HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-06-08, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1933 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE STOs Val.ue, at Superior Stores Each bine you.deal at a Superior ,Storeyour dollars and cents realize !their highest value Not .only is the merchandise that you purchase fairly priced, but you are also rendered additional services which are not included in the cost, The merchant who serves you is one whose rich experience and knowledge of food !prod'ucts protects land guides you ui•ylour' ,purcha'ses. The fact ,that he.. operates a Slupperi'or (Store indicates ,that he is progressive and alert to new .ways and means to malting !his''store more valuable to 'the community, In most cases Superior Stores maintain !a,free delivery service; an out- standing service to the busy housewife. Remember 'their slogan - WE SELL THE, BEST FOR LESS Items for week ending June 14 RASPBERRY & STRAWBERRY JAM AYLLMFR 'CHOICE SEAS No. 4 BLUE BOY TEA, mixed or black , 11 Id pkg. 29 FIVE-!RIOISES FLOUR 7 s '2i4's 25ci 7�,C PURE LARD dl's 11 c ZIFEBUCOYSOAP' 3'eakes ,Afyl'mer Soups, except 'Chicken 3 'tins 25c McCormick's 'Crispy Crackers' per .Pkg. 10c Isibby's Tomato Jruce 2 tins 1 c 'Kellogg's Branfla'ke's 3 ;pkgs, 29c Hillcrest Toilet {Paper, white 'crepe 3 rolls 25c Ply Tox, .... .., 'S oz. -40c; 1116 !oz. 60c Canada Dry Ginger Ale, 12 oz, bo'ttl'e.....'...... , .. , ....2 !bottles 25e Canada Dry Ginger !A!le,30 oz. bottle - per ,bottle 20c Canada Dry 'Stone 'Ginger Beer, 30 oz. !bo ..per bottle 1.5c l('plus 'bot'tle's); Certo per -bottle 29c Ovaltine, small -45c; Medium -67c; large 1.09 S:chneider's Picnic IHamis short shankl Per 1''b. 12%c Taylor's Peanut 'Butter '................................10 oz. jai, 14c Magic iBateing lPowder ...5 az.--23c 116 oz. 36c Standard !Red Pitted'Oherries, 2's'quat 2''tin's 25c ICroase & IB'lacksrel'l's Catsup .. ................ . .....la'rge bottle 19c Ivory..Soalp, medium size i ' a .cakes 15c Law'•nason's '-Annmonia 4 ,pkgs. 25c Lawrason's Flusho per tin 21c Lawnason's ISinko per tin 27c Cascade Brand !Fancy {Pink !Sallmon, Irs per `tin 12c Blue Boy Coffee, '1's per Tb 29c Aylmer Pure Chicken Soup , • . • • • • • .. • . • • 2 tins 25c Licorice lAillsorts .. , t per 1'b. 25c Baker's 'Premium Oh'ocolate ...%'ls- 15c.;%''s 25c S. 0. IS', 'Scouring (Pads s'm!alt-14c; ... large 23c lRuhber Rings, white or red, 'heavy v 4 ,dozen! 25c )Presto or 'Centre Pa (Wax (Paper per pkg. 10c Wire Fly Swatters each 15c0 Rubber 'FIy Swatters 4 fah 15c Fly Coils • • • • ...... .. 1, a 1025c Minute 'Ta, Coca • • p' -g •Grape -Nut Flakes' 12 pkgs. '230 -l0 oz,,iar 69 ca 2'tins. 21c c oss J. Sproat Phone 8 Miss N. Bryce Rhone. 7.7 Buy Seaforth Butter A Service that creates Confidence and a Dependable Reputation 18 YERR'S Always Good Quality TOWN TOPICS. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKenzie of K'ntoardine were here last week visit Ing. 1htir daughter, Mrs. F. T. S'hew- Felt and Mr, Shewfelt. Mr. Clarence Sharp and Mr. 'Don- ald Booth of Sarnia were guests of Mr. and, Mns: F. T. Shewfelt for a few days. • 'Mrs. Jane's Pevett and. s'nta11 daughter of Guelph spent a few days w'i'th her aunt, Miss Margaret Henry and other,friends. Mrs. !Russell ,Sipnoat has. returned from visiting friends in ;London. •lir. and :Mrs Boniface and family are nrovut into the house on 5Crontbie street recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Beverly,. Beaton, who have mov- e into Mr. Grintoldlby''s house on Tames street. Tins, Jessie Brown is in Flint, Mich., 'to see her sister who is quite ill, (Rev. and .Ms. 'Kann and baby, MLrs., A. Kerr and ,l'Iiss Jean Turner spent a few days in ,Toronto • last week. Do and Mrs. Harvey Bristow (nee Dorothy ,Rdbiinsan) and a friend from tBabtle !Creek, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Robinson and !Miss 'Betty :Merdlfield, of London, visited friends in town Sun'd'ay. Mrs. •M•dCall.uni of Freston guest of her daughter, Mrs, (Anders Olt. Mr. and Mrs Peter Doorigan and two .children and Mrs. 'Letitia Tasker of Windsor were visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry M'rGavin in Tuckersm'ith Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Henry IMclGavin celebrated hisninetieth birthday on Monday. t alter and chil- dren, and Mrs. F. W dren, Janet and !Ann, of Rochester, [N.Y., are spending a few weeks at the home'tif IMr. Pearson Chesney and family. Dr. F. J. Burrow's of Seaforth was elected Counsellor Representative for District No. 2, of the Ontario Medical Association in convention at Hamil- ton last week. a IMr. and Mrs, Oliver Kirk have re- turned to Detroit after visiting at the home of Oliver's.parents, • Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Kirk. Mrs. F. L. Creighton and children are visiting Mrs. Creighton's parents, for the summer holiday season there being n'o school for the month of June in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Alex. Dunkeld in Godorich.. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin of iLucknow'visited Mr, and Mrs. Robert Agar 'last week, Mr. ,and 'Mrs. C'11. McCau'11ey 'of Elba, Michigan, visited .Mr, and Mrs. Frank 'Irwin olf town"last week. • Mrs. Joseph Smith of Luckntow visited' her niece and nephew, Mr. and . Mrs. IF. Irwin last Friday. .James Agar of 'Belfast visited his brother, Mr. !Robert Agair and other 'friends. Mr, and !Mrs. Frank 'Irwin "visited triends'in London last week. • 31r. and. Mrs. Norman Dingle and son Edward, Miss Elva Brown and ,Miss Marjorie Bickel' of Toronto spent the week -end at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Iitckell. The Ladies' Aid' of North Side United Church intend ,holding an old- time Garden. Tea at the home of Mrs. A. F. Cluff on Thursday, June 29th. - 3'l.rs. Lindberg of'Minueapolis and Mr. Jahn Grimoldby and Mrs. Reid of Stratford visited' with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Story. 'Mr. and Mrs. lames Dunlop and daughter Lois spent Sunday with friends in Stratford and New Ham- burg. iMis.s Ethel Geikie and 'Mrs. Cath- erine Ulbricht, .both of Toronto, are guests at the Rectory. The residence of the late Miss Jerrie Steele has been purchased by Mr. Helmer Snell and when the elec- tric wiring is c,;i'ilipleted, Mr, and Mrs. .Snell will move from their apart; meats on Main street' to the 'house, Mrs. L. C. Jiackson has - returned froau Toronto where she spent the past few months. Mrs. C. Powers, who has been vis iting her daughter, 'l'Iris. J. Tomlin-. 500, left this week with her -son and. will visit �' daughter r tt h wlronti she - w in Flint, Mich ,Miss Agnes ll'.cLelian is visiting her ,sister, Mrs. Wm Oliver, and other friends in Se!aforbh. The 'Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter - en Church are having a strawberry tea in the near future. Watch for date, Mr anid Mrs. Milton Chesney and Mr, and Mrs. Davenport, of Toronto, spent a day or twio last week with Mrs, Chesney's mother, Mrs, J. R. Habikirk, Miss M. E. Baird, RIN.,•of, Kin- cardine, spent a few days at the home of the Misses Ferguson, fast week. !):fir. and Mrs. J. S. McIntosh, Of ;Detroit, were gue'sltls on Sunday' of Mrs. W. M'clin!tovh, John street, rd Leman of'Mr, am Mrs. Leonard Mitchel spent 'Sunday with .Mt and Mos. C. Dun'gey. ., Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Dungey and son B!obibie of .NLibchtell spent Sunday at !the Commercial. is the T. R. KIPPEN. The Junior C G!T.T. Girls of Kip - pen United Church held a delightful picuvc on 'Saturday afternoon, last to Aife eander'.s wo'od's. Two earls well loaded with Nappy girls motored back to the wood's, where, after ail interest- ing nimble through the woods, they, partook of a hearty picnic tee This afternoon, planned by their leader, Mrs. ((Revs) Conner, was much enjoy- ed by all, ,Mission Band meets on Saturday 'afternoon at 2'30' p.m. Every girl and boy is urged to attend, IT:he serv'i'ces held In St. Andrew's United Clhueeh on Sunday morning and again in the evening Were very well attended In the morning Rev. W. Rutherford of ` Woodham took charge of' the services. Rev. Ruither ford sp'olaevery interestingly on The 'Lure o'f Mar Horizons. The choir, as- sisted by an anthem, ,King of Kings, and the Misses Mary and Florence Thomson, sang a duet, 'King of Kings," and the M'i'sses Mary'. and Florence Thomson sang a duet, "Conte Unto Me." I,n the evening, `Rev. Chandler gave a very earnest discourse and the choir's anthem, Ring the Bells of Heaven, was anutih enjoyed. IRev. R. R.' Conner took charge of the services in Heasall United church on Sunday at both morning and even- ing services. The Ladies Aid and W M:S.ofSt. Andrew's Un}ted Church are ,packing a bale of 'second -land clothing this week to be sent to ,places of dire need and distress. The W1MIS. of St. Andre'w's Unit- ed Church met at the home of Mrs. !Herb Jones on Wednesday o'f this week. Miss 'Grace .Cooper of London spent the :week end with her parents in the village. Mr. John Doig has returned to De- troit after a pleasant visit with . his mother and sister. Mrs. J. M. Coolper, was in Ailsa Craig recently attending the funeral of a relative. IK,i,pipen have organized a real' foot •ball team with ,Mr; Watson, manager and all wish them success. They will be up against hard opposition in the near Eutere. Mrs. N. McCully of Seaforth Was the guest of lir. R. Dalrymple and faanily on, Sunday. . !Mr. and Mrs. Joe MOClel'land .of Tuckerstnith were the guests of Mr. and, Mrs, Hitgh McGregor on Sun- day. ' Mrs. S. .Strauss of New York City is tithe guest of .lir. and Mrs. Robert D!avmtondt Mrs. Strauss is a sister of Mr. and Miss ]]aym'an. 'lir. and Mies. Robert .Day main visited in Lbnd'om recently. os Mr. John .Workman, who has been without a mechanic for a month, has secured a Mr. Johnston of (Blyth, who comes this week end )'Jr. 'Workman is able to be around again after his long serious illness. firs. Percy Sales is recovering nice- ly altar her operation in Clinton hos- pital. Our football team are faithfully practicing and go to their first gape Friday. 'We are sorry to learn 'bf the illness of 3Lr, Orville !Workma'n and h.oipe that very soon he will be up and out. again. !Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Cooper have gotten• nicely settled in their new' home east of our village. As this 'has been in the Cooper name for many years and originally the property of lir. Cooper's grandparents, it seerns nice to see a Cooper still its, owner. ,Rev. R. R. and Mrs. Conner, ac- companied by Mrs. - Conner's mother, Please u, by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please • you ?by ourservices and higher' market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait, • ,The Seaforth Creamery C. A. HARKER, Prop, Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE /UNDERTAKING • EMBALMING ,Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. W'AlI:KER, .holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 wetland, . However, visitors are wel- come 'from any County on each. ,and 'all of the Fuse days. ,A special low rate of $11:00 ,per day for rooan 'and meals has ;been arranged for those,•w'ho re- main over and they should, .if possible, send notice to the jdal'lege in advance, and should register for their rooms immediately el on arrival. T'he programme includes' ,practical demonstrations and tours !o!f , inspec- tion for both men :andwomen, each day, as well as entertainment in the eveu!ing, and visitors are allowed to choose w'h'at interests then in the ,prognamene. Daily visits will be made to the field experiment ,pilots, the live stock, 'barns, gardens, greenhouse's, etc. IN'oon,day flinch wi'l!I !lie free to all arid" will be a .cold :lunch served' caae-' teria style in the college gyinaasttim. Ip- Tactically. a!il 'memlbens of tl •e 'facttl ty-,w'ild be'art the :College ,for the week and Will do everylthing possible .to as- sist visitors.' to have an enijioy;abla' and ,profi'tablle• trine. it'' prinked' ,outline of the 'daily programme for both Ment' and women' mlay be ,Obtained 'lay writ-• in,g to Pan M.ac'Leod; Dept, of' Agri- culture, Qluibq,n, or to Jbfin .11u'Ahanan, O. A, Foldlege;. IChiedpi: . aside 'fair visitors from the ,counties of FARM AND HOME WEEK AT ;O.A:C., JUNE 1923 As usual ibhe ,Omibario (Agricultural ,college will be at home to 'the farm !folks of the 'Province far one week itt. (June 'This year: it has !beets arranged for 'June 1119th to 1213'nd inclusive, an'd,. although many visitors ;fund it p051s- iib''le to remain for only one day, 'pro- vision is made for those who •wi'sh to stay for ,front two to ,five da Ys and the ,week's programme is' pre'pared with this en view. Monday, 'J'une 119th, has been,'..set TORONTO SATURDAY, JUNE GOING RETURNING (Standard Time) - Tickets honored leaving Mx, SEAFORTH Toronto ,up to and tnclud 7.22 as in. tl' ®' ing Monday, June 19. 3JL8 p:m. RETURN Children -Usual Half Fare No baggage checked Tickets good in coaches only -- Tickets and Information from Seaforth, Ont., Depot Ticket Agent CANADIAN NATI O NAS T -7L PAINT Up Decorate this year when costs are surprisingly Low Good paints are cheapest. They spread farther, wear longer, and give better looking jobs When you buy Moore's IPlainits, Enamels and Varnishes you get the best obtainable anywhere. Graves Wallpaper Store Seaforth were in Detroit for a few days this Week. • ' ndsle of 'London Mrs. iia aid Y Mr. a were guests of lir. and Mrs. J. Workman Sunday. Mrs, J. ,Deltz is in Toronto this week having accompanied her 'sister, Miss Kyle, who has had. an operation in 'Toronto General 'Hospital and we hear is doing splendidly. ! in Sea - forthTomlinson is visiting forth this week. ' :lir. E. Kerr of 'Winthrop spent IS.unday in our village. M'r. +Isaac Janrotf, who has been ill for quite a long time is not improving as quickly as his numerous, friends would like to see. Mrs. Workman, Mrs. 'Mellis, Miss M. Workman spent a day in London during the week. Mr.. and Mrs. Ed. McBride, newly- weds, have settled down to life's ster- ner side and have rented the home of Mr. B. Field. We welcome them to our midst; Miss Mary McKay has accepted a position with Mr. 1Vlnm. Anderson as 'h'ousekeeper. We are all sorry to lose Rev, and Mrs. Conner from Kippen. Mr, Con- ner moves. to £tnbro in !July and we believe Rev. E. F. Chandler will the the minister in ,Kippen. Kippen Minister Called to Embro.- A news item taken from the IS'entinel Review, Woodstock, says: "Kippen !Minister ,Called to Embro-;Rev. R. R. Conner, B.lA., ns" 'Choice of Con- gregation of Knox Unitech Church, ;Special to the 'Senainiel-iReview.:Ent- bro, May 30. -'Rev. R. R. Conner, IBA., pastor of the United Church in lKippen, was the unanimous choice of the congregation of Knox United Church at a meeting held here last evening for the purpose of selecting a successor to Rev. W. D. McIntosh, .Rev. Mr. Conner ,preached in Knox Church a week ago Sunday and was one .of five ministers heard by the Congregation, The charge guarantee: e salary of $1800 a year with free manse and +four weeks vacation. Rev Mr. MOLntosh presided -.over the meeting, also conducting the devo- tional exercises, while H. W. Suther- land acted as secretary. lfuron Perth, Waterloo, 'L'iucoln and Send us the names, of your visit ors, During the Summer , Months - Hairdressing will be done on Friday and Saturday only of each week at the Royal Apts., 2nd floor. Phone 207 Dororhp Robinson -OLD TIME - Dance ! KIPPEN Friday JUNE 9 COLLIN'S ORCHESTRA Admission -26c. 'Ladies -10c Autolnsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United • States with an Auto Policy that will take a load, off, your mind' and' at . NEW Non Tariff. Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call -Night and MANLEY. Mr. Albert Seaman and his 'bride have returned from .Timmins aper spending their honeymoon with friends there and report it is a busy place for those who have employment but there are many looking for jabs. Ole has decided to make his home in our burg which seems to he as pros- perous as most places. He has pur- chased his late father's 'business and is prepared to follow' his line of busi- ness and no doubt will make a suc- cess of it as he is a hustler. Mr. S9t'ortreed has finished crushing in Mfanley's pit and is 'setting up in Mr. Calvin Hillen's pit to repair the boulevards in that .part of the town- ship. :4Ir. John Murray made a business trip to Goderich last Tuesday. Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Sutherlaod GENERAL INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING. ETC. BRUCEFIELD. 'Piaster Allen Hill, who underwent an operation in Seaforth Hospital a few weeko ago and later contracted typhoid fever, was able to be removed to his home this week. His many friends hope to hear of his speedy re- covery. Mrs. G. Hill is visiting her son in Stratford at present. l[r. and Mrs. Knechte1 and Miss (Emma Cosens of Durham visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Mc- Queete this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and family and Mr. and Ifes. Wm, Dutot of Comber spentthe ek end at the hone of Mr. and li T. Galwell. The Sacrament of the Lord's supper 'will be observed •next Sunday, June 1'1 morning P ' servicer Preparatory at the service on Friday evening at 8 pati. iInteresting' Services were held' last Sunday in the United Church, The morning service was conducted' by Rev. 34r. Pinnock of .Toronto who had slpent 35 years asa missionary in !Africa. He told of the, great work that 'the' Bible Society was doing. Over 10 'million copies of the Bible were ,print- ed last' year: The Bible is a book that 'never grows old. hlhe evening service wits conducted by Rev, Dr. Martin of St. • Thomas, who preached the annual sermon to. the'Oddfell'hws, his subject being the blac00 62, butchers 5, heavies 1, extra giving of alms. He said the easiest !heavies 1, Huron county locals -Total ' hogs 25.20, select bacon 6i317, bacon 116114,, extra heavies123,e butchers 1141, heavies l BORN. a, lights 24. KEYES.--,On Saturday, :June. 3, .1'933 11-I'urou ooun'ty'To!ba4 hogs 6442, to. Mr. ,and Mrs, W:ilbur'E. Keyes', select 1191516, 'ltiadmt 30119, butchers 479, of Tueker'senilth, a d'aug'hter. heavies 46, extra heavies 3-, lights 63, TUCKERSMITH. Visitors at the home of lir. and Mrs, Alex. Wallace on Sunday last were 'Mr. and Mrs,. WTiiliam Dutot, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Peterson. Hisses ;Bessie and Beatrice Peterson, of Comlber, the latter of whom has spent, the past month with relatives here, returned home Sunday lir. and .Mrs. Thomas' Caldwell and, sons William and Jack, lir. and Mrs, Norman Wal- ker, B•uce!field; Mr, .and !lMrs, Russell I\\ allace and Jimmy of Egmondville. Miss May Wallace of Blyth spent the week -end with her parei,ts. MLr. and Mrs. Alex. Wallace. 'Miss Edna McDonald spent Friday evening with her friend, Miss Marion 'Wallace. ST. COLUMBAN. l3Lrss, OlLoughlin of Stratford spent Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr. John Lavin of Hibbert. Miss Agnes Lynch of Detroit is visiting her mother and brother, Mrs. Tint Lynch here, .Miss Mary O'Sullivan of Detroit is visiting her brothers here. The St. Cln'ltunhant .junior fo'otb'all team played a game against Stratford Juniors in Stratford on Monday ev- ening, St. Colutnban %volt by four - goals to none. T'he St. Cottsnilian team lined up as follows: Goal, W, Ryan; 1. backs, J \LcIver, Jos, Wil- liams; h, backs, F. W.i'l'lia'tns, K. Mc- Quaid, J. I-Io!bland; forwards, H. 1.1,c - Ivor, McCarty Twos• hh!ananer • Stapleton, Y and Eckert. } P HOG SHIPM'E'NTS 'Report of hog shipments for month ending April 1933: (Exeter -Total hogs 2, select bacon 1, bacon 1. IHensall-!Total hogs 524, select ba- con 191, bacon 2713, butchers 40, heav- ies 3, lights 12. Walton -To'ta'l hogs 269, select ba- con 3'5, bacon 11416, rbutchers 23', heav- ies 2. Seaforth-Total hogs 1,111, select 42, thing we, have to give is our money. God wants ourselves. -