN IRoyalty visited Se'alforth :for the third time in a year, tauten the famous Charlie Pearce, serf-s'tylelT Kinn of the Holbues, st'op'ped off here Monday. He has just •come back from Winni- peg tramri�eing atil •the way since bhe end ,el .4 priT•an'd is now :nearly .throu•gh his (216th pair elf b'olt's. IOh'ar ie s 'c,huei aim in life just now 'is to find a "Queen"; she must have $10,000 and be •prdfenab'ty 20 years of age. Charlie is 64 and has been on the road 'for 21 years, His shock -in -trade is iiiS skill ,with the bones, and mouth organ and step da'ncin'g. Charlie claims he is al- ways welcomed (back to any district he 'has visited. VISIT O'LD HOME TOWN On 'Tuesday afternoon Mr. W. J. Mercer avid 'fa'mli'ly olf New York were visitors in town for a few, hours, looking nip 'old (filiend's.'His 'father,'Mr. ,Richard Mercer,. of Chicago, was a jeweller in Seaifio'rth for many years and"le'Ht here 35 yeans ago to return to ,BeNfla'st, Ireland. "W. J." was a very young tiny when they left here. He inq'u'ired about the Ialte Thomas Felton' Who had been a' friend of his father's. ,Tine family later came 'ba'ck to Can - ado and lived' at Winnipeg, where the two sons, vela) were bath born alt Sea - amnia en -listed in the 8th Winnipeg Riffles .and sewed oversews, W. J. „Mer- cer is n•ow with Swift & Co., New York City, and .his ,brother, J. G.- M•erde'r, is Provision Manla'ger of High Grade Food Pr'oduots, Chicago, Their 'father is n'ow living at Chicago, from whrodh city the visitors were re- tunnin'g after a motor trip. NORMAL SCHOOL 'RESULTS. IHalmilltoer-'Mary D. Reid, Interim Hirst Class Certificate 'Londe,[-lRobent J. Aberhart, Inter- im First Class Certificate. .IStratfo'rd-Iln'terim First • Cl'as's Cer- tifucatee- Margaret E. Drover, Nbr ma J. Habkirk, Veronica A. Nolan; Glen Hays, Goirdon C. Rennie, Marg- aret E. B'amiford, .Auburn; Annie • .S, B'a'rry Blyth; John R. Canter, Clinton; Velma G Craig, Wynn Joseph B. Creeclh, Exeter; Helen'. Cronin, Dab - 'lin; Audrey E. tannin, Ceamatnty; Margaret A. Downing, Brussels; Wil- liam H. Draper, Clinton; Evelyn E. Gllblbin,gs, Grace C. Hely'ar, Carey S. Lavin, Carolyn E. Mellnies, Clinton: Ail exander \ McIBu•rnie, Belgrave; Mar- garet E, Riohlard!s. Blyth: Eleanor E. .S!datc'haner. Baylfield: ` Doro't'hy E. Watts, Olinten; . Jloseplh J. Wn'1l'igjn!s Theblin: Dorothy ;I Wilson,/ B•ruce- fiel'd; Helen H. Yungb'lut, Landes - baro. Interim Second Glass' Centilfioates: Gladys M. Butson, Staffa; Marion M. E. Mason, Clinton: Dorothy H. Beek- ,- Bruslsell's1 Kathleen J. Ca,rneron„ Canton; Kenneth A. Cowan, Bl'yttth Margaret C. G'ummin'g, W!attoln; Cora L. Trewarth'a, Clinton. 1 HIGH SCH'O'OL 'ENTRANCE RESULTS The follo'win'g are the results of the IH'igh.IS'dhool Entrance .Examinations [held at the various centres under the jurisdiction of the 1Gloderich .H'igh' IS'dhool Enitrance Board (Firet and'Se- con!d Class IHonlours are indicated iFlirst 'Class (Hot -Soma Means that the 'candidate secured 715%a or more of the (total narks, 'Second Glass rHonosiis means thalt between 70 add 74% Of (the possible total was obtained. / (Candida'tes to ,the " nu'mbet of 58 were granted Entrance !standing this year by the IGoderich ,High 'School Hntranice Board on •She recommenda- tions of •t!h'e prin'cipa'ls o'f the 'se/heals 'con'oerned..The names Of these pupils are incl'u'ded in the results given (be- low, the s!tandm'g as's'igned 'being de- termined by the validity o'f theprin- cipal's' relpionts. Goderich Centre 'First (ClassIHionou'rs-Werra !Min, Carl 'An,denson, Elmer fAnshay, Helen (Maher, Doris 'Baker, (Frank 'Bisset, Alma 'Co'lclongh, Michael Costello, 'Jahn (Can, Mervin ;'Eliioltt,'Jean Flick, Ilan Gray, Donald 'Harris, !Doris 'Hewith'orne, • Clifyord' IHoefon, Fran- ces (Houston, 'Mary Howard, ' Jolhn 'Lorenston, (Dorothy (McCabe, ;Robert 'McManus, Mildred •Merwidk, Muriel Mi ler, .Betty }Newton, . Grace Pfehn- tmer, Verna (Plante, Ruth. Robertson, Worthy Ryan, (Laurette S'dhwanz,: 'jean (Scott, Merle !S'h'eard'o'wn, (Ruth S!hepherd,iLen'are &laze(, (Edith Wiles. Second 'Class Honours. -Madeline (Bishop, 'Ralph (Blackstone, Alex. But- ler, Ruth Deer, Ruth Durst, 'Gladys IF'arrant,"'Thelma ;Feagan, Williann 'Fell, _'Gerald (Fellows, (Leonard Fisher, ILorrme 'Fisher, 'Myrtle Foster, Jack (Gray, Ivan, Irwin, Norah (jack, Hec- tor 'Kingswell, Margaret iL'ana'way, 'Queenie LalRooque, The'da ILuunby, (Stanley Mcl'lwai'n, (Lloyd 'MclI arty, (Forbes 'Miller, !Bent 'Mnhrin(g, (Benson IP 'rouse, D Dreary 'Palouse Fred (Sandy, Leonard Sh!ea'rdown, !Olive ,Shear - down, Relda Sturdy, Robert 'Swiger, 'Graham Whitely. (Pass -Beulah 'Clark, (Carl IBI'oo!m- (field, (Beth 'Cantwell, William 'Gaiter,' IEogene !Cole, Violet Cole, A'd'a 'Far- ran!t, 'Robert 1F•arnis'h, Zelma :Fish'er, Earl Fuller, Tan (Haggitt,'Pe'arl 'Hun't- er, Eddie Termer, 'O:slborne (Jerry, Ken- neth (Laing, 'Gerald 4Lassaline, Marg- aret Led'dy, ,Esther (Lae, Norma Lee, 'Graham .'Me;dDb'nald, Mary Evelyn McLean, • 'Arthur 'McMichael, Duck 'MeWhinney, Phyll:fs Martin, 'Ina I vI'askelIl, ,Clarence Miller, II'de Morgan, (Roy 'Mugford, (Patrick iMt'rd'ock, Hil- da !Nub, 'Cora Pettman; Leslie Pit- 'blade,,Olive :P'i[tb'l'ado, Richard ,For - ter; 'Wi•UUiam Porter, 'Alma Scrim geour, Jean ISow'erl>'y, .'Robert Spain, Allan Stoll, (Helen &others, Helen. lBh'dmas,-, 'Mary Vroontmn, (Evelyn Warnock, 'Winni'fred 'Watson, Bessie Young, Bayfield Centre First 'Class H'o'nours -'Jean Dunn, 'Eliz'abe'th Gairdner, Bert (Greer, 'Ma'r- garet'Middleton William Reid, Ilene 'Talbot, '[Stuart [Watson, Lillian (Wil- son. Second Class Honours - Wanda Cluff,'Ph'yllis .Elliott, Mary •Marks. (Pass--IH'arvey Chv'ter, John ;Keys, v`rilliam MdAsh, (Willa Pickard, El- eanor •Rath'wel'1 Antoinette 'Rau, Tho- mas 'Scotehmer„,Dorothy ,Stamp, Keith tWestla'ke: Dungannon Cetutre (First 'Class ;H'onovrs-Joseph Bro- p'hey, Donalda J'oates,'Lois Treleaven, Viola Young. (Se'cond ,Class Honours -Mary 'Car- roll, 'Ghristena IEirsnigan, ,Donald Iiams. Pass -Tam Dixon, ;Bertha ('ones,. names 1Leisluman,-lWilliam Reed, Ca- therine Reid, 'Ha'rvey IS'proul, 'Wi'lliam (Sproul. Fredenick Wainwright, alar- garet 'Stewart., Kintail Centre iFirst'C•l'ass Honour's-Murae4 Blake, Maurice ' IBlowler, (Charlotte Crawford, Eugene iD'alton, .Kenneth Finlayson, Chester Tiwam'ley. 'Second (Class IHiotvou'rs-+Freda Ceaw ,fo'rd, Helen Gilmore, Mary .Mc!Milllan. James Nelson,. Cyril ,O'Keefe, D,ona']d Siinrpson,.'Rdbert IShapson, .IBeatni'ce Treleaven, 'A'nnie Yoking. Pass--11311lie Collinson, Alexander F'arris'h, Florence ,MacKenzie, 'Kwth- leen Mc1Ken'driek, Denali' McKend- rick, Sara Martin, (Irene R'os's, Har - riot, Whitely. St. Helene Centre First Class Honours --Roy •Cunn- ngton, Jean ,Forster, !Evelyn Martin, Olive Pardon, Harvey ,li tc'hie, Vera (Taylor. ISeeond 'Class (H'onoursMargaret Arm's'trong, ;lc -lima Hackett,. 'Cecilia Ste (Marie, Riaynvond Site. 'Ivlarie. (Pass -Mary Cranston, Ronald Mac- Crostie, (Franklin McQu'iililfn,' W ltliarr ,Martin, [Angus Nicholson, Doreen Pardon,:Minnie Smith, IHarry !Swan, Kalth'leen Thom. Appeals -Candidates who have been rejected by the Entrance Baand may have their answer papers re -read by lodging an alppeal with the Public Sellout I•nspector at least ,two weeks 'before the re -op'enin'g, olf schen] in September, ,accompanied :by a fee of $2.00, wihich will be returned if the appeal is allowed. (The ,following are the results of the 'High ISleha'ol En(trance (Examinations+ 'held at the various cenitres under the inrisdi'etion olf,the Exeter HighlSc'hool 'En'tran'ce [Board. Furst .and . Second Class Hanlours are antae,un'oed. First Class Honours means that the candy date secured .76% or more df tlte'total marks. 'Second Class Pilonnurs indic- ates that [between 70 and 74% of the possible total Was obtained, Some 48 •can.lidaltes were awarded e'tandin'g by the Exeter High S,oh'ool Emltrance Board an thle recommenda- tions :af the 'pri'n'cipals elf the sic/tools MISS JENNIE McBIRIDE }The sad cireumsitante surrounding the dssoovery elf bhe p!assirug of Miss Jennie MclBride, well known and highly respected iesi'dent of Seaforth, was a distinct s'ho'ck to .the district 'Sateralay evening. Miss M4Bride had been dead in her •home, where she lived alone, for nearly a week when 'friends became anxioes and trade en- try to the house. 'Miss M'dBrile had always been in the best of health, not having had a days illness for years, and her work as dressmaker frequently took her from hent for several d'ay!s alt a time, so that her absence did not cause alarm to the neighbors and, friends. But on Saturday afternoon Mrs. George •SI81'leny and. Mrs. John Pink- ney came to her house on Center Street, about a block west off N. Main St,, be'c'aatlse no ane knew where Miss McBride was. Tthey procured the key to the front d'o'er from a neighbor, Mrs, 'Wlallunslley, and realizing that someth'in'g was amiss, asked Mr. Syl- vester Alien, .wino was passing at the bine,. to go in and inves'tfgiate. Upon making the sad dislcovery, Cor- oner Dr, F. J. 'Burrows was tmmed- iately called, who decided an inquest was unnecessary, death being due to natural_ causes, On Sunday, July 9th, Miss M'dB,ti'de had been at church. Apparently , she had taken ill during tlpat night, and had collapsed alfter getting tap to- get a glass of milk, for she was found•on a coach in a small room used as a den, and thus her [body could net be seen from any of the windows.: She was wearing an overcoat over her night clothes.. The late M'is's M•clBtide was 'born in Brampton on July 88th, 1•$6'3, d'au'ghter of the late Joseph M'ciBride and Ellen Wedgewood, both natives of Bramp- ton and who are buried in Egmont!. vine ceme'ter'y. Her nvother was a dir- ect descenidant of Josiah Wedgewood, 'concerned without the necessity of writing the En'tran'ce examinations. The names'ef these pupils are includ- ed in the results given. •The standing .given in -these instances has been de- termined by the au'then'ticity of bhe principals' reports. Exeter Centre (First 'Class Honours=Laureen Bea- ver, Mary ;Bo'rland, Edwin Buswell, B'avlbara Dinney , Lillian Edwards, Lewis Feist, Gerald ,Fitzgerald, Paul- line 'Pollock, Stewart Fake, Meaner Hill, John Jennings, Ray Jones, 'Eil- een Lewis, Olive .Parsons, William Pe/allele, Payllie Prouty, Orville $Hell, Elaine Sitanbury. Second Class Honaurs-Velma Bar Mita. ATnira Brin'tnell, IR'dbent Brooks, M'argaret Campbell, Roy Cannpbell,Ro'b'ert Ellerin'gton, 'Mar- ian 'Gladuna'n, Helen Grieve, Evelyn Heaman, Margery -Heywood, Lloyd Jones, William Kydd, Ray Perkins, Ethel 'Smith; Dorothy •Traqu'ain Grace Wurm •Eddie Yearley. Pass -, John Brintn'ell,Chester Dunn, Harold Elliott, Marjorie Eth'- erin(gton, Agnes • Fairbairn, Marie Ford, Earl Frayne, ;Henry Keetle, Al- vin Lindenlfield, Allan Richard, Anna Rhode, William Rowcliffe, Charles Snell, Jeanette Stone, Orville Web- ber. Hensall Centre 'First Class Honours -Laura D'innun, Marion Dougall, Allan ,Love, 'Second Glass HonoursDoris Al- exander, Audrey Oo'chrane, Ross For- rest, Jean Fos't'er. Pass -Loretta ' Bell, Robert' Drys - da -le, Harvey Hayter, Muriel Hoskin, Ivan Kiefer, Archie Mustard, Ronald Peck, Gladys 'Saunderoo'cic, Robert. Thomson, Audrey Swan. Dashwood Centre First Class Honours -Dorothy Amy, Myrtle Geiser, Jean Me'Ken zie, Ray Morloc'k,'Helen Walper. "Second Class Honeure-'Ruth .Beek er, ,Stanley 'Gill, Dorothy 'Harlton Fred H'operoft, Marie Re'gier, I•lee'n Stebbins, Ilene Webb, Murray Wolfe !Pass - Percy .A'tkins!on, (Bertha Becker, Elfrie'da Becker, Ruth Car- ruthers, Bruce •Gardner, Phyllis.Gild Del'ton Slcfuwartzen(truber, Edmund W'aipe'r, !Pearl 'Wanner, Ralph r Web- er, Alvin Willertt, Zurich Centre First ,Class H!onours--Lawrence Ay- Otte, Kenneth B'rea'key, Vera Decher, Laura Deiohert, Patricia Ducharme, Veola Klo'pp, Edna Kadhenas, Mary Merner, Mae Smith. (Second Class Honours -(Bertrand Deidhert, Francis Foster, Dorothy Ga'sc'ho, Karl Steinbach. Mass-Rea'ina Dermale, Isidore Ducharme, Kenneth E'tue, Clemence Jeffery, Evan Masse, Mildred Pybus, Elgin Snider, Elda ,S'tine. The H'a'y Township tensorial Sc!holarslhips awarded annually by the Hay tdwnsih'i'p council to the three pu'pi'ls residing in the Township of Hay who secure the (higghest totals at the Hvgh'Sdhool Entrance Examina- tion, were won 55 follows: (i1) Pa'tri ria Ducharme, ,Zurich Public S'oh'oo'1. 02), Laura Deidh'ert, Zurich Public School, . (3) Vera D'echer, Zurich. Pub Ifc • &choh e Winchelsea Centre (First Class IImams--EEarl Comes, Margaret Bern, Dorothy J'o'hns, Mar- ion Miners:' LaVerne Rodd. [Second 'Class Honours -Alava Go- 'wer, Verna J'aq•ttes, (Russell Morley, Lillian March, Merle -Squire. Pass-tWilliain: Baldanityne, Edith Earl, Mary Earl, Emla Herdman, Ir- win O1Reilly, Velcn'a ISlqui're. 'Appeals -Candidates who have been rdjected by the Entrance Board, may hale their :answer papers re -read by lodging an appeal with .the Public School Inspector of least two weeks before the re -opening' of :school in Septem.b•Jr. The apipeal should 'be ac- companied by a fee of 52,00.' Aida will be retu'rnedt M case the ,appeal is allowed; • Costume Jewelry The newest and smartest in costume Jewelry is now on view at this store. Manufactured from entirely new ma- terial-"Geliathe,"' it is quite free from the undesirable qualities of for- mer 'costume jewelry. It is light. in weight, brilliant in coloring, well made and surprisingly cheap in .price. We invite your inspection. SSHOP AT AVAUGE'S IT PAYS JEWELER RIFTOPT OMS TRIST Phone 194. who established his famous English pottery aboult-1150 years ago. Deceased came with the family to ISeaforth while quite young. Her uncle conducted the McBride Hotel here near the railway, 'Miss MdB'rude was the last member of her family, her two brothers, Jos- eph and Thames McBride 'having pre- deceased her. A sister died while young..l The funeral service was condv'eted en S'a'turday evening by Rev. W. P, Lane, pastor of North Side United Oh'uroh, where Miss McBride had been a valued member of the 'choir for many years. The pallbearers were Messrs. J, W. McII'ntosh, Frank IS'male, Sam Wallace, John McNay. Interment was in Mai•tl'and'battk cem- etery., N'ORTIHSIDE W. M.G. The July meeting of North Side United Church W:M:S.`was 'held on Thursday last. 'The meeting opened with two minutes' silent prayer .and prayer by Mrs. W. P. Lane. The budget for the ,3rd quarter wa's pre- sented 'by the finance secretary. As in previous years, the budget called for the supply work for the 3'rd quarter., After some discussion it was decided to raise the 25.00' for supplies by Vol- untary offering. Group No. 4 with Mrs. B. Tyer'man in charge conduct- ed a stewardship service, "'The Earth is bhe Lord's." Excellent papers were read. by Mrs. W. Black and Mrs. C. Griew. This was foilo'wed by a •beau'ti- fully rendered duet, "This as My Task," by Miss Trethewy and Miss Helen 'Dane, adcompanied by Mrs.: W: P. Lane. Mc -s. Tyer•man then clos- ed the mleetin'gwith prayer. DEANERY FIELD DAY All branches of Huron Deanery Anglican Young People's Association met at Goderich• on (Wednesday of !ternooh for their first annual field day. The S't. 'Thomas' Church A, Y. IP. A. was among' t'h'ese participating in this event.A pnogna'm of sports was (held, in oharge of the sports' committee composed of members of the Gloderich A.Y.IP.A. A meeting of the 'presidents of the various bran'c'hes was 'held to discuss future' adti:viities. W.T. PICNIC A joint picnic of'Ithe J'tt'n'for Wom- en's I'nlsbitu(tes df Seafo'nth and Staffa and the junior Farmers of bp!hh grau'ps, was held alt B'aylfield on Tues- day afternoon with a splendid crowd, The day was pleasant and an enjoy- able time was spe'n't. 'The Junior Far- aner's softball( game resulted in a tie, Ain energetic football game was not finished. The grlou!ps had 's'up'per' to- gether, after which the m'a'jority 'stay- ed' for the dance, The'Seaforth groups were glad to have Staffa join them in the day''s pleasure. 'The sports events were won as Hollows: Young men's race, ,Blab,Archibla'd, Harold Coleman; young .lad'ies' race, Alice Th'omps'on, Marg. Colem'an; neckties, (1) Jean Fotherintgh'am and Harold Coleman, Mule ,driving, (1I) Alice Thorn'psen and Bob Ardhibald; three-legged race. Helen Phb'mlps!on and Harold Cole- man; o!ieratan; Cinderella, Gertie 'Webster and Bob Archibald; hhread-and-'need'le Do- eothy Eagle and Sandy Doig; coat nice Dorothy El'ge and Hugh Mc- Millan. Relay race, Staffa. (SWARMING. . 'Charlie Pearce is not alone in his pursuit of a "queen," for about 50,- 000 'bee's olf'this neighborhood were h , ibe. same line n 'Tuesday, busy along , b o e day, swarming in the west end ;of town. Alter causing some excitement in. bhe 'tsei,gh'barhood for a couple of hours,- they settled on a tree and re- mained quiet, and were captured. 'A few stray 'bees which remain, and some stings to nurse, are,. souvenirs of the event. Res. 10. •NO'RRlIS RE -UNION The Nloreis ,Family Re -union will be held at Stratford on Salturday ,, July 22. BOIWL'ERS'•a The following Sealfortlfi fiotwiCer took ,pane at Strafford and 'Clint'on;, on (Wednesday. ,At” Stratford, ninks: Rufus Wiintena,. Frank S'i'lls, J. E. Willis, Rotss Sproat At Clinton, doubles: Menton Reid and J. Brbderic'k, C. Holmes and W.. G. Willis. CONSTANCE. While the pastor, Rev. \fr. Garctki"n- er,, is on his vecatiohn, the Constance. Sunday School will meet at '119 a.m.. All please take notice df this change: of tinea The Sunday S'chool picnic held in:' Goderirh on Tuesday was we'll' at- tended and all report a'good times Mrs. Ed. Britton and Mr- 'Walter Braadfoo't visited the 'honne o'f Mi:.. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay S'un'day last 'M'iss M'argaret'Love of Walton and Miss Almy Love of Toronto visited, at the home df Mns. C. MdGregor.andt. son Ross Sunday evening_ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley visited" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods of Walton en Wednesday of last week. Mr. George Wheatley ,went to' Osh- awa on Thursday last anti brought-, back a new Chevrolet oar. Mrs. Alex. Leitah is spendirsg a fear. days in .Clinton owing to the illness al: her daughter, Mrs, Will Joltnet'on., . The WM.'S. and WJA. 'held their - monthly monithly meeting in the home ' of Mr:. and Mrs, Will Livingston on Thurs- day last, over 4'5• 'be'in'g preaenit. The, meeting opened with the pres'idetn,: Mrs, W. Britton ,presiding. After sting-- in,g the hy'mn. "Now the Sowing and the Reaping," prayer was given t by r Mrs. Robert Rogerson, The . miutt{tes• df la's't meeting were read by Dexter. Margaret Yurigtblult gayer a. reading and Miss Grace' SomenviilIea. read the Scripture lesson.. tfrs;,, Wheatley read She devotional leaflet" on "Ruidh, the Woman off Decision" - A'fter'whic,h we had prayer by Minx Rotbt. L'aiwson, Mrs. Wm. Canter air l' Mrs, C. MacGregor. The 'story firer''.[ the study book, "'His Doim'inion•,,":"wase ' taken; by Mns, 'Ge'orge ,Carter and was. - very i'n'teresting. The mee't'ing closed!, with hymn "Nearer The Cense." Ata ter which, Mrs. Rogerson, the vice- pres'idetnt of the WA, stook the chair.., After the nvimiltes were read, Miss' Ivy Simmons read ,t'he Scripture .L s,. - son and gave a splendid• talica ort- 'be= - ing a good neighbor, 'The' meeting r closed with prayer by al'Irs. Bhbtona_ A vote .of thanks was` tendered Mee Liv'iaggban for her home- and hosp'i- taliity, 'Miss Jean McKenzie of Klippen vis- i:tel at,the 'h'onieo''f Mr. and Mrs. Wuu Livingston last' week, a .A shower in •honor Of Miss BI"andlis; Wheatley, bride-llo-be of neait Martha, s'being held on Thursday •evenin'gof his week at the home of Mb arid'-? Mrs. Wm. Britton. .lar. and Mrs. Wm. Miorritt -'r dau' h Mac g ter Maurine of Blyth, arse il�r :• and (,.ins. Guy Cu nninahem of [Aubarrr,;,. and Miss Dorothy Straughan o,f "Gad-'- eric'h were Senlay visitors at ;51id home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter,.