HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-05-25, Page 1May is building herhouse. From the
dust of things
(She is making the songs and the flow
ej's and bhe wings;
From Ootesber's tossed and trodden
She is making the' young year out of
eai ori
'the old;
Yea! out of the winter's i,ifying Bleat,
She is making a•Il the summer sweet,
And the brown leaves spurned of No-
vember's feet
She is changing back again to Spri'ng's
-Le G'a-ilienne.
WHOLE 'SERIES, VOL. 55, No. 21
Phone 84.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olyrnpia
Confectionery and Restaurant
On 'Mondlay evening, May 22nd,
members oIf the several High Sichoal
and Collegiate Institute Boards of the.
(County of Hluron, met in the council
chamber of the town hail, Clinton:
Co. R. S. Hays, Of Seaforth, the
(D'i'strict Representative of the Assioic-
iated High'S'chool Boards of Ontario,'
presided and explained the object of
the meeting, which was to have more
uniformity He the management of the
iEducabional Department of the coun-
ty by more co-operation between the
school's, and also -assist the central or-
ganization to successfully meet the
present situation throughout the Pro-
IIt was decided to form a County
tEeanoh which wo'u'ld be affiliated with
the Ontario organization and all the
Heigh 'School Boards ; of the County
have e/pressed their,., willingness to
help the Branch in s'uccessful'ly meet-
ing the situation in our own district.
(Col. Hays told of the success that
had already come to the. Provincial
organization since it was organized
in 1932 end suggested several ways in
which the Huron °aunity Branch.
would benelfst by hearty co-operation
with the organization in a better un-
derstanding between the soho'ois cf
100 Bags
NEW CHEESE 2 lbs. 25c
OLD CHEESE 20c 'lb.
BJISCUirns 25c .p'kg,
GRAHAM WAFERS .... ' 18c pleg,
WHEAT THi1NS'IES •...20c tin
NEW JELLO made without boiling
r, 'w(a'ter , .. .. 3 ,pkgs25c
, k for • 25c
STUFFED OLIVES .12 oz, jar ..25c
PLAIN OLIVES 19 oz. jar ......25c
PLAIN OLIVES, 32 oz. jar.....39c
DUTH IE'S' SAUCE 15c bottle
Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and
Feathers taken as cash. We pay
le a dozen extra trade for , Eggs,
Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream-
ery art the same •prilce paid at
North Side>Uafted Church. -Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday, May 28th.
110 a,m.-+Sunday School and Bible
1(1 a.m,-lPuibllic 'Worsts p. Children's
Day 'Service.
T .p m.-aNu'bllio .Wianship. Subject
"Are You Sorry, or, A Happy Har-
E. L. B O X P43
IIn the morning the subject will bre
"Will Evil Hasten Good." In the ev-
ening, i°'Fio,w To Be ,Born.''. Rev. 1. B.
Kaine, Minister.
Sunday after Ascension day, May
28th, 10 o'clock, confirmation class
and Sunday ,Schitol. 1t1' o'clock, morn-
ing prayer and sermon. 7 o'c'lock,
evening service and sermon, Canon
Appleyard, rector.
Included in the 56 .entries for the
civic holiday races 'a't Godericit on
IAugusltf lith, are the following local
',horses: (lin the tBlue' Water Stake,
'free for' all, Captain ;Grattan, jack
'Cudmore, 'Seaforth; in the Goderich
stake, (222 class, Marion. 'Direct, Dr.
111. H.' Ross, ,Seaforth; Davis 1Gmattan,
IDr. 1H. IH. 'Ross, !Stafor'tlh..
IMr. and Mss. Tony Seimon - ((nee
(Miss Lena, hsler) who .were married
Jost week, are spending their honey-
moon in decorating their new home.
We wish the young couple a smooth
'journey through life.
• Mr. W. Manley has opened a new
gravel pit [for the tow'ns'hip of Mc-
. ,K'illop and Mr. 'Shorbreed has the
crusher sett and is operating it al full
farce and the trucks are repairing the
roads north and Nigh of ;here and will
continue the work of repairing around
our burg until the bad spdts are all
repaired, which will be done in s'h'ort
,order at 'the sate they are going.'
'Mr, Fred Eckert spent Sunday with
'friend's in S'ealorth.
(A' meeting is called for the council
chamber on .the evening of May 26th
to discuss a new site for the .golf
course. The 'Case property, on the
Highway, just east of Seaforth, we
understand, is under consideration.
Mr. James Kerr of Seaforth sus-
tained a fractured rib and also a
pierced lung, and his wife is suff-
ifering from bruises and shock as
the result of a motor crash at Dun-
das on Tuesday while on their way
'to spend the holiday with their sani-
i.n-1a'w and daughter, Mr. and Mrs,
Partridge at Hamilton. The accid-
ent occurred when their car was side-
swiped by another. machine w'h'ich
gran into them. Bath Mr, and Mrs.
Kerr are now at their daughter's at
Hamilton' and are improving nicely,
the •County. Iit was thought best to
have County meetings held at Olin -
ban; on account of it being the mast
central and with that in view the
Chairman and ,Secretary were selected
from the Clinton .Collegiate Institute
Board, Col. H. T. ,Rance being seledt-
ed as chairman and A. T. Cooper,
Clinton, as secretary -treasurer,
iThe 'Sealforbh Collegiate .grounds
presented a lively scene on Friday
morning when the annual inspection
of the cadet comps took place. The
cadets were under the command of
(Platoon Captain ` Jack Habkirk, sec-
'ti'on commanders, G. Anderson, F.
Whitmore, S. ,Darrance, G. Pinkney;
sergeant, 11. Hiillen. The inspecting
officer was Matjor )iefferies who com-
plimented the 'boy; on, 'their work in
a short address at the chose, in which
he expressed the opinion that the
training was good from 'a physical
standpoint. ,
Seaforth Slctitirall team opened the
season this week with two exhibition
games and oneleague game. On
Friday evening an exhibition game at
,Goderich was won by Gbderiah 9-'5.
The. line-ups: Seaforth-Muirr ss., G.
Rennie c, B Christie J. Wright lib,
F: i 31b,:c-
R Burgess l , C. Ohrnyt e Mc-
Gregor ob, J. Hart rf, B, Cud•'more p.
(Goderich: Sheard, Robinson, Stod-
dart, Carr"aolc p., Phelan, Wioods, Mar-
ney; Matheson, MirlDonald.
lOn Wednesday' morning, May 24th,
the first league game was 'played, at
Mitchell, the soore being 14-3 for Sea -
forth. Muir had a ,perfect game,
with four runs and (no errors. Bill
.Cudmore caused a sensation when he
knocked a three bagger .with threeon
bases. The score by innings was
1-0-1`-0-0 3 i5 0 4-114. Mitdhell got 3
runs in the 7'th inning. The lineups:
Mur -ss, E. 'Rerfnie c, B. Christie 3b,
jack Wright 1b (1' run'), R. Burgess:
r.f, C. Christie Pb (t1' run), MdGregor
cf (3 runs), Hart 1'f, (3 runs), Bill
IOudrdore ,p (2 runs). Umpire, Bill
ISatheiiland. Mitch'el'l: Rloss' Wright,
iII. Wright, W. "Herbert, R. Lep'ard,
Doug: McLaughlin, A. Cuileton (1
run), J. C'ol'qu'honn (I run), J. Han-,
son (1 run), R. Porterfield.
IOn Wednesday evening a good
crowd gathered at the recreation
ground nsh:en Newmarket and Slea-
forth gage an exhibition game, resuit-
ing 10412 for Newmarket, The New-
market boys were members of the
Canadian' junior hockey champion
team of 1931, but we believe this is
their first venture in softball, Mr. A.
C. 'MeCaul'ley, who played with 'Sea -
f. th last year, is a member of i the
Newmarket team, The line-ups: New-
market: Reginald Kelly rf, K. Tre-
vitt,. ss, B. Wilson Of, C. EN'an's, ef, D.
:Wilson lib, A. MoCaulley 31b, Hug-
gins, 2b, K. Vail,'c, F. Dorian p. sub.,
Matin. Umpire Motlyeaux. Seaforth=
Muir ss, J. Holmes IIb, Burgess rf, E.
Rennie c, Wright p, S. Rennie 3b, C.
Christie If, MldGregor cf, B, Christie
2b, subs. J. Hart, Cudmore,
Newmarket played at Clinton on
Wednesday morning. Score, New-
market 8, ,Clinton 7.
A large nuoni,er from this vicinity
attended the Mitchell races on Wed-
nesday atiternoion. The weather Was
ideal and the crowd much 'bigger than
last year, bat not a record' The
nvi'nners were:1
2:30--rPurse $13100.
Dorothy Granton ,,.... . 0 0 1 d
IThols. Boil, Toronto.
eBay June , 3 3 2 3
Dan Laughton, Alppin.
/Miss Grattan Bars 111 11 d 4
Harry Flieldis, Harnibton.
Midnight Grattan 15 8
(Robert Trench, Teeiwiater.
Davie Grattan , 6 5
Er, H. H. ,Roas, Seaforth.
Nellie Wilkes ... ..... ,. .11 fA 4
IL. G. Hudgins, CI'and'eboye.
(Grattan P'atdhen • 'S 4 6
IG..S, TJtt, iGoderioh,
1Rudb'tp'h Valentino..., 7 6 'dr
Ryan Palmer, Tf8lsonburg.
2113/, 2:13n%, 2J116Y, ,2:11d
3 2
9 6
(The secretary was instructed to se-
cure in'formatio'n on -several matters of
vital interest to the schools and these
items will be con'sidered at the next
meeting of the iCounty Branch,
lOne of the important motions pass-
ed was moved by S. M. Sanders of
Exeter, and seconded by :Col. H.. B.
Oom'be, of Clinton, and •reads as fol-
lows: That it is the consensus of op-
inion of thiis meeting that the salaries
throughout the County are too high
and should be adljuated as to become;
more uniform. •
:The Huron Do'unty Council are to.
be notified of the new organization
and they are to be assured that in all
matters dealing with secondary educa-
tion the members of the individual
(Board's will give their best considera-
tion to the suggestions of the Coun-
cil and help to keep Education costs
within its proper limit..
The meeting expressed its thanks to
Col. Hays and the Exeter . B'oa'rd of
Education as well as the Clinton
members for their part in bringing
the meeting to such a successful con-
The following were .present from
the several Board's of the County:
J. W. Fraser, Dr., A. T. Emmerson,
W. A. Goulthurst, A. J. Robertson,
P. J. MadEwan, ,C M. Roibents'on. of
Goderidh; Col, R. S. Hays, Dr. R. R.
•Ross, W. Black, H. Stewart, C. Aber-
hart, Geo. Sills, J. G. Mullen, of Sea -
forth; Wm. May, W. Ii, Penbtale, W.
IH. Dearing, Thos. Tones, H. T. Rowe,
IR. E. Beavers, R. N. Creech,- W. Dol -
mage, ,5. M. Slanders, Louis Day, Exe-
ter; T. C. King, M'il'ler Proctor, W. J.
'Henderson Dr, R. L. Stewart W. A.
'Galbraith, Wingham; F. Finland,
Col. H. B. Combe, W. H. `Hellyla'r,
Col H. T. Rance, Dr. J. W. Shaw,
Dr. F. Thompson, A. T. Ceoper, Clin-
When the annual reunion of the
Web's'ter Clan takes place at ILuc'know
next month,a featureof the .gathering
willbe the unveiling of a beautiful'
cairn to the memory off the ,pioneers of
the family, ,, Mr. John Webster and
s'on, Mr. Lawrence Webster,' and Mr.
T. J. Wiebater, are .erecting the cairn,
which :will be at the Luoknolw_cemet-
ery. An aippraprfate 'bronze tablet,
procured by Mr, Wan.. E. Chapman,
will be ennbed!d'e'd in the face of the
oairn. The design was approved by
Colonel Harry MclGee, of T'oron'to.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto MciGrath, and
`ch'ild'ren and Hiarold Flannery of De-
troit spent the week end at ,the for-
mer's home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Pat Reynoilds of Clin-
- ;to;n visited the home of Mr. T. Lynch
an Sunday.
Misses 'Mildred, Gertrude and Ag-
nes MdGralth of Waterloo, spent the
wee'k end at their, home here.
Mr Jlant'es F. _McQuaid of Toronto,
s;pent the p.as't•week with rel'ativ'es
Miss Evelyn MdGrath o'f .Buffalo
was Nome ever the week end.
'The St. Columba» football team
Play their -first game, against Clinton
on r Thursday evening, •Come out and
see the boys play.
2122 --(Purse $300.
Harry O;kum . 44 44 , III
Dr. F. E. Hudgins,
Black Patch 121 ill_ 2
.Gordon Knight, Blenheim.
Lola K. Tf° .... 3 3 5
Walter Briggs, Toronto.
Maxine Harvester 15
Dr. Whitely, Goderich.
Bradien Direct 7+
IL. W. Guy, Seaforth.
Tillie the Great 4
(M'i'ss IM. Dunford,
Cheerful Giralbtin 6
Fred Wherry, St.'Gfath,
2.1'4, 2:04, 2015/, 21I5.
2 1 2
Water has been turned off in some
of the mains for a few hours onsev-
eral oerasio'n during the past few days:
while rep'lacemen!ts are being made in
sante of the service pipes alt the rear
of the town hall.. The iron pipe . has
eaten through, causing leaks Which
(have `filled the ,ground with water in
the widinity olf the pipes, 'Copper tub-
ing is -being put in to repla'ce the iron.
pipe. 'There Nave been a nunrber of
cases in town Where iron pipe installed
ten years ago with the new water
system, has rushed' thaou'gih, and cop-
per is mow irecornmentled, 'Whether
there is salt in, bh'e soil Nene which
caused iron pipe to rust, is suggested.
Rt. Ex. :Comp. J. E. Keating, of
Seaforth, grand su'periintendent of
Huron 'District No. 6, 'RA.M., made
his official .visit to Huron ,Chapter, No.
30, ,R,A 13,, on !Tuesday evening. Rt,
iEe 'Cutup. H. G. Meir and several
other ,companions were present from
Mattock Chapter, Seaforth;l Elliott
Chapter, Mibahell, and the ILuckna,w
'Chapter, The Royal Anoh ,degree was
conferred, after ,which a (banquet was
held, ISlpeeches were 'made' by several
of the offuccrs and a past principal's
jewel 'was presented to .Ex. Comp.
George Greene by Mr, ,Keating on
,behalf ,of the Algonquin (Chapter of
Sault Ste. ,Marie, of which M•r. Greene
MIS a member. An interesting feature
of the evening was The exhibition by
Meir of a small white keystone
with the /Masonic 'emblem carved on
it. T'his stone was recently given to
him by a friend who 'acquired it in the
Holy Land and it is noted ;for its re-
markable ,ynhiteness,-1Goderich Sign al
Two Wins for Hensall in Baseball
In Intenmediaite Intercounty Lea-
gue games on the holiday, Hensall
won both games. At New Hamburg
in the morning Hensel! won 10-0;
at Stratford in the afternoon Hensall
won 12-4. The Strafford pitcher
injured his thumb badly fn this
Stratford di,.„ ted St. Marys in the
morning 22.4.
IBig crowds attended all games.
The Hensall, line-up at New Ham-
burg walsa
(Frank Creech c, Carter Kerslake
Richard Welsh ib, William Joyn't 2b,
Ferris Cantelon ss, Sam Rennie 3,b,
E. Gaslc'h'o rf; H. E1os'ter el, H. Haw-
kins lf,
In the afternoon Welsh pitched and
Kerslake was at 1st base. 2nd 'base,
,j'aynt, and Can:talon, W. Bsi'atnei.l ss.
S 3, 4
7 7. dr.
4 4 dr.
Ipll I' :4,
21115.-1Parse $300.
(Gratton Scott Yf 2 11
(Harry Field's, Ancaster.
Slay Petters, • '3 Ili 2
J. Hillis, Guelph
(Mac Peters ... ... ill 3 4
T. 'M'iCrlacken, SItrath'roy.
AM Alb dell 4
IR. J. S'mi'th, Gu.eliph
22.14/, 2112/, 2.14/, 2119.
2.28 Trot -Purse $1/50.
Mayne .. .11 41 1
C. H Morrison; Toronto.
Imperial Awewioaithy • 2 3 2
IEd. Lance, N. Hamburg.
Moko Todd • 4 2 3
W. Coulter, ,Astwood
Elsie Harvester..........3 4 4
IG. S. Litt, Goderich.
Miss Betty the Great '3 5 9
:Chas. Hanseteld, Ethel.
-1220, 2119'%, 2310'%.
Judges -(William Graseh, John Stratford;
Edward Tout, Stratford; J
1Tiimers, John Galbraith, Brussels,
Heck Hays, Goderich, Starter• --;Roy
(Brothers, Stratford.
The Secretary of thetinadi'an Har-
ness Horse Assoe'n, Mr. Wim. Mc-
Cullough, Toronto, was also in the
judges' stand,
iRecord broken in the second heat
in 222 class---'fasltest heat at this time
of, year, 2111/.
4 3
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Dolinage'
spent Sunday with 'Mr' and Mrs. Sid-
ney Dolmage of ,Seaforth,
We are sorry 'that Mrs. W. C. Ben-
neltt, of Walton underwent anopera-
tion for .appendicitis'in Kitchener hos-
pital on Saturday.
The euchre ,and dance held in the
hall last Friday .night was well attend-
(Winthrop plays their .first game of
football],,in Ethel on May 29th.
We are sorry to report that Miss
Vina Murdie is in Sicoltt ' 'Metn'oria'!
with this -
32 -piece set
ACCEPT this lovely giftf
You simply purchase a
32 -piece companion set of
:Community Plate in the
fashionable Packette
and remember, Community'
Plate prices are extremelyr
low. We give you, abso--•
lutely free, 6 Community/
China cups and saucers to,.
match perfectly the design,.
you select ... Lady Handl-
andton, Deauville, Noblesse,,.
Adam, or Grosvenor. Why-
honot come in today and see•
these gorgeous ensembles?,
for Sala by
Jeweler and Optometrist
The following item from Hes'peler--
refers to a former resident, Mrs,'Bea-
ven being a native of 'tuc'kersmith,.
and they resided here for a couple of:'
years altertheir marriage: ''On Wed-
nesday Mr. and Mins. J. W. B'ea'ver;
1i'es'peler, plan to mark the 517bfr anni-
versary of their marriage at theix-
h'orne. The hlapipy couple have Been.,
well-known and highly esteemed res-
idents Of Hesipeler far over 50 years.
11/ay 04,. 12716, Miss Jane O'ldifield
became the 'bride of J. W. Heaven in
Seaforth Anglican Church. Mr. Beng-
al was superintendent of Forbes -
woolen mill until his retirement tlfneee
years ago. Be was also first church,.
•warden of at. Jiannes' Anglican Church -
holding `the office for over 10 years.
There are six children.
The regular m'eetin'g of the Young
People's Society of North Side Unit-
ed Church was held on Tuesday even-
ing, May 213nd, with Mir. Sam Stott in
;the chair. The usual sing song .prec-
eded the meeting led by Miss Ruth
Tlliomlp's'an. Th'e meeting was in charge
of Mr, Jiack Stevens, Citizenship De-
partment, After repealting, the Lord's
prayer in unison, the minutes of the
last tweeting were read by secretary,,
Miss 'Winnie Savauge, The Scripture
lesson was read by Miss G. • Hel'lyer,
alter wlbieb Rev. 'M.r. Lane led in
prayer. Hymn 239 was then sung. A
splendid and most interesting address
on "Youth and World Peace," was
given by Mr. Salm Scott. On singing
hymn '191 the rneelting closed Iby re-
peating the 'M'iap'alt 'benedictio
Mess Mary Flanagan is visiting her
sister, `Mips. Gilbert 'Murray this week.
Mr. aid Mrs. Mike Murray and
Mrs. John Murray.'Sr., spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. O'Rourke.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Strubb and
family and Mr.'Charles MciD'a1d of
Kitchener visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Warn.
Flannagan 'on Sunday.
IMr. and 'Mars. Gus 'Rigoell and fam-
ily of 'Kitchener visited their many
friend's on ,Sunday.
The M'clKillo9 Branch of 'the W. M.
S. of First 'Pres'by'terian .Church held'
their May meetingat the 'home or
Mrs. Wan. Mason on Thursday after-
noon with a Targe attendance of mem-
bers and friends. .The "first part of
the afternoon was spent in sewing;.
Mrs. J. L. Bell ,presided. ,After the
opening hymn, [Mrs. J. L (Bell read
an article and then led" in prayer. The
minutes o'f bhe last •mee'tin,g were:
read and the' roll calf ,was answered• t
by a verse of scrip,ture: The`Scrapture-
Lesson was taken :by M'i'ls. Tames-:
iDorrance. Mrs, W'm, T'hbm'pson took":
the .lesson 'Hungary from- the- Study
iBook and gave it in her •usival-ixtter--
eating manner. IA hy'm'n was ssznrg
and then .lies H. J. 'Gibson. 'delighted
the ladies with her report of the in-
teresting things beard at the provin-
cial meetings held/ in Stratford. Mrs --
I. B. Keine also spoke an the pro-
vincial meeting, The (Glad 'Tidings
'prayer was read `.by Mrs. Geo, B.
IDarranee. lA.fter the singing of an --
other hymn' the meeting closed with a
all repeating the (Lord's prayer in ,
unisonIMiltam.. The June meeting is to he
held at the home o'f Mrs. Helen_ Mac-
, -
Afternoon Tea
At the home of Mrs. Appleyard
St. Thomas' Rectory
Fyrida May26th
From 3to6
Home Baking for sale:,
Everybody welcome. Sliver collection