HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-05-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. M•rs.Dr. Port (� ) Reid of Pgit Ro'wa spending a few daiys visiting her p eats, Mr. and Mrs Edward She Mrs,. Sheffer, who has spent the .p month visiting Dr. and Mrs. Reid (Port Rowan, returned home t+htetn, A large crowd attended • the sale the property and household effects the late John M+c1D. Wilson on Sat day ,'afternoon. The household effe were all sold and brought ,good pri but the real estate was eat sold. T highest bid was $43S, from Mr,. Da Robinson, for a good 1% story fra house, 4 good Tots and 2 stables. , (Oscar Klapp of Zurich was aucti 'eer. Mr. ,Jas, Moiiey df the firm Of ling & Morley, Exeter, was` in t on Saturday in Connection with i' W son le. l sale. The Hensall 'baseball team will pi their first game of the season at N' el-btnlbuxg on We'dlnesday morn'i May 244th, at the opening of the n baseball prank at New (•land 4rg. Th will play at Stretford in the a'ft noon, A meeting of the business men the village was held on ,Tuesday ev Ong last to discuss business eondi'tio and problems, It was decided commencing on May 311' : and durii the months of June, July and Augu the merchants will abserne bhe We nesday aftern!aon h'olid'ay exceptir the weeks in which there is a pub holidray. The stores will be •open ever Tuesday evening. If possible a baa will be secured to play 'Staturd'ay ening. during the summer months. At a special meeting of the villa ,council on Monday evening to. con Sider the tenders received for haw ling •gravel. The tender of Mr. J. A McGregor at 39 cents a . yard, f screened gravel, was a'cce'pted. Th work is to be conuneneed immediat ly, The council intend putting on b twee* 400 and 500 yards, which wi build up bhe roads in splendid shag Mr, Jas. Tapp, son of Mr. and Mr John Tapp, who has been attending McGill University at Montreal, pass- ed his final exranunations and won his degree of Doctor of Philosophy. /His father and mother, . 4r. and •Mrs. john Tapp, attended the' graduation exercises at Montreal last week. ,Anniversary services were observ- ed in the Carmel Presbyterian Chundh. on Sunday last. Rev. Kenneth Mc- Lean, B.A. of Wingham, preached very acceptably. Alt the morning ser- vice a solo was rendered by Mrs. J. W. Bon'thron, and a ladies' quart- ette by Mrs. Young, Mrs. Jas. Pat- erson, Mrs. W. A. McLaren and Mies Irene D'aters. In the evening a duet was rendered by Mrs. W. A. :4ldLaren and Mrs. Andrew Doygall. The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres- byterian Church are holding a ten cent tea at the manse on Saturday. The musicale given by the choir of Carmel Church was well derided Monday evening. A splendid pro- gram consisting of solos, duets, quartettes, choruses, instrumentals and readings were given. Following is the pragramr Chairman's address, W. A. Young; opening chorus, "Onward Christian (Soldiers," by the choir; quartette, "Mary," Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Young,' 'M.r, and Mrs, W. A. Mc/Laren; read- ing, Mrs. G. M. Young; violin selec- tions, Mrs, Wm, Murdoch; solo, Mrs. Jas. Bonthron• ladies' quartette, Mrs. Young, Irene Darters, Mrs. Paterson, Mrs. McLaren; address, Mr. Rhodes; violin selections, Bill Murdoch; duet, Messrs. W. A. Young, W. MCLaren, nisi ar- ffer. est at vitt o oi ur- its ces he vid me blr. on- Car- dwn the ay ew mg, ew ey er- af on - ns ,hart g at d- ig llc ev ge 1- fa "The Battle Eve"; address, Rev. G. M. Young of Nairn; chorus, "Hail Smiling Morn" 'by the choir; solo, Miss Annie Stewart (Clinton); duet, Mrs. McLaren, Mrs. Young; chorus, "Four Jolly Smiths," by the choir; violin, Bill Murdoch; solo, Mr. Young, "Dat Little Fiat Fellow with, his Mammy'- Eye's'; quartette, W. C. Goodwin, Clifford Moir, M'rs. IBonthron and Mrs. Paterson, entitled, "The End of a Perfect Day." God Save The King. Mr. and Mrs. D. MoNaughton have returned home after spending the winter with their son, Mr. Lorne McNaughton, of Hibbert. Miss Eva Gilles, R!N. of London' is visiting with Mrs. Fred Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Miekle spent the week -end wide friends in Ridge - town. (The Council and the baseball exe- cutive have been working hand in !land and have had the .grandstand prepared and the back stop re -wired, and the opening league game on the Hensall Park for 1930 will be played on Friday, Jenne 2nd at 6 p.m, Open- ing ceremonies start at 5:30 with the ,Clinton band leading the parade to !the ball park and at 5.60 the hon. }Presidents and others will dfficially open the ball season, The Hensall execu'ti've consider They have a faster team than ever this year and ask your support. HILLSGREEN. Large numbers from this vicinity attended the Young People's Anniv- ersary in the Ktppen Church on Sun- day and all ancloyed theservices of which ,Rev. Craik of Goderich con- ducted, and also the choir mu,sic. The la n Monday eveniia play o g tinder the auspices of the Auburn Y;P. was ful- ly enjoyedby many front here, too., The regular services will be held in the H'ills'green Church on Sunday af- ternoon, May 228, with Rev. R. R. Conner in charge. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, daugh- ter, Miss Edna, and Mr. and Mrs. H.. MdMurtrie of Kippen spent a day in dStrathray and London. Mr. and Mrs. John Love and Misses Agnes and Anna Love, Mrs. Roy Me- iBride of Blake were in London• and spent the day recently. 'Mr, and Mrs. M. Rice of Los Ang- eles, California, galled on friends here last weelk enrouteto their summer 'biome in Forest Nook, Ont. !Mr, and Mrs. Jack Baker and fam- ily and Miss Schwalm of Zurich vi.sit- :Work The :beet' way to kill time to work it to death .WIO1RK YOUR SOIL WELL AND STOW OUR CORN AND ,MANGEL TO BE SURE OF IG'OOID RESULTS W. E. KERSLAKE ®fir ad friends on, the 114th recently. IMr. and Mrs, C. Seidnon and soot. ILeaton spent a dray in HensaiL recent- ly- 'Me. W, Jarrett, diatsghter Annie, 'Misses Edna Cochrane and Letitue Love ,s'pen't Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. McMudbrie of Kiplp'en. 'Mr, and' Mrs. S. iMicl rfde spent Sunday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor of,.Ohis'eihuest: Mr, Anson 'Colemlan has; been lalid up for a few days no'w suffering from a kick on the ankle from one of his horses. We hope he may soon . be anounnd again and have the use 'al' his ankle as usual, (Miss Walker, R.IN., of Rena'}'(, is nursing Mrs. G. Love, whois doing as well as can be expected now. Mrs. Johnston has returned to her lame in ,Zurich, she also was helping to nurse Mrs, 'Love, Mr. F. Stel'ck has been in Varna several times where his brother, Mr; Charles Steidk ds very sidk. Mr. Ben Elder of Hensall called here recently on business. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Oonsitt of Hen - sal! are spending a tow days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love spent Sun- day in Hensall with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. M. MdMurtrie, Quite a number have finished re - sowing their spring craps which were not coming up with to many rains. BRODHAGEN. In the passing of Jun'stine Hina, widow of Francis Jacob, at her home, lot 3, con. 9, Logan township, Satur- day, May 20th, the community lases one of its oldest pioneers and a link wide the early history of the town- ship has been severed. Mrs. Jacob was in her 88th year and was barn in bhe Kingdom of Prussia. She wa's the daughter of the late Ernest Hinz and Justine Schlag. natives of Germany, and came to Canada .and to Logan with her parents at the age of 13. Her husband, who was for many years clerk of Logan township, died thirteen years ago, She was a beloved member 01 St. Peter's Lutheran ohunc'h, Brod- hagen, and is survived by four sons, IJ•ohn, Bro'dtagen, Charles, Iroquois Palls; Fred, Cornwallis, Oregon, and George, Kitchener. Two daugh- ters, Mrs. George Leo'nlhardt, Brodha- gen, and Mrs. John Koch, South East - hope; two brothers, Albert and Fred /Hinz, Brodhagen; one sister, Mrs. 'Fred C. Seehaber, Severn Bridge, :Muskoka; ,also ,mine grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. The funer- al was held from her late home, lot 34, concession `9,• Logan, Monday a't- teritoon at 2 o'clock, for St. Peter's ILu'theran Church, Brod'hagen and in- terment took place in St. Peter's Cemetery, The large attendance and numerous floral clferin.gs attested the love and esteem in which hse was held. The pallbearers were William Bennewies, Edward Rose, Norman iBennewies, Albert Querengesser, Au- gust Sicherblarth and Henry Leon-; hardt. GOD'EIRIICH When a double team of horses which he was driving took fnight on Tuesday afternoon Russell Fenn, aged 32, farmhand, was pulled from his seat and crushed to death by the land roller, which passed over hes 'body. die lived for one hour. The unfort- unate man worked for Jahn A. Yuill, concession five, Gaderioh tpwn'shi,p, He came from Brockville, and his wife, formerly Miss Elma R'oppell, from Tiverton. There are no children. Burial will take place at Tiverton. Fenn was bringing the roller, with a set of harrows attached behind, back r field to the barn after working g❑ a o across the road. His journey took him along the highway and the noise of the apparatus on the road frightened the horses. Marks on the road showed that the horses careened along the 'ditch for a distance Fenn was pulled under the roller and his body dragged .by the harrows, attached behind, for a considerable distance. He met a ter- rible death, his chest and head being severely crushed. An, inquest was deemed unnecessary. It Will .Relieve a 'Cold.-Coilds are thecommonest ailments of m'an'kind and if •neglected may lead to serious ',nditi'ons. Dr. Thom'a's' Ecleotric Oil will relieve' the .bnonehnall passages 5f inflammation speedily and, tho'r- on'ghly and will •s'treng'then them a- gainst subsequent attack. !And as it ease's the inflammation it will tisually stop thecough because it allays the irritation in the throat. Try it amid prove it. T1HURSDAY, MiAY'25, 1933: TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO O May, 1007 1 Stock Die from Paint. Inlet -Mg a recent lightning storm at !paylfield, Mr. Lewis Aldworth called at ehe farm„ he has rented 'from Mr. ,Fraser, Baylfield, and ,found one steer dead, the following Monday morn- ing one more• steer and .also a sheep were foun,s; these were supposed to' have been killed by lightning. The West 'Wawanosh •Insurance ,Co. was ,immediately notified but before the, director Ito of theni an Co p y ap'pe'ared, three more cattle died, altogether five cattle and one sheep. De. ,Freeman, of 1Goderic'h, was then called to investig- ate the cause of the deaths • and pro- nounced it death by poisoning, which; they obtained fronn a ,pile ,of, old paint pots and cans put in their pasture (field, The ,panties that deposited the, same in the field have decided -to make good the loss"of bhe stock. Hensall . Hotel Burned. JOn Wedlnesd,ay night last (119017) fire destroyed the Queen's Hotel, Hensel. The hotel was vacant, the late tenant, Mr iBice, 'having moved out soon after May 'list when ,-Ideal option went into force, James 'Cox- worth is the owner of the property and his loss will he heavy, The origin of the fire is not known, Fateful Year, 11906 established the most fateful record of disasters upon land, or sea of any year in the history Of this country, but a recent issue of the 'Travellers' Record states that 1907 bids fair to be more .fateful stilt Dur- ing the ,pa's't year 7,000. ,pedestrians niet death .on the public streets, while the number of accidents due to trains are nearly 5,000. The loss df fife by ocean disasters t was 2,11513 and on the Great Lakes and Rivers 11815 lives were lost. 34,000 met their death in the performance of their work and 60,000 people lost either hand, foot, legs, arms or eyesight. We are ac cusbo'med to speak of the horrors of war, but the railroad, electric cars and ocean disasters during the past year caused mare deaths than the 'Battle of Waterloo; while the num'b'er of in- dustr`•ial workers 'kil'led practically equalled the nu'm'ber of Wren killed in any one year of the American 'Civil War. New Type of Foundation. Mr. Richard Petthick of Winthrop has the material on the ground for enlarging his barn and putting a foundation under it; he intends to build the wall with large hollow trick. This will be the first building in this neighborhood erected with this kind of material. We hope Mr. IPe'thick may have his new barn filled to overflo'wrnrg, Business Change. !Mr. Robert Wright has sold out his draying business to Mr. E. J. Box, who took possession on Monday. Re -Organize. The Bawd has re -organized under the le'adersh'ip of Mr. A. Close. 'They' have started practising to be ready for the S'ealforth races which com- mence on the il&th inst. Purchases Residence, Mr. William Bickel! has purchased the residence on 'Louisa street at pre- sent occupied by Mr, James Neville and intends moving into it very short- ly. Mr. J, Finlayson has leased the residence Mn. Bickell is leaving. Leaving for West. ;Mrs. George ,Dorrance shippedher household effects :to the Weston Fri- day. Mrs, Dorrance and family intend leaving town in abort a month for Red Deer, Alta., where they intend residing. Former Resident. IMr. R, J. McDonald, a former resi- dent of town, .being a member at the firm dt'Greig & McDonald, has'lo'cat- ed in Edmonton, where he will go in- to business. Silver Wedding, 1!i •and Mrs. James Murray and daughter _Margaret of Lon'do'n were visitors in town this .weele: Mrs' Mur- ray is a daughter of Mr. Alex. 'Scott, sr,,and on the 3411h inst, will celeb- rate the twentyefilfth annivensary of their. marriage, Mr. and 'Mrs. Murray,. will celebrate the event .and will sail this mo'ndil for a 'holiday trip to the Old .country; Both 'have many •friendsi in town ,wee 'will !wish them a pleas- ant visit and safe return. Auctioneers. The following is a list of the lic- ensed auctioneers in the county, is- sued by the treasurer; W IH!olntes: C. F. 'Vandrick, George ]Beckett, T, Gundry, Jas. iStanley, F. S. Scott,. T. Cameron }Frank G W, 'Walker, Henry', iBossenlberry, J. G. McMichael, John Gill,. R. M. Charles, Thos. E. (Robison, !Fred IC. 'McDonn- ell, ,James A. Smith, David' }Dickson, C. IFh -;Wilson, .(pas, !pones, Thos. IBrow'In, ,R, Hluniter, !Henry Torrance, R. B. •Garn'iss, (Jiohn IParrvis . iJ'ose'pih (White, ,'Sallom'an Hardy, W. A. IOttr- i-ie, Travellers: (Thefollowing were ticketed ,to lis tant points this 'week:' Alex. !Smith of Id'arioc'is to }Brandon, Mau. and re- turn; 'Apex. ISin'e]air,' alt IK:i'p'pen, to Ednnon,fon and return; (William .J' and }Robert'II, ,Slh,ontreed laf IB'lyth, 'to 'Kainsack, iS'a51c.,, and. return, .Mrs's (Jessie 'Thompson o (Seafiorth, Ifrain Landon to 'Pont (Arthur, (Oat„ Miss C, E. Case, to (New York, Mr, 'Mor, aorto, his 'home in. Saginaw; Mrs. McKinley and ,daughtene Miss (Clara, to.North }Blay, 'Mrs. 'William , MG- NNaughtbon, to her home In Olecage, Miss Violet (Canter, 'Walton, to Chi- •calgo; M'fsfs ,'Emily iDrysdwle, of ,1Hen- sail, to Lipton, "Sask.; Miss diblany :Gerramell, of Egmb'ndlv'il'le, i+a Maim - loops, IBC. and .sister, Miss 'Bessie Genvnrell, to Regina, }Sack.; ;Rev, Neil Shaw and Messrs. (James +H'illen and James ,Gemlmedl to :M'ontrea'l as dele- gates to the Presbyterian. General Assembly, VARNA. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron and little son Bolbbie called oh Sunday on the latter's ntather, ..Mrs. Foster and Mr, and Mrs.Sltelck, Tihe many friend's of Mr. ;Slteic'k will be sorry to know he is still con- fined to bed and making little pnolg- ress towards getting better, Mr. F. Weekes has engaged Mr. Williamson to renovate his house in the tillage occupied by Mr, Jones, Mr. Breather!ton has moved his ef- fects feonn: the farm 'recently purchas- ed by Mr. Dawson to Mr. Stinson' farm, Babylon line. The play put en in the hail Tuesday night by the young people of .Blake and Goshen congregations was a roil success. Those who enjoy nature should ae 'p•rivi:leged to drive' or get out through our county, now most beautiful. beautiful,' After the death of Miss Emily Keyes, her sister, Miss Annie, has closed her house here and returned home with her sister, Mrs. Rlathwell of Luelclnow. For years. the Misses Keys have closed their home here for the ,winter ,M nIths, but always return- ed. with the warm weather and their neighibours were ,allways glad to wel- come them black. We still hope to see Miss Keyes in her little home again. The many friends of Mr, George 'Beatty, Sr. will be pleased to knbw he is recovering frown his recent ill- ness and will soon be able to be out again. VLr L. Forrest has made several shi'pmen'ts recently of live stock to Toronto from these corners. The ,Huron '/County stone crusher has moved into the Logan and Me- Clynront gravel pit and is now in op- eration. IMr, and Mrs, ;Ben 'Keys: and Mrs, Fred ,M,cCClymdat spent last Friday in 'Loudon, .Mr. Mervyn Keys at 'Western University returned home with them. The' play, ''Farm Folks,' put on by the: IBlake and Goshen Young People last week wigs a decided success, Next Sunday in the United (Church Rev, 1E, A. Nutter will speak on Runal 'Church Life, HARLOCK. Mr. Joseph Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Knox and little (Gordon Wheatley of Clinton, cabled on Mr. and Mrs. David Reid on, Monday, last week. There was a good turn out at ;Buris' Ohunch an Mothers' 'Day. !Mr, Audrey 'Knox spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr, and Mr s. Duncan M , cCa• l'lunt. ?Mrs. A. W. MdTwing and Miss Helen ivLdEwing called on Mr, ' and Mrs, D. Redd on Monday afternoon. Mr. and 'Mrs. Isaac Rapson at- tended church in Clinton Sunday morning, spending the day at the home of Mr. and Mts. Warren Gib- bings, also having the pleas'ure of seeing the former's niece and - nepl'i- ew, Mr, Clifford, 'and Miss Emma Jamieson and a couple of their Kit- chener friends, and Mrs. T. 'Carbert and ,babe who were also visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'Gib'binigs that d!ay. Mr. and Mrs. James 'Leiper enter- tained quite a,,numb'er' of 'friends Iasi ThineedeY:•eventinge'; • Mrs. vLeo 'Watt returned home from IBdyth last week and is feeling much better and we hope she', will ' con- tinue to gain in health and strength. }Want and For Sole Ads, 3 times 50c. Cash .,,. Opportunities SIVIIOK'ED HAMS 12ciSEPOY FLOUR c Pound Cash_ Per cwt, 2035 COTTAG•E ROLLS Poatnd Casio � +. Fresh IBIO'LOIGNA Pound. Cas 2 Schneider' LARD LARtD Potnd. Casio _ PURiITY FL'OU'R, cwt, ... , ... , Havelock wt, FLOUR 2.50' P,e RLDIEAU HALL ,COFFEE, Vu �� C G'LIAISS iW.AISH A Q B4OA'RD, 634...."i'v7 c'. 269 iAl � g • MAN WANTED For 'four or 'five .month's. Apply at ,once,; IPhdne 11138'-4, ;Se'aforth, 21i ' FOR SALE 309 bushelsof wheat,,; lot 10, con. 113,. LIECINIAJR(D I.iE,'E'MIIN'G, -Phone 031-12, , • 2111 FOR STALE (Good clean millet seed, a fe'w yeanl- ing cattle. Apply to ALEX. WAL- LACE, ,Se'at'orth, Ont, RIR. 4, Phone 11313 r 1451 Lot, 10, Oen. 5, '21. • ' SF YOUR FEET HURT' (See Dr. S'choll's ,perslonai repres- enitative foot expert from -Toronto at OUT stone. 11H011JNE 'BIROIS Mitch- ell, Ont., Thursday, Jame list. Advice absolutely free. /-, DIO:G LOST White Collie •dote with 'brawn spot an ear. Tag number 2d7, Any -person found'_ holding 'This dog will be liable to prosecution. Phone 027, Brussels phone. FOR SALE IBri'bisrh American coral ail; British IArmericair B'atltenies; alsb battery charging. RIOIY BUTT, BIA. 'Service 'Station, Seaforith. 2; 20,000 PLANTS ,FOR SALE IH cart df France ce andut Bea I As- ters, AIs ters, Super -giant Snapdragon, Zia - ides, Verbenas and ,Soabios'a. Petunias to suit every taste, IF1'uffie 'Rmffies,• California 'Giants, Balcony and -.Rosyl Morn. Cabbage,- early a'ntd' late. lDlan-' Ish Giant, bhe 'dryiweather Cauli ;flolwer. Our Tomatoes are cool ,grown, no .antilficial 'heat used, and they .should not go back when set out: Seeing is believing. _ Came and give them the' once aver. ,ALBERT •B;AJ0ER, Railway St. Turn west at the !Seaforth Creamery. 2'3 TENDERS F'OR COAL }Sealed Tenders addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tenders for 'Co'a'l," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wednesday. June 14, 1933, for the supply of coal for' the .Dolneinion Buildings through- out the'Province of Ontario, including the City of Ottawa. (Forma Of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtain- ed from H. F. Dawson, -Acting Chief }Purchasing Agent, Dept. *of Public Works, Ottawa; and R. Winter, 'Sup ervising Architect, 36 Adelaide Sit., East, Toronto, Ont. 'Tenders will not be considered un- less madeon the. forms 'supplied by the Department and. in accordance with departmental speciifications and conditions. Tihe rigltlf' to demand from the suc- cessful tenderer a deposit, not exbeed- ing 10 per cent.of the amount of the tender, to secure the .prosper fulfilment o'f the contract, is reserved. By order, N. DEISJIAIRIDf4INlS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, 'Obtawa, May 16, 1933. CAPER ollecton� a The Home and School Club will collect old newspapers' and, magazines on the after- noons of May . 30, . 'May ' 31, and June 1st, after four o'- clock, Papers and magazines must be tied' in bundles, A YOUNG CLERIGYaVIA•N',S UN HOLY DOMESTIIC TRIANGLE The American Weekly, .with next Sunday's Detroit Times, tells of the desrperate attempt made by a olangy- man's wife to stop _ his infatuation!for a 'pretty blonde ..lb'y 'taking. her into their hoc- e In the hgpe of thatthe, charmer's conscience woul'd not allow 'her to .breark up a happy, !family, ATTENTION ELATION FA RIV1ERS If you are considering a:' Packer, Disk Harrow, Spring Ro'Toothller Lever ,,y ($arrow or Land Our prices are lower, with a special low price for this month delivery T. E. BISSELL CO. IRepresenfed-'by V. J. LANE Pih'one 464112 Dublin MEE(TII',NG OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The 'Huron County Council wild meet in" the 'Council Chamber, at the ,Court House, Gbderieh, at two o'- clack in the afternoon, Tuesday, .June the lith, 119313. !All accounts, noltioes of depu'ta- tians or applications and other im- portant 'business requiring attention at 'this Meeting alf Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than ;Monday previous to the meet- ing of Council. ID'ated at ;Gloderich this 1145Th .day of May, IW'3. a ZaO. W. ,H•. q MAIN 21 }County Clerk- Pti:A!NO -FOR SALE }Piano, good as new, to be - sold very c'h'eap; WALKER'S FURNI- TURE STORE. PASTURE FARM TO RENT Plenty of waiter and shade. 'JAMES R. SPROA•T, E'gmondville, or Phone 1fl r4. 01. .COCKERELS AND 'STARTED CHIICKS We will have from time to tune a quantity of -four-week-Old cockerels, both ;Leghorn •and Meeks, at 'bargain h prices: Also started chicks. Call anif see us or one 13%r3. SIUINNYVIAIEr • POULTRY FARM, S'ea'borth, Out - FOR SALE OR RENT In Egmondlvi'lle the property of the Alexander- MacKay estate, one block west of the church; about 34 of an acre of land. House contains seven rooms with hall and pantry. Both house and small barn are wired for lI-Iydro and are in good repair. Em,• mediate pos'se'ssion may be had. Only first class tenants need apply. Apply to W. J. FI*N'NIIIIGIAIttl, Executor, 2'l NOTICE (Having eredted a green -house, we are in a ,posiltion to supply a better variety of bedding plants. Celery, to- matoes, cabbage, caulilfldwer and pep- pers. Asters, Heart of France, white, mixed; Salvia, Verbenas, Petunias (large ruffled.), 'Oaleadulals, Phlox Drunmo!ndi; 'Zi'nniats, Pansy. A large quantity of Rosy Morn Petunia, Beau- tify your rockery with these. 'Choice Snapdragon ready to plant now (very hardy). You are cordially invited to come and see aur .p'lan'ts. 'Bring your basket for cut-out p'lan'ts. A. L.".Por-. TIFJOItJS, West' St. ' 22. COURT OR REVISION Township of Stanley You are hereby given, notice that a Court of Revision on the assessment for the TownsIh'ip of Stanley wfj11 he held in the Towns'hi'p Hall, Varna, art (Tuesday, May 30th at 10 o'olo'cic and take inotice that all 'a'plpeals must be left with the Clerk of the Mune- iptality'not later than the 24th 'af May, '19313. }Dated tes'Slbh day of May, 1,933.' CHAS. C. PR+UdIR M, Meek,. SEAFORTH"MARKETS, r j Wlheat, per ` bus . ............... 80e c Oats, per bushel 35c Buckwheat, per bushel 40c Eggs, per doz. 8c, 0.0c, 12c ut •er, per Ib. 18c Po'taltoes, per bus ..... .. , • • . pc Slogs,• per cwt. . , 35.00 Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50,e. Blaney, per bu