HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-04-13, Page 17' Man's life is but a voorking clay, !Whose tasks lace set aright; A time to work, a time to pray, IAnd. Shen a 'quiet night, lAnd ,then, please God, a quiet night, e Seafrth t e HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER `1\'here, palms are green and robes are white, ` LA 'song -drawn breath, a b'alln4 for ssor row, And all things lovely on the morrow. —Ch'ris'tina Rossetti.' WHOLE (SE'R'IES, VOILt55, No. 15 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; APRIL 13, 1933. Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly.. HOT LUNCIIES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Mites Reasonable T. O1yinpidie Confectionery and Restaurant. Sprouted Onions WHILE THEY LAT C per Ib JOIHNISON'S GLO-COAT p @ 75c int NU -COTE VARNISH .. ... , , 75c LIQUID FLOOR WAX.. 39c 'bottle GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX @ ' 25c tin, STUFFED OLIVES, 12 oz. jar.. 25c MAPLE SYRUP @ ......2.00 gallon I IM CORN, PEAS, & TOArrOfE 25c 3 for 4,ll;UTICH CO'OOA ....... % lb tin 20'c ' (CEREAL BLEND ' 2$c pkg. JACOBS BUTTER PUFFS 25c p1ci; Cream taken for the Seafo'rth Cream- ery at the same price' d'el'ivered at the creamery. Eggs;' Butter, and' Featherss 'taken as cash. 1'c per dozen extra trade for Eggs. Hutchison9s PHONE 166 Th SOUTH, HURON REMAIN'S The reduction of 22 seats in the On- tario `' Legislature does not 'affect (South Huron, according to annrounce- ment madethis week. North Huron and' Smith Bruce are combined to make a new riding, Ht'ron-lBru:ce. ITh'e boundlaries of, the riding will be announced latter, DIED AT G.O'DERI'C'H, lO.n Thursday, April 6th, George E (cooper, age 37, 'passed away in Alex- andria hospital, ; Gblderic'h, as the re- • silt df pneumonia. He was_ born at Seaforth and is survived b7; four bro- thers, William o'1 Egnno:ndvi5le; John o'f Sesforth, J'osep'h larsti'ing ,on -the jRae Carnolch(ati• farm, • Tuckere'mith, and Fred of Hullett. There also survives 'his, widow a'0d 15 young Childsren, the,el,des't df;wh in. is 10 years and th'e yo'unges't a baby of loss than ane year, 'ilhe funeral took pl'a'ce on S'atiirday from the, fen- "`•ily.'horn;e near P'ort'Allbert, to Clinton !Cemetery. The death occurred at herresi'd- enca onSunday after a 'pr'otrac'ted illness, of Anna Bella Green, .a very 'highly esteemed' resid'e'nt oif• Seatoritb for over fifty years and Widow . •orf (Francies Mturtia'y.• The ,deceased .who was in her 87th year, was "''bons near IGlenavy, County Antrim, Irel'an'd,. where she was nvareied tori her Unite li•u's'hand', who predeceased';, her 'i by 23 years, They carne to . Canada in, '1870 and settled in Sdaforltlh•. Mrs. 'Murray was one Of the olldest mem- bers df' North Side United. Church. She is survived by five sons and one daughter, James' Of Port'lan'd, Oregon; Thomas Of Sacramento,. Cal.; John o'f, Preston; Ernest. of Regina, and Wal- ter and Annie at home, i , � I :from herF The funeral nook p'ac'e late res'id'ence, N. George st., at 2:130 o'clock on W'ednesd'ay afternoon, Ape ri1 12 to the'Mailbla'n'di Bank Cem'e- itery. The service's were co'nd'ucted by iRev.: W. P.. Lane., During.the services (three''beaultiiful selections were sung by the Qttarteltbe,. The pallbearers were J. C. Laing, A. L. Porteous, E. IEey'n'o'Irdls•, Walter Murray,. J,dhn Mur- ray, and 'Gregg .Murray, of Preston, CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church.—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. 110 arm,— Su,ndray Sch'oo'l and Bible Classes. 1111 ,a.m. and, 7 ,p m --(Pu'bli'c wosrslhnlp. Easter services, The choir will render several ap'prop,niate an'them's. FIRST PRIESBYTERIAN CHURCH lPeayer •se'rvi'ce Thursday 7:45. "The Suffering ILortd." IStunday: ;Easter ser- vices. ,S'pe'c'i'al Easter Music. Rev. I. B. Kaine splens to speak on the follow- ing •subjects: A.M., ,Easter Ultimatum,' Dead Kling or 'Living lUo'rd.1P.M•., The Ilbesunreotion, An IEatster ,meditation. ST. TH'OM'AS' CHURCH (Goold Friday services, 10 a.m., ser- mon, Christ's Ministry in Ant—"The Crucifixion". A dopy .to each family will be dssitribulted' of this famous pic- ture by the artist Mun'kalcsy. 7,30 p.m., Medi'tation. Easter Day Services, - 8 a,m., Holy Communion. Morning -service and Holy, Com - amnion at 111 oiclolck. 'Sermo,n, The Result of the Struggle=Life. Children's ser'vi'ce at 3 .o'clock. (Evening service 7 o' cloak. Sermon, "Stones Rolled Alway," ;S'peci'al Easter hymns and music. EGMfOND,VLLILE CHURCH (Reverend' Charles 'Malcolm, ,April 116th. '111 a.m.-"The 'Storm is Posit—` Christ' is Risen." 7 p.m.—"Hue Ap- peared to'Simon." The ISacnam.en't •of the Lord's iSup- per will he celebrated in the iEgmo'nd- Ville IChurch on IThursday •evening, (April 1131th, at `8 O'clock. "'Twos' on that nighrt, when doomed to (know, The eager rage 'df 'every 'foe, The night on which He 'was betrayed, The (Saviour of the world Rook IBread—" EASTER REPORT OF SEAJFIOIRTH PUBL'I'C SCHOOL Ihn the '6alllawing report the puipils' names' are .placed' in' order of merit. A 1st• Gaels honours, B 2nd class honours; C -pass, ,D' -bellow pass. Sr. IIV.e-.IA', Merle .Iceating Rattan 'Drover, John Thomson,Rattan 'Stewart. • ' Gordon • McKellar, Gladys Holmes, Edna Plant, Helen, Crich, Howard ,Carroll, James Cluff. iC.—,M'anion Moore, George Binder, !Perue D'unllo!p, James : Elliott. ID•.—VGbda Montgomery, Helen Mac- Kenzie, Leone'Hioitha'm, 1Len'or'a\$ihelw- fel't,' Lillian Reeves Ipr. LV.—A (Helen Chamberlain, Alastair Wigg. IB.: .elan Darngey; Donald McTav- ish, Roy Oke, Harold Free, Helen 1Oheoros, Olean McTavish, 10.—•Dlonnia thole, Jean Dale, Janet Baker, David Grieve, * D.—Muriel H'nidcen, D'av'e Stewart, 'Chaadlot'te Thlo;mson, Nellie Reeves, ildiden Edgier, H'u'gh Oke. P. B. MIOFFIAT, Principal. (Senior VIII. — A. ;Creta Dickson, Zetba Dunlop, Harold Calvert, Many (Howes, Arthur Jlone's; Clara Didlnage. B.—Helen Swan, Bill Wlam'sley, !Genevieve H(awikins, Mae ,H'odigaon, !Bruce Wright, Ma'rgaret Fletcher, , (Grace Gillleaprie, Blab B(anlclw, C.—Carolyn (Holmes, 'Louise Boni - fact, Marlon Ilblbitslon, Doris H'opf, Dorothy Praiser, Betty McLeod,"' Ar- thur Cameron, ' Viola Damage, '.Alma Dennis, Mae S'iegris't. • ID lRidl and Box, Allen Da1mwge, 'Clayton Dennis, Floyd Pinkney, *Charlie Wood, *IMarglane't B'arlloiw, '1•Albse:nl for once or more exams. M. E. TUR'NBUL'L., Teacher. Junior VIII.-A.-RuNh Jo'yn't, Lois lLdGavin, Frank Goldring, Florence Oadvert, Alma Elliott, Roy Kear, Helen Moffat, Leonbre abler, ;Stenting Hatikirk. 1B.—Jack Mdoe'e, Stuart 1Wigg, Joe Smith, Earl Montgomery. C.—Ruth McNlarrn, -Marian Sclater, Barbara Best, Doris B'arl'ow, Jack McNeb, Tommie Wilbee, Jack Han- ley. D. -Alex. Bicker, Jack Cameron, Frank Casson, Mary Wo'od, Hellen Fnaiser, Muriel Cameron, ,Ruth Prais- er, Alfred Siegrist. Missed examinations on account of sickness—Donald Scott. MAU'DE. M. HIAIRT5 Y, Teacher. Second ` Clas's.-4A,--,1Joss Wright, Lorne 'Watson, (Clarence _ Westeobt and Mi!ldire'd Swan (equal), Margaret Hudson and. Jack. Elliott (equal).. B. -Bernice Boniface, Scott Kerr,: Reg, Dolmnage, June Siegrist, Ken- neth Southgate, Jisrumie Southgate, Dorothy Pletcher, Charlie Case, Mary Geddes, Kenneth Reid, Isabel Mc- Kellar. IC.--,Au'dlrey M'clGavin, Thelma Del - mese, Kathleen) HolimesS Helen HQdgson, Vernon Hoff, R o s s Green. D. --Margaret Dale, S'tan'ley Hill, Dorothy Howes, Clayton Ritc'h'ie, Leo Oke* (missed examinations). M. M. BELL, Teacher. Senior I.- A. — Ahyv'onne Moore, Harm Scott, Fred Welford, Kenneth 1{'eating, Reid Al'lan; Jean Currie, Margaret Pethick, Lillian Sou'bhgate, Fergus Bela. IB,—+Jean Swan, Margaret Eller; Helen Thomson, Donald Woad, An- tis Dunlop. C.—IB'ent Barlow, Au'b•rey Barker, Richard Eisler, IHenry Bmince J• ohm Thomson, Erma Fletcher, Evelyn Venus. 1D.-43illy Wilbee, .Artilittr Frai'ser, Ross M'onitgoanery, °Tack Praiser, Cla- rence Reeves, Albert Venus. • E. H. ELDER, Teacher. Primary Report. --A.—Wilma Hay, Janie Moffat, Marguerite ,Westcott, Geo:nge Hildelbrand, Dorothy Smith, \rfartjlor'y Golding, Patricia IBechelly. B.—Ruth Anderson and Betty Dun- lop (equal), Violet Teepee, Jack Eis- ler, Doris Venus, Alvin Hoff, 'C.—'Neil Hopper, Rusael Siegrist, Beth Wad'msley, Isabel Case. ID.- aelorman Calvert, Franck Boni- face, 'Lonna Dale, Marian hlaki,ns. R, S..T:HO'MPIS'Ol , Teacher. ENGAGEMENT lir. and Mrs. 'J!ohn Milds of ';B'lyth announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Annabel Louise, to William 'Herbert, only son of Mr. and Mks.W. H. ,Anderson, Walton, Ont, WILL ADDRESS W.M.S. :Mrs. Taylor, the wife oif Dr. ,Ward - law Taylor of lGoderich, wild address the W;M1S. in (First Presbyterian ,Church, S.eaforth, on T•uesdlay, April 18th, at 3 p:m, ' A,Y.P.A. St. 'Thomas' Church `A.Y.P.A. -held its semi-monthly meeting, in the .par- ish hall on Monday evening. The vice ,president, bliss 11; Wilbee, ,presided. The hymn, 'What a Friend We Have in Jesus," was sung. and minutes of previous 'meetin'g were read. Lt was decided to, devote the' last meeting -oft the. season, on April 24th, to a 'social 'evening. A',feature of the program was 'a •ddbale on the.-su'bljeat, Resolv,. ed, that a li'br'ary is 'battet for la -Finan than a wife."' the negative,-ta'ltelt by' (Messrs. R. Alrch'lh!a'ld' and IE. ILeyburn, •akin the :decision. The affirmative was taken by Miss'e's P, ,Southgate and E. Edgar, 'The judges, were Misses 'Aida Bolton and Margaret• Leelburh. A paper was read by Misses D. Parke YOUNG PEOPLES LEAGUE The weekly meeting of the Young (People's Society of ,N'ontles'de United Church was held on Tuesday even- ing, April' 111th, with Mr. Sam. S'co't( in the chair. A short sing song prec- eded'the meeting after wh'ieh• the min- cites of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, ,Miss Winnie (Savauge' and -ada'p'ted. Miss Ruth Thtornlpson,' convener df teh missi2an airy department, •then, took charge orf 'the meeting. After sisiiging, hymn 1185 Mr. F, .S. Savauge led in prayer. A very i1'teresltin'g mis'sion'ary story was ,given by. Mr. Jack 'Stevens .and' 'was Me* 'enjoyed ;by all., .Misses 'Hel'en IBritlton and iWinunee Savlau'ge then fan-' ored with a piano' selec'tion. 'T'se Scrip- ture lesson was read by.Miss Fennell. The fourth chanter of the study bo'ak' "Jlapan and :.Her Peoiple;" was ably 'taken ,buy ,Miss Mary Reid. I-T:yann (1163 Was sung and after repea'ti'ng the IMiizoah benediction a unique spelling ecnitest under th'e direction • of Miss Eleanor Henderson brought the meet- ing . to '.a close. TOWN COUNICIL The regular .meeting of the co'un'cil was 'held in the council chamber at 8 o'clock pan., April 101th, all members ip.resent, :Minutes o'f dust meeting read and confirmed, (Moved by Geo, D. Ferguson, ,sec- onded 'by Fired. IS. Savauge—That fi'n- ante report b'e adapted and =comets (paid as Head' Yeas—ISlc'olbt, Ferguson, Sani'th Savauge. Nay ---Crozier. lJlas V. Ryan salary, $513; Jam. ,A. IWilslosi, s'a'lary, $70; IFI .Snell, swiany, $60; Thos. Storey, s'a'lary, $60; Mun- ici'p'al World, invoices, ,$216.60; R. H. Sproat, acc'ou'nt, $111; Thos. Dickson, account, $3,120; Can. ;Neat. Rys., .cross- ing p'ro'tection, $5.66; Dominion Road Machinery Co $37.110; Bell Tel Co., account, $309 Wilson Hawkins acct, $312,60; Wesley Niche], account, $650; Collegiate Ilnstitute. Board, $2000; Public 'School Board, $800. 'Relief Accounts for Month of Mardi: Merchant Local Trans. TN, Geo, D. Haigh ...$1847 1.50 19,4'7 R. J. Slp'ro'at 22.70 0 :'e 25.57 W. R, Smith il1k65 3,42 '15.06 Miss N. Pryce .26.02 26.02 Hutchison Est 2016'8 20.68 Angus Garter 223.45 ' 26.45 Mrs, R. L. Clark 2090 20,90 Jas, Cleary .. -49.32 4.25 21517 J. M. 'Gradate 2679 2.79 29.68 W. A. Cnich • 411',69 .712 1112.41 R. Anderson ' 111.69 2.514 114,23 Goudiets Dairy , , 110.56 110.56 'BBa'rnet't's Dairy —24E2 24.22 Reyno'ld's Dairy 56.00 16.00 'Grummett's Dairy 3.912 3.92 J. 'Wesley Beattie ,415150 16.1515 222,05 Bev. Christie 116.718 - 11.16a78 E L ;Box 2106 221.06 •REB'EKIAH$ MEET I ' liafi Eid'elweiss 1Rebe Lodge No.117 Q:O.IO.IF, held -.their regular meeting i1 theOld'dlfello'w'•s 'ball an Monday evening, A'pri'l the 10th, with a large attendance. District Deputy President 'Mr'S. Sutter and several visitors were present froti 'Clinton. The ..m'eeting was conducted ;nee very able manner. The D.D.P. gave a short address, also other m'em'bers !present. (At the close of the meeting there were sever'a'l tab's of euohre and ,bridge. 'T'h'e win- ners. at bridge were 'hist, Mrs.. J. Ji lHtulggard; ,cons'ollatfon,'M'rs.'J:othn Pull- man; at euchre, 1st, Miss Grace Peel - ick, consolation, Mrs, 'Gowd'ie. An en- joyable time was spent and a 'dain'ty lunch. served by th'esocial ico'mmflt tee. • BOIFTBAL1L OrRGANIZE'S ll The annual meeting of the ,Solftb a Club was hel'd on. Tuesday •evening 1Phe following b'gicers were elected: Hioniorary 'Presidents, M'a'yor 'Suther land,' W. 13. -Duncan, J. M. 'Mc'Mi14an, C. 'Sltewart; ' 'pres'i'dent, 'Robert E. ;Jackson; vice president, 'C. M. Smith; ,cecretany t treasurer, Ken,, 'Arnott; {rounds c'ommit'tee. Rob't. Jackson, Thos. ;Beattie. Rus.'Btu'rges's; manager, (Thos, Beattie; coach, rGor,d,atn' Muir, SELLS FARM Mr. 'Roberit 'Porterfield bias •sold ''suis farm in iTlu'ckersmii'bh ita 'Thomas P. 'R,artilebenn, .o'f IS'ontlbrra, Ont'a'rio, wlho ,skes possession'i'nemed'iatei'y. • DIt4MONDS When you buy your diamond front Savauge you are guaranteed against` poor quality. We con- sistently refuse to buy. D'iamon'ds that are either ilaweid or off color. 'Co'ns'equ'en'tly we cannot set to you Diamond's- that are of questionalble. quality and v'a'lue, IW'e positively guarantee the quality of every diamond we sell. (And remember we give you the wed'd'ing ring absolutely free with the diamond ring you. purc'hase, SHOP AT AVAUGE' ., IT PAYS JEWELER OPTOMETRIST. GIFT GOODS top ,Lorna Dale. Solos were given by 'Patricia 'Bfechely and Margaret ,Peth- ic'k..A .piano Isola was 'given' by Alma Lawrence. A quartette was given by Janet 'Baker, Alma Lawrence, Marg- aret Fletcher and Florence Calvert, A duet was given by Carolyn Holmes and Genevieve ,H'awlens. .A 'chorus J. .S'cia'ter • 23,90 03)90 was givenby the junior 'mentbers of the .Mission Band. Two dhd'ruses were R. 3. McMillan , .1125,8!$ -5,84 `, the re ion• I N. Cliff & Sons 2'.9.40 `2'9' coffering •was,rreceivedi by Helen 1L' f- Wm. Anent 3974 he 39.T4 ,fact, Leonora ,Edi•er, Helen 'Fraser, Grace 'Gillespie, which :am'o'unted 'to $1'6.75. We then 'had the lantern slides which Mr. L'a'ne.explained. We clos- ed our meeting by 'having Mr, iL'ane lead in prayer. J. E. Keating IR. H. 'Sproat Thos Phillips ISrtewart Bras. 111'5 1,15 5:40 '5.40 6.42 3.42 11.50 11.50 D• . Burrows 14,76 475 Dr. Speoat , 6128 6,28 Dr. Ross 1d50 11.55 'C. Albe'rhart 12.00 2.00 W. G. 'Willis 5.65 15,65 F. Barlow 11.719 .4.1)5 1Pieb. Util. Cnmm.,10.00 '15.00 476:31 130.8011507,821 Food $327,89 'Fuel 1139.9(4' ;Clot'hin'g and shoes , . 114.30 'Medical attendance and medical 'supplies 115.68 Light and' water 10.00 $507.821 ICdateto .town (one third) ...•.$1;69.227 !Transi'en'ts — Nights lodgings, 136, meals given, 282. ;Number of.families,27; dependents, 92, total, 1i19 'Certified cannot, A. D. Sutherla'dn, ,Relief Officer. Comment of Chief Inspector 'Mal- colm an his visit to S'eafart'h, A'p'ril 171bh: :"Your ac'coun'ts are in good shape and well kept, voucher ,for each item; most econo'mica'lly conducted, no luxuries, just the necessity. Splen- did idea spreading orders •over the merchants. Large increase for ,March was expected in every municipality;; end not in sight. All on relief must grow a supply of vegetables and pro- vide fuel for next winter, Use every available piece of ground an the town 'and rent land ne'ar'by. Provide seed where required. Give first opportunity to those on relief to work out the third of the cost" Moved by J. W. Beattie, seconded by Ross J. Sproat—That this council secure a dumping •ground from Mr. Harry Kellar for the sum oif $50.00 for 1933 and he he paid $2'5.00 now and $25.00 the first of October. Moved by J. W. 'Beattie, seconded by Fred, S. Savauge—That the clerk be instructed to write to the Munic- ipal and Railway Board for permis- sion to cancel the Hydro debentures now in ,posses'si'on of the (Town and Public Utility :Commission. Moved by J. W. Beattie, seconded by Geo. D. ,Ferguson.—That the nec- essary legal action Ibe taken against Mr, Webster of IS(tanley to have one of the suits belonging to ,the Band re= turned in good conclition. Moved by Ross J. ,Sproat,aoah emendedo nded by Fred, S. Savauge,-That the time of this meeting be extended. 'Moved by G. D. Ferguson and sec- onded by J. W. 'Beattie,—That this Council .tender a vote of thanks to Mr. 'S'avauge and, Mr. Sutherland for their comprehensive report of Welfare Convention at Condon That the Wel- fare Committee follow instructions in this report, especially that paragraph 'pe'rtain'ing to encouragement of those on relief growing vegetaibles this suunsner and t'h'at the 'treasurer issue cheque for $6.00 Lor 'their expenses to com'ven'tien. 'dattie seconded Moved by J• W. B byRoss . IS' 'roat,-That this Coun- e P he call of the 'til: adjourn to meet at t Mayor. ALERT 'M'LSBION 'BIAND The Alert sion !Bland' held -their 'Easter ITham,koffering tom 'Firirday 'night. 'The 'de'vo'tional part of the ,programs was 'taken by 'Clete Dickson, Heleun Chamberlain and Zetta Dunlop. Re- ,ci'tati'ons' were given' by Marg'ueri'te IWesboo'tt, !Margaret' IPethiok, Marion M'akinds, Lois -'MeiGawiiii, ,Dorothy !Smith., Margaret !Dp'le, tAt•brey Baker, Jackie 'M'akins, Claire 'Westcott, Flor- ence 'Oalvert, .:Alma Elliott, Janie Moffatt, 'Wilma' Hay. A lialog'u'e, "Golden (Bees."' avas given by Maxine (Lawrence. 'Helen IH,odgsion, Betty Duna'lop 'M'ar:garett Eceler, Annis Dun - ' ANNUAL MEETING !The annual meeting of bhe ,Seaforith sub -division of the Catholic Women's League was held recently in St. J'ame's' parish hell, when the activities of the past year were reviewed and the election o'f officers for th'e conning Year took place. The recording secretary, Miss M. Dorsey, ,rev'd an interesting resume, of the year's work, outliningthe various means by whichthe members had ince this a •particularly su'cce'ssful year. 'Mrs. J. F. Daly, treasurer, present- ed a clear as;d concise financial state- ment, sh'o'wing the total receipts to be $51200, expenditures having been made .for parochial, diocesan and mis- sionary work. IExcel'lent reports were read by the following conveners, Mss. W, J. Dev- ereaux; membership; Mrs, 1T. M, Mc - Milian, education; 'Mrs. J. Flanagan, social service; and, Mrs. Chas. Stew- ant, magazine, The president, Mits. Jas. Devereaux, then •addressed the meeting, congratu- lating bhe officers on their reports, and thanking the mem'b'ers for the as- sistance given in the. past year. After a short address by Rev, Fath- er Goetz, th'e fallowing officers were elected: IS,piritu'at adviser, Rev. Father Goetz; ,president, Mrs. Jas. Dever- eaux; past •president, Mrs. .Leo For- tune; list vice president, Mrs. Prank $ills; hind vice president, Mrs. J. 51. McMillan; 3rd vice .president, Mrs, J!amrs Flanagan; recording secretary, Miss M. .Dorsey; core. secretary, Mrs, Jas. Cleary; treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Stewart. Councillors: Mrs. Louis' De- vereaux, ;Mrs. J. F. Daly; Mrs Jas.. Nolan, Mrs, Roland Kennedy Mrs, Wnm, Duncan, 'M'rs. Julio, M. Eckert and Miss. Alice .Daly.' • KITCHEN SHOWER 1On Saturday evening, April 8th, the friend's and neighbors of Miss Agnes Wright gathered at her hone to ,ex- press their- good wishes previous to hen marriage, .An interesting event of the even'ing was a mock wedding, 'Miss .Bel•1a (Watson as bride marched into the living- roan, which 'was dec- orated in pink and white, to the strains of the, bridal chords. played ,by Miss Gladys Mason, and Miss Annie Pryce as bridegroom stood under the wedding Vella ' while Miss Jean Scott -doted as clergyman. Following this, little Jloyce, Hwgilll, dressed in the same'calour tones, drew a little decor - eked wagon loaded' wiith ,gifts in front o'f the bride -elect. Miss 'Grace Mason read the following address,: Dear rAgnes,—iWe, your friends. and neigh- bours, haute gathered here this even- ing to extend ourbest wishes to yap, prior to your marriage. It was with mouth. regret that we learned of your inten'd'ed 'departure from our com- munity, but what is OUT ab'ss is anoth- er's •gain. Daringthe years of our ac- quaintanceship you have endeared yourself to us by your kind and cheenfuil disposition, As an expression' of t'he very kindest feelings, which we wrishto convey to you both, we ask. youto accept these ,gi'f'ts as a al'igh't taken of ,e'stee'm in which you are held.. And we all join in wishing you many hiao'py years of wedded' life. Signed on behalf of your neighbors and friends." leliss Wright gave a very suit'ab'le re- ply. A few games were then played. Afterwards a dainty lun'clieon was served by the friends 'and neigh'b'ors. The bri,d'e-,to-be was the reci'pient of mann useful presents and the best of good wishes folilow her to her future home in Tuc'kersmith, ' L. REV. FATHER GOETZ AP- POI'N'TED TO WALL'ACEBU•IRG Changes in the p'a'storates , of thee iDiocese of London which have been annoten'ced by 1 -lis Exicalhency the (Right Reverend J. T. Kidid, Bishop' of London, will affect ,St. Jaanes' par- ish, Seafo•rth . Rev, Rather E F. !Goetz, wlhro has had charge orf this parish since coming frotm Tills'oin- burg in April, 19118 is trhnsfer.red to. • the church at Walia'celiurg, and Rev:. T. P. Hus2eey, pas't'or of Sit. Patrick's • 'Church, Kinkaira, comes to S'eafortli:. (During his fifteen years' pastorates in Sda'fort , Rev. Father Goetz has,' made extensive isnpx;ovements to the church property here as well as t'ak- in'g an active ,part in every !geed work of the church and the tolwn, and his. removal is regretted by all, ; 111. i DISTRICT GOVERNOR HERE" (District Governor Dr. Wiley of Windsor was the s'pecial speaker at the Lions meeting on M'ond'ay night': at the Commercial hotel when visit- ing Lions from Goderich, Stratford, Lon'd'on and Windsor were entertain- ed. Nu'm'bers were given by the ,Lions quartette, Dr, F. J. Burrows, Messrs. Jno. Beattie, H. G, Melt. and 3. A:.. S:te'wa'rt, H. A. A.. ,The regular inonthly meeting: vf' the (Hospital Aid Asso'cia'tion met in the Carnegie Library on .Mond'ay, lApril 'leth with the president, fvlrs. -Holmes presiding in her usu'a'l 'happy manner. The •meeting opened by pray- er. The minutes of -the previous meet- ing were read and approved. The: Treasurer, Mrs. (Close, received seven • new membership 'fees; '$2:35 collec- tion from March meeting and ,has $111'1:5'4 in bank besides 'the member- l ship fees' of $70. It was decided that 'the loose collection taken " at- the • monthly meetings be used by'bhe cis- (ting 'comnnittee-a maximum of 50c. The nennbers:hip •convener Mrs. 'Mc- Lean reported new members, Mgrs, 'Braker said the sewing committee had met and work was done up to date. Mrs. (Reg. 'Iversiake read a letter from. Mrs. Rh'yira's and also a pam- phlet describing 'hospital day May 12th the birthday of "Florence Night- ingale, the lady with the lamp when. gifts might be brought to the 'hospital. May every person to 'town and coon= try mark this twelfth day of :May .and' remember our Scott 'Memorial hospi- tal by a gift whi'c'h you may give. ' Al vote of . thanks was • extended to the B'abminton club for their donation of $9. The Co'rresponding' Secrete*, quoted prices of the's'cialytic .lamp+ which seems ind'ispen'sa'ble in places . where it 'haus :been installed. The col- lectiont was takene and .the meeting - was ,closed by singing the national an- them, to nneet again on the s'ecoln'd.1 Monday in May. EGMONDVILLE - The •regular meeting of the Eg- ntondiville Auxiliary took place an Tuesday afte'rtidbn in the vestry with, the president in the chair. The meet- ing -was opened with the responsive. wor's'h'i'p. service. Prayers were offered' by Mrs. Jlas, Stewart, Mrs. Jas. Allan, Mrs. J'as,.Bro'wn,read the Easter tree- sage. Mrs. 'W, MacMillan the First 1Com'missio,n, given first to a group of women, and Mrs. Edgar A'll'an, the •. leaflet on "Th e Ttankofffening," Mss Harvey Moore sang a very pleasing; solo acoonnp'anied by Mcs, Jas. Brown, 'Jr. Mars. A•n l'retve Kirk gave a splendid . talk on the study bioodc, which "was very much appreciated. The 'Easter ihankoffering will be held' oil, S'un'day morning, April 30.th, with Mi's's 'Mac- Kenzie, of !Ripley, who has spent sev- eral years in 'Western work as the guest s'peaker. The arrangements for the quilting for the bale are in the han'd's of firs, A. IRourtled'ge, su''ip'ly -• secretary and Mgrs J'a's, ,Stewart, Mrs. David MdLepn very kindly offered her - h,ome for t'he May meeting •of the • Auxiliary. The sacrament of the Lord's' supper Avila be observed in the ;Egmdn'dvilie'.r' Church •Thursday night at 8 p.m. f.