HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-05-04, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933.
ISprm'g in 'all its•'fresb.n'ess and new .life, gives .promise of happier
'days ahead;: The sun is Shining again and iazyt .,business has . already
begun to 'feel •t'he affects of its 'warmting influ'en'ce. ISaaperior 'Stores are
stocked, with an abundance of the finest'and ,purest food's the world'.
produces --foods •approlpriate to'Sprang !a'p'petites, .Take advantage of
the haw prices tprevlai1in'g at OUT stores'and stack tap your [pantry with
:the '"Sunshine Specials" on sane ithiis''w'eek-end. •
Illtem's "for Week (Ending, Mlay 40th.
STANDARD PEA'S Ne 4 ••••••per tin Q•
•RIQYAI, YOIRiKnAl,, %'s—¢ic, . , ... il•'s V
'lt s 45c
BLUE BOY..Ti •. • , , .. ,. ... V 27c
ROYAL YORK COFFEE %'s -23c. is .4 C
(leg 27C
Y . OI •EE
•AYLMEIR .PORK & BEANS, large 2W3 2' tin's• 19e
,FT1LLORESTOILET TISSUE • 3.1arge rolls35CTwhite'crepe"
per pkg,—fie.
peediestsafest for
fine silks
and woolens
IVIOR'Y SNOW, The New Suds,
12 Pkgs.-25c "
S'wa'nsdown Cake Flour '
large-..pkg. 32c
Lnx,;bllakes, small . . ., 2 pkgs. 49c,
Lux 'Flakes, large, &1 cake 'Lux S'oa'p FREIE ' ,per pkg.. 23c
(Durham Corn S'tardh , 'aper pkg. 9c
Gillett's'Lye, :eats dirt .... .. 2.'tins 25c
Hawes' 'Wax, Il'•s per 'tin 43c.
Hawes' Floor Gloss Pints 59c
tf'awes' ILem'on Oil ' large brittle , 23c
Castle Wax . , .. S' lib. 'tin . 25c
Ivory' Soap, Medium, and 1 Wash Oloith F11tEE.... ..,....3! cakes 23c
S'an'ta Clara Sweet 'Prunes, 'l'arge2'lbs, 25c
(Ba'ker's Pre'ntiutm 'Chocolate.. %'s -15C; ' Ws. 2.5c:
[Post.IB'r+anlffakes • 2 ;pkgs. 23c
'Certo • per ;bottle,
(Broken Walnuts
ib. 19c'
(Free Jig [Saw Puzzle with each can'Toddy 8 oz 35c;""' 116 oz • 55c'
Pi4e4Roin:t Lemon & Orange ;Marmalade , . , . ..140 og: gar 33c•
RAV,M1Eja .
Cream :Cheese 106I
,holne S
oss J.
Miss N. Pryce
Phone. 77
Buy Seatorth.
A Service
that creates
and a
Dependable''.; Re'potation
Good Quality_
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
• you by our services and .higher*
market .prices, for good 'cream.
Cream weighed,, tested, graded. and
paid for while you wait. •
e Seaforth ' Creamery
C. A. BARBER, ,Prop.
Motor' or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder df Go-
vernment .diploma and License,
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone b7
\Wise and .. ex'perien'ced mothers
kno'w when their c'hild'ren are trou'b'led
with worms and lose n'otime in apply-
ing 'Miller's Worm, Powders, the most
effective veuniftage that can be used.
lit is ,ablsohulte in. clearing the system of
worms and restoring those healthy
eenet.',ors without which -there can he
:.' n'b;,,edmEart„ for she child', or ,hope of
robust growth, Ilt is the most tru,st-
New Ground
, 24 Choice Varieties.' •24 -
Strong, vigorous ,plants with un-
excelled root system, grown on
new ,land cleared and broken ,UD
two.•years ago.
Tree and Bush Fruits
A complete assortinent foe the
home ,garden and commercial
Hundreds of varieties of the
choicest ornamental trees,
shrubs, vines, roses; ;perennials,
glad icall and dahlias.
;Send for free 52 page catalogue
Port Burwell, Ont.
' M'ot'hers .can easily know When their
children, are' troubled with worms,
and they lose ino time in applying a
reliable 'reiriedy — Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator.
District D'epu'ty i"":i'iH fOregcry of
!Stratford paid his official visit to
;IB'ritanniia Masonic Lodge;, XMLonday;
evening, and gave a find a'ddres's.'
where were 150 froth the different
lodges in the distriot present.,ttAlt the
close of the ,meeting a bangtaelt was
served a t the •Olympia re$taurant,
Miss Vera Mole spent the,; week-
end with her feiend, Miss Edna Day.-
iison at Brussels.
Messrs. Cliff Trott and Clarence
'Trott returned Wednesdlay; from
Queen's Uuiverslty, . Klunrgsfon, for
.IWe 'are glad to 'learn then Mrs,
'Con; Eckert. is' £ rV i±ovm'g.." rapidly
since .she returned `ho'rne 'tinder . the,
care ,of her daughter: ;' '
Mfr. Patehell, Bank of .Commence
staff, IBayifield Ovals a gees% at the
hoi;re of Mr.' and Mea: „W.. h`erguson,
during the week-end.��
!Mr.. and' Mrs S.' F. Davnsgn; any),
daughter Edna of Brussels, antd' Miss'
Vera Mole attended, the 'Music Festf-
eat at 'Stratford last' Friday. t
Mr. and MGs. ` Glen Steele and
daughter of Toronto, who a'tten'ded
the funeral of Mr. ;Steele's aunt, Mass
Jennie Steele, returned' to Toronto on
• IMns Jessie BMdwn: 'who has been
quite dd.is•,invprovling.
,week -end her
'Mass 'Margaret Ferguson.olEaBa
home an E'gmondwilne
Mr .S'a'm Scott; M'r. Fac'k Stevens,
Miss Laura Mole and Miss Mitdreid
Cudnnore ...represented' the, Young
People's ISlocaety olf Nlort}iside (Tri=
deed Church at Kipper on Sunday
morning" .
M'is's Jeannette Finnegan of • H!ensall,
spent the week-end•at`her .h'o'me.
Mr. and Mira. Wm. 'Son''erville of
Woodsttolck„spent the;•; We'e'k -end in.
town. 1, •
[Mrs.... H1arry, S''c tit ; ,enol Miss E"
Smith were in Torpnto th'i's :week,
the latter remaining ' for a :few days.,
Mr. A. W. Shcfery arrived'home this
week from " Queen's University;
Kingston, fir the , summer' 'v'acation.
Mr. Jas., Henderson and • ,M!iss
Eleanor. and' Mr. Ed. (Male attended
the. anniveryary, senvtice of . the ' I, • 0.
0. F. on Sunday evening at BrosSels
Mr. Harry,,. Pretty hes i. purchased
the residencebf the, ;late 'Mrs'. Hia-
m'il'ton in Egnsortdyrhle. frdrn: Mr' Alt-
'kinson, whta : was here on. Pe.day,',Mi;.'
(Pretty will occupy. it,shortly.'
Mrs. J'o'hn Smoot .return§ "from De,
troit this week after. spen'd'ing several'
months there. ..
)Miss. Bessie Peterson ofl. Toronto is
visiting, her„uncle anld',Apra, Mr. and
:Mrs. :Alex..Wtal'lace.
_\Rey ,C„,.M,, ,MldKelnzie, h'.oF ,Ir}gy.•
.and his ,sister; kiss •R ' MdKega'ia,
and Miss. .Mal'c'od'm' olf n•LtreknMwr
were , visitors for a few. l days.. • well;.
•Rev. and Mts. W. P..,Lane,
Miss Jean Fdbheringham , sipent.the
week-en'd' with. Miss •Mae :Wallace„
IMw. F. S. Savange•, was.. hi ;To-,
ionto for a/ couple of,',days-last. week.'
Miss . Fllorence Fbtwle.r. o'f BiyevaIe
Spent the week -end with 'Miss, Clara
Pinkney. M .
IMw. and Mrs Joseph (Smith of
1Luckn'ow visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank
'Irwin• last, week.:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Iinivin' and Mr.
and Mals. Jloieplh i5'nnilb viilted''Mr.
and Mrs. •Wiiii'am Phillip's in 'Glode-
rich. last Monday.
•A meeting. of the 'Collegiate Liter-
ary (Society was, held. on Tuesday' af-
ternoon, : pitesided-rover •by the Presi-
dent, James •Slott.'. Prizes in the re-
cent essay .contest _"were :presented
by. Drc-C,'.Ma'eklay "do t�te' winners,.
Misses Winnie' Sa'vlauge .Rehr Brit-
ton 'and•.Aliee Dei+e'realix.,
Mr. ..and IMms' 'Jahn ' Henderson,
who, spent. the ,•(twirler ' in To2'bdito
with thebr•'nieces; have -returned to
town and are ,'"sieving: iiia M'fss
Martha Gibson'•s house• bn East Wil-
liam street, . '
^D'r. Neale or Peterboro 'and Mrs;
Wm. Neale and ;Mis;'Wilion of Wal-
ton ' were ,Saturday 'visitors with the
Misses Ferguson. '
'Attending the funeral of tike '`late
Mrs. P. M.' Chesney wereMiss Janet
Chesney, C'level'and, 0.; Mr. an:drMrs.
Vern B. 'Walker, Rochester, N.Y.;
'M'iss 'Katherine S,braitote and Mr.
George Steele Rochester, N:Y,, Mr,
and• Mrs. Harvey 'MiclKean alt ' To-
ionto, Kra. A MclKean df'Hamilton;
Mrs. Luther;R'olbbfiis, Mrs: 'Whitely,
Bertha ,Ohelney, Sit: ,Peters-
burg,' Fla.; Mr, and Mrs. H'enbeet'
tOa'nap'bell of `Win -1mM, and 'Mrs. M.
'S.. MdLean•.of Detroit. •
•'Mit•. and Mrs,. Roy Bennett -of Wal-
ton visited at the Lome orf Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Sholdi,ce on Monday
Mr, Jaynes Wallace of Chatham' is'
spending a month with friends, in this
Mr. ,enol Mrs. R. • H. Hoover and,
children, of Listowel, spent Sunday
with Mr,' and Mrs. W. IH. Shot/lice
'in town
Mr. and Mr+s, Levi Holmes and
family of Flint, Vliet, visited over.
the week -end at 'B,russels, and,. veith
'his mother, Mrs. David H,eLmes ,tIic-
Killen, and ,with Miss Iialane's in
Mi, Ed. Reynlolds spent, the week-
end iii Stratford,
'The P.ageant entitled "Sunrise in
the; Garden ,"• presented in `W+inithrop'
Catarrh on Thursday evening, 'Alp-
'n,1 ill, was a decided'sudeesst A short
,progna'm preceded the, pageant. A
duet entitled "In ;the Master's 'Gar-
d'en," •by Mrs. s, Pethick and 'Miss
M. Pethi'c'k and a quartette 'lGive
Thanks.," composed of Mrs, J.
Pryce, Mrs. R, Blanton, Miss M.
IPebhrck and Miss Trene Bolton, were
given. Miss Jean Smith gave two
readings in h'er usual good style. A
s'hont, adir!ess by Rew Mr,, Smith
completed:;tlye,.firs't -part' of„the pro-
gram„ The stage setting for ',the page-
anit represented the Garden of A'r-
m'ithea• in• which "tii"as 'rhe tomb[ af.
Christ, and the time, the morning, of
the resurrection. The background
was a White latti'c'e fence banked with
evergreeritioSmialll' e'vergreen'trees''and'
flowers were used to carry out t'he
effe'ct'aE''t�lre garrden.`The paigeantt'ap=
ened with :a precessional in whish'
the ttwir . and all ' shirty '"'oh'aealcters
took ,part. They sang "All Hail the
Power', of •J'esus'' Name” as they
marched quietly in. The part of
C'hnistian- 'whi'dh •was ally taken
by Mrs.' David MacFarlane, 'shows
her entering the garden singing an
pantomime the firstverse and chorus
df 'tsln the 'Garden." She is latter
sh'o,'wn seated on a bench reading the
B11bIle and meditating; •surrounded 'by
the suti'rays (seven girls dressed in
long yellow dresses • with yellow
streamers); They were the older
Mission hand ,gi'rd's, Questioner•; an un-
be'l'iever, (Mies. Fergus 'Bullard)' en-
ters and' interrupts Christian's mea'''t=
anions: ',Faith; Hope, Jlay, ' Truth,
Peace and 'Love Characterized by
Misses Jean Alexander, 'I'ra'te:' IBoll-
ton, Rosalie Patrick, Bessie Bl'aneh-
ard, Anania' Dale and Matbel''Peth'ick,
re'slpi;otiively, sorter as the' spirits of
light in Christian'sdile. They ate
later banished' 'by Doubt, Fear; 'Sor-
row, Uhrest, Unbelief ' and Indef=
feren'ce, the 'spirits of dal'kness in
Questioner's life. They were Miss
Retla Campbell, M'ns, S. Garnthamt,
Mrs. A."D'olmage, Mrs. A. H'ender=
a'on, Mrs. R. MdFarIane : and' Mrs.
R. *Claire. By the Words of 'Chris-
tian and 'by 'the story of the Risen
'Christ portrayed by Mary Magda-
lene ' (Mrs. Alexander), Mary ('Mrs.
tHillefi), ,land Salome '((Mrs. Be'tfilees).
Quesbi�oner learns again; to, believe
.and ,to.deeote'her life to service, rep-
resented by Mrs. Hirarrv; Blanchard,
The spirits of light again reign su-
,ereme in her Life as well as in Christ-
ian's. "Theo b'eauti'ful' mu's'ical moni-
kers are •included. "9Sunrise" suing.-a's
a duet ty Mrsa !Patrick; and ,Mins,
'Sol 'Slhannon aril• Lead` M'e to.
'Calvary"' 'by the 'eho.ir. Seven l'i'ttle
girls dres's'ed in white sang "'Hosanna
ltd th'e child'rents'song." Verse two of
"i'n the Garden" was sung, by Mrs.
'Errol H'abkirk and Mas., .l'ethtiek,
the clo's'in.g music Was verse
•3 of "In the' 'Garden” sung as a
solo "by OhriS't1an and the recessional
"Christ the Lord is ;Risen to -day,” by
t'he clrara'oters as they marched out.
iMr, and Mrs. Oscar Cuthill' agent
(Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs,
A. iA.'Ou'thill. • •
Messrs." ,Fergus Bullard, 'Percy' Lit-
tle .and ,'Tim Eaton spent 'Tues'd'ay in
IW'e. are -pleased to know th'at 'Mr.
Theron,.'Bebtles is :ruble 'to be around•
again after his recent ,opedabion,
Mr, . 'George Money DoE 'L'ond'on
-spent 'S'und'ay 'wi'th ,(Messrs, .!William
,and Joseph ••Kinney.
(Burns''.Church S'und'ay1Scho'oI will
commence for the summer m'on'ths
this Sunday, May 7'th at 10,30 and ser-
vice at. 111.30. Next ,S'und'ay, :idday 14th,
is. Mother's Sunday and .go to. church
Sunday and ,the pastor is Very anxious
that all go to church 'th'at 'dayand if
possible bring frliends wit:h. you who
have, not been able • to get to Church
Auto IflSurarIeB
Let • us protect you anywhere in
Canada: or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non' Tariff Rates
It's worth your while 'to; see us,:
before placing your insurance and
at the new loly' non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to takechances. "'
All claims promptly and .satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call --Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D.
Office over Keatinc's Drug, Store
l �/•AG �✓ RETURN
L'v, Seaforth Tickets • goad' re-.
May i112,n �turning;o'n alt reg-`
7,22 a m. 3:118 p:m, uiar trains , up to
(ElS,T.) Mon, (May 115:
Arr. Chicago
8.25 p.m. 7.90 a.m. IGhildren 5 years'.
May 12 May 113 'and 'un'd'er 42, half
QCIS'T.) plus exchange; fare
Tickets ood'ih conches only. No baggage checked,
Tickets sold sulbllect to passengers meeting Lmmitgration Ireg'uirfements
of the United S'ta'tes if ('and be'fore):.enterin:g'that couhtry>'i.;
Reduced rates at leading Hotels .in Chicago
Tickets—information•--lHote1 rates from Seaforth Ont., ,Depot
Ticket Office
every Sunday.
Mr.•and Mrs.. Joseph Lyon and Mur-
ray visited Sunday evening at , the.
h'o'me of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 'Beacom.
[Mrs. Leo Watt is still in Blyth and
though improving a little, is not get-
ting well as fast as 'her many friends
Would wish. We hope she will soon
'be better and• able to get 'home.
IMr. Eddy Bell' visited his fn'lends,
Master Jack and film MclEwin'g Sun-
day a'ftern'oon.
;Quite a number in this vicinity have
parted with horses since last fall.
Reeve Leiper, among :the number, has
sold • seven, all in good order.
Mr. and Mrs. Gloi'don Jenkins of
Stratford spent the week end at the
home 'of Mr. and M'rs. Charles Par-
M'ess'rs. David Reid and Ernest.
Knox 'have each rented a portion of.
the Wheatley farm.
,Mr. Peter Taylor has -rented part of
the air, Wm. Parson's 'farm.
Mr. Charles Persona 'and the •ldess'rs
Thomas and Alvin "Stewart are week
ing together this seeding arra lra`rvs't.
'Mrs. Wm. Belt and Lydia and Mr.
and Mrs. Usaac Rapson called o'n Mr.
and Mrs.' Rdbert 'Ferris and Reece on
SSund'ay. afternoon. •
Mr: 'Wm. Murphy had the misfort-
une to lose a horse last •week..
The Young 'People's Society. of
lBrucelfield United Ohurch are ob'serv-
ing their anniversary ;With sp'eci'al ser-
vices ,to be held .on 'Sunday next, May
17ah, at lit' a.m. and 7 p.m.
rnhe visiting ministers ;for the 'lay
are to he the [RevW. J. Patton .oa
IBenan'iller at 'the morning 'service and
the Rev. W. B. iGt-a.w of Kincardine
;at the evening -.service ;Ai large 'c'hoir
Of the young people'will+Furnish ape-
eial• music at 'both services.
the•. fo1'lpwi'eg Monday evening
1115 in connect' n 'with the anniv-
$ oe nniv
ersary 'an en'tentainment will be ;held
in which .Mr. Craw willappear in sev-
eral dra'm'atic numbers, a ,feature of
' rk is which he has won
platform w'o 1s a
very enviable reputation. Vocal solos
will be rendered by !De.:S'milltie and,
Mr. iSam Rennie of Hensall. Alli are
cordially.invited to come and enjoy an
evening of real entertainment. •
The many friends of ,Mos. Robert
Watson will regret to hear that she
has been confined to her room for the
past month. We hope soon to hear of
her recovery.
lRev. W. A. and Mrs. ,Bremner spent
the week end with friend's in ,Ripley.»
Mrs. ()Rev.) H'am'ilton of Goderich
is visiting at bite' manse,,this- week:
Mw. and Mrs. Ross Scdt'' and fina-
lly moved into the Rattenlbury home
last week.
Mr. and (Mrs. Ward moved this
week into the bourse vacated by Mr.
S'c'ott. '
• Nurse Huhner returned to her home
in. the .village last week.
Harold Wagner and his Big
Hie Dance Band Of Guelph aro
Gents '50c ' 'Ladies 25c
A: large ordwd a'ttend'ed divine ser-
vices at St. Andrew's United C'hurch
on Sunday last at 111 a:m. when Mr.
iAnbrey Oldham of Sarnia, the Presi-
dent of the Young People's 'Work, in
the London Oonlference was the spec-
ial ,speaker. Miss 'Florence ,Edwards of
(Watford, the represen'ta'tive of the
'Council of 'Youth at the World's.' Sun-
day Schaal convention,. .which was
'held at Rio de Jlaneiro last summer,
gave a short but interes'tin'g tai'k of her
trip and the convention programme.
Mr, Oldham tookas his svibjeet,
"Youth 'and World Peace," which
proved both interesting and helpful.
ITh'e male ,qu'arte'tte alt .Main street
/Church, Exeter, two very fine numb-
ers; Mis'ses'Miary and Florence Thom-
son ` sang a duet number which was
much appreciated.
The W.M1S. ladies of the congrega-
tion ,met on Wednesdayafternoon last
at the borne of Mrs. ltarnes Finlayson
of Tuckersmiith ,with a goodly number,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doig of London
and s'on's, Bill and Paul' and Miss Ma-
rian were guests Of Mrs. L. Doig and
Janet during' the week.
•Mrs. Rab't. MoDonal•d of Thames
Road is visiting •her diaughter, Mrs.
Bill Green.
Miss ,Bella Moir of Eiens'alt is
spen'd'ing a very pleasant visit .with h'er
sister, Mrs, J. D. Stewart.
'The '`Busy Bees" Mission Circle
held their regular monthly meeting at,
'the !home of Miss Beatrice D'aymonc(
on S'atttrday fast at 2,30 p.m. The -
!President, Miss Mary Th'otuson, open-
ed the meeting with the call to wor-
ship, after wh'ic'h .Hymn 252 was sting
and, Mrs. J. H. Her derson led in pray-
er. The roll call was answered by 112
members. Hymn 402 was sung after
which the president took the devo-
tion'al.; as this was a work meeting,
the Topic was dispensed with, A soc-
ial 'half hour over the tea ceps "closed
our meeting. Our next tweeting will
be held alt the home of Miss Margaret
The Young People of iSt. Andrew's
'United Church ate holding their, anni-
versary on Sunday, May 21's't. Rev. F.
W. 'Craik, of Victoria St., Goderich,
will be the special speaker. Services at
1'1 a.m. and 7.30: pm, ' !
'Mrs. ''las. Alan, ` of Egnaonulville
'spent: last ,week at her son's, E'dg'ar
Mr. and ,Mrs. cEph. !Clarke and Sem-
aly 'spent last Sunday at Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil 'Olaes.
Mrs. Biroadfoot is still cotrlfilned .to
her r'o'om.
Mts. Th'o's. ;Coleman is nursing a
sore'.faat h'avling ha'd,themisltortune bo
scald it.
iThe farmer's wives , are 'mak'in'g
good ;rise of, the _fine clap! and are busy
housecleaning .and gardening,
,Miss jean'(Fo'theringhaan was a Sun-
day. v'isi'tor with .Miss Mae Wallace.
'Mics. John 'Elsie, 'Miss' 'Marg'aret
IElgie are 'bbith recovering .after .an
operation for appendicitis. in Scott
Memorial ;Hostpital,
Mrs. IS. 'nonstop has returned from
Toronto where she underwent a seri-
ous operation. ;We hope. for a speedy
recovery. c ;
A reception was 'held in SIS. No. 9
school 'house on. 'Thursday night in
honor iofMr. and tMrs.10has. Eyre. A11
report a fine•time.
Misses IvI•arj'ory and ,'Margaret Hay
were Sunday visitors with Miss .Mar-
garet .Leylburne. . •
mire and Mrs.IHlarry ,Eyre, Mr. and
(Mrs. Wren 'Eyre, all,of Sarnia, were
there, at'te'nding • the reception, of Mr,.
and Mrs. •Oh'as. Eyre.
(Reception,-_lA. reception was held
on Thursday evening, April 27th, at
the red tavern school house in honor
.of Mr. and Mr's. Charles, .Eyre, . who
were recently married. During the
enin4 the guests of honor were
'forw'a'rd and two ,handsome chairs
were presented to th'e'n:' by Mr. Roy
Consitt and 'V'r. James Upshall ,while
Mr. .Albert Alexander an address
as folldws:•' To'Mr.'and IM•ns, 'C'h"-'.l
Eyre,-1We, your friend's and neigh-
bours, have ,gathered here bo nark the
occasion of your recent marriage. Ta
Yon, ' firs. Eyre, we 'trotrid extend a
very warm welcome to this neighbor-
hood. We hope you will find as true
friend's here- as you h'ave .left, And
you, Charles, 'we wish to congratulate
youon choosing such a eh'arnuiig
Young lady to .be your helpmate, And
we hope that the Divine Guardian
Will always keep and ,protect you both,
We ask you to accept 'these gifts as a
small token of the esteem in which
you both are held. .Wis'hin'g- you both
hong life, health and prosperity. 'Sign-
ed on behalf of yeer'neighbors and
[friends," Mr. Eyre replied '1't a suit-
able manner on behalf of ,Mors, "Eyre
and himself, The remainder of the ev-
ening was spent in .d'ancing.