HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-04-06, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1933. , THE SEAFORTH NEWS: PAGE FIVE, Thee Attractive Specials will be featuredyour at Superior Store this; week and until April 12th We sellthe Best for Less EMiLLO;GG1S ;CORN FLAKES "°r 21c IERIAY B'RNTOS ,CO'RN'ED BEEF 2 e 23c 'CHATEAU 'CHEESE, Ws 2 pkgs. 19c AYL'MER PORK &'B'EANIS, .16 oz. per tin 5' c. 'STANDARD CORN, 2's 3 tans 25c 'LIODISlEE'COICOA Per iba 15c 'Tea ,B'isle'Biscuit (Mix per pkg. 33c Vi -Tone, with large'Jig Sew :Puzz'te 18 oz, -33c; 11.6 az. 53c (Aylmer Tomato (Juice, 1'0154 oz .....per tin 6c Weston's Melba'Bhscui!t Delicious .. .... .....i1' ib. 25c ' (If+ange 15'c Scribblers 'free)) (S ner, eBrea'kfast Bataan p,er b. 18c (Standard Pitted :Qhenries .:...,....,. ...• ...., .• 2 tins 25e ;Blue Boy Coffee, 1'.s •p'er Ib. 29c ;Prem'i'um 'Tea 1! alb. pkg. 49c i(free ,cup's land saucers, plates, 'sugar's and 'c'reams) i t � kg' 32c Swansdown 'Calve :Flour perp 'Campbell's Tomato Soup Nims 19c Blue Bell Five !String Brooms each 23c (Post 'Bran 2 !pigs. 23c ' !Evaporated ,Milk, small 3 .tins 19c !Evaporated Milk, 'tall, 'large 2 tin's 25c iLalwras'on's 'Sinko per tin:, .27c 'Macaroni, ase Cut, Meet 8 cakes 25c 4St, Croix !Castile (Soap .Loot Ready,Quality .. , ...0 'lb's. 10c (Lynn Valley 'Grape IFnuit, Lv'sleteat per tin 15c Junket Powder or 'Tablets 14c 'brittle's 14c aIiltcre!st'Extracts .. • • • . 'Catelli's Prepared ',Spag'h'etti with ;Cheese 1 tin 9c Large, Juicy, Waxy ILenvons '1' doz. 19c $1.95 Red Eagle 'Bread Flour, .every bag guaranteed Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Rhone S Phone 77 TOWN TOPICS, Mr. and Mrs, S'chafieid of . Detroit s'pen't the week -end With the Patter's !p'airenits, •Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case, Mrs, (Schofield is remaining for a week or two: Mr. and Mrs, J'. A. (lase are pre- paring to move to 'th'e house on Vie - belga sit. recently pundhlased from Dr, J. A. Munn, 'Mr. Gordon Pe'ars'on of. Nile ' has been appoinited manager of the !Gunn- ILangl'ois b+ranch there, .succeeding !Mt. i saac (H'u'dson, who has this week 'moved to the Swift store, of which he will be proprietor. 'The S'wi'ft Cohn - leanly 'have,, moved •Mr. Green, their manager, to Exeter, .,. Mr.. and 'Mrs. Arthur Tearmenson of Waterloo visited Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Strong. c Mrs. A. D. Su'therl'and and' Mis's Minna ,Graves wane v!isitons in Torch to over the week -end, , Mr. Will Brine twos a Toronto visit- or early this week. Buy Seaforth Butter A Service that creates Confidence 18 YEAR'S. Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please • you by our services and highest market prices for good cream. 1 and a Dependable Reputation Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Moto'r or Horse Equipment W. J. WAiLKiER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. 'Flowers furnished Night or day phone.67 'Can You Tell One As Good? Read the yarm's (told by 'those who •eompeted .for the olvarnpions!hi1p medal far the !biggest 'liar, Some of the "tall stories, including :that of the cat with a wooden leg and 'other "`wh'o'p- pers," are told in an ill'u'strated article next 'Sunday, in T'b'e;A'meri'can Week - Ty distributed with The 'Detroit. Sun- day \limes. Weekly Crop Report IDuifferin County potato,gro'wers are much interested ion, the 'treating of seed potatoes and spraying-to'pre'vent blight, since the ravages of lateblight in fields roto well cared for and the fairly remunerative price of S0c: per bag ion comrn'erciel potatoeshav'e im- eirdssed lateen with the o.Value of 'these treatments.' let Peel County the rep- resen'tative has. placed over 100 farm bands 'wi'thfarmers this year already, 'Mrs. 'George Iii1!ls visited with her daughter in Toronto over the week- end, The many 'freends of Mrs. George Siil'1'eny ',re 'leased to know that ,she is improving nicely after a :recent ac- cident when she slipped an the ice wh'iie visiting 'at Dashwood, !and sev- erely strained a !ligament. ht is 'ex- pected 'Mrs, S'ill'ery will return home soon, ' On •Fri'day, A'prii, 28th, under tete aus!pkes 'o'f the 'Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' ,Church a tea 'and sale of home cooking will be held et the 'residence of Mrs. IHdwand iThdmsbn. IMr. lake S.pro'at who has been vis- iting at his home -.here, Jeff 'far Tema- ganni last Thursday. Mrs. R. E. Coates was called to'1'I50- ranto ithis week a'w'ing to the seri- ous illness of her another, Mrs. Wil- liam !McMichael, wtho is now 'sonae- wshet better, according to w'o'rd re- ceived by friends here. Dr. John Grieve who !has been seri- ously ill the past ,week is improveng somewhat. wages running 'from '$5' to $11'0 per month until seedling, theta $15 to .$20 for the summer months for single, ex'p'erien'ce'd' 'farm 'hands. Improved bog "prices are ofsoouraging to 'farmers in :Wesiteru'Onta'rio and elsewhere in. t'he'peo'vince, There is a tendency "now liar_ :farmers to 'hold 'their- hogs until weal finished as the extra dohhlar or so per 'head which has come as are cult Of the price increase is a great encouragement to the livestock man. CONSTANCE. The W. A. are holding a social on (Thursday, April 1 h A good program is being provided. ;A silver collection will be taken. All are welcome. Notice I wish to announce that I have moved to Swift's Store in. the 'Campbell Block, and am prepared to buy all kinds of PRODUCE, CREAM, EGGS, & POULTRY. lP. s'qu'are deal to everyone. Isaac Hudson PHONE 168 estra will be furnis'hed :between acts. 'The township coundiil 'met at Varna on Tuesday for their regular monthly Meeting. Miss hazel Smillie visited her friend, Miss Mlargare!t McKinley, on Sun d:ay. Mr. Edgar 'Smith is spending a few weeks with his. aunt, Mrs. H'indes of near Chatham. 'Mi'ss ('hazel .Sparks .visited .her mo- ther, Mrs. John Spanks, and her bro- ther, Russel, an 'Satu'rday and Sun- day last. IWe are sorry to rep'or't 'that Mrs. (J. !Sparks is at presen't usd+er the doc- tarns care. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mr, end Mts. 'Will 'Carrie visited alt the 'home eel Mr. ;and {M.rs. Thos, Johnston on Saturday. WINTHROP.. Mr. dames Sli'nepson -'was 'taken ,to Torien!tg on (Sa'turd'ay to undergo fur- ther 'breatmenit 'on his leg, ,Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Adam Dodds of Lis- towel s'pen't the 'Week end 'with 'Mr. and Mrs. 'R!obbert!Cam'plbell, Sr. (Don't forget the eulchre and dance to 'be held in the .'hall this Fridaly night. (Mrs. 'Foster ,Bennett and Mona spent a flew days last week with 'Mr. and nIns.''George : Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. (Hiram Shannon en- tertained a Ife'w 'of their 'friends On Monday evening. Quite a number from this vicinity took in the spring ifair in Seaforth on Tuesday. ,Miss (Margaret Ferguson spent the week at her home here. Mr. W. E. Brownlee, Phm.IB., who has been with Ta ibllyn Drag stores in Toronto the past year, has been promoted according to word received t0 the position of assistants manager of one of the Toronto branvoh'es, Mr. Brownlee is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brownlee off tdwn•, Mr, Ray Mc'Geoch of 'Toronto spent Saturday in town. Mrs. Re'be'cca Kelly who has spent the 'winter with her son, 'Postmaster Ketly df Windsor, has returned to her home here. Mors. McClure a Goderich" Town- ship visited her aunt, Miss Me- Dougall. Mr. Richard 'Strong and son Rus'sel'l who have been visiting relatives itt this 'vicinity for 'dame months, left an Thursday far their home in the Peace River district, Mrs. A. C. Dames of Brussels is spending a few 'days with the M'iss'es Ferguson. IWid1 all ladies remember that on Monday, April 10th, the 'Hospital Aid Association will meet in Carnegie Lib- rary et 3 pan. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon (days ,ef De- troit spent a few days with, their par- ents and friends this week, March, which had been a cold stormy month, went out like the pro- verbial lamb, while April dist was ushered in with s'h'owers and still more showers. Mr. W. T. Jarman! of Climiax, S'ask„ Who has 'hien visithn!g his !father and sister, Mrs. fats. Henderson, returned to his 'hom'e on Me n'dey. The Sheffer fa'mil'y moved to Tor- onto on Tuesday where they ,will re- 5'i'de. BEECHWOOD Mrs 4f'i'c'hael Flanagan visited her dau'g'hter, 'Mrs, Gilbert Murray, on Thursday last, 'Mr. Thos. 'Moylan 'h'ad 'a very s'it'c- cessfnl sale •last week. IMr. (Jae :Ryan, who spent 'the last month in Ltuclan,'h'as 're'turn'ed home. We are sorry to „report that Mrs, John Walsh'had to be removed to Sicdtt +Menvoriel Hospital iolr' treat- ment. We hope for !hoer speedy recov- ery. Miss Rita 'O'Rourke 'and her friend spetut Sunday with •h4r. and Mrs. J'ae Flanagan. Mr, and Mrs. John 'E. Murray ,vis- ited 'at the home of Mr. Fred Eckart on Sunday. `hiss Helen Murray spent Sunday with Mr, and 'Mrs. Matt Murray„ ELIMVILLE 'Me. Chas. ,Brawn left Saturday for his home in -England. (The Ladies' Aid 'hel'd la quilting 'bee at the ,ohi rdh l'as't 'Thursday. The regular .monthly 'meeting of the Live Oak Mission 'Circle Was held at the 'ho'n'e Of Misis Levens 'Cooper last Wed'nesd'ay a'ftern'oon. Miss Laura Ford had. charge of the tneeting. CROMARTY. Mrs. .Hubbard of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and .Mrs, S. 'Sararas recently. Mrs. Whitehe'ad and :little son of Toronto visited relatives Stere last week. • Mr, and Mrs. A. Mahaffy 'of Africa are visiting the former's brother 'here. Rev. R. C. Rogers, who has accept- ed a call to. Elizabeth, Penn., left last week to take up his work there. Mrs, 'Edgar Allen, who has been i11 far the p'as't six weeks, is able to he out again. McKILLOP. ,S'chodl report led S. S. No. 'il3r Mc- Killop,. For the months of IFebrtuary and Marchi Sr. IPV.—Arnold 'Scott 81%, Gordon Scott 77%, Peelle's 'Coleman 70%. I'V,•=-IWaiite'r tMacMilla. 166%. Jr. TIhL�Glla+d'yts Broome ,77%. • iSr. III. - IRtasanvon'd. Ap'pleb'y 82%q, Mildred' 'A1tchesoau 717%;, Spencer IBsoome 70%. • Jr. I'I.--+George ;Hart 9)1%, Gonion MdC+ild 85'%a, Keith Harrison.82%, Marian `Appleby 72%. S. M. Ridhltn'ond, Teacher, STANLEY. Who Young People's Society of Blake and Goshen intend putting- on a dour -act play entitled, "Farm Valk," alt the Blake Church on Thursday ev- ening, April 131th. Music by' the orali- Horne Baking Sale and Supper The 'Ladies' Aid Society Of the Presbyterian •Ohurc'h are having a sale of home baking Nana :home made candy and produce in the G. W. V. A. Sat., Apr. 15 Sale 'Opens at 3 o'clock A 25c SUPPER WILL BE SERVED F'ROiM 5-7 MEWL: Cold roast pork with d'ress'ing, holt sealldpe'd p'otato'es; cabbage salad, jelly, brown and and white !bread; pit; tee. 25th Anniversary THIS WEEK MARKS THE 25TH ANNIVERSAY OF THE OPENING OF Walker's Furniture Store WE WISH TO THANK EACH •ANID EVERY ONE OF OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR KIND SUPPORT DURING THESE YEARS In view of conditions improving we are offering this Spring an entirely New Stock in all lines at entirely NEW PRICES, which are over 25% lower thah ever offered before NEW COINDFIIONS MAKE NEW PRIC'ES We are anxiousto have you come in and look over our Stock and Prices. We have never been able to offer such Values at PRICES THE LOIWEST IN THIS STORE'S HIiSTO'RY Walker'sS,Store Furniture STAFFA. - Mr. and Mss, F. O'Brien spent Sunday in Elora 'with Dr. !O'Brien'. IMr. 'and Mee. G. IS!uhr, Miss Lor- ena and 'friend ,a+f (Stratford visited 'with Mr. and Mrs. IF. Tuffin. A number of the 'young people at- ten'ded a Y.R. 'meeting ;in IM'itchetl 'on !Saturday. Miss M. (Sadler spent the week -end with her sister in Logan. Miss Macphail LADY MEMBER OF PARLIA— MENT Mr. Wm. Irvine M.P.; WETASIi1IWIN, BASK. have accepted an invitation to speak in Cardso's Hall, Seaforth, SA'TURD'AY, A'P'RIL 8TH 8 o'clock 'p.m.'Wi8''l 'Ilea speak in Ex- eter at '2 o'clock in the .afternoon. Ladies in Seaforth and surrou'nding districts specially invited. Everybody welcome. R. J. McM:IILLAN. Autolosurauce Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the .United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take. chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write on call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 D. A.. GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, TC, Offjte over Kearine's Drug Store MANLEY. Quite a number'1rom .here attended the Seaforth spring fair an, tTuesday and report the horses were the finest seen For years. °Mr. Henry Hillebrecht of IBrod'hag- en has ,pu'rchased the 100 acre farm from John'Beuermann who has mov- ed last week' to the Huron (Road, east of Clinton, where he leased the karm on the highway ,from Me. Thos, Liv- ingston. (The good 'wishes of our burg go with him and his family in his un- dertakeing. The funeral of the late Mrs. George Thornton 'took place to the Evangeli- calOhn-ch cemetery here on.Wednes- day. 'She was 'Farmerly Miss Mary Goers, who moved here with her par- ents about 70 years ago. About 55 years ago ahe married Mr. George Thornton, who predeceased Tier .about 25 years ago and •she has .resided in this vicinity during her life time. ANC.E at Winthrop FRIDAY APRIL 7th ' Good Music Admission, ,Gents "25c. ,Ladies with lunch 'free. 'on'e day Past week. iWe .are 'glad the roads are improv ing. Pleased to say Mrs. Jones is ire - ,proving. NORTH McKILLOP. There died in McKillop on April 2nd, Mary Gners, relict •of the late George Thornton in. her 717Th year. !The deceased waltnan had 'been in fai'lin'g health for some ''lime, follow- ed by a strolee oia Friday evening, and on Sunday evening she passed to the Great Beyond, The late George Thornton predeceased, her 31 years ago. Mrs.'Th:annton was horn in 1856 in Germany and came to Sharia with her parents. In 'the year 1872 she was :married to her deceased 'hus- band. The following members of her family survive, Joseph at home; Mar- tin alt Brussels; Henry at Becton, John in the IW+eet; Mrs. Herman, B'rodh'agen, (near M'itch'ell)'. One brother and one sister .survive, John Gner in Michigan, and Mrs. Wm. 'W'eiaen'berg of M'c,Killo'p. The fun- enal took place from the hone of herson Joseph Thornton, on .April atih, to the Evangelical 'cemetery on the '8th concession, McKlilop. Rev. 'Mr. Smith oifSciated. The 'pallbearers Were Wm. (Leming, Le'on'ard' Leem- ing, Edwin Davidson, Duncan Mc- +Nidhlol,',Thomas Storey, Tack IRlabin- KIPPEN. Miss ''Beatrice Dayman has return • - ed home this week after her recent operation in (Seaforth Hospital for ap- pendicitis and is doing nicely. Mr, John C. Deis ha's returned to Detroit after 'attending his 'f'ather's funeral. .Mr, John W'erkinan has been con - .fined to his room :for the past two weeks and his many friends hope to see 'hini out soon. Syrup making is slow on account of the continued wet weather. Several children in this +community are laid up with meanies. !Liss Jennie Chesney entertained a number of friends recen'tly to a soc- ial oaial evening end all enjayad it very much, 'Mr, 'Lsaac Jarrett who has been +confined to bed all winter is not gain- ing as East as we all wish For. On Sunday evening, April 2nd, 'the Young People Of St. Andrew's Unit- ed IChurc'h held their usual meeting, 'the Feliolivslh'i'p com'm'i'ttee fn ,charge, (with the 'president, Will Thomsen, in the chair and Mrs. J. Henderson, at the ,piano. A short sing song (preceded the meetintg, .alter which hymn 46 was sung. ,The ;Scripture lesson I. Corin- thians 3. verses 94115 was taken by (Ruth Wettable, follotwed by the devo- tional and the singing of hymn 411. 'Rev. R. R. Conner led in prayer. Mr. 1j, B. MdLean and daughter, Miss Glades, sang a very ple'asi'ng duet, accompanied .thy M's's, J. B. , M'dDean 'on the piano. !Mrs. A. Monteith read a very interesting paper cia "Talking 159 the Cross," after which Hymn `4'04 was sung. N'orm'an Alexan'd'er (took the topic which was very inter- esting. (The meeting c'lo'sed with the 'singing of hymn 3184 and the iefizlpa'h benediction rep'e'ated in unison 'Rev, R. IR..Canu'er took for !Iris sub- ject an S'und'ay lash, "Jesus. and Pil- ate" and the great question confront- ing each one of us. "W'ha't then shall' I do with Jesus, who is called the Christ?" A nixed qulart'ette. Mlrs, 7. B. MdLean, Miss F'loren'ce Th'oms!on, Mr. J. ,B, MdLean and Mr.. Andrew Bell sang a very pleasin'g •numiber, "Face to Face." IPrepa'ratory service will he held on Friday evening alt 8 pen, Al:!'the memthens are urged to :be present. The Sacrament Of the Lord'''s !Ship- per will be observed in Si,t'Andrew's United Chusich on Sunday tniottning,' ;April 9.th, at 111 a.m. ISpe'cial Hester services wid'l be held on 'Sunidiay morning, April d!Nth at 11 am. The choir is prep'a'ring special music. The Young People of St. Andrew's United 'Church intend 'h'ood'ing their anniversary . on Sunday-, May 21 sit, Fu'rther 'announcement will be made later. Mission Band Will be held on Satur- day afternoon alt 2 .p.m. We ate glad Co re+p'ort that Mr. and Dors Tsaac JarnoI t are improving ng in he!aitih. IA nunn!b'er 'from this vicinity attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr. Jahn Bell of the Zu'r'ich Road on,,M'onday afitemoo n lash. VARNA. 'Mi'ss 'Mary Reid of ISeafor'th visited over the -week end at 'the home ,of her un'cl'e, !Mr, John IM leesh. Mrs. IJidhm IMOA4'11 is "slowly 'i'mp'rov- in'g after her re'cen't-ilhietss. 1 and children (Leslie a e s. Ls e1To ,Mr ,s. Y who (have 'bean visi'ti'ng with her feath- er, Mr. Chats. !Pilgrim, 'have lett for IGoderigh township, 'where Mr. Tooley. has 'been. e'ng'aged to 'work the farm Of Mr. To'wn'sen'd. 'M.r. 'Cecil Wiley is as'sistin'g tMr.. Garnet 'Ta'ylo'r' 'at the :syrup ,making. ISyelup 'm'ak'ing is the order VE the day. (Several From this 'vi'cinity attended on Monday the 'funeral' of Mrs. Hew, son MdLeod, late of the village, of ,Blaylfueld. The W.A. of ;St, 'Jahns' Church met at the home of Mrs. Ald'wi'nikle .an iIlhursday. There was 'a full attend- ance. h i i . Sorry to report Miss Lizzie. and W is confined to the house suffering From rheumatism. Mrs. Walsh; of Ripley, aocompan- ied. by her daughter,visited the for- mer's daughter, Mrs. G. til. 'Beatty,