HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-06-08, Page 4PAGE EOUR.
Snowdon Bros,; Publishers.
:fames Richard Ryan,—The funeral,
of the late jamas Richard Ryan was
lbeldat,9.30 a'clock Monday morning
.at the ReC. 'Church, 'Brussels. De-
cetlsed pease(' away on Friday, June
21,d at the home of his parents, Mr.
•Naiad' 1+1t Joseph Ryan, lot 33; 14t'h
,eoncesston, M-dKilldp, having entered
'Ales evirentieth year on May list. Rev.
P'ockeit, pastor of the church,
-sang the Requiem Mass. Six cousins
were pallbearers, Joseph, John and
lassies 'Lane, of St, Columban; Fergus
Klein, of St. 'Marys, and Norman and
Lanus Rowland orf Walton. Interment
was in B,rnssels RIC. cemetery, Miss
Ella Ryan, A:T.C.S1. of Thamesville,
..uunt of the deceased, sang "Beautiful
.'and on High" during the, offertory
and presided at the organ ,for the ser-
vice. Deceased had been an invalid for
;chi -twat eleven years, Although denied
the use of his limbs, the mind remain-
-keen and active during his' long
Hitless; which he bore with true forti-
s three. Besides his .parents he is surviv-
ed by three brothers: and four sisters:
firs- R. H. Press, of Glendon, Alta.;
.Aiken of Brantford; Florence, of
London; Lawrence Ryan of Walton,
;and Joseph, Gordon: and Marie at
-home. Among those from a distance
•;vhvo attended the funeral were friends
from Teeswater, Win -gleam, Blyth,
Seaforth and S't. Columban, also, Miss
Madeline Baker RIN., Of London,
-.Mr- and Mrs. 7.:H. McLaughlan and
'Siiiss Ella Rowland- of Landon.; &r.
and Mrs. Frank Klein and Fergus of
l•fr. and Mrs, John „M'orrison orf To-
-roan) visited friends in Walton this
' e&
Mies Maude Ferguson of Seaforth
spent a couple of days with Mrs. Wm.
;1Iza1. `
L1fr. and Mrs. Robert 'Reid intend
-to move shortly from their farm near
1/Valton to the house in the village,
.vacated by Mr. Sellars.
'fit is reported that Mr. Arthur Hoy
who has had charge of the C.PsR.IAt date of writing there is some lira
section at Megaw will reture. with his
eTa-utly to their farm on the 14th con
• ,.tGsion of MidKillop, and that Mr.
.FIray will take over the duties of Mr.
gauges .B,ishop, who will retire on pen-
sion shortly, Mr. Bishop has been tor of Hay township weed act, •is
foremran at Walton since the railway Making his calls on the weed pests
ss'as built 26 years ago. iMr. Hoy went throughout the townhsip.•
,an the section under Mr. Bishop at W,MIS, meets at the home of Mrs..
the same tine. Mr. Bishop expects to tae, Turner on June 141th at 2.30 pail.
eetire to liis farm.. east of Walton: ,Anniversary+ service of Young
where he and his wife and grand -Son 'Peopleof FHildsgreen Church will be
aside, conducted on Sunday evening, June 111
The W,Mk. of Duff's United at 7:30 pain,
'. t hnrch met on 'Wednesday afternoon, !Rev. Farrel( of Clinton will 'be e
Instead of the regular meeting next;,gue'st speaker for the occasion. he
week in order to arrange details oilklKip,pen choir are preparing special
:;the garden party. The meeting was' music,
r''rne73 at the home of Mrs. Andrew iThe Ontario Brotherhood of
'±Bruce, Grey township. ITlereshernnen are holding thir annutal
Many friends ofMr. William picnic at Spriu•ghank on Saturday,
Forbes are sorry to learn that he is thine 117, 193'3, in London. All interest -
again under the doctor's ,care. ed in this Society are asked to at
Mr. and Mrs. Fulton are visiting tend along with friends and lunch
friends fiat Blyth. baskets,
Mr. George Kirkby of Grand Bend
spent the week end with his parents, CONSTANCE.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. ,Kirkby, The Constance United Church are
.Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Neal of Peter- holding the S.S. anniversary on Sus-
`avro spelt the week end with the day, June 11th. A former pastor, Rev,
.former's mother, Mrs, W. Neal. C. C. Keine, will be in charge. Mar -
Mrs. Jas. Coutts of Mitchell spent ring service at 11 a.tii, and evening at
the week end with her parents, Mr. 7,',30 p ni 'T'here .t=ill be special num-
anr1 Mrs, 'F. Hackwell.
iMrs. Thos. Young and Miss Ruby
spent the week end with friends in
Mr, and Mrs, George McTaggart
.find Anna spent the past week visit -
Mae friends in Toronto.
•lir. C. Sellars has stored his 'house-
hold goods' with Mr. We Clark and
Mrs. Sellars and Clayton have 'gone
lo .spend; the summer with her moth-
er at Heidelberg.
Mies Ruth Hurley, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Sellars has
returned to her .home in Heidelberg,
+Mrs. TI. Sellers spent the week. end
with friends in Kitchener.
Misses Murch and Jane Dundas of
Detroit are speeding their holidays
with their grandparents, Mr. and ,Mrs,
A. Clark.
Mr. Gilbert McCallum left on
' "Tuesday for Saskatoon to visit with
relatives there,
'Factory Upholstering
Work Done and Guaranteed by
C. Atchison
Prices Reasonable.
Phone 179
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
The regular meeting of the W Il Mrs, 'Leonard ,under and daugdi-
nvas held in the 'co triunity hall' om tier Jean, and Mrs Wttn Rimier;
June 1st with a goro l attendance, The Misses ?vitiation and. Alddie Bayley and,
president, Mrs. E. Adams, occupied lMr. C. .Kennington speck the week-
the chair. Meeting opened by singing, end in 'Prom Credit with Mr. and
the opening ode and the Lord's prayer 'Mrs. Arthur Ilablark. -_-.
was repeated in utt'rsou. After conn-
,muntca'tions wereread and business
dealt with there was a splendid pro-
gram given by the ,Blyth. and+ Bel -
grave b "anlches 'which were the ,guests
Of the home .branch . Tlhe program
consisted of readings, voea1 solos and
vicine slobs. A paper an "Gur ,Tal-
ents," by Miss 'Cela Coultis df hBieQ-
grave, aid a short playle',tte wies pre-
sen,ted'.'by the Blyth ladies "Recep-
tion clay at the paysonage," which was
very amusing. Tlhe program through-
out was gpite interesting and was en-
joyed by all. Alt the close of the
meeting a tea was served by the loda1
branch, about ninety sitting ,dblwn and
spent a social time together.
The cotnnlmittee .For arranging for the
garden malty met on Monday \even-
iavng,'It was decided, to have a straw-
berry Festival on June 23rd .on. the
oo'numuivity Mall grlounds, with the
Clinton Kiiltie 'Band' in attendance,
under the auspices of ..the United
Church Sunday school.
Leaton,Mrs. E. Broderick and son ,Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Riley, al's'o Mr.
!Harold srpernit June t3rd at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ,Love' and daugh-
ters visited recently in Centralia.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Baker, Clarence
and Doreen Reichert spent a dray in
Mr. and Mrs. George Stephens'any
son Bobbie of Walkerton, spent the
week end with the formers' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephenson.
The latter returned with their son for
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. john Love attended
the wedding dinner Of the bridal
couple, 'Mr, and' Mrs. Harold Bell, at.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc -
Beide on Saturday; June 3rd.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Seimon, son Lea -
ton visited Mr. and, Mrs., J. Meidin'ger
of Zurich.
Mr. W. Jbafrott, daughter Anna,
Miss E'dn'a Cochrane visited friend's
at K•ippen on Sunday, '
Mr, John Cochrane is spending a
few days at Huron Springs in the in-
terest of his hearth which has been
very poorly. We wish hini a speedy
Mrs. Gordon :Love is still under the
doctors care. Pleurisy has develdped.
Frank Riley sp'est Sunday yn Brus-:
says with Mr, and Mrs, ,F're'd Stephen-
a r. and Mrs. Charles Hoggast and
family, Mr. Benj. ,Riley and. Mrs.
(Robert Gnimoadlby :visited at the home
oif Mr.. and Mrs. John Mann.
,Mr,. and Mrs, Leo 'Sitep)ienslon vis-
ited friends in B'lyith otv 'Sunday,
Mr, Howard Armstrong has scold
two fine horses and has purchased 'a
new driving horse,
'Mir. Benj. Snell has had a founyda-
tion,pent underhis, driving shed and
has' had it also shingled. -
There, are 41 Community Tanks ; in
Huron County y.
At Kis season of ,the, year every
see* Owner . should give some
thought to the dipping of his, flack Of
elves and lambs for the conn°1 of all
external para's'ites. Flocks which are
not regularly ddippe,d cannot help but
be infested with ticks and ,under such
eonditions the general (health of the
aainials will not bre the best, The
latiibs particudarby will be heavily,in-
fes'ted and ,therefore, wilmiake slow
gains diming the scantier months,
The month ,of ,Jeune is the most
suitable for dipping as all lambs will
,have arrived and the weather is fav
9urabie. ;All ewes will he carrying
sufficient growth of wool after the
'spring shearing. lIt is .suggested, that
every owaver endeavor to dip his flock
sometime -during the 'week cdmmetic-
inig the 12th 'of June. At this time !the
seedlingof late 'fairm craps will be
omple -ins who since re
• Charles
completed and haying 'operations will . Nfr, 'Ober iu '1;9'3QS has
probably not start before the 2Oth of 'tiring .from the stage,
been a resident of Goderich after
\hiss Jessie Jto'hnston of Clifford
visited with many of her friends in
this vicinity during the week.
-Mr. Ed. Raters o:f Zurich, inslpec-
Death . of Mrs. Alex. A. tuthill—
The passing of Mrs. A. A. Cuthill on
Monday, June Sbh, at her home at
Winthrop at the age of 59 years, was
a sad shock to the community. Mrs.
Cuthill had been ill for the past year,.
Deceased was before her ,marriage,
'Miss Annie - Marian Love, a daughter
of the late Me. and Mrs. Thomas Love
of the tenth 'concession of MediGliop,
of which township she was a lifelong
resident. Mr, and Mrs. Cuthill for a
numlber of years conductedthe store
at Winthrop, and when they retired,
miode their home In the village. Mrs.
Cuthill enjoyed the respect of a wide
circle of friends and took an active
,part in the work of Cavan Church of
which slhe was a member. 'Besides her
bereaved htisband, one daughter Mar-
garet, survives; also two sisters, Mrs.
'William, Smith of Vanderhoof,
and. Miss Ellen Love, formerly of the
West, now residing at 'Winthrop, and
three brothers, George Love, of Wal-
ton, and Thomas and Norman Love
of Milestone, Slask, A sister, Mrs.
Tames, •Henderson, M•cl5Cdlllotp, prede-
ceased her. The funeral was,held OII
!Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m from
,Cavan Church, Winthrop, to gait -
landbank cemetery and was • largely
attended. Rev, W. F. Smith, the pas-
tor, conducted the service. The pall-
bearers were George ,Love, Jr„
Dodds, Arthur Henderson, Roy H4lt-
derson, Oscar Cuthill, Wilmer Gut -
On Moniday, May 29th, there pass-
ed awlay at the old hlonnestead farts,
Goshen line, Stanley, Elden 'McCline
"hey, daughter of the late Mr'' and
,Mre. Henry MoClinichey in her 66th
year:. She had a stroke about a ,year
and a half ago and since -Shen had
been unable to get around. Though
,confined to her room she was always
very patieiut and cheerful and enjoyed
having her friends call to ybsit her.
!She is survived by three ibrobhers and
two sisters, George of Varna, Albert
and Arthur at laonie; Mrs. Wnt. Hart,
Stanley and Miss Eliza at home,
also a large null -tuber of nephews and
,nieces.. The funeral service, which was
held on Thursday was conducted by
—:Now Playing=
"State Fair
Will Rogers. Janet Gaynor
Louise Dresser Norman (Foster
[Sally Eilers Lew Ayers
'Thisbig special production ,
at regular prices
Nfon.-Tues,-Wed., June 12-13.14
—in •—
Comedy News Reel
Thurs,-Fri••+Sat., June 15-16-17
{There is 'a coniandn+i,ty dipping 'tank spending twedtyffive years a U.S.A.S�snsa
on 411 ,Fames in Huron .County, which ,fug endeavor in both the
regular .dipping 'of • all "England will sing Old -favorites,
insures ' the
g "DannyBoy," "'Tommy Lad," 'Rose
,flocks in Ith'e immediate neighborhood.
'Oomununity dipping has an advantage in the Bud," and the ,Aria from The
over individual ,farm; ,dipping in' that 'Holy City,"Behold I Create," by
it costs less and there is lees labor in -Gaul. m - ram'me will
volved for .each 'farmer. In comun- The balance of the prig _ the.
ity, tanks sheep nay, he clipped for.be reserved for the week before
from 2c to '5c per head depending on concert. •
the number pat through. With small iEverylbody keep the evening of
more or Iless isolated Rocks it 'is .not 'Wednesday; 2l+slt of June, open and
atecessany to build a special tank. ;A help the Crippled Children's Fund by
trough or vat large :enough to im- giving: fifty :cents for ,this - excellent
"Rev. Mr. Paul of Baylfield, interment tnerse the sheep thoroughly will an-
being lnade in the family ,plot in Btay-!saver the 'purpose. ►
field cemetery. The pallbearers were 'The Ontario 1Departneenit Of Agr,i-
six nephews, Orval 'MtdClinohey, 'Wel- .culture at 'Clinton have elm -necessary
mer 'MeClinehey, Ernie McOlinchey, •for:nis for the building of ,concrete
'Norman 'Steal -reason, Albert 'Mean- dipping tanks and will he pleased to
chey and Willie ,M'cGlinchey,' assist any farmer or group of ,farmers
Mr. David J.-' Stephenson and Mr. in the building of a tank. The ,mater
'F. Coleman lett last week to visit ials required are two loads .^ of ,gravel
friend's .in Manitoiba. They expect to and six bags of cemettlt and. three sten
the away about ; a month., ' . can install the tank in aibout half a
Mr, and Mrs, Fred` McOlynnon't and day. Anyone wishing to 'build a dip-
\4'rs: Elgin McKinley spent the weekping tank shosid get in touch with
end with friends in BaY City, M'iah, the Department at Clinton. 'Ad'vice
Mrs. M'dClymbnt remained there for can also .be ,obtained as to the best dip
a. short time. to use and -where .such may be pur-
Owing- to last Sunday being Con- abased. •
fererrce Sunday, no service was held •
in the United Churches on Varna LI'O,NS OLUB CRIPPLED
charge, A number motored to London CHILDREN CONCERT RECITAL
to take in the sessions ofthe confer ---
ence, including Rev, E. A. Poulter, (First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy .Lamont and 'Mae- Wednesday, June 21, at 8.15:p.m.
garet, ...An Geo, Poulter, .Mrs. Marg
•are't Erma and Miss •Olive Erratt. IA resume of the programme for, the MacFarlane and 3fiss Blanche Peth-%
We were sorry to learn of the death
of Mrs, A, A. Cuthill, who passed
away on Monday evening, alter a
long illness, We extend our heartfelt
sympathy to the bereaved..
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart ,and Ken-
neth of Seafart'h spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sparling.
SFr, and Mrs. Baxter of Benmil'ler
spent Sunday with the latter's par -
Messrs, Wilkinson and Kitoh, of
fDra torn have soifd their imparted,
y ,
Clydesdale stallion, Landrd'en, to
(Janes ••Leilper, of. Hul'lett township.
trhis horse is six years old and is
nearly a torn in weight. He is black
with' white points' and;has`an Al, pre-
mium. The 'horse won first prize at
the -Guelph Winter ,Fair the last .oc-
e'asion upon which he was siialw.n'
i14•isa Mabel Pethick, whose' mar-
riage to Mr. Roy Patrick took place
this week, was entertained at a show-
er by 'Mrs. Robert MacFarlane, Mrs.
David MacFarlane and Mrs. Hiram
(Blanchard at. the incite of Miss Bes-
sie'Blanchard, The evening was spent
in singing and''games. Miss "Elizabeth%
;Mr, and Mrs, ,Gd(). Lilley and Mr. ,concert to 'be given. 'by the IGoderich iok gave a pantomime representing
Calvin Dowse of ;Seaforth spent Lions Club for the Crippled Children the romance of<.a boy acid girl who
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ji o ,f Huron County, on Wednesday. met while out .fishing, after which they
Dawson. June 21', 1933 in First Presbyterian showered the bride -to -he with many
Mr. and Mrs. Strang and fancily of Church will he of great interest to very pretty and useful gifts. The ga-
Aubnrn spent Smidla.y af•ternoan at the public and s.hodldhave 'the hearty thoring closed after a dainty lunnh
the home at Mn. and Sirs. Robert_:
support of all, outside the real merit was served.
M.COlinchey of the charity,
The Western Stanley U.IF,Y,IP.IO. Mr, 'Lesl'ie Sommerville will play
Club, 5124, held a very saccesstul.numnbers by Edward 31cDowel'1 and
meeting on Wednesday evening last Ethelbert Nevin-=T'he (O'pen'ing of the
at the south :school of No. 4. The en- zed act of "Lohengrin, anii "Walters
tert'ainnien't committee had arranged Prize Song" from the "Meistea Sing -
hers by the choir. t a splendid program for the occasion. ere by Wagner, also variations of
S4r. and Ills. Tom Adams of 'the encs, Mr. and Mrs. Robe Campbell One of the principal features of the "Songs My Mother Taught Me" by
Huron Road spent Sunda at the Sr. program was an address on home Dvorak—as part of his programme.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Medd. The football game between Win- Beautification by Agricultural Rep- these solos are full' Of melody and
" t of Kitchener thio' and Moneriel'f which was held •t•esentative McLeod of C'litton. ' Yr. will be -heard to great advantage with
Miss Jessie Wilson P
spent the week end with her aunt, here Monday night was a tie 1"1, M'dLeod depicted to his audience a a master at the consol of the organ.
Mrs, Stewart and Mr, and Mrs. Roy IMr. Fergus B;pllard, Betty and most clvarnaittg view of rural home yliss Peggy Moreland, violinist,
Lawson. w •• n. Jack and Mr. Jolen Armstrong spent ,beauty, cohniort and snugness within gold medalist, Stratford Musical Fes
Mr. and Mrs. George Medd of Ex- Sunday with relatives in London. the reach of everyone. Mr, F..- W. tival, 11933, will play "The Swan,"
eter visited. at the home of Mr. and Mr. Harrold tSniia'llclon of Walton Hess entertaincd the audience with Saint ..Slams; "Shan Rosmaria."
Mrs.amts Medd an Saturday last, spen
t Sunday " ith 3dr. and Mrs. Geo. several violin selections which were,Kreislcr; "Adagio P!athet'ique" by
Jth siasbioally received, while Bobby , oars and a tran'soription of "Last
tai u ,
and Ruth Hess delighted the audience Rose of Summer" by Auer.
with songs, Mr. Ernest Reba render- Miss Moreland's success for one so
ed solos in-hii usual highly ,pleasing young has been ,phenomenal. "The
guest 51 Miss L. Young. Manner. At the Close of the meeting
Mrs. Leo Stephenson called on Fri- Eaton. 5
day last on her uncle, ,Hr. David
Laidlaw of Blyth, who is seriously LONDESBORO
Mrs. Wbi Radford of Blyth is the
IDr, and Mrs, Fowler of Clinton
visited at the home of Mr. and ;firs.
E. Adams on VV,edesday of 'fast week.
Mr. Harvey Tayioe and his sisters
Mrs, Roy Lawson and Mrs. Verne
Dale, went to London on Wednesday
to attend the graduation of Miss Flor-
ence Taylor from Western Univers-
ity in .public welfare work.
Mr. Wilfred • Scott and Mr. Charles
'Wakefield lett by motor for North
Bay on. Monday last,
-Mir, and Mrs. Jra,mes Medd and
daughter, Clete, visited' Mr. Meld's
mother, Mrs. John Medd and Mr, and
Mrs. George Layton of Exeter' on
The W,MjS, are holding a social on
June ,15th. Mrs. P'ecleard, .branch dele-
gate, will give an address on the
branch :meeting of the W,M.S. held in
Loncbon recently, The Winthrop. and
Burns Church ladies are invited• to
A very interesting game of softball
was 'played in Bun Riley's field on
'Tuesday evening between Bandon
and Constance: The score was 17-30
in favor oif Bandon.
M and Mrs. Wim Batton and
Mr, anis Mrs; Geo. Wheatley` attended
the ordination of'Charles Leslie at
L'oitdion on STtiudlay.'
rrhe Hil!lsgreen congregation at-
tanded• the services en ,Sunday in the
Ki,plpen 'Church when Rev. Ruther-
ford of Woodham condvated ': the
marring service at 111 o'clock and
Rev. Ohandier of Kent county con-
ducted the evening service at 7 o'clock
and a meeting of the two congrega-:
lions'Was held at the close of the ser-
• glee to call a minister owing to Rev.
•f . R. Conner having received' a call
to Errtlaro, , At ` this meeting :,Rev.
Chandler was asked to be thenew
minister; at the ` K•ippen charge. Rev.
A. Stne'la'ir of Hensall and Rev. Craik
.of ,Godteri'eh were in ohlarge Of this
rt eeting.
.Mrs, Albert Hess and daughter of
:Zurich, 'Mrs, 'Nellie. Granville and
slaughter df near T•hedbord visited re-
cently with ,Mr, and `Mr's. W. Reich -
gate and Mrs. C. Sermon and s'e.n
Toronto Saturday Night" on May 6th,
Miss ',Maud Fair of Toronto, and lunch was served by the ladies. 1933, has this to say: "Peg-gy More -
Mrs. Rev. J. Johnsen of Crediton were Mrs, J: Sparks and her son Russel ,land, .thirteen -year-old daughter of
callers in the village on Satur,iay. paid a visit to London on Saturday. Mr, and' Mes, J. C. IMoreliand of il3ur-
Mr, and Mrs, W. Gillies and chil- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barber and fain- ;lin'gton has been winning competitions
dren of Niagara Falls visited with ily of Klolmo.lda paid a short visit to
their aunt, Miss E. Lyon, on. Sunday: ;Stanley friends on ltfo'n:dray, kits• J• ,month she achieved a new triumph at
Me and Mrs. NewMan Garrett and IM. Trough of Baylfieid, Who has been the Stratford Musical Festival when
she ,wan- the prize for violin soloists
under (seventeen years and also the
scholarship given by Mr. and Mrs.
in violin ,playing for years, but last
family of Tuckersnnuih, were callers visiting then} for some weeks, accotn-
at the- ho'nue of Mr. -.Bent Bunking on panieci them. •
ISimday,pMr. Will Scotolemer and son Thos:
Mr, and Mrs.
Hel-I motored to Kitchener an .Friday last.
Alfred, Hahn for the competitor
ens sipeut the weeGaunt of week end with the Mr, Charles 'Slootchmer of the showing roost promise of future •thus
lad S• mother,Mrs. :Hiatrislon Lyon. Br:onsom line recenutly purchased the real' success. The adj
udicator, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva MoDlow'el'I and hardware store in ,Bayfield formerly Spivac,_of ,the ',Toronto Con'servatory,
'familyof Westfield spent . Sund'ayl occupied by Mrs. A. Ri`uatt- declared her to be rte of the finest
with her sister, Mrs. Joe. Vodiden, I' Sorry to report that Mrs. 13" Heard .talents he had ever heard; arid added
Mr. James Roberton of Winnipeg:' has 'been under the weather this last ,that he had heard some of the great
is visiting with his mother,. 'Mrs.' M. week, est artists play one of her numbers
I Mr. Echlin Hlolbaon of St: ThIo.mas ,but had never heard it better ,pel•foran-
who for visited friends in this vicinity one day ed. Arrangements should certainly the
•Miss Bina Kirk Of Toronto, S
the past two weeks has been holiday last week. ,made to ensure that she should clevel-
ili nt the„Jrcnme of her sister, .Mrs. W. l ap into the great artistshe -could be -
A CRAFTY ORI'MINIAIL ,ON ' conte: .l?es'tiTal officials nay that no
1 A COLLEGE CA'MPU$ such praise has been given to any
The Baptism Bowl used in the ser-
vice was donated to .the Egniondvilde'
Church in 1841 by Mrs. McKean of
Scotland, and two of her great -great
grandchildren, (high Grant Chesney
•anti Dorothy Mae 'Chesney, - were
among those baptised on Sunday
morning., abase 'baptised were: Wil
be MacKay Pretty, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, TI•arry Pretty; Jahn Alex-
ander Boy es 'and. Mary Phyllis Mayes,
children rof Mr. ,and Mrs. Alex, B'oyes;
',Frances Isobel Houston, daughter of
Mr, and Sirs. Andrew Houston; ,Rob-
cit jamas Wallace, son of Mr. and
'Sirs. Russell Wallace Emersann Rus-
sell Coleman, son al bit. and Mrs. R.
Ooiemntan; -glary W'ihna Jloycc
ILean, daughter of Mr and :NLrs. D.
McLean; Hugh Grant Chesney, son
of Sir. and -Mrs. ,H,ugh Chesney; Dor
othy Mae 'Chesney, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Hurry Chesney.
'Lyon, returned to Toronto on Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. ,Brinely from near the
Nile visited with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs, E. Crawford on Sun-.
day. '
Quite a number of ladies, of the
Women's Institute attended the an
Intal district meeting a e t 134gra ata on
"The Campanile Murders," a thnrlll-
ung new •novel -by Whitman Chaim -
bees stents int TheAmerican Weekly;
distributed next 'Sunday with The
IDe'tnoit Sunday Times. 11 is a story
that seemitnaIy could mat have leap -
petted --but
competitor since the Stratford Festi-
was instituted. In past years Peg-
gy has twice Sweplt ,the board for vio-
1'in solos at the Canadian National
Ex,hi,bition. She is a pupil ofB;roadus
,armer and" Margaret 1'iMc,Donald
IA Stratford softball teams, will play
an exhibition game oat Thursday' ev-
ening, June Sth, at 6,30 at Seaforth.
iS'eaforth defeated Monkttom by, a
score of6-7 at Seaforth on June 1.
,The Misses .Laura, Vera and Donna
Mole were London visitors last week:.
Mr; and Mrs. II.. Tayddr and fam-
ily of Stratford were Sisandayvisitors
at the bone al Mr. and firs, E. Mole.
,Mr: and Mrs, A. J. Nicholas orf Port
;Stanley were visitors on Sunday with
IRe.verond and Mrs, Charles Mia'ic'olm,
IReverenid and Mrs, George F. N.
,Abkianaon of 'Carlisle are visi'bons this
week with Reve:renReverendand M.rs. Charles
Ideal Range For ;Chicks
An Meal range for chicks is a clover
(field, beside a corn field; 'or an oroh-
ard,• where they can get all the su
uletut green feed they can eat . an'd.
still have Shade as required. 'Given,
those condieioit's, once the chicks go
range they can b;e reared, withleery 11Uble labotnr, delpendenlce being
'placed mainly .on hopper feeding.
,:(Ontario grows about 00000 acrCs
otE sugar beets.