HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-05-25, Page 5.. ,j.,,I�,y,,.'MjA4uA.,i�Nski« 1 ,• r . :;;.. ,. m•.
'THURSDIAY, MAY 25, 1933.
foods CRISCO
the'digestible shortening • •
Quick suds that last
Shop at
Set a course
True Economy
Items for Week Ending May Mst
Targe pkg.
CORN'E'D BEEF, l's ' 2 tins
2 !for
JIBBY'IS PORK & BEANS, 16 oz. tins
per tin 5 c
Lo tins 25c
',Cascade Fancy Pink ,Stallm,on large tin. 12c
]Premium Tea --with your ,Choice of ,Bird of Paradise ,Pattern China
(Cups & 'S'aucers, Tea Plattes,Cereal Bowls, Egg
(Cups, ;Sugar Bowls and Cream Jlugs per tb. 49c
Toddy and Jig Saw .Puzzle FREE with
every purchase of a-1 lb. tin per tin 51c
'p.erior Palm Toilet Soap . •3 cakes 10c.
'Hawes' (Pastel (Wax QCed'ar Oheslb per tin 43c
illawes' !Liquid 'Floor Gloss 'Contest) •;per tin 59c
ELux Flakes, ,small 2 pkgs. 19c
Marge 5 per ,pkg, 23c
ii'ngersolt Malted Cheese, % lb, pkg. . • • • 2 far 25c
Brills), ,guaranteed Aluminum Olea'ner 2 pkgs. 22.5c
Crosse& Blackweli's'Prepared Mustard 9 oz. jar '
Crisco, and IPiie Plate F1t3EJEIl' lb. tin 23e
(Golden Wax Beans, Sweet and Tender, No. 2 tins 2 tor. ,23c
1 oz. bottle 23c
Shirriff's True Ex facts 11,4
!Chace Dates ei per lib. 15c
'.Patltersan'•s Sweet Cakes, 7 vlariebfes
ISehneider's Boiled Ham per lb. 33c
!Prunes, large size, '40a50's 2 lbs. 250
',Benson's Corn Starch 1 lb, pkg. 12c
Post's Bran Flakes ..,., .:.. ....................... 2 ,pkgs. ,.23c
Grape -Nuts . per p1ag:7c
(Strawberries, per tin, No. 2 sive I15c
San'PFlush per 'tin..29c
Mince Meat Special '' per
.i 25c
(Cooking Figs
3 lbs. 25,c
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
h n
R o e 8
Phone 77
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Johnston and
Miss Ruth Pinkney of :Siteatfordispent.
!Sunday at the home of Mrs. R.
;Mrs. John ; McGowan and baby Ian
spent the past two weeks with! her
sister, Mrs. T. R. Thompson of Kit-
Mi. and Mrs. Glordom Hays of De-
troit spent Sunday with their parents,
and on their return were accompan-
ied by Mrs. M.'D'asbtonough, R.N., who
spent five weeks nursing her mother,
Mrs. C. ,E'cicant, who is convalescing
nicely.' She has returned to her duties
in 'Northville, Mich., sanitarium.
Mrs. James Hug -hies, who spent !the
w'in'ter with her da'ugh'ter, Monica, in
'Detroit, has returned home.
Mr, and Mrs J; ,D, Beecroft of
IWinghlamwere vtsitons at the home of
11Lr. and Mrs. Andrew Klink this week.
''Mr. Tomlinson; and fancily have
moved into Mr. Jlas, 'Blarron's house
on George street.
!Mrs.. John 'Sprout is s;pendrng the
holiday with • her sister in Luckn'olw
and other friends.
Mrs. Louis 'Hildebrandt sprained.
!her ankle and will be laid up for sev-
eral days as the result of a fall.
Master Orville 13Idebrandt is suf-
ficiently recovered from itis operation
at the Memorial Hospital, to he taken
'hone and is doing !nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berry and
daughter Ordean and Mrs. R. J.
French of „London spent the week end
at the home cif Mr. and .Mrs. E. Mole.
Mrs. R. S. Evans and Eleanor 'e -
turned an Tuesday from Toronto
'w'here the latter is attending Univer-
Mr. and Mrs. Warren A'menit and
detighter Frances of Detroit, were
week -end gue's'ts of Mr. and Mrs.
IWm, A'ment,
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates •
Confidence ..
and a
Dependable Reputation
Good. Quality
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and, we will try to please
you by our services and higher`
.market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, .graded and
paid for while you wait.
The Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
New Ground
24 Choice Varieties 24
(Strong vigorous plants with•un-
exce•Iled root system, grown on
new ,land cleared' and broken uo
two years ago.
Tree and Bush Fruits
A complete assorttnent for : the
home ;garden , and commercial
Hundreds of varieties of the
choicest ornamental . trees,
shrubs, vines ,roses, :perennials,
,gladioli and dahlias.
Send for for free 52 page catalogue
• Port;. Burwell, Ont.
T to
� `i� "•Ree ,
- C1
nenC g
, rs.
and ,Huls
!Mr. and>Mrs. 'Reuben Buuck and fa-
irS:tihd'ay afternoon visiting;
+y, ,
- d lies lErd"ward 'RegoJe.1t1^r =
',Motor or Horse -Equipment
W. J, WALKIER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma'and license.
Flowers furnished!
Night or day phone 67
'Ross Rennie returned from Lon-
don hospital on Wednesday.
]Service is being held in St. Th'o-
mas' Church at 10 o'clock this
Thursday morning, Ascension Day.
Mrs. Young, who has been visit-
ing with M?s. Sa'm Rornance, return-
ed to Vancouver an Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Barber re-
turned this week from their wed-
ding trip.
]Miss F1'orence Fowler df Bluevale
,is slpending a few day's with 'Miss
iCliara Pinikney.
,The Misses 'Canna and Donna Mole
spent the holiday with their aunt acid
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mile,
of Dungannon,
Mr. and Mrs.Wallace Archibald
and daughter El'iz'abeth,, of London,
were 'in• town this week/Miss A.
Sutherland, who has s,penit three weeks
in London, returned with them. •
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna went to
Kingsville on Tuesday and are visit-
ing Mrs. William Hanna and Miss
rAlnna Hanna for several days.
Mr. George Bethune of Port Mc-
Nichol 'was a week -end visitor at his
Mr. Arnold Hiabkirk, of Listowel,
was a week -and visitor with his mo-
ther; Mrs. J. R. Haiblkirk.
Mrs. Andrew. Archibald has re-
tunined from Kingston where she at-
tended the convocation of Queen's
Universi'ty at which her son, Mr.
Fred Archibald, received his degree.
'Miss Jean Dungey, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Charles Dungey of the
Commercial Hotel, attended the wed-
ding of her cousin, ]'Liss Mildred
Louise Mane, in Mitchell, to Mr.
John Charles Tubb, on Saturday.
Miss Dungey assisted with the wed-
ding breakfast which was served after
the ceremony.
(Bell tacking ;the' quartette part and
misses.IFlorence and Mary Thomson
the !duet. !Mrs. J. IH,odgert of •Thamies
(Road sang two very fine solos Jesus
Is My !Newt Door iNeigh,bor, and
"Desats 'Lower of My 'Soul." As Mrs.
Hlodgert 'is a, (former, mentlb'er, all her
friends were glad to see and hear her
again, ISIhe also favoured the !congre-
gation at the !evening service with
"The Old Rugged Gross." fDr. Smil-
lie of Hensall also assisted at the ev-
ening services and his thio sa1os "The
City Fane-ISlquate" and "My Moth-
er's'Prayer" were much enjoyed. The
choir satgg- the anithetm, "Rem:ember',
Thy Creator," (which;, was also very
waell rendered, !Rev, F. JW. !Oraiik spoke
especially to the Young People pori
"'Firedting Your 'Place in the 'Church
and ,Community." These anniversary
serviceswill not !soon Abe forg:rtten.
The Busy IBe'es Mission 'Circle !will
meet at the home of Miss Margaret
Sinclair on Saturday, May 27th at
2,30 p.m.
The ]Religious Drama, "Pilgrims of
the (Way," ,put on 'by the Young•
People under ,the auspices of the
Y,PS. of ISt. Andrew's United (Church
on Monday eveninglast in connec-
tion with ,the anniversary services .was
very much enjoyed by all present.
Rev. IR. .R. Conner was in Goder-
idh on Sunday !last taking the serv-
ices in ,Victoria Street United Church
in the 'absence olf'Rev. !F. IW, Orai'k.
pMaBrideJCooper.=--Tlhe manse, Klip-
pen, was the scene of a pretty spring
'wedding on ;Sfalturday, May 20th,
when Rev. R. R. Canner solemnized
the marriage, of Margaret Grace,
second daughter of Mr. Robert J
Cooper, and the date: Mrs. Grace Coop
er,i of 'Tuckersmith, to Edgar 'Tames
MdBride, son of Mr. ankl Mrs. Robert
3X/dB/nide cif Stanley. The bride Was
dressed' in yellow. They were unat-
tended. Afterwards the happy couple
left on a trip to Windsor, Ont., and
Lansing, Mich., the bride's travelling
outfit being grey, On their return, Mr.
and Mrs. McBride will reside at Kip -
pen. ' A host of friends of the popular
young couple join in best wishes.
fancily of 'Tuleketsm'ith spent Sundiay
afternoon ,with Mr. and Mrs. Jlaseph
Thornton, •
Mr. and Mrs. P. Jas. j(ohnston, also
John Houlden and' Kenneth Thorn-
ton Re 1
' d Mrs.D'an'e g'
ti v
Mrs. Thomas (Leeming is not im-
,pnnte,hitg aa='tittilrkly 'as' ' many
friends wou`3ld •like to •see
Mr. and' .Mrs. ,David' •MdLean and •
Mrs. Jas. 'McQueen and Mrs. L.
'Forrest visited at the horiie, of Mr.
and Mrs, Jlohn Davidson last week.{
Mr. and Mrs. W. :Britton were at
'Forest on Sunday attending the funer-
al of Mr. Arthur McRorie , adopted.
son of the late 'William MORorde and
Mrs. MIdSiorie. ,
The WA. and 'WM.'S. met at the
home of Mrs, (!Rev.) 'Gardiner at
ILandes'borto on Thursday last, The
meeting of the W.A. was opened with
the president, Mrs. Hugill in the chair.
After singing a hymn and prayer, the
secretary, Mrs. Ad'ani read the min-
utes 'of the last meeting. Mrs„ Roger-
son gave a splendid talk on the high
ideals o1 life, taken from Daniel. The
W.MS. president, Mos. Britton, then
took change. The meeting opened by
all standing and repeating the 23rd
Psaltm in unison from memory. The
Minutes of the last meeting were read
by the secretary, Mrs. D'ex'ter. 'Mrs,
McGregor read a devotional leaflet on
"The Woman of Quiet, Mary of Be-
thany." Mrs. B. S. Stephenson and
Mrs. Leo. 'Steplhensbir sang a, duet,
"Is He Our Next Door Neighbor,"
which was much enjoyed by all, Mrs,
E. Adams grave a splendid reading,
and the hymn, °'T Atm Thine, :O God,"
was sung. Ivy Simmons gave ate ex-
cellent talk on the study bodk, "His
Dominion." Mrs. Lin'd'say sang, a
beautiful missionary solo, after which
we had a short discussion led by Mrs.
Gardiner, "How to Help the People
of Other Races in Our Own Coun-
try." Prayer was offered by Mrs. Ro-
gerson, Mrs. Carter and •Mrs, Gardin-
,A splendid service was held on Sun-
day, Mr. 'Gardiner preaching on an
appropriate subject, and the special
Father's Day choir s'in'ging two sel-
Quite a number of the congrega-
tion here •attended the' Young
People's ,Alnniaers'ar' Services at Kip -
pan on Sunday evening. ]Others at-
tended anniversary services :in Car-
mel 'Chunch,.'Hensall.
(Rev. Mr. !Roltib of ,Centralia Will
occupy the pulpit next ;Sunday.
The .many 'fri'ends of Rev. and M'rs.
McIntosh and 'family of 'Embro were
pleased '.to see •them ",aver •brie week=
end. Mr. ,Mdlntos'h was on his .way
to preach in lOoderich.
(Friends of Master Allan Hill are
Sorry he has not improved as expect-
ed since his recent operation.
IM•r. Lance Norris of Medical Col-
lege, Toronto, is Spending a few days
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Hazel II -laugh of Toronto is
home 'tor a short holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh attended
the funeral of the late Mr. 'Gavin
Horton, near Aneaster on Friday last.
;Football Notes... -The Brucefield
Rovers meet Baylfield in the fir's't game
of theseason at ,Brucelfield on May
30th. The old ,football field adjacent
to the residence of J. B. Mustard is
being put into shape and it is hoped
that everyone will support the boys
as they do their best to win the Ste-
phenson Cup.
Men's Club•-lA1t the June meeting
of the Men's Club a set of slides on
"Live Stock on the Faran," will be
shown.- This is a very practical sub-
ject and all the inert of the co;nnrun-
'ty are urged to be present
Rev. W. A. Branner and Rev. Mr.
Robib will exchange pulpits next Sun-
dav, the occasion being the anniver-
sary services at Centralia.
!Mrs. W. Stevens returned to her
home in the village this week' after
spending two weeks with friends in
'Rev. W.. D. and Mrs. 1-iclIntosh and
family of E•mibro spent Sunday with
friends in the village and vicinity.
IHligh grade, stylish and most up-
to-date !glasses, rimmed_ or. rimless.
Your choice in stella ;white or pink,
gold-filled, with lenses complete, only
$6:50. Iirvilsdlbde bifodats with choice
of frames catn,plete, .only $12.00.
These prices include a thorough ex-
amination 'toy our well known and
painstaking stpecial'is't, ,Mr, Hughson.
Over, 20 years corning to Seaforth.,
You get the best optical work to be
obtained and iwe.do es we advertise.
Tuesday and Wednesday, ;Tune 6th,
7th, Close Wednesday 12 noon. Come
early, 'Beattie's Flair, 'Seaforth.
FOWILUEK•—lin Hallett township, on
;Saturday, May 20, 19313, to Mr. and
i1fns. -''Frank Fowler, a .daughter
!(IDlonna jean).
The Young ;People's Anniversary
services un St. (Andrew's United,
Church poi Sundlay, l'a'st were well at-
tended._ (Friends - were present frim
IBrucefield, Hilisgreen, IH'ensald and
Thames Road. ]Rev. IF. W. 'Craik of
Victoria ISIt, !United !Church proved a
very earnest .speaker and very inter-
esting both tnorning and evening. 'I,n
the eveni'n'g he was assisted Iby Rev.
W. A. 1B're'mnee of jBruceifield, 'who so
kindly 'withdrew .their evening ger-
vice During the morning service tlie'
choir sangythe anthem ".A,4Vlr'gnde;rfu1
IS'aviour"•'Miss .0,1ga 'Bell!;, ;,(Mrs.^ IE:•
Butt; IM'essrs. J. B. 'McLean and A
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the. United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth yourwhile to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.'
Phone, write .or call—Night and
DPhayone 152 Service
Sh'ower--A •h'os't of friends gather-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Jervis of Racket St., London, on
Friday, May 12, in honor of Miss Ev-
elyn Wlay, bride -elect,' who is leav-
ing the city. The young ladies of
'the Hamilton Rd. Baptist Sunday
iSch'ool sponsored by Mrs. Bi W'll1-
ings, met at 8:30 and had every-
thing in readiness when Miss Way
arrived, who was taken completely
Iby surprise. The evening was opened
!with games, after which followed a
mock wedding, parts taken by some
of the ,girls. Miss Way was then led'
the dining room; decorations
carried out in pink and white, where
they showered her with a complete
kitchen outfit. Miss Way, although
taken by surprise, Made a suitable
replyand thankedthe gilds
heartily for .their kindness and
thoughtfulness. A dainty lunch was
May 26
Admission -12151c, 'Ladies -44c
Illi. M•atoney, Toronto, spentt the
week -end with his aunt, Mrs. Rtawley.
'Mr, Joseph Nagle is visiting rela-
tives in Windsor,
Mr, Fergus Maloney has returned to
Buffalo after spending a week with
this mother, Mrs. H. Maloney.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards and daugth-
ter, Miss Sara, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Tyens.
Misses Antra Molylneaux, Kitchener,
Veronica McConnell, Galt, Teresa
Carpenter and. Kay Byrne, Drysdale,
were week end visitors at their res-
pective homes.
t31r. Bob MAcCormick has returned
to Detroit.
IMr. and IMns. ivfichael Maloney and
daughter Elizabeth, of Logan, accom-
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Wagner of
Detroit, spent Sunday everting` with
Mr. and Mrs, James Maloney of Hib-
Mr. Joseph Lamer of • Dublin visit-
ed on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Gavle, Hibbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sturdy and
family of Go'der'ich :township spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William
J. Clark.
Mr, Geange 'Pointer and his mother
visited with friends near Sarnia on
Mr. Elgin MoKrinley had the mis-
fortune to lase a valuable horse re-
Mr. 'Ed.'L'owden of Hamilton visit-
ed with Mrs, Robinson, Sr last week.
Mrs. A. MaOonnnell of Varna is visit-
ing her sisters at. Minneapolis, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayter and
family of Flint visited over the week
end with the •former's parents, Mr.
and ]Mrs. Henry 'H'at'ter.
Mr. and Mrs. J'o'hn Reid of Flint
spent a couple of days with friends in
IS'tanley, . and Clinton, Mr. William
Johnston returning with them to
Mr. ,Launcelot Clark, an old and
,highly respected resident of Stanley
passed away at home of his son Clif-
ford in Hlamilton on Tuesday, May
9th, his death being the result of a
stroke which he suffered some weeks
then served and all bid adieu, wish-
ing the bride -oto -be much happiness
in her future home.
Visitors at the h'om'e of Mr, and
Mrs. Alex. Wallace on Sunday last
were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrigan
and children, Wallace, Kenneth and
!Kathleen (the latter art twins) of
Chatham; Mr. James Wallace, of the
'Huron Road, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Blake and Bernice, of Colborne town-
ship; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker,
IB'rucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Russell
(Wallace and Jimmy , Egnuondville;
Miss 'Mae Wallace, Blyth; Mr. and
Mrs. James Smillie°and Miss Hazel of
Mr. anel,Mrs, ,Leo Watt and family,
four boys and one little girl, of Blyth,
called at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Alex. Wallace on Sunday last.
'Mr. and Mrs. M, A. Rice spent a
few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Coleman on their way to their
summer home on ,Ahntis Lake, .having
motored from Los Angeles, Cal.,
where they had been spending the
Mr. L. Norris has returned from
Toronto Medical College and is now
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
!Mrs. John Norris.
'Mr. and Mrs, Witmer Scott o:E Mc-
Elillop, spent fast 'Sunday with Mr.
and. Mrs. Cecil Oke.
IThe 21'th being a holiday all the
schools ,were closed.
ago. The remains were brought to ,the
home of his son, Wan. J. 'Cleric on Go-
shen line, Stanley, !and the funeral ser-
vice was held in 'B'aylfie1d United
Church on Friday, where a large num-
ber gathered to pay their tribute of
respect to the memory of the depart-
ed. The service was conducted 'by
Rev. R. M. Gale, assisted by Rev. E.
A. Po'utter. The pallbearers were Geo,
Clark,: Rabt. Reid, Joseph Richardson,.
Dtwid Dewar, Fred McEwen and Ar-
thur Peck.
'M'rs, :3beKee of Toronto spent the
week -end at the old home on the
'Bronson Line,
The May meeting of iJ:F.Y.P.1O.
Club will be held at the South School:
of No. 4 an the evening of May 3lttt.
Mlle. Program Comm'i'ttee have 'ar-
ranged for several interesting feat-
ures in their ,progratrvme.
Mrs, John Westlake, sister of Mr.
Wm. Slack of the Sau'ble Line, 'a
former resident of Stanley, was bur-
ied ori May 22nd in Bayfield Cemet-
•Mrs. Mdtiareu and daughter, Miss
Lottie, ;Mitchell:, were recent visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F., Far-
Mr. Harry Beale, Montreal, slpelnt
,the week end with his mother, Mrs.
Mr. and .Mrs. B. E. Downey and
family spent Sunday with relatives in
, Miss. Mary Keefer, Mildmay, was a
week end visitor at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Benninger.
Mr. N. Jlacobs of the Bank of Colm-
merce staff, spent the week end at his
}came near M'ibverton
Mrs. B.: E. Downey: is'•; entettaining
the I:adid's' til uitld at .tiler; ,home"::o'ti
Thursday alternooa.
A very valuable 'bul'letin on the
subject of Ontario -grown Leaf Let-
tuce has been .prepared. by the De-
•partment of Home 'Ec'onomics, Mac-
Donald Institute, Guelph, kilt describes.
the value of leaf lettuce, how to select\,
lettuce, storage and care in the 'home,
as well as giving a lengthy list, of re-
cipes for the use of lettuce. !Copies of
this 'bulletin can be secured 'dram the
'Department or through your ::local
agricultural office, or •from •O.A.C.
White 'Grube may be expected to
be present .in injurious number any-
where in light soil in ,Easterna Oiatario
in the Counties of 'Glengarry, Pres-
cott, !Russell, Carleton, Lanark, Stor-
mont, amides, !Grenville, ,Leeds and
southern Frontenac ,within a dotted
zone on a map issued by the Depart-
ments of Agriculture. A warning 'ac-
companying ''the 'nap states that un- t
less. the greatest •prercautions are ta-
ken in The districts panned in planting
crops susceptible to injury, the crap
,this year, particularly 'potatoes and
corn, will be ahnosit a total loss upon
thoiusaeds 'a'f acres and a serious
shortage of hay and winter forage
smay be dx'perienced on many farms.'