HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-06-01, Page 8,1ryn�..VT PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. Mrs, Jas. Priest and Mrs. Alpine MdEwan visited friends in ,Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grant of Lans- ing, Mich., spent the week -end here; LMr. and Mrs: J. W Bont'hron spent tlhe week -end with friends in Kitch- ener and ,Waterloo. Mrs. Harold Twitch@11 of Detroit is vasiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell, A number attended the graduati'on exercises at Victoria hospital, London. Mrs. FI'anna'h• Taylor, who has spent the past 3 years at Fi'lllniore; 'Sask., returned home on Saturday evening. Her husband, MT. Edward Taylor, Who has ,beens'erio'usly ill for quite a nitmlber of years, is no'w in a ho's'pital' •out there for treatment. ' Miss Irene H'oggarth is visiting for, several weeks with relatives ,ip Toron- iS'ervices in the Carmel Presbyterian Church were well attended on Sunday last with Rev.' W. A, Younghaving barge of the services. ,Holy Conmmnn- ion was observed alt the morning 'ser- vice Mr. :.and Mrs. Archie Hod'gert aye spending a fen, e day's at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Madge of Crom- arty. Mr. and Mrs.' !Jiohn Moffatt and daughter Lois Brucefield, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. P. Fish- er. The baseball spank will be officially opened on Friday afternoon for this season. Tihe Clinton ,band will be in at- tendance and a parade will be foamed on Main street and march to the fair grounds headed by the band. The grounds 'have been greatly improved and the grandstands re-ibuidlt, The St. Marys and Hensall teams will play. The .00ulteaatar for the gravelling of the Hensall streets is busy at the job'. this week, twin trucks bringing in 'about 60 yards of gravel a day. Every street in town will be gravelled. Commencing May 311st the business men of Hensall are oib'sevirng the ,Wednesday'afternoon holiday during June, July and August. Mr. Wan. Fee ,visited friend's in Ex- eter on Saturday. A Targe crowd attended the concert given in the TJnited Church ,on Mon- day evening by the London Orpheus Choral Society. This is a choir of 50 voices, assisted by' the' L'on'don .instru- mental trio and Miss Hazel Taylor, reader. A fine program was given. (Anniversary services were observed in the United 'Church on Sunday last. The attendance was excellent, .espec- ially so at the evening service when the church was filled to the doors. Splendid discourses were given by the Rev. James A. Finlay of London at both services, Special music was ,given 'by the choir. Besides two .fine anthems a duet, "The Lord is My Shepherd" was rendered by Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry 'Phile, and a solo by Dr. Smillie in the morning and in the evening a lad- ies quartette "Jesus Knows and Un- deeetands," by Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, Mrs, G. Hess. Mrs, H, Phile and Miss F. Welsh, and a duet, "Hark Hark My Soul by Mrs. L. Hedden and D•r. 6!m:idlie. Work • lie' beset ,Way to kill tigne is to work'it to death WORK YOUR 'SOIL WELL AND SOW OUR CORN AND MANGEL TO BE SURE OF 'GOOD RESULTS W.E. KERSLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dorsey visited with Detroit friends for a few . days this week. Mr. and MTS. john L. Malone and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Dalton were in 'Kitchener Past Thursdlay. WEST BRODHAGEN.• .Auoither of the old pioneers Of the Township of Logan passed to her re- ward on Saturday last in the person Of Mrs. Frances Jacob. ' She wias married to the late Mr. Jacob 53 years ago. Her husband predeceased her some years ago. They lived an Lot '34, Con. 9, Logan, through . all their married life. She leaves to mourn her loss, four sons, John on the homestead; George in Kitc'h'e'ner, and Fred and Charles in the north- ern gold mine district; two daughter, one in 'Logan and one in South East - hope Also a sister in Muskoa and two ,brothers in Logan, survive. The funeral was held at. Birodh'agen. Lultih- eran. Church of wlhioh she had been a life-long ,me'm'ber. (Mir. and Mos, Charles Regele and, son_ Harry, and Mirsi Fred Koehler and son Harvey took a motor trip ,to Fullerton last week. Mr, Charles Eggert is getting ready to build an • addition to his 'house and remodel the old one, so it will be !warmer for the cold winter that's coming. Roots and' potatoes are nearly all planted and: with the warm weather, should grow at once. HIBBERT. The 'Hibbert council met at Staffa township hall on Monday, all Mem- bers present. The' 'Reeve ,presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The tenders 'for crushing gravel in Horton's and CCoyne's puts were opened: Wilbur Mahaffy, 116c per cu. yard, and Ernest Allen 118c, per cub. yard. The tender of W. Mah'affy was accepted. The con- tract for trucking gravel from L. Butson's pit was given to Wesley Parson's, with Wilbur ,Mahaffy furn- ishing the drag -line, work to be done according to approval of road super- intendent. At the request of the police trttetees of Dublin, Joseph K'1'in'kham- er was appointed :patrolman for Dnlb- lin. ;It was agreed that clerical fees for P.V.D. remain the same as in 11932, $65. The council formed into Court of Revision for appeals against the assessment roll. The •following al- terations were allowed: ' 1Jo't 25, con. '1•, D. McConnell, assessment reduced $100; lot 23, con, 2, JohnF. Murphy, assessment reduced ,$200; lot 16, con. 7, Mrs. C. Smile, ass'essmen't reduced $200; N 1.3 lot 1, E 1-3 lot 2, con. 7. Thos. Pinder, assessmen't reduced $100; W% lot' 11, con. 7, Alex. James, assessment reduced, $50;, Dublin Can- ning factory, assesement reduced $1'1100; Can. N.R. lands, reduced from $57 per ,ac. to $35 per acre; 102 Mill St., P.V.ID., John Meagher, $360 bus- iness assessment transferred to Pacian Tyers; lot 29, con. 9, !Mrs. R. Martin, appeal not sustained; part lot 115, con. I10, Oswald Walker, appeal not sus- tained; P.V. Dublin rots, Mrs. Lucy Woods, appeal not sustained; 30 Rag- lan St, P:V•jD., Thos. Murphy, ap- peal not sustained. The following changes of ownership were granted: E/ lot 30, con. 6, Wm. MOlvor to Charles !Ahrens lot 111, con. 12, Thos. Cameron to Wm. Kerniok, 96 Mill St. P.V.,D,, Joseph Lerner to Mrs. Mary E. Stapleton; Mrs. Wm. MdDermott was granted exemption from dog tax. Genera' expense orders $92i23 were issued. The Court of Revision was ad- journed until Monday, June 12, et 1 p.m.—Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Tp. Clerk, Dublin. ST. COLUMBAN. The following is the report of U.S SJS. No. 3, Hibbert, on the work cov- ered since Easter. Senior DV -Thomas Melody 75%a, Edw-ard''Roach 73%, Albert ,Hart 65%,. 'Benedict - Holland 62%, Margaret 'Merp'.hy 60%, Joseph O'Reilly 56 (failed in two subjects), J'ac'k Cronin SO (failed in three subjects). Junior PV.—Wilfred :McQuaid' 70%, 'Louis O'Reilly 64%, I,saibel Roach 61%, Mary Hart 418%. Senior IIIIL—Rita Ryan 75%, Pat- rick Cleary 72%, Conrad Hlolland rill%, Francis O'Reilly 68%, Jack (Roach 66%, Lenore 'Rustin 58% (failed in 1 exam). !Junior III—Gloria Holland 78%, Mildred Murphy 72%, Elizabeth Roach 70%, Patrick O'Sullivan 6P%, Joseph H'art 66%, Angeline Rustin 106%. Leo Ryan 65%, Ralph Nlurp'hy 164%, Mary O'Reilly 59% (failed in 1 exam). 'Second 'Class -Mary Murray 75%, James Roach 73%, Doris Rustin 70%, !Patrick McGrath 60%. !Part IIT—Mary Doyle 73%, Loret- to•Roach 70%, Patrick Hart 68%, El- eanor McGrath. :67%u (failed, in one ,exam). (Part T. --track Cleary, Hon.; Basil O'Reilly, Hon.; Stephen Holland, Han., Arthur Murphy, Hon., Michael 'McGrath, Hon.; Francis .Cronin, Hon., Charles IRoadh, Hon.; Agnes O'Sulli- van, Pass, Margaret O'Sullivan, pass:. ;Misses Lucy Burke ,and S. Queen'an of London spent the holiday, at the hormer's home in ,Hibbert. Messrs, James and Joseph Gallagh- er of Toronto spent the week end at the home of their' uncle, Mr, JohnD laney. The :C:WIL. held a social in the par- ish hall last Tuesday evening, consist- ing of euchre and dancing. Honours at euchre were ,wort by: Ladies' first prize, Miss Angela Burke; gentlemen, Mr. John Malone Sr., and ,lucky door prize, Miss Mary O^Sullivan. The mu- sic for dancing was furnished ,by Har- rison's orchestra, Miss Rose McQuaid of Toronto is spending her holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McQuaid. Joseph' Moyland of I{'itchener spent the week end at his home here. Mr, and 1drs. James Clennan and baby of Detroit spent the week vis'i!t- ing Mr. and Mrs. lames McQuaid and ,other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krauskopf and family of Detroit spent decoration day with his ,parents, ,Mr.and MTs.John fKdanrs'kap',f. 'John ,MeephY of Stratford spent Sunday at his ,home ,here. TOWN TOPICS i1 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO June '1007 Lived at Hillsgreen The death has just taken place" at, Blanchard, North Dakota, of Mr, Ste- phen 'Willison, 'formerly Of Hillslgreen, and very ,many years ago a resident of ,Oshawa. (There he spent 'his first years rafter rc'oniing to CCana•d'a, and. ,there he was married. He 'had reached his. 90th year. Six children sunv'ive: IGeo'rgo and William, in N'or'th 1)a kolta; James,, in'Oalifornia J1ohn IS., in TiorantaoMrs, James Reid, Bay City, Mich., and Mrs. flames MadFawlane, Merchantville, N.J. Strike !Oil 19i1 lha's been struck in ,such quan- tities by the lBeussels Oil 'Oo'mpany at Monftton as,'to indicate a strong -flaw and• rdirillinlg has been s'toppe'd for ,the ,purpose of ,sh'oofiing the well. Another WI syndica'te has o. man in the district nearby abbain'hpg leases. and :conts'ider- able excitement is 'felit throughout ,the townships of !Elim and Logan. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933 CARD OF THANKS (Mrs. Peter Cleary,, Francis; aitd Mrs. Albert O'Reilly wish to - thanit, their neighbors and friends during their recent sad bereavement for the spiritual bouquets and those who loaned cats. The Bayfield Bridge. What' to do ,with the Bayfield !bridge isgiving.the county Cb5 c ul some trouble. A couple of years ago cement abutments 'were put in for a now bridge, ,with the idea Of 'building a ,bridge that would be permanent, in- stead of ,be'in'g liable lbii damage by spring freshens. The abutments .had got been finished long, 'however, when ,one ,of them was found to .have a Marge crack in it, the cement ..wank not be- ing on a sufficiently :substantial foun- dation. 'The 'cannel! ,are in a quandary whether to !pull the abutments Blown or 'try to ,patch .thein •vip, and' have left the matter in the hands of the county engineer for investigation. A bridge with a steel su'pers'tructure and a cement floor is what is con'teni,plat-1 ed and the Council have came to ,tlie'', concihsion that if it is necessary to build the abutments over again it .would the better to 'build them where the present bridge is located as the distance is shorter and it would ,mean a saving of several 'thousand dollars. Fire Escapes. _ The Canada Furniture Gonnpany have equipped their large factory with fire escapes. Erects Fence. Mr. William tGovenlook has erected a handsome cement fence in front of his residence on North Main street. Ladies' Guild. 'The Ladies' Guild of (Sit. 'Thomas' Church held their annual meeting on Monday evening and 'appointed the following .officers for the ensuing year: ,Hon, president, 'Mrs. .(Rev.) 'Berry; president Mrs: H. !Bullard; vice presi- dents, Mrs. E. Peters, Mrs. R. Tabus - tone; sec -tress., Roberta 'Johnstone. Assisting. Dr. T. ''McQuaid, late of St. 'Joseph 'H,ospital, 'London, is assisting ,'Dr. John Mdlrtp'is in his practice. DN .MEMORIAM 21AIP1FIE,HIn loving' memory of a desir eon and brother, passed away one year ago, May 301t1h, 1932. When the shades' of night ane falling, And we sit here all alone, 'In our hearts there canoes a longing, If he only could, come 'horde. Buys Residence MT. James Wright 'has purchased the residence and property of Mr. 'William Ireland, situated on East 'William street. Well Known Buyer Dead iWord was received last week at ,Centralia 'from Saskatoon, ,Sask:, ,of the sudden death of ;Mr. P. Curtin, a tormer'welf known and respected res- ident ofCent alba. 'MT. 'Curtin with. his family left& few weeks ago for the West, He was one of the best Who ever 1• known noise and cattle men e did !business in Western Ontario.. VARNA. Mrs. 'Mossop, Miss Jean, in com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Steph- enson, motored to Goderich 'Sun'd'ay. The memibers of the WA. .of St. J'ohn'e Church .met at the home of iLr's. H. Diehl last week and all en- joyed themselves. Mr. Lee McConnell has purchased the Mitchell h,omeetead., ,Bayfield road, for the sum of $3,800. Mrs. A. 'McConnell has gone on a vacation to Minneapolis, and Toronto. Several from St. John's congrega- tion attended the ,parish WA. held in ,Bayfield Tuesday evening. We are pleased to report Mrs. John Beatty has recovered atom a severe attack of acute bronchitis and is able to be out again. Miss Emily Beatty and Mr. Latham of London in company with Mr., What. Beatty of. Mount IBrydges, spent the holiday with friends here last week. Want and For Sale Ads. 1 time, 25c. Oft'and aft our thoughts do To the grave not far awayt Where we nand our dear, one, Just a year ago to -day. —Ewer rememlbered by his pare•'nts, ,brothers an,d sisters. ander, NOTICE. TO CREDITORS (Notice is herelby given •that all cred- itors and °thiens 'h'avim•g claims against the estate of Sarah 'Cluff, late of the Town of Seafoaith, in the Ciounity of Huron, Spinsters deceased, who died on. the 'Twentieth day of Apri1; 1933, are required to forward their claims duly ,proven to the u,ndersi,gned, solic- itor for the administrator, on or be- fore the ,Seventeenth.day of June, .1933. And Notice is further given that af- ter the said date, the administrator. 'will ;proceed to dieltrlbute the asserts of 'the estate, hlavin.g regard only to the claims of which he then eh'all have nortice, (Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this Thirtieth day of May, 1933. JOHN J. HUGGtARD, Seaforth, Ontario,. Solicitor for the Administrator. Walnut Trees Distributed To Women's Institutes iSeveral hundred Jap'ane'se Walnut or Heamtnut trees have been "'distrib- uted' to the WMomen's I'ns'ti'tu'tes of Norfolk and ,Durham, and to more than one hundred- •of the Junior Ica- stitute delegates, :who attended the recent Girls'Conference held alt Mac- donald Institute, OsA:C., 'Guelph. Mr. J. A. Neilson, former nut- spe- cialist .with this Department, gener- ously don'wted ,the.,etrees from his Guelph gamde'n, for the purpose of stimulating an interest is this neg- lected form of horticulture in Ontario, 'These' tree's, which are of a hardy, fast=growing race of Japanese Wal - pets, are af-pets,'are valuable, not only because of their very p'alat'able nuts, but be- 'eause they make attractive shade. trees on streets and lawns. Hearbnuts require very little attention after planting, and if planted on otherwise waste land, they make a very desir- able 'permanent clop. Backward Season. IMc•Killdp correspondent says: As we write this, the leaves are mot •fully farmed on the trees. They are usually formed 'before the 2141t1a of May, so it plaices this season three weeks later than the average Moving to Seaforth. 'Mrs. Floyd, who for, several months, has; been residing in iSeaforth with her son John, intends ,to make her future home here and, has been in Exeter disposing of her household effects. Mr rF'loyd was also at Exeter for a few days. assisting. Hensall Mr. C. 'Hudson 'has gone 10 Wood - ,stook where he has accepted a posi- tion .in a carriage factory. Mr. .Hod- son is a first,cl'asls painter and will no &IAA be able to Till the position sat- isfactorily. Miss !Emirs 'Drysdale has left for ID'tnbuc, ;Sask.,: where she will take a position as book-keeper, for B,irney & 'Drysdale of that place. Bayfield. Mr, and Mrs. Spackman, of the. 1Slauble !Line, Stanley, whose residence was bunted a short time ago, have moved into Bayfield :and have taken up 'their residence in the dwelling for- merly occupied fly Robert Johnston. Visitors. Mr. and Mrs. !Frank Beattie of Isola, Kansas, are 'visitors in ,town the guest of 'the former's father, Mr, John Beattie, Hayden Hall. O. M. B. Reports Syrup Going to British West Indies The Ontario .Marketing Board re- ports that in the near future, several hundred gallons of maple syrup will go from 'Montreal to Jamaica, Trini- dad, Been1'uod'a, Britislh. Guiana and other points in that region. !Figures show that practically xna 'Canadian maple syrup has reached the 2,000,000 .papulation of the 'Brit- ish 'West Indies, and very little from any other source. DUBLIN FRIDAY WANTED 1,000 Bags Choice Potatoes 70c bag in trade only BIACK.BACON 1 5 `. by, the Piece .... SEPOY FLOUR 235 Per cwt, KELLOGG'S CORN 25 C FLAKE'S, 3 pkgs... v HavelockFLOUR ,2 X49 ger cwt. T++++ Tomato Plants t boxes 25c '.cabbage Pllan!ts 3 boxes 25a W. I. FINNIG N IN MDAVIOIRIAM iSMALLDON JIn ever loving me- mory off nay sister, Mrs. Harold Srnal'ld'on (Il:sabel B'uIllerd) who pass- ed away two years ago, June 6th, 11193117 "In sorrow we waited day by day, And watched her suffering there, Slowly, bu't surely passing away, ,From the pain she scarce could bear, And then ,God called from His throne ' above, Her suffering and pain are past; We know: she has gone to realms of (love, And.in heaven hies peace at last.." ---Mrs. Geo. Eaton. JUNE 2nd. To Ken Hutchison and His Nine - Piece Band of Guelph. Gents 50c. Ladies 25c Hugill's I L K During. the Suntlmer Months the undersigned have contracted to deliver and .sell Hugill's:Milk on a cc'menission basis. We re- quire B!obks, Clothing and Mon- ey to complete our Education and in consideration of the small amount of Milk used in so many 'Homes in Town, we feel you could co-operate with us by your Patronage. All Milk deliv- ered by 5x30 o'clock every Morning. Give tis a, call. Pearl & Verna Hugill • Si1IesTRY ie' s Cleaners & Dyers WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER .14 TEN'D'ERS FOR COAL' , Sealed Tenders addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Coal," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight sa,ving), Wednesday, June 14, 1933, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings th'rough- out the Province of Ontario, including the Oity of Oittaawa. (Forms of tender with speci'fica'tions and conditions attached Can, be Obtain- ed from H. F. Dews'on, Acting Chief 'Purch'asing Agent, Dept. of Public Works, Ottawa; and R. Winter. Sup- ervising Architect,' 3;6 Adelaide St., East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the D'ep'artment and, in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions. The rig'h't 10 demand from the suc- cessful tenderer a deposit, not exceed- ing 10. per cent. of the amount of the tender, to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract, is reserved. By order, N. DESIJAAIRDINIS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 16, 1933. 'GARDEN PARTY Cavell Church, 'Winthrolp, will hold a. Garden Party on . the church grounds on, Friday, June 23rd. Supper from 6 to 8 p.m. A good program is being arranged. • 23 ROOM'S TO RENT :Suitable for light housekeeping. 'There is also .a ,bast which can be used as garage. Alppfy to The Ndws •office. 213. ATTENTION FARMERS If you are considering a• Packer, Disk Harrow, Spring Tooth Lever Harrow or Land Roller Our prices are lower, with a special lo'w price for this nth delivery y T. E. BISSELL CO. Represented by V. J. LANE Phone 46.11ee Dublin MEETING 'O'F HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the 'Council Ohansi r, at the Court 'HHbu•se, Goderich, at two o'- clock in, the afternoon, Tuesday, June the 6th, 1933. t All accounts, notices of deputa- tions or applications and other im- portant business requiring attention at this Meeting Of Council should be in the hands of the, Clear not later than 'M'onday-previous :to the meet- ing of Council. Darted at d3'oderich this 2.15'th day of May, 1933. GAO. W, ,H'O,LMAlN, 211 /County Clerk JUNE BRIDES The Burgess Studios, Mitchell and (Clinton, make photographs of a great many wedding panties. You get the latest in .p'holtogralplhy at a reasonable. price for good work. Studios open ev- ery week day. Phone l96w. We call and deliver' V. J. Gillespie, Prop. WANTED 'Wanted to buy, a second hand Deily churn, medium or small size. Must be in perfect working condition. Apply to The News. 22. FOR SALE , 'British American coat oil; British American Batteries; also battery charging. ROY BuUTT, BAA. Service Station, 'Seafaribh. '23. FO'R SALE 1 New Art walnut piano bench, I Colunnbia victrola, $1715 v'a'lue, with 75 records, like new, $20; 1 Cnosley radio $215; also a quantity of roofing paint, suitable for -asp'ha'lt or steel shingles, oust $1,65 per gal., nolo F. Out pianos you can save $100 nelw over factory quotations for August sales. Phone 34-616. JONATHAN I UIGIIiLIL, Sere. forth, RR. 2. 24. FOUND: 1A sum of money on the street at 'Seaforth on Sa'turd'ay night. Owner may have same by proving property '`to'i 'and paying charges. Phone 23-244. la 20,000 PLANITIS FOR SALE (Heart of France and 'Beauty As- ters, Super -giant Snapdragon, Zin- nias, Verbenas and Scabiosa. Petunias to suit every taste, IFiuffie Ruffles, California Giants, Balcony and Rosy Morn. Cabbage, y early and late. Dan- ish Giant, the dry weather Cauli- flower. Our Tomatoes are cool grown, no antiificial heat used, and they should nut go back when set out. Seeing is believing. Conte and give theist the once over. A'IJB'F1RIT B;AKIER,' Railway st.` Turn west at the'Seaforth' Creamery. 23 When You Have A HORSE or COW YOU WA'N'T REMiOVED,, Phone promptly to WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED. Phone 22 — Ingersoll Phone 215 W — Stratford PIAi110 FOR SALE !Piano, good as nety, tc be said very clreep. WALKER'S FU'RNI- TUIRtE STO'R'E: 'COCKERELS AND 'STARTED CHICKS We will have from time to time a quantity of four -week-old : cockerels both !Leghorns and Racks, at bargain prices. Also 'scanted chicks. Call and see us or phone t1137r3. SIUINbNYRrA•7.IE PO'ULT'RY FAIRM, S'eafartl Ont. . NOTICE Having erected a green -house, we are in a position to supply a better variety of bedding plants. Celery, to- matoes, cabbage, aauliflawer and Pep- pers. Asters, Heart of France, white, mixed; Salvia, - Verben'as, Petunias (large` ruffled), Oale'ndudals; Phlox Drirmmondi; Zinnias, Pansy. A large quan'tity of Rosy iidourn Petunia. Beau- tify your rockery with these. Choice Snapdragon ready to plant now (very hardy). You are cordially invited to come and see our ,plants. Bring your basket for cut-out plants. A. L. Por- TIEIOIUIS, West St. 22. COURT OF RE'VI'SION Township of Stanley You are hereby given notice that a Court of Revision on bhe: assessment for the Township of 'Stanley will he held in the Township ,H'all, Varna, on Tuesday, 'May 30th at 10 o'clock a.m., and take notice that 'all appeals must be left with ,bhe Clerk of the Munic- ipality not later than the 24th .of May, 1933. (Dated' this 'Seth d'ay of May, 1933. CHAS. C. PIIILIGIRiIM, Clerk SEAFORTH MARKETS. 'Wheat, per bus. 70c Barley, per . bus. 40c Oats, .per ;bushel 35c Buckwheat, per bushel 40c Eggs, per doz. .... ...,Se, 10.c, 12c Butter, per dlt. ... , .. .18c Poltaltoes, per bus . .60c Iilogs, per ,cwt. .... • . .. Want and For Sale Ads,43 times 50e,