HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-04-27, Page 2PAGE TWO. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. 'THURSDAY, A!PRIL 27, 1933 "Fresh from the Gardens" course, 'tine guests were invited to the 'dining room •where a'b,as'by •dinner was served. The tables were' prettily- ar- ranged, twith silver tea '• •se•nv'ice' and canidle sticks, the 'floral de'cara4ions being daffodils and rose's.' IAf6er d!in- alar' -a sui'ta'blle ;program of toasts .was given with Mr„ A. W. •Beacom ,of Blyth ars toastmaster, Besides Mr, •acrd Mrs Vipond and !Family, those present 'were Mrs, A. H. Musgrove` and ler. and`IY4rs. 'W. G. Greer of IWingham, Mus.' Greer having been the 'brid'esenaid at 'the,wedlddn'g, Mr: and .Mrs. A. W. 'Beacom and Mr, Ha- rold 'Beacom of Blyth, Mr. and •Mrs.. Wm, Bremner, Mrs. Albert Cardiff and children and Mr, John Pearson of 'Ethel, •Mrs. 'Chas, 'Slidell of Wingham. It was also the occasion of the sev- enth anniversary of the wedding df iMr. and: Mrs. !Albert 'Cardiff, but Mr, 'Cardiff was unable te.be •pres'ent. HURON NEWS. tbehiind a scantling in the !pb's'toioe,. Little Girl Wanders from Home.—so he went to !work on the mnissing purse with considerable ' con'fiden'ce. The community surrounding the (Loy- After questioning •several young ladies hl store was in a turmoil 'Poi• several 'he made •straightaway for the (flushing Knouts on Tudsd'ay evening, 'over 't'he tank above the lavatory 'bowl. IHe ;lift- ed the "lid and "there ° slhe was" --the purse—in a terrible mess, •s'oaking'wet and all that. The lip Stick 'had' •melited and rim into the'h'a'ndkerohief, a beau- tiful crimson,' .apple 'flavor, The 'coma pact and powder puff, among. other things, were completely ru'in'ed. 'Fif- teen cents in silver 'was untarnished and •alone salvaged from the wreck. But the mystery is u'n'solved. Who made the quick (move, the•shanp turn as 'footsteps apiproac'hed 'withou't? Lt must go down as 'one df those unsolv- ed mysteries, the !Sergeant agrees. disaplpearance of (Betty Yioung, the ten -year-old •daughter of •Mr. and Mins. Lloyd Young, •who 'live .on the 18tih. •do'tvicesslon of Colborne townslhhp a •Short distance east o!f ,the 'store, says tit 'G'aderidh (S'i'gnal. Betty was sent to rate store .about 8 o'clock in the morn- ing and when She did not return, her ;moth•er 'th'ou'ght she had gone to v'is'it her gra'ndmloth'er, Mrs. !Percy 'Stewart ,4n •the next .concess,i'on. ,The •father lhad !gone to the bush with a neighbor to ,cut woad and was away all day. When he returued and !Betty had •still not turned up, inquiry was made at Mrs. (Stewart's. Betty had not been there, and the •alarm was then -given, and neighbors joined in a •franbic search (for the child. Police Officers McCoy and (Gundry :wean out From town, tel- epho! a messages were •sent in various directions, the creek and the roadsides :were searched—but alit to no avail. (Some time after midnight sameb'ody thdught about (Betty's friends 'an'God- eridh, and .about 2 ,o"cloc'k in the mor- ning the little girl w-a'e awakened at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Webb Where she 'had gone to sleep after playing all day with her cousin, little Dorothy Gray, a .niece of Mrs. Webb. (Betty explained that 'on the way to the store she had been overtaken by o a man in a car who was earning- g to pro- mised and as her.mother had pro- tnised 'her She might go some day to visit her cousin she thought it was a good opportunity. Mrs. Young is in poor health and was in a state of dis- traction until the thoughtless little girl was brought home. Mystery Unsolved. --Another dance. hall cloak 'room mystery was added to the already lung 'list in 'Goderich on Monday night. At the conclusion of the dance a lady missed her purse, an alarm went up and Sergeant .Ross was called in. Nat long ago the 'Sergeant found a stolen •five -dollar hill perched James 'Garrow to Halifax. — Three important staff Changes, effective July 1st, are announced by the 'Blank of •Montreal.' G. C. •Cassels, .assisfantgen- eral manager of th•e ,Rank, with sup- ervision of the Loandon and Paris of- fices, has reached pension age and is retiring. Ed• yard' ;Pope, manager of the branch at Halifax, and superinten- dent df the Mariti'm'es District, has been tran'sferred to iL'ondon as man- ager of the 'London branch. James (Garrow, manager of the •staff dupa:rt- stent •at ;head office, has been ap'poin't- ed to succeed Mr. Pope at Halifax; Mr. Garrow is a son of the late Ur, Justice Gamow of the ,Ontario Court of Appeal, and a brother of Mr. Jus- tice !Charles Garrow of the Higlt, Covert •Dnvrion Ontar o H e entered' the service of the hank at 'Godericlh,l his native town. Silver Wedding Win ddi Near ham.- g A very p'leasin'g event took place at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 'Wigh'tman near Wingltam on 12'o.nday. last when' Mr. and Mrs. Wi'ghtm•an. were host and .hostess to a number of their relatives in honor Of 'Mrs. ',Vightman's parents, Mr. and =