The Seaforth News, 1933-05-11, Page 8TEE SEAFORTH NEWS.
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1933
A:tniven'sary services will be heli! in
!Carmel Presoyiterdan Church on Sun-
day, \'Say 2'1ist. Rev. Kennetth !McLean
of Wingham will be the speaker for
the day, !On Monday evening amusi-
cale 'wall be given in the church con-
isislting yob oh'oruses, duets,,solos, qu'ar-
testes and instrumentals. 'Mrs. G-,. lM:
'Yloung oaf'Nairn, .elocution'ist, will also
take part.
!Mrs. A. ;Slcrtvban is improving the
appearance of lIer. !prolpeiity on Queen
street by having her •barn taken dawn
and a neat garage erected.
The OddifelluWs of the ,Hensall
!Lodge No. 2123 ''attended the services
in the Unitted !Church on ,Sunday even-
ing. !Rev, Arthur ;Sinclair a splendid,
!address on "The Three IL'urtks." A
mixed quartette was given by Mrs,
Drysdale, Mrs. Hess and 'Messrs:
!Goodwin and 'Rennie entitled, "Fear
Not Ye, 0 1:srael \Ir. 'Thos. ISherritt
rendered at very pleasing :solo entitled
"I Heard the Voice" and at -duet
"Spring Time of 'My Soul," by Mrs.
'Hedden and !Ms's, Hess.
Miss Thelma 'FIudson of 'London
spent 'she week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hudson. ,
!Anniversary services will be held li.
the ,United 'Church on 'Sunday, May
128. Rev. Mr, Finley will be the speak-
er for the day.
'Mr, and ,Mrs. 'Jack `Madge of 'Hib-
'bert were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and .Mrs. A. Hodgert.
Mother's Day 'will be observed in
our local dhurches on !Sunday.
tMr. Sam (Rennie and Dr. lSlmillie as-
sisted at the Young People'•s .services
at •Bruuefielld on Monday evening.
The Welfare Youth 'Ch9b of the
1Ga'rmef Presbyterian Church ,held
their regular .meeting on 'Monday ev-
ening. After the opening and devotion-
al exercises the b'cripture lesson was
read by Douglas Sangster .and ;the
'topic "Reformation" was given :by
Miss Hanna 'Murray.
Mrs. Sou'thco'tt, Miss !Stella South-
cott and Miss 'Fannie 'Bisset of Ex-
eter visited friends in town on Friday.
Miss :Viola ILernmon'•off Toronto is
visiting at the home of her father,
'Mr. lWbn, {Lennon.
Mx. and 'Mrs. ,Fred :Corbett attend-
ed the funeral of their niece, Betty
Colvin of Byron on •M'ond'ay.
The Arnold Circle o2 'Carmel MPres-
byterian Church held .their meeting Aat
the home off Mrs. 'Verne Reddtn
very pleasant time was spent.
IMns. ;John !Bolton o:t 'Ushorne is
spending a few days visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Thos. (Berry.
'Mr. T. C. 'Joynt made a 'business
!trip to Toronto this week.
IThe funeral of the late 'Mrs.- John
C. Stoneman of Toronto ,took place
on Saturday on the arrival of the
noon train, at ,the :C.iN;R, 'depot at
!Clinton, to the Hensal:l :Union. cemet-
ery. Mrs. ;Stoneman was a former well
'known resident of (Hensel' where her
!husband, the late John IC.'S'tonernan,
was a prominentn business maand
Clerk of the village. The family
ed awayframhere
about25 years s a
to reside in Toronto. Mss. Stoneman's
maiden name was M'argare't Adams
Robinson and she was born ,in Lam-
beth. On Thursday morning she was
stricken suddenily with a heart 'attack
!from which .she failed to rally. She
leaves one son 'Curtis. Her other son,
Bert, was killed in the 'war and her
'husband predeceased her some years
ago{ �!
Mr. 'Orville. Twitchell attended the
funeral :of his brother, the late George
Harold Twitchell at !Seaforth on Sat-
urday afternoon.
Rev: A'rbhu:r Sinclair attended a
meeting ,ef the Huron !Presbytery at
IGoderic'h on .Wednesday afternoon,
The Wohela Class of the United
!Church very pleasantly entertained
three .other classes of the Sabbath
!School on Friday evening, last. A pro-
gram was given consisting ,of the fol-
lowing: instrumental duet, Misses .Lr
ene !Douglas and !Helen Glenn; read-
ing, bliss Alite Higgins; quartette,
iMLieses Mildred Follick, Ruth Coles
M'inn'ie Sangster and Kathryn Drys-
dale; piano solo, :Lorne Elder, quar-
tette, Gladys 'Passmore, Dorothy ^Mc-
Lean, Lorne Eider and ''Bob Pass-
rno're; guitar solo, Katherine Drysdale
reading, Miss Margaret.lJohsston; vo-
cal duet !Gladys 'Passmore and 'Alice
'Higgins. Mr. !Clarence Smillie was the
chairman and Miss J'oyce,'Scruton and
James' MdEwan had the best 'fancy
:costumes. Contests and games were
indulged in after which a dainty lunch
was served.
Mr, and ,Mrs; Ladd lMc'Ewan and
daughter Donna spent Sunday at the
Mrs. Lorne'MlcNau'ghton of Hibbert
is visiting at the home of .her !lather,'
Mr. Wm, IL.'McLaren.
The 'WM.'S. of the United Church
held their regular monthly meeting on
Thursday afternoon: The ,meeting op-
ened by singing the doxology after
which 'Psalm 23 was .repeated follow
ed by silent prayers. A duet was given
by !'Drs. Drysdale and. Mrs, 'Hess 'and
a violin solo by 'Miss ILamneie: The
devo'tion'al leaflet was read by Mrs.
Coles:: A report of the :Presbyterial
meeting held at Thames Road was
given by the President, Mrs, C. A.
MdDon.nell after which Mrs. Henry
led .in .prayer. The mission study was
given by Mrs, ,Coles, Mrs. Peck and
Ahrs,' Hem'plvilll and Mrs. A. M'cDon-
Mr., and IMrs. Alf Slmith of Crediton
spent Sunday with relatives in ,town.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. 'Slparks of Lon-
don' ;and 1'Irs. 'Schrader of Dashwood
.ialled on f'riends here this week.
'lar, J, L. Dixon and daughter, 'Miss
'Carrie Dixon of London spent Sun-
day at the Rec'to'ry. Mrs. F. H. Paull
ret'u'rned with them to London.
Mr. Peddie resumed his duties as
minister in Knox Church Sunday
morning, In the, evening he preached
very accepltably in St. ,Andrew's Unit-
ed Church.
Mr. and•'Mrs. W. H. Robinson and
family of Landon spent Sunday at
their cottage.
•Miss. Margaret Ferguson was at her
home in Elnnon'dville over the week
end and had as her guest, Miss Ella
1M,e Kay.
Early to bed 'and early to rise
flay once have made;people
Rich, healthy and wise,
But the rnan of to -day, who. would
fain make his mark,
'.blas got to keep-husitlting. till- long
!!{iter. dark.
Should you be too busy in the day-
time, give us a ring and we will do
our best to wait on you in the twilight
They are the best
Mr. and Mrs. Knucicey, of Toronto
are spending a few days' at their -suer-
mer home on the Sauble line.
'2frs, R. H. F. Gairdner and daugh-
ter, Miss Betty, spent the week end
in Toronto,
ear. and 'Mrs. G. S. Atkinson an'd.
family of Exeter, and INir, and Mrs:
R. T, Orr and friends of Stratford and
friends were at their cottages Sunday.
Sunday morning in St. Andrew's
Church Sabbath S'dhool rally and mo-
ther's day service will be o'b'served.
There will be a mother's choir,
Mrs. W. H. Talbot returned .from
Woodham this week.
Mr. George Kay of Gaderioh has
taken 'rooms in the post office build-
ing u'p•satairs 'ahere•'he Is operating, a-
tailorin'g and dry cleaning business.
Mr. K'ay leas had over fifteen' years
experience in ,Goderich and Detroit
and does good work. People are real-
izing, more than ever, the importance
cf garment care and know that if
clothes are cleaned and pressed occa-
sionally they have m'u'ch better ap-
pearance and wear better.
Mr. E. C. Webb, who has for the
past two and a ;half years, had J. 0.
Gol'd'thorpe's garage, has this . week
leased the Murray Brothers .garage at
the Sauble line corner and is now car-
rying on 'business there, where he will
be pleased to meet all' his former cus-
'There was a large and delighted
audience at the town hall last Friday
evening wihen members' of the A.Y.P.
A. of the parish of Baylfield, Viannia'and
Middleton, gave three one -act plays.
The first one "The D'oor.Baell" (!com-
posed by Mies 'Carrie Dixon of Lon-
don) ,depicting the trials of a modern
housewife who was kept busy answer-
ing the do'or bell when s'alesla'dies and
agents for 'magazines, etc., 'called sol-
iciting onders. Finally she conceived
the idea of putting a card on the door,
"Not at Holme. The result proved a
disappointment for 'her sister called,
leaving a note at the door stating she
was on her way to Toronto and sorry
she was out. The other playas ,were
"His Model Wife" and "Mix Well and
Stir." These were mast interesting
and were well performed.
Harold IS'coPoahlmer, Mrs. N. W.
Woods and Miss Alma McKay were
at London Tuesday.
Mrs. R. Love, who •spent several
days with her son, has returned to her
daughters, Mrs. A. Keys, near Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. Conrad .Seimon, son
'Lenton and Mr, and Mrs. E. Broder-
irk, spent Sunday visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. R. 'Taylor and M:r, and Mrs.
S. Surerus of Tuc'kersmith.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love are re-
ceiving congratulations on the arrival
of a fine baby girl
Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O+Dwyer of
Zurich visited with Miss Dolly Hagan
and brother Frank recently.
Mr. Yoe Hagan of Hensal1 visited
friends in this vicinity one afternoon.
Mr, W. Jarrott and daughter An-
nie, Miss Edna Cochrane visited the
tat'ter's brother near Brucefield Sun-
day evening.
Miss Gladys Jarrett visited her
•uncle, Mr, John MdBeath, on Sunday
A number brain this vici'n'ity attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mr. Jahn
!T'hrisk of ,Blake on, Monday - after-
wAllS. meets at the home of Mrs
(Rev.) Conner on Thursday evening.
,Messrs, W. 'Turner and W. J. Jar-
rott attended -a meeting in Victoria
Street United Church, Goderich, last
Miss Eugean Aubin has returned to
her hoarse after being ysilih M. and
Mrs. E. MrKinley for several weeks.
Born,—tin Hay township, on May 7,
1933, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love
a 'daughter.
M'r. and Mrs. Will Roe, so:n Robert,
Mrs. !Helen Wfenzel and son Noir of
Stratford were visitors at Mr. Ben
Williams last ;Sunday.
'Mer. Harry Jackson of 'Windsor is
engaged with Mr. Wes. Johns for a
Mr. S. Whalley of Marys was a call-
er h ere one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hy Murch and .Miss
13efivers :of ,London' were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. P. 'Murch.
Seeding- has been delayed on ac -
:aunt of the heavy rains of last +week.
Many mothers have reason' to 'bless
\Mother Graves' 'Worm Exterminator,
v+ e it has relieved the little ones
{suffering and made them healthy,
May, 19017
To Build Residence
Mr. W. A. Crich is getting the ma-
terial ready' for ` his new residence
which ' 'he initenids erecting on this pro-
perty on North Main Street. I't will
the built of red brick which he had
shi'p'ped in from Mr. J'one's brick yard
at 1•iitcdaell,
Taking a Rest,
Owing to :illness Miss Jennie 'Bald-
antyne of the nii'b1i'c school staff, has
been tobliged to take a rest for a time.
:Liss Clara Sclater is at present !filling
the position.
;On Trip to West.
Mr. and Mts. 'C'harles Dodds of Mc-'
Kilio'p, left this' week on a trip
to Carrington, !Month Dakota. They
also intend ,vis'iti�ng with relatives) at
(Swift Curre'n't, ISas'k.,' before they re-
turn hoarse,
Returns from .England.
Mr, 'Horace Chetitl'e, of the Huron
Football Club, who .has ,been visiting
at his home in 'England for the past
few month's arrived in town on Mon-
day eventing. He was accompanied to
Canada by Mr, ,Sidney Darnell who is
reported as an expert Ifoo!tball player
and who will ,probably figure on bhe.
{Torah's line-up 'this season;.
Died in Toronto.
The death occurred in Toronto ori
Tuesday of iMr. John Logan, a for-
mer resident of Seaforth, aged 78'
year's. The deceased was .well known
here having condu'dted a grocery busi-
ness in town for several years prior to
this removal to !Toronto. The remains
were brought to Seaforth for inter-
ment arriving here on'ibhe 12.510 train
on Friday. Interment ,was in 1Mait-
landlb'ank cemetery. •
Little Niece Dies.
Mr. John 'Staples :received word
from New Liskeard of the deabh of
'his little niece, Beatrice Lindsay, bhe
youngest daughter .of ,Mr. and Mrs,
W'illi'am .Lindsay, age 6 years. Mr. and
Mrs. Linds'ay are former residents ,of
Fourteenth Anniversary.
The !Ladies' Aid of the 'Presbyterian
!Church, Egm'ondville, intend holding
a concert in the church shortly to cel-
:ebra'te the fourteenth annivers'a'ry of
the induction of the 'Rev. Ne'i'l ,S'ha'w
as pastor of the Egmondvi'lle .church.
ii o
Cmtn Swept Fire
Fire which swept Clinton on .Mon -
.day caused loss in the nei'ghbor'hood
of $5:000. At one Time twenty-five
,place., were in 'flames. The heavy clos-
ers were the thres'h'er works $60,000;
J. 'Rattenlbury''s !hotel $10,000; Dr, Ev-
an's residence $1,300; iB•ell Phone Co.
$500. Other losses were 'Flynn's 'black-
smith shop, IDr.:Gunn's residence, the
Davis livery, C, C. ,R'ance's residence,
Joseph 'Copp's residence !Mrs. . Snr bit's
residence, Mrs. Pratt's residence, 'H.
Hi'll's residence, 'Wesley Methodist
Church. The •Blyth and Stratford fire
brigades assisted in fighting the fire,
'Tlhe old •Caven !church has been re-
moved to Mr, Hanna's property ad-
joining the church lot. Services will
be held there until the new building is
completed.' 'The .committee appreciates
the kindness of Mr. (Hanna In allow-
ing thein to use the land necessary.
New Manager and Matron.
The Huron county ,Hiouse Of Refuge
.committee is tadvertising for both a
keeper and matron which means the
acc'ep'tance of Mr. D. !French's resign-
ation and the retirement of the mat-
ron, Mrs. IW. H. Simpson. Mr. French
has been in ,charge since the house op-
ened nearly twelve years ago and for
most of the tine only $250, a year was
paid althou'gh la't'ely he has been re-
ceiving $3150. He asked for an increase
to $500, which the comanittee decided
to recommend.
Council Meeting
At the .council !meeting the bylaw•
was passed proposing to lay cement
sidewalks_ on the 'follo'w'ing streets.
The walks were to !be four feet wide
exicept where rsp ecified otherwise:
North side IGo'derich st. Froin
'Church .st, west.
South side (lames st, from Main to
Church .street;
N, side J'a'mes sat. from Main west.
West side ;Ann street.
ISouth side Centre st. from Main st.
west to B. B. Gunn'is.
'West side Helen street.
!West side !Wilson Street.
West side :Side s't, at !Collegiate.
'West side Victoria st from Frank-
lin :to Duke st.; and from IGoderich s't.
to Govenlolc'k st, and from 'George s't.
to Gro'mibia.
'East side Chalk st.
West s'id'e Victoria st, from George
st. to Govenlock s't, S feet wide.
'South side John st, from Main st,
to 'Louisa sat,
West Side :Snarling 1st.
!East side of !Jarvis st. 'froom Market
st. to G. T. R tracks.
!South side Railway st.
{North gide Railway et,
(North side west George at. from
:!fain st west to Isabella 'st, 3 ft. wide
South side of Brantford s't, from
Mein st west to Isabella '3'r/a' ft. wide,
West side of Mill sit. from'!George'
',1.` north to Railway st. 24/, ft. wide
East side Main st . 'frons G:TIR
tracks south to Railway at., 3'i ft,
East side 'M'ain ! s't. front Goderich
et. triorth to Franklin alt. Five feet wide
10 Side st. and 4 S wide :from: Slide
et, to Franklin street.
I\Vest side Mai'' st. from Goderich
st north to Duke is't. Five feet wide
to James sat, and 4 feet wide ".from
James street to Doke street.
East side Wilson. street,
Mr. and Mrs. N'orman Lloyd and
baby Tommy stent the week end at,
the home of Mr. and ;Mrs. A. 'W. Mc
IMT. and :vitas, Torrance and Miss
Mary ?Torrance doff near . Goderich;
spent Sunday a'fternooi at the home
of Mir, and Mrs. Frank McGregor,
_Miss Rosamond' A,p,pleby of, Me-
TCildop spent the w'ee'k. end . at the
home of her grandmother, Mrs. Jen-
nie Knox.
The Ladies' Aid and W.M"S. May
meeting golf Burns' United Church was
held Wedlne'sday` afternoon of 'last
week alt the Nome of Mrs. Rey. 'Gamd-
ner at'Lolndes'b'o:ro with a very good
attendance. The Ladies' Aid intend
having a garden party on the 30th of
June but there' will be word Pater.
The 'WM.'S. meeting ,was in charge
Of the Mrs. Norman Shepherd, group,'
_Mfrs. Simon Mc'Vrittie and Mrs. ' Kel-
land M'dVV'ittie as'si'sted with l'u'n'c'h.
The. June meeting is exiperdted to be
at the home of Mrs. Geo. Watt..
'Mrs. - W. H. Knox and Mrs. Junes
Ghowen and children visited one ',af-
ternoon of last week at the home of
Mr.,and „Mrs. 'Thomas Knox.
Messrs. Ttoma's and ' Wm. Knox
'have 'been busy the last while working
on the field wh'ic'h they have rented Of
the Mr. Jloselph Wheatley farm.
W'ord Was received in the neighbor-
hood of !the deabh of Mr. Stevenson,
•farther of Mr. 'Wim. Stevenson, who
worked on bhe dredge in this 'vicinity.
!Sincere sympathy is extended.
Mrs. Warren Gibbings .and baby
Mary Jean of near Clinton, spent part
Of the week at the -'h'om'e of the form-
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Rap's'on.
Mr. John Knox of Clinton was in
the 'neigh'borhood part of last week.
Township of Stanley
You are hereby given notice that a
'Court of Revision on the assessment
!km the Township of (Stanley will be
held in the Township Hall, Varna, on
!Tuesday, May 30th at 10 o'cko'ck
and take notice that all appeals must
be left with th.e Clerk of the Munic-
ipality not later :than the 24th of M'ay,
IDalted'tlhis 'S1th day of M'ay, 1033.
RILEY. --In loving and lasting
memory of our dear husband and
fat'her,' George Riley, who departed
this 'life, May .115ibh, .1932.
'Our l'ip's cannot tell how we miss him,
Our -hearts icann'ot tell what to say,
God adoaxe knows how we miss him,
Ina hothe that is lonesome to -day.
=Sadly missed by 'Wife and Family
In the Worlanan Hall, Walton, on
Friday -night, May 12th. Music by the
Ro'wiland 5-Pdece Orc'hes'tra. Ladies
provide' lunch. Gents 25c,
Woman wants it:ousewo:nk by the
day. Apply to The News •00ffree. lig'
A quantity of Yellow Blossom
Sweet Glover Seed, Government grade
No. 2, $2.25 per bus. JOSEPH L.
M'ALONEY, phone 40 ring 22 Dub-
lin. 20.
Two choice young cones
Apply to Mrs:' L..3 DOI'G,
Hien's's:11 centra'!, phone 4-93.
`Quantity of :Bu'dkw.heat for sale.
Olean 'for seed ar feed. Apply to
CARL .DIAILTIOIN, 'P'hone 13 on 244
Fifty or more :Barred !Rock hens for
sale. A'pp'ly to Miss Agnes Kraus-
kopf, a ,mole and a quarter north or
A chestnut cdrivin'g mare, broke
single or ;double; also a black 3 -year-
old driving horse, broke 'single 0•
d'ou'ble.' Apply to GE,O. DiUN1DIAIS,
Phone 111 on 2311. 19
In Egrnondw'i'1le the property of the
Alexander MacKay estate, one block
west of the ch'urc'h; about 34 of ,• an
acre of land, House contains seven
rooms With hall and pantry. Both
house and small Earn are wired for
Hydro and are in good 'repair. Im-
mediate pos'se'ssion may be held. Only
first class tenants neer' apply.Ap:;i'•
to W. 3,'FINN'IGAIN, Executor, 211.
7ittract ve each glces
P. and IG. :S:oap :Soap—A.0' .I10'' bars 311e IKoll olgg's 'Corn -
'Glo'ld Soap ..... ...20'bars 33c IFlakes ..t 3 ipkgs. 23c
!S'o'mme ISo'ap,. , 110 .bars 39c
Bran Flakes 2 pkgs, 23c
(Large) `Ch'ip'so . .. •pkg 17c
'(Large) 'Oxyidol . •pkg., 17c
'pkgs. 'Antnionia 23c
'Prairie (Rose Flour... :ewt. $2.35
iSepoy Plain 'cwt. '$2.35
IFIevelook !Pilon! , ,owl '$2,50
1Blai,b Wire, roll $3.49
Dish Pans, large .. , ... 45c
'Wash •B'asnn 20c
MEN'S !PANTS I. ■ 35
Good !Quality..
per 'pair. , ...,
ISH:DRTS .. each. 75c
W. J.
Of Desirable House and Lot and
Contents of Same in the Town
of •Seaforth
The Executor of ,the Estate of Janet
Steele, late of the Town of !Seaforth,
in She'Oaunty of Huron, Spinster, de-
ceased, _has instructed G. H. Elliott,
auctioneer, to 'sell by pull:die auction
on ,Saturday, IMay,'1'4th, 1933, at 2
p.m., sharp, on the 'premises, the fol-
lowing desirable ,prapeAtty:--Parts of
Lots 11412 and 143 in. Jarvis' Surfey of
pant of the Town of Seaforth and sit-
uate On
ituate,on the East side of ,Orde street.
On said lot is erected a 154 storey
frame dwelling' with :cement founda-
tion, s'ix rooms and woodshed, heated
by hot air heating, :Nand and soft wat-
er plumped into the house, an excel-
lent •cellar and newly decorated and in
very good state ref repair.
At the !s'a'ne tins' and place the fol-
lowing chattels will be sold ;by pu'bl'ic
atrcti'on:-41' French Beryl Wa'lnu't Bell
piano, 1' rocking chair, 1 !flower stand,
2 lounges, 2 oil paintings, 10 picture
frames, 1 bed and mattress, 2 rugs, 1
dresser, 'L small table, '1 bedroom
screen, 2 wash stands, 1 clock, 1
truck, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 clothes
horse, 4 sets of draperies, 3 beds, I
suit- case, 1 valise, 1 sewing machine
and equipment, 1 . kitchen table, 1
kitchen gla'ss cupboard, .1 small
table, 1: oil stove with oven, 1 Quebec
heater with oven, 1 tool ' chest, 1
clothes basket, -1 lawn mower, 11. din-
ing room' .table, .6 dining roam chairs,
2 screen doors, '1! saw hone, 5 hand
saws, d wringer, 2 •buck saw's, '1 music
ease, 1 small garden ate Pickle 'ars
pots and pans, flower pots !nil other
articles too numerous to 'mention, .all
in good condition,
'Terms on Property:—Ten per cent.
of pu'rcha'se price an: day of sale; bal-
ance within thirty days. Terms on
Chattels: --Cash,
For furtherparticulars and condi-
tions of sale apply to
JOHN J. HUGGIARD, Seaforth, Ont.
Solicitor for Executor
Dated" May 3, -1033.
G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Notice is Hereby Given • that all
creditors and o't'hers having claims
again3t the estate of Jane Steele, late
of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun-
ty of ,Huron, who died on the Twenty.
sixth day of April, 1933, are required
to forward their claims duly proven
to the undersigned, solicitor for the
Executor on or :before, the •Twentieth
day of May, 193'3.
And Notice is Farther Given that
after the said date, the Executor will
proceed to distribute the assets of the
estate, !havi'ng regard only to the
claims of which he then " shall have
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this
Second day .of May, 1933.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitor .for the Executor,
20 acres of grass land seeded with
sweet 'clover and timothy, 1144th con.
MdKi'1'lap, two miles west .of Walton,
for rent. Plenty - of water and 'shade
and well fenced. JIAIM'ES NIOILIAIN,
Tockersneitli, Seaforth, R.R, 4,
!For sale—Dining room suite, two
bedroom suites, d'ave'nport, kitchen
range, kerosene lamps, electric iron,
wash machine, many small kitchen
This 'furniture is in fifth house from
Dublin corner, MdKiltop side of
Citizens al,re hereby warned not to
dump vegetables, fruits or anything
that will cause a nuisance in. the
Damping Grotind at Kellar Farm.
Any person found doing so will be
held liable for dafnages.
The dumping ground is only to be
used for old metal, glass and ashes..
By order,
:If you are considering a
Packer, Disk Harrow, Spring
.Tooth Lever Harrow or Land.
Our prices are lower, with at
special, low price for this,
month delivery,
!Represented 'by V. J. LANE
Phone 46-1122 Dublin
John McKenzie
Wishes to announce that he
'ha's taken over the, B'lgo'kslmith
Business an; ,Goderich Street,
so suoeeseful'ly carried on by
Councillor 'W. W. :Crosier, and
!hopes Iby ;giving strict attention
to, business Ito merit the confid-
ence .of all Mr. !Crosier's' old
General Repairs Wood Work
& Rubber Tires
Healer, advice an all trans-
actions, also eyes, ear trouble,
.or other,' !complaints relieved by
his magnetic power
All Day and Evening,
Not 'coning 'b'ack soon—'don't
lm,iss, this time. •
Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover seed
fon sale. $2.50 per bushel. LOUIS
KRAUS5{O,P,F, % mile east of Dublin
on the highway. 20.
6 miles north-east of Seaforth, 160'
acre farm. All seeded down to grass
phone 38 r 2, R.R. 2, Baden,. Ont,
Choice Blacks Collie Pups, ,from
good heelers on both sides. Apply to!
Ont. Phone 1t2 on 78, Hensall,
II -house to rent, will be given posses-
sion any time, also a range for sale.
IWill also take in cattle to pasture with•
lots of shade and water. Apply' ,to!
tJAIMiEIS IB{A1I21ROIN, Seaforth, Box
154: '19.
,Inrproved Banner Seed Oats, also -
same two -rowed 'b'arley; • also some-
mixed grain. JAMES M. LANDS-
BORIOiUGIH, phone 1150 r '16, 19.
!Plenty of water and shade, JIA,MES
R. SIPROAT, Egmondmille, or Phone -
We will have from time 'to time a,
qu'an'tity of four -week-old cockerels,
both !Leghorns and Racks, at bargain-
rlf .
p ces, Aloe starlteld chicks. ,Call and'
see acs or phone 111371-3. SUNNYVALE
POULTRY FARM,. !Seaforth, Ont.
Wheat, per 'bushel' 70c'
Oasts, per bushel 3Sc
Barley, per bus.
Bluckwheat, per bushel 40e
Eggs, per doz. 8c, 10c, 02c
Butter, per 1b. 18c'
Potatoes, per bus. ' hoc
IHoig,s, per csv't, .... . , ...,$5,;10'