HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-07-13, Page 8PAG EIGHT, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. i Montreal. To have' no bank would be very inconvenient and be a big loss, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Laird Miclde and the place. Many of the cottages are no nu•pied and there are en,ctuirie building lots. Miss Nina Heard is taking a sum- mer course at the 'O.LA C., Guelph, B syifieid has reason to be proud of their football team this season. They ,played et Kippen last week, winning by a score of 3-11. This Friday, evening they play at St. Colsntban, the last game of the schedule. So . far they have won four games, lost one and' had, two ties. The final games will soon be arranged and it is hoped to have one of •these the day of the veteran's pic- nic,Wednesday, Jmly 26th. It hasbeen proposed that 'half the p'ro'ceeds be gi- ven to bhe Legion fund. ISam'Wlidoonnbe is visiting his sis- ter, l,Irs, Allen Pye, at Windsor. We regret to report that Mr, H. 1Drehntann, who underwent a serious operation at Clinton .hospital a few weeks ago, is not improving as well as we would like. At a meeting of the Guild •of Trin- ity Church, held • Thursday last at the home of the president, Mrs. Edwards, it was decided to have a tea on Mrs, Woods' lawn, Friday,' July 28th. -Members of the Guild of Trinity Church held a farewell, party at the Rectory Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Newton -Brady, who leaves here !Saturday to make her home in Hamil- ton, 'The following address was read by Mrs. N. W. Woods: "Dear Mrs. Newton -Brady: We 'have gathered at the Rectory this evening to spend a social hour. with you before you de- part to your new home and to tell you how much you will be missed in our Church:Guild but hope that you will still carry on the good work in the city to which you are going, not only will the Guild miss your cheerful pres- ence, as we have spent many jolly af- ternoons together, but the commun- ity will lose in you and Dr. Newton - Brady two of its most valued and en- thusiastic members. We ask you to accept this small t as a token of re- membrance and hope that when you use it you may think of the members of Trinity Guild who all wish you the very bet in life, both socially and spir,tuafly. Signed on behalf of the Guild, Florence Edwards, President; Catherine MciEw-an, Secretary - A pretty wedding took place al !sigh noon an Tuesday at Trinity Anglican Church, Mitchell, when Laving Eve- lyn, second daughter of Mrs. Herb- ert and the late William Herbert, of Mitchell, was united in marriage to William Edgar Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker of Baylfield, Rev. R. C. Capper, pastor of Trinity Church, officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by 'her brother, Wilfred Herbert, wore a costume of white silk crepe trimmed with white, net -white mohair hat and white shoes and gloves. She carried a bouquet of pink roses and baby's breath. At the conclusion of the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served by two sisters of the bride, the Misses Marion and He- len Herbert, at the' home of the brides' another. lir. and Mrs. Parker left on honeymoon trip by motor to North- ern Ontario, the bride wearing a poudre blue ensemble trimmed with grey fur and accessories to match. On their return they will reside at Bay- field, Mr. William Hopper •of Seaforth has finished his contract of sinking two wells for the Johns and Moffat new development south of Bayfield. Both wells overflowed a good supply at 1120 feet depth. 'children are spending a couple of weeks vacation camping' at "Rpndeau. Park. 111r. and Mrs, (Jas. Piaterson and Mr. and :Mrs. ;Orville Twitchell lett this week for Chicago :where they will take in the, W'orld's fair, Dr, 'Margaret !Strang-, from the (Peace !River district will speak in the Carmel Presbyterian 'Church on ''Sun- day 'af'ternoon, July 23, at 230. A chil- dren's choir will lead in the service of song. The ;Sunday School of the 'Cartmel Presbyterian :Church intend holding their emote' 'picnic at Turnbull's grove on (Wednesday afternoon, qiuly Miss Mary M'dKaig of ,Exeter spent 'the ,week end at her home. The Wohela 'Class of 'th'e 'United Church held a very successful 'picnic at Baylfteld on Friday afternoon. The W.M.S. of the 'United :'Church held their regular monthly meeting on (Thursday afternoon with the ,presid- ent in the chair. The mee'tirng opened lby singing a hy'nrn after which 'Mrs. Herta led in 'prayer. Mrs. 'C 1McDan- veld read the "scripture lesson. Mrs. Sinclair and 'Mrs. Drysdale reported Making 22 calls on the sick and shut- ins and Mrs. McQueen and Mrs. Eld- er volunteered to visit the sick for Only, Hymn 1109'' was sung and Mrs. George Habkirk read the devotional leaflet :and Mrs. C. McDonnell read the temperance leaflet. Mrs. Sinclair led in prayer followed by the study leaflet by Mrs: McDonald. The 'Hensall (Orangemen ceilebrated (July 12th at 'Brussels. On Friday and Monday evenings they 'held an out- door practice with the :flife and drum. Miss :Minnie Gibbs and friend of Toronto are spending a few days vis- iting friends 'in town. The W:MdS, of the Carmel Presby- terian 'Church will hold their regular 'monthly meeting on Thursday after- noon, Judy 113th. The Sunday 'school of the United Church intend 'holding their annual picnic on 'Wednesday afternoon, July 1117, at :Bayfield. Born.—dn'iHibbert on Monday, July 110, to Mr. and Mrs. John Madge, e. daughter. 'On Friday evening the 'Hensall and New 'Hamburg baseball teams played another of the schedule games at New `H'anilburg. The umpires were O'Brien of Zurich and Gilbert of New Hamburg. On 'Friday evening the same teams will line up on the Hen- sall diamond. Mr. Jas. Tapp of Montreal is holi- daying at his home here. Mr. 'Rid. MdBride, who some time ago purchased the threshing outfit of Mr. !Samuel Merner is getting the machine overhauled. The threshing season will open in about a week. Miss 'Lois Moffatt of Brucefield is visiting at the home of her grandmo- ther, Mrs. P. Fisher, Mrs. Roy .Flear and children of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, 'Hoggarth, Miss :Ellen Pybus of Windsor spent a few days recently with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adair, Mr. Rob- ert Adair, accompanied by their mo- ther, Mrs. Maria 'Adair, of 'Monkton, were Sunday visitors with Miss Eliza Newell. Mrs. Adair Sr. is .the only stir viving sister of the 'late Robert New- ell. She is 93 years of age and hale and :hearty. Mr. and Mrs, Herb :Kercher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright and Mr. and Mrs. 'Ladd Mc - Ewan and daughter Donna were Sun- day visitors at the Beach-o'+Pines. Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of the Carmel Presbyterian Church left on Monday to attend the summer school at Kintail, Mr, and Mrs. .Alf Johnston and family of Varna visited on Monday with Mrs. Harry Jacobi. Rev, M, B. Parker left Monday for Dorchester where he will spend his holidays with relatives. Mr, Ferris Cantelon of IStrom'b'erg is holidaying at his home here. Mr. Wm, Bateson and sister, Miss Florence and Mrs. Shannon and dau- e'hter of Bay City, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Westcott and son, Mr. and Mrs. John T, Westcott and Mr. and Mrs. Well- ington Wescott and family of Hamil- ton and Mrs. Fink and son of Los An- geles ngeles visited last week with Mrs. John 'Dinsdate. Mrs. Harry Stoneman of Hibbert virIsed last week with friends in town. The many friends of Miss Eliza Newell will be sorry to 'hear she is not :enjoying the best of health the past week. Cc - for BAYFIELD. On `Sunday, July 1!6tb, anniversary services will be held in Knox Presby- terian Church at 111 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. T. D. McCullough. of ,Kincardine is to be the preacher and there are many here among the cottagers and tourists who know him and will be pleased to hear him. Dr. A. Newton Brady, Who has had a good medical practice here for the ,past ten ,and a half years, moves this week to Hamilton. Dr, Newton -!Brady ,has been successful in building up a large practice and has made many friends who regret very much his leaving. Mrs. Newton Brady will also be greatly missed. Dr. S. M. Burris, who succeeds Dr. Newton -.Brady, is a graduate of the University of Alberta, Edmonton. After spending a year in hospital practice he did pas'( graduate work in the Montreal General Hospi- tal. He comes with very high recom- mendations and the , community ex- tends a hearty welcome. Notices were sent out this week an- nouncing the closing of the Bank of iComme.rce, in B'ay'field,'and the trans - fee of raccounts to the Bank of Mon- treal, 'Clinton, After having had the ,services of a bank for the past twenty- six years, the people of this commun- ity strongly protested this action and a meeting of all interested was call- ed for 'Thu'rsday evening when an ef- fort will be evade to have a banking 'service continued here by the Bank of TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Londesboro The other 'day while a young man named Fred Richards of Londesboro Was engaged in roofing Mn „Levi Wiltsie's barn, he happened to lose his footing anclrolled off falling a distance of 25 feet He was picked tip unoon- scious and carried into Mr. Wiitsie's and a doctor summoned: He was pret- ty baddy bruised but no bones were broken. Stanley 'Olt Monday, Jnly 8th, there passed to her rest 'Cather'ine Mustard, relict of the 'late James Thomson, at the age of ,83 years. Deceased was born in Rosshire, Scotland, is 1 1 and came to Canada. in, 1I&5111. The funeral ser- vices were, eondudted by y Rev. E. Sowers of Brucelfield and the pall - 'bearers were Thos. Baird, Geo, Baird, Thos. Fraser, John ,Ketohen, Hugh 'McGregor and Malcolm McEwen. Zurich Mr., C, Either had quite an ,accident at the race track the other day. One of the tires on his trotting sulky be- came punctred and the report frightened his horse so much so that it became unmanageable. Ili the mix- up the sulky was demolished and Mr. Eilber received a severe kick on his leg. Hensel' The house owned by Mrs, Willis at IRodgervi'ble and occupied by an. E'ng- hsh family was 'destroyed by fire. Most of the contents were saved.— The other' day Mr. 'Paul Madge, of the. Thames Road, .brought in a load of wool which weighed 1690 lbs, and brought its owner $'3916. It was clipp- ed off 1180 sheep and was the largest load of wool brought into Hens'ell for. years. Garden Party. HILLSGREEN. Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane of :Clinton spent a. few days recently with their sisters in this vicinity. Mrs. Alf 'Smith and daughter Mar- ion of 'Brantford are visiting their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Richardson. Mrs. K. Kelly left this 'week for Toronto and Chicago to visit friends a short :time and will be accompanied to her home in Seattle, Wash., by her niece, :Gwendolyn Biter of :Falcon - bridge, after visiting with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, sever- al weeks. Rev, R. IC, Love of Kintore called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love for a short stay last week. His sister, Miss Lettie came' home with him after a few days' visit in Kintore. The Cochrane picnic was held at Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon, July 112th, The IHil'lagreen and Kippen. SS. picnic will be bold to Bayfield on Tuesday, July 18. Hillsgreen are res- ponsible for the day's programme, etc., this year. The 'W.MS, will meet on Friday af- ternoon, July 114th at the 'home of Mrs. 5. Cochrane. A number from this vicinity •attend- ed the sad funeral of the little Johns- ton boy on :Monday afternoon from the home of his parents,' Mr. and Mrs, Percy Johnston of Goshen line. Much sympathy is felt for the bereft ones. The garden .party in connection :with the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' 'Church was held on Tuesday evening on the lawn of Mr, A. E. 'Colson. The premises had been prettily 'decorated with bunting and Chinese lanterns, and a number of incandescent lights had also been put in for the evening.. A good program of music was supplied by Mrs. Payne, Miss Roberts and Messrs, .Sugars, Middlemost and Payne. The numbers on the program were interspersed by selections from the gramophone. The gate receipts were $60. _. Travellers The following parties were ticketed to -distant points: Dr. Thos. McQuaid, of Seaforth, to 'Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; .Mfr. James Bergin, of ,Seaforth, to Winnipeg and return; Mr. Peter Mo - Laughlin and Mr. Hoggarth of Cro- marty, to Edmonton and return; •Mr. Janes .Scott, of Seaforth, to Prince Albert, Sask., and return; John Mc- Kenzie, of Bruce,field, to Edmonton and return; John G. Crich, of Sea - forth, to Edmonton and return; 'Mr. F. Gutteridge, of Seaforth, to Bala, Muskoka, where his firm, Edge & Gutteridge, have large contracts for the C.P:R.; Mrs, John S. Brown, Mc- Killop, to Pilot Mound, Man., and re- turn, where her son Robert i5 serious- ly ill; Mr, F. C. R. Handley, of Sea - forth, to Pease, Sask.; Mrs. Tour, of Seaforth, to Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. Chas, Clark, of Seaforth, to Detroit and return; Miss Sinclair, to New York; Mr, J. Brennan, of Dublin, to 'Geneva, N.Y.; Mrs, Wm, Pickard, to Port Arthur and return; Miss Agnes 'Black, Tuckersm.fth, to Lethbridge, Alta., and return; Mrs. J. Kyle, and' son, of Egmondville, to Saskatoon, andreturn. w,P 'Crossing "Protection t the regular meeting of the town eouneil it was decided to ask the Gr TR to take immediate action to ,pro- tect the crossing, et 'Ma'in street, ,,eith- er by a permanent watchman or gates, as the crossing is a positive Menace to the public safety. 'Scholarship Winners. The two scholarships to the pupils taking the highest ' marks at the ent- rance examination were Mary 'Cowan for pupils from • town with a total of 5170 out of a possible 650 marks, the. highest percenitlaige taken at this centre for some. years. Minnie 'Hlab kirk, of M'dK'illop, takes the counitry, scholarship with a total of 5130, also a very creditable ,mark. CROMARTY. ;Rev. Peter Jamieson of Nlorth Van- Icouver, very ably 'fil'led the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church here on Sun- day. Mr. Jamiest n will also preach again next Sun'day at the morning service. (Sunday evening, July 116th, the W. M. S. will hold their iiladn'lc'offering: service, when D'r. Margaret Strang :will give enaddress on her work in the Peace River District. Mrs. A. Robertson who has spent sone years in the' West is visiting friends 'here at present. Miss Mary Gorle is visiting with Miss Currie in the village and with !other 'friends. .'Mrs, J. A. Norris and Miss Barbara Norris of Winnipeg are spending the holidays with Mrs. Hiwgh Currie. The Women's Missionary Society celebrated the 80th anniversary of its organization on Friday, July 7, at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill. About forty ladies were present, some .former members 'from a distance, A short program was carried out under bhe ieaders'hip of the president, Mrs. !Ed, Allen, Mrs. Jas. Scott gave a fa'llc on the work of the Society during the 'thirsty years. Mrs. R. G. 11eICay, of :Prince Albert, told in an interesting ;way about the mission stations in that north country. •Miss Currie also gave a splendid; talk on her work ,dur- ing her seven years spent in Toronto. 'Mrs. Hill was the recipient of a beau- tiful autograplh quilt. The presenta- tion was made by Miss Currie on behalf of the W. M. S. members. Mrs. MacKay sang a delightful solo, "The 'Beautiful Garden of Prayer." Mrs. Hill closed the meeting with prayer and a social hour was enjoyed by :all. Hon. E. N. Rhodes, Federal Min- ister of Finance has made provision in legislation to exempt farmers' cheques, money orders and ,postal notes of less than $5 from the prove-, cions of the '3 cent stamp tax, the Ontario Marketing Board announced recently. This means thalt-Barmen: cheques for eggs and poultry as well the stamp tax: Football +Play-off. The Brussels football team passed. 'through town on Friday on their way to Plattsville where they played off for the intermediate championship. The game resulted in a tie. On Mon- day the Plattsville team were in town and drove to Brussels far the return game, the latter defeating them by a. score of 2 to 0. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1933, Picnic Hams . per pound 14c 'Cottage iRolls, lb. ' 13c ,Back Bacon, per 'lib 21c 'Kellogg's ICo4•ni (Flla6s !Kelltogg's 113 ran 1Flalcesl- 1 �+ for 2Ci n g � � Ibex Blankets, per 2 is 14 pair .Men's He'a'vy Shoes. i 1.95 pet par Granulated' Sugar ...............: ...,......1..•.......;..........$7,'13 W. J. FINNIGAN CARD OIF THANKS W. C. Bennett desires to express his sincere appreciation of the m'an'y .acts ef kindness and syhpaMy extended to him by friends and neighbors dur- ing his recent sad bereavement, a'fr'o to thank :those who loaned their ears and v'Iro sent floral tributes. OPEN-AIR DANCE II'n skating rink, .Dublin, On Friday. July 114Th. Hanrielton's' orchestra. Ti- ckets 25c. HONEY FOp''SIA'LE 'Clover honey at'70 .cents for a ten - pound pail, in,y'our own pail. Pails supplied if desired. J. C. sLAING, Sea- forth, Phone 268 J. 28. ' ;OOIOI1KING SALE The Ladies' Aid of Cameo Church, McKillop, intend holding a sale in (Seaforth of Homemade Cooking on (August 5th. STAFFA. :Mrs, J, A. 'Sadler visited in Buffalo last week. Miss Ada Elliott of • Detroit is spending the holidays at her home. (The Anglican Church' held their first open air service on the 'church lawn Sunday afternoon when :Arch- deacon. Jones -Bateman of Goderich 'w•as the preacher. Rev. Bunt of Exet- er will be present newt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gray of Toronto are holidaying with his parents.' Mr. A. Luxton spent Sunday with, his sisters near ,Centralia. Miss Verna Drake, Stratford, is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr, Jlohn Ballantyne and family of Kirkton visited Mr. and 'Mrs, J. M. .Miller recently. :Miss E. Davis of Ottawa is visiting at her home here, Mr. :Carl Drown, London, spent the week end under the parental roof. Miss Marie Slillery is visiting in Batchewana. ,Mr, and Mrs. D. Hills -and. Mrs, David Hill of Michigan have returned after spending a few :weeks at the home of the lady's brother, Mr. Thos, Pringle. IRe'v, and Ml's. T. R. Turner very ably entertained the 'gaffe Y.P.IS, at the parsonage on Tuesday evening. Dublin 'Lorne Pethick met with quit an ac- cident last week while fixing the eng- ine. 'It fel'' on his leg, breaking it be - law the knee. Dr. Michell was quickly summonedto attend him. We hope to see himaround.: again very noon... Lawn ;Bowling The annual bowling tournament was brought to a :close on Friday ev- ening with Mr. 5. M, Best's ring win- ning the trophy and Dr. Haiiuter, Go - clench, second prize. Association prize went to Mr. W, Govenlock of London Thistles and second prize to Mr. R. :S. Hays. Double's prizes •were won by T. 16cl:landson and Ds. Mc- Ginnis; second by 1.. and 5. Taylor, of Clinton. Singles prizes, `first, Dr. Ag- new, of Clinton; second,; Alin Shine, Seaf orth. TENDERS WANTED 'T,en'ders will be received up to Noon of July 414th„15013, fox 'the Re- inforcing of the :North IAlbutment of St. John's bridge on S. R. 10-1111:, Con. Hullebt. The 'Township to 'furnish the steel for same. Lowest 'or any tender not necessarily 'accepted. ,For further particulars apply to Reeve or Councillors of Hulled, :JAS. W. McCOOL, Twp. :Clerk 28 Londesboro, Ont. DOG LOIST Disappeared on July 4111, last seen on Main street, 'S'eafonth, a blaok` and white hound, weighing .around 40 lbs. ,Reward. ' Apply, to 'The Seaforth News. 29 E'LUEVALE A quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage, Fardlwich, when the Rev. John Button united in marriage, Elsie Isabel, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George O. Thornton of Morris and Alvin D. S'mi'th, Bluevabe. The attendants were Miss Muriel Thorn- ton, To•ranto, sister of the bride, and 'Hartley Smith, Turnberry, nephew of the bridegroom. The bride looked ,charming gowned in rose beige crepe with hat, shoes, gloves and purse in a lighter shade of beige and wore a cor- sage bouquet of Talisman roses and fern with necklace and bracelet, the gift of the bridegrlo'oan. The bri'des- m'aid wore a pink and white tailored suit, with white accessories. After the ceremony: the happy couple left on a sootos' trip to 'Toronto, and other points, the bride travelling in a green suit with white halt. On their return they will reside in. Blluevale. (Protect the child from the ravages of worms by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is a standard remedy, and years of use have en- hanced its reputation. FOR SALE 8 pigs eight weeks old, Some beef ring heifers over 900 lbs. Phone 21' - 14M1f1. JIOtRN'N:Olf.AilN. 28. IFO1R SALE 'Essex sedan. Oar he seen at the Dick House'barn. 11n. good shape. 28. FOR SALE Registered Hereford bull for sale, .2 years old. Apply to LEONARD' Lk3DMINiG, 'Lot 13, con. 1113, M'gKfl'- lop. OS HOW TO THROW 1VII0NEY AWAY 'Read is the American 'Weekly, .with next 'Sund'ay's Detroit Times, how a titled 'English couple amazed a jury with their fan'tastic extravagances, in- cluding house parties where 36 guests dined every day for two weeks and the hostess, changing several times a day, never wore the same gown twice. NORTH McKILLOP. 'Mr. and Mrs, Robert Campbell and Stanley of !Grey township were Sun- day 'visitors with Mr. ,and airs. Ed: ward IC, •'Regele. Miss • Ethel 'Dennis'has gone to North 7May tes visit her brother, Gam- eron Dennis.' :Mrs. IJ'dselph Thornton is sti'l'l visit- 'her sisters and 'brothers of Water- loo. tMr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull of Grey were visiting with Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard lLeeaning ,ora'Slunday, John=H'ou'ld'en spent 'Sunday after- noon with James •MdNiehol. HIBBERT. The Hibbert council met in regular session at Staffa township hall on Monday, July<i101th, all members pres- ent, the ,Reeve presiding. The minutes of the previou's'meeting were- read, eontlfismod and 'signed. 'The clerk read a communication from the secretary. of 1Fuliantan, 'Logan and Hibbert Ag- ricultural 'Society gricultural'Society requesting a re -con- sideration of t'he motion of the coifs cid to refuse an extra 'grant to their soc- iety. No action was taken: The"'treas- urer- was 'authorized to issue c'heiques to the secretaries of U.IS.S. ,No. 1' and S.S. No. 11 for inte'rest. in faall to date on debenture aceounks. (Road expenditure orders if or $11,453 were issued, also general ex'penlse 811915. The meeting ad(iourned timti'1..Nlianelay, 'August 1141h at d. p m.—MYg. Ka1thleen !Feeney, Twp. Cleric, •Dlu'blin, ; ATTENTION FARMERS RS If you are considering a Packer, Disk Harrow, Spring Tooth Lever Harrow or Land Roller !Our prices are lower, with a special low price for this month delivery • T. E. BISSELL Co. (Represented by V. J. LANE Phone 46-112 Dublin TENDERS WANTED Township of tMcICillop Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned till Saturday, July 115th, for the repair and improvement of the Dolmage Drain, McKidflop. Tenders mill be opened at the Carnegie hall, 4Se'afonth, on above date at 9 o'clock p.m. Lowest or any :tender not nec- essarily accepted. Ten per ' cent of :contract price to accompany tender. Work to be done according to pians and specifications of engineer in charge. !Plans and specifications may be seen at Lot 315, 'con, 3, MelCillops, (Tenders to state whether dredge or 'horses bo be used. Open. work two miles, excavation 41500 cub. yds, 4400 the 7 ;tot 114 hnclh. JOHN MoNiAIY, Clerk. R.R. 2,, Seaforth NOTICE 'I will auction a portion or al '1 of the Nash drain on IVVd4• Lot la and Lot 20, Con, 1, beginning on Side Road 20 and 01, Mo'Kil'1•op, on 'Sat, July 1.15th, at 5:00 p. •m, on the :grounds. The above to be a cleats -out. CI -IAS. REGEILE 271 'Drainage Inspector. PIANO FOR SALE - 1. Piano, 'o good as new to be' sold' r very cheap. WIAILKIEIR'S FUR'NI- ' TURE STORE. CHICKS AND PULLETS ISJCJW. White Leghorns 7 cents, Barred P. Rocks, 8 cents. Reduction on 'quantity, and order, if called. for at (Hatchery. We are 'selling the same quality chicks at these reduced prices for balance off season. Phone or write us' for Hatchery dates. TiHIE HURON NIOIUILITIRIY F•IAIRM:S ('Woodrow & (Bawler) Brussels, Oat., 'Phone 5x or 65-146. SiOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT ]Residence on corner of James and Ann streets. Apply to MRS. WIi1L- 1.111AIM MdMILCHAIEIL, . Royal Apts., LSea'forth, clo Mrs. Coates. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wheat, per bus. TSS (Barley, per bus..... ...... . . 45c Oats, per hushel ....... .350 Buckwheat, 'per bushel 45c Butter, per 1b. 1.8e Eggs, per doz, 11'2c -116e t'fdw potatoes .............t$2a60• bus,. Hogs, per cwt. $510 Wool Wanted at the Blyth th Woollen Mills H'IGH'EST PPRDOE'PAID CASH OR 'TRADE F. T. BAINTION, Proprietor TRY Gillespie S CleanersDyers & D •er s y: WITH YOUR NEXT •ORDER PheneI9'Ew WetaII and deliver V. J. 'G'illes'pie,' Prop. Want and For Sale Ads. .1 time, 25c_. ;