The Seaforth News, 1933-06-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR, THE SEAFORTH NEWS:
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
i he June meeting of the 1Women's
Missionary •Society ante W. 'A. of
(Duff's'United Church was held at the
'home of Mrs. Jahn Bruce on Wednes-
day afternoon last with a good atten-
dance. ITlhe president, Mrs, ((Rev.):
C. 'Cumiminig, presided over the mis-
sionary meeting, •svh'idh opened with
(prayer and .a 'hymn, after which *he;
Bilble Lesson entitled "Rebecca" 'was
given by Miss Margaret Knox. The
im,inu,tes of the previous meeting ,were
read' by Miss Edna Reid owing to the
a,bsenlce of the secretary, Mrs. John
!McDonald, iIt was decided that the
next study ibook be ordered and .also
study leaflets for •three months,, The
financial report was given by the
'treasu•rer, Mrs, Walter D ,vidsoe, and
!Mrs. .Ed. 1Bri,tton, The Christian
Sbewardsh'iip secretary gave a reading
on "Preparing Early for 'Contributing
•to the Love Gift." The roll calf was
respond'ed to with a Benediction, after
.vvIrich Mrs, (Wilbur Turnbull gave a
reading on "The Latest 'News from
the Mission 'Field." Following a
•prayer by Mrs. ;Peter Mehrthur a
\ very interesting topic was given by
Miss Annie McTaggart on "The
Work of the (Board of Hoare Mis-
sions." from the study 'book, The
eneeting closed with a hymn a'nd.
prayer by the president.
The W. A. meeting was in charge of
the president, Mrs. George 'iMeTag-
gart. Fo'lidwin'g the opening exercises
three letters were read regarding
seeds which were sent to the West.
Arrangements were made for the an-
nual Garden 'Party which will be held
early in July. The meeting closed
with 'a 'hymn and .prayer.
Mrs, Ska'litsky and stepson from
Factory Upholsterin,
Work Done and Guaranteed by
C. Atchison
Prices Reasonable.
Phone 179
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
IMr. Jim Roberton of Winnipeg is
visiting ,his mother here;
Mr, and d Mrs, John Nott and Miss
'B'elle attended the Yungblut reunion
at Stratford on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H'arold' Johns!tbn o•f
Condon and Mr. Fred Johnston. of
Paris Sund'ayed in the village.
Mrs. Garter of pear Chatham is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. W, Alan-
(Mrs. Cowan and Mrs'. Gree Sunday -
ed at the home of Mr, H. Riley.
Mrs. D. D. Roberton of , Clinton
spent Wednesday at the h'o'me of her
uncle, Mr. C..Ruddell,
Mr. and Mrs, George Beattie of
Ingersoll visited relatives here on
!During the severe wind storm here
on Sunday afternoon Mr. ,James Rob-
ertson on the 113th concession of Heel
lett had part of his barn roof torn off
Northern S'a'skatchewan are visiting and also Mr. Bert Hunking suffered
her 'brother, Mr, 'Wm: MoCulla, Lead -1 the loss of his 20 by 50 foot poultry
house co'm'pletely destti-oyed, being
Imr. George Kirkby Corbett
torn from the cement foundation, and
spent the week end at his home. The 'D'art of the cement going with it, also
.cyclone which, pas'se'd through the most of the shingles on one side of
southern pant of the county narrowly
his large barn roof were taken off.
missed his school ands vicinity. 'Mc. A'llbert Shad'dick has improved
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Young of Pori his home by ,having the Hydro install-
(Huron came Saturday evening and ed and other improvements made to
pent a few days this week with the
bhe house,
'farmer'•s sister, Mrs. Jo'sep'h' Camp-
bell. sion of Hulfebt sold .recently a' fine
Mr. W. C. Bennett ,and ohfld'ren and S'h,octhorn animal from their accredit -
Miss Dorothy Drager were in Kitch- ed herd to Messrs. Kay & Meyer of
ener on Sunday visiting Mrs. Bennett. IGue'Ip'n for agood-price,
(Walton fo'otb'all team by winning
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc1Caal, Mr. W.
Moon and 'Mr. J'as. Elsley visited at
the game at Manctheirieff on M'ond'ay ev- \1r. Muton Hioo'per'•s of St. Marys on
ening kept up their record of not los- Sunday and also drove around to see
ing a game so far this year, 1. Walton
se me of the'results of the h qrricane
scored a goal in the first half. Walton
did not get going well until the last
that passed through that section.
seven minutes of the game when Car_ Mr. Wm. Gas er pent Sunday with
Port Colborne friends.
ter scored twice, marking the final
Mr. and Mrs. Jn'o. Anmstrong went
score 21 in favor of Walton. The to London on Sunday and met Mrs.
weather was cold for players and spec -
Armstrong's sisterh
tators. Bell of 'Brussels was .referee, gs who returned with
Miss Erma Workman, who has them for a visit.
:been working at Mrs. H. Shannon's,- Quite a number took in the fake
has returned to her home in Tucker -breezes on 'Sunday and some report
smith. : even having sand 'breezes after the
Bliss Jessie 'Dennis and Wilfred storm came on.
Dennis have had their tonsils comes- Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Shaddick re-
ed at Listowel hospital and are im- turned frim their honeymoon on
Monday evening and are' busy now re-
proving aiicely iff is- decoratin
'Suss Selma Yost al Clifford is v g their'house which they
fling at Mr, H• Shannon's. have had remodelled and also hydro
installed. Their
Miss Viola Carter is home to spend many friends extend
to thein a long happy life.
the suaug with her parents. Presentation.—A very leasant ev
Hugh ugh Fulton is spen'd'ing a fessy p
days in Exeter with hissister. Mrs.ening was spent Friday, June 2nd a
Howitt. She had the misfortune to the hoose of Mr. and Mrs. Thome,
Salt and: break her shoulder. lFairservice when about fifty of the
Mission Band of Duff's Church met villagers gathered together to Present
an Sunday with an attendance of 43. Beatrice with some Adam silverware,
Jack Murray presided and the meet- half a dozen each of the knives and
ing was opened by stinging 5175, Mary forks, Mrs: Adams started the even-
Humphrey read the Scripture lesson iDg with a soap contest and in the
and Mrs. Cumming led in prayer. The meantime a little bridal party was be -
minutes of 'last ,.meeting were read and ing arrayed. Mrs, J..Armstrong began
adopted and new business in connec to play the' wedding march and the
tion with bh'e lemonade booth at the little bride and groom .came marching
gar:den Party was discussed. It wasinto the drawing room followed by a
decided to ask for donations of home-
made candy for sale at this booth
also. After singing hyrnr "I ,Love to
Read that 'Story of -Old," the
. :birm'hd'ay offering was received. The
'Watch Tower was taken by various
merrtib.ers of the M'is'sion Band and
classes were formed for study period.
,, 'bit the close of study meeting was
finished by singing Hymn 405 and the
Miz'plah benediction,
Miss Margaret Bolger went to
IL•ondlan lals't Wednesday to bake a
position for the summer at Spring-
bank Park with Mr. William Lo'wry,
'\ir.'and 'Mrs. Neil McNeill of Bed -
more attended the funeral of their
cousin, Mrs. Cuthill, and visited with
friends in the' village lest Wednesday.
Mr. William Bennett is home from
the West on a visit.
Very little serious damage was
done by the wind on Sunday except
on. Mr. Joshua Dennison's farm, west
of ,Leadbury. The whole barn moved
about seven inches on the fo'und'ation
and part of the sidewalls of the
foundation collapsed. Five horses
were in the barn but were not in-
jured. Pant of the steel roolf o f a
shed beside. Humphries & Co. store
was torn off. A. large pane ofan up -
stair window -atthe rear ,of the store
was blown out and no trace ofi it nee
`.;been,Eound. ,
dainy little flower girl. The little bride
was Betty Brunsdon who looked very
sweet in her long White dress with
'veil to match and the lit'bl'e groom was
Phyllis M'cCooi Who made a charming
little nnan with her white trousers and.
little dress coat . Dorine Armstrong
acted as the little flower girl and look-
ed lovely in her little white dress and
wore flowers in her hair. 'The little
bridals party presented Beatrice with
rhe silverware. Miss Lawdy Young
read the address and Beatrice gave a
very suitable reply, thanking every-
body for the beautiful gift. Mrs.
Armstrong, then played again and the
lfefle bridal partymarohed out. The
next fe;atntre of the evening was a
;'pelting match and proved to be very
interesting. A bounteous lunch was
then served, consisting ;of sandlwi'ch•es
and cakes. AU present had a splendid
evening and showed' by their splendid
gift the esteem in wlhich bhe young
couple are held in the Community.
Sh'addick-Fairservice.—IA very ,pret-
ty wedding was solemnized at high
noon, Wed.nesd!ay, June 71th, at the
h'o'me of Mr. and Mts. Thomas Pair-
•'ervi'ce when their eldest' dlau'ghter,
IBeatnice Amore; became the bride of
Aubert ^S'haddliok, coin of M•r, Thomas
Slhaddio'k of Hensel], The,officia!ting
clergyman was Rev. Mr. Gardiner.' of
'-[ondesiboro United Church. The,' bride
looked lovely iii her gown of white
pointe d'eslprit over silk, her veil behi'g.
'held in place by orange"blosso!ms. She
wore white shoes, hose and ,gloves and
carried bouquet of Briarcliffe roses
and lilies of the va'll'ey, The bride was
given in m'arriage by her father. The
rbride was attended by her sister,
(Gladys, who wore a .gown of maize
silk crepe with ace'essonie's to match
and carried a bbeaquet of yellow lilies.
The groom was attended by his bro-
ther Ernest, of Hensen. Miss Nora
Vancairnp, cousin of the bride, played
the wedding march and during tihe
signing of the register Miss Vancamp
sang a solo, "Until," accompanied by
Miss Mary Whitman on the pian''.
!The bride's mother wore a gown of
'pale blue crepe with grey hose and
shoes. Anter the ceremony a dainty
[buffet luncheon was served by five
cousins of the bride, Misses Nora
'Vlancam'p, Ruth Noble, Mary and
Jenny Whitman and Verna Johnston.
The young couple left atnidst showers
of confetti and good wishes fora mo-
tor trip to Toronto and other points,
the bride travelling in $and dress and
coat with acces's'ories to match.' Upon
their return they will reside in Land
esboro. There were about fortyguests
present. The room was prettily decor-
ated' in pink and white. The bride re-
ceived many beautiful and useful gifts
including a handsome cheque from
the .groom's father, '
Death of William Brigh'am.r!here
passed away in Clinton 'on Sunday,
June .1ii[, after an illnessof one week,
a highly respected former resident of
lLondeslboro, in the person of William
Brigham, in his' Nth year. The. late
Mr. Brigham avowed to Clinton a'ldtble
over a year ago having dis'posedirf his
farm at Lond'esib`oro to Mr. C. j'oi'd'ari,
whose home in Clinton was turncd•ov-
er M Mr, Brigham in the deal' His
wife predepeased him some years ago
and he lived with his daughter, La-
vine. The funeral took place .Wednese
day a'fterno'on with a brief service at
the home, Albert street, Clinton, fol-
lowed by a public service in the Unit-
ed Church, L'ondesboro at 3 o'clock.
Interment was in L•ondesboro cemet-
statement a discussion followed on the
raising 'af funds. Ilt was decided.. to
have a'bazaar d'ud tea, the date to be
set later. Two verses of hymn 347
was sung in,clos!ing. The WiM,S. met
at the close of the W'oanan s• Associa-
tion; ,in the absence of the president
1St vice president, Mrs. Leslie was in
charge. Two verses of the. 2nd hymn
was sung; Mrs. Carr offered prayer.
IDe'vational leaflet was read by Mrs.
El. Johnston. During the routine busi-
ness letters of acknowledgment were
read from sick member's for fruit and
flowers sent, also a letter froth the
neighlborholod assoclialtiion, Toronto,
asking for homes for Fresh Air Chil-
dren during the holidays. Miss Saralh
Howatt favored' with a piano selection,
Rhe herald's gave readings, Mrs. J. A.
•.hills, Japan; Mrs. Carr, Ohina; Mrs
J. Ferguson, Trinidad. The study
book, 5th chapter was taken by Mrs.
H. McElroy, A bri.elf reporlt of bhe
seventh annual' meetingOf the London
Conference branch olf the IW1M.S. bf
the United Church. held in Dundee
�St Church, London, was given by
Mrs. Colclough, The meeting closed
Iby`singing a hymn read repeating bhe
'Mizplah benediicbfon. Hostesses,' Mrs.
IJ. A. Mills, Mrs. J. W. Mills, Mrs.
iCo!iclough; Mrs. Wm. 'Holwa'tt, Mgrs,
N. Sanderson. .
Miss R'u'th. Barnby of London was
a week end visitor with friends here.
Mrs.. Wm. Johnston left last week
for a mornth'•s visit with her daughter,,
Mrs. Arthur Dolble, Vnc'tdria,
Mrs. Amms'tr?ong'of Sault Ste. Mbrie
is visiting her parents, Mr, and 'Mrs.
Nathaniel Johnston. '
Miss Lois Rolbfinson has secured a
'position as teacher in the Welland
public school to start after the sum -
'fuer holidays. -
Miss Ernva Leslie of T'oron'to was
a visitor at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Armstrong of
London s'penit Sunday with the form-
er's mother, Mrs. M. Armstrong.
Mrs. John Pickett of Maple Creeks
lSras'k., is spen[ding a few days with her
sister, Mrs. John Maines'.
The wind storm' on Sunday after-
noon brought dolwn a few trees in this
vicinity. Hlahf of the shingles on the
west side of the large barn of Mr.
James Logan at the edge of Blyth
were stripped off. Motorists going
north and south on the hi'ghiway were
detoured for a .time when a big poplar
tree fell across, the road bringing
down the hydro wires and as some of
the telephone lines were down also,
the men could not be reached.
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's' Issltitute was held in Memorial
Hall on Thursday, June &th. Presid-
ent, Mrs. 3, 'W. Mills, presided: Meet-
ing opened by singing the Institute
Ode and repeating the Lord's prayer
in unison. The president read the
'Scripture lesson, the roll call was with
a pine apple recipe. Miss L. Herring-
ton was appointed pianist in place of
Mrs, Holl-yntan, who resigned her po-
sition with Sirs. J. . McGee, assistant.
A program commi'ttee was appointed
for the grandmother's meeting, 'Mrs
!Scrimgeour, Mrs. Richmond and Mrs,
A. Taylor. The 13lyth branch was gi-
ven Home E'con'omics as their sub-
ject on the standing committee for
'West Huron. Mrs. Coicl:ou',gh was ap-
pointed, convener, Mts. Wightman
gave the report of the district antsual
meeting held at Winglleam on Tues-
day, June firth, followed by a reading
by Mrs. S'critngeour. A much apprec-
fated quartette was given, by Mrs.
Phillips, Mrs. Herrington, Mrs. Wm
Gibson and M•is's Louie " Herrington,
The district president, Mrs. Gordon
iB'issett, sof Goderich, was present and
gave a splendid address on Canadian
'Women of Note, A vote of apprecia-
tion was tendered, Mrs. Bisset for her
,well given address. An apron contest
was held and the members wore ap-
rons and formed a parade and a cop-
per dropped 'in ilio pocket of the ap-
ron they liked best, Mrs. Mills taking
the prize for the tnost coppers. Mrs.
Herrington was in' charge of the con-
test. The national anthem was 'sung/
in closing. A five cent tea was served
I'by Group 1', Mrs. Richmdnd, Mrs,'
Scrimgeour, Mrs. A'; Taylor, Mrs.
The regular 'monthly meeting of bhe
Woman's Asso'cia'tion of the Q.ueenl
street United Church was held in the
school room of the church on Wed,.
nesday, Julie'.7tb: President,Mrs. R,.
'Richmond presided. 'The meetimcg olp-'
ened,by. si'n'ging "Josh's Keep : Me
N;e'ar,the' Crost,t' and the Lend s,,pray-
et' r"epeated''in unison: Aiffe'r he'atditg
the'endinietes .read •, and:. I th' ,D financial
The W.ibLS. of the United Church
held a quitting in the town hall last
Thursday, I e '
Mrs. A. MlcConnelk retutned' dvotite
ast week after • 'spending the past
north with her sisters in M'inneapol-
Ms. and Mrs. Nelson Reid spent tlie
sleek end with ,friends in Miclt'igan.
A large, number in this vicinity at-
tended the Troyer and Stephenson re
unions last Saturday in Blayfielid'.
1Shinglinig bees are now the order of
the day., •
!Mr. and Mrs. W. R 'Stephenson
were in London one day last week.
(Messrs. Elmer and Melvin Webster
have been ex'changing their cams ` for
better ones.
Mr. Geo. Douglas of Hensel was
in this vicinity last ,S'a'turdlay adjust-
ing claims again's't the insurance corn
pan .y.
IMr. and Mrs. D. M'clNlaughibon and
Son visited at the home of Mrs. Poste
and Mrs. 'Sparrow and Mr. and Mrs
Mr. Harold Elliott left on a molten
trip to Los Angeles. WW'e ^ believe h
intends taking .in the World's Fair
Mr, George Beatty, Sr., is, still con
fined• to bed, we are sorry to report,
lAmong 'those on the ;Farr line who
suffered damage in, the wind and '1mi
storm las't Wednesday were iMessrs
Art. Johnston, ;George Reid, A!1
Johnston' and IGeorge Connell, whose
trees, teleplhone and hydro 'po'les an
wires suffered damege and. barn roofs.
Alt M'. Connell's the barn roof wa
'badly torn by the 'storm and a large
elan tree near the road bhown'down,_
.Fatally Injured - 'Siinon Andrew
YM'iller, 'proinineivt resident of :Crom-
arty, met 'instant death abouteight
oiclack ''Fri'day evening, when the
large . section of a da'nlce floor, which
he was assisting in moving, felt ,on
top of Trim, The sections of the floor
'were tieing taken ebur' and 'Mr. 'Mill-
er was assisting 'by 'hol'din'g tip -The
sections while 't'he other men •carried
them away and .put them in place,
Apparently they over -balanced and
crushed hint to death' :before 'help
could 'arrive. -Dr. .McGregor of Dub-
lin was called but life was extinct.
Coroner Dr. A. 13..Armstrong of 'Mit-
chell visited the scene and as far as
is kn•owu, no 'inquest will take place
Word of the death of Mr. .Miller
came as a shock to a wide circle o•f
frienda. 'He was in his fi•5'th year
and had lived in Cromarty 'nis entire
life, 'operating a . wagon shop for
more than forty years. the was a
woodw=orker by trade.. 'Besides his
wife, formerly ;Susana 'Stacey, he is
survived by one son, 'Lloyd, Avondale
avenue, !Stratford; three brothers,
All exander and Th,pmas Tinim'ins;
[Alfred, Toronto; and two, sisters, both
in ,Calgary.
The funeral was !held at the late
home at 2'o'clock on Monday. Inter-
ment took place in, the Staffa
' IAlttend'ed by, many friends from
IHIi'lverton, Mitchell, !Seaforbh, Hen-
salt, 'Toronto, Timmins, Grimsby,
'tra'tford and the surrounding neigh-
borhood, the funeral of M'r, Miller
was held from his late residence ' on
Monday afternoon. The dee'p sym-
pathy felt for the bereaved family
was expressed by the profusion of
flowers. The service was conducted by
the Rev. Elder, of 'Milverton, assist-
ed by Rev, Cranston of:Wglland, both
former pasltors of Mr. Miller. Dr.
'Duncan of St. Andrew's Pre.sibylterian
church, Sltratford, and. A. Raeburn
Gibson of Knox church, Mitchell,
who all brought comforting mes-
sages? A solo was rendered by Mrs.
Me'aidb'ws;, `Wimgham.' The remains
were laid to rest in Staffa 'cemetery.,
Pa'llbearers ' were Otto Walker, Roy.
McCullough, John Scott, 'William
Car,plbeli, Alfred Dow and Duncan
Searching The Ruins of
IRev. T..C. Wilkinson of ,Sit. Helen
wtlh preach next Sunday, Rev. W. A.
[Bremner taking ann'i:versarJ`. service
at Whi'teehurch.
Nurse Rohner returned ' to he
home in the village last week.
'Miss Jessie Tough of 'Stanley is vis-
iting friends In the village this week.
'Misses Laura and Dorothy 'Swlan
are visiting friends in 'Toronto thi
Mrs. ,Rothwell Of Toronto . is' th
guest of Mr. and Mrs'. Ross Scott
Mrs. Wm. R'attenbury this week.
(Mrs. James Moodie spent a few day
with her mother, Mrs. S. Thompson
of Kipper who is ;seriously ill.
On Wednesday evening, June 7'th,
a 'happy family re -union was , held at
the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bair
when seven brothers siste
'net, as • a family who' had not been to
gather for 211 years. They . are an un•
broken Family of the late Mr. and
Mrs. James Alikenh•e'ad of Stanley tp.
'Hugh, Frank and Duncan of Stanley,
john and Mac of London, Dr..Alber
of Calgary, Dr, William of Toront '
an'd, Mrs. Casket' of Manitoba . ('for-
•merly Miss Isalbelh,) who has not
!been to see her fniend's tor the past
'fourteen years.
and Mrs, Ben. D lbaiser of
Detroit spent Sunday at the home of
1112 lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Zapfe.
'Mr. and Mrs, A. - W. Norris were
'Centralia visitors` recently.
Mr. and Mrs, F. O'Brien, Mr. and
Miss Treffry visited ' with, Waite.t
friends Sunday.
Mrs. Cecil Slteseart, Exeter, spen
S.uud'ap with her parents.
'Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Hay,. Tucker
smith, visited at the home of Mr. Jim.
McDonald, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Suhr, Stratford
spent 'Sunday with th-s'latter's broth
ers, Messrs. George and Prank Tuf
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell
Farquhar visited with Mr: and Mrs
'Goa. Butson this week.
Mr. Henry Drake of Manitoba i
visiting with re'la'tives. It is twenty
four ' years since he loft here.
'Mr. Wm. Piper, California, Mrs, $
Norris, Mrs. Henderson and Miss E
Norris, Mitchell, attended ' a N'orri
gaith:ering at the home of Mr, Jni:o
Drake on Saturday.
Miss Agnes Patrick and Mr. Clear
ence Norris were in Toronto a' few
days last week
Mr, Henry Golding o'f Sea'forth wa.
a visitor in the village 'Mon'day.
;Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oliver 'were
in Toronto'last Thursday attending
'convocation at Toronto ,University,
The. regular monthly meeting o -f the
H'ib!bert council was held on Monday,
June lath, all uteri -kers 'present, the
Reeve in the chair. The minutes of :the
previous meeting were read, confirmed
and '. signed. The count of revision for
appeals against the ass e'ssment roll
Was resum'ed:,:A number of minor al-
'terations, transferring . df ownership,.
etc,, were authorized and the court
closed, the roll s'tandi'ng as finally ree
Wicked Sodom' and Gomarrah vised: Assessment, '02,11094101, 'Genes-
°el' business included': Tenders dor
(Ain article evidence thuat'tr'uoking .,gravel from ''Core's
I Y and
has been found of evil practices whichliHiorton's pits, were opened. 'Clarence
e,daslperatbd the Lord to destroy the Loolby and Percy Parsons, the lowest
sinlfud 'Cities of .the Plain by "brine- ('tender .being' aocepted, Percy ,Parsons,
stone and fire. Read this "illusltcalt d [Block IT, ,lige ,per yard b1,•2, 20Ic• ilil, 3
article in. The American Weekly With 30c; 'bl. 4,. 30e, 0; r FP r.
plltatjve from
Su'n'ds Detro'It'Tlim`es, :! V
-Now Playing
(Two full length features'
Mon. -Tues: Wed., June 19-20-21
"Cavalcade "
A Blpiectaiele, Vastwit, h ypaljastt'ic, Moving
(Diana Wynyard and Clive Brooks.
This big slpdciall at regular prices
Thurs..Fri,.lSat., June 2'2-23-24 •
Marion Nikon Zasu Pitts
Thomas Meighan 'Jack Oa'kie'
Hibbert, Logan and 'Fullarto'n Agri,
iSo'ciety was present soliciting spec-
ial grant. No action was taken: (Road,
exlp'enditure orders for t1' and Gen-
eral expense 01'34 'were issued. The
ineetin'g adjourned' 'until' Monday,
Linty 10th, at Il—Mrs. Kalth'leen
Feeney, Tiwhp, Clerk.
;Your correspandlent was ahead' of
time in saying the crusher was moved
into Calvin Hillen's pit, as the brusher
was undergoing .repairs and by -that
time the county' decided' to do some
repairing to avoid a long - haul and
'when this week is over the stvork .will
be done and the move will take place.
Mr. Jos, Morgan returned to our
burg- fast week after an absence of
five month's and his h!antd which was
cut by the bozz saiw is much improv-
'Mrs. M'iliton. Woodsof the 41h con.
spent a few days last week in. Lonldbn.
Mrs. Jlas. Harrison of the 'Cut Line
who has been under the doctor's' care
is abie to sit up a while now.
Miss Florence Kinswell and Mr.
(Ray VfcAdam spent Saturday with
Mr, and •M'rs.--Sam Mdltwain.,
The death of Alnidrew.MdG'u'ire-took
place on Thursday afternoon, at the
home of his sin' John. [Mr. MIdGu'ire
had been ailing for some time and
had been confined to his bed since he
fell and dislocated his hip over two
months ago. He celebrated his $'9th
birthday last month, The funeral was
held on Monday morning.
Cleanliness Essential in
Production of. Milk and Cream
The greatest obstacle in the mania- ‘j,
failure of uniform,hi h rade dairy
g g Y
[products is the difficulty in securing
high quality milk and cream from the
producer, Research has shown that
processes designed to.. improve bad
flavoured or sour cream are seldom
very effective, and in all cases they
are expensive, The solution of the
problem, therefore, lies in the proper
care of the raw materials on the farm.
(Experiments at tite O. A. C. show
that morning cream from a separator
that has been flushed and left stand-
ing overnight, frequently has a bac-
terial count fourteen times as high as
that obtained when a pro;perl'y wash-
ed and scalded machine ' is used.
Added .to this the skimming efficiency
of the separa'tor is reduced owing to
dirty discs of the machine. The loss
due to the low grade obtained from
cream produced in this way, frequent-
ly amounts to one-quarter of the cur-
rent valve of butterfat, and the rev-
enue is further reduced through the
difficulty in marketing a poor pro-
(During Farm and Home Week at
the O.IAtiC. June, 19th to 331rd, the De-
partment of Dairying will put on a
display of modern farm dairy
ment, and will' give dembns'tratio.ns
in the simple operaitions.n'ecessary to
insure the production o'f high qual'i'ty
milk and creabu, Tlip Dep,arfintent will
also derrr'onstrate the making' of sov,-
erad types of .cheese, suitable for home
A'n Elrrtlpire preference of four shil-
lings and; sixpence (over a , dollar)
per cwt. of 1.12 pounds is given by
Britain on all applies and peons ex-
ported from Canada, on ,the under -
Standing that Canadian grdwers drake
every effort to increase. production,
IA catchecro!p • is a crop w'h'ich is
grown to take the place of a regular
crop itt the rotation which has been
killed by unfavorable climatic condi-
tion's, or a catch -crop may ; be one
which is grown along wrth:'or,betw'een
the se,asonls - of regular crops. Most
freq'ently the calteh-crop isgrown to
take the plaice of some crop which has
been minter -killed, such as clover or
'winter grains.
Wantand For,Ssle Ads, l,time 25c.