The Seaforth News, 1933-04-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snawd'on Bros„ Publishers.
A Three Act Play
"The Path Across the
Will .be presented by St. George's
Anglican Ohordh on
Friday, April 21st
in A.0:11317. HALL, WALTON
Cast of ''Oharaeters
Samuel Crawford, Grandipa, Rev. L.
V. Pocolok.
Robert :Posit, The Visitor, Mr..'E. M.
!Waiter Conrad, Ruth's Ib'rolther, Mr.
'IH. A, Gibbons,
Dr. •Jitnnuie Reed, With amlb'itiosn1 'Mr.
:E. 'SPaffbrd,
SPalafmlanrder Alexander John: Henry
bones, •Zruzu's cho ce, ' Mr. G. Mc
Mrs. Davis, Grandma, Miss Gladys
Ruth Cenrad, nicknamed Y "B'dbUy";
'Miss Marjorie .Edgar
Flo Gray; Ruth's cousin, Miss Lois
Retie„ a neighbor, Miss Pauline Rob-
' ins'on
Cuzu, the cook, Mrs. L. V. Pocock
'Scene:-alhe entire action of the
jplay takes „place in the living room of
Ruth Ooniiad's home in an Eas'tern
A'dlmiesion-Adults 25c. Children 16c
(Came:and Enjoy Yourselves)
Rev. Rickard, Pastor.
The April meeting of the Women's
Missionary. Society and. W. A. of
Duff's United Church was held in
the basement of the church on. Wed
mesday afternoon, Alpril 12th. The
president, Mrs. (Rev.) C. Cumming,
was in Change Of the missionary meet-
ing, which opened with prayer and a
hymn, after which the devotional
topic entitled"Abigail" was given by
Mrs. QRev.) Cumming. Following an -
Other hymn the minutes of the previ-
ous meeting were read by the secret-
ary, Mrs. John MdDon'ald. Mrs. P.
Shaw and Mrs, Walter Davidson
,were 'appointed as delegates to the
IWIomen's Missionary convention at
Thames Road United Ohurah on Ap-
ed 25th. It was decided that a special
meeting be held each quarter with
lantern slides, bhe first meeting to be
•held the first week in May. The Roll
Gall was P r
uIresponded to with a verse
of Scripture containing the word
"Hope A sp'leddid topic was given
by Mrs. P. Shaw from Dr. Oliver's
study book on Dr. Carmichael and Dr.
Herdman. The meeting dosed .with a
'itsimn and prayer by Mrs. D. Ma-
The May meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs, C. Barrows on the
113th Concession of McKillop.
The Misses Co:ulbbs of Mitchell are
spending their 'holidays with their.
,grandparent's, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
Iltsabel Bateman of Toronto and J.
W. Morrison of Toronto 'holidayed at
%Walton for the week end.
M1 -..and ,Mrs. C. Ro'w'land and fam-
ily spent the week end as her parents,
Mr. Sam Forbes.
Mr. and Mrs. Nonvel Stim'ore visit -
at the home of
rd aver bhe' week -end'
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Homuth, Patrick St., 1Wing'ham..
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Forbes spent
a day last week in Sea:forth,
,Mrs` Isabel Bateman is spending
the Easter holida'ys with .her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, R. Hoy.
Mitss Almy Love of 'Toronto spent,
the Easter week -end with her par-
ents, Mir. and Mrs. Joseph Love.
Mr. and Mrs, John Bennett, Mr,
and Mrs. Foster Bennett and batty
visited with friends at Walton' an
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil •Golwland and
family of Fergus s'pen't the Raster
holidays with Mrs. Gm/viand's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Forbes and
other friend's,
Mr. Aldie Mustard of Toronto is
spending his h'ol'idays at the home of
Ms parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. B, Mus-
Miss Ina Scott and her friend of
Landon spent the week -end at the
.h'on'e of her another, Mns. A. T. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs, West and babe of St.
themes spent the week-en'd' at the
'Nome of bhe lady's parents, Rev. W.
A. and Mrs. Bremner,
Mr. and Mrs. George Watts of Clin-
ton spent Good F'rid'ay visibing with
Mends in the village and vicinity.
• Mr, C. Falconer of B'aylfielld visited
at the home of Mrs, Janet Ross last
The s'c'hool report for G. S. No. 2,
'Tuckersmith, for '.March, Alpril and
Easter examinations. 'Those m'arke'd
.with an asterisk missed one or more
ISr. IIV-,Annie iPa'piple 67, Mac
(Winson '518, 'Alice Wright 54.
Jr. ;IV-Mayane 'Watson 67, Donald
iatadDanald 62, ''iIsabel 'Armstron'g 613,
Sr, 'TiIIT-(Elsie .Robins '76, *'3,fttriet
(Wright 75, 'M'yrtle 'Papiple 73, Grace
tDalrymple ,64, Envin''Sil'lery 63, Ivan
Taylor 61.
Jr. IiIII-A'11an Hill 74, Wesley Ham
74, Preston 'Dallas 71, Hazel 'Wilson
7', Bobbie Watson' 62, Morley 'Wright
57, Milton Taylor 42.
III -Anna
Watson 174
Lloyd y Pap.ple
61'. ;Intim 'Calwill 55.
,jr. T'T- 'Ethel ,,Wilson 66, Olive
Pa:nose 79, Freda' Hill 74.
Pr. -Melba Taylor 75.
M. McNaughton, ,Teacher.
Factory Upholsterin
Work Done and Guaranteed by
C. Atchison
Prices Reasonable. Phone 179
All Repass and Labor Cash.
:Mr. and 'Mr -s. V. S. A'n'derson and
son- of 'Taroaato are spendin'g a rn,arath
with Mos. Anderson's suotlher, 'Mrs.
A. Slater.
Miss'' A. M. Maines of Toronto is
visiting her parents; . Mr. and Mrs.
Jldhn 'Maines.
'Mrs. D. D. 'Crittenden .and (laugh -
.ter of Sit. Thomas are spending a week
with 'Myth friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnston.and
daughters Betty and Irene of Toron-
to, are spending some days with Mrs.
Jlahnstdn''s'paren'ts, Mr. and Mrs.' Wm:
Mr. and Mrs, L. 0. ;Miller and son
(Clarence of 'Gaderich were visitors
with Mns. ,Miller's mother, Mrs. A. M.
lCoiclough on Sunday.
Mr. Keith 'Hamilton .of Sit. 'Thomas
was a Visitor with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Hamilton.
iM'is's. Velma 'Craig of ,Stratford ,nor -
anal is sen'din'g her h'olid'ays :with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard's.
Mrs, ,Ridha'r.d IS1l1ib, Brantford, ,i5 vi-
siting her mother, Mrs. .Geo. Collin -
Miss Mary Collinson is visiting rel-
atives at Brautfond.
Mr. ,Harvey Craig of Grey town-
ship 'was a visitor :with his parents,
Mr. ,and Mrs. Robert Craig, aver Sun-
•M'r. and Mrs. Geo, 'Collinson and
'family of Kintal were visitors with
h r, Mr. Geo. Catlin -
�f mr'
the or e s
'Minstrel .Slhow, 'Blyth, Friday, April
28th, in Memorial hall, 50 collared en-
tcrba'inens, quartettes, solos, cake
walks, dlag dancing, jokes, 'three
hours Of sonthenn entertainment. Pro-
ceed's for Union 'Cemetery fund, au's-
p'ice's Of Women's In'sti'tute, Admis-
sion 225c, Children 'i0'c. Mrs. 3. W.
Scott, president; Mrs. Oa1dlough, sec-
.hers. A. H. Tiernay, who has been
spending the winter with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Joseph Arna'tein, Toronto,
has returned home,
Miss Hazel Petits of .London spent
bhe week end with 'her parents, 3. W.
and Mrs. Petty.
don of ado
Miss Bertha 'B'r o'g
was a visitor with her falther, George
Brogden and si's'ters, Mrs. 'D. Floady,
and _Mrs.' W. H. Lyon.
Mr. Reg. Argent of Welland teach-
ing staff is spending the holidays with
his parentis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arg-
The fallowing students spent Eas-
ter at their homes here: Mervyn
Keys from 'London University, Alan
Keys from Sea'forth collegiate, Helen
Anderson, Grace Rabinsan, Isabel
Robinson and Dorothy A''rm'strong
from Clinton collegiate.
Mr, Bert Dunn of T'oron'to spent
bhe week -end at the 'h'ome of Mr.
an'd Mrs. W. J. Dbws'on,
MT. and Mrs. Ruskin Keys of
East Winds'or spent a few day's with
the fonmer's parents,' Mr. and Mrs.
W. N. Keys.
The 1vlisses Ramie and Adeline
Palmer of m fl'or'istsint Easter
sp ars) t
with Mr, and Mrs. Wilt Reid olf
Mr. and .Mrs.c Ih'a
5. Ratlt'welt
moved on Saturday from their form-
er home on 'Goshen Line bo 'Lond'on
Where they intend ma'kin'g their
Miss Izetta Merner and Miss Ed-
ith Merrier are seiperding the holidays
at the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed, Merner.
An interesting meeting of the
Tuc'kershmith Teleplhlone System sub-
scribers was held in Walker's Hall,.
Brucefie'Id, last Wed ncod iay after-
noon, at which it was decided by an
averw'he•1'msng vote to place the sys-
Friday, April"28 ,;
,Rules of Cont '
est --Five pierces or
under, There will be three judges.
'et prize -410 asks pride --45.
.Prize winning orc'he'stras will play for
'Mr. and Mrs. Geo King of Biay
field, Mr, and MrsA F. King and
Master Douglas of l,orouto were the
guests of Mr, Geo. Barr on Easter
Sunday. • •
Mrs, J. W, Amisitron,g:and children
returned home SLon'day after a pleas-
ant visit with the fornter''s sister,
Mrs. Carter of IKedt (Bridge. .
Miss .B'e'ie N'oibt and Mrs. M, Rots
•spent Saturday .with Mrs. D. D. R.o.-
bertosi of Clinton.'
IMr. and Mrs.: Kunkle and 1Liss
Marion. of Niagara Falls spent the
weelden'd with Mr. and Mrs: Craw-
ford df bhe vil'l'age.
Mr. and Mirs. Wlill T'am'b'lyn and
Master Jbhn of Toronto were guests
over Easter Of, Mrs. Josie Tantblyn.
'Misses Jamieson Of Toronto are
spen'd'ing Easter ,week withtheir
parents here.
Miss Mary Hall and Mis's Olwen
of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs.
IFirla'n'k Hall over the week -end.
Misses Beatrice and Emily Little
,Of London were Easter visitors at
their home here.
.Mis's Helen Yu'nigbaut elf Stratford
Normal is s'pen'ding her holidays , at
'house here. -
"Mrs. Rob't. McCrea spent Tuesday
and Wednesdlay of this week with
Rel'grave frlendts,
!Mfrs. Lillie 'flunking and M'as'ter
Elwin of Clinton are .guests of 'Mrs.
C. 'Rud'delil this week.
The WA. are quilting four quilts
in the basement of the United. Chundh
this week. Any one wanting any quilt-
ed please inform the ,president.
Mr. John Nott is ,in ,Auburn • this
week at the saw mill.
The saw mill finished• work hers
last Saturday after about a w'eek's
work. As there is no bridge over the
river the farmers were unable to get
their logs to the m'il'l.'
lLt is expected that next week the
b'rid'ge gang will start again on She
river bridge just south 'of the village.
Wlibh having no bridge for so long,
it has made it rather inconvenient for
a grelat many.
Mrs. E. Adams spent a few days
last week with her sister, Mis's Brig-
ham of ;Clinton. '
Muss Dda Lyon returned home on
Monday from visiting 'friends at
Mrs. Johnston and .Miss Helen are
spending this week visiting in Lon -
Mr. and MTS. H9oks of Centralia
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wells
on IS•und'ay.
Mis's McKenny of Bluevale called
on friends in the village recently..
Miss Jean Mains Of Chicago . spent
Easter with her mother here.
Mr. and 'MT Stevens s. Sl e s and- girls
were' (Sunday visitors' with -Mr. and
Mrs. Nott.
Mr. and ...Mrs. Mae 'McC000L'Sun-
dayed with Mr. and Mrs. IRud'deil,
'Miss Arnett, 'teacher of S.S.''No. 9,
is spending 'her hol'i'dlays in (Stratford
Spacial Dance
at Dublin.
tem in the hands of a camsntfssian
of three 'tnemub'ers, thus ' relieving :the
Tu'okersmibh M'un'icipal Council of
the 'burden of responsibility which •it
hith'enro had bo bear. This move on
bhe part of the subs•oribers also
places the system on a More dem'o-
crati'c basis, all the subscribers 'hav-
ing now full v'otin'g Powers, a privi-
lege which for some reason or other
the subscribers au'tside of Tudker-
smith 'h'av'e heretofore not enjoyed.
The co'm'ntis'si'an'ers, elected by ac-
clamation, are Wim. Alexander, Wim
MclRwan and T. G. SEillinglaw, for-
mer manager of the System.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Mu'sselnia'n of
Elmira, with their son Hibbert, spent
Raster with friends and relatives on
the Bronson Line.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. FPo'ward vis'i't-
ed Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carniie on Fri-
day last.
Mies Margaret Tough of Shakes-
peare is s'pendin'g the Easter holiday
under the parental rotrf.
Miss M,yi+tle McClinbhey of L'on'd'ot
spent Easter under the parental. roof.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penlltale were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moss
Snowden on Sunday bast
Mr. William McC'lidehey of Au-
burn is spending the summer months
with 'h'is father, Mr, Wm. MtdClinch-
ey Sr. of the Bronson line.
Quite a number of .Stanley Tdwn-
ship farmers attended the wood bee
in Mr. M. JButler's buslh.
Mr, and M'rs, Robert Greer visited
`tends on the Bronson a ire on'P oh.
day evening last.
Friends and neighbors regret to
hear of the illness of Mr. Colin
'Camp'bell and wish him a speedy re-
Died at Vancouver. -There passed
peacefully to rest at his late residence
on 45th avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Al-
bert :Louis Elgis, second son of the
late Georlge W. and Mrs. Elgie, of
Stanley bo'wn'ship, on April' 13th. S
is over t'wen'ty -'five years ein'ce'.. Mr
Elgie went to V'ancou'ver. Ohne` sister
MTs. An'd'rew Foote, of Swanley, and
two brothers, Mr._ Robert Eye o
Toronto and Mr. Thomas Elgie o
,S'aska'tchewan, survive; also his wife,
Mrs. Elizabeth Elgie, and two daugh-
ters. The funeral was held in Viancau-
ver en Tuesday, his 'brother going
from Toronto to a't'tend. .
The following is the report ,af the
Easter examinations in 5 ,S. No. 7.
Stanley. Numbers indicate ,percent-
ages. The pu'p'ils whose names are
'marked with an asterisk were absent
'from one or mare examinations:
Sr. 4. - Allan ,Love 76, Billie
Reid 66. '
'Jr. 4.-4utene Stephenson 6.8.
gr. 3. - Margaret Love 76, Ruth
'McAllister 64, Margaret Reichert 47,
Regis Aubin (absent).
en:d. - (Gordon Jlahnstt'on 80, 'Ivan
Stephenson 78, Arm'ellda Aubin* 63,
•Leaniton' ' S'iembn* 61, Patrick Au -
bin 60.
1st -Jean 'Love 74, Bobby 'Reid*
68, Karl Reichert 66.
,Primer -Ralph Sltephehson 84..
Victor Dinnin, Teacher.
Report of No. 114, Stanley, East-
er, 19332
,Sr. 'IIV--(Audrey Cochrane 74,, Har-
old Jones 64, ,Aubrey Farquhar 64.
IST. VIII: -(Mary Farquhar 70, Kath-
leen Jones 66, George Clifton 69.
Jr, DnI-+Mariam Kenslake 67, Epic
Switzer 50,
ISr. DI -'Lois Rathwiefl 60, • Ernie
Talb'o't 55, Dan Switzer 50, Willie
'IMMOnnbe 49,
Jr. 3I -Jean Speir 511, Kenneth Mc-
Kenzie 416,
II-lif5ldred Janes.
Pr. -Donny MacKenzie; Alvin Kers-
Jr. :Pr. -Betty Switzer,
No. oil roll, 16. Average attend-
ance 15.
Philippa C. Pinfold, Teacher.
Mrs, 'Thomas Leeniing Sr., is un-
der the doctor's care, 'being in a poor
condition. Nurse 'Love 'from Walton
is nursing her.
'Mr. and Mrs, Leonard' (Leeming.
and Ross, o s, were visiting the
li'tter's 'parents Mr. and Mrs. Willi'am
Mitchell of 'Clarlinigford. the latter's
father 'being not so well. '
Mr, and Mrs. ')':award' C. Regele,
Y and P eaI l were visiting ' Mr.
and Mrs..'Wt!Ham IH'oe¢v on Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph 'Thornton scent , las`'
Sah,rday • Mrs. 'C. IRebele.
dance, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon aRegelc and
Gentlemen 25 cents Ladies 110 cents Walter snen•t Sundav eveningvisitin'p
.lir. and yrs. Jo:a•rph Thornton.
A 'large crdwd 'attended bhe eu'ch're
an'd dance 'lla'slt rTlh.ursday evening. The
prize -winners were, for ladies' 'firs'`
prize, Mrs. ,Fergus Btrllard;, bodies'
lone 'hands, 'Miss Mac 'Smith; men's
first prize,'Mr. ,Albert (Harrison and
men's 'Hoare 'hand prize 'went to Mr.
Frank (Case. :The two grand ,prizes,
given for the most g'ame's during the
season, went to Ales. 1Robert Dodds
and Mr. Will Kerr.
(Mrs. Fergus 1Bulla'rd :and ch'il'dren
spent the holidays with her 'p'arents:
Mr. an'd' Mrs. Jldhn Armstrong of
Mr. Theron Betties underwent an
operation, ,for appendh:c'itis in ISeaforbh
Iaospita'l on 1F'ridtay. We 'wish hien a
speedy 'recovery.
'Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank ,Johnston and
children spent Sunday with Mr. ,and
Mrs. 'Bolger of 'Walton.
and Mrs. 'Adam 'Dodds of 'Lis-
towel spent'Ithe week end with rela-
tives 'here.
Mr. James Simpson returned home
from rllananlbo ;on :Saturday, vvlhere 'he
underwent 'tre'at'ment 'on his leg.
Mr. .and Fidssber Bennett and
Mona 's'pen't S'undbay with Mr, and
Mrs. George 'Eaton.
Miss 'Grace Kerr of (Part 'Burwell
spent the 'holidays 'with her :parents,
Mr. and Mrs. IGe'orge Kerr,
Muss_ Jean: :Alexander spent 'a few
days •wibh relatives in d
Stratfor .
'I'•he pageant, ."Sunrise in the Gard-
en." being prepared by bhe ladies of
the church is bo be presented on
Thursday eventing, April 27bh. The
story in connection withthe pageant
is very beautiful. Christian conies to
her .garden on Easter. morning, (aril ,a'f
joy at the thought of tate risen
Christ. Questioner, an unbeliever, en-
ters. The story aE how Questioner re-
eei.ves the Christ into her life is bold
by song, text and panto nitue. The
Easter story of the resuaredbion is
portrayed. There are some thirty-five
characters taking part. This pageant
will be well worth seeing.
We are pleased to know that Earl
Ha:kirle and 'fattlily have decided to
.elide in OUT ,u'eighlhlorhaad, having
'norchaced the farm, bot 30, concession
Winthrop Hall
Gents 25c. 'Ladies hriitg lunch.
r,i� .211
'Gents 5.0 cents. ladies 26' cen'bs.
:M•r. Louie McGrath spent Sunday
weft frien'dsi in Dublin:
Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Wood's ,eniter-
'tained their near neighbors to a prog-
ressive eu'ch're party .an Friday even-
ing, The prize winners' were :gentle-
men, James Delaney; 'ladies' M7s.'
Givlin; conlsolation,, Jlam'es Carlin;
lucky chair, Peter ,Rya's, ,Mrs. Nichol-
as Krauskaplf an'd' Bettie. Wood's serv-
ed a deliciqus lunch. All ''enljoyed.
Mr. and Mrs:. Burke and family of
Detroit spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Wlm. O iR'ei'liq. .
' IM'r, Edward McGrath, of Ham'il'ton
spent the week end' .with his ,'b'rother,
Mr. Lours MIcIGrath.
Mr. Patrick Woods bought a baby
beef. from Wm. Maloney and trucked
it to Kitchener acicompan'ied by Nor-
man} Dillon.
(Miss Eliaabebh 'Carlin is enjoying
her 'holidays' with her parentis, Mr.
and :Ic8rs. Jlas. ,Ga71'i'n.
Our sdhoal closed on Alpril 13th
and, the het lunches are aver far the
season. The ratepayers of the section
held a meeting and thanked Mr. P. J.
.Wboda for beingsogenerous supply-
ing milk ,free.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murray spent
S•undlay with Mr. and Mrs. John Mur-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ryan and fam-
ily are busy moving to their neW
Mr. Wnv. Ryan spent Sunday . at
Frank Maloney's.
IMr. and P. J. Woods and fanb-
ily. spent patter Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Nicholas KlraulskaP'f.
'Duff'al 'Ohurtch 'Ladies' Aid and W.
MIS. of McKillop held their Easter
bhankoff'ehing meriting a't the home of
.Mrs. F.Mcl{encher doTnes
Tuesday, hp -
nil 18th. Twenty ladies were ,present.
After an hour of work the devlotiona'l
part of the meeting was taken by
Mrs. (R'e'v.) W. F. Smith. A number
of ladies, gave read'i'ngs. An Eais!tel-
'th'ankaffering program was used. Mrs,
(iR'ev.) W. F..S'mith .gave the mission-
ary prayer. Miss Helen M:aKerdher
sang a solo, which was much enjloyed.
(Business was then dis'cu'ssed and the
ladies decided tohave a...h'ome.edalcr
Mg sale on Saturday, April 222 in the
store recently v'ac'ated in Seaforth by
Mrs. S'h'effer.'The ,meeting then closed
by repeating the.Lord''s prayer. A so-
cial hail hour was s'pen't.' A delicjoua,
lunch was served by .the ladies.
'Following is the report of the Eas-
ter examinations for 'SS. No. 6, Mc-
Kili p
IS'r. IIV-Vera Duffy' 711%, Helen El
Boat 60, Glen 'Bryce 48. •
Jr. IIV=Gerald OlH'ara 712%, Leslie
Price 68.
Sr. 1'113 -+Rita Duffy 76%, Marie
:Hoegy 70, Beatrice Pryce.1618, Hazel
Sperling 64, Everett Beuenmann 62,
Mary Pcyoe 60.
(Tr, 'III1I•A'-IAtudrei Beuerm'ann 72%%,
Wilbur Hoegy 68, Lorne Burns 515.
IB-1Lau.i's Hoegy 69%, Bab Duffy
IC -Billy 'Little 66%%, Gar'don' Beuer- li
ma'n 64, Alvin Beveentann 63.
Sr. III-1Iren'e Con'n'altly 70%.
Jr. IT, -Jean Bryce 80%, Melv,n
B•euertn•ann' 71, Rose Burns 67, *Rita
Sloane 61.
S- .Rita Cannallly, Mervin Beuer
man, Leotta Hoegy, *Rbiy Elliott. `
Arena Dale, Teacher. •
Mrs. John Hay is visiting with her.
son. Mr. James Hay.
M-.. and Mrs, Joe MdLell:an spent
the week -end ts-itlr' Mr, and Mrs.
Twain Forsythe.
Mrs. Morris Er+b and daughter
Betty of London spent Easter week
with her brother, Mr. Jahn Mc-
L'ac'h1'an: •.
.Mr, Jo'h'n Forest .celebrated his
63rd birthday on Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright are,
'roving their househo'l'd effects to the
village, and Mr, Lloyd' Hayter is
moving onto 'the farm recently vacat-
ed by them.
Miss 'Hazel MdLochlan is spending
a few days svti'th her cousin, Mrs, A
Foote o•f Varna.
IMrs. Robbins and daughter Elsie
have moved to her daughter's, .Mrs.
Taylor, near Exeter. The nei'gh'bors
are s'o'rry to lose her Iran their
m'id'st and Mr. and Mrs. Dulling - of
Usbbrsn have moved onto the farm'
which Mrs. Robbins left. We we'leo'm'e.
thein into our neighh'oahoad.
Mrs Jas, Allan of Egm'ondville
spent last week at Mrs. D. M'c'Lean's,
hir. and Mrs, Ns. .- :Oarno'ch'an at-
tended the funeral of his aunt, 14rs.
Snrllie of Hen's'all, 'last Thursday.
Theifoll'aw „
e is the t•epoa-t of the
aster examinations, •of S. S. No. 2,
Tr. IV --Olive Smith 84%, Thecla
yataan 4'?. Drrothv.'Deita 80, Edna.
T'vntan 79, Doreen 'Cooper 72.'
Ronald MacGregor 68, Bernard Mc -
Gi1h spie's
Cleaners & Dyers
Phone196w. We cell end deliver
V, 3. Gillespie, Prop.
Lean 5'8:
Sr. 3iL,E1d'is'6n McLean 68%%.
[Jr: IdIh-,Kathileen MacGregor 82,
(MildredDeitz 66, Donald Dlayrtnan 62,
lBlanc'he Watson' 53; Don Cooper
Sr. III -+Esther Day'm'an 74, John
Gibson ,and Billie' Sproat ' 72 (sties),
(Grace Slchillbe 7I1t, ,Kennt'eth Mlc'Kenzie
+66, Marfbri'd Slmlitih 611; ' :Kbt:sbteen
S1ohi'lsbe' 'S8� Ray 'Cooper .(iabseaut),
Giwendolyn'Cosop'er (absent). 1. ' •
Jlr. P -{flack 79, J'eaml tSc'hilhe
60, JoIIe MidKenzieDietz SIL :
JFirst Class - Wilmer Mdc'Gregar
75, Eldred Moffat 73,,•Ron'ald Cold
'well 50, 1B1o:tal a Cooper'. (absent).
Primer - Qldlabel Whitson; ;Wallace
Wlatson, Esther Dlayrnan ; a'nd; tWiim er
MacGne:gor had perfe'c't spei'lvig 'for.
March: Edna Mae Dayman.. and Olive
Smith had two mitilt'ak'es, Pht'pil's hav-
ing perfect arithmetic for ,most " `lays
in March were:' Kenneth : McKenzie,
Dorothy D'e'itz and Doreen 1 Conger.
Nun:her on roll. 51. A'ver'age 1 attend-
ance for (Hardt 28.43.
Jean E. ,MejKenzie,,,Tleacher.
School Report for S. S, No. 9,,
Tucker -smith. Folli'o'win•g are ' the re-
sults of the East'er tests:
ISr. LV. - ;Robert McLachlan 80%%;
lRblbe'nt Gemlmell 712.
Jr. 'DV-'Sltewart ?Jove 08, Glen
'Houston 03.6, Kate Dalrymple 515,
Sr. VIII IJaek ,Mackay 60, Billy
IPolwell 57.6.
Jr. mit - IFnances Elgie 82, Wilk
He'dgert 70, Hellen ,Houston 52, Doris
:Mackay 50
IIII-1BIruce ,Hbldlgert 65.7.
..IT -;Frank Ryan 69 (absent).
(Primer -Jackie Pdwell (very good),
J'an'et R'odgert (very good). i
lH'i'gihest marks abstained' hi Arith-
m'dbi'c-'Rdbert McLachlan 99; spell-
ing -Frances Elgie 416 out. o' 50; his-
tory -Frances Elgie,' 49 out: of 50;
,m'em'ory 'work -(Frances Elgie, 50 out
of 50. 'Nnmlber ,
on•'roll 115. •
g Grieve,.Teachey
Margaret E.�''
The following is the report Of the
Easter estatninatfone of S. S. No. 5,
ISr, IIV--tEdlith Wallace &2%, Doro-
thy •Gel melt 712; Harold Chesney 69,
lArbhur Leylburn'e .68.
IR. IV -Ethel Chesney 156%%, Rolbert
'Patri'ck 05. i,
'ISr,' Ifili W.oi+den Haney 212%%, Arn-
old Archibald 67, Grace Wallace 60.
Jr, I,Ii1-ljoh'n Oldfield 7.9%%,' Gordon
IMacdonald 71%%, Hla'zelll iM'clNaegihton
ISr• UI -Marie Williams .64%%, Mur-
ray Williams .53.
Ur. I11'-1C1air Heaney 72%, Shirley
.0lkilfield )70, Pearson i,C'he'sney 64 f
John, Patrick
60, Donald
Wallace ae 40.
,I-JR'obert Wallace ,78%, Jahn Rice
76, Harald McNaughton 03..
Alice M, Archibald, Teacher.
The Alpril ,meeting of the Tucker -
smith Ladies' 'Club was 'held at ,the
home of 'Mrs. 'Howard Crich: The
roll call was answered by "Little Cour-
tesies Worth Knowing, and Observ-
ing." A reted'ing on coantelsy was given
by, R. 'Fear, 'The .topic for .the
,month w•as What is a •M'odern Wife's
'Most Difficult !Problem?" ',Read'ings"
were 'gi'ven by iMns. F. 'Walter; Mrs.
A. Pepiper, .Mrs, 1G. McGregor and h
Iharnllonioa selection by Mrst. J. Turn-
er, The ,nexit meeting will he held at
the'home 'afMrs. F. Townsend 'on'
'May'10th. The Holl call to be answer-
ed 'by an exchange .o;f sli•ps•, bulbs Oe
seeds, Mrs, Allen Of ,B'ruerifi:eil'd' is to
give an 'addre'ss on "F1'ora'l 'Culture."
Now Playing
Skyscraper. Souls
Comedy-lLaurei and Hlarcfy in
`County Hospital"
Mon. -Tues. Wed. Apr. 24-25-26
!Geoege Raft Wynne Gibson
!Constance Darlings Mae West
Allison Skipworth
Night After Night
Comedy News Reel
Thurs.-Fri.-Sat, April 27-28-29
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