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The Seaforth News, 1933-06-29, Page 4
TTAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON. Reid - McTaggart. The home oi Mr. and Mrs. 'George 'McTaggart, Walton, was the scene of a very pret- t y wedding et: -high noon, Thursday, June 3"2, when their only . daughter _Annie ,Johnston was united in mar- riage to Robert Nelson Reid, only son of lir. and Mrs. Robert Reid- of Walton. Rev. Charles 'Ctmtning, pas- t or of Duff's 'Church, performed. the .ceremony in the presence pil-about fifty .guests. The house was 'beautiful- ly decorated in a color scheme of rain and White, with a profusion of June roses and peonies. The bride, meet was given in marriage by., her -father, was charming in a gown. of powder blue chiffon with a cape of all-over lace and a white -gold pen- dant, the gift of the groom. She car- ried a •bouquet of Talisman roses and fern and took her place beneath an , arch of orange blossoms and ever - ..green, to the strains of the "Bridal Chorus,' from'Lohengrin, played by `Miss' Gertrude Miller, a friend of the .'bride, who wore a gown of maize silk •orepe. Miss Edna Reid. 'a sister of the bridegroom was a winsome brides- maid in a gown of pale pink organdie. She carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and fern. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. 'Wesley Hacleweli. Walton. During the signing of the register Mrs. Colin Fingland con- tributed "I Love You Truly.," in pleasing style. Following the cere- .ncony a wedding dinner was served in the dining -room by four girl friends c' rhe bride, Misses Berta Speiran, lioucrieff, `Laura Patterson, Moncrieff, Margaret Cumming,. \Walton, and Mae -belle 'Rands, Sea - forth. Pink roses and streamers of pink crepe paper were used in decor- ating the tables while the bride's table w -as centred with the wedding a-ake and a beautifully decorated mini- ature cake was placed before the bride's parents it being the occasion of their 39tH wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Reid left by motor for Northern. Ontario. the bride trace ing :n a Bordeaux auk with contrasting hat and shoes. The bridegrooms gift to the bridesmaid was a silver com- .pact, to the best man white gold cuff :ink_, the organist and soloist silver salt and pepper shakers. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. Guests present from a distance' were Mr. and Mfrs. Peter Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, of To- ronto, and Mr;. James Moon. Stev- ensville. Other relatives were present :nem. Parkhill. Beg ave, Clinton, Mont, n. Bayfield. LLn•3eshor a and Mon,ret7. On their return they will Nide on the bridegroom's tine .arm: eouth Y•: the via:age. Mr. aril Mrs. Thomas Ker ick of B:y:h were :pi ing ?n f .end- -n \\ s: nem Mr.. S\ ,.lain Fa-g:the: Wea- t.ir wee in Stratfoed ,tt S a_ :ryae Factory Upholstering Work Done and Guaranteed by C. Atchison Prices Reasonable. Phone 179 "Are are sorry to hear that Mrs. VARNA. lGeorge''Little is not as well as her Mi. and Mrs. Gordon Marks and many 'friends Would wish. her to be. ; Master Ross of Toronto are spending We are also sorry to hear that Mrs. ,a few weeks with the lady's parents, Kennie Bennett is not improving very Mr. and Mrs Geo. Gomel!. Mr. fast. 'We hope to hear of a turn for Marks is recuperating from a recent the better. operation for appendicitis. Miss Gladys Sntaildon of Walston The hundredth anniversary of , the spent the week end with Mr. and settlement of the ;Wallis family in Mrs. 'George Eaton. iGoderich toe:meltip was celebrated in Brussels plays football in Winthrop the form of a' picnic •held et the beau - on lFriday night. Winthrop Fife and tiful pine plantation of Mr. Thos. Drum Mead will be present. Wallis, on ,S'aturday, June mA!th, 'T'he afternoon was spent in : games, efiter which supper was served. ,At 'the end. of the meal ;Rev. Mr. Gale acting es toastmaster called on ,Miss Caroline MacKenzie to give a sketch of the early History of the family. This was KIPPEN. JOHN (2 1L LO T Hiftsgreea and surrounding congrega-A very Iacrowd from Kip ena tions attended the -morning serei.ce at St. Andrew's United Church on Sun- day at al o'clock. Communion service .followed by speeches by ,many 'of the was held by Rev. R. R. Connor, it al- company and a reading by Mrs. Wal - so being his farewell service before ter Wgllis! At the close of •the pro - leaning for his new pastoral charge at gtam the :host and. •heartessneMr. and Embro. • His inspiring sermon was on Mrs. Thos. 'Wallis were tendered a the text, "Be Still and r ... that r hearty vote of thanks and the gather- Walton 10, Winthrop 8, Ethel 7, and Mrs. F. McCutcheon of Brus- Brussels 5, Moncrieff 2. sels were visitors on Sunday with the The Young People of Duff's United latter's daughter, Mrs, Robt, Craig. Church met Sunday with the presid- ent, Harvey Bryan, in charge, and Gertrude *tiller presiding at the piano. Plans were made for a YiP, picnic to be held at Bay'fietd in July: Harvey Bryans and Blair Shaw were appointed delegates to Goderich sum- mer school. An interesting address was given by the pastor on "Oppor- tunity." At the close of the meeting the executive and social committee made plans fur the closing meeting oi the V.P.S.:which will be held in the auditorium of the church next Sunday evening. The special speaker will be W. G. Medd. of Exeter. AGENT FOR FROST FENCE All Repairs and Labor Cash. SUPERTEST GAS and OILS THURISDiAIY, JUNE 29, ,1933 REGENT THEATRE alcRil:op Township lost another highly esteemed resident Friday when Catherine Doerr, widow of Thomas Leeming passed away at her home lot 13, concession 12, fol- lowing an illness of several nnonths'. The deceased, who was in her 73rd year: was born at Peeersburg. Water- loo County. November 18. 1860. She came to McKillop with her parents when about ten years oi age and in December of 1M was married to Thomas Leeming. They resided for a couple of years on Mr. Leeming's farm, now the Ellison farm, and then moved to the farm nowoccupied by Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Leeming, and which for fifty years was her home and where her deeth occurred, and a:sa Mr. Leeniitag's demise in 1926. She leaves to Inourn their loss, four sons, John, William. Thomas and Leonard, all of Ife•Ki:lop, and one Mee. rs. J. W. Boyd, oi the 10th concession of MoKiliop. Also two brother:, Adam Doerr. of White- A'na God." The choir was assisted_ by Mrs. 0. Crawford of Ripley, who sang two very fine solos, accompanied by Mr. B. Leonard of Kincardine. :Messrs. Robert and Wm. McBride Mr: Orah- Craw`s'ord who is a nephew of Stratford were visitors with their ei -lir. and Mrs. J. B. MdLean, is not cousin, Mr. Robs, Craig on Sunday. a stranger in Kipper as he is most afiss Ada Craig of Listowel spent generous: with his talents upon occa- over the week -end with her parents. • f his vi -its here and the St. An- R•obt. and Mrs, Craig Mr. and Mrs. E. S. F. Houghton and son Teddy of London spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott. Teddy did not return home as he is spending part of his holidays here. \•[3s. Clarence Johnston visited Mrs. Thos. Shoebottom of Belgrave on _Monday. air. and airs. Thos. Grasby, also Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Johnston and Iona spent Sunday afternoon at air. John Graaby's. Mr. Louis Phelan of London is spending his holidays with his bro- rher, Mir. Jas. Phelan. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nicholson, Gordon and Velma, also Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and Wallace visited at rhe home of Mr. 0. Smith, 16th con„ - of Grey, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Brown spent Saturday evening with her sister, Mrs. Ella Seeker, at Brussels. S18AEO12TH New ,P1'nyleg GLORIA 'STUAR'r' P' RM-k'I BELLAMY t-- "AIIIR M�AIIL" IA Thal l 'a iM:in'tiCartoon ComedyMo»: "Puos,.Wed„ July 3-4.5 . ED'DIE CANTOR--in— "THE KID IFIROM SPAIN". iA Bi'g :Musical ;P otlluvtsti0fl ,Comedy• ing broke up alter singing "Should Auld Acquaintance Be 8brgo't?" Next Sunday, ',Jelly 2nd, an Orange service will beheld in Varna United Church when Rev. Mr. 'Poulter will, address the 'Orangemen. Mr. and Mrs. George Connell and Harold spent last Sunday with Mrs. stop o Will Pearson . in Goderich township. drew's congregation appreciate his whose husband recently, lost his life very generous nature. Mr. Leonard, in a well, also, as accompanist, is not a stranger and both were eagerly welcomed back to Kippen. The induction services in St. And- rew's United Church will be held on Friday a: S o'clock p.m. Rey, A. Sin- clair of Hensel!, Moderator for Huron Presbytery, will induct Rev. Chand- ter. Rev. A. E. Poulter of Varna will address the people` and Rev. Gale of Bayfield will address the minister. A reception will be held following the services and d the congregation will meet and welcome Rev- and Mrs. Chandler and daughters to Kipper and Hillsgreen congregations. The Bucy Bees Mission Circle of St. Andrew's United Church held a picnic tea and weiner roast in Sunset Park, Bayfield, on Friday evening. last. The boys responded to the incitation ,and boys and girls enjoyed a eery happy time. Alter a picnic tea to which about 50 sat down games were played until after sunset. Then all descended to the beach where a sin, song and short programme around a large camp -ere preceded the roasting and enjoying the weiners. Everyone re- ports a most enjoyable time. been in his usual health until about During this week Rey. and Mrs. R. 'New Years. about the beginning of R. Connor. miss Elaine and Mrs. M e- March he beeaane severely ill and n Donald are noting to their new home was learned it was a cancer eat deal "The Manse," Embro• :\11 will be from which he _severed a great deal much e, not only in the 4•illabe during the past several months. The and :congregation but also in sur- roundtn community. The best wishes their many friends foikeer them to :help new home. WINTHROP. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Simpson by the community in the death oi her husband, the late James Simpson, ivho passed away on ;Friday, June 23rd, after . several months' illness. Mr. Simpson had snare, Michigan. and Louis Doerr, of funeral took place from Cav-aa cnuec.: Saginaw, MC eh , and two sisters, Mrs. ,R. -nthrop, no S;today a ter nawon a: is;obi ni Soa:han:p:on. Ontario,, and, a Ro o'clock, which was largely at Mr \[olein o- Co :ado. Decease3 :ztded :he se.-cice beicy t av-ra ,vas m a deva:ea ember "ti. the € an :3y Rev, W. F. Smith- The .e a_in ed Clare The f.It' al c.na: p•ace+,.t_.e .a:z o -es: in Maitland Bank cn her lain, zeeidenee or, lion aeai -tetet•_r. The na:Te re were T3 .:e n:*till Jene 3io-.a. the serv-rae aem.:npso'. brother n; tspsosis':: A17an tiia +,.. a:el by Rev. i\. F .oile Rene a beetliee-En-ladei Alex. Lesoot= 3r.''_ Rev 1 'Carn-n a.•`- nephew. end David Soya. Jobe,Pe- ne yn• xe! t..::1 __ i\;:feint Linney, ! "a_ '1 nest:ie: AWaa: n a:ten let,' :A'' .- Ma." n Reek Aiee_ were ,iay.a were duawea. hearers: T7y deco-eriaei :,. Br . B.dapedddre.Stenare D' of ae• nal n oitneay ... a... iM C a.... M -'•5:a. i'e i-:1 :e ^a: .els I- its e i\ rite- -.tris «a3zr ae a i,r:re :¢ :he ii is [r.. R her: s - epee: xeee in B _ + e� Mti: ,lean Draer was :name tier .- ,e a till. y Dr3.. a .11-4'dge M[r aopsP^• :+ti v,..t. - +e s •tri J:�r:i e":yes: i. ago s: ue- enerene oi days last week, returningleen. f ' ,'i s ta ' T% ez s ^g -•t ea- ^i e torn S .: 3 :- • F ::fay to the home of her aunt Per: Elgin. Mrs. Wm. Ilaeods is improving at it .tylia: where she has been plume for s +me time and her nniny --iende are pleased to know she ex. ?cite i ae aa:e to, return home soon. lir. led Mrs. Russell Marks and ami y m l' •re ? Oakville over the ,vee: end visit his brother, Rowt- • ', and his w•::e, who ,;erste a fruit :.t:-nt here. Mr.. \V. C. Bennett was tined to Keethenee ,.va li,-t^.say w -:g the crizeial _,.a: _•n ,,: It e. Benet a: :e aloe tris . n Mr.n R Mee. \e :ion Reid arrived hotree arom their roe mt o : e .. Monday. The;, v r e e :he aarni aclja..eez to \i -ii o:: fro= . h:h hie • :encs. Me. area Mrs. R,aer: Reil nye in_ - •n: :his week to ..._-r e='.- deaee ie Walton. lir. and Mrs- R. G. Parke and Ines Faerence C1:, e. :i: Sesfacth vee e e:a ta: ei :ast Thtttsday ave. ng. Welton _ecatba:t team got 'Sack to thee- wirsimg stride again. u : Mondayl night ;., defeat rig Ethel, 2-0. The -gale was :he smallest of the season. 'rtaeiog quite a drop in a =n attendance iro t e ziecord a: las: week's game. _ Ethelplayed a slate 'rid game thi etgisoant in fine voice Atone Tale sen:ee 'anal a win w,,,i have put theta at was 'brought to a close by singing the the head :aa the H.FxA. northern 'hymn 556. and :he benediction. The •group fee the presets:. with one. Point' eaferien was taken in aid of the Bibte glabove l\ ahrn. Rae Center coed; & riety, aatca.i, first .e-ot in the second halfeines Petatlard os Dungannon wee a .. a S nnp- \\ .,m Boyd. were the Peewee- "„ u lra a Mr De •rs : \tap- rya 'sy t, the family 'ic e A ' e number a ens \o ~h Eas ,c • L"'” Hayed ere • . x atics Norris w , e 3 is confined o e' l ive a code :he -unera, in' , w -.els :,e year a -re a hair e cion with cmn_r: We hope to .rf, i.e ..? t nc' ,he fil..de>r memories' a'.d to M[cl.t:tap oa the 10‘h 07 h '-'one".„ea, of a speedy reocery; vva<+ni w: -.:ever �mafti. Bes.destsiere north of \\:othrop. Mr, Sintp ,heel ?:yam the immediate vicinity. the' Mr. Tebbutr i mitring en a a:br on retained dear rec.o.:echo i ail his. <,: iw t- were anteing those present'life of the.: p.v,.:eer lit,me, one of 11I yerondali to the kitchen tt ep• a e hr .r: i a distance: Mir. and Mir_- J. B.`once blown downs by the wind s chi ready hone built p the vie'int y. :\_ a der. oe Hanover; Mir. Thomas `. that passed over on the , th o th Leeming and son and daughter -in la young man MIr. impson purchased month, HULLETT. Medd-Morrison.—A quiet but pret- ty wedding was solemnized at St. Joseph's R. C. Church, Clinton, Mon- day, June 26, when Rev. M. 11. Sul- livan united in marriage Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Susan Morrison, and the late William Morrison oi Hullett, to Lloyd Medd, son of Mr, and Mrs• James Medd, also of Hal- lett. The bride who was charming in a costume of rose taupe crepe of ankle length with white accessories was attended by her sister Miss Agnes Morrison while the bride- groom was supported by Harry Rey- nolds. Hw'.lert: The bridesmaid wore pale blue, crepe with accessories in pink. The thumb was p e'ctly dec- orated with peonies in pink and white. The bridegroom's gift to the bride 11-2s a necklace of oearls set with crystals, to the bridesmaid a dresser set, and to the besr man a smoker set. During the impressive 'ceremony Mfrs. Wm. Lane contribut- ed appropriate music on the organ, the wedding march from Lohengrin 'being played as the bride entered the church. The happy couple lets for Chicago, where they will visit the (World's Fair_ They will a:so visit other points or interest during their honeymoon. The bride's going away costume was a blue suit with sans shade accessories. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm in Hallett, near Kirthurn. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., July 6, 7, 8 Two Full Length Features JOAN BENNETT CHARLES FARRELL —in— "WILD GIRL" BUCK JONES —in— "SOUTH OF THE RIO GRANDE" CONSTANCE. Mr Thomas Livingston and dau- ghter, airs. Pockett, of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. John Mc- Cowan and 'Mr. and Mrs. William Livingston. 'Mrs. Charles McGregor spent a few days with her sister, Mrs.' Frank Hall, and Me. Hall, of Londesboro. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Lawson, Doris and Reg. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson of Bruce'field. Mrs. Somerville and Miss Ryan of 'Deloraine, Manitoba, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch and other friends on Thursday last. Mrs. Reid of Beeston, Saskatchon, is a visitor at the hpme'o'f her sister, lire.' Charles McGregor, and son Ross. \[r. and Mrs. Eph. Clarke and fam- ily, accompanied by Mrs, Russell Coleman visited relatives at Sarnia v and Port Huron on Sunday last. Mr. James Moore of ,Toronto is <. visiting his aunt, Mrs. Adam Nichol- son. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley and son Nelson, of Tuckersrnith and Mr. and Mrs. John Milan and children of near Clinton spent Sunday at the 'home of Mir. and Mtrs. Robert Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Riley and Mrs. George Riley, Sr., spent the sveek end in Clinton with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Riley. Mir. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke and family motored to S'arnia on Sunday to visit friends there. Miss Kathleen Logan of Blyth spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Leo 'Stephenson. TUCKERSMITH,: >r Screen: paid Miss Nina Sha: LONDESBORO ,n -of Bay City• Mian-, aol M Me. and Mrs. E. Stevens nd :amity ;Frank C::emao a: Hensal: and ?v4 t Sea.o.eh spent the week end with Gan. ,ohneen --•_..e'.1 at Moe. Colepat is pelts pares:_ here. 9[r. and tics. T., ` s la e'nteeae J. N ten Mfr Asia Mar a..,_ -^a of Tenon 2fee B. Reil at Bet_o, Sask. ie :tel an Sydney 'iaene:tiel:'s tial the gnett _ aea date, ?:etc. Mars. Sun ay. ran' Hal.. lldse Ida 3.•, •nae ' \ Dont lam R„ a tietarteei -s e v._.,i-g irienele and -elaii.e. ir..1 /111i,?,:ant 10a.., _ _ t\ee.:e ay a:'-- iiieenniang _ s: weeks weeke iescatien Tice vie rats wee hacked pea T,•' ,. m. .ler seta ..--. .. . i the deat:s ad M. }F h 13s'nit 1a-, :ed M -. Sten.- Master of Teayonto and e,r 3 their foes- r reeee and Paas _ Sea:_-. t-. and Bass .s'c'at:: 5ree:e•fcr_, a •ere snesc. ea M an Tlar=. Townsend r,rer b avttek en?. Mors. sv:,'•'ser: Scott .- C:117.07.: n• a Lin • ea : bleeed ss, og. .Tier emen- aricoie nape she has a =seely -x o s :te a1 Zai tSr�. lr-ell , and ie 1T = i:van epee:: ,per _et r:: :h .. ,e ids near anetel eeeer. pf la fartn acro the road where he con law, Mr. and Mrs. Will Leeming Mlr, James 'Wallace. Ma. and Mao Hamilton.: Mir. and Mrs.H , ht inued to resile until retiring to ea 2\ ai ace and:amih lily. dna ouq• on Winthrop thirteen yea ago_ In 1899 1 Ccsmarty, cousins of the deems- he was married to Miss Christens Mrs. Ru =ell WallaceMao.and W'siike e:'s husband; Mr• Warley of easel-� and i\[r. and \lr•. Nanny. ' B ke: 'tRoss who survive, hilus al well al spent Saturday evening on the Blake: ane brother and three sister.. Thomas fiats, Hotntese-Me, with \i.. pad vl..s. Simpson, Windsor; Mrs. Alexander Orville Blake and M-. and Mrs. Re - Ross, Windsor. Mira, Robert - r beet Blake, it being Mir-• and airs. 0. in, Winnipeg. Mian., and Mfr_ Allan Blake's' wedding anniversary. M.. Ross, licilialop• , and Mrs. R: Wallace. Jimmie . and Among those attending the ftulerac \ferion remained for elle week -en -a. were Mr. Thomas Simpson and \Lf s May Wallace o; Myth is spending a levy days at her home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wan, Wallace, Mas--' ion and Dorothy o;`\Vond_eee, caned' :carat and also friends paid relatives from Mitchell. Stratford and Auburn, BLYTH. The acanual memorial hall service was held on Sunday evening, June 25, and Rev-. L. V. Pocockopened the senice cte by singing the national anth- em. _allowed by prayer by Rev. Po- daughter. :Miss Elsie Simpson and en eek. Hymn `Abide with \(e” was niece, Mrs. Vera Campbell, all of :leets sung. Scripture lesson. 19th Windsor; a nephew oi deceased. Ca - Psalm. was read by Rev. Geo, Oliver. meron Dennis of North Bey; Mrs. Re., W. G. Snell offered prayer_ The Mark and Mrs. Me:Naughton. Mr. imam m choir sang"Upon the Other and Mrs. D. Stewart and daughter, p Mrs. Anderson. Mr. McNabb all of Side." The ad. -fetes was given by Res, 3. S. Bowen. F.RtG:S_ of,Loadot. tak- Stratford Mr. Menzies and Mir. Mc - hie text it m rhe 14th chapter of Donald 01 Moles' -worth. Ezekiel. M[- S':atate', Sib:horpe sang The 'Lades Aid and IW, M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Theron BetI es on Wednesday,: jute- 5th. Mts Anona' Dale has been re- engaged as teacher in No. 6, \ ieKil- lop. A good game of football vms placed at Moticrieg on Tuesday evening when Winthrop Came out victorious with a score of 3-0. Referee Bill -Den- nis .a -as in charge. L•.O,L.:\o. 818. 'Winthrop.ati-eaottl- ed is Wins'throrp hail on 'Thursday 'ey- aiid he tteet gap: WaS the result of vies o- at the home of Nays and Mrs_ an accidental kick Sy one or: the Bete- [, W. 'mitis last week. el backs. The :mainstays scar Ethel Mrs- James Armstrong is visiting were Cliff Dnabar„ Dobson and Han- her nephews. Fred and ` Harry Ai'm- sutd, while Carter and Steins played a nt",n;, Lacknow_ =cellar game Inc Waboa Referee Fer- Dr, \l`_ R Carr and. Mrs. Carr and P y £ . -.1 Cook and \[rs:ening, ansa Presented a -Bible to Rec. en the home piece. She Gnus seasot - F watt 3SCI b,eamonay'''s Detrtit Times, s Bu a el gave good cat ,_.tcwire to -,R -s, \[rb (D Bma,wr slue a , • iniresi some real first- � ? �• _o.'s ,;c.n on -, - Buba•*'Goole aE'.Los.Astg- W. 'F. Smith prior to his dep=rtnre to two years and semen comra46s of age..; '�l - Tti A night p Mlznatay P beery awl a re yisedaag the former^s 's'islte;, his neve* charge tett P?atkscsiie. An ad. ;Shz' v'as a tend and. L©'citrg saq,t➢aec ibmmd I'em,�ca'Retf;�r a'B tfae, c' -ay hyc;ehold Tae. a M. nigh chats team: is naw se- ede; are ., l rrelatives. dress was read to Re's. ;:M[r. Smash by and y'ttlt be sadly mnissedl by a :G[ that 1veUp et tratei airnrf tbescrihes her ex- t cored to Walton in the .G.oatp with t[3e.:MCSc o'ad 2,3<er and other S ecseuaun, 31„s s CNO'fC. attr = to ¢tate as cnBla?•wst Mr. and Mf*s. Wca, licCnteheon lir. Percy L'it`tle while the presentee- ;mew Brier. fascia sytnipatl'ay is e:iitextite. vi general;6t• .suse- poiiti. t :tid:ra ` • w . J. Kiomey l ed to the Glt'°,m'iity. va vct< g,frl. • .tion was ma M[r- W. ,�tS�.rrecrritt Lit. 'for ea Tames laillaa.ree E,raz. a .m- iner eraie Mttl '.nil and a tow= e ienk at*: !1”/..tr.lt :oho, raraf:es yds h_v:ne ,at 'Pat. 'Hestia., 'Horny M[itche - has -ta."ked ,ea ,a Arte£ .cru Se'tr ea to an hie fietar. lU'i,im II.. IB 1r St 1,r Pyr Tisure:lay '.at a,. -pie tied - 5 -Ip leaf while he -seed het teener wart- eat' lain en the lawn a^ Inc'115 : ate:irli: .nine ria motor car eit-.,d ea f Yost over t irpanl.: Y' t he vita vvv<s n Mr. Ranee ee an Mr. and Mrs, Alex- Wallace 'n';ewe Awe. aer,-atieeieetee, eiiasna. Tuesday. ` the :,till ince lielheelueiti;, 'lbt,di to &TI' x - leer. James '\\-allace `spent Snnda, • with Static, friends and ra Atte es. :Ml'aster Donald Wallace epee fa week -end with his sister, Mee. _- Men man Walker. NORTH McKILLOP. Miss Vera Kismet- of Waterloo else lir. Hodgins of Kitclsener. sperm Sunday With Mr. and Mrs_ George Kintner - The death took place of Mfrs. Tho - rams Lee ling early Friday scorning; She was bora in Waterko county, and since her marriage dire has aimed 'area .anti t t Il itti;e 'Sig ail ,tf dals'i ng't, :tattle- fit etdts,:, libcJhant 'Serene cif 1%W', rri it eanptrle. is :vlw Tivnan anted 'MMarat. 'Bc's'af- elrii+elk. ;few alltalemela iii' Nate leaver* taxa; easter amine eaevafieg. ghee dime of their -ritwat wine ,teat kncnivant. Rnitie t 'Ryan, visa, In t:• Idiita:l'a l:li ibiirty-tetra years ago, Gan: not 'h',t ars 'Ibsck since that time ata"ll lee vetted on a' member of the ol,d boys,. iSOteia1 Lades' Hrirer, Out as Servant rause Myra tsFllliaaaas JraereM-of ,a praumineat 'First Family' of Topeka. Kentelis—Gents in The American Week- CROMARTY. Mr. (Dr.) Na'smith of Staflordville is visiting relatives here. Mr, William Smite of Manitoba is visiting his brother and other friends. Mir. Frank Allen spent the week end in Toronto. A number from here attended anni- versary services at Thames Road on Sunday last. Anniversary services will lie held in Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 25,th, at P1 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. Services conducted by Rev. Mr. Lane tee Goderich, A strawberry supper and good pro- gramme will be held in the church on Monday, June Z6th, MANLEY. Mr. Fred Eckart and his daughter Eileen spent a few days this week with friends in Oakville, Ont. Rev, 3, M. Eckart is renewing old acquaintances with friends in Kitch- ener this week as he was a former_ student in St. Jeromte's College, 'Hay making is the order of the day and the dry weather has helped to rush the season. 'Rain is needed o: there will he a short crop. Miss Helen M'ctM'ann, R.N., from %para Mich., called .on friends here net in Dublin last Sunday. lir. Dick Tait front Detroit spent Sunday with friend's here. DUBLIN. lir. 'Charles Malloy off D'etro'it is spending his valcahion with his aunts, and his uncle, Mr. Charles 'Oarpemte•r of +Dublin. lir. and airs. Patrick Feeney Sr., Dublin, were the guests of Mr. Fran- cis Melody, St Colum:ban, Sunday... A number of people front Dublin attended Cie 'lawn social held at .61. iBridgid's on Wednesday Fast and re- port a good time. Miss Lilllian ,Shea of Chicago is vis- iting with her 'paren'bs, Mr, and 'firs. }James Shea, Mr. Jtohn 'Mao, lSeieforih, is engag- ed with IIr, Joseph H'idkcy:for a tilde. The song of the 'mower is heard in the vicinity again, but dwiirg to the dry vveablier it is difficult to curt. the hay. Want and For Sale Ads, ,3 times, 50r