HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-06-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
A ,big crowd was in town Satur-
day night taking in the band cohcert
put on by the Dashwood Brass Reed.
The sane band will play 'here Friday
night of this week.
'Mr. and Mrs, Earl Parlmer of
Windsor were week end visitors with
Mr.. and Mrs, Tilos. Perkier:
Mr. Milton Ortwein and son Lloyd
of London are spending a ,few days at
the "hoose of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ont-
lPhe many friends of Mrs. Wtut.
Henry were congratulating her on
Thursday last, the occasion •being her
69th birthday. Mrs. Henry is still
!quite active. She is spending a few
days with her step -daughter, Mrs• J.
G. Scott of Cromarty. .
liver, and hors. Wm, Melick of Sar
ria spent the week end with Mr. and
:Mrs: S. 1Ferner and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Judge Costello of Goderich was in
town Tuesday afternoon hearing the
(appeal of Owen Geiger against the
assessment of his house.
Miss Olive Brock spent the week
end with Miss Lenora Showfalt .of
Seaforth. '
The many friends of Mr. A. L. Case
will be pleased to hear he is improv-
ing after his recent .severe illness. Mr.
(Case has been seriously ill during the
past three months.
The public and continuation schools
are closing Thursday for the holiday's.
;Quite a number of continuation school
,students are trying examinations in
(Exeter this week,
'Mrs. Arthur ;Rennie of Fro'bis'her,
ISask., are visiting relatives in and
around Hensall. Mrs. Rennie and her
another, Mrs. Raymor, motored down,
Mrs. Raymor visiting with her sister
in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rennie
have been in the Frobisher district
about 25 years. They had a complete
crop failure for the past five years and
this year the grasshoppers are ruin-
ing what would have been a good
Tile Rev. Arthur Sinclair will pre-
side at the induction service of Rev.
IE. F. Chandler at Kippen on June 30.
A large crowd witnessed the base-
'ball game on our local diamcnd on
'Friday evening between the New
Hamburg and Hen'sail teams. The
score resulted 29-2 for Hensall,
The annual birthday party of the
W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian
;Church was held in the basement of
the church on Thursday afternoon. A
solo was given by Mrs. J. W. Bon-
khron and a duet by Mrs. W. A. Mc-
Laren and Mrs. A. Dougall. Mrs.
Lane of Goderich gave a very inter-
esting address after which a dainty
lunch was served. There was an ex-
cellent attendance.
The annual strawberry festival of
the United Church was held. on Wed-
nesday evening of last week with an
excellent attendance. The serving was
done by the ;nen of the congregation,
who did their part extra well. After
the supper the following program was
given on the church grounds: selec-
iion, Hyde orchestra; solo, Dr. Smil-
lie; violin solo, Miss Greta Laramie,
selection, Messrs. Fred Hess and John
Zoelte; mixed quartette, Mrs. M.
Drysdale, errs. G. Hess, Messrs. W.
O. Goodwin and S. Rennie; solo, T.
Sherritt; selection, Hyde orchestra;
duet, G. Lamntle and Dr. Smt1Le•
solo, S. Rennie; duet, Mrs. Hess and
Dr. Smillie.
Mr. Jas, Morrow of Winnipeg is
'visiting friends and relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo . T. Mickle of
Ridgetown are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of
!Forest spent theweek end with
friends in town.
Mrs. C. Cook and Mr. A. W. E.
'Hemphill are being visited by their
nephew, Mr. Smythe from Nelson,
Mrs. Hannah Workman is visiting
this week with friends in Blyth.
Mies HelenlMc'Naughton has re-
turned to her home at Cromarty after
a pleasant visit with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs, D. Mc'Naughton.
;Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be observed in the United Church on
'Sunday morning, July 2nd.
Mr. Ben Allen of Alberta and Mr,
Edgar Allen of Cromarty called on
friends on Monday.
Miss Mae McNaughton of Toron-
to visited last week at her home.
Mrs. Jack Corbett is visiting this
meek with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Ad-
ams of London.
Quite a number from here attended
thecwresltling match at London Mon-
day evening.
D'r, and Mrs. Collyer and .family are
spendiing. two
weeks vacation at their
lir. and 'esirs. J. Randall of Platts
vele visited last week at the home of
Mrs. A, MdMurtrie.
',Mass Alice Dougall of Windsor
spent a few days at her home here.
,The Masons of N•o, 524 'Zurich and
;Hensel' Lodge attended the evening
service of the Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. Rev. W. A.
Young delivered excellent discourses
at both services and a male quartette
by R. Y. MdLaren, W. A. Young, Jas.
IBengough and W. A. McfLaren was
given in the evening. A't,the United
'Church Rev. A. Sinclair occupied the
'pulpit and several anthems were given
Illy the choir. At Sit. Paul's Anglican
'Church Rev. M. 13. Parker preached
very inspiring sermons and the choir
very ably led the service of song.
A meeting of the directors of the
Huron Wind Insurance Co. was held
on Monday. A great many claims ris-
in:g out of the recent storm was con-
sidered, •
At the meeting of the Hay Insur-
ance Company held at Crediton on
Saturday Mr. Henry Eilber resigned
'from the positionof se'cretary-treas-
arer of the company. Mr. Either has
held this position for a good number
of years and will be succeeded by his
son. Fh K. Eilber.
Mrs: Russell Sterling of Melita,
Man., is spend'in'g a few days visiting
friends in town. Mrs. Sterling was
/formerly Mise Stella Wilson, eldest
'daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wil•
son, .formerly of the 3rd concession of
several weeks with their son-in-law
and daughter,'Mr, and Mrs. Edgar
Stewart of Toronto
+liessrs. McGregor and Coleman,
Who 'hall the contract for gravelling
the streets finished Friday every
street in town being gravelled. The
road from the east will not be gravel-
led till fall, Several .streets in town
have been ailed. This is being paid for.
by the property owners who are beli-
The 'Hensel! district is suffering
severely from the dry weather no rain
having fallen /%ere since the severe
Storni two weeks ago. The grain, root
and fruit and garden crops need rain'
Mrs. John Murdock, hiss. John
Dinsd'ale, Mrs. Hannah. Taylor, Mrs.
John Hlenry `Petty. and Mrs• Woods.
were in Seaforth on Monday visiting
their brother, Mr. Wm. Butts who is
seriously ill with pneumonia. Miss
!Nora Petty is nursing him.
/Quite a, number from here attended
the Forrest -Love picnic at Grand
Bend on Wednesday.
dMrs. T. Sweet and Mrs, (!Dr..) Reid
of Exeter visited friends in • town on
Stratford and Hens/all baseball
teams lined up on our local diamond
on Monday evening, 'Stratford being
defeated 7-3. A large crowd witnessed
the game. The 'Mansell team so far
have been very su'ccessful in the
schedule games.
'Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd of.
'Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Far-
quhar and children of near Clinton,
and Mr. and -Mrs. Norman 'Shepherd
and children picnicked' at S'traltford
last Saturday.
Mr. Stuart Beattie painted M'r.
Bert Beacom's car last week.
'Mr. James Leiper had his stables
white washed one clay last week.
iD'on't forget the strawberry social
and have supper in Londes!boro cdm-
munity hall under the auspices of the
'Burns' Ladies' Aid on this Friday ev-
ening and a good crowd is hoped for.
Mr. and Mrs. A. MaEwing and `fa-
mily, Mr. and Mrs. David Reid and
family, Mr. Angus Reid and Miss
Lydia Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Watt and family attended the funeral
of Mr. Wilson Campbell in 'Seaforth
teat Wednesday.
Miss Lydia Reid, Harlookk teacher,
is presiding at some of the exams in
Collegiate at Clinton.
Mrs. Charles Parsons, who had a
number of attacks of appendicitis was
operated on in Stratford hospital last
Thursday and so far as correspond-
ent knows, is doing as well as can be
expected. \Ve wish her a good and
speedy recovery.
Mr. Chas, and Miss Amy Parsons
went to Stratford Sunday to visit
Mrs. Parsons.
'Miss Mary Reid returned to Park-
hill the latter part of last week.
Miss Lily Knox o'f Clinton, Mr.
Oliver Lawson of Goderich, Mr. and
Mrs. John T. Knox and Eileen of
Clinton, and Miss Kathleen Beacom
were Sunday callers at 'the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kndx and Mr.
and Mrs. \\'m. Knox.
Mr. and Mrs, Warren Gibbings and
JWinthrop, The attendance was by far
`(the largest that has ever been .known
+at these yearly gatherings. MT. Johii
Scarlett was chairman, Rev. D. Ca•rs-
aell spoke, Mr. and Mrs. Pickles of
'Parry Sound, gave a duet, Miss Mc-
!Laughlitt gave a recitation, Thos. 'E,
IFTlays, and B. B. Gunn, M.P., gave ad-
dresses. There was a football gaune
;between MclKillop and Hallett, the
latter, winning. Danucing was en'j'oyed
to music by Messrs. Thos. Rands, J.
'Storey, ,Ch'a's, Rintoul and A'lle'n, Mr.
'Peck kindly loaning the orgian. Mr.
'Chas. Golding made a first class floor
Jun ea,1.907
On 'Wednesday evening the mem-
bers of the Methodist Church assemb-
led at the home of Mr. Ed'. J. Troyer
and presented Miss C. Troyer, the or-
gan'is't with a handsome leather well -
'filled purse. The church has discon-
tinued its services but the members
,could not let the opportunity pass
without showing Miss Troyer how
ntnc'h her services ;were . apprecaated,
Miss Troyer was taken entirely by
surprise but replied in a freer. words
how it had always been .her pleasant
task to act as organist and deeply re-
gretted the closing of the church.'Alf-
ter the pre'sentation and amusements
all repaired to the dining hall vlihere'a
dainty repast was prepared after
which old returned to their respective•
'homes well pleased with the evening's
.—Preparations are being made to,
raise the school house and .plate it on
a foundation. This .will add greatly to
the appearance of the school.
Mr. Neil M. Currie, who has spent
the past seven years in South Ameri-
ca, is on a visit at his old home at
;Groinarty. He is ac'comipanied by his
Improving Grounds.
;The public school board are consid-
ering the advisability of making the
school grounds a little more tasty by
removing some of the gravel from the
central part of the grounds in front of
the building and making it into a
grass plot with a few neat flower
'bed's. We consider this a move in .the
right direction. O't'her public institu-
tions and private residences are much
in advance of the pu'bl'ic school in
this respect and this should not be so,
A school being an educative institu-
tion should be educative in respect: to
aesthetic qualities as well as anything
else. A little paint here and there
might not be wasted either.
At a ,recent meeting of the public
school board satisfa'ctory arrange-
ments were made whereby Mr. W. J•
Moffatt, B.A., has been re-engaged as
Principal of the Seafonth Public
:School. 'We mention this' fact owing
to the fact that a rumor has been cir-
culated to the effect that Mr. Moffatt
was leaving here for Clinton. .l'Ir.
Moffatt was offered the position as
!Principal in the Clinton school but
has decided to remain here for the
present, a decision which we think
will be a very popular one with the
The following were ticketed to dis-
tant points this week: Mrs. Harry
little Mary Jean spent Sunday after -
'eon at the home of Mr. and Mrs: I.
Rapson, it being Mary Jean's first
birthday anniversary, June 25th.
'Miss Olive Knox spent Monday af-
ternoon with Mrs. Norman Lloyd of
sear Clinton.
Miss Helen and Gordan MdGregor
spent Sunday afternoon at the home
of their aunt, Mrs. Jennie Knox:
Mrs. John Taylor of Morris is at
present visiting at the 'Name of Mr
and tars. Solomon Shannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Myers of Clinton
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Myers and Irma
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid and Mrs, Fisher
of Toronto visited part of last week at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bert .Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid returned home,
leaving Mrs. Fisher to spend the
Mr, and Mrs. Vascella returned
from their honeymoon on Monday
and are busy fixing up the house on
the Wiliiam P'arson's farm where they
will reside. We wish towel'co'me them
as neighbors and extend congratula-
tions for a happy and prosperous
wedded life.
The Misses Lydia Reid, Olive
Knox, Helen MdE''wing, Marjorie
Colson, Estella Muephy, 'Bertha Hoge
art, Mrs. Wm. Knox, Kathleen and
Edith Beacom, Vera McDonald and
Ruth Manning attended the wedding
on Saturday morning in RJC. church,
Clinton, of liar. Fred Vascella and
Miss Leona Tillan.
Mr, and Mrs. David Reid, M'r.'An-
ens Reid, Miss Mary Reid, Mr. and
erre. Simon MCVittie, Mr: and Mrs.
Reiland Mc•Vittie and Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Watt attended the wedding last
Thursday at noon ,of Mr. Nelson
Reid and Miss Annie McTaggart of
Walton. We wieh the young couple a
long and happy wedded !role.
Mr. Wm. Consit't attended a meet-
ing of the Hay Fire Insurance Go.
at 'Crediton on 'Saturday.
Mrs. John`Pope has returned home
biter seve1al months visit with her
Idhildren at Preston and Gailt.
,Mr. and Mrs.• D. 'Fox's are spending
'Beattie of Seaforth to Winnipeg and
return, via steamer "'Manitoba" sail-
ing from Owen Sound; Mr. Andrew
,Stewart o:f Seaforth to Edmonton and
return; Chester McMann, Alf. S'chys-
ler, 'Harvey WiPtse, R. Richardson to
Bala, Muskoka; Miss Gemmell o'f ,Eg-
mondv*ille to Grand Rapids, Mich.,
Mr. William Sleeth to Port Hope and
return, Miss Kate Killoran to Severn,
Muskola, Mrs. W. D, Bright to
'Brand'on, Manitoba, and 'return, ,An-
gns McCaig of Walton to Saskatoon,
Mr. Crosbie and sister-in-law, Miss
'Miller, of Staffa, to Caron, Sask.
Former Resident.
Dr. Dewar, dentist of Glencoe, diet
in London hospital on. Tuesday afte'
an operation for appen'dici'tis the pre-
vious day. the was a former well
known resident of 'Seaforth. .and his
death was much regretted.
Collegiate Institute,
Result of the Midsummer Promo-
tion examinations: Promoted to Form
3113, from 31A—'E. Campbell, W. Mur -
die, A, 'McGowan, O. Ross, J.
Roach, A. S'co'tt, M. Cowan, A.
Stapleton, W. Berry, A. Govenlock, I.
Anderson, R. Geiger J. 'Best, M. Jor-
dan. From Faris 2—M. Yeo, R. Birks,
H. Fowler, G. 'McNeil, R. S'male. Pro-
moted to Form 3A—'S. Watson, R.
Dorravice, A. Clark, 'P. 'Grieve, J. Mc-
Milian, E. Bele R. MclKensiiie, C. Sad-
ler, F, Laidlaw,` T, G'ovenloc'k, W.
Docherty, B. Irwin, C. Spading, N.
Grieve, T. Love, N. Pethicic,' P. Floyd,
N. Gillespie, P. Stewart. Promotedto
Form IIL.—Honors L. Coleman, E.
Leitch, H. McGinnis, F. Docherty, 13.
Grieve, L. Snider, G. Ross, K. Kerr.
Pass—'J, Robb, F. Thomson and M.
Watson, equal, J. Hin•c'h'ley, R. Best,
A. Doyle, M. Scott, V. M'clD'onald, E.
Fairbairn, W. Butson, '0. McCorm-
ack, F. Larkin, R. Roach, M. Horton.
E, Ross.
The first lacrosse game of the sea-
son was played here when St. Marys
came by special Main with 7;00' or more
supporters who cheered their team to
victory. The Seaforth team was com-
posed of Powell, Staples, Box. Mc-
Kay, Reid, Smith,' Duffy, Adams,
Chisholm, Morrow; D. Stoddart, : C.
5 to cldla'nt.
Hanna's gro'v'e was the scene of the
annual' picnic given by LOA... Nib. 811'3
Mrs. 'Martin Murray spent a 'few'
days .with her :dan'ghter , Mrs. Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murray spent
Sunday a't the 'home of ,Mrs, ]Prank
Mr. .and 'Mrs. M. ;Flanagan v'isi'ted
with 'their daughter, Mrs. !Gilbert
Marrray on Sunday.
.'Send us the names of your visitors.
Death of Mrs. Jaynes Jamieson.—
On 'Sunday, June 215Th, 11930, there
passed away at 'her 'home on the Hur-
on h'ighw'ay, one of the pioneer resi-
dents of, the district in the person of
Jane Bennett, relilc't o'f the late James
Jamieson, in her &5th year,
The late Mrs. Jamieson was born in
Ttuokensmi't'h, eldest daughter of the
l'a'te Mr. and Mrs. W'il'liam Bennett
'o'f the 2nld conce's'sion, Tuckersmi,th.
It is snore than stxlby years since she
naareied her deceased huslbanld, who
died 52 year's ago. Since her marriage
Mrs. Jamieson had always resided on.
the Humors Road.
;Surviving are her two sons, W. H.
Jamieson and James Jamieson, of M•c-
iKi11o'p. The funeral took place on
Tuesday afternoon from her late resi-
dence, lot 315, concession ;1, McKillop.
to the place of interment in., -Clinton
ogmetery, the services being conducted
thy Rev. W. P. 'Lane of North, Side
'United Church. The :p'allbearera were
Messrs. Thos. Bennett, John Bennett,
;Samuel " Bennett, Joseph Bennett, her
Ibrdthers; 'Will B•ennett, Roy Bennett,
her nephews. The floral tributes
were many and beautiful.
Among those from .a distance who
attended the funeral on Tuesday were
Mrs. George Chesney of • T'oron'to;
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yellow and
their son and daughter -in "la'w,
and Mrs. Edward Yellow of Exeter;
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bennett and
daughter, Blanche; Mr. and Mrs. Or-
ville Habkirk and Mr. and. Mrs. A.
'Hingstoni, from W,ingtleam; MT. W. J.
;Bennett of Saskatchewan; Mr. and
Mrs. Jo'sep'h Bennett, Mr. and Mrs.
IDu'ncan Johnston and Mrs. Moon and
Miss Johnston of Walton; Mrs.:Jlos-
e\oh Davison and Mr. and Mrs, Tho-
mas °Watson; of London; Mr. and.
(Mrs, Lloyd Porter and daughter of
• (The four flower -hearers at the fun-
eral were Foster Bennett, Lloyd
Hings•ton, Arnold Jamieson and Aud-
rey Carter.
The .monthly meeting of the W. M.
S. and Ladies' Md . of Duff's Church,
was held at the 'home of Miss Eliz'a
beth Henderson with a good attend-
ance The afternoon was spent in
serving. The devotional part of the
netting was taken by 3sfrs, Chester
Henderson. A delicious lunch was
served by the ladies and a social half
hour was spent. The bale of she W.
M.S. was packed at the home.' of
'Mrs. W. J. Beattie on Tuesday,
June 113th, with a good attendance.
Three quilts were quilted. A delicious
unch was served' by the ladies and a
soeia'1 half hour was spent. On Mon-
day evening of this week, the Y. P.
S. and W. M. S. anal Ladies Aid met
at the Manse and presented Mr. and
MTs. W. F. Smith with a 'beautiful
;floor lamp and autograph quilt, and a
pen wird pencil to 'the children, prior
to their removal to their new charge.
IMr. James ./Wallace has engaged
with Mr. John 1'I'dGavis of Tucker -
smith for the hay season.
Mr. .and Mrs. Foster Gibbings and
their daughter, Helen and Mr. Robert.
Gibbings, who have been visiting in
the neighlborho'old, ' called on Mr.
Noble Holland on their way back to
Kindeslley, ,Saskatchew.ati.
Mr. Bob Ovens is employed with
Mr. Noble 'H'oll'and for the summer
;Miss Jessie Ball of .Detroi't is spend-
ing her holidays with her ,parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 'William .Ball.
;Mrs. Harold Glew is .im'proving
slowly from her serious illness.
T'he' Penhia'le-(SnowdeneWestlake re-
union picnic which was held at
Spmingbanik park: on Saturday, June
241th, was well attended from this vic-
inity rthere being over e00 present.
Mr. Fred Watson visited friends in
London one day recently:
Mr. Will'i'am McClinchey was the
guest of his brother, Mr. Harry Me-
Clinchey on 'Su'n'day last.
'Miss Myrtle MoClinchey of Lon-
don visited under the, parental roof
one'd'ay last week.
,Miss` Eleanor Scotcbinee' of Strat-
ford is at present spending ;'lie sum-
mer holidays at her home on the
Bronson line.
'Nearl'y all children are su'b'ject to
worms, and many are horn with theta
Spare them' suffering by using Moth-
er Graves' Worm Exterminator,` an
excellent remedy.
WANTED — 5tItiptly Fresh Eggs
Y BAR ° 2
Gash Only
Granulated ;Sugar
Prairie Rose Flour
IS'dpoy floor
'Cottage !Rolls 1113c
2 33
(Rack ;Bacon 19c
2"33 'Picnic' (Hangs 13c
(Cascade'S'alnmon, 3 tins . .29c
'C'h'oice Corn, 3 ;tins • 23c
Jelly 'Beans, id . ,11.3c
king 'Sugar, 2 lbs 49c
Jelly 'Powders, 4 'pkgs.
)Granulated' /Sugar, '10 llhs. ..65c
Rice 'Iimispies, (2 'pkgs.18c
• (Wide 2.00 'Grcer
oy (Oilier) 'Bran Flaakes, L Ipkgs., 21c
$ 'Corm maces, •3 ipkgs'. ,,. 23d
i lil
4x6 Barb Wire .. 3.69
The 'fami'ly of the" late Mrs, Jlaanes ATTENTION
UIa'mieso'n wish to thank their neigh-
bors for the kindames and sympathy
extpressed during their recent sad 'be-
'.Miss Letitia Campbell and sisters
wish io thank their friends far their
[kindness and for the floral tributes.,
'Garage for rent, Apply to RIOIBIT.
F. JIOINIEIS, Phone 2318. 127.
!A' number Of choice Yorkshire
pigs, 6 weeks old. Phone 1131211. T. G.
lO'n 'Main sltreet, Sealfonth, /b'e'tween
1M'ohr's !service •sta•thon and Gallop's
1Garage, a •sum of money, 0.126: Field-
er'piease leave at 'M'ohr's 'Service 'Slta-
A quantity of oats; 200 bushels of
feed barley. Apply to BERT
BIR!O1O'M1E, Phone 212' on .2314.
(Residence on corner of James and
Ann streets. Apply to 1'PR1S. WIIIL-
Sea/forth, c;o Mrs. Coates.
Quan'ti'ty of buckwheat for seed.
Alp'ply to J1AIOIISION BIRO'S., Phone
5 on 1134.
(There .will be sold at pu'blic auction
without reserve in Clinton on Friday,
June 30Th, at 8.130 p:in., four good used
pianos. Do not miss this,; Chance to
'buy a good instrument at your own
price. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, •
Of Farm Stock and Implements at
Lot 19, concession 16, .Goderich town-
ship, 3 miles north west of Clinton,
on Thursday, June 29th, at la o'clock
sharp. The "undersigned has disposed
of his farm to Hebden Bros., of Lon-
don, and will positively sell without
reserve the following:
Horses. -Matched farm team, 5
Years old;.bay mare, 3 years old, well
broken, single or double.
Cattle. ---9.6 choice young cows,
mostly fresh, stansisting of Durham,
Jersey and Holstein; 12 heifer calves,
pure bred Jersey bull calf; 4 4 -year-
old heifers, 10 two-year-old heifers,
Polled Angus /bell, 115 months old.
IHogs.-9 store hogs, 2 young sows
due to prolfit about tinteof sale, sow
due to profit in Au'gu'st.
Impiements._4MasseyyHarris binder
7 foot cut, McCormick Deering mow-
er, 6 ft. cut, horse rake, 113: hoe" seed
drill, spring tooth cultivator, set of 4
section harrows, walking plow, riding
plow, wagon and box, steel tire bug-
gy, fanning mill, hay car, rope, set of
sling ropes. International cream sep-
arator 600 Ib. capacity, just new, sev-
eral new milk pails, forks, chains`
wh'iffletrees . and numerous other art
icles. Terms—Cash. Rev. W. A
Townshend, Proprietor. Geo, : H. El
Batt, Auctioneer.
Crops for Rolling Lands -
'Permanent pastures are extensively
grown on rolling lands. Canada blue
grass, red top, Ken'tu'cky blue 'grass
and white clover are useful for this
purpose. T'h'e, first m'en'tioned grass is
of particular ,value wlhere the soil
tends to dry out in : summer, The
common mixtu're of red clover, alsike
and timothy may be sown for hay and
the timothy left d'olwn for a number of
years, Alfalfa is an excellent crop for
hillsides and is to be desired over oh -
them crops where it will grow success-
fully. In order to receive a good stand
of this permanent hay crop,, liming
may he necessary an some soils.
/Oa'ts, rye, wheat and 'corn are crops
fre'quen'tly grown with 's-uccess ois roll-
ing !oidia, but these crops are not as
effe'otivein controlling erosion as hay
and pasture crops. Lf sa'tis'factory crop
yiel'd's are to be secured, farm manure
must be applied at seaso'ns when it
can be ploughed under before any
lox's of fertility takes place. Fall and
winter applications of manure {fain
or ,c:otnhnerc'i'ad fertilizer) are not de-
sirable erdcep't on level land bec'au'se of
the great lose 41 feetil'ity which ' is
liable to occur from spring rim -off.
If you are . considering a
Packer, Disk Harrow, Spring
Tooth Lever Harrow or Land
'Our prices are lower, with a
special - low price for this
month delivery
Represen'ted by V. J. LANE
Phone 46-/12 Dublin
!Siberian millet seed for sale. Free ori
noxious weeds. JIOISIEiPH i.1 ESH1AIL{L..
(Phone 14 on 132, Seaforth central.
Piano, good as new, to be • sold.s
very ' cheap. WtALKER'S FU'R'NI-
We will have from time to time a..
'qu'an'tity of' four -week-old cockerels,.
both :Leg/horns and Racks, at bargain.
prices, Also started chicks. Calf and.,
see us or phone 137r3. SIUININYVIAILIE•.
POULTRY FARM, Seaforth, Ont.
ISaCiW, White Leghorn 7 cents,
/Barred P. :Rocks, 8 cents. Reduction
on quantity, and order, if tailed for
at Hatchery. 'We are selling the same
quality chicks :at these reduced• prices
forvbalance o:f season. Phone or write.
us for Hatchery dates. T.H'E HURON
IB'o'ivler) 'Brussels, Ont., 'Phone 5x or
Enrolment No. 2654. Passed. Form 1
This handsome choicely bred Per-
cheron Stallion will travel the f. 'll -
o aw
ung route during the season of 1933:
Monday will leave his own sta'ble at
Munro and will go to Ed Rose's, 5'
miles north • of Dublin . for night.
Tuesday will go to John L Malone's,
one mile west of Beechwood. Wed-
nesday returns to his own stable.
,Thursday goes south to Bruce Coop-
er's one mile south of Elinrville for
night; Friday to Orville Roger's -1134
miles north of K'irldton for noon,
Then home for night. Saturday goes.
to Carlin'gfoed and •home by way of
Fullarbou, Terms $32: This horse ,is
drawn on trailer and will respond to
calls off route. Norman Parsons, Mun-
ro, Prop., and Manager. P'h'one 20n5,.
Wheat, per bus. ...........
/Barley, per bus. ... 45c
Oats, per bushel 33c,
Buckwheat, ,per bushel 45z
Eggs, per dos.. 9c-111c11:4c
Butter, per lb '18e
Potatoes, per bus. 60c
Hogs, per cwt. $5.10
Wool Wanted
at the
Woollen Mills
F. T. BAINTON, Proprietor
Ci11eS ie s
Cleaners & Dyers
Phone196w, We call and deliver
V. J. Gillespie, Prop.
Want and For Sale Ads. 1 time, 25c.