HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-04-13, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1933 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE 4sPro ;EASTER 'SPECIALS AT IS'UIPIERTO!R STORES 1Apprapi iate Easter Floods are 'b'ein'g 'featured at your Sup- •.error .'Stare this :week end et 'attractively low ;prices. Take ad- vantage of itlhe extra savings offered' on these well-known, nationally advertised food •products by -shopping last your ;Superior 'Store •to-d'ay. Rememlber our ,slogan— WE'ISIELL THE BEST FOR BLESS 'Specials ;for one week. 'SUNLIGHT SOAP 47 c per +calae'—ec. 10 ;bans.. ... . 'STANDARD TOMATOES, 'large W's per tin 8c HILL/CRAW SHORTENING Vs 11 c GRAPE -NUTS +F,L'AKIE.S 2 pkgs. 21 c MOLAREN1S IINVINCIBLE JE'L'LY POWDERS 6c ' per pieg v .MAXWiELL HIOUISE COFFEE 1'>; 43c Aylmer Pork Beans 1 UC large tins 1 Aylmer Diced Carrots, tin l0c Dutch Sett 'Oni'on's Red Rose Tea, special54 2 lbs. 19c • 1'b. 23C Educator Cheese Thins, or Wheat 'Dh.in'sies 6 oz. pkgs. 114c Crosse `•& IBhckwell's (Pork •& -Beans 3 tins 25c 'K•raft Salad •.Dres's'ing 112 oz. 23c M'cCorni'iak's Fig Bar ;Biscuits per lb. 15c Keen •s 'Mustard.... ... . ......... ..1,4's -25c; /'s.... 49c Fry's ,Cocoa /'s 23c 'Swee't ,Santa ,Clara 'large a lbs. 25e entail 3 lbs. 25c :1Vanyflowers 'Toilet ,Soap 4 'cakes 25c Baker's 'Premium Cocoanut %'s pkg. lOc Ivory ;Soap 'Flakes per ipkg. 9c Libby's Sarver Kraut, large tins' • . e 'Far 19c 'McCormick's Easter 'Chocolates 1 lb. 29c Hawes (Floor Wax, paste.Ii's 43c Hawes ,Lenton Oil large bottle 23c White Cross 'Toilet Paper 2 rolls 25e Baker's Premium lOh'ocolate • %'s -15c; Ws 25c Welch's 'Grape Juice--ppi'nt bottles 29c 'with (Certo melees .delicious Jelly' Aylmer Golden....�'P-') Bantam Corn Z5 2 tins AylmerWholeKernel Corn 2 tins 33c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEAR'S Always Good Quality A Service that creates • Confidence • and a Dependable • Reputation Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and • higher` market prices • for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and, paid for while you wait. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. • Walker rs FUNERAL SERVICE UN'D,ERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. W'ALK'ER; holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished .Night or day phone 67 Ontario= Sends 302 'Entries to. Regina 2490 , 'entries received by'the IOif the e World's 'Grain ;Show and C!onfereu'ce at Regina on•the closing date, 302 were from 'the Province df (Ontario. A • f he Ontar- io d t Martin'Secretary H a io Cotnniiittee states that the classes receiving the heaviest en.ry'fromOn- tario are: Red clover, 29 ,entries-; al - Mice 26: white win -ter 'wheat,116: rued'- iun or tate oats, 114; sly rowed barley, 115; field beans (small white) '13; alf- alfa, .alta, '1Y2. All the leading ,grain and seed exhibitors of the 1Prav6nice have mode one or more entries. D. IL. Sloot't Carleton County, who won the $500 melting barley prize at the '1932 Royal is represented in sev- eral classes, ASid' Mrs. MMary. E. May - cock .off' Prince Edward County, the only woman who 'has ever wan' three iohampion'sihlip.s 'i,n suocetsaian at the Chicago International Grain and .Hay 'Shaw, 'has sent an, excellent sample Of beans. Howard 'Fnal'eigh, M.,P.IP., 'of 'Barest, is represented in the flax sec- tion, 'a'ri'd' 3. H. 'Lam!pman of Riddge- ifowin, A twdnner .at 'Chicago, is • forwfard again with 'bean's. .G. Gdrdidn Finlay, also -of Kent County, winner of the grand 'cleinti !ionsttip in soy'bean's t Chicago last 'year, has' sent an extra ,good sa'Pple to .Regina. 'The 'O'ttawa Valley,,; eel 'County ansi Northern (Ontario' are repre'sente'd with superior 'product, 'and wlhien the j'udgin'g is cotnlpleted there should be •slimeo'od S". mews ,for Ontanio. • The World's• Grain 'Ex'hi!bition, and Conference is hel'; at Ree'na this year, Want and For Sale Ads. 1 time, 25c, TOWN TOPICS. a Mr.. and Mrs. D. 'Reynolds, •who have spent the past 'few months at iLuean, returned to their home here l'asit week. 1Mn'sis. Motile 'Casem'o!re, Mr. George M'uimdle and aim. Allan; MlcLeata of Bellmore were visitors at Uhe h'o'me of Mr. and Mrs. E Mole last week. Gordon Welesterc and Mr. Bale of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Jiohn ;Webster during the week end. Mrs. Wade and 'M'rs Ward' of Stratford attended the fu'n'eral of the late Mrs. F. 1liinrray. ,Mrs Con. Eckant.underwent a ser- ious operation' last Monday in Scott 'Memorial Hoislpttal. ; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays made a brief visit from Detro!iit last Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Monica Des- borough, Who : is at present nursing her mother, Mrs. C. Eckert. 'Miss Elizah;eth Tihompsoin. of To- ronto is sp'enlding over Plaster with 'Mies Helen Lame. Miss Margaret Ross of Tondntb is slpending Easter with her father, Dr. E. H.' Ross. iMr. and Mrs q', W. Archibald and little daughter Elizabeth of 'London, were week -end guests of the farmer's ;pia -rents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Andrew Archi- bald. • - IMr. Will Mc'Ilnitosh, Toronto, spent the . week -end with his mother, M'rs. E. McIntosh, John street. 'Miss' Gretta Ross of Weston was a week -end visitor at the home' of her Parents, Dr. and .Mrs: R. R. Ross. ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and two sons • and Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, all of Part Colborne, spent the' week -end, lot the ihom'e Of Mrs. H. R. Scott. MTS. Herold Best of Toronto s'p'ent ;the week -end at the home of her m'other, Mrs... Wm. Gil'lesdpie, James street. 'At the home of Mr. and. Mrs. W. 'A. Wright, Tames street, a miscel- laneous shower in honor, of. Mifs's Agnes Wright' was held on S'aturda'y afternoon by a number of friends of ,the hri'de-'to-be of this week. IMr. P. Moffat and family are spend- ing the ho6i1d'a'ys, with friends' at ,B'ruce- No bid was received for the farm lot 30, con. 11, McKillop Which was offered„ for sale Wednesday after- noon, in connection with ,the - M'arcin 'estate.. (Mrs. 'William .Ardhibald of Tuek- operation. in ersmcth underwent anperat o the hospital on ,S'aturd'ay morning and is imp'xpvitilg ' nicety: Her daughter, 'Miss Isobel Archibald, R.N., of Tb- ronto, is attending her. Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hays and little son of Font Erie, are spending Eas- ter with the fornier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hays. Mrs. B. Williams returned this week to her home in Stratford after spending the winter with her mother, Mrs. S. Boyd. IMr. Andrew .Stott, Goderieh, st., and IMr, Frank Scott, Btuevale, have re- ceived word of the death of their bro- ther, Mr. Geo. Scott at San Diego, )Cal. One sister also survives. Mr. Will MdDo'wvell . of Colorado, who learned' telegraphing in Ssafonth, died there recently. Me, John •M!c- 1Didw^ell, MdKi11a1p, is the only surviv- ing member 'of the fancily. IMr. and Mrs. Jlamas I. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna attended the funeral of a relative near Aulburn, on Monday: ' 'At the meeting of the subscribers .of the Tuokersntnth Te'lep! bone Sys-. teem.at B+rncelfield an Wednesday, the comm'isslioners were 'appointed: T. G. IShillinglaw, W. Alexander, Win. Mc- Ewen; also auditors, Edwin. Chesney, Alex. McEwen. H'OUS'E BURNED ;Fire which was dis'covered alfter ane. o'clock early Tuesday morning, total- ly destnoyed the frame house' of Mr. Jack Cooper hear ` the town limits south of the C. -N. R. ' 'Wilthfire already at his bedroom door, Mr. Carper, the only occupant, had to make his escape through the bedroom window, when he was awak- ened shortly after 1 arm. to find the 'front section' of 'the house in flames, tutting off• the exit from his down - stair bedroom. 'Running several blocks to a lox at IBiarnatt's corner he turned in an alarm and the fire brigade respon'd'ed quickly for a night call. Thehigh: wind, h'dwever, spread flames through the house in several Minutes. Though the house was completely banned, the •sltable .with hay mow a- bove only a few yards away, and a pile 04 pine stusmlps beside .the house were saved despite the shower Of sparks. IA hoarse in the stable belonging to Mr. J'im 'King was released into a nearby pasture field' and a car also in the stable was •pushe'd• out, ,but the ,peeca'tations were unnecess'ary; The resid'ence olf Mr. Pearson to ;the south was nblt•ctw•se-enough to the direct lineof blowing spanks to be in danger but grass in the ovnh'ardis and .fields for some ddtsltanuce behind the burning house took fire, in places, al- most reac'hin'g the bank of M'odeland's bush. A violent eledtric storm that had been apipraadh'ing from the westfor half anhour suddenly changed the high east wind to a ,gate directly op- posite, carrying the cloud's of sparks oiver the c'nowd' at the .front, and across the street,. • Rain. followed abo.ult five ininutee later and relieved the ,firemen of a dilffculit task. The .stove seam's to be the oniy p+no- bable cause of the fire and :-it was located ablaut midway 'between two 'bed'roioms d1o'wnstains. The ' front half of ih•t; ,house was of two ;rstories and .-the back half,•hra'v- iiug .formerly, been a nearby house, was added to the original, ma'king'a large single story kitchen and wing to the original. Due .to the higtt.'wind and the head- way -the fire gained •noithing' of the house remains .except the wide ce- ment .fo:•unldati!on. under flee •pear por- tion aiid a very small amount o` burnt wood. That the stable escaped was a marvel. When Mr. Qooper a'wa'kened ' the room conta'ini'ng bhe stave was in +flames, cutting off escape by the door. Taking an overcoat and cliot'hes, he climbed out the south Window of his (bedroom which fortunately was down - Stairs. 'Two .trunks of blankets, etc., stored in the back kitchen were taken out of the burning building' by Mr. Cooper,. ;Mir., K'in'g and Mr. Fred M'iller, Nath - lag else remains of the c'ontents. (Returning from ulpatown Mr. Coop- er lit a fine, in the stove made a cup lof tea and retired, closing the drafts, land is unable to understand' .how the afire stanted. He has not decided whe- ther to rebuild. The house, purchased .6eoan his par- ents, neit'her of whom are . notw '4lfy- in'g, had a wide cermet foundation un- der the 'abided section. This' heavy lase. was the second' severe blow witlh in a few ,days, Mr, Cooper having strf- 'feredl the ,d+eath of his brother on Tihueis'dhy. OUR'; 'HIGHLAND 'BAND IS ON PARADE 'OBy Alfred 'Stafford) Our ihighl'a ed 'tanto• is on. parade, 'T'heir durum is an the beat, scotdh.kilts• shidw .tip instead .of p'an bs, IWh•iite shoes adorn their feet; They (follow their conductor up with instrument in hand, Regalia ,e'Ead they hook the part Of Seaforih's hi'ghl'and hand. iQChor ntnlpressive, yes, ;but none the less; When, they do music play, Their nvis'srdn is to thrill and bless, And make our 'hearts (feel .gay. Grand home sweet home, God save the king, lOr rule .Britannia airs, IOr, even yet the'highland fling, tWiidd 'bani'slh gloom and: cares. 'Up main and down o•r to the park, Else to band concert stand, Hard is the ;heant as will not yield, To'musk with .00ninttand; Our band is out to do their hit, Yea, welcome it we will, Our ;band' most truly able is A yearning .heart to thrill. Our highland, band is on parade, (Deserving ,af reinown, Iin every wary it truly is A credit ito aur •town. Like you, ,I give the boys .a 'boast, To 'help them march going, A 'helpful word, a silver gift, Will 'keep them 'going strong. Man shall not live by bread' alone, Is true to -day as yet, So let u's all to it agree, .And not our band forget, I.n 'harmony, there solace is, A living. band will grace, One thing - -is •certain, music canned, Will never take their place. Our 'highland band is .on parade, Each time we them review, .4't heart we are 'compelled to say, They cheer us up, they do; In gratitude I pen this verse, On purpose this to say, IEncoairage them, as citizens, Onnr-highdamd band is an parade; 'And Seaforthites they -be, Their music sweet as- is .homemade, ISheufd-strong appeal to thee. (White silver ;bright, or yellow gold, Most -truly I have none, But : in the 'writing.,af this poem, II give gift number one. BURIN THIOMEPSION — Iut Scott ,Menaionia1 'Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs , Elgin Thompson, B'rucefield, on Thurs- day, April 6, a son. GRUMMIF1TT, — In S'co'tt Memorial 'Hospital, on April 4th, 1933, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gruinmett, a• son. IJOME. 'In Hay Township, on April 9ibh, 19303, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Love, a daughter. TO MEET AT THAMES ROAD The Huron Presbyterian Of the W.M.S. will be held in Thaam•es Road United Church on Tuesday, ,A'p'ril 25, 'Spacial speakers will be Dr. Chore Oliver, of Central India, and '.Miss C. Duff, who will speak on .Tem'peran'ce. Home Baking Sale -and Supper u The ;Laalies' Aid ,Society'06 the Pre!abyten an 'Chlitrc'h are having a sale 01 home baking and blame made c'an'dy and produce in the Sat., Apr. 15 Sale Opens at 3 o'clock A 25c SUPPER WILL BE SERVED •FROM 5-7 MENU: Oold• roast pork with 'dressing, hot scall'ope'd •po'tataes• cabbage salad jelly, brown and; and white bread; pie; tea. Avtoliisuranco Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates. It's worth your 'while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night Day Service Phone 152 and A. D. -Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING. . ETC. Office over. Keating's Drug Store RE'S //i((((* !" %/ l /IL(((.0(,f' V LEP atIrtwest Prices FOR an 'inexpensive tire that will do a real' job in delivering long, trouble-free mileage, we have never met the equal to the DUNLOP Pa'eemaker6 This tire, built to DUNLOP Cable Cord standards, gives excep• tional mileage—and yet its price is as low as any of the so•called "bargain" tires. Mohr's Red Indian Service Station G. F. Mohr, Main St., Seaforth Dunlop Tire Service Fit DUNLOP The World's Finest TIRES Superior Baby Chiks A. close check up reveals that we had 8,236 chi ks at.1t1 before April 1st. There are approximately 8,243 still. living and doing well, or over 100 p.c. We allr\v 4 ext lei.' chicks per hundred, and this more thanrut•t'rul rail losses up to date, April 12. Canadian Government Approved Chicks from breeding stock blood 'tested by Capital Laboratories, Ottawa. IDt takes 3 weeks to hatch Chicks, so please order well in advance if p osslbll•e. Wh. Rocks. 'Barred' Rocks., Wh. .Leg -horns Atter May lot Oa 10c Sc ,Altter May 24th 'Sc toe ec Alter Junel:st 6%c •64o 6 4c PHONE 97 r 11 Hensall EIin McKiolov, Zurich J NM. JOHN GRP,MIOLDBY ;The death occurred on April .5 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. El- mer ,Reid, 104 Albert street, ,Sltralttord, off Mrs. Jldhn Grime/dry. Mrs. Grine- ol'dby, whb'se home Was in . Seaforth where she htad .hived for the past twenty-five. ,years', had been making her home in Stratford with her dau- ghter since last December. She was born in West Wlilwanosh and spent her earlier years there. The funeral was held Saturday trot the Box Fun- eral Home to EgmondviLle cemetery. MEETING WELL ATTENDED The meeting on-,Slatnrd'ay night, addressed by Agnes Maaaphail, M. P., and Will'i'am Irvine, M•JF., expliainin'g the Oo-operative Commonwealth Fed- eration, was well attended, Cardno's Hall Wing paciced. These two speak- ers seem to hold ,these popu'lar Slatur- day .night .meetings regularly in vari- ous parts of the country, a 'bath" night for the two olid .parties, as it were. Mr. R. J, McMillan presided. ' DIED IN DIh7TROIT ;Wordhas been received of the death of Mr. William ,Bullard of De- troit, formerly ref Se'atfonth, early last week. Mr. Bullard suffered' several pdanaliytic strokes in the past few months. Mr. Bullard. was. a former em'ployee of the Belt' ,Engine. and. Thresher Co. land a resident Of Seafonth for many 'vears. He was •an only ch'idld and was horn fulity.ifive years ago. He is sur- vived h,' been hiswho as mo titer w Wiu ed by, residing with Mr. and Mrs, Bullard in Detroit. 'Hia wife and one son, Theodore, of Detroit, also survive hint. His death :occurred on April 3 at his home, 60 IQlairmount avenue, ' from' hemorr- hage of the brain. Since a year ago last Oicto.'ber he suffered several alight strokes. The funeral was held in Detroit. 'About six years ago Mr. and Mrs., 'Bullard and Mrs. Bullard Sr. left S'ea- torbh for Detroit, .barter going to Sagi- naw anl, last year returned to Detroit, Where their son and . daugih'ter-in-la'w also reside. 'His wife was organist of St. James' 'Church in Seaforth and also for many years pianist of the Princess Theatre. DUBLIN. MrEdward F•itap.atni-ok of Wilil-Ow- Ibnn'dh, Sask., and Mr. Wallace 'Hor- an of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of the form'er's bro'th'er, Mr. Peter Fitzpatrick of Hibbert. HN WORKMAN HALL, WALTON WED;,, APR. 19th ROIWLAND'S 5-PIEC'E O'RCHEST'RA Ladies bring lunch. Admission 25c LONDESBORO. The regular meeting of the Wo mar's In:stitute -was held in the cam- mu•ni'ty Nall on Tues'd'ay, Apiiil 4th, with the presidenit, ,Mnrs. E. Adams, tin the chair. Me'etin'g apemen by singing the opening bd'e with .Mins. T. Pickett at the piano, minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. B. Brunad'on, and the financial report was given, which was very .encouraging• 'Several Tetters were tread thanikimg the 'Institute for flow- ers or fruit sent them in times of sickness. Several communications were 'read asking far donations, but owing to having the misfortune of a the I16ci01 being burnt a year ago, it was thought ad'visab'le to use their surplus cash. ,at home. The summer speaker, which was to have visited the Instit- ute about the list of Jiu'ne, was can- celled ice'bled thy the department. The 'Myth and Belgrave branches ,had been in- vited to meet with the bra eh t v tad e s n to hear h the speaker, so other plan's had to be made. After all business had been concluded bhe program was left in change of the -girls, it being girls' day. Miss B. Fairservioe ,presided. A read'- ing was given by Miss L. Young, 'Miss. G. Mou'n'tain rendered an in- strumental and Miss B. F'airservi:ce a hu'morou's reading, a playlet, "Henry's 'Mail -Order Wife," was staged by six of the girls, which went to show that Henry was in a very bad predicament. ITihe .play all through 'was very amus 'ing and was fully enjoyed' by those' present. 'This brought this very en- joyable .program to a close. A most tempting lunch • was served by the ,girls, seventy being present. Mr. Murray Singlet -id of New Ont- ario and Mr. Frank Fiugl'a'nd of Chia - ton, spent the week end with their . parents. ;lir, and Mrs. , n r J. Fin laud ' g 'We are sorry to .report that Mr. Fing- land is not so well and is ;clonifined to Ib'ed titosit of e. ;Mir. and Mrlits.ti',Jme•'arvis eec returning to Holuvesvi'lle. thisweek owing to the s - laid section .men being all i off on this division. .