HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-07-13, Page 59
THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1933.
�says "Superior Sam",Whetheryou're a (King in the (African Jungle—or a .'Queers in
your own
home, you will appreciate the type Of (service that you get
at a Superior' Store. Think how easy it is in the coolness of your own
home, to pick up your telephone and (place an order with your nearest
'Superior Store. Delivery is prompt—quality is unexcelled and. prices
are low. (SAM.
Items 'for 'Week 'Ending 'July 1119.
POSTS RAN FLAK1S 2 pkgs. ,19(;
CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, large 3's
2 tins 21. c
large tin Sc
12o -.21c
large jar. 29 c
Surprise Soap 10 bars 47c
Standard Tomatoes, large VA's..... .... .. per tin 7.0c
Schneider's Midget Cottage 'Rolls per lb. 19c
New Pack Strawberry Jam ' 40 oz. jars 35c
Chipsolarge pkg. 19c
Fancy 'Red'Cohoe Unicorn ISaimon........%'s--+15c; l's 23c
l's 45c
Royal York Tea T's -23c; l's 45c
Blue ;Boy •Coffee... ...... .... ,n .:... ... ........... . . ...... .
C. & B. ,Malt Vinegar 26 oz. bottle 25c
. Certo per bottle 29c
'Whiz Insect.Killer
8 'oz. -35e; 16 oz. 60c
St. 'Croix (Castile Soap 8 bars 25c
Interlake Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c
3 pkgs. 25c
Ws 43c
Hawes ax 1'
Hawes Floor Glosspints 59c
•,• ,,, , '12 oz. 23c
Hawes Lemon Oil ..... ............ .......
Corned .Beef... ... ,............... •..:..... . ....... s..... per tin '15c
per'tube 23c
Baker's s Tooth 'Paste per tin 23c
lithe n Stylecoa, ,A's .per tint •15c
Best Qu li tytle Cocoanut 14 dozen 25c
er ,... ... .. Rings ,
Lobster s 23c
Salted Peanuts per ib...10c
Wet Pack •S'hrimpsper 'tin 20c
small --14c;
Targe 23c
S.' O, ,S. 'Scouring (Pads '
Announcing Winners of (Free Basket Groceries Last Week
At Ross J. (Sproat'& Superior 'Store . .. Mrs. W. .R. Plant
At N.'IPryce's Superior Store ., . Mrs, J. 'Ellis
ROS J. Sproats JPhone
MissN. Pryce Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates
and a
Dependable Reputation
Good Quality
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
You by our services and highest
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
The Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Miss Jean Scott has returned after
spending a week with Miss Florence
Fowler at Bluevale.
Mr. C. Eokart has returned home
from' Detroit after epending a week
,with friends.
Mr. Frank Scott of Toronto is the
guest of his cousin, Mrs. Thos. Dick -
Mrs. J. 13. Th'otnipsott has returned
(after spending the past' .month with
her daughter, Mrs: George Stewart, at
(Mr, and Mrs. Gondlon Hays of
troit spent Sunday with their
Mr, Hays has returned to resume his
duties, while Mrs. Hays is spending
her holidays with tier parents, Mr.
and Mrs, C. Eckert,
We are pleased that Mrs, C. Eckert
is on the way to recovery.
'Miss Jennie Bolger off Walton has
been visiting friends in torwn the past
• Miss .Amon Trethewy, of.Stratford, is
spending a fe'w days with her friend,
Miss Helen '(Jane.
Prof, J. J. Keys,. Mrs. Keys: and
three children o'f Nashville, Tenn.,.
were guests Friday of Mr. and - Mrs.
(Sam (Hanna, on .their way to their cot-
tage at Bayifield,
(Professor Sykes o'f Hanover, North
'Carolina, who tvis'ited relatives at Clin-
ton, was a guest on Sunday of Col,
and Mrs. R. S. Hays. '
Miss Bannister of Detroit is visit-
ing her cousin, Miss N. MclDougall.
.Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Beattie and
lilttle daughter, of Toronto, are visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie: Mrs.
;Beattie and. •d'ataglhter are remaining
several weeks.
Guests of. Mr. and Mrs. W, H.
Golding over the week -end were: Mr,
and Mrs. Lqoyd Kei dhen and two
daughters of Owen Sound, and Mrs.
Kendhen' Sr., who is remaining for a
visit, Mr. Arthur Golding accompan—
ied then; ion their .return and will
spend the sum'mer in Owen Sound.
IMr. and Mrs. Scott Halekirk and
daughter Ja.equelht'e, Mrs. George
IHu'dson and daughter Miss Vera
'Hudson, and Mr. Sterling IH'abkirk at-
tended the ,Corrigan - IRo'b'in'aon re-
union 'held at the home of M'rs. Htid-
son's brother, Mr. Wm. Corrigan,
near A•llislton, where they spent the
week -pend. More than '1170 people were
Miss Hattie ,Daldon'lo'f Toronto, is
a guest of Mids. Violet Rankin.
Many friends of Mr. Roy Brdwn,
Tuckerslmiith, are pleased to learn he
h'a's made s'plend'id recovery from the
operation which he recently under-
went. at the ,hosp'i'tal and was able to
return to his home on 'Thursday Of
this week.
Mrs. R. S. Hay's and Mr. George
Hays were Toronto visitors on Wed-
'A'ttending the funeral o'f the late
Wil'l'iam Adams were Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Kling, Dayton, Ohio; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ad.atns, Tor'on'to, and
Mr. 'and Mrs, Gordon MoD'iarmlid,.
(Rev. 1H. ,Lainghorn of St. ,Cather-
ines, Mrs. ID+o'tnan and daughter
Margaret of 'Hamilton, 'Mr. R. ffIomer
and Miss Margaret Gee, also df Ha-
milton spent the week -end with 'Mr.
and Mrs. 3. ,Riantoul and fanny,
Huron road.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Detroit
spent the holiday at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. J. Rintoul.
Mrs. Lorne Dale and children are
spending a couple of weeks with her
sister, Miss Carrie Sims, of Toronto,
at a cottage at Kin'tail,
'Mrs. C. McDougall .and daughter
Barbara of Detroit are spending a
couple of weeks' holidays at th hoarse
o.f her another, Mrs, IC.:Altkittaon.
Miss 'Shirley 'Oldfield spent a few
days this week with her cousin, Shir-
ley Ro'binsen, Mon'crief,
Mr. and Mrs, P. E. Macklam have
taken apartments in Mrs, 'F. G. Liv-
inngston's residence on John street.
Mr. and Mrs. Wi'1ti'ant Ol'dlfield and
two children, John 'and ;Shirley, Miss
Winnie Kruse and Mr. Raymond
Nott spent'Sunday at Point Clark
and Brace ‘Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. John M'cAsh and sons
of Varna were guests Sunday of Mrs
W. L. Keys.
Mr. flack Adams of Dayton, Ohio.
who has spentthe past stx weeks in
town, returns on Friday veitih Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Kling, of Dayton. They will
also be aoconmpaneieid by Mrs. Chas.
Rolfe, who will visit her daughters
there. •
Mr. iWlill Pollard of Woodville re-
turned home this week after spend-
ing a f'ew days eurloulte.
Miss Aililce Archibald, who has
spen't the past few months 'at Kirk
ton, is visiting in Seaforth.
Mr. Camlp'bel1 of Cleveland is visit-
ing his sister, Mrs. Sidney John's,
'Centre street.
Four rinks, of bowlers took part in
the dlotrbles' tournament alt Goderich
on Wednesday afternoon: Dr. Bech-
ely, W. G. Willis,' jollier Beattie, C,
Holmes, Reid, Jeffery, L.
' M. A.
Dale, Thos. Stott,
(Mr. and MTS. 'George Brownlee and
Mr. W. E. Bi'dlwitlee of Toronto, and
Miss Margaret Manner, of London,
visited 'reia.tives in Bayfield on. Mon-
Mr, and Mrs. R. 3. Megaw and
Miss Addison of Vantouver, and Mrs.
W. S. lio'l!nt'es. of Clinton visited Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Porteous last week..
Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Butt and`, Mr:
and Mrs. Edgar Butt were in Strat-
ford on Saturday attending the Butt-
1Stewart wedding.
Mrs. Angus McICuaig and Grace,
Mrs. Marjorie Weaver, RN, and El-
eanor, and Genevieve and 'Labelle
13a 'ki,n•s are spending a week at Bay-.
'field at one of the Brox cottages.
The autograph quilt made by mem-
bers of the 'S. IH. & S. Mothers Club,
,having 400names upon it, and for
Which the draw w"as made last week,
went to Mr: Walter Murray, who was
the holder of the lucky number.
to Toron-
'Mr. Tan14acTa'vfsh went
to.on Wednesday to procure a radio
dransinittin'g license.
lyirs, Peter Cleary and slon Francis
'end Mr. Bert IIlane'y spent Sunday at
Woodstock with the former's sister,
Mrs. John Hopf and fa'm'ily.
Mrs.' Shewfelt and soli of Sault Ste.
Marie, Ont., and Mrs..R'obert Brown-
lee and daughter of Goderich, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Btowine e last Wednesday.
\4r. Tholmas Daly celebrated his
1541h birthday on Tuesday.
The white parking lines in the cen-
tre of Main street are being renewed
this week. 'The intersection of Main
,street and the Huron Highway has
also been niar'ked out with white
Miss Iva Nott has been successlful
in ,passing. her A.T!C1M. in piano at
the recent examinations of the To-
ronto Conservatory of Music.
• ;Mises Leola Nutt, a pupil of Miss
Iva Nott, has been successful in pass-
ing her junior piano exken with honors
of the Toronto Conservatory ' of
Mrs. Fred Willis and daughter
Peggy of London, are spending son
time at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Grieve.
'Miss. Atone Dale -left Tuesdlay to
visit friends at Exeter and Waterford.
'Messrs. Andrew Calder, .Robert
Venus and Pack Dorrance are camp-
ing at Bayfield.
Mises Lulu'Hart and a friend from
Clinton are holidaying at Baylfield.
IA number frdm the local Orange
;Lodge attended the ll3th of July cele
'bration at Brussels on Wednesday,
when sixty lodges were represented
In the huge parad�. All of Huron. met
together this year.
ston, only, child of Mr, and M'r's; Per -
cy,Johton, had passed away. He
had been sick only a few days, and al-
ibit'augh all that was possible was done
for hint, it was of tvo avail. iHe was a
very bright tittle fellow of two, years,
the joy of his parents, who are strick-
en with 'grief by their ,very severe loss.
The sympathy of all their neighbors
and friends goes out to them in their
sorrow and bereavement. The funeral,
which was held on Monday, was very
largely attended. The service was con-
ducted by Reiv..E, A, Foul'ter, Special
mask was given by Mr. Geo'rge Pout -
ter, also by' the Misses Hicks of Ste-
phen, 'The
which 'h a wh t w as very Y
P e
floral tribute also was very beauti'ful.
The pallbearers were: Lee M'c'Cou-
nebt, Russell Erratt, Harold Dawson
flower r e'bster, • the w
and Melvin W
ers, Lloyd Johays'ton and Elmore Ste-
phenson, all uncles of the little boy.
Mrs. Oscar Wright o'f Kennil'worlth
is visiting her mother, 'Mrs. George
,Dawson, at present.
,Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dawson have
returned home after spending- a month
visiting with Mrs. Dolwson's brothers,
Mr. George ,Peek of Park River, N.D.,
a'n'd Mr, Wlm. Peck, of Alberta.
Mr. Nathan Peck of Hensel! spent
a few dayis with his son, Bert, on
The Western ;Stanley U.F.Y.P10.
Club held their monthly meeting . at
the lake shore in Snewden's Grove on
the evening of June 29th. The meet-
ing was a purely social affair, taking
the .form of a weiner and marshmal-
low roast. Two other clubs, the
IBrucelfield and S'ta'nley, were guests
on this occasion and 'a most enjoyable
time was reported.
'Quite a large stretch of bhe Bron-
son Line was almost vacated on Sat-
urday last, the 'occasion being the
Steckle re -union' picnic held at the old
homestead in. Waterloo County now
occupied by Mr, and Mrs. John
Mr, and Mrs. J. A. 'Cantle attended
the Allen reunion at Baylfie'ld ,on Sat-
Mrs. Milton Steep of Goder:ch tp.
spent 'Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Tough.
(Dr. Anna Haugh of Moose flaw vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carnie last
week. i
Mrs. John Penhale and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. ,ODr.) Mlolaahn and family of
St. Paul, Mi'nneso'ta, are visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas
spend the past week visiting friends
Mr. 'Clifford' Sieditchmer of IOhica'go
spent a few days last week with 'his.
parents on .the Bronson line.
Miss Mary Snowden is spending a
few days with relative's at St. Thomas.
Mr. anal Mrs. Edwin :Hobson, ac-
companied 'by Mr. Robert ,Pen'hale of
St. (Phomas, spent the week end with
Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Penhale.
,Motor or Horse Equipment
W.J. WALKER, holder of -Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day •phone 67
'Persian Balm. Cool and refreshing.
Soothing and protective, 'The perfect
aid to beauty. ;Unrivalled' in its soft-
ening and beautifying effect on the
skin.II'm'pauts a fresh and fragrant
charm to the loveliest com'p'lexion.
Banishesroughness caused 'by weath-
eruards the skin
conditions. g
and keeps -it smooth, soft and flawless.
Use it for the hands and face. iAl-
The family olf time late Mr. and Mrs.
Mathew Johnston of Goderich Town -
.ship, numbering nine brothers and
sisters, head a re -union Thursday.
tolled N5
T'h'eir combined ages to
years. 'Tlhe eldest, Mks. Margaret
Duncan, of 'Sault Ste. Marie, is $1
years of age, while the youngest is
Mrs, Thomas Sewedby of Goderich
Tawntshtp, age 03 years. Twenty-
seven years ago the family was photo-
graphed and again on Thursday they
s'to'od unb'roken ,before the camera.
A'ft•erwards they were guests at the
home of Mr. Thomas' Johnston,, when
a delightful social time was enjoyed.
The 'occasion of the gathering was
the visit of Mrs. Duncan. Others of
the family present were Chri's'topher
J,ohns'ton, Baylfield rd.;, J. E. Johnston,
Toronto; James Jiohnston and 'Thos.
(Jlohn'slton, Huron rd., 'Goderich ;Town-
ship; Mrs. Robert M'dI'lroy, Seaforth;
' ; Mrs.
' Goderich; ration
Mrs. J B. Graham, ,
Fred. Elliott and Mrs. Thos. Sowenby,
both Of Goderich Township. The par -
ways results in the highest expression e111t9
Matthew Johnston and his wife,
of beauty: Meaty. Tmntou'ft , passed' away in 1966
!Want and Fay Sale Ads, 3 times 50c. and 1899 •respectively.
of L'onden
Under the auspice of the Seeforth
At Recreation Park, Seaforth
JULY 15th
Kick-off at 6 p.m, sharp
Admission ,25o. (Children 15c
Ticicets now on sale, also at (the gate.
C. F. Sills,' Pres.; J. M. McMillan, Sec.
1.feGtillivra.y Tow
who survives.
There were born, to theist a family Of
eve sons and two daughters. One son,
(Willie, died in 1900, Surviving are
B nn' of South Indiana; Her-
e i
bert of Sarnia, Chester of FlintRoy
of Fairgrove, M•ic•h.; Mrs. Harry
jT11ahnrpsion of Saskatoon, Mrs. Pearl
Niel -lett of Flint. The funeral was con-
'duct'ed from his residence, Queen set.,
Paekhill, on Monday. to Parkhill
A lifelong resident of the town
passed away on Saturday evening at
the home of his daughter, 1Mis. Jen-
nie Rolph, in the person of William
Adams, He was a son of the late
Thomas Adams and was 'horn in •Sea=
forth. Has wife, fonmerly Mises Hend-
erson of MdKillop, died about nine
Months ago. Surviving are two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Jennie IRolph, , Seaforth;
Mrs. Bent Kling of Dayton, Ohio,
and three sons, Harry, Toronto, Jack,
Dayton, Ohio, and Fred, Seaforth;
also one brother, Thomas Adams' of
;Saskatoon, who is now the last of a
:family of seven children, who were
born on a farm whish was located
where the north -'west corner of Sea-
forth now stands,. extending to God-
erieh street, and part of wh'iclh' is
known as bhe Adams survey, M'rs.
Fred Gale, Seaforth; Mrs. Dorrance,
MdIillo'p; Noble of Hullett; Richard,
of Londesib'oro, and Robert of Sea -
forth, having predeceased.
;The funeral service was conduoted
by Rev. W. P. Lane, the pallbearers
being his three sons: Fred, Jack and
(Harry Adams; two grands'on's, Cecil
Adams and Gordon Ralph, and his,
son-in-law, Bert Kling. Interment
took place in ,Maitland Bank cemetery.
new maid who
seems to have
Mr, and Mrs. D. S. Blair of Tux -
ford, Sask., are spending a month
among their many friends and relat-
ives in this distric't.
'Several from around the village took
in the 12th at ,Brussels and all report
a' good time.
Miss Graoe Cooper of London is
spending her vacation with her par-
ents in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. 'Butt attended
the wedd'i'ng of MT. 'Roy ,Butt in ,Strat-
ford an Saturday last.
M'r, and Mrs, Dan Bell have return-
ed to their home in Boston after a
very pleasant visit with Kippen
Tuesdlay next, July i{Sth is 1St. And-
rew's SiS. picnic to Bayfield, which
promises to be the event of the sea-
Mr. and Mrs. Jlarroitt are not keep-
ing as well as their many friends
would like to see.
W.M.S.—•Circle No. 3 was in charge
of the programme for the July meet-
ing 1whidh was held at the hone of
M'rs. Joseph Dayman with a good at-
tendance. Those assisting with the
study, "''Temperance ;Education and
the Auxiliary Member," were Mrs.
Monteith, Mus. Alexander, Mrs. Day -
man, Mrs..Cachrane and Mrs Me-
Murtrie. The devotional leaflet, The
IWo:man of Decision, 'Ruth, was read
'by Mrs. J. W. MdLean. The regular
temperance Lesson was in 'ch'arge of
Mrs. Cooper. An appropriate solo was
rendered .by Beatrice Dayman. Ar-
rangements were made for a special
Baby :Band meeting to be held in
August. All mothers and babies of the
congregation are invited.
Mission Band.—On Saturday after-
noon a group of happy :Mission Band-
ers galthered at St. Andrew's for their
annual pionlc, meeting 'first in the
sohool room for a short devotional
programme 'after which all repaired
to the church lawn where an hour was
spent in games under ,the direction of.
the superintendent, .Miss Penfold.
These were'mudh enjoyed by the boys
and girls, as was also the bountiful
lunch at the close. 'Before separating
Theda Watson read an address and
Edna ,Dayman on behalf of the C.G.
I.T. group presented Mrs. Conner,
their leader, with a very pretty electric
bedroom lamp.
Rev E. F. Chandler of St. Andrew's
United Church spoke very earnestly
on the subject, "The City of God," on
'Sunday morning last. The Misses
Mary and F'l'orence Tho'nts'on sang a
duet, "God Will Take Care of You."
Miss I. Chandler, who has been
with friends at Blenheim, has returned
to the manse,
Mr. Arthur Ricker and'' his tnobher,
Mrs. Harry Ricker, visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido.
Mr, and Mrs. J. McDonald are Be-
ing visited by friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Green of De-
troit and daughter, who have been
visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Green,
returned h'o'me after 'a very pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Beaton of
Seaforth visited with relatives here on
• Miss Dorothy Wilson of Tucker -
smith .and Miss Verna MdGregor of
Toronto, who have been visiting Mr.
and Mrs, Robt. MlcGregor, returned
to their hones.
'Mrs. Robent Dlayan'an returned
'home- Ater a very pleasant visit with
(Rev. R. R. and Mrs. Conner of E'm-
'bro and she rep'o'rts they are getting
nicely settled in their new home and
a fi'n'e .reception was held in their
honor on their arrival at Etnbtw:
Mr. and Mrs. W. II, McLean and
Master Bernard and •Mr. and: Mrs.
'Won. McGregor and family spent a
day recently at Snowden
Miss Etta Bell of London visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell,
over the week end:
Mr. and Mrs A. Berl, accoinp'anied
by Mr. anhl Mrs: Wm. Bell spent the
l n
to de
recently at
Si w
Mrs. L. J. Doig received the sad
news during the week that,her broth-
er-in-law, Mr, A. Phillips of Roches-
ter, N.Y., passed away very suddenly
with a heart attack.
(Husband : "That
came this morning
plenty of go.
Wife: "Plenty of
go? 'W'hy, she's
A deep gloom was cast over our
community when it was learned that
on Saturday "evening l'i'ttle .Bilily John -
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us.
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates.
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write_ or call—Night and'.
Day Service
Phone 152 ,
Mr, Pogue of Toronto, acting un-
der the Department of Highway's,
made a visit to Varna last week and
found the road superintendent's and
treasurer's 'books satisifa'dtory.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivan MclNaughtot, of
'Kitchener spent Sunday with friends
in Varna.
•Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Woods of
towel in company with their son
George of Toronto, spent a few days
with friends and relatives in . and
around Varna,
'Mrs, Annie \'hdNaugbton of Lon-
don called on friends ,Sunday..
Master 'Bo'bbie Cameron of Hen -
,sell is the guest of his grandmother,
Mrs. Foster and aunts, Mrs. Stelok
and Mrs. Sparrow.
!The sympathy of the community
goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Johnston in the death of their little
son and only Child, two years old, who
was 'laid to rest on Monday in Bay-
field cemetery, The funeral was large-
ly attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beatty of Mount
Brydges called on friends Saturday.
Th'ere is considerable dis'cusslon and
disappointment over the removal of
the Bank of Commence from our vil-
lage. It certainly came as a shock in
the ,very busy seaseon with the fanners
and merchants, giving 'the'm little or
no time for a plea OT petition.
,last week to
Mies A. J. Keyes left ila
visit friends in Lucknow.
A n'um'ber from here attended the
Orange service in the Vietoria street
church, Goderich, last Sunday even-
iE. Epps and :Sons have been enlarg-
ing their shop during 'the past week.
Word was rece'i'ved here last week,
of the death of Andrew Dun1kin of
Mrs. J. M. Shannon and Miss Nina
Shannon have returned to their home
in 1Bay City, Mich, after s'pend'ing the
past few'weelos with friend's here.
Mrs. H. D'od'swonth and little son
of Hamdltot, are spending a few days
with her mother, Mrs. Smith.
Born Near Varna. --The death o
Andrew Dunkin
occurred at Parkhill
'yin o
on Saturday in his 871th year. Mr.
Dunkin was ,born near Varna in the
yea'r11847. In his younger days he
spent some years in California. In
1878 he married Aht'et'ta Arcoat of
A. 1Sutherland