The Seaforth News, 1933-06-15, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 1'S, 1933
Superior Sam!!
(Ladies .and Gen'tlem'en;! This week we present t'o you a remarlk-
ablelhbtle fellow who .has recently joined the Superior Stores Organlz•
ati'ou as a "Research ,Specialist" and investigator 'etdtraord'iu'ary. He is,
none outer than "Superior Sa'm.': Each week through the medium of
,the ,Superior S'tore's' advertisement,he wli'bl yell of his adventures as he
,goes 'from :pllace to .pllaee. You will see him d'oidg the moat unusual
things and in the most unusual' places, but this is to be expected of
"Superior Sam" who is' a most unusual .man.
!Featured this week -end at your loclal Superior Store is an excep-
tionally fine fist of bargains in quality bade and householdproducts.
At such low prices itwill pay you to stook up your larder with a sup-
ply of these items. ,Remomlbe'r markets are advancing and prices will
!span he higher. ,•
Items for Week Ending June 21
PEARL -NIArPTHA SOAP , 10 bars 28c
,AYLIME!R CATSUP large 12 oz. bottle 2 bottles 25 c
2' 23c
Pickles .of Superior Quality
O -range Marmalade 40 oz. jer`29c
Old Homestead Peas, No. 3 Sieve 2 tins 20c
Red Rose Tea, special Orange Pekoe. % lib. 36c
1Pork and Beans, '116 oz. tins, 4 for 25c
St.Clhamles •or, Carnation EvalporaEed Milk, small 510 ..... .... tall l0c
;Benson's Corn Starch .- per pkg. 12c
Hawes' Floor 'Wax 4s 43c
!Hawes' Floor Wax pints 55c
Have you entered the Cedar Che'st,Conitest?
Standard Tomatoes, 2%'.s 2 tin's 19c
Superior Braking POwdee 8 oz. 15c W6 oz. 23c
(Royal York Coffee, %'s 20c 1's 45c
!Ingersol( Cream or Pimento Cheese, small 2 pkgs. 25e
per ,battlei•t
• 29c
ICenho,'jellies all fruits
Ivory Soap Flakes per pkg. 9c
,M'oOorm'i'okis After Dinner Mints per lb. 25c
Crosse & Blackwell's Prepared M'u'stard large jar 10c
Big Five Cleanser per tin Sc
Arrowrioat Biscuits per lb. 29c,
' IS'h':redded Wheat Biscuits 2 pkgs. 25c
Tapioca, .Bullet, Milk White, Fancy 2 lbs. 19c
' Raetkitt's Brag or Keen's Squa'reaBlueing 7c
"Prunes, .large, fancy, Santa Clara 2 libs. 25c
5 S'anit'ary large Pail and 10 Bars Surprise Soap alt for 79c
Ross Sproat J.Qhone
ss N Pryce Rhone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates s
Confidence . e
and a
Dependable Reputation
Good Quality
Please u by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by our services and highes'
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
The Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Motor, or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER; holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day,phone 67
"Poultrymen generally would ' .rap-
pear to be cion,fident-so•far '.a's•the 191313
egg and poultry deal is concerned,"
said T. A. Benson_, of the Dominion
'IGovernmenit, who is. Senior Pianism
Promoter in Oliutarciio, "there have'
evidently been more c'h'icks 'hatcheld
and sold by our h05tdh'erymen this
season. than last., I't mighlt be -thought
by some that, while this condition
may indicate confidence, it may be
!discounted ' .by a heavy crop of eggs
and ' poultry later. in the season, ,
suiting in law Prices:
"It should be pointed out however,
that stocks of poultry meats in stor-,
as"pel';afignres ptilhlilslhstd bit' the
'Dominion Bureau of Statistics show
a decrease of 516;07 per cent as et May
1st, as eondpared with the same date
last year, and a descrease of 35.83 per
cent on May list es compared with
April list this year. Eggs held in stor-
age as alt May list last show a de-
crease of 115.08 per cent. as, compared
With the five year average, alt'houg'h
there is some increase in the holdings.
as at May list, .1933, compared with
May list, 11932.
"T'here' would appear to, be some
strengthening Of commodity prices
generally and although- this is a't-
tri'buted by.some to merely antilicial
!condi'tion's it is one of the first signs
we have witnessed of whatwe believe
is a gradual trend towards norrma•1
conditions. 'The general state, `.of
m'in'd would alppelar to have inclined
Iolwards gptimi'slm so' far cis' econoonic
'cond'iltion:s are concerned' 'for the first
time in two years; and, after all, this
is the psychology that le needed to
help -things along: We think we are
jutsitified in an a'ttitud'e' of reasonable
'confidence so .'far as our Canad'ia'n
Poultry . Irndusery is conicenned, the
industry which has' .mori than held
its awn throughout the depression
which we believe is gnaw gradually
bel arhiiig"a? inn\abter of 'hrs!torf,"
Mr. and Mrs. D:unican Shaws and
lliss Calt'h'arine Dickson of Hamilton
were visitors Sunday with Mr, J M.
,Rdbertson and Miss Robertson.
Mr, W. H. Golding, M!P., and his
father, Mr. Henry Golding, and - Mr.
Henry Hbggarth attended the funeral
of Mr, S. Miller at Stafta on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin, who
ha'v,e spent the past two months here,
mOved their household gonds to Clin-
ton on Wednesday.
Mr. John L. Henderson, who has
been ltd for some times has recovered
sufficiently to be able to sit up for a
few hours each day. •
Mr. T J Stephens/of the Queen's
Hotel, is visiting his" friend, Wabter
Watts, Manager of the Dbini nion
Bank in Chatham.
' Miss Ella Roulston has returned
'front a !two -weeks' visit with her
'brother in New. York City.
Messrs. J. F. Daly, Tam Cluff and
Bill Sutherland motored to Toronto
on Wed!nies'day,
;Ms. Paul Mulligan of Toronto is
•spending a few days visiting friends
in bhlis vicinity,
MT. Trem•eer, framer' and contract-
or, 'Tuckersrnith, Id'as engaged Mr.
Prank F en'i,gan to operate his farm
for bhe season. Mr. Finnigan is this
week moving out to the farm.
Mr. A. Hiles Carter of Toronto
University is spen'd'in,g the holidays
'with his p!areirts, Mr. and Mrs, Nor -
.man Garter. ' '
Miss Bessie Edgar has returned
Gram Sault Ste,' Marie. • •
Miss Myrtle Hunter and' • M'i'ss
Marie Bicknell spenit the week -end
at Clinton at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Hunter.
Mr. Peter Daley 'left for bhe West
on Wednesday from Walkerton, 'a'c-
companied by his granddaughter,
Miss Ethel, Daley, who will go to
Calgary and Pater to the ,• Coast. Mr.
Daley intends spending a month at
Penticton, B. •C., with his two daugh-
ters, Mrs J. H. Thornton and Mrs,
Miss E. Sparks, Miss Myrtle Hun-
ter, Mr. Nonman ,Scoias and Mrs. C.
Dungey and daughter spent Friday
evening in Mitchell at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, James Kiane.
Misses Veda and Laura Mole
spent Saturday afternoon in Stratford.
Miss Helen Chamberlain spenit the
week -end in Clifford.
iMrs, Slltoecraft of New York left
On Wednesday alter visiting her
aunt, Miss. Davidson, for ;Moose Jaw,
ISask„ where slhe will visit her par-
ents, Mr. and Mer, Adam Brdadfoot,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne S. Webster
and ,daughter Freda spent the week-
end at the home of Mrs. Webster's
sister, Mrs: Fred Moult of. Owen
Sound, .
IRev, and Mrs. I. B. Keine and baby
Doris are spending 'the week at
The Misses. Cresswell arrived home
from Pasadena, Calif., on ,Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne S, Webster and
daughter Freda called on Mr. and
Mrs. John Mdllraiith and Mr. and
Mrs. Berlin or Durham over the
week -end. • •` '
Mrs, MdLood and her daughter
Florence, of Winnipeg, are spending a
few weeks 'with bit, and Mrs. W. J.
McIntosh. Mrs. MilLeod is a sister
to Mr. McIntosh,
l'ir. and Mrs. Wilbert Webster, ac-
companied .by Mrs, S. Cudntore and
sons, of Usb'orne, were Walkerton
visitors on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Daley of M'e-
Killop were visitors at Walkerton
on Sunday.
The WlM.IS; of Northside United.
Church are holding a ,birthday party
on Thursday evening, June 115, with a
splendid program al musical numbers
and a,pageant-by the members en-
titled; "The Reiport of the Spies."
ILunoh will ,he served in the b'a•sement.
Everybody welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eclaart' and
family ` from Oakville were visitors
wi'bh' their parents lest Sunday,
Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph Collins of
Buffalo called .on: fritinds' here this
Rev, J. M. Eokant ,from Hawthorn,
N.Y.,' is'‘pen.ddn:g his holidays with
his brothers and sister§ itr Dublin, St.
'C•oluunban ,and 'Seaforth.
IThe many friends of Mrs. C. Eckert
are sorry to learn that She is''not im-
proving as rapidly as expected.
' Mr. Fraser Obiver attendied the
con vocation' at Toronto -University
on Thursday ,where, he received the
degree of MIA,'Mr. Oliver is spending
?the holidlays wall his parents, Mr,
and Mrs; Thomas Oliver,
Mr. and Mrs.' R, G. Parke and Dor-•
athy. were Sunday ' . visitors ' in
, Mr. John Henderson is making a
satisfactory recovery 'from his seri-
ous operation.' for appendicitis of ten
,drays ago and will .soon be able to be
removed to Isis home.
Col., the Rev. R. H. S!tea'cy, C1M.G.,
'Ottawa, First Divisional Chaplain .- of
the C. IE. ,F„ accompanied Mr.- and
Mrs. W. J. Webb, Gananaique, to
Seaforth for bhe week -end where':thcy
were, the guests of their. niece, 'Mrs`,
J. RseH'aw and ;Thomson.
'Mr. and MI5. J. A. Case returned
last week after' spending two . weeks
at Burleigh Falls, Mr. and Mrs., Geos
IS'chdfield' of Detroit, who accompan-
ied thein also returned.
!Miss 'Margaret McKellar and Miss
Muriel Beattie leave for Qttebce the
1st of July to take, a two months'.
course in French,
Miss Margaret McKellar is visiting
friends in Toronto,
Miss Mapj'orie Bickell of Toronto
spent th-e week -end with her parents,
'Mr, and Mrs, W; J. Bic'kell3
Mrs. L. Dickson and Clete return-
ed Wednesday after spending a week
in Blyth.
!Miss 'Gladys McPhee of Blenheim
was a week -end visitor with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. M. MclPlhee,
' 1Nr, Edward Archibald df New
York city is sp'end'ing a couple of
weeks' holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Archibald,
;Mr. Travers Horton of Toronto and
Dr. and Mrs, J. Willi'a'm A. Greig of
Toronto are guests this week of D'r,
'Greig's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mrs. Hugh Grant of Victoria B. C„
and Mrs. Charles Uipah'al.l . of Sasldat-
chew'an, are visiting Mrs. Herbert
The Zion congregation held their
anniversary services in this church on
ISundiay last. There ,was a large crowd
present bath morning and evening.
Rev, Sinclair of Henson delivered a
very fine addresssin the Morning, a11so
Rev. ,L'loyld of Granton in the evening.
Mr, and 'Mrs,. Jas. Willis:' Jr. and
daughter visited at the home of Mrs.
!John Johns on Sunday lash
Mr. John Allison and daughters
Marjorie and Marion of Springfield,
also Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock
of. St. Thomas .tdisftedin this commun-
ity over the week end.
Memorial Hospital on Thursdtay.
June 8, 191313, to Mr. and Mrs. 'WIal-
l'ace Holl'inglsiwodth, .Seefortht, a
RiOLMES .--In Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Thursday, June 8th, 1933,
to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph! Holmes,
Walton R.R. 1, a .daughter.
FIINNIGAN, — Iii Scott Mem'or'ial
IHospital, on Friday, June 9, 1933,
to Mr. and .Mrs. R. A. Finnigan,
Egmondviile, a son. '
GIIBBLN'GIS, — At Kindersley Union
Hospital, on Wednesday, May 17th.
,19313, to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher B.
Gi'bbings, a son (Harrold William).
HAZEILWOOD. — In Hulle'tt, on
Tuesday, June 16, 1933, to Mr, and
Mrs. Jahn .Hszeiw^ood Jr. a son,
(Reginald Franklin).
Sale of Home`
!at 3p.m.
Sat.,Jtnie 17
In the
store lately ffer occupied by Mrs.
- She
IDadt, Davidson and his 7, -Piece Band
Gents 50c. Ladies 215e
During the
Summer Months --
Hairdressing will be done
on Friday and Saturday
only of each week at the
Royal Apts., 2nd floor.
Phone 207
Doro by Robison
Auto Insuraoce
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at `•
Non Tariff Rates
id's 'worth your while to see us,
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly andsatisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and.
Day Service
Phone 152
D. Sutherland
will beheld' in 1.';I'
On Monday night, ,June 19th, at Gbderic'h will start bhe first of the
series of six Concerts for the Lions Crippled Children Fund of Huron
'County. It is a huge undertaking and reflects great credit op the Club
'which wholly and singly have worked so hard for this humane cause,
to keep it alive during this time olf stress. The unfortunate Crapp'ied
'Child is no respecter of times or ,conditions and we must carry on;
therefore" a have to pull up the belt another notch and help. We are
sure 'the whole County will respond nobly to this, great cause,
,A committee of the Lions Ciuib will be in when this week to faster
lute sate of seats! Help theml
'This Lions Fund for Crippled Children of Huron County is one of
the most deserving charities possible to donate funds to, Aln•y cash don-
ations could be sent to Mr. Barry Edwards or Mr, 'Rdbt. :Tldhn'ston,
IG!oderich. Every penny goes to, the cause—there is iso exception.
II. Organ Solo Mr. Somerville
(a) "Overture listAct ,Lohengrin Wagner
(ib) Woo:dlland Suite"McDowel'1
e. !Baritone 'Solo IMr, Meakins
(a)"Behold I Create" from "The Holy City" 'Gaul.
(Ib"Mysellf When Young" "Persian Garden" Lehman.
'3. Violin Solo . ..:bliss Peggy Moreland
l(a) "Adagio Pabhetiqu•e" Godard
!(ib) "The Swan' St, Stens
4. '!Vocall :Duet Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart
"Oh That We Two Were Ma -sing"
b. Lecture on Crippled Children Work with mewing pictures, Mr.
;Reg. H'o'pper, Secy. Crippled Children's A!ssroc.
"'6. Organ Solo .Mr. Sommerville
(a) "Pilgri'm's Chorus" "Tanhbusser" Wagner
(b) "Songs My Mother Taeght Me" Dvorak (variations)
7. IBa'ritone ;Solo Mr. Meakins
(a) "The Bells of St. Marys"
(b) "Ro'se in the Bud"
3. Vidlin Solo Miss Moreland
(a) "Sdhan Rosntarin" Kreider
,(ib) "The Last Rose of Summer" Auer (transcription)
9. 'Vocal Duet Mr. and ?tors, J. A. Stewart
"The Day Is Diane"
1'0 Organ Solo Mr. Sommerville
"Pontlp and Circunis'tance" Alger
"God Save the King"
The Sunday School Anniversary
services held on Sunday were a suc-
cess in every way except, the at-
tendance was not as large as ex-
pected. Rev. C. C. Koine gave a splen-
did talk to the children in the morn-
ing on Lessons to Be Taken from the
Sees. Tlie service of songwas led
by the young people of the Sunday
School. There was an anthem, "Keep
Smiling Through" and solo by Kelso
f.Aid'wms which was much enjoyed.
A .beau•tiiui duet "Lead Kindly Light"
by Mrs. Darranice and Ivy Simmons.
Alt the evening service the. Rev.
'Mr. Gardiner assisted. Rev Mr. Koine
gave an inspiring and timely address
on Matthew 20130—"Then came to
him the mother of Zebedee's children
with her son, worshipping him and
desiring a certain thing of him." The
music by the choir consisted of an
anthem "Fling Wide the Gates." A
Ibeauti.ftul solo by Mrs. Lindsay and
a quartette, "Wandering Child Came
Home," by Miss Ivy Simmons, Mrs.
W. Britton, Mr. Geo. Wheatley and
Mr. Wm. Britton, which fitted in
with the message of the evening and
was much appreciated.
The Rev, C. C. Kaine of Seaforth
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. R.
B. Rogerson.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett and son Rus-
sell of Toronto are spending a few
days with the former's sister, Mrs.
Clarke, and other relatives.
Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Oliver of Wal-
ton spent Sunday with Mrs, 0 -liver's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dunlop.
\tr. John Rogerson of Bethel visit-
ed his brother Mr. Rogerosn, and
Mrs. Rogerson on Sunday.
Mr. and Sirs. E. Adams and daugh-
ter Donelda visited Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Donald, Staffa, Friday last,
'Mrs. ,MdNabb of D'raytou is spend-
ing a few days with her niece, Mrs,
John Ferguson, and Mr. Ferguson.
Miss Florence Taylor who has
been a'ttendin'g Western University,
is spending her vacation with her
mother, Mrs. Henry Taylor and
!brother Harvey.
Mrs. Ed, Britton and Mr. Walter
Broadbent of Walton called on Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Lindsay an Sunday.
The return softball garrte between
Bandon and IGinlburn was played here
on. Tuesday evening. Bandon came
with con'fiden'ce as they won the pre-
vious match 17-130, but they boat the
(bacon this time, The score was 40-,1l
in favor of K•aburn, The boys play
Roxboro on Friday evening on Rox-
boro grounds.
The nearly completed frame work of
the new -barn au the Tasker farm
((formerly the laite William Rlinn's
(farm) was brawn dawn in the gale on
!Sunday afternoon. Most of the ninth
end remained standing and as the tim-
ber of the rest was not damaged when
it fell the work of replacing it is' being
drone this week.
Mr. Fred Folwler is having a gar-
age erected.
Mr..anid Mrs,'Jo!seph Yungbdut at-
!tenide'd the funeral, of 'Mr. 'Clifford
Lensing of the Base ,Line, 'near Aub-
urn, on Wednesday, last. week
!Mr. George Y'u'n'glb1ut of 'Auburn
visited his cousin, 'Mer, Joseph Yung-
lvlult, one day last week.
Waist and For Sale .Ads. 1 time, 25c
JUNE 16th
Admission -20c. Ladies -10c
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Farquhar and
children of near Clinton attended
dTurns United Church service on Sun-
ay and spent the afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Firs. Norman
Mrs. Knelchtel and little .Maxeen of
the West are at present visiting at bhe
'home of the fonmer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ferris,
Mr. and Mrs. I. Rapson, in com-
pany with lir, John Leiper attended
the funeral off the former's cousin,
Mr. Clifford Lansing on Wednesday
afternoon of last week.
The Misses Helen MoEtwmg, Mar-
jorie Colson, Kathleen Beacons .and
Mrs. I. Rapson spent Tuesday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gib-
bings near Clinton,
The June meetings of the W.M.S.
and Ladies' Aid of Burns' United
Church was held Wednesday after-
noon of last week at the home of
IM's. George Watt, Mrs. .Jennie Knox
assisting. There was a good atten-
dance and a very busy and pleasant
'afternoon waslspent as preparations
'were being macre for the garden party
which is to be held' on the 30th of
Pune. Watch for posters at surround-
ing villages. A dainty lunch was seri-
ed. The July meeting is expected to
be at the home of Mrs. Franc Mc-
,The Sunday storm blew- down one
of the Knox Brothers' silos.
IA number of the fainters ,in this
neighborhood had their stables spray-
ed this week, Mr. 'Thos. Colson and
Mr. A, W. Beacom being among the
Archie ,Campbell of Toronto
spent Sunday with relatives here.
IWe are sorry that ,Kaltthleen Shan-
non is confined to ter 'bed and under
the dlacitor's Ioare.
1Wiiithrgp ,pl'at'ed football in Brus-
sels on June 9th. The score' was 2-1
in favor of 'Brussels.
Ethel 'plays 'football in Winthrop on
June ,115th.
Miss Vena 'H'eis't is visiting lir. and
Mrs, Elton Heist of Toronto.
1Mrs. Harold : Gleiw is spending a
few weeks with her mother since com-
ing from the Seaforth hospital, ,
Mr, "James Wallis is engaged for
the 'summer by Mr. Nlolbie Holland.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland and
M.5, G. Switzer attended the funer-
al of the latter's' nephew, Mr. Ken
eebh 'MclKenzie.
Quite a number in, the neigiib'or-
hood:' attended the two funerals, the
date Kling Harris and the lame William