The Seaforth News, 1933-05-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bros., Pu'lilishtirs, .
Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson and
Miss Eva of the boundary west, have
moved into the vil'la'ge. They have
purchased • the Watt home. We wel-
come 'them to the. village.
Mr. and Mrs. George.' Clark and F.
'Clark olf Listowel spent Sunday with
tlhe former's brother, 'Mr. Wes, _Clark.,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Prager and Chac-
lie of Galt spent the week end with
the fonnier's mother, Mrs. C. Drager.,
M. and Mrs. H. ,Shannon, called on
friiendls in !Clifford,on Sunday.
The many friends : of Mrs. W.
t '!Wends are sorry to hear of .her illness'
and 'hope she ''will soon' recover. She
is trelceiving ,treatments in the Clinton
The funeral took plaice dn, Wed-
nesday afterndon of a lifelong resident
of Grey To'wmts'hip in the person of
Tdh'n' 1Sltevenabn.. ,He was well known
throughout this 'part Of the country,
having carried on for many years a
:widesipread dredging business, in_
von-Oa-my with his son's. His father, 'a
shoemaker 'by trade, was ane of the
'early residents. Mr. Stevenson Was
(predeceased some years ago by his
wife, who was .formerly Miss Makin
of Grey. Four sons and a daughter
survive 'him: Will, Jack, Baxter,
James and Miss Margaret ,Stevenson,
all of this vicinity. Mr. Stevenson had
a large farm of aver "350 aores ; hay,
ing added the Cash and Logan farms
to his original 50 acres...
Mr. and Mrs. W. Laconvb and Miss
jWlinnifred Drager of Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Drager of Galt spent the
week end at tkeir mother's, Mrs. C.
Mr. Chas. Sellers, principal of the
senior school has been engaged for
another year to teach both rooms,
which will be put in one school for
the year.
The May meeting of the W.M.S.
of the Queen street United Church
was held on Tuesday, the president,
'Mrs. W. G, ,Buell, presiding. Meeting
opened by singing' hymn "Jesus Keep
Me Near the Cross." Prayer for our
missionaries was offered .by Mesdames
/Coliclou:gh, Wightman, and ,Buell.
Scripture lesson taken from the 1st.
(Chapter of James was read by Mrs.
E. Pollard. A'brief talk on the quart-
erly report with black board illustra-
tion, was given 'by ibLrs, L. Hi'lborn.
:Mrs. S. H. White gave the chapter of
the study- book, "His Dominion of
Canada." We we're then favored with
a piano duvet by Mrs, Philp and Mrs,
IH. MdEliloy. IA spilendid report o'f the
morning session of the seventh annu-
al meeting of the Huron Presbyterial
of the WJM.S, of the United Church
held at 'Th'ames Road, was given' by
Mrs. Wighlbnnan. ,Afternoon session
was given by Mrs. Hil'born. The sec-
retaries gave interesting rep-orts, the
lsenaids gave readings on India, home
and Africa mission work. The .meebing
'was brought to a cease by all repeat.
ing the Miap'ah benediction. The
group in charge served a ten cent tea,
Mrs. A. B. 'Carr, Mrs. J. H. Hoover
and Mrs. Wm. Taylor.
The annual meeting and election of
officers of ,the Women's Ilns'titute was
dield in Memorial 'hal'l on Thursday,
May 6th. Melting opened by singing
the Insltitute Ode after which the
'Lord's prayer wa'S repeated in unison.
The minutes of the last annual meet-
ing was read and the secretary -treas-
urer's report given, 'Total tor the year
was $300.716; expenses, $485.90, leaving
a balance of $24.06. The auditors' re-
port was given by Mrs. J. W. ,Minis,
who stated 'tlhe books were satistac-
tory. The election df officers resulted
as follows: President, MTs. 5. W.
'Mitis; list .vice presided, Mrs. R.
iWigh'tman;. 2nd vice president, Mrs.
B. iH'orrin'gton; district director, Mins
R. 'Wiigh!tm'att;, secreitary-treeesurer
Mrs. F. Oster; branch directors, Mr -
IR Richmond, Mrs. H. Pihi1U'rps, Mrs.
R Newcombe, Mrs. L. ,Scrimgeour.
Representatives to 'district annual
meeting, Mrs. A. ICoiclough, Mrs. J.
1W. Mills, Mrs. A. Barr, Mrs. Ed.
:Johnston, press secretary, Mrs, L.
Slcrinn'geo r; pianist, Mrs, F. Holly -
man; assistant, Mrs, John McGee;
• auditors, Mrs. Wm, Gibson, 'Mrs, ;H.
}?hil'lip's. Emergency committee, Mrs.
Robert McGee, Mrs. H. Young, Mrs,
1?: J. Kelly, Mrs. E. Taylor, Mrs. A.
Barr. Program•. committee, Mrs. A. B.
(Carr, Miss. A. Gillespie, Mrs. A. Tay-
lor, Mrs, P. J. Telly. Music commit-
tee, Mrs. H. McElroy, Mrs. T. Laid-:
law, ilius. wen, Gibson, Mrs. .L
Scrimgeour; his'torncal'researoh c'o'rn
mittee,:'Mrs, A. B, Carr, Airs. James
'Watt, 'Miss Gillespie, 'Mrs. Robert
McGee, Our monthly meeting to he
changed from the first Thursday in
th.e month 't'o the second Thursday,
-to have lunch at our monthly meeting,
fee to he a nickel. A trib'u'te was paid
`o our deceased member; ._firs, Mary
Canter ,hy Mrs. A. B. iCarr, Mrs, H.
!Plnilp's sing a verypleasing solo, ac-
co'm'panied on the piano by Miss L.
ilHerrington and a fine ins trunnent'al'by
Miss Pauline Robinson and Miss Dor-
'o'thy H•ollyman. Meeting was brought
Fe a close by singing the national are-
THURSDAY, 1VI'AY 11, 1933
Work Done and Guaranteed by
C. Atchison
Prices Reasonable.
Phone 179.
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
MAY 12
,First ,and Second Prize
(Orche's'tras are iprovid-
ing music.'
ion -kimono /Dancing 'from -
9930 to 2 •
Admission -35c. Ladies 10c
Mr. and Mrs. john_Mc'N'ioho'l, also
Mrs.' P. -5. Kelly spent ` Friday,' at
(Mrs. P. J. Kelly visited friends at
(Stratford .during the week end.
Mr. Charles Cunningham spent the
week 'end with his parents, Mr. and
'Mrs. Wm. Cunningham.
i,1rs, Charles Snelling and Mrs.
(Earl Kelly visited Mrs.'Chas. Nichol-
son Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Johnston
and spent Friday evening at Mr. John
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholson
Gordon and Velma, also Mr. and
hfrs, Andrew M'oNichol, visited at the
home of Mr, ami Mrs. Jim McNichol
on Sunday.
Mr. 'Thos, Granby also Mr. and
Mrs. (Alfred Nesbit, Misses' Margaret
and Mary of near Auburn, spent Sun-
day with Mr. John Nesbit.
VLr, and Mrs. An'd'rew MdNichlol
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
.Johns'ton on Tuesday evening.
The regular meeting of Hibbert
(Council was -held ontMonday, May 8,
at ;Staffa, alt .m'em'bers present, the
Reeve in the chair, The minutes of
the previous -meeting were read and
adopted on motion of Kay -(Allen. 'The
clerk r'eponbed the return of the as-
sessor's roll, recording a 'tonal •assess-
ment of $2,113P,0'69. ,A representative of
Consolidated Casualty .Co., Toronto,
was present soliciting road lia'bility
insurance; -no action was taken. Reso-
lutions were passed Kay IVivian—
That rate nt remun'er'ation fox all work
on roads except grading and dragging
be changed from 315c to 40c. Burch-
ill -Allen: Granting Harry Temple-
man free use of aban'd'oned 'township
hall site .providing he build a fence
aoross the front. Allen-iKay—In'stru'cit-
ing Clerk to advertise :for tenders for
crushing gravel in 'Coyne's and H'or-
ton's pits, contractor to furnish pow-
er, move the ,crusher and to keep gear
fully protected, Tenders to be receiv-
ed up to Monday, May 29, at .S'taffa
township halt at 10 a.m. Xay.iBurch-
ill—(Reducing,tlhe fee ..for .township hall
rent 'from '$5.00 ,to. $3l50. Road -expert-
:diture 'orders for $260, and general -ex
pease $.1150 were issued. The meeting
adjourned until Monday, May 39 at 10
a,:m. for opening benders and -court of
revision on .the assessment roll.—Mrs.
Kathleen Feeney, Township Clerk,
Last Friday -evening a pleasant time
was spent at the home of Mr:' and
Mgrs. W. Manley when friends and
neighlbors gathered in to p'resen't. Mr.
A'l'bert Scanlon with an address and
a shaving set on the eve of his mar-
riage to Miss Lucy Eckert. The 'wed-
ding took place an Wednesday mor-
ning, May 10th, at 'St. Columvb'an
Church, Sit. C'dlumbuan. The ceremony
was per£o;nnied by the Rev. Father
'D'ankzer in the presence of the imme-
diate friends. The bride's'maid was the
bride's cousin, (Miss Eileen Eckert
and the groom was .supported by the.
bride's 'brother, Mr. Vincent Eckert.
The wedding party then repaired to
the Nome of the bride's parentswhere
a sumptuous wedding breakfast was
served after which the' young couple
'nit on their honeymoon trip to Tim -
iiia , Ont„ where they intend to re
'ate. We w'i-,'11 the young couple a
month journey through life and -whar
is our loss is another's gain. We must
hart with 'those who are clear to u,,
we hope to meet' again and talk
over those pleasant days we have spent
together. May prosperity he with
theist in their tend erta'king.
!Mrs, Webb of Toronto is • visithri'g
with her d'au'ghter, Mrs. J. H. Sihab-
Mrs. J. Nott is upend'in'g a few. days
'with her .daughter, Mrs. Stevens of
:Seafarth :this week. ,
Mr. and Mins. Ro'bt. McCrea were
guests of Mr. and ,Mrs. Jervis of
Holmesv'ille ,on Sunday.
Mr,'and 'Mrs. Will Tamlblym' of To-
ronto spent ;Sa'turd'ay with the form-
er is mother .here.
Mr. Jos. fRuddel'-1 returned to his
home in the .village after spending..a
few days with Toronto friends.
Mr, and Mrs. R. ,S+had'dic'k leave Weis
Friday on an extended tnip to Chica-
go, also 1'lontanna, where they will
spend a few months visiting friends.
)Ward was received here ,by relatives
of the death of ;Mr. Robert M'dCool
which occurred an A'ptil 26th at the
frame of his • da'u'ghter, Mrs. ,Beithrin
of Mi'ld'en, Sask. Mr. McCool was in
perfect .health all along and just the
day before his death remarked to his
daughter how well he felt. His death
was a great shock to 'everyone. Mr.
MicCool will be well remembered by
friends here .having lived .here. He
went West thirty-one years a -go but
has visited here different times since,
being here just a little over two years
ago. His Wife predeceased him eight
years ago. He leaves to mourn his
loss one sister, Miss 5. McCool of
Clinton; hour of a family in the West
and nephews and nieces here. Service
was held at Miliden,- also at ,Saskatoon
where 'b'urial services were he'l'd.
'The annual meeting, of the W'oanen.s
Institute was held in iColnt'mureity hall
an.T'hursday, May 4th with the presi-
dent, Mrs. E. Adams, pr,esiding.. 'The
meeting opened by singing the open-
ing ode and the Lord's prayer was re-
peated in unison. Minutes of last ,meet-
ing •were read, also several colmmuni-
catrions. ,Roll call was 'answered by
paying the fees for the coming year.
A pleasing instrumental was rendered
by Miss Gladys Mountain and a read-
ing "'The Be's't Thing" by Mrs.; Mann-
ing. The election of officers for the
coming year then took ipiace which
resulted as follows: Pres'iden't, Mrs.
E. Adams; 'list vice president, Mrs, F.
Hall; 2nd vice, Mrs. R. Townsend;
secretary -treasurer, Mr's. 'B, Bruns -
don; district director, Miss 5. Barr;
flower committee, Mrs. 5. Canter,
Mrs, D. Carter; pianist, Mr. J. Arm-
strong, Mrs.. T. Pickett; ;auditors, Mrs.
S. Barr, Mrs. K. 'McVitbie; district
representatives, ,Mins. M'a'nning, Mrs.
S'haddick, Mrs. Ca'ldw'gll, Mrs. H.
Moon. Program ' rdm'mittee, Mrs.
(Robert Caldrwell, Mrs. IR. Sha'didiek,
Mrs. George Moon, Mrs. H. Moon.
Meeting closed ,by, singing God !S'a've
the Kling. A ,bounteous lunch was
served 'by Mrs. K.''MoVittie, Mrs. ,R.
'Fairsers'ice, Mrs. 'S. Cagter,, Mrs. D.
'M'cHwan, 'Mrs. 'F. McGregor, . Mrs.
Wm, Trewin. •
It has been •the custom each year
!for the WtMIS. of the United Church
to hold an at 'home on the 24th orf.
May when a pleasant little ,,time PM's
spent. 'This year the play,. "Only a
Step 'Child" will he staged in the
'Community Hall on May 24th. This
play' was given in the winter time and
it was asked to be repeated. The
young peap'le orf :Mrs. Wm. Lyon's
ISS. class are the characters and rend-
ered their individual parlts 'well. The
proceeds are' in, aid -of the W.M,IS.
;Rev. Mr. "Forrester with Mrs. For-
rester called on a number ' of their
friends there last week.
Mir. Hugh Ch-esnev of S•eaforth vis-
ited at the home of Mr. Percy Man-
ning on Sunday also Mr, and Mrs. J"
I1'Dow'a'tt of 'Au'burn,
On S'atu'rday l4/ay 6't!h, there passed
away at her home on Babylon line,
Stanley. Mr's. Elizabeth Keys. widow'
of the late James T, "Keys, She was
69 years o'f age ,and since the •death of
her 'hus'band-five years ago, she h"ad'
dived alone in her own home, except
for a short time when the school tea-
cher lived with^ her. 'About four
mantles aceo'she suffered a stroke and
since Then s'he- has been confined to
bed. andin
spite P e of all that •r
care and skilful uursina could do fe-
ser, she gradually became weaker 0'
;the end cane. She was a woman r•f
lvery kind and Christian disposition,`
which fact was very evident in her
conversation as well as tier cia"dly
acts and .she was beloved and highly
respected by all who enjoyed hen ac'-
quain'tance. Her maiden name was ,Eli
lizia'belth Peck, • daughter of the 'late
John and 'Nancy • Peck, and She was
!born on, the Babylon line. She is sur-
rived by one brdther, Mr. Nathan
!Peck, of Henson. Two d'au'ghters and
one son, also survive. Mrs. Austin
Sturdy, of Goderic'h tolwn,s'hip; Mrs.
Wm. J. Clark of 'Stanley and Mr.
'Clifford H. on bhe'vold homestead on
Babylon line, also six .grandchildren,
to wham is extended the sympathy Of
a large circle at filiend's. .The deceased
was a very I faithful and consistent
Member of Goshen Unlited Church
and ,before union she and her late hus-
band were very loyal (Meth'odi'sts. The
.funeral service, ,which was conducted
by her pastor, Rev. E. A. ,Pou•1'ter, of
Marna',' was held, at the Nome, on Tues-
day atternnon, interment being'de
in Blay'field censettery.
The lApril 'meeting .tat the ,S'tan'ley
Nights ,Hawks was held alt ,the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jlohmn Hyde, on Tuesday
evening, tAlpril 21.51th, with a- splendid
representation of. the young people of
the cont'munity. The ,meeting opened
by singing several lively club sons,
after which Miss Kate .M'dGregor gave
a humorous reading. A beautifully ren-
dered solo was •given .by Ann ;Stewart
followed by a rea'din'g by Mrs, W'm.
McKenzie. A car naming contest 'was
conducted .by Mr. B'i'll McLa(chl'an, the
winners being Miss ,I{aite MclGrngtor
and Miss Audrey Murdbeh who were
called on to tell a story. The Header-
son Orchestra, then favoured with se•
veral musical selections. A splendid
reading was given by Me. Alex. Ilyde.
The business part of the m'eet'ing was
then taken. A sports committee of six
were appointed. A Mouth organ sel-
ection was given by Mr. Tom Bens
nett. to pig drawing contest was then
indulged in, Mrs. Stanley Love and
Mr. Jim Mustard being the winners.
Several selections by. the Stanley or-
c.liestra were delivered in their usual
goad manner after which a reading by
Mr. Bill McLachlan and a mouth or
gun. selection by \4r Jack MclBea'th
were much enjoyed. A dainty lunch
was then served after which a vote o
thanks was extended to Mr. and' Mrs,
Hyde for their kind hospitality. The
meeting closd by the singing of the
national anthem after Which all de-
parted to their various homes feeling
they had spent a most en'joyab'le even -
The Stanley Community Club are
h'oldin'g a dance and social evening
at Watson's Hall, Klippen, Monday,
May 113th, and cordially ,invite the
Tuokensmith Conmmunity. Glu'b, . We
ask that all members and associates
of both clubs, please bear this date
in Mind, and bring your friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Green of Ex-
eter and children visited' on 'Sun'd'ay
with Mir. and Mos. Wm. Greed, al's
Mr, and Mrs. Jonah Green.
Mr. J. Goodings of London visite
with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart dur-
ing the week.
Mrs. Win. M'dLean and Bernard
visited with her • parnts, Mr. _ and
Mrs. Dave' MoCloy and family o
Sunday. '.
'T'he Young People o!f ,St. Andrew
tiinuked' are holding their aim
versary services on Sunday, May 21'st
Rev. 'F. W. Cvaik of Victoria Street
IGoderueh, will he the special speaker
Services at 111 am. and 7.30 .p,m. Ev
,ery'one welc'o!me.
ITthe G'auld Mission -Bandwill mee
in the school room of St. • Andrew'
United Church orb Saturday after
noon at the usualhour. All the mem
'bers -are urged to be present,
(Special Mothers' Day 'services wil
'be o'b'served by ,St. Andrew's Sunday
School on Sunday morning, May 14
!Rev. R. IR. Conner preached a very
ins'pirin'g sermon nn S'und'ay ,last, tak-
ing For -his subject, 'The Inescapable
Christ," The choir 'sang "I; will bless
the Lord," very acceptably„
(Mrs. Thom,sn,n ;Scott and two chil-
dren of Grosse Isle, Mitch:, are visit-
ing with her p'aren'ts, Mr. and Mrs.
Abe Forsyth.
Mr. Andrew B'ell 'has purchased the
1.00 acre farm across the ro'aal from
iMr, Robertson and has taken posses-
;Miss Margaret Elgie is doing nicely
after her recent operation tor appen-
dicitis- in Seafo'ndh.
'Mir, John Workin'an and II'sa'ac ;Par-
rott are, improving slowly after• their
recent severe illness,,
Mr. Clarence McLean of London
spent the week end with his .parents,
Mr, and Mrs, uW. ,R Conner visited
tvth friends in London recently.
Misses Lucy Bunke and S. Queenan
of London spent the week end at th e
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burke,
1Josdp'b Moylan of Kitchener spent
Sunday at his home 'here.
Utah Mntrphy o'F ,Stratford was home
over the week 'end.
Tvlldred and Gertrude 11c-
IGratlh of MTaterloo spent Sunday at
the Name of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. V 'McGrath
IOU • Tuesday evening, May 2nd, a
large number of 'relatives, friendsand
nei!ghibp'rs assetttltlid lal';ui'tre l nine"^' f
Mr. and Mrs: „Peter Eckert where a
tinen`,sihower , was 'he'ld in honor of
their daughter, Lucy„'bride-to-the.:.The
following , add!re'sls was read by Miss
Marie Murray:'
!Dear.•Lucy—!We have 'gathered 1this
evening to. tender to you our best
wishes Inc, a Pleasant voyage drown.
the stream , of,ma'nried ;-flilfe. Having
knolwn you !though the (h'app'y years
of your ,childhood and later life, we
wish to congratulate( you onyour
decision to take this mpotta'nit•• step.
We are very sorely bo know that .you
have d'el'uded to leave us, to make
your :Nome and livling slo far from
he -re, 'Knowing: you as we do, we feel
very confident .of your suc'ces's, and
feel rather jealous of your new
neighbours. We oak yo'u to ac!ceplt
these .gifts in the sank in which 'they
are given, and rlheri'sh them -stop' the
sentiment which .they, represent, as. a
reminder ,of the many ;ha'p'py days 'we
have spent together. In eanclu'slion we
wish to again assure -you that by.
your departure you are leaving a• v'ac-
an'cy that will he hard to fill and that
you will find a very hearty wel'co'me
awaiting you when you soum'e 'back to'
see your old mend's and pals 'again.
Signied'by;y'our friends and neigh-
bors. The.young couple ,thanked their
friends ina very ,pleastn'gmanner af-
ter which l'u'nch Was served ,and danc-
ing was ,enjoyed to the wee sma'
Nouns in the ',m'ornin'g.
!Mrs. M, Murray is te'aohin'g in Mt
Carmel this week.
'Word was :received here last week
of the 'serious illness of M'i'ss Agnes
Lynch, RAN., of Detroit. Her many
friends here wish her a speedy re-
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Johnson' spent
!Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
ID. J. OlReilly.
Mr. 'Jae 'Moylan of Kitchener,
Sunday'ed . at his home here.
!Mr, and Mrs. Peter Maloney at-
tended the Siemnn-IEckart wedding
on Wednesday.
(Miss Annie Lynch is in Detroit this
rMr, and Mrs. James McFarlane of
'Cli•nton visited with the latter's moth-
er, Mrs. George- Riley, on Sund'ay
Mr. and Mrs, (George Cook of 'God-
erioh Townfship and Mrs. Thos. Ril-
ey of !Clinton s'pen't Tuesday at the
home of Mrs. Jos. Riley.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Wm. McArthur '61
'Goderioh 'visited at the ,home of Mr.
and Mrs. ,Adam Nicholson one •day
last week. ' ' -
Mr, Charles Leslie of Toronto Uni-
versity spent the week -end at the
home of Mr. George Wheatley.
The.`WJA. of the Constance 'Church
are pu'ttin'g on a sale of home made
cooking on Tuesday, May 23rd: in She
Sheffer store in Seaforth.
Mr.' and Mrs. Will 'Logan Of
Blyth spent Tuesday at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. 'Lea St'apitens'on.
'Mr. Leo Stephenson and Mr. 'Char-
les Riley motored to London on busi-
nesa on M'onda'y.
IM'r. and Mrs, R. B. Rogerson spent
Sunday with their niece, Mrs. Dave
Watson, and Mr, Watson.
IEl1'a and ,Eltihel' Dexiter visited at
the home of their gran'dita'ther, Mr.
Henry A'd'ams, _ at Londesboro, an
The W.'MlS. of Egmondville church
intend h'o'oding their May meeting at
the horse of David McLean on Fri-
'Mrs. Luff of Hamilton re'turne'd
.home Satu'rd'ay after spending sev-
eral weeks with her b'rot'her, Jahn
Mr. Anndre'w Kirk s'peiit a day last
week at Sitrabford.
Mr. and •M•ns. Charlie Lane are re-
'cawing congnatul'abions these 'days as
a little irl came to brighten the No'm'e.
Mrs. Robbins is visiting at the hone
'olf Mrs, Charles Lane.
(Mr. and Mrs, FJph. • Clarke and fam-
ily of Constance visited at Thos. Colle-
nvan''s last Sunday..
'Mrs. Jas. Allan of E'gm.ondvidle
spent a few days this week at, David'
T!he May tneeti•ng of the Tucker-
nniah'Agaressive Club will be held a.
the home of Mr:'and' Mrs. A. Wright
'Mild Road on 'Tuesday evening, Mia}
'116th, at 8 o'clock. The topic, "Beauti-
fying 19re. H'om'e,” is to be taken by
J'ame's McIntosh and Erma Broad -
foot, ,The ra'fl call will be atiiswered by
a common error in grammar. Every-
one is cortlually'invite'd tb attend this
'eeIce, and Mrs, Lloyd Hayter of Var-
na have moved' to the seven4'h conces-
sion of Tuckers'm'GNh, -to the farm 'for-
merly 'occupied by Mr. Wm. 'Wright.
The clneapnoss' o^ f Mother Grave
'Worm - Exterminator putts it witliiti
reach of all, and it can be got at any
-dtuggists's. '
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c.1'
ie s.
Cleaners :St Dyers
Phone 196w. We call and deliver
Gillespie, Prop,
Op Monday ,evening,, May Visit, the
Neil Shaw Miission'Cir'cle'iheid their
regular meeting at tine' home of Mias
M'ari'on Wallace. (The meeting opened
wfth' Miss' Jean •Slmlith in charge, ,by
singing 'hymn 11911 after which all be -
;pealed the Lard's (Prayer; in tit -risen.
iThe'minutes' 'anid 'poll call were then
read\' by 'the' Secretary. ' The 'roll ea'1'1
was ''answered by the nanre of our
favorite flower. )This Was followed
1»' thebusiness ;dismission. 'The off-
ering 'was 'then taken whips amounted
td $1'.93, • affter+ .: Which, 'Margaret
Buoadfodt, il'st vice-Ipresi'demit; took
charge. 'We sang hymn; ;4. Margaret
Fiarrest gave a very, interesting • to!pic
on flowers. ''After singing ,hymn 46i1,
Li'Ijnan, Rfudimards'on 'favored- us with
a couple of .m'ou'th Dorgan s'electi'ons.
Alice Thompson gave a c'om'ical read-
ing and the 'meeting was !b'rou'ght to a
close With a dainty -lunch served by
the hostess assisted• by, the girls.
pie annual 'meeting of the W'onnen'ht
Institute will be field' on. Wednesday
afteraiobn, ,May 1B,, at 2.30 p.m. ;All
members ane urged to be present. iR'aS
call: iA' riddle.
IMr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien s'pen't the
week end wibh their son in Toronto.:
Clarence Norris of Toro'nto,Un-
iversity is -spending his holidays with
'parent s. ts44j
Mrs. L. M. 'Greenw'add ,and babe of
'Mitchel( is vi's'iting with her parents,
-Mr. and Mrs. J. Leary.
Mr. and. Mns. W. (Fawcett, Mitchell,
visited 'with, Mr. and Mss, G. Tiffin
an 'Sunday. ,
tM'r. J. '1tid, 'Warden spent the y'
endfth 'Toronto
w friends.
Mr: and a d Vers. RLivingston,
ikon, visited with.- the ,former's Par-
ents over the week end.
Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Whyte, .Strat'fard,
called ors friend's on Sunday.
,Re'v. R. N. Stewart and Mr. _ Wm.
Sadler attended Presbytery in Strat-
ford on
'trat-ford-on Tuesday.'
Mr. 'Henry Golding of IS'eaforth, ac-
companied -by his grandson, .Mr. Ar-
thur 'Golding, called an friends on
Th'bs. Betties wh'o has been
quite ill, is imp -raving.
Miss Dora Harrison has ream' °d
fron v
g her M
Thompson,of the 116Nh con.
On Sunday last Mr. Widmer Har-
rison took a number of the Young
People to Kipp -en to 'hear a speaker
from Toronto. 1
Mrs. Herb. Cox, who has been in
London, has returned Home improv-
ed in health.
/Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ma'oAudam, Jean
and Ray, spent Sundlay with, Mr. and
Mins. Sam iM'clLI'w'ain.
'Mr. Harry . Young visited one day
last week with George Hhsltin'g.
Mr. H'ugh MicLlwain s'p'ent the week
end with ;friends in Goderic'h.
Quite a number olf large logs have
been drawn to Wallis' iyard .this last
week or .s'o, as the mill istobe in
next month 'same time,
ass ' Jean'M'actAldam of Gaderich is
spending a few days at the home of
Sam M Iiw'ain.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c.
Now Playing
Mon. -Tues. -Wed. May 15-16-17
Farewell Rr
and an all Sltrar 'Ca's't
'Comedy ,News Reel
Thurs.=,Fri,-(Sat. May 18-19-20
The Mouthpiece
Comedy Cartoon
The Sign o'f the 'Cros's