HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-06-22, Page 304 7' if: 440104,1trMOOk
THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1933,,
Once again the mysteriOns and
mighty. House of Morgan is standing,
as it stood 20 years ago, before a
'Congressional inquiry at Washington
and the judgment of the world gt
large, says a writer in the Winnipeg
'Evening 'Iribuitre. This -house is re-
garded' as one of th.e greatest private
banking ,institutions in the world. 'Sy-
nosy mous with 01'Dney and , the power
that goes with it, there are those who
say that it has dominated American
finance for nearly 70. years.
To the tourist strolling ;through the
narrow canyon of New York's Wall
street, the headquarters of the House
of Horn is a squat, severely plain
building ' set into the corner of Broad
and Wall streets, directly across front
'the sub -treasury and within a stone's
throw of the Stack Exchange.. TOwer-
•ing buildings overhang it on all sides.
_The plain, massive door -lintel bears
no Mseription. Letters coming from
that office bear no legend but V213
'Wall street," In Ithe financial section
it is known simply as "The Corner."
_ 'Faint traces may still be seen on. this
stone front of the bomb :explosion. by
•'which in 10(20 a fanatic tried, to de -
Stray it. .,
• To: the business visitor, the interior
is equally strange. There ia a lar,ge
room on the main floor. Ranged in
rows, suggesting a schoolroom, are
the desks of the 20 Morgan partners.
,Little is seen of the nearly 1,000 ern-
, ,ployees of the firm. Most of them are
in an adjoining Intilding. At the far
end- of the room on the side facing
Broad Street, behind a law glass par-
tition, is the desk Olf. J. P. Morgii.
An Open fire burns on the hearth; an
eoctil portrait of the elder J. P. Morgan
• looks clown. There are conference
•rooms on the floor above, Nat most
• of the conferring is done simply by
stepping , from one desk to another.
hTher.e is seldom so much as a secre-
tary in evidence, and never theslight-
est sign of confusion. Though these
Morgan partners work at a pace that
has killed many .o.f them prematurely,
there is no sign of activity here be-
yond that of any quiet, well-run
1, 'banking toom.
Popular Stallions
To the student of organization, the
mouse of Morgan offers ari interest-
ing problem. Its precise organization
is unknown, for if is a' private part-
nership, unineorporttned. Though is
some respects it is one of the great-
est banks 0 the world, it is not a
hank at all Under New York State
law. The relations between the part-
ners and ;the reigning Morgan is a
contractual one whiell may (;and
cloes) differ with each pa,rtner.
No reports ever' are made of • the
Itina's condition; reserves, resources
and deposits are unknown, Recoi2tis
f theetingS (DIf the partners are not
kept. A partners*, leov,,ever, is said
to be worth a million • a • year, to some
'live millions, :and so on, Mbrgan is the
sole arbiter :off aOl disputes. At pres-
ent ehere ane soMethirrg :like 20
partners. '
J. P. M.organ, head of the house= -
whose revelations are shaking. up
'things across the border has long
Ibsen. known as "the most undemo-
cratic man in the world." The pri-
vacy with which he invests his every
dot is a fundamental part of the man,
bred, into him from .the cradle and
,not to be drOpped easily.
Morgain was born in Irvington, N.
Y., on September 7, 1067. The only
son ofe, a rich man,: he' was trained
irom liirth for the position he would
some day -occupy.
lIsa. 1913, the elder Morgan died,
leavingto his son the direction of the
,firtn's vast enteoprises,
nation-wide . agitation prose
against "interlocking directorates,"
long maintained by J. P. Morgan Sa-.
The younger Morgan's first import-
ant step as president of the company,
was to withdraw, with his partners,
•from the directing beard's, of more
than 30 corporations.
'The younger Morgan ould hardly
have ascen.dedto power at a more
trying.time. He was hardily settled in
his chair at 23 Wall street when. the
World War broke out.
In ' January of ,1915 the Morgan
House became the purchasing agents
of the British and ,French Govern,
merits, at a commission of one per
cent. To realize the size of the job
that implies, one must stop and think
of the staggering size of the pur-
chases made in America during the
War, by Britain_ and France. Every-
thing those Governments bought -
munitions, food, material - was
bought by the House of • Morgan
Billions of dollars were spent. No
bank in history had ever handled so
great a transaction, •
Then there were mighty. loans. In
the second year of the war Margin
floated the largest -leery ever issued
up to that time -$500,000,000 --;to re-
plenish the Angle-Prench war cheat,
To float this loan he had to organize
a syndicate of 2,200 banks.
'By April of 190,7 he' had arranged
British 'and French loans to th.e tune
of $1.500;000,000, And then the Unit-
ed States entered the war.
This increased the amount of fi-
nancing the Morgan House had to do.
;Between 10117 and 1026, • Morgan &
Co. loaned $1,71717,000,000 to .12
Morgan's luxurious private yacht
Corsair, valued at $2j500,000, has car-
ried him up and down much Of ,Eur-
ope's c,oastline, and he has spent
much .time abroad, He is a familiar
'figure on. the Riviera and spends
much time in England. He awns sev-
eral estates (homes), including the
picturesque country seat known as
Aldenham Abbey, Hertfordshire, Eng-
land; alOo GannochY Lodge, Scot-
On two occasions assassins have at-
tempted to take the life of Morgan,
In 'phYsical appearance, Morgan is
almost the cotintenpart of his father,
the sante massive' physique, huge head
and • calm manner, less imperious, if
• "It's betting time, men, time to
het. Bet 'em .right or bet 'ain vvrong,
geta little het d,ow,n. H'ow'll they
roll? You "can't win if you don't bht."
The motrotoiron's monotone of the
croupier drawls on. No, this gambling
scene is not laid in Monte Carlo or
any other foreign country, but right
in Toronto the Good and its immedi-
ate suburbs, says Thom,a,s Percy in
Maclean's 'Magaztine.
"Fiddlesticks," the average Canad-
ian scoffs. ",Thcre may be an odd
poker, or crap game played among
the boys, but as for' any organized
gambling on a big scale in gaming
O ouses in To.ronIto Toronto the
.Goods -why, 'it's impossible!" Not
only is it Possible -it exists! In To-
ronto and its suburbs there are no
less than twelve recognized gambl-
ing houses -recognized by the inter
nfty Who Patronize them, 0 by na
others. 'There -may he more, In the
co urseeo 1 a :two. weeks' investigation
the writer visited an even dozen, not
5,1 the hope of making a atick, :eas.3
fortunee but to fined out whether or
not the stonieis hi, had ;hard of ‘,cleig
money''' being .won or lost Were true
md, if possible,. thee gaming
houtes keep op:en,
),...1 The Handsome, 'Choicely Bred -
,e Clydesdale Stallion •
No. (25032) (20576) Imported
Approved Form l'Enrolment No. 2096
• Monday noon. will leave $his, own
• stable lot 23, con. 5, Logan, and pro-
ceed to Peter H'ignell's, lot 14, con.
5, McKillop, for night. Tuesday -
To Jos. Flannigan's', lot 6, con. 7,
McKillop, for noon, :thence to Rock
Bros., Brodhagen, for night. Wed-
• nesday-To Thos. Bolton's, ' lot 19,
con. 10, MOKillop, for twat, then to
Geo. Bennewies, lot 8, con. 42, Mc-
Killo:p, for night. Thursday -To
Amos Wicke's, lot 29, con. 114, Lo-
gan, for noon, thence to George
Siemon's, lot 24, con. 10, Logan, .for
• night. Friday -To his awn stable
• " for noon, where he will remain until
ehe following Monday noon. This
route will be continued throughout
the season, health and weather per-
mitting - e
Terms -4112 to insure, due Feb. 1st,
1934. '
Proprietor and Manager.
• Clydesdale Stallion
• (21563)•
Enrolment No. 4110 ,Approved, Form 1
• Monday leaves his awn stable, lot
22, con. 13, Hibbert, goes north lg
• miles and welt. 10 Ed. McKay's for
noon. Thence west arid south by
• way of Wh te s ch cod to Walter
• Madge's for night. Tuesday -West to
' the• 2nd concession of Hay, then
south:'to Earl Campbell's for noon,
• then soutloto Leo' Johns for night.
Wedn es diay-Eas t to Larry Taylor's
• :for noon, then ,east and north to,
• Jack Simpson's for night. Thursday
--North :byway of the boundary to
•:his. own stable Where he will, remain
:oath ISaturday Morning. Saturday -
• North arid east to Doneld NICKM-
for noon, %thee south to the
"1-2111 concession and west to his own
- stab I e, wher,e he will re main until the
f new ing Mon clay Morn ing. This
• route `will be continued for the sea-
son, health and weather, permitting.
' 1 Ternts--$10 to insure.
• iP:rop.
The' Stories of Mt -tones won or lost
on a crap table in one evening are
true. Dot hew :the backers of the
houses 'keep their places open, with-
out more than perifdrictory police in-
terference; is still a mystery to the
writer. Two of the twelve :gambling
houses seem to be better patronized
than the others. They have larger
b'inclings and bigger staffs, and they
operate in a more wide-open manner
than the others, Mile's, apparently are
'more or. less .upstarts in this hard -to -
find, easy -money world where a dollar
en,e.Tainea st.ewsrnstel 010.1111:raalpcse,n,pt 1,taoyetdhewiavvhentag,,oe
him try to raise a ,small loan and see
him d'owti
manl-until Inc goes broke, Then let
enstwthile playmates
turnidentical sikesided dice; marked with
spots from' One to six, is the most
popular game in every "joint," al-
though •"lelaciejack," sametime's call-
ed "pontoon" or "twenty-o,n.e," is an-
other go:paler game. In two. of th,e
gaming hones ,foulette wheels have,
been installed and are getting a good
play. Let us visit one of these so, -
called 'c'clubs" and see what manner
of men 'keep 'the Wheels going round.
'Entrance is by introduction, it was
found. So. having reaehed a Man who
was already a "memther," we started
out for gambling Jaime No. 1, situat-
ed in the west errd, but strategically
'placed outside the city limits, "Drive
in this landway and keep going to the
relar," my guide directed.e1 drove in,
and a flashlight b'lin'ked from behind
the 'big building, picking out a park-
ing spot in the midst of forty or fifty
cars already there. The'time was just
after eleven o'clock in the evening,
and I was informed that we would
likely be a little early for any big
,play, which usually starts shortly af-
ter midnight. The c'ar' parked, we
walked back to the entrance, a glass-
'enClosed ,parch with a locked door. On
ringing the bell we were kept .waiting
a nroment, probably being scrutinized
by unseen eyes from some vantagt
point; then the automatic dbar-catch
:clicked and we entered the porch. An-
other heavy, locked door barred our
way, hut in a moment it, too, opened,
and we -walked into a small square
room fitted with, a desk and a few
chairs, where two meh silently looked
us over. "Been here before?" one
mguide answered. "Name
of This is a friend of mine. He's
all right."
"Sign the register," we were ord-
ered. That formality completed, we
Were perfunctorily searched for weap-
ons or liquor ---neither of which is al-
lowed on t'he premises of any of the
houses, I later learned. Finding noth-
ing, the searcher called out, "Okay,
'George," and a third door opened, let-
ting us into the "club" proper, "Did
you see the fellow in the cage watch-
ing?" my guide asked.
"What fellow and what cage?" I
asked in turn, bewildered, for as far
as 1 knew no one but the pair in the
reception room had seen us so far.
"At one end of the small room
where they searched us, there is a
'false wall made of steed plates. A man
Srts eiind there with a gun all night
long and watches every 0110 that
conies in to see they don't make any
trouble, These places have been helcl
up, you know. He looks. through a
slit in the steel up near the ceiling,
and shoots through that slit, too, if
"Nice people," I thought. "At the
next place we go to I must watch for
the "1111.111am." Up the stairs we went
and into a small office. An elderly
sittihg behind a desk and read -
Mg a neWspapet, glanced up as we
entered. He smiled and motioned us
thtough another heavy door, unlock-
ed, into the gaming T00.111. On the in-
side of this last door there were sev-
eral heavy catch locks, as well as a
steel bar, presumably a precaution in
case of a raid. By the time the raiding
officers 'could get the door open or
batter it clown, the gambling appara-
tus could be stowed away in a safe
Elaborate precautions are taken to
guard against any surpr.is.e raid, my
companion 'informed Inc that he with
the .ffashlight in the yard would be the
first one to give an alarm, he stated,
Several Push buttons 'placed at stra-
tegic points about the building woolci
come intouse at the first sign of any-
thing wrong-. These would warn the
persons inside that a raid was in pro-
gress, and the work of getting ricl of
the 'apparatus WOO Id start et once.
03y the time the police got in every-
thing would be .hidden, ancl unless the
slice, chips, sticks and crap 'layout
could be found, gambling could mot be
proved against those freq.uenting
the house. •
!Inside the room in which we now
stood were three large billiard tables,
only two of Wh it'll were in use. Wood-
en, Sides about eight or' nine inches
high, covered with, green cloth, had
been erected along the sides of the
table to keep the dice froin going off
to the floor. Black markings an the
table alteach entl showed the bettors
Where to pkuee their money, while a
smaller alloiths covered. with figures
that ine'anit nothing to 'me but oip-
parently had real meaning to the
gamblers, was set in the middle of
the table., Three employees of the
house work et each table, 'one handl-
ing the dice from the centre of 040
side, while two Others, pay off and
take in money at the ends. The olay-
ers-often as many as fatty crowding
arottod one table--eake up what space
is lett. The dice pass froth one player
to the next in turn, going round and
round the table inthe course of the
-night's pilay, Crap, as played in these
gambling honses, is a intech more
'complitated game than that usually
indulged,, in Iby the average players
:Who get clown on the carpet and "roll
the bones" at some parties. Basically,
the idea of the game is to roll a seven
or an eleven on the first roll. If seven
or eleven comes out on the first roll,
the shooter wins the amount of mon-
ey he has bet and 'gets his oWn hook
If, however, he rolls a "point" -that
anything but two, three, seven
eleven or twelve -he must make the
"point" he.shot first before he malkes
a. seven or Inc loses. Also, he loses
if he rolls a "crap" on the first roll.
A "crap" is either two ones, a three,
or two sixes. +1,n addition: to this
comparatively simple way of betting,
the gaming houses have worked out a
system of "odds" by which the
gambler can get action on every roll
of the dice. If ;lucky he can 'make a
fortune in five minute's; conversely,
if unlucky he can lose one in the
same tinie. There is a fascination to
the game that draws the heavy
gamblers as a candle drat/Vs inoth.S.
"It's betting time, men, time to bet,
Bet 'em right or bet 'ern wrong...."
the croupiers' voices repeat steadily.
Edgiog up to the table, we stood
watching for several minutes until
we caught the eye of one of the em-
ployees who, on a stepladder at one
:side was waltc'hing the progress of
the 'cgiames. "If you're not idaYing,
step back from the table and let sorne
one else in who will," he advised us,
and guiltily we stepped 'back.
"l3et,ter play a -little .or they% not-
ice es again,"1 my guide advised me,
so I stepped up and bought ten chips.
One dollar is the smallest bet that
can be placed either for or against
the dice, although some of the "Odds"
'bets can be made for a low as fifty
cents. How much money changed
hands after each roll of the dice is
problematical, but the two pay-off
men at each end of the table had in
their hands neatly piled bundle's .of
twenty -dollar bills at least two inches
thick, 'Each must have 'had over $2,-
000. Every now and then another
empMyee would' .come along to gather
up the smaller bilis „which had been
received from the bettors. Finally the
dice came to ine, Eagetly, for the
gambling urge was descending upon
me after :seeing others make money
easily, 'I plated a dollar chip on the
line and rolled the dice, Seirenl Sure
enough, there it waa. The croupier
dropped a second chip on top of the
;first. I left it there. This time I rolled
a five for a point. _Almost at once
another five came op. I had W011 15
second time. Now my original dollr
had multiplied until it was four.
"You're hot. Put six with it and bet
ten dollarsl" my goide and craps ad-
viser whispered, "Easy money," said
V to myself, and placed another six
chips on the four I already had out.
'But this time I tolled a ten, one of
the hardest points' to make, and short -
13r afterward up came the seven, I
had lost my three dollars profit and
seven of my original ten,
,This time I bet my tem'ainiog three
chips .that the dice would go against
the shooter. For ole to win, he would
have to throw craps on his first roll,
or get a point and then not melee it,
Vostead of doing that, he made a
seven on his first roll. I had guessed
wrong again, and was out ten dollars
which I had bet.
'Who patronizes these gambling
houses? At this. one alone there were
men who, by their looks, clothes and
actions, came from widely separated
&asses 01 life. Slome were :poorly, even
raggedly, dressed. -Others were more
presentable than the average business
man. Most were young meet although
,there was a liberal percentage Of mid-.
dle-aged and a few well beyond that
All were white, although craps is gen-
erally thought of as a negro game.
Many of the players might have work-
ed in offices, as clerks in stores, in
any of a thousand' capacities. Most of
them did work. The gambler who
,rnakes his living by gartibling alone is
hard to find in Toronto, 1 wa.i' told.
"How about these stories one hears
about men losing their !Manes and for-
tunes in places like these'?" I asked
my companion, "True enough, in lots
of cases," he replied, "although it's
not so common as to happen every
night. What does happen is that
young fellows, working on a salary,
often come out here and lose their
:week's wages. They come back again
the nett weelc and do the same thing
There being already in the hole and
hoping. `to get out of it, they may
borrow money to ,come back again.
Usually they lose what they borrow-
ed, and the first thing they know
they are in so deep they get desperate
'for money, especially if they are mar-
ried acid have homes to keep up., Then
anything is liable to happen. They
may steal money from their employ-
ers, hoping to win hack What they
'have lost and replace what they have
stolen. Again, they may go out and
stage a hold-up, That young bank
robber they caught a few weeks ago
used to oome here quite often, He got
away with about 1115,000 in three
bank hold-ups, and you can bet that
these gambling houses got more than
their share of it. He was so well
kndwn here that he borrowed $700
from the "boss" tend $500 from the
proprietor of another joint, giving
them I 0 U's for 10 A few weeks
'before he was caught be came back
here and paid them both up.,"
"H'on, late do these games run," I
asked. "Four o'clock in the morning
is quitting time, but usually only ane
table runs that late, Most of the Play-
ers go home about three, if not before,
This place supplies taxis to take the
players hoina if they haven't cars.
Taxis leave about every half hour for '
the east and west end of the city, so
even if a man goes broke and has no
car he doesn't have to walk home.
These places have lunch counters
where you can get sandwiches, sof`
Services We Can Renger
In the time of need PROTECTIONe
is your best friend.
Life Insurance
--To protect your LOVED oNna, ,
Auto Insurance -
To protect you against LIAR/LIT-14'
to PUBLIC and their PROPERTY.
Vire Insurance -
To protect your HOME and id
Sickness and Accident
' To protect your INCOME
Any of the above lines we can give
you in strong and reliable companzeoa
I', interested, call or write,
Phone 334 Seaford?, Ont.
drinks and tea or coffee free for the
asking. Plenty of fellows Came 0s2
here, lose a couple of dollars, then
eat enough to get their Money's
worth. But if they try that more than,
orroe or twice they dot% get iss
again." •
"Are the games on the squarer 1 -
wanted to know. Alc'cording ,to isay in-
formant, they are. "They can't affor&:.
to be anything else," he stated.
One surprising feature of these
gambling houses was the class of em-
ployees. Where one expected to find.
flashily dressed, diamond wearing;
pasty4wced men, one found men suds
as are met in everyday business Me.
Most of them were tanned and heal-
thy looking, and in their off moments -
they talked of their golf scores. andi
other amusements even as you and L.
At that, theirs is a well-paid job. Eaolx
roan receives $90 per week of six.
nights work, or $1,5 per niealt. Titer
work from ten in the evening
four in the morning, ,ancl have Su.nriar
nights off. As far as could be found.'
out, there are no gambling houses
operating then in Toronto. It is a..
strictly six-day :business,
Some make money there. More lose,
it. And Still the croupier drones on:
'It's betting time, men, time to bet.
Bet 'em right or bet 'em wrong, but
get a little bet down...."
H•usband and wife were touring tfie
shops in the ',West End :of London.
Presently they stopped outside a
play 01 of hats 'in a shop window.
"There you are," he said, pointing
to an attractive stYle, "buy yourself
that hat. Itll suit you."
She shook her head. "But that
style is not worn now," she replied.
,He painted to another hat. "How
about that ,one?" he asked.
"No; everybody is wearing that.
kind," she returned.
Miller's Worm Powders are a sant medicine for worm -infested chil-
dren, and they will take it without
objection. 'When directions are fol-
lowed it will not injure the most deri-
Fate child, as there is nothing of an.
injurious nature in its coMposition.
They Wil/ speedily rid a child of
worms and restore the health of the •
little sufferer whose vitality bas
come impaired by the attacks of thesa,.
internal peste.
'Want :and For Sale Ads, 3 times 5E0ta.
e,a.; o•.„ Oes,tlt,.n5legletalleato o....fOOOO41.0.4."0/' i'?/"`"7://i0
We Are Selling Quality B
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily.
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Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next On -ler.