HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-04-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
The W!1'IJS, of the (United ,Church
held their se:sudar monthly meeting in
the school room or Thursday after-
noon with the President in the chair.
't i E• to
ft , the opening- t eras c ses an as r
e i r
P g
p'rogtam was ,given consisting of the
ealllowing:.piano solo, Eleanor :Fisher,
:devotional leaflets, read by Mrs, A.
Sianelair; duet Mrs. . Sh,err'itt and Mrs,
Hess The study on "A ,Half a Can-
Bury," was given by Mrs. MacDonald
and Mrs. Carlile. The visiting com-
mittee repioated' malting Z2 calls and
!found two in bed. The nneetling •closed`
With a hymn and :prayer,
IThe ,A'rtvdld iChicle of the Cannel
Presbyterian ,Ohurdh'held their meet-
ing at .the Nome of Mrs, Harry Arn-
old on Thursday. A good, program
wigiven and a ,p'l'easant time spent.
1 e ` mural meeting of the 1Horti+cu'1-
tural S cietytawas heedein'the town Mali
on Friday evening hen, 'election o'f
officers took place resatlting as+follaws
Pres., Dr, Moir; 'Hon Pres., Nathan
Peck; vice pres., !John 'Zu'efle; secret
:eery, Rev. 1W, A. Young; treas., Mrs.
ijo'hn Elder, directors, Mrs. C. A, Mic-
Donald, R. .1.sOo'les, Rev, M. B. Park-
er, Dr. I'van'Smillie; Dr. G'o1'lyer, IMtrs,
S. Merner, Mrs. Fred' 'B'ant'hron, Mars.
lS, Cudtnore, Mrs, H. Arnold, Miss
Amy Reynolds, Miss 'Hattie Suther-
land, Archn.elRowdliffe and Geo, Hess;
*editors, Misses Emma Johnston and
!Ethel Murdock,
:Mrs. ,(iDr.) Reid of Part Rowan is
visiting her parents here for a few
The 'W'eifare Youth Club of the
'Carmel Presbyterian' Church held a
very enjoyable 'evening an. Monday
when they entertain'e, the young
people of the Cava?? Presbyterian
Church. Exeter. The first part of the
program •which was presided aver by
Mr. Cochrane was given by the Exe-
ter ,Society and consisted of a duet by
Miss Weekes and Mrs. Sillery; selec-
tions by a kitchen orchestra; solo by
11'fr, Raye Pryde; reacting, Miss Stan -
bury and a chorus by six ladies, after
which the IHensall program was given
with Mr. Young as chainman: selec-
tion by Jim Mustard on the guitar
and Miss Blanche Mustard accomp-
anist; solo, ...Mrs. Jas. Paterson, quar-
tette, Jas. Bengough, Irene Daters,
'Mr. and Mrs. Young; reading, Mrs.
Verne Hedden; duvet, Margaret and
Harry Dougall; duet, Mabel W'ork-
m'an and Irene 'Hoggarth; solo, Mr.
Young and an address by Rev. Mr.
Rhodes of Exeter, after 'which cion -
tests were indulged in and lunch serv-
(Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached very
acceptably in :the United ;Church on
Sunday last and Mr. Thos. 'S'herri:tt
rendered a very pleasing solo in mem-
ory of those who fought in the 'battle
of Vimy Ridge, 116 years ago.
'Miss Jennie Martz left Sunday for
her home in New Baltimore after a
pleasant visit with friends .here.
Miss Jean Bonthion of London
spent the week end at her home.
Special services are being held in
the United Church each evening this
week, closing with the usual prepara-
tory servise !Friday .night.
Mrs. Thos. Parlmer spent the weak
end with friends in London,
• Mr, Harvey Hudson visited over
the week end with friends in Landon,
'Mr. Harvey Hudson visited over
the week end with friends in London.
IThe many friends of Mr. A. L.
Case will be sorry to hear he contin-
ues to be very poorly.
'.lir, Lloyd Hudson of Forest spent
the week end at his home here.
Special Easter services will be held
in our local churches 'an• Sunday and
special music is being prepared Inc
the occasion.
'As we are aboup'to send in'our bud-
get of news this week we learn of the
death of Mrs, ;Samuel (Smillie, one of
our oldest and most respected citiz-
ens. Since the death of her husband,
the late Samuel Smillie, some thirty
years ago, she has made her home
with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Tapp.
She has been an invalid for the past
25 years. Mr. Alexander Smillie of
Toronto, formerly of 'Tuckersmith, is
a son of the deceased and Dr. Smil-
lie a'f Hensall, a grandson.
Death of Mrs. :Samuel Smillie, -
The death occurred here on Monday
evening of Mrs. Samuel Smillie, one
Hensall's oldest and most respect-
ed residents at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. John Tapp. Mrs.
icmillie has been an invalid for over
25 years. Her maiden name was Eliz-
abeth, Gray and she was barn in
Scotland 5 years ago, coming to this
'country when a young girl. Her hus-
band, the late Samuel .Smillie, pre-
deceased her some 25 years ago. She
leaves to mourn her loss ane sop
Alexander Smillie of Toronto, and
one daughter, Mrs, John' Tapp of
1Eensall, 3 brothers, John Gray, Dr.
Jas. Gray and Alexander Gray, all of
Toronto, and a sister, Mrs, Jas. Carn-
ochan of San Fernando, California.
Mr,. Henry Horton has said his
,ferns an th'e 3rd cotteession of Tucker -
smith which he recently took back
'from the Robins estate to :Mr, Oscar
ID'il'ling. Mr, Horton took Mr. D'fll-
datg's 50 acres, south half of lot 9,
2nd Con. of Usborne, fn part pay-
ment. We understand Mr. Horton has
rented the 50 acres to Glenn Bread -
,foot who will work it this au'nutnet.,
The Hensall Spring Show. was held
here an Tuesday ,afternoon, and in
s'pi'te of the wet weather a large
crowd was presentt. There were some
splendid horses and cantle shown.
Main street was roped off and the
horses were shown on the p.aveh'uen!t.
Some of the classes were particularist
fine. There were. 31 entries of cattle.
and the animals were a credit. Mr.
'Win. Charters of Seaforth was .the
judge of cattle Mr. Wm. L. Moesotp
•of St. Marys, jud'ge'd the horses. Mrs.
IA. B. Weber of Kitchener, who teak
the first .prize as lady driver, had 'a
very nbee outfit.
'The following is the prize list;
H'ors'es--lA!ged Clydes'd'ale Stallion--
tallion-'1st and 2nd, Rabt. Murdoch. Stand
and Bred S'ballton-'1'stt, Wm. ,B'eru'y,
Heavy Draft Mare in foal-!Lsit, R. J.
ISco!ht, 2nd. Alex. Wright: Gelding or
'filly foaled h 1930--111st Stuart Mc -
Victor Jeffries, 3rd, L, Murray. Keys.
tiDnaf�t or Agricultural foals, $ts!t and
21i+d, D. FolNhw�in'gliaatt. Draft Team --
'list Jas. S'co'tt, 2nd, Ken, iVLC:Kellar.
Agricultural Mare in foal -'1st Alex,
:Wright, 2nd NLattTiuney, 3rd 'W. S,
li a ]-
IBn adfo!ot. Gelding r fill A „ n
.o I o
g �' ( g'
tivtlal)JLst Alex, 'Wright, Ltd Jahn
!Glenn, 3rd' John Glenn. Agrrculltur,ai
Gelding or Sadly foaled is ,1+9a!1'-'llslt D.
IFolNheringh4vm & Sem. Agricu,'lltu�r'a'1
(Team, list R J. Scott, end Dr. Moir,
3rd Sam Hendrick, Genera'] Purpose
team -and and 2nid, Wm, Decker,
'Single carriage Horse, 1st 'and 2nd,
A. B. Weber, Kitchener; 3rd E. J.
(GVlillent. Road team-lNsat Wm. Me-
tGuire. Roadster or Carriage fall, list
Earl Dietz, 2nd Jlolhn Ingram:
iSlweelpsbake for roadsters - A. B.
iYV'eb'er, Kiltchene'r. Champion Drat.t
'or Agricultural mare or gelding, any
age-•1!st R. J. Scott, end Alex. Wright
Saul Jas. Scott, 4th R J. ,Scott.
'Tow'nshi'p Psizos-!llslt Hibbert, Jas
Scott; 2nd Tuckerslmlith, Alex, Wright
• Single Raa'dsltens�-list P. B. Weber,
2nd, Dr, Campbell', 3rd, A. B. Welber.
Geiger's special .prize for champiosa
draft stabluon�list; .Rolb't, Murdoch
John P,ass'm!one'�s special pnize of be's't
gen'tbem'an:'s turn out, A. B. Welber,
!Garnet Case special, best .•lady driver,
Mrs. A. B. Weber.
+Gaitele.-Angus bun ica'hved in 19110
ar '!ober-lest W. �' DlougaNl, 2nd Bert
Cow-Ls�t Bert K'lropp,
(Shorthorns -Aged Butt •�'Oes'brich-
er Bros„ .l'fe']vin Traquair.Bu'Il calved
in 1'930c -'R. N. Peck, Oesltni�cih•er
Bros. Caw-'Oes!Grieher Bso's., Bedt
Perk. Heifer under, two years - lust
and 2n!d, Oestricher Bros.
:Hereford - Aged Bvdd - Howard
'Wright: B'u'N calved tat 1930 ar later -
John Hirtzil, Howard Wright. Cow-
S3'aw*ard Wright, O'Neil Bias: Heifer
udder 2 years, Ise and 2nd-•10'�T'e
(Bros. Butcher steer or heifer -O'Neil
Bros. Baby beef -'O'Neil Bros., Ho'w-
ard' Wright, Oestri'ch,er Bros. Dairy
'Cow- (any breed)-'Jrohm Ingram.
Champion Shorthorn female, any
age, silver cup -donated by Dr, Col-
lyer -Won. in 1931 by R. N. Peck, in
1193L••-i0'estric'her Bnas., and' '9313'3 -
'Oestt'cher Bros.
W:M:S.-The April meeting which
was held in the school roam was in
charge of Circle N'o. 4. Mrs. Finlay-
son, leader ,of the Circle, presided. Mins
John .Bell took the Bible lesson. Mrs.
Sinclair led in prayer. The subject for.
study was A Half .Century of Mis-
sions, taken from the fast chapter of
"His Dominion of Canada," by Dr.
'Oliver. A number of the lad'des assist-
ed in this part of the 'programme.
Mrs. Henderson read ,the devotional
leaflet. The monthly temperance study
reviewed the history of temperance
reform in Canada, concluding with
the challenge ,off .a hard task for the
sake of the blaster. Mrs, Cooper and
Mrs. Monteith were appointed . dele-
gates to the Presbyterial which meets
at Thames' Road on April 25th..
Mission Band.=The 'boys an'd girls
of th:e Geoid Mission Band 'met ie the
school room on Saturday efterno•on
for their regular monthly meeting.
The president, Edison M'dLean, pre-
sided. IThe programme 'was• specially
interesting with its Easter 'hymns and
the story of Easter joy. The Watch
Tower was taken by Dorothy Deitz,
Blanche 'Watson, Edison MciLeatn,
'T'heda Watson, and Margaret Mc-
John Black and John McDougall,
the Canadian Missionary Heroes, who
helped to lay 'the foundation of the
United Church land the coming of the
British were the sub'jeots for the
:St. Andrew's United Church held
their Communion Service on Sunday
morning last with a largecrowd in at-
tendance. Miss Jean !Lviaon sang a
solo, "The Palms," and a trio was al-
so sang by Miss Pen'foid, Mrs. and
::lir. J. J3. M•dLean, "The (Jove .that.
Won" Bah numbers were much en-
On Sunday next special Easter ser-
vices .will he held in St..Andrew's Un-
ited Church. The choir ,are preparing
special Easter musk foe the occasion,
The Young People's 'Society of St.
!Andrew's United Ohurdh are showing
lantern slides appropriate for the Eas-
ter season on Friday evening (Good
Friday) night, ,April 14th, at 8 o'clock
which all' are invited to attend'. These
slides are quite interesting and will be
much enjoyed by all. Come and see
Wil jam, Cameron has returned to
,Detroit after spending the winter at
his hone here.
SW. Md.Cltnchey 'was 'here a iew
days last week with his p'aren't, Mir
and Mrs, H. McClindhey and • return
ed to Detroit Sunday.
i,4rs.' Charles Weston went No De-
troit Sunday' with W. M'eabi:n!chey;
and will visit relatives there.
1Ir, and Mrs. Win. Jowett and
daughter Grace aprive4• 'home Mon-
day after spen'd'fhg the winter in'
Florida. 'Miss 'Ella s1BKa;y fs yislfitng her;
sister in Toronto this week.
James 'Cathing of Port Stanley, was;
the guest of his grandmother, Mrs.'
James 'Sturgedat, a few .days last'
week .
illus, Wiregosfhe and. daughter Mary
left fior 'Wind'sor Tuesday where they
will visit Mr.. and Mos...Men Pye.
IThe annual Masquerade Carnival;
and dance under the ampry'ods of Btay-!
'field Agricul'tunal 'Soc'ie'ty is to be held
in bhe ,Town Hall an Wcdnesdaly ev-
ening, April 191tia Prizes are offered
for various co'stum'es (see ` bills) and
a good time is •expected. ,Music Will ,be
g died' by the variety orchestra.
Lunch. will be served.
(Remember that commencing Easter
,S'unday service each Sun'd'ay win be at
11'1 am. and so throughout the sum-
mer at Trinity Church. There wilt be
noecia:l Easter musk. Sunday ,sehlaoi
(Ewan. Gelding or f>ldy foaled in. d193i1 will be at ten o'clock.'
-list D. Fotheringlvam and Sons-, '2n!d Want and For Sale ,Ad's. t time, 25a
Red Clover
Sweet Clover
'Catholic Women's League The
following is a sumlmaty of the annual
report of the St, Columb'an Catholic
Women's League', which' , has been
sub'm'itted by the secretary, Miss Ter-
esa Lynch. The report pointed • out
,that (despite t e• depress•iion the s'ulb
division under the capable leadership
of Mra, William Dorsey is able to re-
port an • exceedingly sucoess'fuf year.
Twelve mon'thl'y meetings were held
and were presided over 'by the prsid-
en't, while the executive ,convened :four
times..The first vice ,pre'si'dent, Mrs. P.
Jordan, reported 100 members. The
means of realizing 'finan'ces ,featured
many social functions, inclu'din'g
card ,parties, ticket sale's on gni'lts and
a garden 'party, all of which, were well
supported. The second vice-president
reported- $14.06 spent on educational
work, while ,the third vice-president,
Mrs. P. V. 1+IdGrath, reported $147
spent on social service ,work. ;Mrs. D.
Cronin gave a very, .encouraging re-
p'o'rt on child welfare. The treasurer
reported the total proceeds of the
year $6511:181, the expenditures $5172.4'1,
leaving a balance .on hand of $79.40.
Miss Angela :Burke gave the magazine
report and Mrs., Jahn Shea the Purga
taria'l Society report. The pastor is
assisted in all parochial work and the
needy of the pariah supplied with
food and clothing. The foreign mis-
sions are assistbed by donations and
cancelled, stamps. Brooks are .donated
each year to the school libraries and
literature shipped to foreign missions.
A sdholar..s'hip of five dollars is given
th'e pupil of the parish obtaining the
highest marks at Entrance, Mount
Hope and Moun'tSt. Joseph are rem-
entbered by generous donations. Ten
dollars per national per capita tax is
paid, three ,dollars sent to the budget
fund while several o't'her worthy
causes received assistance. The audi-
tors 'were Mrs. Peter Maloney and
Mrs, .'Wilfred .Maloney, 'who found the
books correct. At the close of the
meet'i'ng the el'ecti'on of officers took
place with the fol'low'ing result:' Hon-
orary Chaplain, Rev. 3. Dantzer; past
president, Mins. W. !Dorsey; .president,
Mrs. Joseph Stapleton; lst vice presi-
dent, Mrs. P. ;Jordan; 2nd vice presi-
dent, Mrs. le. Murray; '3rd vice .presi-
dent, Mrs, P. V. M'dGra'th;corr, sec.,
Miss Teresa Lynch; recording secret-
ary, Miss Grace Moylan,
A card party under the auspices of
the tC.l'l .L, will be held in the hall on
Wed'nesd'ay .evening, April 119th.
New Ground
24 Choice Varieties 24
;Strong, vigorous ;plants with 'un-
excelled root system, grown on
new land cleared and broken uo
two years ago.
Tree and Bush Fruits
A complete, assortment for the
home garden and commercial
Hundreds of varieties of the
choicest ornamental „ trees,
shrubs, vines, roses, .perennials,
gladioli and dahlias.
Send for free 52 page catalogue
Port Burwell, Ont.
Do'n''t wait till the 24th of May if
you need seed ;potatoes, as prospects
are for a sdarci'iy and higher prices by
then. Our stack is getting low, so or-
der now. :Price 90c per bag Extra
No 1; or small egg size, 65c per bag.
White Sweet Clover .seed, $2,00 per
I3u16 9
PainfulP iles
Go 'Quick -:No ,butting --No 'Salves
Itching, bleeding or protruding
piles go quickly and don't come back,
i1 you really remove the cause, Bad
blood circulation in the lower bowel
and hemorrhoidal veins causes piles:
by making the affected parts weak,
flabby, almost dead. 'Salves and sup-'
posi'tories fail because only an in-
ternal medicine that stimulates the
circulation and drives .out 'the impure;
brood ca nactually correct bhe cause of
piles. Do. J. S. ILeon!hardlt discovered,
a real internal Pile remedy, Alter
prescribing it for 1,00'0 patients- •with,
success in over 900 'cases, he named.
it HEM-ROID, Chas, 'Aberhart and/
druggists everywllitere sell CHEM -
ROID Tablets with gua'r'antee they,
will end your Pile 'misery or money
Mies Lydia Beit spent a few clay's
alt Bhe week end with her grand gaz-
Mr. and Mas. Robert Ferris.
A4r, and Mrs. 'A, N. Beacons - and
family eniteaNaimed Grey frien'd's rec-
ently. s
rllr, and Mrs. A. W..MicElwieug spent
Saturday in Stratford.
Mrs. Win. Masoat olf MgKielop spent
a few 'daay;s. last 'week with her Aster -
in -law, Mrs, Mrts, A, Brigham,
Knox Broehers had the misfortune
to lose their Sine pio]'iee •dtog.
IMr, Leslie Knox :sp'ent Thursday VI"'
ening last' week alt the home of his
aunrt and uncle, Mr. .and •'Mrs, I. Rap
:Quite a numlber from these parts:
attended the Sleafo'rth and Clinton
Banns last weelc. +!
The April ,Ladle's' Aid and W,iM.IS.
meetings of Burns' United Church
was Held at the biome of the Misses
Atgnes. and Je'a'n Harrilbout '1!as!t Wed.:
afternoon with a golold"attenda'n'ce ,can-
sddereng • the roads. The W.M.S. •pro
gnam!me was in charge of the Jean
IHamilton group.
Miss Levin'a .Kntox is holidaying at
the home oif her ilea:re'n!ts, Mr. and Mrs:
T, Knox.. •'
IMr• Jlohn L. Knox is spending a
few. ,day's salt the. %ho'm'e of Mr, I, Rap-
son and helping in the syrup buslh,
The 'foll'o'w'in'g is 'the school report
o:f'S.IS. No. '6, ilivll'et't, for the months
ofsFebru'ary and March.
ISe. IV. IIvha Shannon 717.3%, Ida
Leiper 77.2, 'Willie Taylor 76.
IJr. DV.-Wilmsa 'Shep'h'erd &6%, Jim
M'oEwin'g 79, Watson Reid 60.
!Sr.''I0I.-Gordon McGregor 73.
I11r. ISI( -'Laura Leiper 62.
'IB.-iAOvin Nicholson :60.5.
ILA. -Ross Leiper 717%, Jean Rap-
son 76.
Pr. -!Archie
•IThe pupil winning the most stars in
spelling during the. two months was
Gordon McGregor.
Lydia L. Reid, Teacher.
The regular monthly meeting of
Marna Unitedl Women's iMis'si!onery
Society,met in the church on, Wednes-
day, 'Alpril 5th at 2:30 ;pm.(Miss Ber-
tha Diehl had charge of the ,first part
of the meeting. The Scripture ie.s,son
was John 20, 1', 2, 11418. It was decid-
ed' to hold +handkerchief shower in
May for the 'b'azaar. IThe ,shb'wer of
towels 'for'April were handed in. Miss
!Bertha Diehl and Mrs. !Wm. Stephen-
son •were appointed delegates to, at-
tend the Presbyterial at Thames
Road. It'was .,d'ecided oto hold .the Eas-
ter 'Than'ko'ff'ering service the week
after Easter. Mrs. Wm. Stephenson
and Mrs, 'Fred Reid gave interes'tin'g
readings, ;folio wed by a solo 'by 'Mrs.
M!COlynvont, "When .the Pearly Gates
Unfold," which was math en'joyed.
Mrs, Ralph Stephenson gave 'a splen-
dlid taik on. "'Sacrifice," choosing as
her su'bjec't ""Jeptha's Daughter."
Mrs. A. McConnell gave an account
of the early settlements in Canada
•froth the study (book, "His 'D'ominion
of Canada." 'Mas. (S'parro'w was chosen
to select the Scripture lesson for 'the
'next meeting. The quilt blocks were
handed in. The 'meeting closed by the
singing, :f a'hymt and prayer,
The farmers are getting on the
land. S'a'ne have started 'pl'ou'ghing,
The syrup season is drawing to a
close, while we look forward 'to a
good run of sap at Easter season.
Mr, John Dawson Inas purchased
the Mitchell 'Barri, Babylon line, com-
pris•ing 80 acres, far the sin of $2,'10.0.
'The song athe frog has been
'h,eard. We w'elcom'e froggy as it's a
sure sign of Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank 'Coleman have
moved this week to their new 'home
in 'Hensa'll.
Mr. Chas. 'F. Pilgrim has treated
hi'm'self to a radio.
Miss A. J. Keys and 0Miss 'Emily
Keys have ,returned home alter spend-
ing the winter with their sister at Bar-
Mr, Percy Johnston is at present
taking treatments in ILo'ndlon.
'A preparatory and reception ser-
vice will be 'held in the United :Church
on :Friday evening of this 'week and
on the 'following 'Sunday evening
there will he the IFaster service and
sacrament of 'the 'Lord's'Supper.
..:L.ses Eye, -The many friends of
Mr, 'Harvey Pollee. will sym'p'athize
with him itt the foss• of his 'left eye
which was removed by an operation
in Victoria Hospital an Saturday last,
Mr, Pollen was sltruek inthe eye with
a puck while attending goal at a hook-
ey game in the local ring on !Feb. 10.
Since that time he has undergone
treatment in Victoria hospital but af-
ter a final examination on Saturday,
the doctor advised immediate removal
of the eye, Miss Margaret J'o'hns RN.,
was in attendance.
A Splendid 'Play. -The' three act
comedy. Timmy JBe Careful" peat on
in the Exeter 'opens house by the:
Clinton players ,under the auspices of
the f'umon'd'ale Women's Institute on
Friday evening was well• performed.
The charaobers took their parts well
and some especially so. The p1ay was
of a very whoilesotne nature inter-
spersed with 'hu'mor and those present
enjoyed a real 'treat d'espit'e the roads
and weather cohdlittons.
Repeated. -The !heautiful religious
drama entitled "the bream of Ester,"'
was repeated;_ in lames St. . "limited
Chmreb on Thursday , even'in'g, April'
The young People 'off J'aines St.
Un'ite'd 'O1-tardh vis•rted the .young
people cif Main street United Church
en M+onnd'ay evening lasit Altera de-,
11chtttfti'I 'musical prc,gramtnme Rev. Mr
aave a talk on the orotlem'
F 11;4.. He, narticuilarly stressed, n P
fact thait whatever 'proifession a man
might chrose, there wss always
room fn's' cnod men et the top,.A1-
,er es batisi iiuf, repast Of coffee, wal-
e-irisesand rake the evenin''- ,,.
trawn to a 'cl'ose ,with Rev. Me, Ell -
'i tt pronouncing the benediction.
Cash Prices Only
per roll • .
VARNISH .. quart 69c
'per"b:abtle a7�7
PAINT per'elutantQIF
Best quality, SWEAT Q
PADS each 4.47.1‘4.•
WORK B.00"f;S!
COFFEE, pounld ..
OLA'RKIE. - Int .lo•ving memory of I
M'r4 Eleanor Clarke who p'aslsed away
i4.p:rrl 114, 1932.
tDleep in the 'heart lies' a picture,.
Of a lowed one laud to rest;
bit metnlory's .frame we shall keep it,
IBecause sh'e was ,one of the ,be's't:
-Sadly missed by Mr. -and Mrs,
Geo; (Clarke and 'Falmi'ly,
Mrs. ,Robert T. El'gie .and faximily
wislh .;to ex'pre'ss their sincere thanks
to the large n'um'ber of friends who,
by their many acts' elf kindness du'r'ing
the long .illness 'and aecent death o'f
Me. Elg!ie, were ,a source nI real com-
fort to us in our sorrow.
White 'Leghorn 'Chicks for sale.
Chicks 'bred' from Queen Alexandria.
Sanatorium Farm 'Stook, Byron, Ont.
From the 10010 binds kept on our
Lakeview Poultry Farm, Dashwood,
we gathered 1'000', large white cheeky
eggs daily during ache month of Dec-
ember. Chicks ,from this date until
May lot, 8 -cents; after that, 7 cents
each. Ph'one 27171W, Sea:forth. R.
Washing wanted to do in any own
ho'm'e. Quilts and .bedding especiaul'ly,
r•eas'oualbl'e rates, satisfaction guaran-
teed, goads called: far and delivered.'
'OE ,Farm Stock and ,(implements,
on Lot 24, Con. 4, LBS., Tucker -
smith, on Tuesday, April'4'Sth, 19313.
(Horses -1 black mare, 112 years old;
;1 bay Morse, 7 years ,old; '1 bay driv-
ing ,mare, 'aged 13 years, ladies' driver:
,Figs -3 'chunks, 1 saw due to 'far-
row 115th May, 7 • ''h'unuks.'
cattle. 1 now 4 years old, due to
freshen July 0r; A oo'w 4years old, clue
iSep't, 6; 1' cow 4 years old, due to
freshen Aug. list; 2 yearling heifers, 3
s'ix month old calves, 1 yearling steer,
+1 pure bred Dur'h'am' bulls 1' steer
i'ng'2 years old, 1 h'ei'fer rising 2 years
:Poultry. -3S hens, 4 ducks, 2 drakes.
Implements. -1' hay loader, '1' seed
drill, 1 walking plow, I rub''be'r tire torp
(buggy, .1 yortland cutter, ti wagon, 11'
set of sloop slei'gh's, 1"Glinton fanning
mill, 1 set Of scales, w=eighing
the., 1' good wheelbarrow almost new-;
1 grain crusher, d 'Overland touring
car, 119`5 model, in a1' condition; grain
-about 200 'bushels' df clean oats,
goad enough for seed, quantity of ti-
mothy 'seed, 4 lo'a'ds good timothy and
alfalfa hay. 'H'arn'ess -1 set single liar-
mess, 1 set ,d'ou!ble harness. Other
smaller articles too numerous 'to 'men-
Terms. --Strictly cash, must he set-
tled for night ,Of sale. Geo. H. Elliott,
Auctioneer; W. JAS. ,BIR!OWIN, Prop.
Easter Monday, April '17th, Best of
music. 'Gent's. 29c, ladies 11'0,c. No danc-
ing on Good 'Friday night,
Tenders 'wild he received until :April
27th, 1933, at :3 o'clock .pans, for oper-
ating I3'trl'lett Township crusher end
also maoving. 'Con'trac'tor to find. tpo'wer
for same. (Crusher to 'be run 280 rev.
per 'minu'te. Tenders must state price
per yard and to 'be ,crus'hed to ''elle sat-
isfaction''o!f ,the (Council.
(Tenders for trucking the gravel
Frans the ,crusher will also be received
at 'the same :time, per yard mile,
SATS. W. Mc1OcOiL, Clerk.
lAn article relating the romances of
a wealthy chap With a poor ta'i'bor`s
daughter and his mo'ther's maid
which started like the old fairy tale--
ale-haat ended not a bit like it. One olf the
many features, next Sunday, in The
American Weekly, distrli!buted with
Tih'e Detroit 'Sunday Times, •
Barred Rock
Baby Chicks
From High -Producing Stock. $S a
Order in advance
J. C. McNAY,
"Henoctacy" is The term that the
Illinois College of 'A'gricu'lture appli'e's
to the new system u'n'der 'w'hic'h hens
are, kept in individual metal coops, as-
sembled in- battery 'fortn, ,It is report-
ed that at Miami, Florida, [for example
60,000 laying hens have been Placed in
batteries, in a •1500-roon hotel. The
hen is even. 'deprived of an,ap'portun-
i!tyrto admire her eggg, 'for 'as 'soon as
the egg Is laid tit i- lIis but ,of Ih'er
sight into a gathering trough.
Car Licenses issued, also "Trailer!.'
Licenses up to 2,000 lbs.
Some little pigs for sale, four weeks.
old. LORNIE S, WIEBt;fTER,. 1.5
Choice I young York Sows for sale,.
'bred; also three young Jersey cows,
•due this month. A. W. laIcEW'IINIG,.
phone 238, 'B'iyt14. Loft 8, Com. '.13,
EuOlett, ;14. .
lOne set of double 'breeching 'Far
nese Inc,sale cheap. ;HARVEY H4J'L-
tLIEY, 'Seaforth IRR. 11, 'Phone 237n12.
A quantity of Yelbaw (B'l'ossom.
Sweet Clover, Government ,Grade No -
2. Also some .timothy and a'lsrke mix-
ed, No. 3. Lot 15, 'Con. •114, A'1'cKilbop;
Siea'fonth .phone 243 r 25. NORVAL
ST'1v1'ORE. 16
,Gxass farm of fifty 'acres, on. the-
tfottrt'h con'ces'sion roll .Hibbert; wind-
mill; drilled well; ,Pots of water. WilI
!rent for the sea'sbn, or ;will consider-
onsider,grassing cattle Inc the season. Apply
to DIAAN BIAIRMIY, iSea'for'th. 116s
IGo'od disc seed 'drill, 1113' discs; near-
ly vs good as new; cheap. (Apply
r. 3. 'flue 1, ,R.IR, 2 Seaborth, Ont.
70 acres, 'Dolt 19, Concession 3, Hay
Town:sib1p, 1'% ,miles sbu''thewe's't of
Hens'ai. Never failing spring creek.
Would rent all or part. (Apply to.
Ont. 16
MOH. seed dirill, 10 disc, nearly new;.
also bay gelding '3 years .old, broken.
W, MONTGOMERY, Phone 234
r Ll. 115.
'Flooring time is (here again. Get
our !price on .an oak 'floor for any
roam or room's. 'Old floors roughed'
off free before we lay late new one, 'on•
complete jobs.
We 'specialize in resurfacing -old'
HARRY W. HART, 'Pho'n'e 224w .
(White S'w'eet Clover Seed, Timothy
seed; 0 A,''C. N'o. 7¢ oats for seed:
Standard 're -'cleaned screenin'g, wheat,
mixed grain, oats, buckwheat, corn,
Mobassine meal, barley. Evergreen'
spruce trees ready Inc transplanting.
Arrangements .made for delivery , of
vain and feeds. MCIK!ENZIIE'IS'
OIR. Phone 25.
• IWe will have from ,time to time a
'quantity of fiou'r-week-old cockerels
both !Legltorns and Rocks, at bail -gain.
prices. Also stanbeld clhicks. Call and'
see us or p'hon'e 413711. SIUNINY!VIALE'.
IPOLALTIRIY FAIRM, S'e'a'foirth, Ont..
(From (high .producing S.C. White
'Leghorn Hens. These are large size
eggs, good' ,shape and 'calor. Thies
stock is froth the Toni Barran and
Ferries strain with records from. 225'
to 300 eggs. Prices reasonable. WM.
R•U'TLLIEDGIE•,"Seafort'h r:r. 2, Clintorr'
Phone 6116r2.
IW'heat,' per busker 45c-50t-
5c-50nWheat,per bushel '..... , ..�..
Oats, per .bus'heT 32c'
B'uckwhe'at, per',bushel 345c
Eggs, per dos ........ ..
Butter, ,per '1618c
Poltatees'pe:r bus. 60c
(Hogs, per -dist --- , .. 04.85-