HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-06-01, Page 5'THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933
Above ail =_
at Superior Stores
'It is our' guide to, good mer'dhlanldlis'e, hew price;,and firstuciasts
service. Ill is the sign of a geed Med-lank: ,oIQ ente'rp'rise and fore -
eight, taking ,ail the •adv'antiages offered by an 'Omganliealtion'- of over
nine -hundred s'to'res, served by its Own wholesales and one of the
leading distributors of food ,pro'duc't in Cana'd'a.
• • Items for week ending June 7.
MAPLE LEAF SALMON, %'s per tin 16c
HI'NISO large pkg. 19c
KR'AFiT BOILED SALAD DRESS'IN.G • 12' oz. jars 21 c
K'ELLOIG'G12 RICE ,KR!PSPIES 2 pkgs. 19 c
'SWEET MIXEDPLCKLES Ifamily jar 27 c
iKkova'h Health Salts pe'r tin, 18c
'Beehive Corn Syrup, 12ois—.15c. 5''s 33c
`Gilllett's ;Lye, eats dirt 2 tins 25c
ISdh:neider's Sliced Side B'areon per Ib. 20'c
iSb. Croix Ca'sltile Soap, 1100''s B calces 25c
iSesp'erior Braking Powder, ..8 oz, tins,l5c. 16 oz. tins 23c
'MoLaren's P'im'ento Stuffed Olives, No. 9 Per battle 23c
IMdlarens Plain .Queen Olives, No. 20 per bottle 23c
Oee'ade Orangea'de, Lemonade, or Rasplberepa'de per pkg, Sc
Salida Tea %.Ub. pkg. 23c
;Edu'c'ator Cheese Thins, or Hammered Wheat T'hineies'..0 oz "pkg 14c
•Chocolate Coated Mars'h'm'allo'w Biscuits per lob. 15c
Turki's'h Delight Candy ' ' per lb. 19c
IStaperior Palm Soalp,.•. ......v...•...... 10 cakes 25c.
Nan Camp's Tuna FishTA s 17c I/'s 't5e
Superior Stores Tea ...... ...... ..lb. pkg, 39c
Aylmer Choice Pe'adhes, ... —No. 2'squa't-18c. . , ....:.2 for 35c
,Ba'ker's Southern Style Cocoanut 'pea tin 1'5c
'Swansdown Cake Mix ....................................per pkg. 32c
Cereal B'len'd Brealefa'st Food * per pkg. 25c
Sea King Lobsters 1,4's -13c. %''s 25c
SOAPS ALL A'DV'ANCING. A very special offer kr one week.—
Pearl Naitha Soap ..7 bars -25c; 29 cakes—$1.00; 100 cakes—$3.25
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
MISSN. Pryce Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates •
Confidence •
and .a
Dependable Reputation
Good Quality
Please u by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by our services and highes`
market •prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for whale you wait,
The Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop:
—and -
;Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J, W'AiLIK1FJR, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
gHlon, E. N. Rhodes, ,Federal Min-
ister of Finance has made provision
in legislation to 'exempt .farmers'
cheques, money' orders and ,postal
notes of less than '$5 from the previ-
sions of the 2 cent stamp tax, the
Ontario Marketing Boa'r'd announced
recently. This Means, that farmers'
oheques for eggs end poultry as well
as for ,milk and cream are naweli'ee of
the 'stamp tax.
'Dir. F. C. Neal .of Peteilborough,
;soon of Mrs. Wm. Neal of Walton,
`whas e'le'cted president of the On-
tario Medical As'sooiation on Wednes-
day, at the meeting at Hamilton.
II'. S. Fitlih'ie, graduate of Heinsal'1
S'chlo'o11, won honora'b'le
neenitionin the Entrance M'emori'al
§cholarshnp exlanmm,
�a'tt:ons at Upper res-olf • Y ouz visitors..
iGamladla (1aji4ege• r.
Send us the na
Public ,School Board,
IT'he \'lay meeting of the Public
(School' Board was held in the Public
..stool with all meun!b•ers
present ex-
cepting Trn kee R. Archibald who is
ill eresolution oaf sympathy was for-
warded to Mr. Arcihiba'ld. Moved by
F. W. Wigg anti R Joynt, that min-
utes of bast meeting be adapted as
re'a'd. Moved by W, A. Wright and
R. Joyn't, that the following ac-
counts be passed; Stalarie's $7176,1I6;
Geo. D. Ferguson; $10.25; A. West-
cdtt4,150; Rotbt. H 1.0
$ Hogg. $ 0, Thos`
Dickson, 42c. Total $792:313. Moved
by F. W. Wigg and M. McKellar,
that the Principal's report be .adopted
as read. Moved by F. W. -Wigg and
M. \IctKelillar,,` that rep'orlts have come
to the Beard of frequent cases of
truancy and that ehe Principal check
up this matter and that pupil's be
punished• in such a way as to stamp
out this offenlce, That the Princi'pa'l
report f'requen't aiblsen'tees to the
IBoand' and also to the Truant Officer,
Moved by F. W. Wigg and W. A,.
IW'nigh't, that the Chairman 'be a com-
mittee to interview the Principal re.
'discrp'iine. Moved by F. W. Wigg
and R. Joyut, that the ass'is'tant
teachers' sectaries be reduced to $900.
Moved 'by M. McKellar and F. W.
'Wigg, thatwe adjiourn.
!Miss Elieabebh Smith tiebf for Ot-
tawa on Tuesday for an extended
Yi slit.
'Mr. Roy Raster Of Maple Creels;
'Sask., is 'spending a few 'holidays at
the home of Mr, and Mts. Chas.
Flinldl einner.
,l'Ir. Jas, Dorsey is improving nice-
ly cblfter unde'rgoin'g an operation at
the hospi'ta'l.
Mr. Will Brine and the M'is'ses
'Brine acco'neplanied Mrs. Bin -chill and
son Scott to Hamilton on Saturday
and spent a cou'p'le of days visiting
their nephew, Mr Stewart Slcett,
'Miss :B'adbara Rinldb,'ei'ner, Reg.. N,
of Cleveland, :Ohio, is nursing- her
broeher, Mr. Obis. Finkbeiner, who
is at present in Scott' Memorial Hies -
p idol:
Mr. Thiols. Kelly, who some year's
ago was •an -auctioneer at Kin'korca,
was, in town Wednesday, .Mr.• Kelly
has relturned'from New Brunswick,
and is considering locating in this
taca'llfty. .
Mrs. Nel's'on Sothenby and son 'D'al-
las, Trenton, Michigan; 'M'iss Lois
Sadh:s ijif I,in'eotn Park, Michigan,
spent a few d'ayis over the week -end
as gue'slts, of 'Mr. and _Mrs, Wm. Kerr.
LErs. Wni. Charters of the, Mill Road,
retturned with them on Tuesday and
will visit her daughter, Mrs. T'h'onns!on,
Of Lans'in'g, M'idh'i'gan.
Mrs. C. E. Norris, Who has been
visiting her sparents', Mr. and Mrs.
IB en. Rising, in .Egrnan'dville, ha's gone
to Toronto for 'a week,
Miss Bessie Grieve has sufficiently
recovered from her operation to be
taken hbmie, and is ,progres'sin'g favor-
' iMr..and Mrs. Tho's..Healy and e'hiO-
dren o'Toronto, were week -end oris at the home of Mrs. C. H'ohll!bein.
,Mors. Weddell Smith df Zurich was
a visitor .at the home of 'Mrs. H'ahlibein
IMr. and Mrs. Oster Reid and two
ch'i'ldren of D'e'troit, visited over the
week -end with : M'r. and Mrs. J. H.
.Reid, returning on Tuesday.
Gir. Robert Glew and Miss Atmelia
Cooper o'f Detroit were guests Tues-
day with' the former's sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude. G'old'beng 'of
!Detroit, Mrs. Reg. MdGee Of Gdde-
ri'ch spent a few hones with Mrc. and
!Mrs. George Albenh'adt and family, en
route to D'etroi't., -
'Many friend's of Mr. F. G. Neelin
were pleased to see him able to- be
upttawn again on Wednesday alIter
his recent .li'ne's.
'M,iss Jean Fer'gu.son, , R. iN., and
!Miss Gertrude Apiplleyard, R.N., were
iii•Liond'o'n 'fora few days this. week
attending the gradu'atio'n exercises at
Vtrbania Hospital, and also the Gold-
en Jubilee of the training school for
nurses at that institution.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brall and fain-
tly have returned to their home in
'Detroit' after spending several days
visiting their parents, Mr, and, Mrs,
C, Eckert. Mrs. Eckert is ,progress-
ing alonv!ly and her many friends
hope to see her, soon around again.
Mrs. W. P. Martin and daughter
Phyllis of vEddleport, and Mrs, E. E.
ISecord of M;daford are guests of their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Knec'htel,
'Rev: 'W. P, Lane, Mr..T, J. Mc-
Michael and Mr, F. S. Savauge are
aibtendinb the Oonfferenlce in London
this week, represeruting Northside
Rev, C. C. Koine is atending Con-
ference in London this week.
Miss Gladys McPhee, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. M. McPhee, of Sea -
forth, was bridesmaid at the wedding
of Miss Muriel McNair of Brussels,
and ,Leonard Sinclair of Ethel, at Cen-
trad Baptist Church, London.
'Miss 111''orence Taylor, daughter of
Mrs. Taylor and the late Henry Tay-
ler, of Seaforth, was 'inning the 20
graduates of public health of the Uni-
versity olf Western Ontario, who were
entertained at a dinner at the High-
land Golf CluIb S'aturd:ay`evening
Mr. Mills of the Hamilton Road
'Bran'c'h, .London, df the Canadian
+Bank of Cofnmerce, who becomes
manager olf the Seaforth branch, suc-
ceeding Mr, J. G. Mullein, who re -
tiros this month, wa's in town during
the week. 'Mr, and M•rs, Mills and
children .expect to come ' to Seaforth
nedt week, and Mr. Mullen will re-
linquish his duties about the li5ithi of
bine month.
At a're-organiz'a'tion meeting o'f the
Welland B'owlin'g,_ CIA this week,
Mr. H. E. Stark was elected presid-
ent of that organizaltlan. 'Mr. Stark is
a son of MTs. Stark, Sp'anling street.
,Miss Pearl Granger leaves on Sat -1
und'ay on a visit to Ang111s0le, Man,
'The Troyer annual reunion will be
held S'aturd'ay, June 10, in' J'onvettis
Grove, Bayfield.:.
Reverend Charles -Malcolm of Eg-
uandville, preached in Parkview Un -
ted ',Church on Sunday while Rev.
C. W. DelWitt C'osens preached at the
Young, People's . anniversary in Eg-
mondiville fleeted. Church.
'Mr. avid M'r's. Tames Clenahai
vIr. and Mrs. j, Glenahan, Jr. and son,
of Detroit, are spending a few holi-
days with the former's aunt, Mrs. T,
MZ(Q raid; Gederidh' street,, . ,•
,Rev. Dr. and 11frs, J. M. Keys If
(Oakdale, Pa., are spe'ndi'ng a cottp'e
of days` at the week -end with the
former's mother, Mrs. W. L, Keys,
IM,auy .friends of Mrsa W. W.
Gowan regret to learn of her illness.
'Mr. Borden Merner of 'L or>Idlori
spent a coupe of days over the week-
end with :iia•. Jack Arnold.
Er. P, W. Hlo'ag o'f Hagersvil'1'e
spent the week -end at his ha"me here.
Rev. C. A. Malcolm and Mr, Jane's
Brown are .attending Conference in
London 'this week, representing Eg-
m'o:ndvilie Clhttic'h,
Mr. Andrew Oke o'f Toronto, has
been spending a few days with friends
in Seafonth and Clinton,
Miss Ria Hi'lis and Misses Ida and
Eva Love'' of 'Toronto :.'spent the
iweek-enld at their 'homes in E'g
d blit
nno•n v e,
lEr. Joseph Townsend and his son,
of London, visited .his mother, 'Mrs,
5DiawnIsend, on Stbndlay.
Mr. a'n'd Mrs. Roy .M'dGeoc'h spent
several day's last week with the ' lat-
te'rs brother, Mr. Glen Taman and
teles. Tlannlan, in Tonotuto.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Graham of
iSltratford called at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Molle on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Mark Atkin returned
'bo :Detroit. Tuesday after sp'endi'ng a
Few clays with her parents, Mr. and
'Mrs. P!h'rbip'Kenny,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krau.skoph
spent Sunday with MT. and Mrs Dan
O'Connor. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jldhn Maloney of
!Buffalo have returned home after
spending a .few days: with Mrs. T.
Mos. T. Maloney has returned home
after spending a few days with her
dau,gihiber,' Mrs. J. Ryan.
!Mr, and Mrs. Blood, accampa'nied
by -
Misls Annie McAleer Of Detr'oi't,
visited over the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Patrick Ryan Jr. of Hlib-
Miss Florence Coyne returned to
Preston alter visiting her parents here.
Miss Veronica McConnell ' of Mt.
.Clements, spent Thursday with her
friend, Misls,Helen Knaus'ko'pf of Dab -
IMr. and Mrs. John Maloney are
visiting his mother, Mrs. Nora Mal-
oney of Dublin.
'.High grade, stylish ,and most up-
to-date glasses, rimmed or. rimless.
Your choice in shell, white or pink,
gold -,filled, with lenses complete, only
$6:50. Inrvis'ible bifocals with choice
of .frames complete, only $12.00.
These prices include a thorough ex-
amination 'by our iwell known and
painstaking ,specialist, .Mr, Hughson.
Over 20 years corning to Seaforth.
You ,get the best optical work to be
obtained and ;we do as we advertise.
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 6th,.
7th. Close Wednesday 12 noon. ,Game
early, 'Beattie''s Fair, Seaforth,
During the
Summer Months --
Hairdressing will be done
on Friday and Saturday
only of each week at the
Royal Apts., 2nd : floor.
Phone 207
Dorothy Robinson
JUNE 2nd
Admission -215'c, 'Ladies 'lOc
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States, with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates -
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, *rite or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
'Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, ac,- IBrucelfield and Bayfield played their
co'mplantied, by Frank and , Lauraibelde, first game in the 'Huron Fo'olbball As-
went bo Guelph last Thursday to the satiation on Tuesday .night .be'fore a,
IGradnation at O.IA.C,,, when MT,, good 'crolwd. Baylfield won by a score
Gandon Wright received his B.S.A. oaf T-0, 'Tlhe ,play was very good for
degree. the first o'f the season. The visiting
Mr, Jlames_Mu'slterd' attended the team seemed to have a lively bunch.
graduation of Gordon IA. Wright. 'After ,Btaylfiel'd se'ar'ed a'b'out the middle
Mr. John Doig and 'friend, Mr. A. of the first hallf, ,on a neat head 'bounce
IRadlwick of Detroit, visited the for- 'by'Campibell, the •Brucelfiel•d boyls ,be-'
,mer's mother and. sister during the ,gan to w'h'ip into action and during
week. the second h'al'f crowded .B:ayfield hard
IMr. and Mrs. M. Kincaid of Lis'to- at 'times bat with'ou't success. The
wel, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Doig and teams ,Baylfiel'd: goal, Geo. Sturgeon;
daughter Nyall of Wroxeter visited 1. defence, John L. Davison; r. defence
Mrs. L. J. 'Doing and Miss Janet during Chas. Tains; centre half, L. S'mi'th; .r.
hath, J. MdLeod; '1. half, V. Arm-
strong; centre, E. Oaimip'bell; ou'ts'ide
right, J'o'hn. Castle; inside right, Dion-
ald ISInalth; outside left, !Gordon Ped-
die; inside delft, Fred Weston; so'b's.,
CA. Sahier, ,H.. Sturgeon. B'ru'cdfiel'd:
IGoal, Pim Collins; 1. defence, Pearson
Charters;. r, defence, Bill Rogerson;
cenitre half, Jack lAikenhead r. half.
Norman Baird; 1. half, Gord Mellis;
centre, Mel. Snider; outside right,
Ldstie Pepper; inside right, Wm, E.
Pepper; outside left, A. J. !Mustard;
inside left, Pepper; subs; Pepper and
the week,
Mir. Robert Gooding of London is
vis'iti'ng his cousin, Mr. 3. D. Stewart.
'The many friends of Miss Isabelle
Moir, sister' of Mrs. 3. D. Stewart,
were sorry to hear' olE her sudden ill-
ness and her removal to Dr, Mtoir's
ISlaniboriu•m but pleased to bear that
she is nilaking rapid progress to'wiaands
recovery and expects to 'he able tel
return to her home soon,
Mrs. Robert Green and daughter,
Myntez, who have been visiting her
parents in M'innesota for some time,
returned to her home here. While
there, we are sorry to report, her fa-
'ther passed away.
:Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Green and
children of Exeter visited the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonah. Green on
!The services in 'Sit, Andrew's United
Church wore well attended on !Sunday
lash. Rev. R. R. Conner took for his
beset "We Would See .Jesus," and
'preached a very fine sermon 'The
choir rendered an .anthem "Softly
INlaw," in their usual capable manner.
The Busy Bees Mission Circle of
Sit. Andrew's United lOhureh met on
Saturday afternoon last at the home
of Miss Margaret ,Sinclair with a large
att!tendan'ce. In the absence of the
President, Miss M. Thomson, the
Vice President, Miss Olga Bell, pre-
sided over the melting. Aifter the cal:
to worship, .Hymn 4 was sung. The
devotional was 'taken by Miss Olga.
(Bell and topic Mists Annie Jarrett
while Miss Mildred Workman favour-
ed with a solo. Current events were
reviewed and also a :paper on Home
,Missions proved interesting. After a
social half-hour and a delightful lunch
served by the hostess- the meeting was
adjourned. The :text meeting is to be
in the form of a weiner roast at Bay -
!field the end of June.
'Rev. Arthur Sinclair of .Hensall is
to have charge of the services in St.
Andrew's United Church and also at
FDillsgreenan Sunday next, being Con-
ference Sunday.
Master Sidney Neeb df Goderich,
who has been visiting with his sister,
Mrs. and Mr. S. W. Thomson, has re-
turned to his home.
'A pretty May wedding took pltsce
,at the manse, Klippen, on ,Saturday,
Miay 20th, at 230 p.m., by the .Rev.
R. R. Conner, when Margaret Grace,
second d'augh'ter of Me.. R. J. Cooper,
and the late Mrs. Grace Cooper, be-
came the bride of Jas. Edgar Mc-
Bride, son of Mr. anti Mrs, Robert
M'dBnde of Stanley. The bride was
.bocoandngly g'oevned inn a frock of yel-
low silk moron with touches of Ber-
muda blue and carried a shower bou-
quet of Oplhe,lia roses and Maidenhair
fern. After the ceremony the bridal
panty return'e'd to the home of the
bride where a delicious lunch was
served. Latex the h'ap'py couple left
amid showers of ,confetti for Windsor,
Detroit, bllirrt and Lansing, ,The bride
donned for tna'v'elili,ig an imported
:frock of squirrel grey crepe, grey
coat with lapiin fur trimmin'g, with hart,
sihoes, purse and eaves bo match. On
'their return they will reside in Klip-
pen. A h'os't of goad, wishes go out to
the young couple.
Greater Than the Fabled
The Young Peo'ple's anniversary
Service will be held on Sunday even-
ing, 'June .hail, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Far-
rell of Clinton will be the guest speak-
er for the occasion and the Kipipen
choir are prelparing special ,music.
'Quite a number' celebrated the 214th
going fishing and boat riding.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller and family.
of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. 'C. Seimon.
'Miss Mildred Workman of Kippen
has taken a position at Mr. Gordon.
Love's for a few weeks.
Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane
of .Clinton visited with their sisters,
Mrs. Forrest and Mrs. Fuss,
!Mr, Victor Dinnfn of near Crom-
arty has been re-engaged in S.S. No.
7, Sltanley, for another term.
Mrs. Andrew Love olf Hensall is
spending a few weeks with her son
and d'aughtor-in-llaw, Mr. and Mrs.
G. Love.
Mrs. Jas. Lave and daughter Anna
visited the former's son near Kippen
on Sunday.
The ladies of the W.M.S. quilted
their quilts for the bale on Thursday
Mr. Harry Adkins lost one of his
best caws last week.
Mr. and Mn. B. Eider, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Mousseau, of near Hensel!,
called on .friend's on ,Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. E. Broderick and lfrs. q. Sei-
mon spent a day with •friends on Go-
shen line near Zurich.
Mfrs, IR. ,Stephenson and Miss .Agnea
Love 'have been on the sick list. We
hope they may have a speedy recov-
ery to 'better health.
Mr. Port Dennis and his mother,
Mrs. Harry Dennis spenit ,Suanday with
M and a rd M•rs.J an
es Smith.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Thornton
spent Srurday with Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Regele..
Mr, and Mrs. John K1s!tner and
Miss A•nua Kislhner all of Waterloo,
spent Sunday under the parental roof
of Mr, ansi Mrs. George Kis'rner,
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Leeming,
Ross and N'ornna slpesIt Sunday after-
w In Dr. and Mrs, iPto,udFod
t of
Mole ton.,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Regele,
daughters Sihfnley and Pearl, sp'e'nt
;Sunday aifitennolon visiting with Mr,
and 'Mars. Robert Campbell o'f Grey
Mr. John Houbd'en and Kenneth
Thornton called on Sa'muel Riegelle
Su nifty. •
Nurse Love .is still nursing Mrs.
Tih'oncas Leeming, Sr., wihb is net
much unproved.
Romance of Cinderella IMr, Jlohn Dennis, Elmer, Jes'sie,an'd.:
An arti'dle in The'Almeric'an Weekly )Ten'a Dennis 'spent (Sunday at Pike
with neem Sunday's Detroit Times, l[a'ke, -
tells of the as'tonis'hing career of a
IJalnlanese girl who was rescued born
a Tokio den of vice, married, her res-
cuer and helped him climb from Ob-
scure poverty to Premier of Japan,
thus making her a countess and •a
lady of the imperial ;count.
Want and For Sale. Aids ,1 time, 25c,I
HU'•I1CI1-1III$IOIN—IOn We'dnesdlay. 24th
May, 1,9313, at Private Patients' 'Pav-
ilioon, 'Toronto, to M'ariott (nee
Cash): wife of: Frederick Lorne
LHl'te'hison M.A.,: of 84 Wlhitehall..
Road; Torloatto, a soon (Michael Al.