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The Seaforth News, 1933-03-30, Page 2
a ,'.'AAE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1933. njoy This Finer Quality "Fresh from the Gardens" THE SS ORIrjHIAIND OF PEPiYS IIm this year, the tercentenary of his bintlh, iJt is only to be +exp'ec'ted that -much Which is new will be said son- .'ennin+g Saanuel IPepys; and yet it -may be doubted ,whether anything -snore uprooting to +popul'ar inelief ,will 'be 'sup;plied than may be found in a s inn .volume, to be published, entitl'e'd "Shorthand 'letters dl Samuel 1Pepys." IIt is commonknowledge that n'ear- -ly all df 'Pepys's books and manu- scripts .passed, at the death ,of leis' nephew Jahn Jackson, into the keep- ing ''o 'Magdalene 'College, Cern- -bridge. 'But certain ,vo1u'mes .of letters, 'largely of family •do/tem-in, (went to John !Jackson'sdetseendants; and a - /among them were three volumes of naval papers. 'These +came under the th'am'mer in April, 193'11 and were (se- cured by bhe trustees of the National Maritime IMiu'sewm. The three ,vol- •apses, •rebound as one in the eigh- teenth century, cam!prise 940 tetters, all of maritime ,interest. The letters are not concerned with Mere matters of abutine; and this may be the rea- son why they 'became separated 'frobn thols,e 'preserved at Oam'bridge. But, for all that, they 'are "letter -books" in. the strict meaning of the ;phrase—that is to say, oiffice :copies of 'corresponld- enc'e dispatched: More than one band can he traced through :bhe volumes, but many of the letters were copied by Pepys 'hamsebf, some in longhand, some .in shorthand, and some in 'a' These Famous offer you the biggest v k e yon ear`; get t©day Supertwist Cords—balanced construction —Goodyear -processed rubber - make these famous tires the first choice of Canadian motorists. The All -Weather and Pathfinder treads with traction in the centre of the tread where it should be—are the best pro- tection against dangerous skids. We have your size. Come in and see us. GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER 440-21 $Q pr: Price. 6a a. 450-21 $ f^.e Price.. o�a•OUPQy 475-19 Price— . $1 0E5 PATHFINDER 440-21 ce.$� 3® Pri. Qo. 450ice.21 - $Q Pr. �7 a 475-19 $Q9 ®o Price,. ■ 12,;;mb the r.yua{ralnlee against. •.�.r. defects ands; road',ha'zards A. W. DUNLOP SEAFORTH, ONT. mixture of the two. rs Isooti as the letters reaclhed Greenwich, Mr. Edwin Chappell nn- denook, the transcription of the is'hotNhlan'd items, so that the entire volume migiht be available for study. "Sihortivand Letters" is the result of this labour, and the title is a straight - (forward description of the contents, With one ;insignificant exception, the Tetters transcribed by Mr. Chappell are +simply and solely shorthand. (Shorthand, we know, was employ- ed in Queen Elizabeth's day; and within 20 years of her !death the curi- ous.could •.purchase .!T1hoenaa Shelton's little pruner on the'!s'u'blject, In 11641 Shelton ' launched an improved system which he called ",tachygrapthy." This method' was 'mastered by Samuel 1Pelpystwh n he was up a't,Oalm'bridge some 70 years tater. I+t is not neces- sary to describe the system, which is adequately treated by IMr, fChappell This introduction. But two aspects need stressing here. In the first Ip'lace, the system was a "pioneer" system; it pointed th'e road rather than actually ;mlade it, leaving (popularization to the nineteenth cen'tur'y, .phonetics, and (Sir Isaac Pitman. In the .second place, the system', in the 'm'iddl'e Seventeenth 'century, was the exact antithesis Of 'wlhat is ,meant by "ancillary." IHe who mastered' it, as Pepys 'mastered it, did not ' perhaps master the ,whole world, but he 'dominated the secret- arial possibilities Of arty Sphere into 'wlhich he entered. Fate, in the shape Of .family influence, intervened; and !Samuel :Pepys went to sea 'with his cousin Montagu on a'poli'tical errand, nvlhiclh history now describes as the Restoration of Charles Td. With taohygrap'hy to aid him in the flag- ship which brought the King to his own again, Pepys made the most of a; great opportunity and became in turn secretary to the Navy .Com'mis- sioners and to the (Lord [High Ad- miral. If tachygr'aphy had equipped the secretarial "superman," England cer- tainly had need•of him. With cen- turies of `'sea -experience behind her, she still had no better way of coping with maritime emergencies' than the characteristic process of "muddling through." When the sea aspirations of another State threatened her with eclipse, Great Britain made use of the material and personnel olf her .mer- cantile marine. !Such improvisation proved' sufficient to neutralize •the anti-British schemes of sixteenth -cen- tury Spain, but was inadequate to break the world-wide thalattocraey Of the seventeenth -century Dutch. It was inevitable then that England must perish or must build up a naval force sufficient for "the safety, honour, and welfare" of the .Kingdom; and ,of. such a force the proper machinery of naval administration was bhe nec'es concomitant, That machinery was the lifework of one who deserved a seat in the House of Lords than many of his contemporaries, but Who earned to the grave no more'honourable-di's- •tinction than that with which his ad- mirers salute him today—Mis•terl Petpys• These shorthand letters show 'him at work riveting together the joints df his machinery. The view they afford is fragmentary. For a complete esti- mate they must be studied in relation to the immense mass of this official correspondence in longhand, But they serve 'we'll enough as illustra- tions. In the first item we find him WiIfN Pi€SERV€S ARIE N€WfD SPORT lovers well recognize how often the game is won by the `reserves" which are brought into play. It is quite as true in the life of every family' that financial re- serves are of the utmost import- ance. A comfortable savings balance, added to each week, builds gradually into a strong force waiting to be called upon if help is needed: So often it tides a family over rough places. At all times it is a positive source of peace of mind and freedom from anxiety. One dollar will open an account at any of our branches today. E PROVINCE OF ON� A . IO'AVING$ OFFICE EERY /D�EPOS'! 'GUARA /TEED1L YO`NTARIOQOVERNMENT BEAD OFFICE \/ PARLIAMENT �`�cEa�t".__.. tcnfRMei BUILDINGS SEAFORTH •BR'AIN'CH `- - J. M. MCMILLAIN,' Manager • faced with a most ,delicate 'niece of procedure the, choice of a banner of 'distinction at sea to be used by Prince Rupert. The Royal Standard was asked for; and eventually refused. Pepys scanned the past for preced- ents, and reached conclusion that •'the Royal Standard •could, be worn only by the King's Maje's'ty:— "Yesterday the Duke at our at- tending 'him enquired 'what was a1= towable by custom to the Prince as. to the wearing of a standard. It was rnswered (by the old ones) that no admiral in their 'memory 'had ever done it, the standard implying the King's being . present at least, no higher signal of the King's 'pres- ence is provided •than it" • 1In passing it may be noticed that Pepys was wrong: (further research has shown that for centuries past the Royal 'Standard had 'been worn by Admirals comrinanding.$n-chief; by Drake in the campaign of 1585-t80, and event. by IH'awkins at San Joan :de Ulloa. But these contradictions serve now to emphasize Pepy's'•s position. Arriving at sane conclusions on the best availaihle evidence, he Moulded the future like a .potter .htan'dli•ng ;clay. Take another of these letters, singu- larly reminiscent (some will say) of sinister passages in the Diary. The [Lord H1ig+h Admiral had .decided to build a new ship, `.ultimately chris- tened the ;Rupert. A certain design had been subnttbted (along with oth- ers, and,thanies to Pepys was fav- ourably considered. Before a final de - Aristocrat For the Lawn and Flower Garden THESE OUTSTANDING VARIETIES DESERVE A PLACE IN YOUR PLANTING. WE OFFER PACKED TO REACH YOU IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION. CUT LEAF WEEPIN (Betula Alba Laciniata) One of the most beautiful and popular of all weeping or pendulous trees. 5-6 feet $2.50. NEW FLOWERDNG CRAB (Malas Aldenhaanensis) A superb new variety with large, semi - double, sweetly scented flowers of a deep purple crimson. 4-6 feet. 51.25. RED BUD (Cercis Canaden sis) A choice small tree or large shrub. Glos- sy, heart shaped leaves and masses of pink flowers in the spring, 5-6 feet, $1.00. PFITZEIRS JUNIPER. (Juniperus Pfitzeriana) An elegant, hardy evergreen of spread- ing, graceful habit with silvery -green Poli - age, 4-5 foot spread. $5.25. PYI4AMIDAL ARBORVITAE (Thya Occid. Pyramidalis) One of the finest of all pyramidal trees. Dense, columnar type. 3=4 feet. $3.00 OUR 22ND ANNUAL CATALOGUE The McConnell RED LEAVED BARBERRY' (Berberis Thun.bergi Aitrapurpurea) A worthwhile novelty in hardy shrubs. Foliage a rich, lustrous, bronzy -red all summer.- Plant in full exposure to the sun. 15-18 inch -55 cents each; 3,and over .at 50 cents. BEAUTY BUSH (Kalkwitzia A'mabilis) A'•beautiful new hardy shrub from China. Bears a profusion of pink flowers in spring. 1$=24 inch -75 cents; 3 and over at 65 cents. VIRGINAL MOCK -ORANGE (Pltiladelphus Virginal) ' One of the choicest of . all varieties of Mack -orange. Very large, double, sweetly scented flowers, 2-3 feet -50 cents each; 3 and over at 45 cents, PUIf2PLE CLEMATIS (Clematis Jackmani) The outstanding large flowering clematis, i '•lowers °intense violet purple. 2 year, 85 cents, LISTS NEARLY 1,000 VARIETIES SOF CHOI SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPYNursery . Port Burwell, On . Co . CHOICE STOCK CAREFULLY 00UNTESS -VANDAL ROSE.' The new hybrid tea rose that created a sensation at the foreign rose shows the past two 'years. Slalman suffused fiery gold and copper. $2.00 each. NEW DAWN CLIMBINiG ROSE �. The new Evenblooming Dr. Van Fleet and first introduced into Canada last year. The first evenblooming hardy climbing rose. SLovely shell pink. $1.95 each. DELPHINIUM, KELWAYS HYBRIDS One of the finest strains of Delphinium in existence. Embraces the various shades of light and dark blue, mauve and ,pink includ- ing ,bico.lors. 25 cents each; 3 and over at 21. cents:' HOLLYHOCK INGP.ERATOR A new strain with immense flo'w'ers, outer petals frilled. The delicate tints of various color combinations can hardly be described. 30 cents each; 3 anal over at 25 cents. CEOR,NA'MENTALS AND FRUITS. cision was reached Pepys was dire ed to 'consult an impartial expert. ' impartial expert, with ,no names' to help him, condemned .the plan which !Pepys approved, and commended' a rival plan which happened to be the work of an polder and more esperi- enced constructor. "I did in 'discourse at my house with ,Mr. 'Castle alone take out two draughtsand desired him to look upon them, which he did, 1 not giving shim the least notice }whose they were. One the liked pretty well, which in- deed is Mr. lFurzer°s, 'but he guesses it to ..be. one Monday's.: The other upon examining hie ifrnds that there is never a main breadth .Mine marked upon it and that the frame ,bends do not answer the scale of the ship, nor as he says does the scale tit the ship. Qie says that the +floor is in no td gree broad 'enough, and: to tell you t truth, did so cry out upon the lin. and proportionsas at last to save that he made the draught had nev built a Ship in his life, nor understo a 'Ship." ct- himself +had :created. And While he The gave ungrudgingly to the public ser- vice, the knew what, he was doing and steeped a straight course. "There had been nothing in the Navy," he once wrote, "without me." 'It would be vain to search the pages of the present book for refferences to 4" those topics which have made Pepys's t Diary the most popular of ,his extant '•s - works. Nevertheless,there is one aspect which deserves universal at- tention, The shorthand which •Pepys employed in these letters, so practi- cal; so businesslike, so modern, so op- posed to all that is morbid and mawk- ish and mysterious, so utterly dis- similar to code and cipher—the-trap- pings Of disguise and intrigue -is the script of the immortal Diary; nothing more, '1?ut not' ng less. The initiated e- have for years ben cognizant of Shel- he ton and his tachygraphy, but the cari- es iest transcribers were not .so enlighk ar ened. 'They tti^rested its meaning from er. the Diary as if they were extracting ad secrets from the decent trappings of a code. A right ,view of., this '•Dattel• maypave the way to a better under- standing of the great adminis'ttator, whose substantial monument ,is the prestige which this country has . de- rived/ front its uaim'atehed Naval forces .and Naval administration, and not the Diary, written in the twen- ties a•nd thirties of a 'Life which reach- ed an honourable old age. +I❑ reporting to his ,protege wihat had occurred, 'Pepys returned his own plan (('which the expert condemned) together with those ("for, inform - tion") Which the expert commended,, "I trust •confess' I do wonder at it and am unwillinlg to think that 'he may be in an errour in aaaisjud'geing of,yours. . However, it being cer- tain that Mr, Castle is an artist and has been the 'builder 01 very` gond ships, I could not pass by this dis- course wibfiout informing you of it and that not only out of love to you, but in faithfulness to the Kling, and therefore, iest by haste or oversight, or both, there should be any ground for this; I will take care to send you back your draught to review, and with it the draught of M,r. Furzer's, and another orf Mr. Shish's df the ships they are going to build, praying you to spendsome thoughts about it and to let your dimensions, as near as you can come to what Mr. Castle ,+has contracted, which > is 1116 it by the keel, 30 ft. broad, Dept in hold, 15 ft., and of you see occasion, sn'are not your pains to do itover again, which you may do without any reproach, none but myself knowing anything thereof, or what has ptassed• between lir. Castle and ;I, nor he whose draughts they were +which 7 did show him. This I do out of the true affec Effective April First The Hon. Mr: Weir, Federal ,Min- ister of Agriculture, announces •thlat the ',Bog Grading Regulations passed by Order -'in -'Council P. C. 32$ and ap- pearing in the "Canada Gazette" of IJman'uary'30Nh, 1952, being covered by enabling legislation in the Province of Ontario, will be .applied and be- come effective throughout the prov- ince on .Saturday, :April ,1st, ,19313. ARE SUCCESSFUL MEN .GOOD HUSBANDS ? ISihoulyd women urge their roan to go atter wealth, ,position and power ? (Read il2ay. IChiadwell's 'serial story, "Brig Time," which starts next Sun day in The American Weekly, dissiojb- •ttted with The. Detroit Sunday /Trines, tion 1 have ,to you and desire' of your `+ nvell doing, as well as faithfulness to Piles Go Quick the 'King's service" , !Looked at snpedficially, IPepy's ac- tion lays itself open to the gravest censure. But time alters the ,perspec- tive of thin:gs.-Pepys's young 'friend,., for whom (it might seem) :she stoop -t ed to a 'flagrant piece 0.1 pob'bery, is 1 revered' to -day as Sir Anthony Deane, one of the ablest naval architects this country ,(England) ever produc- ed. On the shoulders of Pepys rest-, ed' :,the ,real responsibility for naval affairs. He could not afford to make a mistake. hie allowed' nothing to corn: between 'him and the King's' business; neither friend nor foe, bribes nor 'threats, Royal favourite's, nor older and more experienced, men His position was unique; and he had made it himself, I1 -Ie 'justifie'd i and adorned thestatus which he Itching, bleeding or protruding piles go quickly and don't conte back, if you really remove the cause. Bad •bloocl circulation in the lower bowel and hemorrhoidal veins causes piles by nta•:king the affected parts weak, flabby, almost dead, Salves and sup- positories fail becauseonly an in- ternal medicine that stimulates ` the circulation and drives out the impure ' blood ca nactually correct the cause of piles. Dr. J. S. Leonrhard't discovered a real internal Pile remedy. After prescribing it for 1,000 patients with success in over 900 cases, he named it HEM -ROI, Chas. Aberhart and druggists everywhere sell IIIEtM - ROID Tablets with guarantee they will end your Pile misery or money back