HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-06-01, Page 1i'Alt the dievilrs booth are all things sold,
Each ounce ofdross costs its ounce of
(Fos a cap and' beats our lives we Day,
B'u'bbles we buy with a wlhoile soul's
e SeaforthNei
Tis heaven alone that. is•: given-.away;'i
Tis only God may ibie hied for the ask
price is set on the lavislh summer;'
June may he Iliad by the .poorest
:comer, (Lowell.
Phone 84.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
Now is the best time
to buy
Price According to Size
cwt 2.55
'10 lbs. 25c
WONDERFUL SO'A'P, 8 cakes ..25c
CAUSTIC SODA, in bulk ..10c lb
NDW CHEESE ............2 Ib. 25c
(CORN STARCH in bulk ...'3 ib. 25c
ICE, 2 3, 4 or 5 lbs. 25c
MILK 20c tin
6 for 25c
!Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples and
Feathers taken as cash. We pay
'1c a dozen extra trade for Eggs.
Cream taken for the Seaforth -Cream-
ery at the same :price paid at
Hutchison' s
E. L. B O X . 43
'1 A
The essay an 'What I Would Do
for My Co'mmun'ity 1V/ere 'I a lion,"
which was ,submitted by 'Miss Alice
1Devereaux, winner of the Modal prize,
arras deceived very honourable mention
!from the judging 'committee for this
distridt, which was held at Windsor.
The 'winner el the Cup 'from the d'is-
itrict •was Miss 'Almy 1Griffin o'f Dun-
Mr. and. Mils. Irwin Tsewatttha
spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hair -
burn of Seaforth. •
'Miss Norine Arhn'strlong of London
s'p'e'n't the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Fergtrs. Bullard. Mots. Bullard
returned to Landon with her where
'she intends to spend the newt' few
:Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hogg, Ken-
neth and Do'reen Seaforth, and Mr.
and Mrs, Faster- Bennett' and Morita
spent Sund'ay with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
• 'Winthrop played their first game of
football in Ethel on Monday nightt.
The score was a tie 11-11,
'Wi'nihnop' and Moncrieff play foot-
ball in Winthrop an Monday "•night,
'June' 5th.
ITlhe ladies of ,Cavan church repeated
the pageant "Sunrise in the Garden"
in Egmendville Chureh on Monday
Mr. and Mrs..EIlton H'aist and Billy
and Mr. Archie 0aantp:bell of Toronto
spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs:.
Janes Oaimplrell-return'ed to Toronte.
with them.
On Thursd'ay of this week Mr. ' T.
'Dodds and Mr.Robert Dodds Sr. wtild
heave for ee. visit torelatives in Sask-
atchewan/ and Mr, "Melvin'- Blanchard
forlNe1sbn, 131C., 'to visit 'his 'breather,
North Side United Church. -Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
ISundlay, rune 41th.
10 a.m.-(Sunday .Sdhaol and Bible
ant.-4PubISc 'Worship. 'Mr, F. W.
Lewis, of Tonlonto, ' Organizer and
(Field ,Secretary of the Ontario Pro-
hibition Union,' will represent the or
i7 ;pm. -The senwfce will be in the
.han'd's of the Young People's Society.
,Jun!e 4th, Pentecost Sunday. 10 am.
-The Church School. 111 a.m.-lThe
!Sacrament of Baptism will be observ-
ed. Sermon . theme, "W'h'at 'happened
at Pentecost." 7 p.m. -":Grieve Nlot
the Holy Spirit of Glod." The pastor
at both services. Reverend Ohanles
Sunday, June 4th. Confirmation
'Class and Sunday 'School, 10 o'clock;
'H'dty Communion, 11 o'clock. Ser-
mon by Rev. Canon T. A. Smith, of
O'tta'wa, Ont. Eveninig' . service 7
O'clock, Sermon by the Rector, Canon
E. ApiPleyard,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Pe'th'ick
wnnounce the engagement Of their
eldest daughter, MIa'bel A'gnes,. to
(Roy W. Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Patrick, all Of McKillop, the
marriage to take place early in June.
The Home and ,School Club are
gi'jinlg a picnic for the children of the
pulblic school on Saturday, June 3rd,
at 3 o'clock in Cain's Grove.
'The total amount on dep'asit in the
1Penny. Barfk by .Seaforth public and
separate schools at end of April, 1:9313:
$1,531193. Cosnlptarative figures of a
year ago:: $161718.99.
IIn the gradtr'aition exercises Of Grace
;Hospital, Toronto, which took place
on Thursday evening, May 251th, Miss
Ernestine White received the highest
standing ire thethree ye'ar's examine -
tions and was presented writlh a beauti-
fully ,engraved silveroake plate by
Dr. John Feegu:nen; in addition to this
she also attained 'the' honor of the
highest manias in the Victorian Order
Of Social 'Servide Work ever taken by
any nurse graduating fr'o'm the hospi-
After the function, Miss Margaret
White was presented with a suitably
engraved gold wrist watch for having
taken the highest standing in her se-
cond year's work,
I3 delightful tea under the auspices
of, the Women's Auxiliary .of St.
Thomas' Anglican Church, was held
at the rectory Fri,dlay, at , which a
large number 5 ladies were present..
Mrs. Edward Alpplleyand and Mrs.
L. G. VanIEgm!ond received the gueste.
and: Mrs. ,H. Th,onvs!on inv'i'ted these to
the tea-room where Miss' Jacksion'and
Miss Mackay were hostesses at the
te'a' table, assisted by Mrs. J. H, ,Best
and •' Mise Gertrude A'ppieylard. The
rooms were bright and fragrant with
Spring flowers. Miss Barbara Best
attended the door. Mrs. J. A. Case
and Mrs. Crowell were in c'h'arge of
the sale of` horree-ma'de,'baki,ng. De-
lioi'ou's, tea was stipp'lied by MTS. F,
The •opening tournament took place
at the bowling green on Wednesday
afternoon, S'odtdh Doubles, three M-
end games being played, 'The dratw
'was J, G. Dlotdherlty and I3 Jeffery
(1 win), J. Devereaux and R. J.
ISlproat. (I win), J. O1ark and R. J.
'Wlfnter (I2wins); C. Stewart and W.
G. W'i18is (13 wins), J. A. Wes!bcrott
,and R. Devereaux (1' win), T. J.
IS'co!bt and C. P. 'Silts (l win), W. J.
Duncan and F. 'Sills Q3 lo's'es), C.
Holmes and J. Broderick (.l•. win).
The prize was wan by C. Stewart
and W. G. Willis.
The first draft of stations in the
!Landon Conlfene'nce of the United
(Church ole Canada includes the follow-
ing changes in this district:
'Huron Presbytery: Bluevale, Rev.
T., E. Sawyer; 'Centralia, Rev. Rdbert
N. Stewart, BA., B•ID.; Ethel, Rev. J.
13. Champion; Kiipp:en, Rev. A. E.
Mann; •MdKt l'Uop, Rev. G. Edwin .Mor-
row, IB.A.; Tfiabnes Road and Roy's,
Rev. Neil M. Leckie, BlD.,
„Ilea'. W. F. 'Smith, from Mic(Kutllb!p
to Metal/ilk, Oxford Presbytery;
Rev. R. ,R. Conner, B.A., from K'ip:pen
to Elmtbro (Knox).
'Fertile Presbytery'- lK!irkt re Rev.
Charles W. 'Lewis, IDA., 13113.; •Moth-
erwell, :Rev. Jiames Anthony, M.A.,
Stella, . !Rev. I. W. 'J. Kilpatrick, B. %.
The 'scores of the opening games of
the 'Huron .Football 'Aissocialtion are as
• Northern Group
(Walton 11', IBrusseis 0, played May
76, at Walton. Referee Percy Stephen-
son, !Ethel.
'Winthrop 1, 'Ethel 11- '(tie). 'Played
May 29th 'at Ethel.' Referee, Bid 'B'ell,
'Brussels 1','Mbncrieff 0. Played May
30, at Moncrieff.
Southern Group
IBlaylfie1d 11, 'Brucefield 0. (Played on
May 34th, at-'Brucefield. Referee, Fer-
gus Milliard, 'Winthrop.
Kiplpen has 'entered a team in the
Southern 'Group 'and will - I take 'Olin'
(ton's place :it 'thejschedule in 'w'hich
there will be the 5ollolwing two
changes: Klippen at 'St. lOolunnnvan,
!June 9, will he added, rep'l'acing the'
May game. Mayfield at Kippen, July
6, will take the .place of the la'bQer's
game with Seaforth on the 'same date.
Football 'games for 'the 'week are:
)Northern Group -June 2, Ethel at
Moncrieff; June '5, .Moncrieff> tat Win-
throp, 'June 7, Walton ' at Ethel. Sou-
thern Group -June 2, :'Baylfieid at S'ea-
forth; June 6, !Kipper' at 'Seaforth;
June S, St Colunib'an at 1Raylfi:eld,.
The regular meeting of 'Public Uttil-
Commission ,'was 'held in the
'Cleric's •oflice on IMlay 130th. All the
members present. ;Minutes of 'fast
meeting read :and 'oonlfirnned. The
following accounts were pa'ssed:Elec-
tric department-1E..Mdle, Salary $100,
Ono. A. Wilson, salary and tramp.
$58.715; .Hugh C. 'MacLean !Puibliea-
•tions,$.2; S. Allen, 'wages, 1$214,40';1Find-
,ley'•s Ltd., t$3J1I5; 'Can. Gen. Elec.
$66,115; 'Mioffat's (Ltd., '36c, 'Woodstock.
!Lamp . 'Go., $315.717; General Steel
Wares, $2'03; Ellis &'Howard, $24.95;
IDbtwsweil,'Lus & Co., •inv. $2,.15; Hy.
Elec. Pr, Coin., ,Alpril power and acct.
$1111315.38; IE. Mlle, paid :on •rangette,
$3.00; [Bell 'Tel. Co., acct. $2.87."Wait-
erwio Ids-lA. (Little, .s'al!ary, 1$50; E. L.
Box, colas, ($6,136; S. 'Ahern, wages,
$3,60; .A, IF' attune, wages, '$250; (Geo.
IPinikney, wages, 812.150; 'Pub. • Utility
IC•om.:elodt:ric 'dept., Sight land aced,
$111.98; Can. 'Brass 'Co,, $1;3.36; S. Al-
len, 'wages,/ $22.05; Geo. 1Pin:kney,.
$115:00;` rac'ob. iWunm, 'wages, •' $12.00;;:
Jahn Currie, wages, ±$11500; Jmo.' A.
Wilson, .paid exp. changes, 615c, 'Bell
Ted, Co., acct., $2,715.
The opening softball 'game of the
iLeague in S:eaforth, :Monkton vs. Sea -
forth, will he !held at the recrea'ti'on
ground's on Tihuradlay; evening, J'u'ne
1. W. H. 1Gldlding, M.'P„ ,W. IG, Medd,
MJL.,A and Mayer !Sutherland, :pres-
iden't Of the .d'ilsltnict league, (will offic-
iate. The battery for iSea'forl@h will be
]Gordon:Buclonam, pitching,'an'd. Evan
Rennie, Patching.
10111 Mlay 229th the game at .Monk -
ton 'between ;Dublin'. ,and Monkton,
p'ostp'oned from May 26th, 'was .played,
restating in of score, Monktorr 28,
!Dublin 7.
ISlditball games scheduled 'for: the
conning week .•are: Group, A-1June 6,
Grand Bend, at'Gbderich; ju'ne6, Clin-
'coni at `BtaSi6elld. 'Grotto B. -June 1,
'Monvkton at :Se'alflo•nth; 'june 6, 'Mitch-
ell alt',D'ublfn.,
The Lions Club of 'Goder'ic'h is
about to roar again. Ilt is a good roar,
a human roar, which should he heard
,and heeded in every ,corner of Huron
county a:nd beyond -'for .,.he,,,•las't four
years blas ,amply Shown -to every resi-
dent olf Huron the wonderful results
attained by the Lions benefit fund,
and it should he the pleasure and duty
of every resident of town, village and
farm of the County to mike itt poss-
ible floc them to carry on.
!Funds are nece'ss'ary and we lenolw
(personally and Collectivel'y that the
times are not of the best, but the
iLien's have evolved a plan : whereby
there will be a county wide entertain-.
anent of sterling value at the charge
of fifty cents per ticket -and every
fifty cents goes to the Crippled Chil-
dren -that is the big object.
- The cdn'cents will be given by art-
ists of the first order -
Mr. Lelsliie Sommerville, Concert
and Radio Organist 'of 01(1010; Miss
Peggy Mioreland, 'Chid Wonder Viol-
inist, the Gold 'Medalist at the Strat-
ford Musical Festival of 191313, whom
the judges acclaimed as the outstand-
ing juvenile violinist df all the festi-
v'al's at ;Stratford.
Mr. Charles M'elatins, operatic bari-
tone, who for twenty-five years was
,one of the outstanding vocalists . of
the London, England, and Now York
stages, who created the' p•rfn'oipbl
parts in the int'erna'tional success,
"The Merry Wideee" and "Rose Ma-
rie." There will be one local artist en-
gaged in every town for the concert
of that date.
Mr. (Reg. Hopper, Field Secretary of
the Ontario Crip'pled Children's As-
sociation, will give a twenty minute
talk an the w'or'k, and results Of the
wonderful work of the pans lCrippled
Children' Fund This pans lec'ttwe will be
illu'st'rated with moving pictures of
The actual work and success attained
and should be of vast interest to all
in the County, as the entire County
It is one of the finest, most humane
'benefits in our .power to ,support. Let's
all get together and help. A resume
of the'' programmes and the dates
when the concerts will be given in the
churches of the towns df G'oderiic'h,
Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter, Wingham
and Lueknaw, will •beg ivan next
week. Let us all help! --'J. H. Taylor,
secretary Goderich Lions Club,
Y. P. L.
The regular meeting of the Ybu:n;g
'Peo'ple's League of Northside United
Church was held on Tuesday even-
ing, May 30, at the home of Mr. and
14ns. Keith Webster with neanly all•
members" present. The ,first 'part of
the evening- was spent in a very in-
teresting ball game, rhe "Greens"
vs, "Blues," followed by numerous
other games. Gathering ar'oun'd a
large bonfire the .following program
was much enjoyed by all. Musical
numbers by Messrs. A. Finlayson
and J. Htaiblairk an the guitar, mouth
organ and violin. Several humorous
readings were given by Miss Donna
Toole. 'Misses Grace Kreuter and La
Melle Hawkins favoured us With a
couple Of guitar selections. Conimun
ity singing completed ,this p'ar't of
the ,program. Upon entering the house
a very dainty lunch was served to
which all did ample justice. Rev. Mr,
Lane and President ,Mr. S. Scott, on
behalf of the 'League, expressed their
appreciation :to Mr. and Mrs. Web-
ster for their kind hospitality which
were folllowed by suitable replies by
the host and hostess. An enjoyable
evening was then brought to a close
by singing the National Anthem.
Wlnile watching the clouds of a bad
storm pas'siapg to the west of ISeafort'h
on Monday, Mr. John Sproat recalled
a legend he had "heard many years ago
to the effect that a terrible tornado
had once swept across Western 'On-
tario from the shores of Lake -Huron
to Lake Ontario, mowing a sw'a'th a
mile wide through the forest, 'This.
iwould, have taken place Jolla before
the first white men- carne. It is said
Ehsxt early settlers foetid a s'tri'p
in the forest'where` there was new
growth aannong the rotting stumps of
fallen, trees and were able to trace the
path of what, must have been a tor-
n'ad'o, starting from a point some-
where north of Lucknrow.
On ,Sunday, May 28, 'the Egm'ond-
villle'Young 'People held their anniv-
ersary services. Rev. 1C. )W. D.'Cozens,
'NLA,, B'D., was the speaket for both
morning and eventing services which
,were 'both . very well attended. ?,
young ,people's choir p•rovid,ed ,the
music, 'assisted: by Misses (Helen Dame
and ,Bessie Cduff, and Mr. tT'ahn Beat-
tie. On ,Monday evening the p'agean't;
"Sunrise in the (Garden," was put on
'by. •the 'Winthrop ladies. The stage
wee 'beautifully :decorated for the oc-
oasioan. (Other . numbers on 'fie pro-
gram were two 'solo's, "The (Odd Rugg-
ed Gloss" and "Just kr ,Today, by
Mr. Hamburger. Three readings Icy
(Miss jean Smith; a 'piano .duet by
Mlistsets !S'tron'g and Hellen .a duet by
Mrs, P'ethick and Miss Margaret
iPethick, and to rase drill by 'four girds
who are pupils of Miss 'Rossie Pat-
rick. Mr. ,Stnith• also gave a short ad-
dress din the p'a'geant.
Township Council. _ The Council
,met in•'bhe town hall, 'Sea'forth, an
,Satnnrd'ay, May 2171th. W. ,R. Archibald,
Reeve, in the chair, members all pres-
ent M.clKay=Clark.--That the minutes
of fast meeting 'be ad;optted. 'Clark-
IWhitmore.-JT1h:at J. W. Crich be paid
'$5.00 for lamb • killed' by dogs. Clark-
IM'dKay.-'That 'the collector ,be given
an extension :o8 time until `July ''1st.
Whitmore -..McKay.- Tihat R. .D;al-
rymiple be paid the sum o'f $8935'5,
pay list No. 3. ClarkeMcKay.=That
the tender of Wilfred Coleman for
hauling gravel by truck at 9c per yd.
mile he accepted. Glark-MclKay.-
That any person or persons rem'ovi'ng
earth from roadsides, thereby making
rdad dangerous to traffic, will be prlo-
s ecwtei. Olat+k-M'iKK ay. -(.Chat the
following acdaunits he paid: Clinton
News -Record, adv., $1:35; Seaforth
News, adv.. $7:70; Mun, World !Ltd.,
supplies,. $211'.37; E. B. Goodie, milk
for relief, $31.84; G. N. Turner, salary
on account, $50; W. J. Finnigan, sup-
plies for relief, $7.46; H. Tyndall, rep.
road, $1.150. .Clark-+MdGregor.-That
Wm. 'McGregor and Wm. Wright .be
paid $12,00 rebate on dog tax, wrongly
assessed. 'Tlhe council' meet as a court
of revision on ;Saturday, June 3rd, at
4 o'clock and the next regular meet-
ing will be held on Saturday, June 24.
at 2 p.m. -D. F. McGregor, Clerk.
Mrs. Winn. Charters left for Lansing,
Mich., an 'Tuesday to spend a couple
o8 weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Rex
Mrs. Nelson Sut'herby and her son,
motored fram",Detroit to spend the
week end with relatives in the neigh-
(Mr. and Mrs. 'William Riley, 4th
concession, entertained about 100
friends to a dance an Monday even-
ing, the occasion of their fifth wed-
ding anniversary.
IA meeting of the executive of the
Tuickersmbtli Trustees and ,Ratepayers
.A,ssaciation was held at the home of
the .secretary, Mr. W. S. Broad'fobt' to
plan for the annual meeting to be
held on Friday, June 22nd at 8 p.m. at
No. 9 schoolhouse ((Red Tavern)
IIt is expected that W. G. Medd,
'M1L.IA. South Huron, will be present
to discuss '19)313 educational legislation
anid Mr. Jose'p'h Forrest will •discuss
educational improvements from the
'farmers' sltaeidlpoint and Mr. R R.
'McKay will speak from the teacher's
side. Music will be furnished by local
talent, bit is hoped there will the a good
:atttendam oe.
The .death occurred on Wednesday
night, May 214th, fo'llowin'g a protract-
ed illness of Pettter„Cleary, well known
and highly esteemed' resident of
ITacl:ensmviilh. Mr. Cleary, who was in
his'eightieth year,'was born on the
ell 'homestead an the 2nd concessioai,
of Tuckersnitth, He was twice mar-
rigid, his first wife being Mary Ann
Dorsey. T'wenity-one years ago he was
united in marriage to ]Miss Mary
Keeler, who survives him, along with.
a son, Francis, at home, and also a
daughter by the first marriage, Mrs.
tAlbert O'Reilly, Se'aforeh. Mr. Cleary,
was a Roman Catholic and a member
of the Holy Name Society of ,St.
fames' Catholic Church, Sea:forth.
Requiem Mass was celebrated by
Rev, Feather Hussey and intermieret
made in Sit, Jlanre's' Cemetery. The
pallbearens were Matthew Haney.
J'aues Nolan, William 0ld'field, Ted
Nolan, Harry Tyndlall and James
\4r, and Mrs, ,Il'arond Jackson, Mrs.•
j. Jlackson, were in Guelph on Thurs
day attending :the O.IA'C. •gnaduatring
exe2rcis2es.o'f -the lat'ter's' son, Mr. Ken- ,
neth Jackson.
IOn !Sunday evening ,next, June 4Ith
the first of the sutrrnier band concerts.
will be held.
with this
32 -piece set
ACCEPT this lovely gifts
You simply purchase a
32 -piece companion set of
Community Plate in the
fashionable Paokette roll...:
and remember, Community•
Plate prices are extremely'
low. We give you, abso
lutely free, 6 Community -
China cups and saucers to,
match perfectly the design-.
you select ... Lady Hamil-
ton, Deauville, Noblesse;.
Adam, or Grosvenor. Why
not come in today and see
these gorgeous ensembles?,
for Sate by
Jew eler and Optometrist
Mrs. A. Topp, Miss Alice-To'p:p,-
Mr, George Katie of 'Buffalo, were •
week end •gues'ts with. ,Bir. and Mrs..
John El'gie.
Mr. Kenneth Jackson left on Mon-
day for Ottawa, where he has a- good
A very p'le'asant evening was ,pent
at the home of Mr. Alva Way wired
the girlstendered a .s'hewer to the
bride -elect, Miss Evelyn 'Way. We all
wish her success in her new horse alt
:Mrs, Norman Wacker and Miss;
Bessie Peterson of Bruceifield visited'.
,alt the home of the fornner's mother -
and latter's aunt, Mrs. Alex... Wallace
on Thursday last.
Mr. Harvey Lea'therland and. two •
sisters, Misses Viola and Annie of.
liiyth were week end visitbrs at the -
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wlal-
lace and Mr. and Mrs, Russell Wal-
Mrs„ Alex, Wallace, Misses Grace
and Ruth, Messrs. Donald and Doug-
las ,attended on Friday the birthday
panty of Master Jack Caldwell; of
Bruoe'field, who celebrated his tenth
Mr. James Wallace, Misses Marion
and Jessie Wallace visited last Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs..
Norman Walker, Brucefieild.
Miss Anna Love spent Sunday lame
the guest of her atiiead, Miss -Marion •-
Mrs, J. Keen returned to Egmond= -
ville l'a'st Thursday after visiting her -
soun Harold' in 'Buffalo the past month,
Miss Marion Thompson spent Snin-'-
dlay pith her friend, Miss Edith Hem -
The following is the school report'
of 'USS. ,Nio. 2, Hallett, for menthe
of May:
ISr. EV.--IDelpihfne (Bis'back 'S'h'6%,-_
Helen Welsh 717%, Weldon Tyndall
04%, 'Wilbert Levey 7'22%, Ruth IRo-
zell 6916%, ',Kathleen Martin 155.6%,
Margaret Cornish 630%, 'Billy Jen-
kins 60%, Jeanne Glew 32%.
Sr, IITII,----FFrank T•rewartha :65,6%,.
'Dennis •Bis'blac'k 60%, Doris -Tyndall
59%, He'len 'Rozell '57.6%, Lois Far-
quhar 67%.
Jr. 'IIIA.-tEd'twarsl East '713%, 'l:Cur.ra
East 60%, ,Keith Tyndall 43%.'
ISecoindl-(Grant Bis!baok 07%, Mar-
jorie Bailey 64%.
Sr. •First -Bill East S'5%a.
Jr. First -Douglas 5iozell, Jack e•
Eiast, Tomnny.East,
Primer-lDiauglllas' ,Farqulhar, Ross
Trelwartlha, Jelan Hunter. Nun her:
on roll 26.-Tealc'her, Amy Parsons;,