HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-06-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
Miss Martha Carlile of London
spent the week end at her home here.
Mrs. S. Mereef is visiting this week
Uh Mr. and Mrs. Isaac 1-Iudssolit of
Mr. •incl Mrs, ,Edgar Stewart of To-
ronto are visiting at the home of Mrs.
rSrtewart's ,p'a'rents, Mr. ,and, Mrs, D.
(Foss: shin at the
Mrs. Wm.,Ilenry is visiting
henie of Mrs, 'Stewart's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Foss:
Mrs. W'm. Henry is visiting for a
'few weeks with Mr. arid 'Mrs. John G.
;Scott of near.' Cromarty,
lir, and Mrs. Charles. DaYmans of
Usborne visited last week with Mr.
and 'Mrs. H, 0. Daynran,
Mrs. 'Walter Habkirk and daughter
Miss Margaret left ;last week for the
'West ,where they will visit for some
Mr. and Mrs. Dav'id. Canteen axe
spending a few weeks at their cottage
at Pike Bay. S��,eitzer and fa-
milyand Mrs. A. 3•
mily of the 'Beach o' Pines spent Sat-
urday with, friends: in town.
A good ,crowd attended the recep-
tion given in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
113'arold Bell, newlyn hall'on Thefoedday
evening in the to,
couple were presented with
er fr chairs and a happiness.
friends wish them every
Mr. Milton O'rtwe'in and son Lloyd
of London spent the week end with
relatives in town.
Miss Jessie Bell has returned home,
after a pleasant visit with friends in
The W.M;S of the Carmel Presby-
terian Church will hold their annual
birthday party in the church .on Thurs-
day afternoon. lira. (,Rev.) D. 3.
Lane of Goderich will be the speaker
Mrs. Davidson of North Morning -
ton, is visiting this week at the home
of lir. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson.
Rev. A. R. Gibson of Mitchell will
give an address at the prayer meeting
in the Carmel Presbyterian Church on
Thursday evening.
Miss Mary Buchanan, ,R.N., of Lon-
don, is visiting at her home here.
Mrs. Jack Corbett spent a few days
this week with her parents in Dash-
Mr. and Mrs. ,Moir of Staples, Alta.,
are visiting friends and relations here.
Rev. and Mrs. G. Young of N'aarn,
visited on Monday with their son,
Rev. W. A. Young.
Miss Doreen Farquhar spent the
week end at her home in Stanley.
)tri Stanley Walters has resumed
his duties at the Bank of Montreal
after a several weeks' vacation.
Hisses Margaret and Lizzie Slavin
have returned home aftera pleasant
visit with their brother at Chiselhurst.
The Arnold Circle of the Carmel
Presbyterian Church held their regu-
lar meeting in the basement
Af the
church on Tuesday g•
attendance was present.
The county council and county of-
'.ficials held their annual picnic on
Tuesday at Port Albert, 'There was a
good attendance,
W. M. S. --The June meeting of the
Women's :Missionary Society was
held at the home of Mrs.
15 Hf Harvey
Turner on Thursday, .Ju
p:ns. with Miss Annie Jarrott presid-
ing, We opened our meeting with
Hymn 46, followed with silent pray-
er. Mrs. W. Turner offered prayer.
The scripture lesson was read from
St. Matthew 13, 31-33, 44-46, by Mrs.
J. Cochrane. The Devotional Leaflet
was given by Miss Rena Stephenson
.cn "The Society Woman of Lot's
Wife. 'Hymn 297. The roll call was
called and answered with a verse be-
ginning with the letter "O," The
offering was taken. The Secretary
and Treasurer reports were read and
adopted. The business was taken.
Mrs. R. McAllister and Mrs, W.
Turner were appointed to look after
flowers to be sent to the sick folk of
the Auxiliary. Temperance topics
were then given and hymn. 249. Re-
port on Conference Branch in London
was given by Mrs. (Rev.) Conner,
which were very fine. The study leaf-
let, '50 years In Japan," was given by
(Mrs, R. Stephenson, Mrs. R. Consitt
then read an address and Mrs, R. Me -
'Allister made the presentation to Mrs.
((.Rev,) R. R. Conner: "Dear Mrs,
Conner, --We, the members of the
1H'illsgreen W.M.S, wish to take this
opportunity of expressing our thanks
to you for your kindness and thought-
fulness to us in the past sia years. We
'have always found you ready to give
assistance and your example of gen-
erosity and goodwill will ever be an
incentive for us all. We feel that we
.cannot allow you to leave without in
some way showing the love and ;es-
teem we have for you and so we ask
you to accept this rose bud bowl and
as you use it in your new hotne,'may
you have many pleasant memories of
Hillsgreen W.MI.S, of which you have
been such a valued member. We all
unite in wishing you every blessing
and happiness in the future but es-
pecially do we pray that you may
have the richer joys and the blessing
of God's continued presence greater
op'portunities for Christian service
and when life is ended' the welcome
from the Father. Signed onbehalf of
I-I5llsgreen W.MI,S,"
Picnics and reunions are the order
of the day. Srteplhen'sons, Websters,
(Loves and Troyens have all been cele-
brated in hill C.
!Rev, R. R. Conner de'l'ivered a very
die sermon on ,Sunday 'lash. oWe are
in'dee'd very sorry at Hillsgreen
Church to lose Mr. and Mrs. Conner,
as they heave been ,well l'i'ked by every-
one here.
The Sacrament and Communion
will be held in the Kilpipen:Church• o'n
THURSDAY, JUNE 22, .1933
Sunday morning nt 111' a.nt, `Elie s'er-
vice nt Hillsgreen Chinch in the af-
ternoon will' be withdrawn.
'T'he preparatory service wi11 be held
on Tltursdlay' evening at 7.116 sharp,
We are pleased' to report that Mrs.
IC. Lore is doing nicely now and able
to be up awhile each day.
Rev, R. K. and Mrs. Love of Kin-
tore, Mr,. and Mrs, H. ginner and son
of London spent a day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, W. Love, also a't-
tended Love picnic.
\br 'William 'L. Forrest and niece,
Miss Margaret, visited friends here
1'11. John Cochrane of Stanley town-
ship, who spent a few. days` et Dr.
'-l'Bair's Hospital, Huron Springs, re-
turned to his Bonne much improved in
hir, and Mrs. Wilfred Weide and
family visited, friends near Dlashweod
hir. Chas. Hagan, of Zurich called
on old neighbbrs on Monday,
Mrs. "IT Thiel, daughter Miss Vror-
lyn, of Zurich recently visited with
Mrs, W. Reichert,
1'Ir, and Mfrs. Jas. Love and family
visited relatives at Centralia recently,
Mr. and firs, Harry Hayter ofl Go-
shen Line visited with M'r. and Mrs.
Chas. Stephenson.
Mrs. G. Love wishes to thank W:M.
S. members for their kindness in
sending a beautiful bouquet to her
during her illness.
101d Doctor Stork delivered a baby
girl Wednesday of Iasi week to Mr.
and Mfrs. Nelson Lear. We are pleas-
ed to report that mother and baby
are 'both doing nicely.
Rev. MLr, Gardiner called on a nu'm-
'berin this neighborhood one day last
Mr. Bert Beacom assisted Mr. T.
Knox plant potatoes part of last week.
Mr. Wm. Knpx has for a number of
days been helping in the Sanderson
gravel pit.
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the decoration service in Un-
ion Cemetery Sunday afternoon.
Miss Lydia Reid is re-engaged to
teach in H'arlodk school for the com-
ing year.
Miss Amy Parsons is re-engaged to
teach in the school where she has
taught for the last two years near
Clinton. -
Mr. Wm. Leiper is engtaged to
teach in his home school.. 'Mass Moon,
who has been in ch'arge of the school
for a few years, expects to go to Nor-
Mr. Thomas Knox entertained
friends last Friday also Tuesday of
this week,
Mr, and Mrs. h Rapson made a
short call Sunday evening at the home
of the latter's cousin, Mr. and Mfrs.
David Laidlaw, near Myth. Mr. Laid-
law is very poorly and they have Miss
+Hazel Leslie, nurse, who graduated in
London a short time ago, in charge.
IDa'me Rumor announces a wedding
on the line the latter part of this
meek. We wish the young couple a
nice day for the marriage, .
Mrs. Charles Parsons is at present
laid up with another appendicitis at-
tack, We wish her a speedy recovery.
Miss A. W. MeEwing and Mrs. Da-
vid Reid received word Monday of
the sudden death of their uncle, Wil-
son Campbell, of Seaforth. Sincere
sympathy is extended to all the
Miss Mary Reid of Parkhill is ex-
pected home this week to attend the
wedding of 'her nephew, Mr. Nelsen
'Reid, near Walton.
Miss Olive Knox spent the week
end at the home of her sister, Mr.
and Mrs, Thos, Alpplerby of McKillop,,
ID'on't forget'the Burns',Ohurh lad-
ies' aid garden party at Community
hall, Lons'eshoro, on June 300th.
The saw mill moved into the"neigh-
borhood last week and has been quite
Mr. and Mfrs, Bob McElwain and
'Billy, Mr, and Mrs. E. Townsend and
'_Anna spent last Monday ,on the Wal-
pole Lsland.
.The., Storni last Sunday blew over
quite a num'ber of large trees.
Mr, John lIcCuire is sporting a new.
car these days. /
Mr. Hugh Mdllwain spent the week
end visiting relatives on the Bayfield
Miss Lorna Ellis spent the week
end with her friend, - Miss Irene
Woods on the 4Ith concession.
Mr. Theron Betties was a caller at.
the home of his father ane day last
Mrs. MacKenzie of the 1st conces-
sion has gone to, visit her sister in the
Mr. Herb Wallis, who is visiting
relatives here and in Clinton called on
a number of his old friends this week.
Mr. Wallis has not been around for
some time now and every one was
glad to see hint again.
'IWe are glad to hear that Mrs.'
James Harrison is feeing 'better. She
is able to sit up now and' we hope that
she will soon be up and out again.
Want and For Sale Akita. ]':time, 25tc,
June 1907
At a meeting of the congregation of
'Cromarty Presbyterian Church, held
this week it was decided to i+rvIte
IRev. Albert A. Laing, IB.IA,, of Fort
Qn Appel'le,'Sask., to 'become pastor
of the charge at Cromarty which has
!been vacant since the release of Rev
Cranston in March.
A by-law to loan Elam .Livingstone
of Blyth, $3,000, to 'aid in the erection
of a factory and dry kiln to manufac-
ture handles, hoo:pes, etc.,' was voted
down -on Tuesday at Blyth,
(Child Scalded.
IOn Monday while the youngest son
of Mr, Edward Glenn of Stanley was
opening the kitchen door he fell bads -
wards into a pail of hotwater and was
severely scalded, His injuries were ,so
severe that 'he died Wednesday. /De
was aged two years.
(Our football team, the Lead'bury
Hurons, had a friendly game with the
Tigers of Grey on the evening of the
garden party at Mr. A. Dundas', re-
suiting in a tie 2-2. The return game
was played at the picnic on the 16th.
concession of Grey at Mr. D. Jlohn-
stuns, on (Friday last and there was a
hard and exciting game, as both
teams were considerably strengthened
and both out to win. Although at
times the Tiger's goal seemed dang-
erous, 'the game ended 0-0. ,After the
game Mr. Johnston treated 'the boys
to lunch. The line-up was as follo'wts':
Goal, '1'. Leeming; backs, G. Dundas,
J. Ross; (half -backs, J. Driscoll, J.
(Leeming, 'E, Davidson; forwards, J.
IDennis;on, W. Farquharson, 'C. White,
3. Gardiner, M. Dodds. ,
Tile- {first g'eni'e In the thome=and-
home series 'between Dundas and the
"Hurons" of Seaforth was played in
Dundas on Tuesday evening the lat-
ter winning by 3 goals to 0. Mr.
Frank (Sills, who plays back,. happen-
ed with a most regrettalble accident
during the -second' half of the game,
which was ,purely acciden'ta'l. He .made
a kick at the ,ball which was blocked
by a Dundas player and missing the
ball struck his shin against his oppon-
ent's foot, causing a break in two
places in the shin 'bo'n'e. Frank will be
out of the game for this season and
his place on 'the' Huron's line-up will
be hard to 'fill,
Killed in Toronto.
The citizens of .Seaforth were great-
ly, shocked when word was received
here on S'a'turday of the fatal accident
which .befel Mrs, John 'Weir, who had
been staying in Toronto for some
weeks. Mrs. Weir was expected Norse
shortly to take possession of the pro-
perty which she recently purchased
from Mrs, George IDorrance. 'S'he was
crossing the east side of Y'onge street
near Simpson's grocery when a car
struck' her and the body was drawn
under -;the wheels and almost severed.
Before the car could be jacked up and
the bleeding remains drawn out nearly
ten minutes had elapsed. Interment
was made in Maitland Bank cemetery,
(She was a native of 'S'cotland and carne
to Canada with her husband' in 1869,'
residing for a time at Blake, then in
Minnesota and retired some years ago
to Seaforth where Mr. Weir died a
few years ago.
Successful Students.
The -results of the examinations of
the Ontario Medical Council were
published this week. The successful
students from this district include
Messrs, Will 'Gillespie of ,Seaforth and;
R. Davis of Staffa, who passed their
primary exam also Mr. A. E. Aiken -
head of 'Brucelfi.eld .who passed his in-
termediate exam.
Received Degree.
Mr. (Lloyd IC. Hodgins, eldest son of
Rev. J. W. Hodgins,' rector of Trin-
ity Church, Chatham, formerly of 'Sea -
forth', bas received the degree A M.
at 'Harvard University. Mr. Hodgins
is the first graduate of 'Trinity. College,
Toronto, to receive a degree at Har-
On Visit.
rDr, T. Wilson, who has been prac-
tising his profession as a dentist r in
(India for the past seven years, is home
on a visit with his father, Mr. D. D.
Wilson, and other friends,
Traveller s.
Dr. Thos. McQuaid•, of (Seaforth, to
Sault Ste, Marie; Mrs, George Dor-
nance and three sons of Seaforth,, to
;Red Deer, Alta.; 'Wins, O'Connor, of
St. C,olu reban, to Edmonton' and re-
turn': Mrs. John Copp and two chil-
dren and mother, Mrs.Love, to Ed-.
monitor, Mita.; !Charles Mason, Jr., to
his home 4n Slar,.,.., 'on 'S 1k
as Jahn
A nuinlber of 'White Leghorn pul-
lets, 3110 `months old, Aiplp0\r
ly to JIOIH
T. EWGIIIE, or Phone 31` on 1134, Sea -
;A'bou't 115 acres, of mixed:alfalfa and
tim'ot'hy and about;20 acres of straight
'timothy. his is stanvding on the field:
on lot 1151 con, 7, 'MclKillop. Apply to
either ,Zack McISpad!den or 'William
1MciS'padden, 215.
A small quantity of New Light
Amber Honey at 50 cents for a ten-
lb.„pail. J. C. LM1ING,'S'e'alfonth. Lis.
In loving ineno y of Mrs. 14r,'anlc
Stagg, who died J'un'e 22nd, 19'312,!
from "Gone fro1111x' earth ,'so swiftly,Plucked.like'a flotwer 'b4loom,
So young, so fair, so happy,
Yet called '.‘away so soon,
In ,the cif? of light on the hill far away
Where the sun never sets,
Nor the'flower's decay,
(She has gone to her reset, "•
(Free front sorrow and' pain,
Where in 'God's own time,
We shall meet her again."
—Sadly missed by all the family,
:Mr. and Mrs, John Quinlan wish to
thank the many friend's and neighbors
for acts of kindness during the relies
and death of Miss Mary .Carty, and for
the spiritual bouquets, also those who
loaned their cars:,
(Of Farm Sporck and ,Implements at
Dat '10, concession 06, 'Goderich town-
ship, 3. miles north west of Clinton,
on Thursday, June 29Th, at 1' o'clock
sharp. The undersigned has .disposed
of his fannt to • He'bden -Bros., of Lod-
don, and will positively sell without
reserve the following:
Horses. --,Matched farm team,
Years old; bay mere, 3 ye'ar's old, .web
broken,' single or double.
(Cattle. -4115- . choice young cows,
mostly fresh, consisting of Durham,
Jersey and Holstein; 114 heifer calves,
pure bred Jersey bull oalf; 4 .1 -year-
old heifers, d0' two-year-old heifers,
;Polled Angus 'ball, ,115 months old.
(Hogs, -9 store hogs, 2 young sows
due to pedfit about tinteoff sale, saw
due' to profit in August.
'I'mp'lements,—'Massey-(Harris binder
7 foot cut; M•cCormiok Deering prow-
er, 6 ft. cut, Norse rake, .113 hoe seed
drill, spring 'tooth cultivator, set of 4
section harrows, walking plow, riding
plow, wagon and box, steel tire bug-
gy, fanning mill, hay eat, rape, set of
sling ropes. International cream sep-
arator 600 Ib, Capacity, just new, ser
eral new milk pails, 'forks, chains,
whiffletrees and numerous other art-
icles. Terms—cash, Rev. W. A
Townslhen'd, Proprietor. Geo. H. El-
liott, Auctioneer.
Of Used 'Pianos. at Egmondville, on
;Saturday, June 241111, 1933, at three
o'clock 111 the afternoon in Finnigan's
vacant store, the following Pianos
guaranteed in ,first class condition:
I1.,Nelwcomlbe Upright, walnut case; 1
IAuitotone ONew York), a lovely piano,
mahogany case; 1 IHeintzman & !Co.
player, in perfect shape, cost $1',00&0,
old Eng'lish oak; 1 Stanley player,
golden: oak, and many others.
The above will be sold without -re-
serve. 'Terms Cash, Kitchener Pianos,
Prop.; Geo, H. 'Elliott, Auctioneer,
,A pleasing event took place Friday
evening at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs.
W, 'L. Querengess•er wl en a m'iscel-
laneems shower was tendered their
only daughter, Verna, whose marriage
.Russel Sh.oldece takes place this
lTlhursday afternoon in• ,St. Peter's 'Lu-
theran church, Am address was read
Eby Mrs, J. Amstein after which the
many presents were displayed. A
dainty lunch was served and the re-
maining hours were spent in dancing
in rodlh'agen halite
iM'iss Nora Sihold1ice and .Mr. Whit-
field of Walton attended the shower
cn Friday evening.
August Rose of California arrived
'here by ,motor on Sunday morning to
visit with his sisters, .Mrs. 3. C. Diegel
and Mrs. George Diegel and other re-
latives in the vicinity.
Jack Preuter Inc been visiting with
his sister, Mrs. Dii'btmer in Toronto
for the past week.
(Horton, to Broollcdale, Mian.; Miss
Belle Cummings' and "Mfrs. 'William
Finlayson to Regina; Mrs. W. Ire-
land to Brandon, Man.; Mrs. McAliis-
ter of ,Hensall, to Yonkton, 'Sask., and
return; Mr. J. J. tFdtztpatrick of the'
'p House, to : Elgin, Mao., Ma. R.
Meters, of Chi'se'lhurslt, to Milestone,
i.Sask., and return; Miss ;Teskey, to
Poseur], Mass.,' and return; ;Mr, Geo,
I lteet, to ;Saginaw;; Mr. 'F'ran'k Kling'to Dayton, Ohio, and return.
Hot Weather EGGS
In hot weather Eggs should' be gathered.
twice daily and marketed twice weekly
We are paying good Prices for good EGGS
2 pounds Pare Lard 17c
10 Pounds Yellow ISugar 71lc
124 pbunds`.Pastry Itllour . , 53c
IPriairie Rose Root. . 2.33
(Sep o y F'lot r 2 33'
Granulated "Sugar , ....... , 7.1,8`.
lMen's Blue Shirts 39c . /Tomato' Juice 4 tins 26c
;Men's Overall's . 1.35 M. L. Peas' 3 tins 29c
'Men's Pants . 1.35 (Cascade Salmon, 3 tins ,.'29c
IOoittgge Rolls, pound , , : 13c Paint ()five So'arp , .. -IC for 2$c
{Back Bacon, pound 21c ` iLux Soap 4 fior 215G
Bologna, fresh, gonad' ....13c 'Caley 'Sloiap 4 for ,25c
4x16 Barb Wire
'The annual Strawberry Festival ofl
the ILond'eslboro United' Church Sun-
day School will be held on Friday ev-
ening, June '23'nd, on the ,Community
IIla41 grounds, Londeshoro. S'up'per
will be served front'6 to 8. Following
this a splendid band concert will be
provided by the Clinton Kiltie Brass
and Pipe Brands. A!deniss'ion, adults
30c, and children under twelve 115'c.
Miss Alice Rutland, secretary; ;Chas.
Stewart, superintendent. ou5.
Caren Church, Winthrop, will hold
a Garden Party on the church
grounds on Friday, June 23rd', 'Straw-
berries' and cream from 6 to 8 p. m.
IA! goad program is being ar-
ranged. 2'5.
On Fridley, June 213rd, will be held
at the res'den.ee of (Mrs. C. Holmes
under the auspice's of the Ladies'
!Guild of St. - Thomas` Church from
3 to 6. Admission 251c.
.The Legion and B'aiiid are -combin-
ing to put on a real garden party on
July 6th. It promises to be the event
of the year. Keep this date open.'Fur-
tirer announ'cemen't later.
Do not miss the garden party and
strawberry festival to be held, on,, the
church grounds at Bruce/field on even-
in'g' of Tuesday, 'June Wth. Supper
.served 5.30 bo 8 p.m. Theladies of the
Wo'men's Association will pr.eseict the
play, 'The Three Pegs." The prog-
ram will include musical numbers.
Adm'iss'ion 251c and Lye.
A Strawberry Tea given under
the auspices of"the C. W. L. will
be held in the parish hall, S't. Colum -
ban, on Wednesday,, June 26th, from
6.30 to 9 o'cloo'k. Admission, Adults
25c, children 115c,
Sale of home cooking under the
auspices of the ladies of Duff's !Church
,MoKillop, on Saturday, June 24th, in
The store formerly occnrpied by Mrs.
Sheffer, Sale starts at 3 p.m.
Strong, vigorous week old- Barred
Rock C'hioki. 9c each or $8 per 100.
Act quick. This is our last hatch for
The season, ,S0O'TT'iS POULTRY
'FARM, Sealforth, Phone 215+1-32.
To Dalt. Davidson's 7 -piece Band,
IDrebllin, IFriday, June 123rd. ITic'kets 26c
F. iBoaseolber'ry, piano tuner, will be
in Seaforth about the 27th. rAli orders
can be 'placed in this office, F. 15,01S-
ISIEINIBIERIRIY, '20 (Mitchell Ave, ICit-
c'henei Ont. 1
Lost between Seaforth and Port
Albert, a brown leatlser suitcase,
initials "A, F." on outside. Finder
please com'mu'nicate with 'W. H. El-
liott, Seaforth, Ont., 'Phone 17. /Suit-
able reward.
Wool Wanted
at the
BiY th
Woollen Mills'
F. T. BALNTON, Proprietor
C ille sepic s
Cleaners Dyers
Phone I96w. We call and deliver
V. J. Gillespie, Prop.
If you are considering a
Packer, Disk Harrow, Spring
Tooth Lever Harrow or Land.
(Our prices are lower, with a
special 1'ow price for this
month delivery
IRepreselnted by V. $. MANE,
Phone 464112 Dublin
+Experienced teacher for S. S. Net 4p.
Tuckersmdth township. 'nutlet to
commence Sept. let. Apply, stating
salary, and qualifications, to HOW-
ARD M. C'RICH, Sec. -Teem.,
forth, Ont., 'R.IR.3.. 25
Commencing June 20th, we wslg
run our Chapping mill 'Tueadayn
'Thurs'd'ays and 'Saturdays, also wham
rain stops farm work we will run the
!following day until further notice -
`Phone '148 r all, K!RUSIE BROS- 25
IA position as housekeeper, middle--
aged widow, excellent housekceepesi .
and good ,cook. Town or country.
lPractidal - nurse if needed. 31 RS-
d11F1L1UIlE"GIRIAY, Clinton, Ont
1100 bdshels of ' good Buckwheat
!Seed for sale. ' IW'M. CIOiL1L!N'So
ISeefonth, R.R. 2, Phone 42 on 6'114,
'Clinton Central, tat
Siberian millet seed for sale. Free of
noxious weeds. JIOISIEIPiH UPSIitd IDI„
Phone 14 on 1012, Seaforth central -
(Piano, good as new, to be sofa 4,
very cheap. WIAILKiER'S FURNI-
We will have from time to time a
quantity of four -week-old cockeaelei,
both':Legharns and Rocks, at bargain.
prices. Also started .chicks. Call and;
see us or phone 187r3. SIUININYY1MDZ
POULTRY 'FINRM, Seaforth, •Ort,
IS.ICJW. White L'e'glhorns 2 cents.
IBlarred P. .Rooks, 8 cents. Reductiocs
on 'quantity,, ;and order, if ,called far
'Hatchery. We are selling the sante
'quality d1iicks at these reduced prices
for balance of season. Phone or cynic
us for .Hatchery dates. TIDE IHIU>ROit&
,PiOUILT1RIY FARMS ' (WloodroW &
IBdwler) IBrussols, Ont., 'Rhone 51c car
65-16. d
Town of Seaforth
'Parents or Guardians, who alIoaw''
their childreh unde'r the age of frrfteesa,
.years' to be on the streets .of ;the Towne
after nine o'clock pint., are hereby+
warned that said children are not per--
ernti'tted, to be on the s'tree'ts after nine-
o'clock p.m, unless in charge of pal
enc or guardian, according to Tamm
By-law. )P'arents or guardians are,
liable to be fined for such offenses.
against the by-la'w.
Playing of any games of ball, etc,..
are not permitted 010 the streets.
Children on roller skates are warn
ed' that it is dangerous to Skate on,
the pavements, especially on' the
Highway as there have been scverd.
very narrow escapes from serious ac--
ciden'ts, By Order,
Wheat, per bus. ......... ..---7(lc-
(Blarl'ey, per bus 45
Oats, per bushel 35c,
(Buckwheat, per 'bushel .. ... ,-45'e�
Eggs, per doz. , ..9c-111Ik-I i1c-
Butter, per ,lb. 18e
Potatoes, per bus, goo.
'H'oge, per :owt. .....,.$�Q