HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-04-06, Page 1t11he`imlmo'ntal spirit iiaitlh no bas
To +circumscri'be its dwelling •place;
My soul bath pastured with the stars
Upon the ,nvead'aw-1lanlds of space.,
And high above .the seas and lands,
,, n,, "
Ohl peaks just •tilpped with (morning!
My dauntless spiri:t'm.utely stands'
With e'algle ,wings outspread for flight.
4Frederiok Geoege Sc'o'tt.
WHOLE SER!IES, VOL. 55, No. 14
j Phone 84.
at all' hours
Pric'ei Rwlimble
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
Clean Uo
,per 'coal 22 c
DUTCH CLEANSER ....d tins 23c
!CLASSIC CLEANSER 3 'tin's 25c
PINK SALMON:..... 1.1b. tin 10c
'TOMATO JUICE .. 50c per gal.
JUICE Sc per can
NEW CHEESEper. lb. 15c
O D CHEESE (Per lb. 20c
SAUER IU AIUT @ 10c tin
3 for 25c.
Cream taken for the Seatorth Cream-
ery at the same price 'delivered at
the Creamery.
'Eggs, Butter, and Feathers taken as
Le per 'd'ozen extra trade for Eggs.
llutchison' s
Death of Mrs. Wheatley. - The
death occurred last week .at her her
ihom'e in Clinton, of Elizabeth" A.
'Stevens, wife of Joseph 1H.. Wheatley,
do her 60th year.. Death followed a
'brief illness, which' . brought on a
stroke after which she did not regain
icons ciousness. Mrs. "Wlheatley_ was
,cion in. (Hulleltt, in 11873, _daughter of
the late Joseph Stevens, and spent
her whole life in the locality. She
-(became the wife of Joseph H. Wheat-
ley and they 'Made their ,home ma the
(farm, lot 2, don. 113, Hallett, ' where
they lived until five years (alga, when
they became residents of Clinton, Mr.
Wheatley finding it necessary to ,give
up farm work Owing to f94' . ,health.:
ISurvliv'ing Iblesides her husband. there
is one son Harold H.,, at home, and
one daughter; Mrs. iJolhn. T. Knox
now living on the old Thorne farm in
IHull'lett, Mr. 'and 'Mos, Knox and fa-
mily halving movedthere frolm 'Cale-
donia within the past fortnigih't. One
(brother, !Geo, Stevens, Clinton, and
three si'sterrs, Mrs. IEpihria'm . Brown,
Clinton; Mrs. l lolhn, Lawson, Glod+er-
dch;, and Mrs. Albert Nott, Sault Ste.
Marie, and two 'grand chi'ld'ren, also
survive, Tlhe 'fun'e'ral was private. In
rtenmenit was made in Clinton cemee-
ITlhe anneal m'eet'ing Of the Seafarth
(B'awlin'g Club was held Tlhurs'diay
evening. Tihere was' a good attendance
and a saltistfadtory report presented!
:The treashnrer- ,nelp'onted a deficit. The
'(alloying (officers were elected: Press-
Merit," R. J. Winters; vine -president,
C. IP. Sills; sec., M. A. Reid; (trelas,,
W. J. Duncan; tourn'amen't sec., J. E.
Willis; executive, R. J. !Sproat, 3. J.
'Chuff,. H', .Stewart, T. Johnston and C.
IElai mes, >
North Side United Church. -Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B"A.
ISiunld;a'y, April 9th.
110 a.m.--Sunday School and, Bible
1111' a.m+,--Pu!blic worship. Subjeet,
"!Stare 'General 'Consideration's with
Particular Appli'cation's, 13th• and last
in series on The .Apostles.
7 p.m. -Public Worship. Subject,
"The Plaudits ,oIf the 'Crowd." A Balm
Sunday service.
Morning service, 's'ermo'n, sub'je'ct,
,Palm's Of Vidtory.
IEvoneinig service, senmon sub'je'ct,
Worship of In'sighet,
Reverend 'Charles 'Malcolm. (April 9.
VIP a.Tn.-1His IFac'e to the IStdrm '(16)
"Palm IBTandh:e's •and,
IHdsannas, 7
"What Are 1Words !Wi'tho'ut
'The 19m:1ament of the Lord's Sup-
per will Ilse celebrated in ,the ;Egmond-
viile !Church on ITh'utrsday 'evening,
IAipril 1113th, sit 8 o'clock.
"'Two's on that night, :when deemed
'to know,.
The eager rage 'of 'every 'foe,
The night on 'which 'He Was betrayed;
The S'aeviour Of the world 'took
IPabm Sunday 'services, Apr. 9th.
Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock,
(Morning service, It • o'clock, Ser-
mon subject, "Tee Triumphant En
iAdtert.on ISu•nday`Schbol 3 o'clock.
,Evening service 7 o'clook. Serm'on'
subject, "The End Of the 'Struggle,"
Canon-Appi'eyarrpresen't at ail ser-
'Mr. and Mrs. tRober't Wright, Hml
lett,. 'announce the engagement of
their 's'econ'd 'daughter, 'Agnes J., to
Mr, ICh'aeles G. Eyre, ran' df lMrs.
Eyre :and (the late Silas Eyre, 'of Tuck-
ers'mfth, the m'arri'age Ito Rake place
the middle of April.
IA good crowd attended ,the safe o:f
'horses at the Cu'dmore sale'ses'table on
Tuesday, A team weighing 1;500 11bs.
sold for about $200. Other (horses
faint 11,200 to 1;500 lbs. were sold
at primes ranging from $80 to $120.
A class of 50 will 'graduate this
spring from the Victoria 'Training
Seho!od,London. 'Inc list .of . gradu-
ates includes., lthe follow'in'g: •Miss.
Irene Wankel,' d'aniglilter ,off 1Mr. and
Mrs. A. Wankel, ISea'forlth; Miss H.
Leshe ;Blyth; Miss A. Lindenlfield,
Exeter; Miss O. 'Walker, ,Hensa!lll, R.
R 1 Miss M, Hunter, 'Exeter, R? R.
3; Miss ,'L, Craig, 1Gaderich.'ti
!The .regular ,meeting of the Y'oun'g
People's, League was held on [Tues-
day evening, April' 4, with ;Miss Mary
Reid in- the chair. The meeting 'open-
ed by,(singing :several C.IGII.T, songs.
The minutes of the previous .meeting
Were" 'read by the secretary, ,Miss
iWnineie IS'avauge. Aifter singing 'hym'n
'1165 Miss !Beatrice Drover then led in
p'nayer. 'The following: members were
ouch enlfoyed; .by all, Aline Elliott
and (Florence 'Callvertt a solo, . a anus(-
cal number by Haugh and Ray Oke,
a guitar solo by Mis'se's Grace Krau't-
er and LaBelle ' 1Hawkins, (Misisles'Hel-
en Britton and Mary II -loin -les a 'solo.
Rev. Mr; Lane ,then asked' some •quees-
tions on, 'Catechism, (which proved
very interesting. ;After singing hymn
220 'the 'm'eeting was /brought to a
'close by tiie Mizoah !bened'icti'on
aSealforlth Spring 'Show, the first to
be held in the di'strict this year, ,took
Place on Tuesday afternoon with an
.exceptionally .good 'attendance .and a
.splendid showing Of hooses. T'he'ex-
hibit was not quite as large as last
year's record, but the quality was ex-
oellent. The entries were good in all
classes, especially Roadster and (Gen-
eral Purpose team in 'harnes's, there
being seven entries in the ,latter.
Clinton spring show is being' held
on Thwnsdoy df 'this week.
IClydesId'ale.e JStaliian any age, list,
and 2nd, R. Murdoch, . JBeiucefield;
sweepstake Clydesdale stallion, R.
Murdoch. -
,Rloadater Stallion in Harness
Berry, Brn(celfreld,
1Raadlelter+s--1Road!ster 'horse in +har-
n'es'e; ;1":5-3 or ,u'niler, '1st and 2nd, LA. B.
Weber, Kiltdheneer; 13rd, R. McMichael
ISeafort'h Carriage horse in harness,
115-3 or over, 11'st and ,2nd, A. B.
ber, Kitchener; IE. J. Willeaat, (Hensel(.
Agri'cu'ltural Brood Mare d'iv - foal,
'list, A. "Wright, Blru'edfieftd; 2nd, Wm,
Pepper, 'Seaforth; 3rd, W. S. Broad -
foot, Klippen; Agricultural !filly or
gelding, 3 years, list, A. !Wright,
Bru'ce!field; !R. ,Doig, ISealfoslth. Agri-
cultural fi'l'ly or ,gekliinlg, any age, 111st,
F: Roney, M'itche'll;12n'd' and 3rd, R.
J. 'Scott, 'Cromarty. Agricultural filly
or geled'ing, 'foaled in 119311', 1st and
L'nd, D. ,Fatheriengha'm and !San(s,
B'rucefieeld; 3rd, W. N. Key's land
Sons, Varna. Agricultural filly or
gelding, foaled, in 1932, Ilst, D. Both-
erin'glham & Sons, Basucefield; 2nd, A.
and C. 1Hugill,. ,Seafoeth; Card, las.
Atkinson(, 'Hibbe'nt.. Agricultunatly team
in 'harness, 1st. IR J c J. (Scott, • Ctohnar
2nd, F. Roney, Mitchell. Agri'cudltural.
sweepstakes, A. 'Wright, 1Brncefield.
IH'eavy D:naft.-lBuood ,mare .in feat,
1at, Wm. Urquhart, Mitchell, and, 1jas.
S'odtt, 'Cromarty; 3'rd, )T', J. MdMic'h-
aell, Seaforeh; Heavy Draft filly or
gelding, any age, flat, jos. !Stott, 'Cro-
marty; 2n'd, 'Jas. iSloo'bt, ,Cromarty; 3rd,
Wim. Urquhart, M'i'tchell; Heavy
Draft filly or gelding, fowl 'of 1931,
wedding trip. They return .sooner 'than
Was 'expected 'and it is e'videhlt (that
both are earhapp'y. Mrs. ILawian, as
Ma Blake, the aver-indu'llgent mother,
Ip'1'ays her plait with dignity; L, Pear-
son, as the enthusiastic 'young pras-
Ipecto'r for ail, land incidentally, lafond
Cl'o'ver, does his stunt quite realistical-
ly; J. Douglas, as an outspoken bro-
ther, 'wise to all a sister's !fau'l'ts, is
most convincing; Miss Armstrong, as
the uuvsi llfi'sh younger sister, 'Moskva
oat when sheefun'dIs herself free to
love "Jiim'my." (Miss' I'stabel Holmes
'makes a roost realistic "spoiled child,"
M'i'ss Marten •Thompson, is quite con-
vincing as a rather"bossy" wife,;wlh'iie
P. Livermore takes his part eery well.
10ther players were: Tillie, the
S*edish maid, Miss Virginia IRoze'il,
who !p'l'ays a 'leading part and does it
well; her admirer, Pietro, the ga'rd'en-
er, a Young Ptalian, Who divides his
affection between the tantalizing Til-
lie and his ,clinger sister, whom he is
saving money to bring out from the
home Gauntry. This pant •was taken
+p'y Mr. MK. Caliper, who looked the
(part to perfe'etion ''and carried it
!through well in his acting; and (Chris,
Means, Aunt Ellen's somewhat hen-
pe'dked husband, who was very brave
until she 'made an 'appearance, then
plays a (meek part; this was well tak-
en by L ;W. ,Groves. All the men were
in on the, land deal, but alt first the
women; with the exception roof Emilie,(
op'p'osed it. Then when there was a
('chance :of making a lot of (money out
of oil they 'became very enthusiastic
and when the second well proves a
"gue!her" ,all are jubilant. In .the end
everyone is 'hippy, even Verna ,and
(Herb, and to make 'things 'better,
'jimmy,: at ,the request of Eimile, of-
fers them a share in the oil Well. All
,the young people took their, parts,
'well. The proceeds were in the neigh-
b'othood off $1715.
'Th'e regular 'meeting of the Public
Commission Was held 'uni the
IGounetl Chamber on April 11st, at
4 p.m. All the ,members present. Min-
utes of last' meeting 'read and con-
1s't, Wm. Urquhart, "Mitchell; 2nd, firm'e'd,
Robert Wright, :Se'a'forlth; Heavy 'Moved by IA. D. S'uttherlland, sec -
Draft filly or gelding, foal of 1932, oiided by. E. L. Box, that the follow -
1st, Allister Beoadfodt, Seafosith, ing accounts and .salaeilees he passed
-Heavy Draft team in 'harness, 1st, Jas. and .checks 'be rissued for same:
'Scott, ,Csom'arty; Wm. Urquhart, W'alterworks-'A. Little, !salary, $50;
Mitchell; Heavy Draft sweepstakes, R. J. McMillan, coal $115!3t3; Bell Tel.
J. Scott, 'Cro'masty. Co., $6.25; S. (Allen, ,wages $3.160;
)General Purpose 'Team in Har- Public Uti'li'ty Calm,, light, $111.46;
mess-lst,E. Howell, St. George; 2nd, Can, Gen. Electric Co., $2; Wonk-
W. Decker, 'Zurich; 3rd, D, Nixon, men's Comp. Bd., .$116.44; Fran'ci's
Seaforth; 4th, H. Truenvner, ,Zurich: Hankin & Co., $8,IW; E. C. Chamber -
Township 'S'pecial-list, Jas. Scott, lain, insurance, $v1,55.
Hibbert; 2nd, Wm. Urlqu'haet, Fuller- EEledtric Dept, - E. Mole, 'salary
ton; 3rd, A. Wright, Tuekersmibh, $100; Jn'o. A, Wilson, $57.85; H.
Boys' Judging Competition -1st, F. Snell, $5; Bell Tel. Co., $6.31; North-
iArohilb'a1d, 'Seaforth, 95 point's; 2nd, ern Elec. Co., $6:03; J. F, Daily, $10. -
Wm. Pepper, Seaforth, 94 points; 3rd, 23; Huron Expositor, $28; MaelDon-
122. !Pepper, Seaforth, 88 pointits; 46h, ald Elec. Co, '$12.43; .Hydro.. Electric
E. Nett, ;Sea'forth, 86 points; 15th, W. Pr. Coin., $1',082.50; Workmen's
Broadfoot,'Kieppen, 81'.po'in'ts. Comp. Bd. $45,06; S. A(llers, $55.80;
Lorne !Dale $5; Receiver Gelnera'1,
THE PLAY meter inspection 60c; Beatty ',Bros.,
The three -act comedy, "Jimmy Be $3.38; 'Can, Westinghouse Co. $9.04;
Careful," pot on in 'Oardnb's hall on Home Insurance Co., $112,140; Fidelity
Tuesday evening by 'the young\ people !Insurance Co., treasurer's bond $10.
of Ontario street church, Clinton, Moved by E. L. Box., seconded by
under the auspices of the Agricultural A. D. Sutherland, that meeting ad -
Society, was exceptionally 'we11 at- Iour'n to meet at call of chairman,
tended and peolved to be a most en- W. H. 'Golding.
testai Wing ,play: HOME AND SCHOOL
The p'l'ay Was centred around the
Lowe affa'ies of.ltwo sisters, da'ugh'ters Those wlio attended ,the meeting of
of ' widowed mother, w!ho spoiled her the Hoene and IS'chool Association on,
elder :diaugh'ter and made a "younger
Monday n'igh't found the'programa
one .and a son give in to her in every-
most ,enjoyable one. ..hies Marion
thing, 'The elder daughter, Verna, (B'ell's talk an the negro play:"Green
very realistically taken thy Miss Isabel 'Pasturee," was. exceed•in'gly interest-
Hod'mes, is, , engaged ,to an esti'mab'le i'"'g. Mrs, Keating and Mrs. Wm.
youin'g man, "Jimmy," 'taken by Leslie !Sproa't gave two .,piano numbers and
Pearson, who has just ,bough' a piece Mrs. M'dKel'lar sang a solo All of
of land and 5s supposed .to be goingWhich was much appreciated. The
'into, .the. growing of aslters. IHhs'' plans
,Association expects to !have a callec-
are not approved by Iris fiancee and
Of newspapers and [magazines the
later elite breaks her 'engage,nien't with end of April 'and would('ask that these
him, and (Emilie, . V•ern!a's- sister,' Who be kept far .'them, Further notice will
has always been, secretly in love with be given loiter. The president, Mos.
him, 'begins goingaIbou(t with him.
Holmes, o'ccuipied• the. chair.
1V'orna doesnk like this and while en- The,progrsmane w'a's arranged by
couraging the attentions Of another Mrs. 1fidKleil'ar and Miss Hellyer.
y'au:ng 'mans Herb 'Clark, taken by
Percy 'Livermore, wants to win bock MRS. 0.,E. H,ANNL'E'Y.
her old lover, as he is drilling !for oil The death occurred in Loudon' en
on 'fie earlier field. 'W'ill'ie Blake, Mr, 'Monday, April 3rd, after an illness of
J. Dotsglas,;is-d'isguested with his :eld_ over a velar, of Mary Margaret
er sister's behaviour' .and wantsJir ((M(inni'i'e) Wilson( a very highly es-
m'ie to.. marry Emilie, her aunt, also, teemed resident Of lSeeafo!nth and wide
Aunt :'Ellen Mean's, 'Miss maria, of George E. Hanley, to whom she
Thompson, thinks IE'milie should have was rnarriee'd albtout sev'en'teen' years
s'oni'c rights;" and while,' Ma BDake ago.' Mr. and Mrs. "Hanley 'cense to
Mrs, H. C. Lawson, agrees, she still
wishes her • ,av'ori'te, 'Verna, to ,huan-e
Iveheatesh'e: wanits,=Jimlry refuses to be
won bank, however, and e011.fides final
I well proving a failure, on jeer/icing
'th'a't 'Emilie reall'ly loves him, the
starts drilling another and Verna mar-
ries Herb -Clark and they go on a
lSelaforbh from Stratford three years
ago lastt .Nn:vemiber, when Mr. Han-
ley became tmlanager of the ,Avon
Chest 'Company. Surviving' are her
husband and a, daughter and son,
;Marlgareet and Jack,
'Mrs. H!a'nle'y was born in Straltford,
a daughter o'f. Mr. Hugh Wilsoni . of
When you buy your diamond from Savau;ge you
are guaranteed against poor quality. We con-
si'sitently-refuse to !buy Diamonds that are either
flawed or off color. !Consequently we cannot sell
to you Diamon'ds that are of questionatb'1'e
quality and value.
We positively guarantee the quality of every
diamond we sell.
And remember we give you the wedding ring
absolutely free with the diamond ring you
(Stratford, who survives her as well
,as four 'b'rolObers and, four sisters,
Charles Wilson, Seattle, Waith,; Gor-
don, !Spirit River, Alta.; Fred, Lon-
don; jack, (Stratford; Mrs. J. R. Ross,
'Stratford; Mrs. C. 5, Smalinton, Lon-
don; Mrs. C. A. Oorrie, Sealtorlth;
Mrs. A.•'N. McD'onlald, Las Angelus.
The funeral, Which, was private,
took place from her late residence,
Victoria . street, - on Wednesday alter
moan from whence the remains were
(taken to Aviotn'd'ale Cemetery, 'Strat-
ford, ;for interment..
!The funeral ' service at the resid-
ence was conducted by Rev. W. P.
(Lane and (Rev, S. B. Kaine. During
the service a solo ,was sung by MT.
ijames Sc'dtf,
IA former p'astar of Knox Church,
Stratford, Rev. Mr. Rowland, ,con-
ducted the service at the ,gratveside.
'The pallbearers were;Fred Morrow,
Stanley Ballantyne, Jack Wilhelm (p
cousin of lite deceased), H. H. Demp-
seyi Mr. 'Tomlinson and [Edward,
Death of Robert Elgie.-An old and
(highly estteemed resident of this dis-
trict passed away at ,noon on Wed-
nesday, April 5th, in the person' of
Mr. Robert Elgie, after an illness o8
some duration. Mr. Elgie was born 713
years ago on •the farm .just across the
corner from the farm where he died
and where his father, the 'late Robert
!Elgie, had settled 78 years ago, In
(1:+8 he was united in marriage *o
Muss Margaret Blair, of Kippen, who
survives together .with one son amid
three daughters, Robert D., at home;
11frs. Homer Hunt, Se'aforthe Mrs.
Fred Ratbweil, iBru!oelfieeld, and Miss
M'arglaret Elgie, alt home. He also
leaves one brother, ,Mr. William Elgie
of Seatorth, and .ane sister, Mrs John
Chesney, of Stratford. The !funeral
will take pla'ce at 2 o''clack on Friday
afternoon frdm 1St. ,Andrew's United
'Church, Kiplpen; to the place of inter-
ment in. Blaied's cemetery. Deepest
symp.abliy le •eentended to the bereaved
family and relatives.
tOn Friday evening, March 31,st, St. Death of Mr. A. , B. Brigham,Tiheere
James' Arts Club held its regular 'passed away in 'Olinton Hospital on
meeting 'in the ;parish (hall. After a Fridlay, March '311+at, one of the high -
short business discussion Mr. Fred 1y respected citizens of Hallett, in the
OiLeary opened the program 'with an person of Albert Barclay Brigham,
in'terestin'g "'Falk on "Japan." Fallow- For a number of yelars Mr. Brigham
ing community singing by the mens has not been enjoying the beslt of
bars, impromptu speeches Were given health but this winter had "consider-
'by Mr. Clarence Noll'an, Miss 'Nellie wily im!p'ao'ved. 'Last Tuesday he be-
Verbeem and Mr, Leo Hagan, A short came 111 and the family doctor was,
comedy skit concluded the program. called; but con'ditio'ns were not con-
sidered serious until 'Tharsdlay even-
ing when liver trouble developed .and
BRUCEFIELD. 'lie was taken to 'Clinton !hospital but
'Nurse Hehner has come to our vil- 'Pleased away the following night. Mr.
lage to reside and h'a's secured, rooms IiB'righam was bona in Hallett To'wn-
frern Mr. Cecil Sim'pson.We welcome ship on April 3rd, 1882, being the
hecto IBru'eefield. eon of the late Mr, and Mrs. John
Mrs. Roderick McKenzie returned' IBrigham, On February 28, 1917, he
to her hone in. the village this week 'was united in marriage to Miss Rae Moses
after spending the past few months Moses of Morris, whopredeceased
with members of her 'family residing him 14 years ago. Two years later he
Jon 'SIG iL•ouis, Detroit, `Windsor and was united in marriage to Miss Mary
Kernaghan of Baden, who, with their
1M6ss Helen Tough spent a few days two daughters, 'Isabel and Enid, sur
last week ,at the 'Nome of her cousins, vives. Mr. Brigham was a life long
Mr. and 'Mrs. Aicltes'on o'f iRoxiboro, member of St :.,An'drew's United
M,r, Ronald McKenzie Who has l0hurch. sBesides his immediate 'favi
been spen'ding'the pact few months at 'i'ly heleaves to mourn his loss three
the home of his mother, Mrs. Alex. resters, ;11rs, A. E, W'etheral, Exceel,
McKenzie, ..has secured a po'sibieon an A''bberta; 1!'rs. W. Mas mi, Se(a'foiidh;
a.' boat and he .and his wife and family and Mrs, J. I3, Richmond, Morris;
left there last week for Toledo w'h'ere also one bro'bher; Mr, A. F. Brigham -
'Mrs. McKenzie and.. family intend to I alr.sael., ISa•sk, broklber,. Jamea
reside. R. Brigham, .passed away ,three years
a'g'o, The .funeral, which was con-
TUCKERSMITH. ducted by Rev. G. Oliver, pasltor of
Mr, Angus Kennedy has got settled St. Andrew's United Church, was
011 doe's. Berry's farm which he -h'asheld at ,h'islate residence, lot .115;
rented, and' Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Reilly eoncess'bon 1112, Hul'lett, .ons Morrdtay,
have •m'oved into Mr. McKenz'ie's' Apr, 5rd, interment in the Union
house, Cemetery. The 'palliebearers were six
IIn 'sp'i'te of the wet weather the neighbors, Mesla,r's, Nelsen Lear, An-'
d'ance at 'West End last Friday night drew 1Hoggant, Ernest - (Sanderson,
was well patronized, !George Brown, James .Ruddeul and
Mr. and `Musa D. ,M'dLean spent a 1Keldand iMVitie.
day last week in (Lon'd'on. si ss'Oliviae'Ktnox visited her
Mrs. Tebbu'tt spent a week with her Miss Helen. MclEwring on: Moardlay,
brother; M'r, to'hn M'ar'tin. The people of this community were
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil, Oke attended very sorry on Saturday ,to iaear of the
the 'funeral of Mr, :Brigham at Blyth death cf Mr, Al'heat iB'riegham, ;Sincere
on ,Menday. sympathy fes extended- to Mers. Brig-
IOn Tuesday evening Mr, 'and Mrs. liar anil 'fancily, also to all 'the rella-
Aandrew Kink entertained at dinner in dyes
honor of their guest,. (Miss ,Dorothy E. !Mrs. Wm. Ferris and daughter,
g ,,
Blailiee, dlaughter of Mr. and Mrs. plias Margaret, who have been visit -
Norman A, !Bailie, of Los Angeles, ing frieenlds fn t'h'ese pants 'fir 'rise
few months. wase'
'California. !Miss 'Baillie is attending s({arted for th'efr 'home
U'n'iversi!ty in Bos+ton`. Their, guests
near Hayter, Allta., on !Saturday olf
last week,
includ'ed': Mr. and •Mrs, Bernard Hall,
Londesboro; Mr. William Baielie and
ell daughter, 'Mabel, of Goderiech;
Mrs, Will Stewart, Of Fergus; Mr,
!John Parrott, of Blyth, and his 'dvugh"
ter, Mrs. M. O. Giblbas, of Detroit'
The evening was slpen't ingannes,
maasic anld l 1
p easant chat.
'Quite a number _ from Ithn1s' vicitity
attended the funeral Wednesday of
last week of the ,late Mrs, . Joseph
Wheatley of Clinton.
Miss 'Olive Knox 'visited 'Iver' friend;.
Miss .Lydia Reid, Wednesday of •laslic