HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-04-27, Page 81 PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1933 • HENSALL, Death of Mrs. ,Root. Bell, --'Mrs. iRoibeet IB. 'Bell, a well ecnolwn resid- ent .o'f ;Hansal1, passed) away at the home of ;her ,sister,- 9Mos. (Gordon' IBIolton Ion 'Friday 'last, (Sire .bad 'been in poor health )Por a member of years and about a year ego )sold Ther resid ence en 11Cing sit. ,to ;M+r, ,J, 'W. Ort - Wein, ,aaadhas since made ,her ;home with ,hereister, Mns: Gordon ;Salton, IAlblortt a week 'ago 'she suffered a ;stroke ,whticli )Mastered ,her death. She was a daughter too the late Mee^ and Mrs. John 'Fond' of Tucker - smith ,and was in +her 196th year. IAf- iter her marriage to the late Rob',t. 1Be1,1' they lived for .years Orr Ithe'farni now occupied by ,M'r., Geo. Walker on the 2ssd concession o'f 'Tuckersmitth. (After disposing of their 'farm, they • nnoved to ;Hensel where 'M+r. Bea died shoa'tly afterward. 'Mrs. )T'ho's; (Berry Of IHensaI , Mrs, (Gordon Bol ton of tH'ibbert, 'Mrs. John B',alton of U'sborne and Miss (Ellen IFIo•rd are sisters ,Of the deceased. The 'funeral took place on (Sunda•, afternoon from +the (home o'1 'Mrs. Gordon Bolton on. , R'he.alateundlary. II)ntermen't in The 'H'e'n" sa1'l'+Ifinfon )Cemetery. Mr. and'tMes, !Da'vi'd Idantelori spent Sunday at (the ;Beach o' (Pines. Mr. 'Thtcs. Sim'pso'n, of 4S'tratoavi,ll'e, a former lH,ensall boy, is .viseti:ng friends do •town. M'rs. 'Ed. McQueen and daughter, Mies Edna, visited 'frieedls in ;Loudon on 'Saturday. Mr. .and Mrs. Peter IBudleanan of Toronto are spending a f'e'w 'days vis- iting relatives in town this 'week ,MIr. John Carmichael visited friends in 'Exeter and 'the IB'end'*n'Sundtay. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Parker visit- ed friends at the Beech o' pines on Sunday. Mr. 'Nelsen Blatchford, who has been in the Huron Springs Sanitar- ium for several weeks following : an operation, 'hats sufficiently recovered to be brought 'home. 'Miss Grace Gibbings of the Bank of ,Montreal staff, was taken to the 'Clinton Hospital to undergo an oper- ation, Her 'many 'friends hope for a speedy recovery. A large crowd attended the recep- tion was given in honor of Me, and Mrs, Jack Corbett who were married last week. The young couple were presented with a •hand,so'me dining room table and six chairs. The ad- dress was read' by Mr, Ray Lammie. Mies Mary Little of Hanover is visiting ;with friends in town. The Young People of the United Church held their last meeting of the year on Monday .evenin.g with an ex- cellent attendance present.. A selec- tion was given by the Kippen quart- ette ,which was very much enjoyed. feature was a mu- sical tom ton A verye nteres love "f the ov o which told <' once affairs of Annie Laurie and Rabin Ad- air. Those taking part were 'Mrs Geo, Hess, Mrs. M. Hedden, 'Misses Flo- rence Welsh, Greta 'Lammie and El- eanor Fisher and Messrs. 'Rennie and Smillie. The romance 'opened with the wedding march Of Annie 'Laurie and Robin Adair after twihich there were sung the songs by Mrs. Hess and Mr. Sant Rennie; also solos, duets and choruses. A. short address was gi- ven by Rev. A. ;Sinclair and t'he meet- ing closed' by singing the national an- them. tilt. and Mrs, Robert Higgins 'have returned home after a ,pleasant visit with relatives at the (Beach-o,Pines. The 'Welfare Youth ,Club of 'the Carmel 'Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on •Monday ev- ening. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. !Roy McLaren after which some very interesting lantern slides were gi- ven on Flowers followed by a reading by Miss 'Mabel Workman and the meeting closed with the 1Mizpah 'ben- ediction. Miss Youill of Toronto and Miss Jennie Murray of Exeter are visiting at the ,home at Mrs. Thos, ,Murdock, Misses Madeline and 'Corinne 'Hotham '*1 'Seaforth spent the ,week end at the ,'tome of Mr. and Mrs, (George Brock and family. Quite a number of the members of the 'CarineI (Presbyterian Church at- tended the Synod held. at ,London on Tu'esd'ay and (Wednesday. Meesrs. ,Donald McKaig and Herb Hoggarth left last +w^eek for the Beach o-4Pines where they are engaged on construction work for the summer. Mr, Wm. White has rented the house on South 'Richmond' street which was ,owned by the late Mrs, George '.Case. The public and continuation sehoois re -opened on Monday morning after the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs, ;Robert Paterson and son 'Rave are moving into the village from Huron Springs 'Sanatorium and will again occupy their ;home on King street, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beavers have moved this 'week to Grand Bend where the 'former has secured a posi- tion. Don't Turn up your nose at work. Tura up up your sleeves ' TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TOWN• TOPICS Then buy your seeds at Kerslake's and be sure of success W. ,E. KERSLAKE • on Satu'rd'ay last. The former was spending the latter pant of the week visiting her friend, Miss Helen Mc- Gregor. Mr. and Mats. Peter M1dD'ontald and Miss Vera a000nilpen+ied by Mr. Rolb- ert McDonald ,viisited the batter's wife who was operated on in St. Jloseph'e :hospital in London recently. We are pleased to lcnbw that they found heir in good spirits and so far getting along fine.' We wish her a'lasting and speedy recovery. Mr. MdDonald's two eldest little girls who have been in !London from the time of the opera bon, returned hon'e, the youaager one staying at the (Nome a f. her aunt, Mrs, Epps of London, Messrs, Ernest, Henry and Albert' 'Sanderson, also visited' their sister, Mrs. Robert MdDona']d on Sunday..' Mr, Bert B'eac'on ,returned home (Saturday evening alter having taken charge o7 the barber shop in Clinton for some time for Mr. Heard. Mr, Harold Beacom had the rids- fortune to sprain his anilele lest week Burns' Sunday School will start the I6•rst Sunday in May and a good at- tendance is hoped for. Mr, and Mrs. Peter 1fdEonald and Vera attended the shower which was held for Mr, add Mrs. Colin Mc- Donald last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Leo Watt is at p'resen't sick in. Blyth. We hope she will soon be recovered and .able to get home. Mr. and Mrs. I. Reason visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gdbbings, A happy contpany of neighbors and relatives met at the 'home of Mrs. Wm. Wells, boundary line, Hullett, township, an Wednesday evening, Ap- rilMr Colin honor s. 19 fh r Mr. anal to a ro IImarried. Gu ;McDonald, recently mart ed Guests to the num,ber of 60 were present and showered t'he bride and groom with many useful and beautiful .gifts, show- ing the e steem in W'hic'h this young couple are held, The evening was pleasantly spent in dancing and social ,that, At midnight a delightful lunch was served by the ladies, after which Mr. McDonald thanked the friends for their kindness and generosity, inviting everyone to visit them in their awn home. The party broke up in the wee sena' hours by joining hands and the singing of "They Are Jolly Good Fel- laws," Staffa ,Mr. Thomas Breaks and daug'h'ter of 'E!gnoomdvidtle were receipt visitors: •lit. John Kemp has been seriously ill and little hope is 'heard out for his recovery, McKillop ,Council Council met at ;Calder's IHal1,,Win- thnop, All the members ,present. Mina Utes of ',last .meeting ,road and ac- cepted. A By-law regulating the er- ection elf 'telegrap'h and telephone poles 'oil the highways ,!of McKilil'op. township was• read and leaasred• 'The requisition ea the tru's'tees of Sldhool Section No. d, 'aslkin'g 'the council to issue dobenturea ,for $2100,00 for Ibuieding a new wheal hearse was ac cepted, and a ,by-'1'atw' au'th'orizing the issue of the ,sane passed; and, e by- law was .p'ass'ed' authorizing the, issue of $2,60,0,00 deb'eibures for building a new sohool 'h'ou'se in S. Section No. 110. The debentures for Section No. 7, to run a term Of ;fifteen yars at 5%; and the debentures of S. (Section No. (10 to run a tenni of lien reams. 'Cheques• were issued for accounts, amounting to $23.46 The 'clerk was authorized to draft a 'by -taw des'ignati'ng pants of the roads of the tolwnship aggregat- ing 1(4' 4 miles, to receive aid from Provincial 'fund. ,Oouncii adjourned to meet' again at 'Calder's 'Hall, Win- throp, on iW.edne'sday, May 29th, at 10 o'clock am, es a court of revision, IM, Mardis, Clerk. Bayfield. (Me. Carey, of 'Toronto, owner of ,the River 'Metal here, !was in the vii'. 4age last week. ,Albert MleGee, :who has 'had Janoes Alexander's 'farm rented on the 7th connessiom of Gaderitch eawat'sleip for the past year, has moved to the vil- lage., Blyth 'Me. ,James 1Leach has secured a po- sition es 'b'aker 'at 'Olbterville end will leave 'for what place shortl'y. Mrs. 'Frank ,Scheeler of Seaforth has been visiting at the .parental home in the village Mr. T, ,E. McITaggart, who has been the operator at the G. T. R. for some time, has left' for Port (Perry where he 'has a situation at the 'sta'tion. IMr. IL. Hill, our 'local' mailmen, 'is p'reparin'g for the erection of his new faotory which be intends erecting this summer. The foundation on one side is nearly laid. Zurich Mr. E. D. Wirt Inas gone to Gredi- ton, where he has •sn'ou'red a position with Mr. Hoist, brick and tale maker:" •IJ• Preeter hes secured the contract to 'furnish the hardware and trough for 'Mr. 'Wild's 'large (ba'rn's to be er- ected this sunivmer near IBa:ylfield. IMT. 'Edgar Magel lhas gone to De-' troi•t, wvhere he will ass'is't This 'brothers at the mason. work. Mr. 'Ezra Smith has also gone to Detroit, where he will wank at the carpenter trade, (John ;Foster recently took posses cion of ,his brickyard and is busy over- haulin'g.•th•e machinery, On April 241h the spirit of ...Kiss Catherine. Klein passed peacefully` away. The deceased had made her home with her sister in the village' for anany years. She was afflicted. with rheumatism and was au invalid 'for. twenty-two years. The .remains were conveyed to her brother's 'Nome in Baden from which place the funeral was conducted. e Exeter, ;Mrs Chesney, of Tuckersmith, was the -guest of .)'Drs, J. R. IMsDonald last. week. Meesrs. Weekes 'Bros, received an order far a fine monument of 'benne cord, black Scotch granite of modern design from. (Hon, Thos. Glreen'way. It will be sent to Grysbal City, Manitoba. Hibbert Death has again visited this neigh- beehtood and. taken from us an old and highly respected resident, in the per- son;of Mrs. Mary 'Casey, who depart- ed this life".on 'Thursd'a'y, iA!pri'i 118th. Mrs. Casey was born in the IGou'nty L'on'gford, 'IrelIaad,• in the year 1821, and emigrated to Canada in 1+847, set- tling in the county of 1Sintcoe. 'Two years eater she was married 'to 'Owen Casey. In 118175 'following the death of her 'husband, she came to 'Seaforth, where she remained for a number of years. She removed to the 'htolme of her daughter, Mrs, John Murphy, where she spent her declining years. The funeral took place to St. Cohen - ban Ohure!h, and the remains were then conveyed to St. Oolerrnban cem- etery. Alma Mr. 'W. (Stevens has. disposed of his property et ,A'lm'a, . consisting ,df 4 acres and dwelling bo .Mr. Mann for the sum o'f $400; this property is said WINTHROP. A large crowd attended the d'an'ce M the hall last Friday evening. !Mr. and Mrs. William ' Hart and son and Mr. Harold Hari of Brussels spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Al- onzo 'S'parling. Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Pryce and Men - ay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Armstrong of Hallett. Mr. Neil Montgomery spent las'' week with friends in Belgrave. . Mr. and Mrs, Sol. Shannon of Hal- lett spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Little, 1,±iss Elva Pryce spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Watson of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard and children, Mr. John Bullard and Mr. John Armstrong spent Sunday with Hr. ons Mri. Smith of Brussels. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs, Allan ,Ross on Wednesclay, May 3rd. Circle No. a will have charge of the meeting, HARLOCK. 'Messrs. Guy Leiper, William .Ham- ilton, Harold Beacom and Thos. Beat- tie got a fine catch of fish et the fish- eries one evening last week. JIr. and Mrs. Frank Mar'sh'all and, daughter visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shepherd. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Appleby and IRosam'ond and Marion o'f NIcKil'lop visited Sunday et the blame of Wks,. Jennie Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cook of Cline tan had a short visit one evening last week at the homes of Mr. and Mfrs. Jla'mes Leiper and Mr. and Mss, I. ,Rapson. Miss Amy Parsons returned home Tuesday of last weak after stpending a few days with her friend, Miss Grace MdEwen of Toronto, also visiting at, the home afhercousin, Me. and Mrs. I1ames Watt o'f Toronto. ,M'rs• A. W, MnB.win'g, Miss Helen McEwing and Master James spent 'la'st Wednesday in Clinton also visit- ing at the 'home of the former's daugh- ter. Mr. and MTs. Norman Lloyd. Miss May Veneer and Miss Helen McGregor visited Miss Olive Knox present to :tire ;farmers,..;as in'ost of them are bit completing seeding, iRag pedtiers'ase on ,ehe rounds. Be- ware orf them. [Among ,the 1•ist o1 su'ccessful stud- ents who plas'sed their, ,final ,examina— tions at the Western Medical College, 'London, appears the .name of Mr, A. Alkenajead, of :Brucefie'ld. Tickets 'The 1ollowtinlg panties were ticketed to d'i'stant points this" week; -Mrs. !Marcus of Egmondville, to Salem, Oregon; Mr, W. Hlutclhineon to' Nee- nnaark, New Jersey; Henry Krauslacipie af 'Dub'1in, to San iFrantico, Cal.; .Miss Adige 'Bell avid sister, Misls Eliz'abe'th Btell,- of the 'London Road, aleneladil, to Sacramento, Cal. Items 1Wi'liianP S'mitheee has Teased the house recently oocupied try Mr. J. FSItagdil'1, and :moved into it this week. ,This is the season of ,the year when the amateur' chicken fan'cter end the .ematour gardener 'h'a've their differ- ences. BRUCEFIELD. The Women's Association will hold their regular mairthly meeting on, Wednesday of next week, Ivisy 3rd, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. David Tough received the sad. news fast week of the heath of her niece, Mrs. .Norman Ayers, of S'peers, ;Sask. She was the only daughter of Mr. Alex. Sparks of Hensall, and was born an the Bronson Line, Stanley, 16 years ago. She learned . to be a teacher and went west quite a few years ago. She leaves to .rnoutm' her death her husband and six children, four boys and two girls, also her fath- er and three brothers. (Rev. W. A. Bremner and Rev. N. M•dKenzi.e af Ripley will exchange pulpits next 'S'un'day for the morning and evening service. - Miss R. Elliott of the village has gone to S'trathroy to train far a nurse, Mrs. W. Stevens returned; home to have ,cast him.$600, and is the pro- perty th'a't at one time constituted the Alma hotel, VARNA. Mr, Geonge Beatty Sr. has ;returned home after ape'hding a few days with Mr: and , Mrs, Wm. Beatty of M'ou'nt !Brydges. Mitoses Aeny and E1ni,ily Beatty of. Laon'don spent the week -end' with their mother and sister, returned to the ,city Mondlay with t'h'eir uncle, Mr. Beatty of Mount. B'reyd'ges. ;Mrs, M. Reid has returned, home rafter spending the week with her eon, 'Dr. H. Reid of Tor'on'to. iA ,little son 1t'tas come to the 'ohne af Mr. and Mrs. Breathertan, Btaltyl- on Inc.i ;Death of Mr. Jos. Mossop. — The death occurred on Friday, Alpe. Met of Mr. Jos.-M'oseop at his home in Varna, Mr.` Mossop was a son of the late 'Thomas Mes'sap and Mary Worthy of Stanley. Township, where he was born in 118713 and ,spent prac- tically all his life. Seven years ago he gave up farming on a'ccou'nt of ill health and bwo years later purchased a store from Mr. Geo. Beatty of Varna where he has since resided. Personalty he was a man of many friends, kindly, always manifesting a inter friendly human est in his fel- lowmen. He was highly esteemed throu'gh'out' t'he township which was for so ,many years ,his home. For some months Mr, M'oss'op had been in fail- ing health. He is survived • by his widow and two daughters, Jean at home, and Prances who is attending, (London Normal; also four sisters and two brothers—JMrs. ,las, Stephenson and 'Mil's Edythe Mossop of V?nn'a, 'Mrs. Warren Bragg of Calgary, Alia.; ;Mrs. Andrew Gordon, Cavend'ist, Alta.; George o'f Welwyn, S'a's'k, and Thomas of Veteran, Alta. The fun - ere! took place from the family resid- ence on Monday to Bayfield Ceme- tery. A private service was c'ond:ueted by his reotorr Rev. F. H. Paull, The !pallbearers were Messrs. W. J. Stin- son, Wm. Logan, D. H. McNaughton, Geo, Dewar, Archibald ,Armstrong, and B. Rathwelh last week after spending the past few rnonehs with her daughter in Mt, ;Forrest. 3dr, John Rattenbery and children of Burlington spent last week with friend's in the village. Mrs: Rev.) ' Bremner spent the week -end at the home of her' daugh- ter, al.rs. West, of Sit. Thomas. Walton Cash Prices Only BARB WIRE / READY MIXED per roti) 3 rr'i' + PAINT per quant V9 + EI.IASTI'I.IITE VARNISIH .. quart 11111/r+ + FOR1VIAILDiEHY,DE 2 i per battle ..... setaa. SAL'AIyA TEA 74 pound .. . '23c Best quality SWEAT 33 C PADS .. .. each MEN'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS 2 a6 R•TDEAU HALL 42C6," 9 C COFFEE, , pountd NOTICE TO CREDITORS DITORS Notice is thereby given to all ,per- sons having any claim against the Es- tate of Margaret C. Mtlls'os, 'late of the 'Town':of Seaforth, in the Comity of Huron, Married Woman, who died on'or about the 13th day of February A.D. 19133, to send same duly .proven, to the executor of `the said estate, namely, Mr: Adam Hwy(e, Seaforth, Ont., on or 'before the fifth, clay of. May 4933, as on and after that date'. the said executor wild ,proceed to make distribution of the assets of the said estate having regard otely to the claims then filed. Dated this .117th day of April A.D. 1933.. 'The first lift of the ,ballasting to Blyth is completed. At present t'h'ere are about 11510 'men on the work here. Brucefield The 'wet weather is a nuisance at BAYFIELD. HAMS 06 HIA'YIS, Go'derich, Ontario,. Solicitors amrte a Executor. herein. TENDERS 13OWNSHIIP OF TUICKERSM'I'TH: Tenders wanted for' the Council of the Township of T,uckersm'i•th for' a+ m'an to: operate the Stone 'C'rus'her. Duties are to engage men, and teams, and keep time and keep crusher_ in good condition. Tenders accepted on. or before Apr, - 2811h. D. F. McGIRIEIGOR, Clerk. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Proclametiah—Civic Half -Holidays Having been petitioned b y a large number . of the Mnenchan'ts of the Token, T 'hereby proc'l'aim'. W'ednesd'ay Afternoons in the month's of May:, June, July,_ August and September, 1933, oivic half holidays aisd respect- fully request the Citizens to observe the"sa'me. A. D. SUTHERLAND, Mayor. 'Miss Alma McKay is home from: Toronto for the week, Mr. George Kay of Goderich mov- ed to Baylfield this week to the flat aver the Past Office, Where he will conduct a tailoring and dry cleaning business. Me. G. A. Peddie and bride of To- ronto arrived Saturdray: Mr. Peddie is popular and well 'known here, having for the past three stennim ers been student pastor of the P'resbyteria'n Church. We heartily welcome Mrs, Peddie and extend best wishes for prosperity to both Mr. and Mrs., Peddie, Thomas and Robert McCurdy and 'Mists Annie atclCurdy of Stratford arrived Friday to occupy their sum- mer home on ,the farm for the summer., (Rev, R, M. Gale attended the Pres- bytery at Elimvi'lle Tuesday. Mr, Dre'hmann underwent a rather critical oper'ati'on at Clinton' :Hoospi'tial' Tuesday and has many frien'd's hope for a speedy recovery. His daughlter Ethel, of London, is leaking after his business diming his absence, '. `0u[rs. Annie Wigle df.Sarnia k visit- ing her mother, Mrs. James-'Stumgeon. (Miss Isabel Osmond was takeen. 'to Byron Sanitarium for treatment Sun- day, We hope 'shle soon improtves. 'School reopened Tuesday after Easter vacation, The annua 1' masquerade Carnival. and Dance under the auspi'ce's of the BlayfieldAtgrioul'tura'1 Society held at the Town Hall Wednes'd'ay evening the 19th, was, as usual, a big sic- tests, About the largest crowd of the season attended, .The hall wa•s nicely decorated. Thirty-six were in cos tune and made an interesting sight when in the, grand march. The prizes were' awarded as follows: (Ladies' Fancy Costume. Bernice Seeds, Anna 'Wotods. Gents' Fancy )Oostume--Jlalc'k Sit er'ge'on, Ross Mid- dleton Ladies C'o3)16c—,Mrs, Moor house, R. Fitzsimmons. Gents' C'om- S'EW FPOUORK WANTED I Woman wrap's hbusew+oek by the day. Apply to The News of8'ce. 1117 ic-S. Castle, Percy Jblhnstoa. Beat Girls' 'Costume — Mary Moorhottse, Elsie MidLead. Best Boys' Costume Eugene Oae'tte, Francis Jahns. Bost lOoupie — )Ella - Md70ay, Margaret Gr'o'ves. 'The Jndlges were James Cameron and Mrs. Prentice, Toronto, and Mrs. Murdock, Clinton. Exbeflenit music was supplied by B'ay'field • Vlariety Ora chestra. Floormanagers, Sam West- lake and William Hayter, Lunch was served at twelve. Proceeds over $74. Mrs. Koehler of Zurich returned home Sunday after spending the Eas- ter week with her sister, Miss Ethel lFowlie, While Miss Frances F'o'wlie was holidaying in London. Miss Anne Dewar who h'as been home for ,two years returned to To- ronto with her sister, Elva, to resume teach ing duties. KIPPEN. (Mrs. T'h'os. Daymen and Miss Es- ther who have been spending a -week in London, have returne home, Me. Robert M'c+N'auglrrton has re- turned to London, after spending the Easter vacation at his home in Tack- ersnmith. Miss Edna Mae Dey'man visited her friend, Miss Lois Rothwell, Stan- ley, during the holiday. Mr. and Mr's, Thos. Elder, Sea - booth, called on, old neighbors' and friends on Sunday. Rev, R. R. Conner preached a very interesting 'and inspiring sermon on Sunday morning last, taking for his sub'jec't, "Jesus 'Clhris't'e Conception of Eternal Life." The choir rendered a very pleasi'n'g anthem; "Safe, in His (Lave;" The Young People of Sit, Andre'w's United Church are holding their an- niversary on Sunday, May Zilst-when the Rev. F. W. Craik of V'iotorite St., IGoderic'h, ,will be the special speaker for the day. Services at 111 _a,nm. and 7.30 pan. ;Mr: Aubrey Oldham, Of Sar- nia, the President of the Young° Peo- ple's organization o'f London Can. fereice, will speak in: St Andrew's ;Un'itecl Church on Sunday, April, 10th at al a.m. Mr. O1dlham is an enthus- iastic Y'oun'g People's worker and his address will be both interesting and hellp'ful. Everyon• e welcome, The :Busy Bee's Mission Circle wiil meet at the home of Miss Beatrice Daymlan on Satiird'ay afternoon, Ap- mil 29th at 2:30 pan, 11 is hoped that every member will plan, to be present, ,The Huron Presbyterial `.' met at Thames Road on Tuesdlay, April 25th, when quite a number enoir' here at- tended. De. C'hone Oliver, was ane of the guest speakers. The Presby'tery met at El'ineeil'ie on,.;t'lie elate day Yv'alt a good attendance present. Want and' For Stale A'd's. 1 time, 25c la • AUCTION SALE. 10I amuse and :Lot and Household Effects.—There wilt be , offered for sale by public auction on May 6th,. 4933, at 2 p.m., the house and lot and household effects, James Street, Sea ;forth. JINIO. GRIilsYI011IDIBY, Prop.; 'Geo. II. Elltabt, Aucbioneer. '17 FOR SALE A qu'antity of timothy hay, slightly- ,mixed lightly,m'ixed with clover. PIAIGIIL D,OIIG. phlone 212-11316 I17i PASTURE FARM TO RENT ;Plenty of water and shade. JAMES R. S1PRO'AT, Epmendville, or Phone: did'r4. Onepure FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 4.. R llmos). 1bed D'ur+h'am bu 14 r r'1 old, (Also cows due to freshen in, - Sept. BEN KIEY6, Stanley. Phone 14 - on 96 IHensala. 191 . WANTED A limited number of ,c'a'ttle for pas- ture. Plenty of ,grass an:d water guar-. aretee'd, THOS. G. S!HIIlLIJLNIGIL+A'W„ Phone/113a" r 211', S•eefor'th. 117. •HOiU1SE TO RENT. IA good comfortable 'house and gar- age ore George street with e'lectri'c: lights and town. water. All newly pap- ered. Immediate possession. Apply at. The News office. 17' CU(ST)OM HiAITICHSING (White Leghorn c'h'icks for sale. Wr are prepared• to do hatching after the first of May et the folloeving prices: 'Hen eggs 2c• each, duck eggs 3c each.,. (Incubator set Wednesday of each week. (Book orders well in . advance. :P'h'one' 27!7W, Seaforth. R. SICIAIR-• LETIT.\. d)7 NOTICE Having sold any bdackseni'thing busi- ness to Mr. M'dKenzie o'f Brantford,. I bespeak for him the paltro•nage of all my old customers. All ,th.ose having accounts please'call and settle.; W. 1V. CROSIIIER. :117: LOST My drivers license for 1191313, lost lir or around Seaforth•, Bander ,please leave it at the post office and o`bIfge.. COIN EICKIA0R'T, , (JOIST. .Aa overcoat, ,between Seaforth, E,gtn'ondrralie or 'B'rucefield, 'la's't Fri— day. ,Finder please call at The News 'O'ffice.. '17: PASTURE 'TO RENT 50 acres, township of Tluclkersnvilth, east :half of Lot 4,, Concession 3. Also 100 acres, township o'f H'ibbert, Late 24, Concession, 3„ A,p'ply to JOHN J. . DALTON, Dublin, Ont. , Phone 17 ring 9, 'Dub'li'n. 17 FOR iSA'LE 'Choice young York Slowts for stalee bred; also three young Jersey cows, due this •neo.n'th. A. W. M'cEWINIG, phtan•e 238, Blyth. Lot 8, Con, 113; Hallett: W. i0OC3 FRIELS AND STARTED CHICKS We will have from .time to time a^ ,gsanttlta' of 'fount -week-old cockerellls, bath. Leghorns and Racks, at bargain prices. Also stetted chicks. Cafe and' see vs or phone 11I37r3. SIIJININYVIAIIE' (PO'ULT'RY '1 AIRM, 'Sea'fotth, Oat: SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per bushel 1515rc-60c- Oetts, per bushel,..........'3$c. Barley, ,per bus 4511• Bu'ckwhe'at, per bushel 40e Eggs, per doz ....:_.. Sc -1'3'c Butter, per Ib. 18e. 60cs. Hogs,per percwt. ........ . ........ $5.00, ,,c!