HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-06-01, Page 47777
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
There, was some excitement in the
village one night last week, caused it.
is said, by a number of youths remov-
ang a sack containing something mys-
terious from a oar that had parked a
few minutes before under a street
light on Wlallton''s main street. Appar-
ently .the owuer of the car saw them
and legged it a'f'ter the booty, the .pur=
suit coming' to an abrupt end when
;the hijackers ran smack into a fence
twhich they had failed to notice in the
dark behind one of the buildings. ILt
Is believed that the youths finally
trade off with the ,prize, a few of their
number remaining to delay the pur-
suer. No trace has been found of the
parties in this littleact, but it is quite
certain that none of our local young
.men would be involved, untess, to dis-
courage such nefarious traffic in our
)Miss M. Rands of Seaiforhh is visit-
. ing her friend, Miss A. McTaggart.
Congratulations are due to Mr. and
:Mrs. Art McCall on the arrival of a
'baby boy on May nth.
•Mrs. George Welds and Joan, who
have been visiting in the village, re-
turned to their home in Toronto on
Mr. and Mrs. 1V. 3, Humphries and
family visited friends in Galt on Sun-
Mrs. R. Coutts went to bhe west on
Wednesday to visit her sons in Sask-
atchewan. Her many friends wish her
a pleasant journey.
Mr. John McDonald, 16 con. Grey,
went to the West on Wednesday. He
will visit his brothers in Saskatche-
The many friends of Mrs. W. C.
Bennett are glad to hear she is im-
proving in the K. & W. hospital, Kit-
chener, and hope she soon will be
able to come home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fulton, who
spent nearly two weeks in London
quite recently have returned home.
Miss Bertie Parr of Brussels has
been visiting friends in and around
Mrs. John Walker of Seaforth call-
ed on Mrs. Neal one day last week.
'Mrs. Walker is an ex -pupil of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter attended
the races in Mitchell on the 24'th.
Mrs. Joseph Bolger arrived; home
on Monday from her home in
Saskatchewan to spend a month's hol-
iday's with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
:Andrew Bruce, Grey township, and
other friends.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
David Crawford of McKillop again
has erysipelas in her face and neuritis.
Football fans of the district saw the
first game of the season on Friday
night between Walton and Brussels,
resulting in a win for Walton with a
score of 1-0. A good sized crotvd of
about 200 witnessed this opening game
'which was played on a wet field, Wal -
tun scored in the first half, Rae Car-
ter making the tally from a head punt
assist from C. Steins. Referee Percy
iStChens.sn orf Ethel was in charge.
The line-ups: Brussels goal. Finlay
Sinus; 1. defence, Bert 'McIntyre;
G. Turnbull, r. defence; Ghas. Haist,
centre half; Harry Workman, r,
half; Me,c-in Thuanpson, 1. half;
D,,u.la; Warwick, centre; Herb.
Stratton, outside right; Harry Bowl-
er, inside right; Miller McArter, out-
side left; Len Baker, inside left;,Ned.
.Rut;e'ige, sub.
!Walton — Kea Rutledge, goal;
Lorne Stciss, .1. defence; Moodie
!Holland, r. defence; Bob holland,
centre half; George Love, r. half; El-
mer Dennis, I, half; C. Steiss, centre;
Alvin Farquharso), outside right;
Gordon MciGavin, imide right; James
Jcthns'ton, outside left; Ray Carter,
inside left; Harvey Bryans, sub.; Bob.
,Tarrl'an, sub.
Kenneth Sohier of Bayfield spent
the week -end with his uncle, Mr.
Wesley Clark.
A number went to Ethel on Mon -
'clay to see the football game between
Ethel and Winthrop, The score was
Mr. John Cuthill and Mr. Garnhani
have completed taking down the
fraise house on Rinn Bros.' farm at
ILea''Ibury, who for several years have
rot occupied the house while livings
in the Marsh -all house on the adjoin
ing Faris, The lumber will be used by
•Messrs. Cuthill and Garnham for
cresting colony houses.
;Among the graduates of Fergus
hospital is Miss Grace Murray of
BMalton, also Miss Agatha Comites of
The weekly melting of the YsP,S,
of Duff's United Church was held
Sunday with the president, Harvey
Bryan's, in charge. 'Tlhe meeting open-
ed with a sing-song,wibh Miss Isabel
Ritchie presiding at the piano. Com-
ments on the Scripture reading were
,given by ,Harvey B:ryans. A s'plend'id
talk was given 'by the pastor, Rev,
Charles Cumming on "The Home We
Hope to Have."
The sacrament off the L'ord's Sup -
Factory Upholsterin
Work Done and Guaranteed by
C. Atchison
Prices Reasonable. Phone 179
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
per was observed in Duff's United
Church Sunday morning. The pastor,
,Rev. Charles Cumming, conducted
,the service and an anthem was given
by the ohoir.
Dobson—Brown.— On Wednesday,
.May 24tth, a quiet wedding took place
at the mansse, Rev. Mr. Oliver offi-
ciating, when Mary, second daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Brown, Blyth,
became the bride of Keith, youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Dobson,
of Woodbridge, Ont, They were un.
attended. Imniedia'tely after the cer-
emoty the happy couple left by mo-
tor to Montreal and Quebec. The
bride travelled in a blue and grey en-
semble. Upon their return Mr. and
Mrs. Dobson will reside in Brampton.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston
and Ionia spent Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNichol,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart and Ken-
neth also Mr. Joseph Storey of Sea -
forth visited at Mr. Nelson 'Nichol -
son's Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholson,
Gordon and Velma, also Mr. and Mrs.
John Grasby, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Jermyn.
Mr, and Mr. Andrew McNichol
visited friends at Brussels on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Patterson of
Chicago were visitors with the form-
er's mother, Mrs. H. M. Patterson.
;Rev. C. C. Koine, Mrs, Kaine and
daughter Luella, of Seafonth, were
visitors with Mrs. Kaine's brother, J.
W. Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Metcalfe, Mr.
Metcalfe and daughter, Miss D. Met-
calfe of Waterdown were visitors
with the former's sister, Mrs. H, C.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burnside, Mr.
and Mrs. F. Houghton of Bradford,
were visitors with -Mfrs, A. M. Col-
clough on the holiday.
Mrs. A. Tunney is on the sick list:.
We hope for a speedy recovery.
Rev. I, B. Kaine, Mrs. Kaine and
daughter Doris of Seaforth were vis-
itors with the former's uncle, J. W.
Mills, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0, Miller and son
visited with Mrs. Miller's nt'othcr,
'fro '\ 14 Colclough on Sunday.
Wits Gladys Leslie, who has been
in training at Victoria hospital, \Lon-
dsn, has returned home.
Mr, and Mss. Geo. Campbell, ac-
companied. by Mrs. _Madge, visited
'friends at Lucian on Saturday.
IMr. and Mrs. H. D. Slteckle, Me.
and Mrs. Meno Steokle and Mr. and
Mrs. Jlohn Slteclile ;attended the fun-
eral at Dunnville of their 'brother-in-
law, Mr. Albert Rittenhouse. Mr. Rit-
tenih'ouse was well known in this
neighborhood and very highly es-
teemed by all who knew him.
IMr, and Mrs. Gordon Manson and
Mr, and Mrs, ,lenno Jackson of
near Walton and Mr. and Mrs W.
Logan and daughter Kathleen of
Blyth were visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson on
'Miss Elva Wheatley of Toronto
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wheatley.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Britton and Mr.
and Mrs. B. 13. Stephenson called on
Mr. and. Mrs, (David Laidlaw of near
Blyth on Sunday evenitg.
Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull of near Wal-
ton visited at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Roy Lawson recently.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Ferguson visit-
ed Mrs. Ferguson's aunt, Mrs. Mc-
Nabb of Drayton, also called on Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Clark of Listowel
on Thursday of last week.
Mr, Charles Dexter will be in Lon-
don this week attend=ing Conference
as delegate for Loudeshoro circuit,
There will be preaching service on
Sunday in the absence of Rev. G:ard-
Sner, A man from Toronto will speak
on Temperance.
Mrs. Cook of Go,derich township is
staying with her daughter, Mrs.
'Frank 'Riley, for a few days.
{Mrs, R. Clark and son Clarence of
!,Lisitowell visited with the; former's
daughter, Mrs. Oliver Anderson and
Mr. Anderson, on Wednesday of last
'The Constance United Chtrch will
(hold their Sunday .School anniversary
bn Jnne'111'. ,Rev, C. 'C. Kaine, a former
pastor, will preach. Morning service
at 111 o'clock, evening service at 7.30
oiclock. There will be Special music
by the choir,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baxter arid'
Miss Helen Thomisa,i were vils'iitors' alt
the hom'e'•o€. Mr. and Mrs. Ausitin
Dexter on -Sunday last. 1 t.
' their two' little Arms visited, Mr., and
1Mns. J. A, Carnie and family on Wed-
The members of Blake W!M:S. held
quilting bee at the home of Mrs. W.
J, Tough on Thursday. '
The ladies of ;Blake congregation
gave Miss Edith McBride a . miscel-
ianeous shower :on Saturday after-
Miss Jessie Tough is paying a visit
to friends in Baylfield at present.
Report of No. 14, Stanley, for ,May:
Sr, IV, -;Audrey • Cochrane 7d%,
!Harold Jones 65, Aubrey .Farquhar
!Sr. III. --Mary Farquhar, 64, Kath-
leen Jones 63, George Ofilton
Jr. IlI1I.-,NPasian Kerslake '517, Eric
iSlwitzer 53.
ILI„-Tdan Speir '517, Dom Switzer 53,
,Erne Talbot 50, Willie Witcomibe 41,
IKen•neth McKenzie 35, Lois ,Rath'well,
iL—Mildred 'Jones.
Pr. A. --Donny M,cdKenzie, ' Alvin
Kerslake, Pr. B.—iBeitty Switzer. PT.
C.—June Murdoch. No. on roll 119. av-
erage attendance 11615. PIhlllipp'a C.
Pen'foid, Teacher.
'Nearly all children are subject to
worms, and many are born wibh thein.
Spare them 'suffering by using Moth-
er Graves' Worm Exterminator, an
excellent remedy.
Want and For Sale Ads 3 times 50c
Mr. and Mrs. Donis Blraill and fain-
ily, of Detroit,: plaid, us a flying visit
this week and report times are 'im-
p.roving and licrip'es are entertained they
may continue,
• IRdad gradia,g' and gravelling are in,
;full, swing 'on .Ml our boulevards` which
Thad' been in bad shrove .aflter ;the sev-
dre fronts and, mild weather during
the winter nt nitihts,
IEverylblody is busy snowing roots
and planting potatoes and there .are
good .proslpedts of a bumper crop if
growth continues.
Mr. Jlos. O'Rourke !Of London is
spending the holidays with his father,
M'r. ''Pat. O'Rourke.
Mrs. Anne Mulligan of Detroit
spent a few days with 'her friend; Mrs.
Jelin Shea.
Mr. Matt. Murray is putting a wall
under his barn this week.
IM'r. and MTs. J. L. Sri lith of Kenil-
worth visited at the home of the hat-
ter's sister, Mrs. Jos. Flanagtan on
IM'r. and Mrs. jos, `Cardin spent
Thursday last visiting friends in Lon-
uLr. 'Oharles Malone spent the week-
end at his home Nem,
Now Playing
They Just Had to
Get Married
Ilt's A Scream
Mon. -Tues, -luted., June 5-6-7
He Learned About
Comedy Newts Reel
'Thurs,-Eri,-Sat., June 8=9-10
Janet Gaynor Will Rogers
(Lew Ayers Sally Eilers
Louise Dresser Victor Joy -
Norman Foster Frank Craven
!Comedy Cartootr
New Issue
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$ 2,000,000 4% Debentures, due 1937 - 98.73 yielding 4.35% to maturity.
$ 2,000,000 4% Debentures, due 1938 98.22 yielding 4.40% to maturity.
Subscribers to the above Serial Debentures will be required to accept allotment of all or, any part
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$15,000,000 41A% Debentures, due 1950 - 99.00 yielding 4.58% to maturity.
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on or about June 12, 1933.
TORONTO, MAY 31, 1933.