HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-04-27, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1933 THE SEAFORTH NEWS, PAGE FIVE • iJP!RIO Genuine Savings Superior Store 'specials"' and 'Superior 'Store ''""prices" are de- elided u'pon by -a committee of experienced grocers — merchants.who know 'valu'es, That is .why Superior Stares advertising features we'll - known products of undoubted quality at prices that are right. That is why you can deal with confidence at any Superior Store—secu.e in the (knowledge that you are getting 100% value for your money. Remember our Slogan— WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for Week Ending May 3, RASPBERRY 'OM2 STRAWBERRY JAM 40 oz. 28 c AYLMER SWEET WHITE CORN• 2's AC RO'BI'N HOOD RA'PBD OATS large pkg 1 k Qr C 4NGERSOLL M'ALTED'CHEESE, %'s per pkg. 1OC CHS'PSO lge pkg. 19 c AYLMER FANCY CAIISUP per bottle 12C Sa'lada Tea, special % Ib. 23c iS'hirriff's Luaus 'jelly Powders 3 pkgs. 25c Alvlmer Choice Golden Bantam Corn, 2's 2 'tins 25c Manyflowers 'Toilet Soap 4 cakes 25c Surprise Soap, "a pure yellow soap" .......... ............5 dears 23c Schneider's Peameal Back Bacon : per pound 23c Chase & Sanborn's Dated Seal Brand Coffee, %'s ' 27c Ys 49c 'Clark's Pork & Beans, No. li% 4 tins 25c Magic Baking Powder, "no alum" 4 oz. 15c 8 oz. -23c - 16 oz 36c Crosse & BlackwedV's "Prepared Mustard . :.large bottle 10c Aylmer Stoups, ass'o'rted, except pure Chicken • 3 tins 25c IPost'Bt'anftakes 2 pkgs. 23c "Clar'k's Totted Meats, for S'an'dwiches -10c ; 3 far ... 25c Borden's 'Chocolate Malted Mfllk .............................. 8' oz 21c '16 oz. 39c Standard Golden Wax :Beans, 2''s C tins 23c 'Ohocolete Marshmallowy 'Biscui'ts 2 lbs. 25c 'B'aker's Cocoa Y's 23c Fancy Pink Cascad'e Sa'lm'on Il's 12c Cereal Blend, "the perfect Cereal for Old and Young" per pkg......... 25c ;Gra.penues per pkg. 17c Muffets pe`r pkg 'lOc IB•rillo, "hest for cleaning pats and pans" , 2 !pkgs. 25c 'Chocolate Coated. 'Peanuts .. per pound 23c iHiil Brest Toilet Tissue, soft and white 13 rayls 25c Formaldehyde '196 oz. bottles 35c Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 Pryce Miss 'N. Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter 1 YEAR'S Always Goodualit Q Y A Service Please us patronage that Creates • you by our market prices Confidence , and a } } Cream weighed, 8 e Monti • Re utation Paid for Dpn p The Seaforth by giving us your cream and we will try to please services and highes' cam. for good cream. tested, graded and while you wait. ... Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. MTalker's7. ' FUNERAL SERVICE . UNDERTAKING --and,— ` EI' BALDIIING .Motor 'or Horse Equipment ' W. J. WAILKQER,'holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers .furnished Night or day phone 67 und New Gror. STRAWBERRY PLANTS ' 24 Choice Varieties 24 'Strong, vigorous ,plants with un - excelled rout system, grown on new land cleared and broken uo two years ago. Tree and BUXsh Fruits A complete assortment for the home garden and ' commercial grower. Ornamentals Hundreds of varieties of the choicest ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, ;perennial's, .gla'dio'li and d'a'hlias. Send fqr free 5i2 page catalogue The McCO!NNELL NURSERY 'Co. Port Burwell, Ont. - - - RAS APPETITE FOR HARD- WARE, GLASS AND GRA'V'EL. ' 'pini article, next Sunday, in The !American Weekly, distributed with The' D'e'troit Sunday Times, tells Arent a young man oleo l'i'ves in' the laboratory of 'Chicago University wheres'cien'tists feed ,hitn ,glassi beads,="alta steel bolts, rubber tubing, sand* ' and Mothers can easily know when their children -are troubled with worms, they lose no time in applying a reliable remedy — 'Mother Graves' graven. TOWN TOPICS: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cameron ,and ,children of Toronto, M!rs. George !Snell, Misses Minnie and ,Elsie Snell and Mr, George Snell, Jr., were visit- or at the borne of Mrs. John Pinkney an Sunday. Miss Margaret Pinlcaeey of ,Stratford and Miss O1Connell of Buffalo spent Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Pinkney, Misses Lna and Ila Lemman's of Mitchell spent a .few days with their cousin, Miss Jean Duagey. Mrs. C. Dungey and daughter Jean spent a few days in 'London during the Plaster holidays. Miss Annie Ryan • of Dublin spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Dungey. Miss (Myrtle'Hunter o'f Sea'forth at- tended. the funeral of her nephew, tDonald Warden of Condon: 'Mr, and Mrs. James Kane of Mit- chell Spent r Sunday afternoon with their. friends, Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Dan- gey. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hartman spent Tuesday afternoon in ,Zu'rrch. 'Miss Loretta Piteceli spent the Eas- ter holidays with her parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Jahn Purcell. , Mrs. Henry Cudmore, who has .been spending the winter in Stratford, re- turned home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fired Willis and dau- ghter Peggy, of London, spent the week -end in town. Mr. Willis assist- ed the Presbyterian Quartette at the Sunday .evening service. 1Mrs. Robert Grieve is quite ill a't her home as the result of a stroke, Mrs, R. S. Evan's, who has spent. the winter in Toronto, is visiting at her home, here. for a fe$ days. !Miss Edith D'avids!on returned from California on Friday. Mrs..F. G. Livingston has returned from Toronto after spending the win- ter with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beattie. Miss J. Steele_has been in a serious condition for some days at the'hospi- tal where she has been confined since susltaining injuries on a slippery door- step a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Peters of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. T. Mc- Quaid, Gioderic'h sat. !Miss,' G. AppleyaW is visiting in London. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert and family have moved into the house on Vic- toric st.`•belonging to the Habkirk estate. .Mr. Will Oluff of Toronto at- tended the funeral of 'his aunt, Miss Sarah Oluff. Mr. Fred Barlow has returned. . from the Hospital in London. Mr.\ Will Pollard has returned to his school at Woodville after spending the holidays with his parents, ,lir. and Mrs. J. Pollard: Miss. Elisabeth Stott is visiting Hiss ‘Carnodhan in ,Seaforth this week, Mr. Jloihn MdKenzie, b'ladksmith, is moving into the MdLennan apart- ments, Sucker fishing is the favorite sport just (now; and good catches are re- ported. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Beall and faro- ily from Detroit and Mr. and Mrs, 'Gordon Hays from Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Jtos, Eckart and family from Oakville .spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. C. Eckert,who is rapid- ly improving, and her many friend's are pleased .to Iearn she has been able to return. to her home last Tuesday. Her daughter, Mrs. M. Desborough, RN., from Nlorthville,intends to stay with her until she has fully recovered. Miss J. :MdLeblan of Toronto and Miss M. Fulton of New York are the eue'slts of Miss E. S'mebh and Mrs, W. E. Kerslake. The many friends of Mrs, Robert IStcadlett will be glad to knowthat she is recoveringalfter being seriously ill during the past two weeks. !Mrs. Wim. M,dMidhael ° has returned from Toronto where she was taken seriously ill recently, from which she' is still confined to bed at the home of her daughter; ,Mas. R. E. Coates, in the Royal Apts. Mr Edward Casesustained so severe ipjury to the fourth finger of his left hand' while engaged in cut- ting a tree that aarrputati'on .was found neess'ary. Mr. ,Case was up in a tree at the front of Mr. E. L. Box's resid- ence, .cutting a large branch which snapped ' une epeotedly, the broken end crushing his finger. Mr. Percy Hoag of Hagersvdlle spent the Easter holidays at his home here. SARAH claim The death occurred on 'Thurs'day afternoon at the, Sc'ait Memorial Hos- pital, .where she had been a patient' `or some months, oif 'Sarah Cluff, for many; years an esteemed resident of 'Seaforth, aged 75 years. Miss . Cita who spent practically ' the whole' of her life in, this district, was born in MdKiflop, being a daughter of the late Richard Chuff. She was one of the eldest members of Northside United Church and is survived by a sister Miss Jane Chuff, with whom she re- sided. Watt and For Sale Ads. 1 time, 25c. Come Every Night and Hear Dr. L Sale Harrison —AT- fi1HE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, S'EAFORTH OOINfMENCPNG TU!ES., MAY 2ND, TO FRIDAY, MAY 6TH AT 7:45 P.M. CHANGE IN LEFT HAND TURN The "dumiimy cop" was taken 'from its wintel- .quarters at the 'rear of the $own hall and 'pla'ced at the intersec- tion of Main street and the King's .Highway 'this week to commence its fifteenth` season as ,guide to :traffic. An amendment to the Highway ITraffic Act in regard to left 'hand turns, may make some difference to the manner of making the 'turn around the "dummy cop." (Under this amend- ment it is .possible that the dummy cop,' may eventually be :dispensed with (because it is said Ito he a hindrance .to big 'trucks, The 'd'ia'gram accompanying the amendment s'ho'ws the traffic fine on a Heft hand turn will cut the corner just enough to pasts to the left of the "dummy cop" instead of to the right as formerly. The amendment reads Clause c of subse'cti'on 1 •of section 35 of The Highway Traffic .Act a5 enacted by section 1'0 Of the Highway Traffic iAm'enbment Act, 49131, is am- ended by striking out the words "'con- tinue beyond the centre Of the inter- section 'before turning" in the fourth and 'fifth lines and 'inserting in lieu thereof the words '9the left tuna shall be made by passing to the right pf such centre line where it enters'the in- tersection, and upon leaving the inter- section by passing to the •right of the centre line of the )highway then ent- ered," so 'that the said clause shall. now read as follows: ('c) The driver or operator of a'veh- icle intending -to turn to the left into an •intersecting 'highway Shall ap- proadh such intersection as closely ,as practicable to the -Centre line of 'the highway and the left turn Shall 'be made by passing to the right of sndh centre line where it enters the inter- section, and upon leaving the intersec- tion by passing to ..the right of the centre line of the 'highway then enter- ed. TO RETIRE Announcement was made this week that three ministers of the Tolmie go- vernment ' in British Colu'm'bia will retire an May 3lllst, to reduce the cab- inet from 111• to eight, in aocord with premier S. F. Tolmie's previously an- nounced plans. The retiring ministers are Hon. N, S. Lougheed, minister of lands; H'on. William Atkinson, min- ister of agriculture, and Hon. W. C. Shelly, president of the council. Hon. William Atkinson is a antive of this locality, being a sorteof Mr. Atkinson of Egmondvitle. SOFTBALL A local softball meeting was held in the Carnegie library on Tuesday ev- ening when it Was decided in favour of entering the Ontario Association. Memibers of the eduncil were inter- viewed id regard to assistance. Ar- rangements for having 'a Stratford minstrel company present a show were discuesed but it has finally been d'ec'ided not to proceed. IA gtoup meeting at which it is ex- peoted nineteen' delegates will attend, (s scheduled for next Tuesday even- ing, May 2nd, to be held -in the Car- negie library. Last year's group in the county, (Gaderidh, Clinton, 'Seaforth. Grand Bend, B'ayffie'ld and Brussels are expected to enterand four others will probably be included in this group, Win9r'ham, Exeter, Monkton and Mitchell. Autolnsuranco Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff mates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Dav Service Phone 152 h r-vNERAL'.INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING. ETC. Office over Kewtintr'.s Drug Store ROUN» TRIP BARGAIN FAL: . MOSIiTREAL and QUEBEC CITY Also TORON 0 57.50 $10.50 $9.50 '•i ,FRIDAY, MAY 5th i Going : - (Standard Time) Going : 'Fri„ May 5th 'Liv. ;