HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-05-04, Page 8•
THTMSDAY, MAY 4, 1933.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott of Cro-
marty visited last week with friends in
1vLr, Wm. Simpson accompanied his
mother from Detroit and spent the
Week end with relatives in town.
.Mrs. Wim. Consitt has returned
home after a pleasant visit with Tor-
onto friends.
M -s, John Dinsdale, Mrs. !Died
IS'immons and Mrs, John Murdock vis-
aed on Sunday with Mrs. John H.
The Oddfellows iof the Hensali
lodge will attend the evening service
in. a body at the United 'Church on
Sund'ay, May 7th.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Laird IvIicade and fa-
mily are visiting with the forrner's
parents in Ridgetown.
Mr, and Mrs. Mark Drysdale were
Sunday visitors with friends in Wing -
Mr, William ,Lenamon and family
visited friends in. Monkton on Sunday.
IMrs, Lloyd Hudson has returned
home after a pleasant visit With rela-
tives in Toronto. '
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Davidson visited
friends in ,Stratford on IVIcardaY•
MPS. Vair has returned to her home
in Toronto after s,ending several
'months with •her mother, Mrs. ROM,
111.r. Lloyd Hudslon of. Rarest spent
the week end at this home here,
,Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Young visited
on Monday with relatives at Nairn.
Mrs. Yungbaut has returned to her
'home in Waterloo after a. pleasant vis-
it with relatives here.
Miss 'Grace Gibbings Who under-
went an operation at the. Clinton hos-
pital recently, is getting along quite
nicely and is expected home this week.
Mr, Josh. Ashton of Segforth visit-
ed friends in town on Monday.
.Mother's Day will be Observed in
our local churches on. Sunday, May
14. Special sermons and music will be
prepared for the occasion.
Mrs. Andrew Dougall and daughter
Miss Cassie, spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Sherry.
Dlr. and Mrs, II 0. Dayman and
Miss Mona Miller visited in Seaforth
on Sunday.
Mr.. Orville Twitdhell was called to
Detroit Monday owing to the death of
his brother Haeold.
'Messrs. Jas. Patterson, Ray Web-
ber, E. Drummond, L. Ifickle, E.
IShaddock were in St. Marys Wednes-
day evening attending a baseball meet-
The farmers in this district are busy
avorking on the land.
Mr. Fred Bonthron is improving the
appearance of his dwelling- by build-
ing a new porch at 'the front.
Hensel' Council. -Regular meeting
of the Village Council was held Mon-
day evening at 8 p.m. in the council
chamber, all members of council •being
present except Councillor E. L.
Ifickle. Minutes a the last meeting
were read. Petty and Spencer that the
•minutes be adopted as read, Carried.
'G. Case ap.peated seeking to rent part
of park property for pasture. Spencer
and Petty that G. Case be rented part
of park property under same cen,di-
tions as last year. Carried. F. G. Bon-
thron, tax collector, reported re un-
paid 1932 taxes, as being $934,37 to
date, Petty and Jones, that tax collec-
tor proceed to collect the arrears of
taxes. Carried, C. S. Hudson, assessor,
presented the assessment roll of 1933.
Spencer and Jones, that we accept the
said assessment roll as presented. Car-
ried. j. A. Paterson, Clerk, reported
the total cost of relief to date as being
$175.14. Bills and accounts read as
follows: C. S. Hudson, salary and
postage, $36.05; J. Passmore, hydro,
$643; J. A Paterson, premium on
treasurer's bond, $20; A. Dick, gravel
hattling, $12.317; R. Broderick, drag-
ging streets. $9; school board, current
expenses, $1000; H. Dayman, relief,
$4.36; G. Case, cartage on streets,
$3.75; Bonthron and Drysdale, sup-
plies, hall, $38155. Total $11100.61.
Spencer and Petty, that accounts as
read be paid. Carried. Petty and Jones,
that a court of revision on the assess-
ment roll be held June 5th at 7 p.m.
Carried. Spencer and Jones, that we
It CM adjourn. Carried. James A. Pat-
erson, Clerk.
There was a good attendance at the
town hall on Friday eeening, April
28th, when the four -act: comedy dra-
ma "Farm Folks," was well perform-
ed by members of the Y.P.IS. of Blake -
Goshen United Church. The Blake
orchestra gave a number of musical
and vocal selections in a very pleas-
ing manner. The pettormance was
much enjoyed and altogether made a
very pleasant evening. Those taking
part in the play were Margaret Le-
mont, Frank Mc011inchey, Maribel
Carole, Margaret Robinson, Walter
Maride, Will Clarke, Emma Mc-
Bride, George Butler, Margaret Doug-
las, Olive Erna't't, Elmore Stephenson.
'Members of the A.Y.P.A.. of Bay-
field, Varn.a. and Middleton present on
Friday evening, May 5th, at the town
hall, three one -act plays, "The Door
Bell," "His Model Wife," and "IvIrix
Well and Stir." These should provide
a most interesting and entertaining
evening. Be sure and come.
1Mris. George Holman of Goderich
spent a fevr days last week with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Pollock.
• , Mrs. Charles McGregor of Detroit
was calling on old friends this weelc.
She was over attending the funeral of
• .ther brolther-in-law, Saannel Drainer -
The Bayfield School report for Ap-
•.ril: 5th Class --Dean Castle 84, Fred.
• Sturgeon 71, Emma ,Sturgeon 75, K.
iGemein,harcit 62, Chas, Parker 61, Car -
eon Johnson 60, Doris Featherston 54.
•'Tun* Fourth -Ken Sohier 77, Vera
• Wild 72, Ken Castle 67, Mae Mornay
64, Chas, Brandon 35, E. Gerneinhardt
• 54, Harry Brandon 43. Senior Third-
•FIrene Leitch 80, Mary 'Moorhouse 712,
[RA McLeod 72, Ken Brandon d8,
Westlake 63, Ford Johnston 43,
Buy, your Seeds and Fertil-
izer from Kerslake's and be
sure of good results
,Stuart Sturgeon 43, ,Aibett Osmond
Junior Thincl-'J. Brandon 82,
Pauline Maxwell 82, Clara Clarke 70,
Lorna Westlake 73, John McLeod 69,
!Betty Brandon 64 13iily Murray 63,
Pearl Lindsay 62, Win. Oarnlond 517,
slack Murray 57. Second Class -Vera
Pea.se 715, Elsie Leitch 711., Elsie Me -
Lead 70, Eugene Castle 65, Donis Os-
mond 05, Tames D'ewar., abs. 141irst
lCiass-Audrey Brandon 70, Norman
Bramion 70, ,Maleatm MdLeod 69, He-
len Sturgeon 68, ,Lloyd Westlake 67,
tjalen. Pearson 40. Sr. 1Primer--Dlawra
Tom, Billy Johnston, Jr. Prinicr-
tPlhyllis Lindsay, Marilyn • Maxwell,
!Evelyn Osmond, Jack Castle, Lloyd
;Keith Brandon, Barry Btandon, Tea-
chers, B. I. 'Kirk, M, Fergualon. Total
enrollment 53. Average attendance 49.
Mr. and 'Mrs: 'William 'Jordan
spent Sunday with Mi., and Mrs. Jos.
Jordan, . a
Frank D. McConnell, .who •died re-
cently at Vancouver, B.C. and nephew
of Messrs. Prank and David •McCon-
nell, of Dublin, was referred to as fel-
lows by the Vanicouver Daily Pro-
vince: Frank D. McConnell, aged for-
ty-six, one of the greatest all-round
athletes ever produced in British Col-
umbia, and an active lfigurue in Van-
.couver's business world for a quarter
of a century, died et 9.130 pm. Thurs-
day at his home 22182 Wallace street.
He had been financial secretary •of the
1Kniglits of Columbus here for a num-
ber of years. The .deceased who had
been ill for six months, had been en
agent for 'Craven Life Assurance Co.,
for five years. He. was also active in
political affairs, having ,been president
of Burrard Liberal Alssociation at one
time. Mr. McConnell was a star
sprinter and represented Canada in
the Olympic games at Stockholm in
1912. The deceased also starred in the
quarter mile, the broad jump and high
hurdles. He held all BIC, sprint re-
cords until Percy Williams became
prominent. In 1909 he won the Ameri-
can national junior broad-jamping
championship at the Seattle Alaska -
Yukon Pacific Fair. Sport enthusiasts
of two decades ago have little difficul-
ty in recalling feats of the deceased,
who was a member Of the great V.A.C.
track team managed by Jack Devaney
.and George Paris, Which visited Seat
tle, Portland and other Coast cities.
After he retired from competition dur-
ing the war he devoted much of his
time to coaching youngsters and offi-
ciating at track meets. Mr. McConnell
was associated with Knights of Col-
umbus since the order was organized
here twenty-five years ago. In 1919
he was appointed a grand knight, and
years ago was named financial secre-
tary, a position from which he retired
two years ago. At the time of his re-
tirement he was appointed Faithful
Navigator of the Simon Fraser Assem-
bly of the Fourth Degree. In this cap-
acity he was one of the moving spir-
its in :organization of the Catholic
Sailors' Club, headquarters of which
are on Powell street. In the council of
the order he was always an active fig-
ure and one whose advice and opinions
were often adopted. He was born .in
Deloraine, Manitoba, on January 17,
11887, and moved with his family to
Cratabroak in his youth. He is surviv-
ed by his wife and one daughter,
Moira, two brothers, Norman and jo-
seph of Vancouver, and a sister, Mary
Auguetine, of :Medford, Oregon. Fun-
eral services will be held from the
Church of Our Lady of Perpetual
Help, West Tenth, on Monday at 9
a.m., with Rev. K. if. Kennedy in
charge. The Knights of Columbus will
orovide pallbearers and honorary pall-
bearers in the regalia of the Fourth
Miss Helen. Yun,gbitst Of Stratford
Normal spent the week clad at her
home here.
Miss Verde Watson, of Hensel;
spent Sunday with her parents here.
!Mr. and Mrs, Stevens and children
of Seaforth visited at the home of Mr
J. Nott recently.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Freemtan of near
ISeaforth were guests of Mr.. and Mrs.
H. Riley on Sunday.
Mc. and Mrs. John Radford and fa-
mily of Stratford spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Webster.
Mr, Tom Moon of Paris spent the
week end with his sister 'here.
Mr, and Mrs 3/1c1Call and' babe were
visitors with friends' near Brussels on
'Mr. and Mrs. Hicks of 'Centralia
were the guests at the home of Mx.
Alex, Wells on ,Suncla.y.
Miss Dorothy Watt olf 'Clinton spent
the week end with her friend, Miss
Mr. and Miss S. Barr spent Sunday
with their sister, Mrs. King of Bey -
'Miss Norma Caldwell of Stratford
Normal School spent tfhe week. end
the guest of Miss Mamie Ross.
.Mr. Richard is spending a few days
in Hoimesville with his' hrother-in-
law, Mr. Cutlmore,
Mr. Wrn. 13turnley, Sr., is visiting
his daughter in Heltnesville this week.
Want and For Sale Ads. I !time, 05c,
Narrow Escape.
The little four-year-old daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. George !Marshall had
a narrow escape from being burned
to death last Thursd'ay mtorning. The.
little child had been. 'plaYing in the
yord and in some unknown Manner
'had come in contact with a bonfire
which had been kindled in the yard.
As a result the little tot received seri-
ous burns about the face and arms
which have caused the child great
Going to Distant Points
Mr. Andrew Dunoan of Varna, to
New Liskeard, where he intends to
spend the summer; Mr. W. E. Cook
'of Varna, to Qu'lAPOelle, Sa's'k.i
John Aitcheson Of Winthrop, to Sas-
katoon, Sask.; 3vbiss Flora latdDonald
and another to Mount Clemens, Mich,;
Miss Margaret Prendergast of 'Eg-
rnondville, to Chicago; Miss Clara
Belfry to her home in Detroit, Mich.
Accident at Stratford.
Mr. William Scott, of Seaforth, met
with a very painful as well as seri-
ous accident yesterday afternoon
while in the city of ,Stratford. He had
purchased a horse front Mr. James
Dow, Ontario .street, and was leading
it home behind his buggy, driving
with h sileft hand and leading his new
purchase with his rigibt, Just as he
was passing. the English church the
peotple lattending the funeral of the
late John Thistle were coming out
and one man hacked his horse and
rig into the road and into the rig
driven by 1M.r. 'Scott. The horse which
Mr. Scott was leading took fright and
jerked fiercely on the halter strap.
It is surmised that the shank must
have twistedaround Mr. Scott's
thumb. At any rate the strong jerk
on the strap was sufficient to pull the
thumb clean off at the knuckle. It
clung painfully to the rest of the in-
jured member by a ;mall bit of flesh,
while the two fleshless bones in the
thumb projected. Mr. 'Scott suffered
much pain and the was driven, to
the offi'ce of a doctor,
Word has been received from Al-
bert and Henry Wallace, ,who aeat
Clinton in Mardh, and arrived at their
destination in North Battleford, Sask,
after a journey of twenty -live days.
It was a long journey long drawn
out, but they got through without a
mishap. They didn't lose any of their
stock, in that respect faring vastly
better than many of the others Who
made the trip at the same time, for
the loss of stock was the rule rather
than the exception. The boys did,
though, lose their two valuable dogs,
which gat off their train and were
run over by another.
air, J. H. O'Neil has taken a posi-
tion as news agent on the London,
Huron & Bruce railway.
Mrs. Jas, Turner and Misses Flora
Smith and Mabel 'Turner visited Hen-
na. friends on Saturday last,
ledFainrzers are now busy cempleting
Themembers and adherents of
Bethel Methodist church erected
large church sheds last autumn, the
walls being cement and the roof sup-
ported. by numerous timbers, the cost
of the building being about $400.
With money on hand and subscrip-
tions paid at the time as well as vol-
untary work done, the amount of cost
was reduced to $225, which was bor-
rowed from the Sovereign Bank at
Walton. In the early part of this
month upwards of $100 was paid.
The turrett steamer Scottish Hero,
loaded -with wheat for the Western
'Canada Flour Male Company, is
aground outside the harbor here.
West -End Tuckersrnith
Mrs, Tiplady, of Clinton, spent last
week with her sister, Mrs, George
Turner. '
The many friends of Mrs, Robt.
'White will be pleased to hear that she
is able to be out again after her long
!The sport at present among the
boys seems to be !fishing. Most of
them report a good catch.
Mr. D. .Sutherland is going a'boert
again after some weeks of illness.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Danbyof Mullett is sad because of
the death of their child, a bright little
lassie olf thirteen months, which took
place on Sunday evening. While Mr,
and IMrs. Danby were out driving in
the afternoon the little one became 111,
and they drove at once to Clanton, and
to the doctor's °Mee, but when they
arrived there death had already in-
tervened, though the parents did not
know it, and it came as a great shock.
Mr. A, H. Jacob has returned from
'his trip to California, Where he spent
the winter,
'Mr. and Mrs. A. Bainton and san
have arrived home from a ninnth's1
visit with relatives and friends at,
Galt, Brantford and other points. I
Mr. John Denholm has purchased
l'a.,Lvelelela4ltefe''''sonanstrase4sleeeeVareseresaal*assaseeeeme.easaaeeseassseee..eetrareeeseeirareseaseseas: •
Lawn mowers sharpened. Try S.
GOTTSCHIALX, corner Market and
(Louisa sts, • 11,8
11.-Iouse to rent, will be given posses-
sion any time, also a range for sale.
hVitl also take in cattle eo Destine .with
lots of shade and water. Apply to
Five Collie pups for sale. AIRT
HiEUNDISRISCIN, -Phone on 2314, T8.,
the barn near the G.T.R. trsck from
A, Steinhoff and has fitted it up for a
sale stable.
Many from town attended church in
St. Colunalawn last Sunday When Con-
ifirmatieu was given by Rev. ,Bishop
MeEvay of London. The church was
filled to the door.
The Hensall Foundry CO. is steadily
increasing the staff. Though they cast
every day they cannot begin to keep
tap with their ond.ers.
Mr, Nathan Peck a,nd son Williams,
of Egmondville, leave this week an a
visit to Eogland.
IMar,k i‘lowat, an employe of the PUT-
niture Company, had the misfortune
to have ewo fingers taken off while
at work on Tuesiday. He had only
been at work there for a few days.
lOn Wednesday of last week fire,
originating in the Chimney, destroyed
the dwelling house ,Of Mr. Wilmer
Maainchey, Babylon line. Only pant
Of bhe contents were saved as MT. Mc-
ainehey was away at the time of the
;fire The loss is partly covered by in-
Isuran c e.
Mr. Henry. MeClinchey has leased
his 100 acre damn to Mr. Henry Pfaff
for a term of 5 years. Mr. Pfaff and
family moved to the farm last week.
Miss Margaret McKinley is spend-
ing a couple of weeks with 'her uncle
and aunt, Mr. W. and Miss Campbell
of Seafotth.
Mr. Stewart Keys returned to his
home on Babylon line this week.. He
has been attending University in Tor-
Mr. John A. Armstrong and family
visited with Mr. and Mee. All IVIoffatt
of Rrucelfield on Sunday.
The fallowing is the report of S.
S. Np. 4 (lNoreh School) Stanley, bas-
ed on Easter examinations.
;•Sr. BV.--1Bert Greer n2%, Jean
Dunn 70.1, Stuart Watson 64.17, Ilene
Talbot 62.6, Antoinette Rau 531;
Keith Westlake, absent,
'Jr. IN..- 'Billy 'Armatrong 88.2%,
Melvin Greer 71711, Gordon Westlake
7167, Ethel Watson 54.6, Madge
Houston 4415, Wilfred Rau 36.5.
'Berle Greer 78%, Andrew
'Rau 53.8.
I. -Dewar 'Talbot prompted from
Primer, Anthony Rau promoted from
Helen M. Alment, Teacher.
• Mrs. John IScotchmer was the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. tRobt. Greer,
of the 'Blue Water 'highway, on 'Fri-
day last.
,Mrs, Brooks of Clinton is at pres-
ent the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Scatchmer .01 IBronson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale mo-
tored to Crediton on Sunday last,
Mr. Lloyd Scolchmer left on Tues
day 'for Glasgow with a fine car-
load of Polled Angus steers.
Mrs. McKinley of Toronto was
the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Bert
MUM Of the Bronson Line one day
leek week.
The funeral, of Suzanna IVIsCoy,
widow of Rev. Peter Musgrave, a
former minister of Duff's Church,
McKitlop, whose death occurred • af-
ter a prolonged illness at her resid-
ence in ;Toronto, took place on Sat-
urday from the C. 'N. IR. -staltion, on
arrival of the 11140 train. Interment
iwas made in the Maitland Blank Cem-
etery. The service alt the grave was
'conducted by Rev, F. H. Larkin, D.
(D. of Toronto, assisted by Rev. Mr.
Smith of AficKillop. The pallbearers
'were J. Kerr, T. Dickson, W. Kerr,
A. Cuthill, T. Dodds. and A, Render -
bon. The remains were actompanied
by her two Sons, John Musgrave and
Urs. Musgrave of Guelph; Arthur, of
•Clarleshurg; also her brother, Dr. S,
McCoy, of Ottawa, and a sister, Mrs.
W. A. Stewart, Toronto,
Mrs. Musgrave passed away on
AOril 27th at her home, 24 Llang-
ford avenue, Toronto. She was a
daughter of the late John and Eliza
Scott McCoy of laamilton. In her
younger days she was a teacher in
She oublic schools of St. 'Catharine.,
atar a number of years. Since the death
of her husband 'in. 1903 she made her
home in Toronto, where she was
closely associated with religious work
in Westminstee and Riverdale Pres-
byterian Churches. She leaves tvro
sons, John of Guelph, and Arthur of
'ClaelcsIburg: two brothers, Hupil 5
McCoy of Toronto and Dr, S. T -T. Mc-
Coy of Ottawa, and three sisters
Mrs, J. L. Campbell of Ottawa, Mr.
W. A. Stewart of Toronto and Mrs.
L )3. Paill of S b
car oro Junction.
aratiaramaiwwwiemsammaaa. easesiesszsassatemeesessi
,Cash Prices Only
per roll *JP LARD 2 Pounds 21c
124 pound ....
2` 6
;SHOES, pair 111
2 15
Prairie Rose ,
. FLOUR, per cwt
Men' Heavy -Pants .111 o'aa
A real bui, at.. a. oe04.1,
pHeavy c.
Of Desirable House and Lot and
• Contents of ,S'arae in the Town
of iSeafodth
!The Executor of. the Estate of ;Jane
Steele, isite of ;the Town' Of ISealfortlh,
in the [County of !Spinster, cle-
ceasetW has instruate.d IG H. 'Elliott,
.thotioneer, to sell by, pablic auction
on !Saturday, !May 11131th, 1933, at 2
pan., sharp, on the iprentiges, the fol-
lowing desirable ,propeaity:-Parts
Lots 11412 and 140 M. Jarvis' Survey of
part of the'Town of Segameh and sit -
nate on the East side Of ,Orde street.
'On said lot is erected a 114 Storey
frame dwelling with .cement founda-
tion, six rooms and woodshed, heated
by hot air heating,' hard laud soft wet-
er pumped into the house, an excel-
lent .cellar and newly decorated and' in
very gt,od state Of repair.
'At the aame time and place the fol-
lowing Chattels will be sold by public
auctiont-ll'Frenth'IBeryiNVialinst Hell
piano, l' mocking chair, 1 flower stand,
2 lounges, 2 Oil paintings 10 picture.
frames, .1 and mattress, 2 rugs, 1
dresser, '1 'sMair Table:4 -bedroom
screen, 2 wash stands, 1 clock, 1
truck, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 clothes
horse, 4,sets of;t1raperies, 3' beds, 1
suit case, 1' valise, 1 sewing =Chine
and 'equipment, , 1 kitchen stable, 1
kitchen' glass 'cupboard, 1 . small
table, 1. oil stove with oven, 1 Quebec
heater with' oven, 1' tool dhest,
clothes basket, 1 lawn' mOwersIr din-
ing room taible, .6 dining room,chairs,
2 screen cloors 1 saw horse, 5 hand
saws, d wringer, 2 ,buck saws, '1 music
case, 1 small ,garden gate, ,pickleoiars,
pots and pans, flower pots and Other
articles .too numerous to ,mention, all
in good conditions
Terms on Property: -Ten per cen't.
of purchase price on clay of sale; bal-
ance within thirty days. Terms an
Chattels ;-Cash.
For further' particulars and condi-
tion's of sale apply to
JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ont.
Solicitor for Executor
Datid May 3, 1933,
G. H. Elliott Auctioneer,
.Notice is Hereby Given that all
creditors and .others having claims
against the estate of Jane Steele, late
of the ToWn of 'Sealorth, in the -Coun-
ty of Huron, who died on the Twenty-
sixth day of !April, 1933, are required
to forward their claims duly proven
to the undersigned, solicitor' for the
Executor on or before the 'Twentieth
day of May, 19313.
tAnd 'Notice is Further Given that
after the said date, the .Executor will
proceed to distribute the assets of the
estate, lhaving regard , only to the
claims of which he then shall have
Dated at Sei.forth, Ontario, this
Secon.d day of May, 1933.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executor,
Notice is thereby giVen to ali per
sons having any claitn against the Es-
tate of Margaret C. Wilson, age of
the Town of Seathortit, in the County
of Huron, Married Woman, who died
on or about the 12th day of' February
A.D. 1930, to send ‘saitne dudy proven,
to the executor of the said estate,
namely, Mir. Adam Hays, Seaforth,
Ont., on or 'before the fiftIa day of
May 1930, as on and after that date
the said' executor will ,pnoceed to make
distribution of the assets of .the said
estate having regard only' to the
claims then filed.
• Dated this 1l7th day of April AD.
HAMS ,anci ,HAY1S,
Goderich, Ontario.
Solicitors ,for Inc Executor herein.
110itizens are hereby warned not to
dump vegetables, fruits or anyths,ag
that 'wilt cause a nuisance in the
Dumping Ground at Kellar Farm.
Any person found doing so vill be
field liable for damages.
The clumping ground is only to -be
used for old metal, glass and ashes.
By order,
Ilf you are considering a
Packer, Disk'Harrow, Spring
Tooth Lever Harrow or Land
lOur prices are lower, With al
special . l'OW price for this
,. •
anionah dela-very .,
fltepreseinted 'by V.' J. LANE
Plhone 46-)12 Dublin
IFor sale-IDining'roont. suite,. tWee
bedroond suites, davenport • kitchen
range, kerosene Imams, eleotric iron,
wash- machine, many ,strtall kitchen,
fLlhie furnitur.e is ha fifth 'house fro*
Dubbin corner, MdKillop side otE
. .
101 House and Lot and Household
Effects. ---There will be offered for
sale by pulblic auction on .'May 6th,
11933, at 2 p.m., the house and lot and
household effects, James Street, Sea -
;forth. 31410. GIRIMOILIDiBir, Propos
'Geo. 11. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Is now ready., Membership 715 centS.
Students in town 50 cents. Anyone
may loin. Blease do so at once so that
the tournament may he arranged.
H. IJAN,E, .Trea:surer.
Good collie dog, 10 months old,
goad heeler. tApply to Andrew Malon-
ey, Hibbert. -
IPaperhanger's brass bound straight
edge, 7 feet long. .Somewhere between ti
lEgmanciville and Seaforth. IFinder
kindly leave at Smith's tGrocery.
Yellow Blossom Siweet Clover seed
for sale. 613.50 per bushel. LOUIS
IQRAUSKOPE, 34 mile east of Dublin
on the highway. 20. "
'6 miles .north-east of Seaforth, 100
acre faam. All seeded down to grass
phone 36 r 2, R.12, 2, Baden, Ont.
Choice Black Collie Pugs, from
good heelers on both sides. Apply to
Ont. Phone 12 on 78, Hensel!.
ISiAty-ifsve gores '01 grass,. • Tots of
water and • shade. THEODORE
IDIALJE„Phone 15 on 06 -Clinton. 118'
Improved Banner Seed Oats, also
Some two-nolwed 'barley; also some -
mixed grain. JAMES M. LANDS-
1310ROUGH, phone 160 r 10 10,
A Tanta.), of timothy hay, slightly
mixed with clover. PlAfUiL DOIG.
phlone 22406
Plenty of water and shade. JAMES
R. SPROAT, Egmonelville, or 'Phene
We will have from time to time a
,quantity of four -week-old, ceckerelbs,
both Legh.orns and Rocks, at bargain
pdices. Mao started' chlitks. Call and
see ,us or phone 157f3, SIUININYVALE
POULTRY ;FARM, SeafoIrth, Ont.
Wheat, per bushel ..... .,....... 60c
'Celts,' per bushel 36e'
03arley,- ger bus 43c
Buckwheat, per bushel 40c
Eggs, Per 'doz 8c10,
B, ueter per lb,
Potatoes, per bus. ' 60e
Hogs, per cwt. .... . .