The Seaforth News, 1933-06-29, Page 1/Bite deep and wide, 0 Axe, tine tree! What doth thy bold voice promise me? JT promise thee all joyous things That furnish forth the lives o!f kings! (For every silver, ringing blow, Cities and palaces shall ,growl IWIhen rust hath gnawed ine deep and he Seaforth e HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER red, A nation strong shall lift his head, "See friend," he cried to one that lo,oked and smiled, "My axe and I -we do immortal tasks We build up nations -this my axe and I," .Isabella V. Crawford. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 55, No. 26 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1933. Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPER• Regularly HOT LUNCHES at • all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Earthware Pitchers (Regular Price 35c, 40c, and 50c Now Half Price 2 IN 1 SHOE POLISH ....lOc a tin ICERTO • 30c a :bottle 'SAL'MON, large tins. , ..lOc, 13c 25c and 35c SWEET MIXEED PICKLES ' Cc q}t. container .... , . �7 'C'A'TSUP - large bottle 15c BROIKEN STUFFED OLIVES 130 oz, jar . . ............. 3c McLAREN'iS PLAIN. OLIVES J3,oz. .jar ' 39c Tr.LEIVAON, ORAiNGE & RASPBER- RY OXADE, makes 2 glasses, 5c pkg. Crean' taken for the Seaforth Cream- ery at the same price paid at the 'creamery. ]Butter, Eggs, and Feathers taken as cash. lc a. dozen extra trade for eggs. ORA'N,GEADE & LEIM'.ONADE bottle 25c ilutchison's PHONE 166 REBEK'AH'S ENTERTAIN Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge held their regular meeting in the hall on Monday' evening, , Jane 26th, with a large' attendlanice. There were albau'd 315 members present from Morning' Star Rebekah, Lodge, Brus- ,sels. Miss Belle Campbell and' Miss ?lean Smith ga,ve very interesting •re - ,ports Of the A'ssentbly meeting they attended in T'oron'to an June 112, 1+3' rand14. Short addresses were given, and at the close of tat meeting a soc- ial tiine was . spent in progressive .euchre. The prize winners were: Lad - nes' first,' Mrs. Mae Dorrance;, ladies' consolation, Mrs. Blaeker (IBrussels); genets' first, Mr, W. Little (Bins- ,cels); consolation, Mrs. J. J� H'ug gar,; lucky tally, Mrs. Baeker. .This was followed by c,omdnuniity, singing and a dainty lunch served by 'the social committee, with Mrs. Hug- gard, convener. TH!OISE BLACK SQUIIRIRELS.. There are complaints about the s conduct af the black squirrel in Sea - 'forth. indeed, he is becoming a pest, !by reports. Bulks, berries, apples, pears and particularly flower beds, are • mentioned as having been destroyed. It is suggestted bhiat heaving seen how the depredati'o'ns df dogs (four., -••legged and two -legged) are patiently bonne. by a long-suffering public, • some squirrel thought it could get away with it, too, -Tlh:e most likely explan- ation holwelver, is the heat. Birds mi- grate farther north to a cooler clim- ate, many of the robin's having al- ready left, but the squirrel takes it quit' on the public, :T'he squirrels have always been. 'great pets, and are protected' .by la'w. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church -Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. 'Sunday July 2nd. 10 am. Sunday ,School and Bible Classes. 111 a.m.=Public Worship. National Anniversary Service. 7 p.m. - 'Public 'Worsihip. Subject, "Cavalcade." - ST. THOMAS' CHURCH 1Sund'ay, 'July 2nd, 1:93!3. Confirma- tion 'Class and Sunday School .10 a.m, Holy Communion, 1)1 a,m. Sermon by Canon Alpipleyard. Evening service, 7 p.m. Sermton by Rector, Canon E. Appleyard, assisted by Rev. Reg..Alppley+ard. EGMON'DyILLE CHURCH July'2,'1033. Reverend Charles Mal- colm. 10 a.m.-JChurch School 11 a.m. -"'Horsetrading." 7 p.m. -Ordinary -things, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, July 2nd. Morning service, 'Mr, Gordon Peddie, Bayfield, will be the special .speaker, - Evening service, Sermon 'su'bjec't of Rev. I. B, Keine, "The Volunteer." ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier Of Wal- ton announce the engagement of• their daughter, Vera Agnes, to James C. Mcilntosh, son of Mrs. McIntosh and the late Mr, James McIntosh, of Sea - forth, the wedding to take place quiet- ly in July. WINS ESSAY CONTEST The annual essay contest held -by the C.W.L. of Seaforth for the best essay on the school question was won by Jack Williams, WITH THE BOWLERS The Bowlers' nixed twilight jitney on Thursday evening, June 212nd, vbioh was arranged by the Ladies' Club. Thirty players took pant. The prize winner's were: Ladies, first, Mrs. 'Shanahan; '2nd, Mrs. Rieman. Men's, 'first, Mr. Huggard; 2nd, Dr. R. R. Ross. ANNUAL MEEETIN'G (The W.'C!T!U, will hold their annual 'conventiono'n Tuesday, July 4th, in the United Church, Wdngh'am, com- mencing mencing at 9.30 a.nt. A cordial invite- tion is exttended td all interested in the temperance situation in Canada to at- tend this convention. HOT • ATH'Elt IDhe re ist ri g e ng thermometer at the Collegiate Institute shows a high tem- perature an Wednesd'ay of 915 degrees, which is a record. On Tuesday > night the excessive. .hot weather *as responsible for .thse 'burning out of a transformer supply- ing power to the ,Regent Theatre. Su p'erinttendent Ed. Mole or the Hydro, had a new transformer placed' on the poste and connected inside of an hour. The prompt work enalbled the the- atre to complete the show. This is .the .only interruption to the talkies since 'beginning ten months ago. (Seaforth is using more than three times as mulch water these hot .days as ordinarily. The big pump at the wiiterworlrs is in operation from. six a:m. till 10 p.m. At normal tines about five hours' pumping a day is sufficient. • TO MEET AT KI+N;TAIL, The fourth annual summer school of the 'Synod of Hamilton and Lon- don of the Presbyterian Church will he .held at Iziinbai1,'midway between. IGioldel-id: and Kincardine, on Lake (Huron, from July 117 to 24. The dean is Rev, C. H. M'ac,D'omald, Lucknow, a:nd he registrar, :ev, john Plollntolc, IWhltec'hurdh. H'OLIDAY' ISaturday is the first of July and a public h'oliday.• The shores will re- main open Friday night, IHU'RION 'OLD BOYS' P3CN,IIC (Ideal weather, blue skies and balmy breezes smiled on the Huron Old Boys' Association at their. big annual picnic in the exhibition grounds on Saturday. IHuronistes ckme'flocleing in all after- noon, not only from the city hut from outside points, and at 6 p.m. the at- tendance had exceeded all previous iIIO WER 'SCHOOL. Seaforth Collegiate Institute' pro motions and prize winners: Alma Finnigan, Dorothy Golding, Allan Keys and 'Winn,iired 'S'avauge are th,e pupils with highest standing in forms I, IT, III, and 'I•V rempeic- tively. Each will receive a prize of five dollars in books at next Com - in en+cent. 'The following are the names of those who have been promoted from /.Corm I to 'I1I.:. iA,. Case; .I..Chuter; R, Chuff (II -hon- ours); C. Diele; E. 'D'ex'ter A. %Fin - records. nigan (Honours) Vi, Fortune, lI The various games and races were Hanley A. Hudson; D. Hudson; V all keenly con'teste'd and the entries .IHugidd; D. !Lawson ((Honours); E mere exceptionally large. ILei:tc'h; J. McIver; Margaret Mc - The greatest interest centred in the liver; .M. Mcliichael; tL. Nott (Hon- broont foioldball and the celebrated ours); D. Parke; V. Storey; M "Lipton Tea Race" *here there were IH.olntes' (]Honours);; V. Bell; R. 72 entries, and each lady received a Downey; J. Drager; E. Drover; J. package; Eckert; G. Elliott; S. Geddes (lllon- IThe .fallowing are the prize *in ours); 'G. (Gemmell; 'G. Pinkney, ners: T'he following are the names of 'Children, under 5 yrs --11, W. Haw- those who have been promoted from ley 2, M. Gracey; 3, T. Jenkins. Form III to Form ,IIIA.: Boys, 8 and under -+11, Jack Berry; 10. Aberhart; D. B'anno'n; M, 2, E, Wiggins; 3, M. Ireland. Broad'foot P. 'Coleman; V.;. Coleman (Girls, 8 and under -ley L. Masson; 2, e(•Htonours); D. Drover; E. Duffy D. Milner; 3, H. Moir. 'Honours); C. Eckert; M. Finnigan; 'Boys, 10 and under -ll, R Mc F. Fortune; D. Golding ((Honours);, ICreath; 2, H. McLean; 3, W. Paisley. M. !Johnstone; H. Hamilton; P. Hu. Girls, 10 and under -1, M. Johns- gill. (Honours); C. Lane; A. 'Love; ,ton; 2, I. Folwell; 3, J. Milner. L MacKay, 0. Moore (Ho'n'ours), M. Boys, 10 and under -1, A. Beecroft; .Murphy, M. Murray, J. Watson (Hon - 2, J. Elliott; 3, G. Williams. ours), C. Williams, M. Williams, 14. (Girls, 10 and under -Il, J. Pearen; Storey, L. Hart. G. Carter, J. Ohe'oir- 2, ,L. Moir; 3, A. Bricker, os, J. Consitt, S. Donrance, R. Mc'Mil- Boys, 115 and under -fly D, Hawley; Ian, C. Nolan, R. Pryce, J. Rankin, F. 2, Wallace Floody; 3, C. Milner. Rutledge, F, ;Sills, J, Sherwood (Hen. (Girls, •115 and under) -11), W. Smith; ours), E. Sou'bhigate, 0, M. Moir; 3, E. Jay, Any pupils whose names do not ap- Shoe Race, Boys -1', A. Becro,t; 2, pear above, and who write Depart - G. William; 3, J. Berry. mental examinations will have the re- iPeanut Race, Ladies 1, Mrs. sults of these examinations taken into Moon, 2, Mrs. Gracey; 3, M. Craw- 'consideration in making further pro - ford. motions. A11 pupils who have failed Men's Open (The C, G. Elgie race) will be given their marks on applica- -1', J. Moon; 2, E. Th'rmpson; 3, D., tion to the principal, Hawley. Ladies' Race -1, M. Elliott; 2, M. JUDGING 'COIMPEITIT'IO'N HELD Clarkson; 3, M. Arbuckle. The. Seventh Annual County Live 'Married Men -1),M. Cooke; 2, B. H. IStacik and Household ;Science Judg- McCreat'h; 3, M. J!oedice, ' in'g Competitions were conducted in ,Married Women -d, M:rs. Gracey; '•Clinton an Friday, June 24th, under 12, Mrs. Jbedi'ce; 3, Mrs. Milner. the supervision of the 'local branch of !Fat Men's Race -.1, D. . Crawford; the Ontario Dep'artnrent of 'A'gricul- 2, D. W. Dana; 3, L. ;Laird. tur'e. 'Special 'Lipton Tea race -II, Mrs. The judging of live stock in which Stowe; 2, Mrs, G. C. Young; 3, Mrs. 40 boys participated, took place on Th.onnpsion, the folloiwing 'fauns in Hallett and Men'•s ,Softball - Soufh ,Huron won. Tu-ckersmfth townships: Beef cattle Ladies' Softball -North Huron won and sheep, Frank Wood, Blyth; ba- ISome of those present were: con hogs, Charles Watson, Lgndes- ,Mr. and Mrs. L. 31. Pringle, Mr boro; draft horses, Richard Vodden and Mrs. D. D. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. M•c0reatih, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. IStowe, Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson; Mr. J. A•, McLaren, Miss I. H. Brown, Mr, E. Floody, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mar- tin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Holmes; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Floody, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Moon, Dir. and Mrs, H. J. Idodgins and Mrs. DelLacey, Dr. and Mrs, C. H. Clarkson, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Bricker, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ham- ilton, Mr. and Mrs. S. L, Scott, Mr. and Mrs, A, G. Smith, Mr, and Mrs, D. W. Dane, Dir, and Mrs. R. J. Mil- ner, Dr. an dMrs. J. G. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. L, Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Scarlett, Mr. and Mrs, W. 'Siprinks, Mr, and Mrs. D. Sanders, Mr. and Mfrs. G. C Young, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin, Mr. and Mrs. W. M•a- son,. Mr. and Mrs. D. Crawford, Mr. and M'rs. E, M. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. L. Laird, 'Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. G. Moir, Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Grigg, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Saul, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Biriekenden, M'r. A. Armstrong, Mr. t and 'Mrs. s W. P '• - g>a�s fie'y, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Burgess, Dr. G. A. Robinson Mr. and Mrs, R. A. IGrper,. Mr. vend MPS. C. R. Hart, Mr. and Mrs, E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Jaelhice, Mr. and Mr's. Gracey ((New Toronto), Mr. and M'rs. R. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Peters, 1'Ir, and Mos. A. J. Alderson (Hanna - ton), Ald. and ivIrs. Duckworth, lbfr.' R. J. King, Mr. W. Powell, Mr. G. A. Newton, Mr, A. W. Wase, Mr. Tom Birdsall, Mr. Earl Stark, Mr. H. J. Smith, Mr. H. F. Flariagher, Mr, H. 1Lond'esboro; 'Agricultural horses, Joe Mann, Clinton; dairy cattle and brood sows, Bert Gibbings, 'Clinton. The judges were as follows: Horses: Fred Forsyth, Dept. of Ag- riculture Walkerton; dairy cattle, El- wood Stackhouse, Brucelfield (1933 graduate of 'the 0.A,C.,%Guelph); 'beef cattle, 'Bob Mc'Kercher, Dublin (119131 graduate of ,the O.A. College, 'Guelph) 'S'heep, W. J. Howard, Dominion Live ]Stock Branch, ,Paris; IS'wine, H. C. Duff, Dominion Swin'e Grader, Strat- ford. ,The silver cup awarded to the high boy in the entire competition was won Eby Bob::tArchibald of Seaforth. C'lif- fo'rd Crozier, Dungannon, won the silver medal by securing 'the second highlest score, The C.rN,1E. 'S'hield awarded to the high novice was won by Jack Moylan, S`ea'forth. IA first prize of $2,00 and second prize of $1.00 Was awarded to 'bath ?'unior and Senior boys as follows: IHeavy 'Horses -Juniors, Wm Pep - per, Seaforth; Jack Moylan, Seafort'h. Seniors, Geo Mundell, Glena'mnen; Sit,uart MelE'wen, Clinton. IB'eetf Cattle -iii 1Shortreed, Wad- torn, Stewart Bryan's, Blyth. Senior, J. IRoitheringhiami, Brucefi.eld; •Gordon Reynolds, Seaforth. Dtairy Cattle - Juniors, 'Stewart Musgrove, Wroxeter; Norman Pep- per, Sealfort'h, Seniors, Clifford Croz- ier, Dungannon; Horace Delbriclge, RV oocyte n. 'Sheep Juniors, Albert Taylor, Lucknowv;' John 'Wain,'Baylfield. Sen- j-enkins, Mr. George Muckle, Mr. T. iors, Bblb Archibald, Seaforth; Alf.. Cowan, Mr. W. R. Grigg (Calgary), Patterson, Luckniow. Swine -Harrison Taylor, Luscknow; Wilfred 'Slhontrlee'd, 'Walton. Seniors, Virim. S'tanlake, Exeter; Delmer ISdcinner, 'Centralia. The Household • Sicience Judging 'Competition was held in the firemen's hall and 21 girls took part. T'he judges )Were Miss Flora Dumnin, Dungannon; Miss Florence 'P. .Eadie, Institu'tes ;Branch, Toronto, and Miss Helen. Midl0ercher, Dublin. The Silver Tea Service awarded to the girl obtaining the highest score was won by Miss Margaret Durnin, Dtm,ganiron. Other trophies were won as follows: !Nutrition -Juniors, Violet Tyndall, Nor. H, J. Smith, Mr. A. Sins Mrs, H, lidHardy, Mrs. H. C. Burgess, Mrs. Jos. Beick, Mrs. A, Becker, Mrs. {as. Wilson, firs. H, C. Warren, Mrs. J. C. Hawley, Mrs, J'., A. MdLaichilan, Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Mrs. C. Inglis (Dundas), M'rrs..Spentce, Mrs, C. R 'Somerville ()Landon), Mrs. E. Mc- Lauichlin, Mrs., H. McoLema, Mrs. H. Hullid'ay, Mrs. B.on'slki'll, Mos. J. 'G. ffessop, Mrs. W. H. Pearson, Mrs. E. uldhnisiton, Mrs. 3. W. Gary, Mrs. R. iArthuick1e, Mrs. S. Lesppard, Mrs. H. 'Child, Mrs. W. Franikea (Wood- bridge, Mrs, M. Elliobt,' Mrs. A. Welcth, Mrs. R. Harris, Mrs. A. Jany,, (Continued on Page Five:) e Last Oh to buy at your own price by PUBLIC AUCTION will be on Friday, June 30th. Positively the Auction Sale closes on that date However the Special Discount Sale will continue until Saturday, July 8th This is in order that many who could not attends this week may still have an opportunity taw secure the wonderful values by, SHOPPING AT AVAUGE' IT PAYS Sealforth; Thelma Elgie, ICippen. Sen- iors, Laurebta McClure, Dungannon; Eva Musgrave, Wroxeter. tClo'bhinsg-Juniors, 'Ruth Straughan, !Auburn; ,jean McLaohlan, Seaforth. Seniors, Lillian Richardson, Egmond- v'ille; Iisotbel Foster, Fordwic'h, As the result of the standing obtain- ed in the coopetition the following girls will represent the county at the C,NIE : Violet Tyndall, Seaforth; ILauretta"M''Cture, Dungannon; Iso- tbel Foster, Fordrovich; Spare, Beatrice Ferguson, 'Clifford. 'Taible setting, service and manners demonstration: 1st, Fordwdch, Mild- red Baker and Isobel Faster. 2nd, Dungannon, Bernice Roach and Laur- ette McClure; 3rd, Wroxeter, Eva Musgrove' and Doris Musgrove; 4th, 'Gorrie, Margaret Foster and Marjorie !Baker; 5th, Seaforth, Thelma Elgie and Hazel 1-DsLa'cdlan. The meeting of the Junior Women's 'institute was held Wednesday even- ing, June 21', in the library with a good attendance. The meeting was conducted in the usual' manner. Ani interesting skit entitled "Dinner Is - (Served" was given by tour girl's, Mis- ses Erma Braadfoo't, Alice Thompson,. Jean Scott and Elizabeth Taylor.. They all took their parts very capably.,. 'When they had finished, all knew exactly 'how a table for a formal dfn- ner should be set. Miss Guest our - Sunitner speaker, gave a very profit- able and entertaining talk on "How• to meet our present problems in a' practical way. 'Miss Dorothy Elgfe's • solo, accompanied by :hiss Thelma, Elgie, and ,Miss Jean S'mith's reading,. assisted by Miss Dorothy Broadfoot; were greatly appreciated. AT MITCHELL Quite a number from Seaforth were in Mitchell on Wednesday evening,. when Premier Geo. S. Henry address-• ed the Perth Conservative Associa'tion.n annual meeting. Hon. J. D. Monteith, Minister of' • Labor, and others, also spoke. MAMMOTH OLD TIME ARDEN 'PARTY THE BIG NIGHT OF THE,YEAR Under Joint Auspices of the LEGION .and $2ND" AT VICTORIA PARK, SEAFORTH Thursday, July 6, 8 p.m. TH'ES'E TWO WORTHY 'O'RGANIZATION'S NEED AND DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT THE BAND ' This it the only appeal: the ;Band will make for a whole sun -at -ter of weekly concerts THE LEGION ,Ask your assistance to help care for needy and incapacitated soldiers The Programme Short Address of Welcome Mayor Sutherland Special Band .Concert Seaforth Highlanders Seaforth Paramount Quartette 1In Quartettes, Duets and .S'o'los M. R. Rennie, D. L. ,Reid; J. A, Stewart, James Scott. Harvey McGee Western Ontario's Famous Scotch Comedian AMUSEMENT, FUN AND REFRESHMENTS GALORE ADMISSION ONUS lOc Chairman, W. H. Golding, .MIP., Honorary Pres. of Band. "Gold Save The King" iIn the event of rain Garden Party will be held an Friday •Evening;:, July ltd. BAND' LEGION - President --WW. J. Herr President -'C. P Sills. IS'ecretary--W. Parke, 'Secretary. J. M. blcMiilan