HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-04-27, Page 1fhus
the/swarming is begun.
ount' the leaders, every one
erfect as a'perfec't star '
ill :the 'slow 'descent lis dove.
ook' beyond them,: see (how far
awn' the vistas 'dimi and grey,
tudare on 'the way.
An d the' sky 'is swiftly alive
With the fiuitlter and the flight
Of the •s'him'merinlg;lbees, that pour
From the hidden. door of the hive
Ti'7 you can ,count no ,more.
Henry Van Dyke
Phone 84.
at all hours
Prize; Reasonable
The ‘ Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
per tin
VELVEETA CHEESE 2 boxes' 25c
NEW CHiEESE @ 15c lb
DUTHIIE% SAUCE @ .15c a bottle
'SALT HERRING .....i15c per dozen
•fit.,,:I3'C+IRNE'S GELATINE.. 2. pkgs 25c
:CORN STARCH 31'bs. for 25c
•MACARONI .. , , . , , 5 lbs. for 25c
MEL LO CAKES 2 lbs � c
FLAKES;• 5• -lb -box...
GLADIOLI BULB'S • assorted
colors ....... 20c •dozen
Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and
Feathers taken .as cash. We pay
'1c'a dozen extra trade for Eggs.
Cream taken for the Seaforth Crean-
er at •the same rilce paid at
creamery. •
ALIT" R l� t
;The death occurred very suddenly
on Wedntesd'ay morning of this week
of Mrs, Pearson Chesney, of Tucker -
smith. Mns. Chesney had not been in
good health for some time. The fun-
eral, which will be private, will take
place on Monday afternoon,
IMms. Chesney was a native of God-
erich her maiden name being Anna
IBesides her husband, who also has
been very regrettably in poor health,
seven of a family of nine children
survive Mrs. Chesney:
-Miss, Janet Ohesne•y, ,RJN. of Cleve-
land, Ohio; Mrs. V. Walker (Jessie)
of Rochester, N:Y.; a'nd Miss Bertha
,Chesney and Miss Wi'lhel'muna Ches-
ney, and . Messrs. Hugh, Edwin and
James Chesney, all of Tuokersniith.
Home Cooking Sale
and Tea
Friday, April 28
Under the auspices of the Ladies'
Guild of ' Si. Thomas' Church
Tea 115 . Cents
Please drop in and bring a 'friend
North Side Uiuted Church. -Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
14 aim,, Sun'day School and Bible
1111 atm.-iPttblic worship. Subject,
The Higher Friendship.'?
7 pan. ---The Woman's. Missionary
ISociety and the Young Women's Mis-
sionary Auxiliary will hold their Eas-
ter Thankoffering service. Miss Mc-
Kenzie, formerly of the West, will
speak, giving some interesting feat-
ures of her wank.
IDr. L. S'a'ke -(Harrison, noted Bible
student, author and preacher, ,win be
special preacher on Sunday, The mor-
ning subject - "Memorial of God's
!Grace." The evening, "'The Opening
of the Bo'ok."
(April 30.111 atm,, 'W. M. S. Easter
Thankoffering address by Miss Mc-
17 p,m., A tGood Beginning is Worth
S'e'cond S'u'nday after Easter . Sun-
day School and Confirmation Cl'ass at
10 o'clock.
:Morning service at -11 o'clock. Ser-
mon subject, "The Authority, Obli-
gation and' Purpose of Confirmation."
:Sunday School at 3 o'clock.
Evening service at 7 o'clock. Serm-
on topic, "The Allegory of the Good
Rev. E. F. Goetz left on Wednes-
day for Wailaceburg where he be-
comes pastor of the Roman Catholic
Church of Our Lady of Help, -an-
nouncemen't :af which was made sev-
eral weeks ago by His Excellency
,Bishop Kidd. Prior to his departure
a number of presentations were made
,to Father Goetz by the various or-
ganizations of
rganizationsof the churdh as well as
by the congregation itself, and also
by the pupils of Sit. James' Separate
School. His housekeeper, Miss Hart-
man, accompanies him to Wallace-
Y. P. L.
The ,weekly meeting of the Young
People's' League of Northside United
Church was held ori Tuesday evening,
A ipril 25, with M'r. J. C. Stevens, con-
vener of the 'Citizenship Department,
in change. A short sing song preced-
ed/the meeting, alter which the
Lord's prayer was.fepeated in unison.
The minutes of 'the last meeting were
read by the secretary, Miss 'Winnie
Savauge, and approved. During the
,business part of the ,meeting four of
the members were appointed to a't-
tend a. special churich service at
lKi;p'pen on Sunday, Alpril 30th, Fol-
lowing hymn 922 Miss S. I. '.Wood' led
M prayer? The Scripture '.Lessen
wies taken by Mr. Melville Shannon.
Misses: Grace Kreuter and LaBelle
Hawkins then favoured us with a
guitar seieebio'n.. • After ' singing hymn
120 a splendid 'ad'd'ress oh "Are Re-
forms the Task of ` the Ch'urc'h ?"
was very ably taken by Mr. F. S. Sa-
vauge. By singing hymn 1146 and re-
peating the M'izpah benediction 'the
meeting -was 'brought to a close.
II -tome and School' members from
Seafosjph Who were entertained by the
'Clinton Ciulb on Tuesday evening
were Mrs, Goudie, Mrs. M. McKel-
lar, Mt.'s. C. Hones and Mrs., P. B.
Moffatt. Ar splendid program was
given, including an address by Miss
Stone of t he C11'intbrt"Busiues's Col-
lege, two solos by Mrs. Lawson, and
several other numbers. A social time
was enjoyed,: and lunch was served at
the close;
Huron League
Doubles Entries
Association Organized Last Year
May Have Two Groups ,
',Representatives. from eight,'fo,otlbal'I
clubs were in attendance at the annual=
m'eetin'g of the Huron Football Asso-
dationhe'l'd ,i'n ;the ;Dick House, Sea=
forth, 'which was filled by the large at-
tendance Monday night.
The meeting, presided .over ,by H.
FA President (Leo Sitelphenson
Kiurn was an' enthusiastic one
Three teams new tothe iH'F.A, Eth-
el, IBru'celfield and Ttickersmith, were
wel'co'med and reports were' received
from ;Baylfield, lGo'd'erioh, 'Wlin'gham
W'roireter, Lan'desiboro: ;Least • year's
tea'm's, !Brussels, 'Walton, Winthrop,
St, Calunt'ban and Egmond,viile were
well represented.
,The general opinion 'of the meeting
was that two groups sh'oulfd he form-
ed this year if The thirteen teams ent-
ered.''T!he electionof officers ,resulted.
in the re-election of P'residen't Leo
Stephenson, Kin,burn; Vice -President,
7. J. Holland, St. 1Col'um'ban, and sec.-
treas., A: IW. Dick, ,S'eafont'h.
A motion of D. A. Ram, and P. Me -
Taggart was adopted, appointing three
Registration Commissioners instead of
one,: namely, Fergus ,Bullard, (Win-
throp; . J. Sutter, Clinton, .and John
Buchanan, Walton,
!A 'motion o't IJ. Sutter and J. Buch-
man was ,adopted ..that one member
from each club,comprise the executive
committee. 'A motion of P. Little and
IA. Nioholson was ,adapted. ;that in the
event of two dis'tri'ct groups 'being
formed, the Protest 'C'om'mittee': for.
each case,' be chosen' by the IH,IF.A.
President front 'Executive 'tnemlbers Iof
the group not concerned; for • final
games, 'taro from each ,group and one
neutral, .11 necessary. T'h'e names of•
Referees: Ivan Hill, IGbderioh; P.
Stephenson, Ethel, were added to the
referees' list of the HJF)A., which is
as follows:: •
,Referees:—IReg. Reid, 'S:tratfo'rld;
Wm. Stapleton Dublin; (Bid Bell,
Brussels; Fergus Bullard, 'Winthrop;.
Ant 'Nicholson, ISea'forth; Alex. Lillico,
Egmondi'ville; Roy MdGeo'c'h, Eg-
mondvil'le; J. Malone, 1St. Coltabban;
J. .Sutter, Clinton; Fred Battlow, !Sea -
forth; A. W. 'Di'ok, S'eaforth; Leo.
'Stephenson, Kinibunn; J. ,A•ilcenh ad,
Brucefield; 'Wm. Sangster, Hensall;
Wm. Montgomery, Win'thnap; Joe
Carter, !Watton; Alvin iD'ale, Winth-
rop; Alex. Anderson, (Brussels; Rabt,
(Dodds, Winthrop; Jack Armstrong,
,Londesbaro•ugh; Norman 'Geddes,
IBelgrave; John Holland, St. Colum
ban; Herb Johnston, Seaforth.
lAn amendment was made in regard
to the referee fee, reducing the fee for
last year's referees to 50c while the olid
fee o'f $1' required to be paid at a ref-
eree's first game, 'will• 'he maintained
for any new referees.
A motion of P. 'Little and A. N'fch-
olsdn was adopted that there he no
rebate to a club losing a- protest,
A motion of 'Robert Beattie and P.
McTaggart was adapted, that entry
fee be 12,00 ,payable by May 1'5th on
which date the schedule will be drawn
Considerable discussion 'took place
over (Laws" 14 and 17 dealing with
linesrnen and penalty kicks; 'but rath-
er than amend the rules, suggestions
were made for the 'benefit of referees
and linesmen in dealing with the dif-
ficulties, the first o'f .which arose when
there was a difference ,of o'piniom as to
when a hall ' crossed. certain lines. Ad-
ditional linesmen to the two nowal-
lowed would be a great 'hel'p but n,o
change 'was made in the regulation
and clubs will he requested to mark
ant the lines more p'lainly,,particulariy,
the goat Bine.
!The penalty kick .rule Which results
in rich 'abu's'e for the referee ,byslpec-
ta'tors was talked over, it being .po'in't-
ed put that., an!addi'ti'on .could be made
to the section w'hic'h s't'ates: "'T!h'e Re-
feree may refrain from nutting the
prevision's of this law (penalty kick)
into 'effect in 'cases where he is satis-
fied that by enforcing them he w'ou'ld
be giving, an .advantage to the offend-
ing side." The refereeis accused of
unfairness in such cases and on unin-
ten'ti'onal 'fouls as when: a player is
strudk by a kicked hall, mainly be-
cause not everyone is aware of this
rile. Instelael of having to overlook'
un:rntentto'ial fouls the .referee s'h'ould
have the power,it was felt, to take the
hall to the Rine and give a free kick
there ,which would 'be ,of less advan-
tage than a 'Penalty kick., or he could
eive a penalty kick with the provision
that no go'ad•coulil be scored from the
kick; until the ball 'n'ad passed to an-
other player..,'
The years ,finances r• of the .H.`F.A.
showed a good b'alan'ce o;f $7.'37, the
receipts being $314122 and expenditures
$216,9,5 The President's address re-
viewed a' very satisfactory football
season in 1932. 'The Walton team, win-
ners of the 'Stephenson; Cup last year,
were conigratul'ated on their success.
Mrs. 'Oho Pinkney announces the
marriage of her youngest daughter,
:Mabel R., to flames Woods of Buffalo,
N.Y., o'n April 171th,.19+30.
IQn April 13th Master Burt Reid,'
son' of Mr. and' Mrs. Elmer Reid of
ISIbratford,' while roller skating fell an
'the sidewalk' in front of their h'o'me
and ,broke his leg.
Itirs, M. Curtin of ;Stratford, has
leased her 50 -acre farm a mile and a
quarter east of town on the 'highway
fori a term of two years to Mr. John
Ch'amney of -'West Wawanes'A, near
Lire:know. Mr. 'C'ham'ney 'hrass solid the
home farm there with the intention of,
going into chicken -raising, and is mov-
ing, here with his mother.
Much interest was s'ho'wn in the
Lucky Draw last week for two free
baskets of groceries given .,away at
ea'c'h of the two Superior stores_ here.
Mrs. W. Lrwin and Mrs• 3, .H, Young
won at N. Pryce's, while Miss N.
Muir and MTs, B. Hildebrand were
lucky at Ross J. Sproat's store.
lOn Friday evening; April 21st, St.
games' Ants Club held its ,, regular
meeting in the parish ;hall; with Miss
(Bessie Eckert in ch!a'rge. The p•no:gram
opened with a piano solo by Miss
Alice Daly. "Resolved that riches is
the' cause of more crime than pover-
ty": was the subljeet of a debate bet-
ween Miss Madeline Williams and
Ml? Andrew O'Leary, affirmative, and
Miss'Mary Fortune an:d ;l Ir. Cyril
(Reynolds, negative. The negative side
was given the •decision, the judges.,be-
ing Misses Martha Flannery and Alice
Dalry and Mr. Eugene Duncan. A se-
cond edition of the Arts Club Journal'
was read by the editors, Miss {Angela
Eckert and Mr. Frank Reynolds. The.
meeting then adijbu:nned.
(Before his departure for Wallace-
bung, the Club presented Rev. Father
Goetz with a pen and pencil set, in
appreciation of the'interest he had ta-
ken in the Club.
(Fiction—T'he Kennel Mulder Case,
Van Dine; ` The ;Light in the Jungle,
Marshall; The Missionary, !'Marshall;
The Ransom, Hill; Happiness Hill,
tHill; The Cotswold Case, Wynne;
Little Girl Lost, Bailey; Two Make a
World, ICy'nte; The Gold ;S:ku11 Mur-
ders, Packard; The Hidden Door,
'Packard; The Fountain, Morgan;
Peking Picnic, Budge; S'mi'th, Deep-
ing; The Drum of ILirnoraye, Fraser;
The Ostrekoff Jewels, O'ppenheian;
Valiant . Dust, Wren;; Anne Bolelyn,
Barrington; Needle 'Watcher, :Blakey;
Aiaseious 'Days, ,Gibbs; Sons, Buck;
Pongive Us Our Trespasses, D'oug-
las; Oharmian Lady Vi'h'art, Farnol;
The Amin olf Gold, armor; De if t
Fence, 'Grey; Under Northern Stars,
Raine; 'Bachelors Bounty,' Richmond.
Non -Fiction --(Loafing Through' the
Pacific, Humphrey; Tony's Scrap-
book, 1, 2 and 3, Mons; 'R You
(Listen n', Mons; The .Friendly Way,
Guest,: -Built Ln Furniture, Love;.
IStamip 'Collecting, ;Ph'illi'ps; 'Florence
Nightingale, Willis; The Ind'ian's of
'Canada, Jemness;'Flint and, 'Feather
Joh'n'son;'I3'in:d'no Holiday, Ackerley;
Oh+atrns of: Ottawa, Davies; Roman-
tic Quebec, Davies; The ;Scotland I
Remember, Munro; Canadian Bank-
ing, 'Patterson; Bloody, Years, Yeats -
Brown; Sir William Mulock, Lou-
don; The Great Victorians Massing -
ham; The I'gnoramous BOA of
Blame Dedorati'on, Pea'coc'k; '`Fi•glrt-
ing Business Depression, ,Babcock.
IJ'uVertile—The Story of Wool, Bas-
sett; The Stony of Glass. Bassett;
IT'lie Story of Sugar, Bassett; The
Story of Porcelkvin, Bassett; The
Story of Paper, Bassett; The Young
ID�alfrevs• Ab'hott: 7'Pile Sea and Its
Wionldersi Hail;' 'Famous' 'Animal
Stories, Thompson; All Hand's to the.
Boats, W'e's*.e"anann.
When you' buy your diamond fro'en Savauge you
are guaranteed against p'ooir quality. We con-
sistently refuse to buy Diamonds that are either
flawed or off color. 'Consequently we cannot sell
to you Diamonds that are of questionable
quality and value.
We positively gu'aran'tee the quality of every
diamond we sell
And remember we give you the wedding' . ring
absolutely free with the diamond ring you
Pr. ^' Oliver • 'Mrs. Gardiner closed the morning
session with prayer.
An excellent dinner was served by
the Thames Road ladies.
The aftern'oo'n session opened with;
the hymn "ACharge to Keep I Have."
Ethnvill,e Auxiliary led in the devo-
tional exercises.
The seventh annual meetin;g'of Hu- Reverend 3: ,Anthony of Thames
ron Presbyterial ' of:the United Church 'Road brought greetings from; the
was held in Thames Road United Presbytery and conducted a dedication
;Qhurch, Tuesday April 2S+th. The service for the new officers,
meeting opened by the singing of "0 Dr: C'hone Oliver of India gave a
-G'od ;Cllr Help fie Ages Past," Mrs, very instructive and interesting talk
W. P. Lane presiditag. The devotional about the work being dome where she
exercises were conducted by the Wdt'a- had been stationed, She said that her
len Auxiliary. Mrs. Robert Reid ex- motto for this year is "Have Faith in
tended a welcome to the delegates and God," and she s'ho•wed in her address
visitors. The reports from the various blow faith in God had enabled them to
secretaries proved very interesting and open up a new station among the
encouraging. Miss Lawrence, •the ,Lit Bhul people where they had never
erature secretary said that more study heard of Christ. She said there were
books had been sold this year than in now over 240 Christians .there and
any previous year. These must have thatthese had come one by one—not
had a great influence on the lives of in groups. S'he said that the contacts
the women. She urged all literature made by the missionaries with the wo-
seoretamies to make opportunities for men of India count for much though
getting literature :to the women who they cannot he put in figures. She
were not now in'teres'ted. Mrs. Mc- said that ,the medical work in India is
Donnell in giving her report said that a real expression of the love and cont -
some have made real sacrifices in ord- passion of God. She said that Chris-
er to subscribe for the Missionary tial social hygiene must be ta'ugh't in
'i:vllanthly, She asked all the lvlsssion- India, She said that now the doors .are
ary Monthly secretaries to remember open—the workers ready—and all that
that all subscriptions must be sent is needed is snore givings.
from them to the Presbyterial secret- Miss Duff gave a challenging ad-
ary. The money orders were to be .dress on Temperance work. She said
evade out to the Toronto office. that England spends more on drink in
Mrs. 'Colclough said that supplies one year than she has on M issio'ns iu
valued at over $il1,00.0 had been sent '1,00 years. In speaking of what women
during the year. S'he said that they are dining in other countries she said
have been able to supply all that has that girls in Japan not only pledge
'been asked for missionaries and hos- not to drink intoxicating liquors but
pilots. that they will not marry any young
Tho report of the associate helpers man who d'oe's. She s aid the women
'depar'tment was ,quite encouraging. of India came out of their 'homes and
Miss Murray, the temperance secre- stood in front of the liquor shops as a
tory, urged all to use the clip sheets :in. protest. They were arrested, ,others
their monthly meetings. She asked all came, they were arrested, and still
to see to it that all the children poss- others came. She asked how many
foie would take part in the temperance ICa'nadian Christian women would do
study course that will be conducted in as much. She asked that they stand
the S.S. next -fall. The stranger's sec- behind the scientific temperance
retary, Mrs. Laidlaw, said that it ought course that is taught in the schools
not to be called just the de,partuent every year. She said that the aim of
of the stranger, but rather the depart- "wets" is a m illion new drinkers in
ment of Friendship. She said that every generation. Let tis aim to have
much work was being done by these every youth a total abstainer, . she
"Friendship" secretaries, The C.IG. said,
I:T, secretary, Mars. Connor, appealed The following officers were elected
to the women to give themselves as for th.e c oiling year:
leaders for the girls, Mrs. ,Layton said :Past President, firs. W. P. Lane;
that Huron Presbyterial had the great-. President, Mrs. 'Gardiner; Vice Presi-
est increase in circles and Y.W,A,'s of dents, Mrs. 'Strachan, North Section;
any Presbyterial in London. Confer- Mrs. McKenzie, Centre section; Mira,.
ence, She spoke of a rally to be held G. Lane, West Section; Mrs, .MoDon-
neiet fall and urged that where there hell, South section; recording Secret -
were girls who were not in a mission ary, Miss Mary :l'I'ilne;' corresponding
circle that they organize and be ready ,Secretary, Mrs. Greer; treasure
to attend, Mrs. Wellwood said that 'Miss Annie Ferguson; Christian
Wingham had the largest _!fission (Stewardship and Finance secretary,
Band. Grand Bend qualified for a Mrs. Andrew; Y.W. secreb ''y, Mrs.
place on the honour roll for prolfic- G. Layton; C GILT, secretary, Mrs.
iency. The Baby Band secretary said Connor; Yfiss'ion Bland secretary, Mrs.
there was every reason to be proud of Wellwo:od; Associate Helpers' secre-
the Baby Bland work. There • were tart', Mrs. Gaudy; supply secretary.,
'three new making . bands formed,,
g ? 3 Mrs, Golclo4tgh; strangers' secretary„
bands in Huro;nc Mrs, Laidlaw; literature secretary„
Mrs. Andrew reported 62 auxiliaries Miss Lawrence; Missionary Moon.thl
with 1923 members, 20 new life neem- secretary,y
Mrs. Wightman; Temper -
'hers. The Christ'i'an 'Stewards'h'ip sec ante secretary, Mrs. Mroordsouse;
retary, Mrs, Greer, said that 95 auxil- ,press secretary, Miss 112urnay;' audi-
iaries have a Christian Stewardship tors, Mess Lawrence an:d+ Mrs. Mc -
secretary. She said that several auxil- S{enz'ie; nominating comm'i'ttee, Mms,
iaries have adopted a missionary.in iW;eliWood, 1'Mrs. _M'acK{'en•z'ie
Prayer. The envelopes, she said; were 'Gillespie of Whritec'hitrd, Mrs, Lav:
the best method Of giving because it iner of Ltucknow; 11Trs, Oh'i,ri'ste :of Ex -
was •then delfimite and systematic. eter; Mrs. Pickard, oaf Clinton; M
IGorrie'auxili'ary has a'lmos't every E. Hawking'elf Roys' Oh,urch; Mrs.
:member using envelopes, She urged; The following` delegates
g' were ac
all to remember th'e nnatto'Dithers." poi'nited to attend the Conference
In giving the financial report, Mrs, Branch in London. Mrs. Way of
MacKenzie stressed the 'treasurers to F'ord'wieh,' Miss' M+aalwai
remember that thefr quarterly reports,'Hili Mrs. of
of Smiths
A. Gardiner o,f Th.•umes
and their .annual reports must balance, Road; Mrs. Pickard, ' Clinton; Miss
$115,'S13.58 was raised during the year. lfarga.re 1 ,rres't. Egmondvil'le,
Tells of India
Huron Presbyterial Meets At Thames'
Road United Church